.."NT SERYER RALEIGH. N. C., SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1888. NO. 114, A BBPrBLICAH PARADK. Ob AND e 1 I gii III ! ; i..t """ THROW MIC A Lira PRBftBllYSR." OOLOS1L QUAY 0:R HIS HEAD 15 A BATH ' 0Ml Absolutely Pure. Thla powder never varies. A marvfel at purity, strength nd wholeeomenoe; More eooiwmicslthAn ordinary kinds end eaanotbesoid in eompetition with the su altitude of low test, short weight, elara or phosphate powders, sold only to mbb. Botal Baku Powmsb Co., ICO Well Street, Wew York. Sold by w. O. jfc A. B. Stronaeh, end J B FerraJl Ooi. i WOOIMTT & m, 14 East Martin Street, 1th t, it selling tepidly. Our per cent lees then wholesale prices. Men's Underwear la the mot t conipiele la the city end prioee i. are cheeper then can be bought eisewneve.. j -I - I .. ' -i-j 1,600 pairs of Gents' fflcnno Half-Uose Faust A fUH&ING BTATUf Elj b'BOH THE DEMO- f ; CRATIC cSaJRMAN. By Telejgraph to the News and Observer. Indianapolis, Nf. 3. Chairman Huston, of the Republican commit tee, yesterday received the following reply I to hia letteij, of Thursday to Chairman Jewett, suggesting the use of; rubber baida oreach ballot: a IiniijiAioiai Not. 2, 1888. Dear Sir: I note! the contents of your totter of yesterday evening ask ing me to agree tht the inspectors at the coming eleoSon shall place a rubber band arourid each ballot an voted.: I do not befieve that sursh an agreement can be carried oat over the entire State at this ae day and I am sure that no agreeiroht we can make oan affect a legal balot roted in dis regard of it. Nevertheless, a such an arrangement maj in some degree oondaoe to a fair elwtion if you will put your idea in thefprm of a recom mendation to inspectors I will cheer fully aign it. $ On receipt of this Chairman II us ton, acting upon thesuggestion con tained in Chairmanl Jewett's letter, submitted an agreement officially signed for the approval and signature of Chairman Jewett. f: At a late hour last night an Associated Press cor respondent found Chairman Jewett at pis faotel and sheared him Chair man Huston's Btatenfsnt. Mr. Jewett talked; freely aboufl the proposed agreement submitted by . Chair man Huston and gave his Reasons for not signing the same. 4jt the suggestion of the correspondent he sat down, and wrote the .following statement : "There are many reaons why such an arrangement should ot be made and one verj good one viby it would be entirely futile. lit. The agreement would be in capable of fulfilment f or the reason that it ould be jtupQssible to get the bands distributed an. have the fact that they were to be iiBed thoroughly understood at this tipe of day. 2d. A law of the State prohibits thelplicing of anjf distinguishing mark ah a ballot ad these bands might be construed a distinguiohing marks, especially if f- different sizes or Tariously placed uspn the tickets. Nor could any voter pr inspector be compelled to obserTet. 3d. It would be anl Innovation for the reason that such la practice has never been pursued, st far as I know, in this Btate. i 4th The right givn an inspector to manipulate the bllot while put ting, on the band woifid- give an op portunity for fraudulently changing the ballot or itsertin; an additional ticket in each one anl' therebv ore venting the counting ht either ticket. . 5t4. The agreement feould not au thorise the election board to reject a legal ballot without he band- - 6th. It has been reported to as for some days that pespns who are strangers in the comMunitiea where tK' haA . Iiub . V" traveling over thai State hav ing no business bat who have visited RepublkM election in spectors I and no I one else. We I entertain real J lapprehension that ihet have been instructing such as are oorrupi enough u oubk such work how to substitute tickets, staff ballot-boxes and! Commit other ballot tX deviltoy. pie statement made by Mr. Huston! as to ironing tickets, Voting ticketspouble and all that sort oi ininK is, la iiiiiiK piuaoo, a 'cheetnut. It is merely a rehash of a circular of ten issued by the Be- nubneans in former sears and once 111 the 'nink eircSdar.' In this circular these mattersere set forth with; creat oaHicularifyiand it was al way a inl these oircalcfa charged by Renablieana that theiPemoerata in- Cnn9a tnAad to reaort to ihem. On the Ob S3 -tv-L hfcnd Demirats 520000 STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING beoajuss we sell it ts tteck of ft V (IkWX M BRIT I 3 H ' k W OS1 PAKADKR FALLS DEAD. By TeