mi. mill m ivl-n, ii IM0mmmmmmmmmmmm i pi ' ' ni 1 " I I. ' 3 W J .a, - 1WS AND OBSERVER I VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH. N.'C, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 18SS. NO. 113. ! PiUEl Absolutely Pure. 'i This powder neve varlea. A marvtl f. purity, strength and wholwawj More economicaihan ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in; competition with the i altitude of low test, ihort .weight, Ism o pfcttphatq powders, sold only to mm.' JBotaa Buaira Powa Oo., ICS. Well Btreet: Hew York. Bold by W O. A. B Stronach nd JBFerrall A Oo- i WJOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 East Martin , Street. 1A 0Y0L0IE. ! I IT DEMOLISHES A N : J HOUSES, j BLOWIKOi SOMt TO ATOM .ApE POKE OTHXB j JMBER OF- D1M- THE 320,000 STOCK 1 1 - 7 OF MEN'S AfiD BOYS' CLOTHING it selling tapidly, beciuaa we sell it 15 per cent lees than wholesale pricee. Our stock of - t Men'o Underwear i - ! . "' k the most complete la the city and pricee are cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. . I l.fXX) pain of Gents' Merino Half-Hose at Mo , worth 50o. 3OjD0 1 Oents' tamdried and unlaundried ehirte at less - than the original cost. dent' $4.00 :STIFF IIATS j ! j lforfc.50 We warrant every pair of By Telegraph to the News and Observer. LfPoin, la., Not. 2.f-A cyclone struck tis place at nineo'clock last Bight coming .from thef northwest. Union Sail was demolished and a large nufnber of houses linroofed and blown dfwn, sections ,o the build ings beilg carried many flocks away. Nearly afl the stores in the business portion of the town suffered great damage.! The reeidenoeof Sanders Walker was blown to atims and his childrenrolled about on he ground. The mother was seriously hurt. No other in juries reported. fThe loss on property! is said to be 1$5,000. lie ports of fdamage are comog from all sections lof the country. I I J a Dcjckefy and Eaves an ct Morton act as if the people of Norh Carolina were a rsjoe of cowardly &irs. They will tee.1 I .'t's Ulmlwtl WtfHiM. By Caiiie toitbe News and Observer. . Losrpoi. Not. 2. The &tar (T. I'. O'Connor's paper), says Lord Salis bury is njt likely to listen to the de mand forv4be dismissal of Ir. Phelps, the United States Minister in retalia tion lor 4nierica's treatment of Lord Sackvillej Such a step i might do much harjn and could dog no good. All are areed, it says, thai Mr. Bay ard's courtesy is scant, bulf we must not forget that be is technically right. Lord Saciville's indiscTetii warrant ed a 4emnd for his retirement- If Lord i Salisbury's reblv tS the de mand amounts to a refustj, there is a good deal more to be sel for the action; of fjAmerica than Englishmen are just nw inclined to adlait. . ; J . 71 uise, rar heels, and iow your scorn andjldetestation of sch meth ods as. Dockery and Eaves land Mor ton resort" o to scare yotill ; - By TelsgTaplS to the New and Obiter. WisHiNflTON, Not. 2. The Marine Hospital Ifeureau is informed that .'there are Jour new cases fof yellow feTr at Lwe Oak, Fla-, and that there is need of an expert physian there. The Assisiknt Surgeon General now at Camp erry has been ordered to proceed toLire Oak at on. Infor mation hasj also been reocred that there is, aprotpect of gres destitu tion amor idle colored people in Enterpriseunless the fever ubsides. A telegrfm has been received from Representative Wheeler, of &Jabama, sajmg there are eight casi of yel low fever at New Decatur, and asking that the poor people in tht) city be provided vrlth flour, baoon, potatoes and other lations. Scrgeoni General Hamilton has ordered that! the sup plies be seitas requested. Let it be understood thatiwhile we intend to hive a fair election and a fair count we do not propose to be bull-doted for run over b Eaves' "Reliables I or spied upon fj aliens bearing Morton's corrapticb fund. Let it be qjiderstood that fe know our ngnu yua knowing dare main tain! i I TAXING r rai w iBtsrfct. lay tmj of frvs tr4e frt mesa, TERRIBLE. 1 tsilMI LL 1 0 NAlKg K-f&PfX ' i'1 tfiat will stick. " '"' j'Y ACCIDENT FROM THE OPKRA- TION OF A STEAH THRESHER TilS BUILIB IXPLODSS K1LLISO PIB80N3 AND I5J0RISO MANY OTBSB9 TBS DITA1L8 OTHIB NIW8. ' mi By Telegraph to the News and Obserrer. Riadiso, P , November 2. A er rible accident, resulting in the kill ng of five men and iDjary to many others, took place thm forenoon on the farm of Jonas Spayd, m Bern Township, this county, where a steam tnresner was in operation, ils boiler exploded with fearful force carrying destruction on every hand. The killed are : w uliam liever, a, boy aged 1G; Jos. Machmer, aged 14, the only support of his widowed sis ter: Isaac Marbor, aged 1G: Jos. Spayd, aged about 32, andlrvinDun telberger, aged 18 These men were engaged in operating the threshing machine when the boiler burst and were standing but a few feet from the latter, and when the smoke had cleared away, a terrible scene was presented. The bodies of all five were lying some distance away, hav ing been hnrled from thirty to fifty feet, terribly mutilated. The body of Machmer was hurled clear through the weather-boarding of the barn The building was completely wrecked. The force of the explosion was felt for many miles around. George Hinn- nershitz, Sr., was badly injured about the head, and cannot recover. En gineer Hoover received severe bruises. John Reigel was internally injured and two or three others received injuries of meat serious character. Let it be understood that while we intend to have a fair election and a fair count we do not propose to be bull-dozed or run over by Eaves' "Reliables" or spied upon by aliens bearing Morton's corruption fund. Lit it be understood that we know our rights and knowing dare main tain! Who was it that conceived the bright idea of having Pinkerton's scoundrels posted in every county in the State T Eaves T No ; not Eaves, lie is only the tool, the puppet. Mor ton was d ubUesa the father of the idea ; and Dockery ia his right-hand man. By Cable to the Kf w, lKl Uis,ri Zaszibab, Nov. 2 Couriers from Tabora bring, direct news from the Stanley expedition, a porton of which was met at the end of Novem ber, 1887 by A rabi trading h'tween LakeWtona, Njanza and bora. These Arabs met Stain's rear guard at a point west of Albert Nyann, , southeast of Z mz, jUBt as the expe dition was preparing to croes the swamps caused by radiation of the streams that abound in that country. The Arabs did not see Stanley. The detachment consisted of tUny mec, and they stated tha- SiacVj was two days - ahead. The expedition had suffered greatly on the march through the thick forest ' where it was impossible to advance more than 1 1 miles daily. They had also suffered in marhses, where many had disappeared or died; forty were drowned in crossing a great river flowing from the east to the west One white man had died. Stanley was obliged to fight some tribes that refused to supply him ; with provis ions. The expedition had often halted in the expectation of receiving reinforcements from th Congo The rearguard.at the uiae thy werejmet, hadbeen cn the march fire days after V ..-L - . a uau ui mree wer. dae to the ill ness of Stanley aid a great part of the escort, who hvl bn aUtcked with fever. The A rail ftatisaal the total strength of the plmcii aftar all losses at 2) a. Via z.ilh of Stanley was tiea rvi The rear cuaH, wtaat snomt ft natives of AtzXr. r".ii -jit tan leyhad decided tt vaki jv longer advance ia a Bvra.mttriy ii rectioo, bat woa. i itrJiw v.vuvU dw north, hoping Ui !ini iunp. After getting a certaia i atjuiejk aar.il he intended to Uks an iittu-t-m josj to the eastward ani g-i itnurit t Wadelai, where it was tmyiju H would arrive fifty dayt later afcculi thu middle cf Janaary- Th Arafc were of the opinion teat ;t eipi tion was still gtrong enough to reach Wadelai. ! t ; TAXING US RICH FROM THE CROWN OF OUfi HEAD TO THE SOLE OF OUR 8HOE. nlnnaan-"ir B&OTESB, tLbXSZ SAD SAID THAT US CLE SAX 18 'LITERALLY PLASTERED OVER WITH TAXES? ES WOULD HAVE COME BEARER TO THE TRUTH." FOWLS AT TABBOBO, react. Faust' & Son's abOOl Wfl Mil. invy are navuu- are la all sizes and .qualities. made a.' M Rarribl New Tork He&ld. Advices om the Bonny liv6r, Af rica, give a Revolting story Cjf savage atrocities ad cannibalism. fThe Ok- man triDe,pn revenge lor stme inju ry, invited a party of Ogo&is to a friendly paiver and then entrapped and maesacfed them. ;i A cannibfil festival of the most hor rible and intlescribable charicler fob I Jo wed. i Thn an attack was made TESDXBXD A. BPPIBB OVATIOH -THI DAY TBI GBKATKST THS PLEAS AHT TOWN HAS KVXB BAD. Special to the News and Observer. Tabbobo, N. 0., Nov. 2 Judge Fowle spoke here today. It was a general holiday. The stores were all closed. The county, white and black, was here. A committee of five hun dred horsemen, several colored men j. RBXDSVILLK. QOi SCALES A COMPLIMENT ABT KEOIF i ! TIOS, ETC. Special to the News and Obserrer. I&IDSVfLLK, N. C, Nov. 2 Gov. Scales speaks at Stoneville, this couBty, ! tomorrow. Rockingham county will give a big Democratic majority I We are now quite certain of giving Morehead a good mjority in this district. The infamous circular trvine to ii among them, met the Judge five j timidate our registrars, sent out by upon the undefended viliagef and the miles below town and escorted him j the Republican Chairman Eaves, has j I OUR , ! .PI Dress - Goods depart) hen is complete. UPWARD! FAS KACH, JEWELxER I OPTICIAN most oarDa;ous outrages we com mitted. Ii is estimated taat over one hundred and fifty persons, in- ciuaing women ana . children, were killed and aten. 1 . 1 1 We haveteard in times past some thing abouj Federal interference in our electioris ; but never be fare in the history of fur people has a Ipolitical party boasted openly that itihad im ported a lot of scoundrels! to look after our North Carolina folks on election da HiT.wtfra, x. o. SILIT1118 &Ai CLCSTEt DIAIOIW old Jewelry, bold and Silver Watchc Get-ham's Sterling 8ilverware,Rogi plated silverware, any sise and T weight of plain 18 karat En gagement ring! eon tan t ly In stock. Badges .and Medals made to order. jar Optical Department Embraces an endless variety of lenses which together with .our practical expe ienoe enables as to ooireot almost any rror of refraction in Myopia (nearsight), Hypenneropui tier signi), rresoyopia (Id sight). Asthenopia (weak sight) am. giTlog prompt relief from that diatrea- Lnperf eot visitn. I i OUR ARTIFICIAL Human Eyes Ore and kook like the natural organ go pain when Inserted. Patients at a distance haTing a broken Wj have another nud without rlW ngpacsonelly !key'eRerd. Charlotte ChnAlcle. ; i Lockey, ie Republican candidat for Congrefii, was a jnembe of the State Senate two years ago. During the seston Senator PemblHon, of Stanly coutity, introduced sf bill to incorporate Concord Female Semi nary, a schcjol, as stated inane bill, for white' jgirls. Lockey moved to amend j; by I striking out te word "white.r bfr. Pemberton had noticed Lockey: ver closely, but supposed teat of coupie he. was a nero, and informed bjm that his raef had a school ! for I girls (Scotia Sninary) in Conoordiand he did not tinkthat he (Lockey! should interferf with a mil lor tne incorporation of school for the while race. Lockey became, furious at tjiis, and, jumpingfrom his seat, said: I wish to inform Khe gen tleman; thai I am a white ma." The on reply lr. Pemberton fiiade to this was to fturn to two colored men in the Senfet" chamber and apologize to them fo3 thinking that he was a negro.;) -1 " - p Vote: dwn Dockery's BabieD ana juoriou bucgibu uoub. A BOl'aER. Feed. W. Lynn 0. J. Fee em an. FREEM4S & Stenographers jand Typt-ffriUfs, Have opened an ofBce in the Holleman buUdinf , where they are prepared to Eecute all rrders in law reporting and Typwritinc- Olaaa U ahort-hand and AwnA-writine forming- - J r Tlie Yarfeoro House, 1 BALEaH, N. C, i i fl been refurniBhed and thoroughly "! Hmoiml monthly rates to frnbes of the Legislature, .a.mber. oi feZYt Proprletor THE OBAND FIMOCBATIC RALLY Af LENOIB I YE8TEBDAT.- " special to tbe flews aod Observer. Lenoib, h. 0 , Nov. 2 Th Demo-! cratic rally oday was a grand access. r ive tnousfinu persons were present, and much enthusiasm prevailed Aud itor Sahderm failed to get hire, but splendid epfceohea were made Sy J. Q. By nam, of 3arke, Edmund Jcgpea and W. H. Powir, of Caldwell, ad Mr. Jones, of llickory, late of Michigan. The Hickory band, one of thegbest in the State, entertained the people with music.:; 1 The people are thoroughly groused in. The uoiasooro oana naa Deen secured and made fine music An in formal reception was held at the Hotel Farrar. Many ladies and gen tlemen were - present. The ; whole town was beautifully decorated. The . procession was reviewed by Judge Fowle from the balcony of the hoteL A large stand and many seals were prepared in the park. ' Mr. Jas. R. Gaskill, chairman county ex ecutive committee, introduced Mr. H. L. Staton. who introduced "the next Governor of North Carolina." It has been the Greatest day we ever had. The crowd is estimated at from 1,500 to 5,000. The Judge made a fine ad dress. Many ladies and visitors from neighboring towns were present. There was great enthusiasm. Let the people redress their wrongs . i 1 ll . WT A ' A Til 1- at tne DailOt-oox. oxe against jrina- erton s scoundrels. Tke Paet-Offlees en Tuceday. By Telegraph to tbe Newt and Observer. Washinqtos. D. O , "November 2. Acting Postmaster General Knott, today issued .the following order: In answer to numerous communica tions addressed to the departmer inquiring whether election ? y, November 6th, will be observed h a holiday in the various post ces throughout' : the United SU as provided by the laws of .. nl states, the following general oi 'sr has been promulgated: That while eleotiou day cannot be observed as a holiday in the post-offices throughout the United States. As such observance would interfere too seriously with the postal service and the public covenience, all post masters are instructed at the same time to so arrange the public busi ness of their respective omces on that day as to give full opportunity to the employees of their offices to exerciBe their right of suffrage as American citizens. beeri received here. A! comblimentarv reception has beerj given by the Rockingham Clab to Miss Clark, of Danville. Two Republicans and two Demo crat! have been appointed by the County Boards to hold the election at every polling place in .North uaro lina ftand j Federal supervisors have also been appointed and yet Dockery and Eaves and Morton have so little regatd for these North Carolina poll holders that they have imported a lot 61 despicable detective to spy upon them 1 i : Uatflsld-SleCoy. By Tftegrapti to the News and Observer. P ChaklesItoh, W. Va., November 2 f Kentucky detectives and the .West Virginia contingent of the Hatfield, McCoy gang collided last Monday and -tbe result was that the detectives at rested Ellison Mounts and a man named Chambers. ' Chambers was shot in tbe hand and escaped, but not till he shot one of the deteo es in the arm. Mounts was clubbed an frightfully beaten before sub a" ; lie was taken to irikovitle, Ky , .ud and lodged in jail. Rise, Jarolini. .e, in your wrath and show how thoroughly you con demn ih is Republican measure of Fall t Warnlagi Editor of News and Observer : I beg space to refer to the subject, now mooted, of the consolidation of aIlwof the competing lines of railroads at the S.-mth into one eorODanv. Should this be accomplished, South ern industry will indeed be prostrate. The Southern States will be at the mercy of one gigantic corporation. The two articles I have, lately read in your paper are full Of warning. Particularly should the worda of the Baltimdre Sun, which is -confessedly one of the most conservative papers of the country, be heededi. How can the people haye an assur ance that they "n reap the fruits of their industry if all the roads to the markets of the world be under the control of a vast monopoly T The people will have to pay the cost, not merely of sustaining these roads, but of paying handsome dividend on all the watered stock issued to accomplish tbe consolidation of. their lines. It will be a fearful tax upon the indus tries of tne South. The proposition is said to be to ab sorb all the roads into one vast com bination, under the control of a single dictator. It is said that now only the South Carolina Railroad, the Seaboard & Roanoke and its lines, and the Nor folk & Western and Cape Fear & Yad kin Valley remain to be absorbed. The others, it is understood, have all been brought into the Inman system. And this thing is not for a day or for a year but for a lifetime. The policy of maintaining and fostering competing lines is to De ignored. The people are not to enjoy any or tne advantages of competition. Who will answer then for tbe rates of freight? Anti-Baooinq Tbcst. ATTEMPTED ,FAtD. Ncgroei ;ReUterlng at More tfcmn One Place Look Oont For 1 kem- Cor. ol the News and Observer. i Wilson, N. C., Nov. 2, 1888. We have -just discovered a plan that the Radicals have of making the negroes vote at two or three places along the Hne of the Railroad. They are registering at different places, convenient because of the facilities afforded by railroads, and propose voting in two or more counties, unless the Democrats are on the alert they will secure quite a number of votes by this fraud. Look out for strange negroes. This section is filled with Radical emmisaries loaded with the effective and powerful persuasive of "boodle." They are making a des perate attempt to carry Wilson but they will fail. We will give the usu al good old fashioned Democratic majority. . D. A HIOU-HAfinEO HEUVRB. CS1TED STATES COMMIS8IONEB SBAFVEB HAS A DS.M0CBATIC BEOISTBAB ARBEBTED. A gentleman who came to this city last night on the train from Hamlet, bioueht intelligence of a very outra geous and unwarranted proceeding yesterday at Gibson's Station. United States Commissioner Shaf fer, yesterday Bent Deputy Up church to Gibsbn's with a warrant for the arrest of W. F. Gibson, registrar at that place. On his arrival there he attempted to serve the warrant but Mr. GibBOn and his friends de manded him to show the authority upon which the warrant was based which he failed to do. Upon failing to produce sufficient authority Up church prepared tD return to-this city without arresting Mr. Uioson but the latter insisted that he Bhould nither show sufficient cause for at- Tolal Net Receipt of Cotton- New Yost. Nov. 2. The following supeivisiDg your actions by means of I are the total net receipts of cotton I tempting to arrest him and unless he iiii&nwuouuc I at ail porio BUico oouwww ao,, I ulu He eDOulu uuu abui u 253.015 bales; new ur- and a g on Tuesda; report may be eispected Jar Oould wonderful new yacht was, it is said, most completely and elegantly furnished. Among other useful and in- diaoeneable thiatta ordred for it waW box of Dr. Bttll'e Coaith Syrup, tbe (unoai old - remedr for tbe cure ol coughs and colds." The healing and purifying qualities of 8aWation Oil render it the beet article for the speedy and safe cure of ulcerated sores. Price only 83 cents. No greater insult ever was offered free people than to import Pinker- ton's scoundrels to spy upon them. i Twt Hogues at the Hab, By TelrgrapU to the News an ibserver. Bobtob, Mass , Nov. 2. Herbert L- Critchett, aged 33, of the firm of Dan iels & Critchett, real estate and auo tioneers, has disappeared, leaving a large deficit in his accounts with the firm, ; amounting, it is said, to $2V 000. j Ii i Mr. Forbes, president of the Na tional Bink of Redemption, has made an asBignmnnt for the benefit of bis creditors, i The bank is in no way in volved. Tannic acid is a powerful astrin gent;! but untanned leather is tbe best 1U ua wo i uauk. Bad Bowels. j The very expression implies suffering Every mother knows the anxiety Over this alckneaa. but every mother does! n t knows that Dr. Diggers ' Huckleberry Cordial will regulate and cure all bowel troubles. Vote down Pinkerton's eat throats. Jjet us have do more of them. Galveston. leans, 3A0,516 bales; Mobile, 61,(516 bales: Savannah 328,024 bales; Charl on 156,891 bales; Wilmington 69,4, Norfolk, 157,220; Baltimore, 3.29: New York. 3.1D6; Boston, 5,- 041; Newport News, 117027; Philadel phia.' 8,576; West Point, 89,656; Brunswick, 30,436; Port Royal, 2,710, total, 1,560,575. Chaaaploas Indeed. Nt-w Berne Journal. The Democracy of Eastern Caro lina have occasion to thank the State executive committee for sending to this section of the State , those cham pions of Democracy, Daniel G. Fowle, A. M. Wavidell, F. M. Strudwick, W. M Robbins and C. M. Uledman. Their comix w has been a blessing to us. and they will return to their homes with a higher appreciation of our people and a warmer love for North Carolina. We will not say to which of them we are most indebted The result is Upshurch is still at Gibson's beaten at his own game and does not know what to do. Tb6 attempt to arrest Mr. Gibson was utterly unwarr anted as is proven by the very fact that Upchurch him self offers to leave Mr. Gibson un molested and return home. It is an infamous and high-handed Radical outtage and shows to what villainy they propose to resort in the election. Tbey will find that Buch violent in terference with honest men will recori ou their own heads in a rebuke which w-11 not soon be forgotten. There was the most intense indig nation at Gibson's yesterday when the train passed through. Mr. Gib- son, u is learnea, was repuncu iv Commissioner Shaffer by Deputy Sheriff Cauirap, of Richmond county, in which couu'.y Gibson's station 1b situated. Ho Tellow Fever ta Georgia, By Telegraph to tlie News and Observer. New Yoax, Nov. 2. Governor Gor don, of Georgia, who is at present in this city, has received the . following dispatches : i Atlahta, Ga., Nov. & 1888 dov. J. JB. Gordon, cart Latham, Alexander eft Co , 18 Wall ttreet, Nete York : No yellow fever in Georgia. Has not been a case in this State this year. Health of entire State this year re markably good. Euqeke Fosteb, M. D:, Pres't Board of Health. Atlahta, Nov. 2, 1888. There has not been a case of yellow fever within the State of Georgia this year. No case of the disease was ever known to originate in the upper sec tions of this State. Excepting at Florida points it has only prevailed this summer at two places in the en tire country to a limited extent at Decatur, Ala., and a few cases only at Jaeksos, Miss. The general health of this State is unsurpassed. ' Jauks B. Baibd, M. D., 1 Sec'y Board of Health. Evebt store in' Charlotte, except the drug stores, will be closed on election day. The retail grocers yes terday fell into line and signed an agreement to shut up fSnp during the day, which makes tL suspension of business ktotal. Charlott Chroni cle of yesterday. Here's the example Charlotte sets us. chan we not ionow sun, business men of Raleigh; can we not give next Tuesday to the cause of Democracy, of good government, of the maintenance of the v, bite man's rule in North Carolina, threatened now by Radical villainy, Radical fraud and corruption as rarely before T Can we put the day tr better use T DICKIVSO.V ON TUB OUTLOOK, HE MAKES A 8TIBBI50 AHD ENCOtTRAOIIf 0 r SPEECH. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Detroit, Vich , Nov. 2. The Dem ocratic parade of last night, the last of the campaign, was participated in by about ten thousand people. Short speeches were made from the review ing stand by Wellington R- Burt, can didate for Governor, Postmaster-General Don Dickie son, and others. Mr. Dickinson said: "Oar next Governor has given you some good news from this State. I bring jou gdod news from the East from the great United States. I tell you that tbe great battle line is formed, and in the centre of that line of the great Democracy stands the great State of New York. Our right wing rests upon the, States of New Jeisey and Connecticut, our left upon the States of Indiana and California and our great reset ve ia Illinois, Ohio and Michigan, with Michigan at the fore, and when the battle is won, with the great North west line broken, with our people on the broad line of intercourse with all parts of i he land, in interchange of trade with all our country and with foreign couutrie,the s.wptre of polit ical power will hange from the east and will be in tke cent re of the tor. h-west." Cor. oi the News and Observer. Winstox, N. C. Oct. 31, 1888. Politics is getting quite interesting here now, each party putting forth every effort to win. Democrats are working manfully to prevent fraud which certain unscrupulous Republi cans seem determined to perpetrate upon pur people. Railroad negroes are being urged to register and are doing so and the same is the case with ex-convicts. Such men as Bill Glenn, Cy Watson, J.IC. Buxton, Bob Glenn, Bob Kerner and others are doing splendid work for the Democracy in this part of the State. They are speaking daily and almost nightly and they are all good speakers. If every county in the State had such untiring workers as Forsyth tbe cause of Democracy would never be in dangnrl Tell th boys dowa Ear t that we fellows are going to win up here, and they must pull their end of the hand-spike and we will effectively spike the guns of Morton, Dockery A Co. Winston is full of tobacco this week the first big break of the season. Prices are ruling high on all grades considering the quality of goods offered. The crop in this sec tion is showing up mean to tbe pres ent time. Mr. Willis Hell, of the firm of Tay lor Bros. & Co , plug manufacturers, died in Salem last night, just as he was being taken out of his carriage. Mr. Hall had been ;to Virginia for sev eral weeks for medical treatment but gradually grew worse till it was thought best to bring him home, and he returned just in time to breathe his last within the portals of his home. Mr. Hail was a gentleman of considerable intelligence and pos sessed many kind and valuable traits of character. He leaves a wife and five children. Several weddings will take place here within the nut two weeks. Giw. Let it be understood that while we intend to have a fair election ana a fair count we do not propose to De bull-dozed or run over by Eaves' tRi;HW or anied upon by aliens bearing Morton's corruption fund, Let it be understood that we know our rights and knowing'! dare main tain 1 n.Htf IT ne rirBCltt You cannot afford to waste time in ex perimenting when your lungs are mdan ger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap im itation of Dr. KlnR's New Lmoovery for i. H4 hams talis; hA Consumption, oougue ' sure you get tbe genuine. Because ne can make mow profit, he may tell you he has something just aa Rood, or just the same. Don't be deceived, but ina upon Dr. King's New DiBC0TBry, wh is guaranteed to give relief in all throat, lung and cheet affections. Trial botUes free at Lee, Johnson and Co' drug store, large bottles $1; . Col. Polk goes'to New HU1 today where a good crowd without doubt awaits him. . Bull's Baby Syrup scrft w'ftw""1 B0""1 Day's Horse t. 1 1 1 1 v waver ana Colonels AVaddell and Polk spoke All did well, and will live forever in 1 at Sanford yesterday to a large crowd the Hearts oi our people, l ana wun una ene ct. Let it be understood That while we intend to have a fair election and a fair count we do not propose to be bull dozed or run over by Eaves' Reliables ' or spied upon . by aliens bearing Mortons corruption fund. I Let it be understood that we know our lights and knowing dare main. tain! - Special tax bonds, Jfinkerton'a row dies, Dockery's verities and Mor ton's money ! What , campilp for North Carolina freemen I rlll I lO.rortnecu w i ouitub.vuw- HULL. M Hoarseness, whoops nniinii t : buuuij, and for the relief of Off I - i -1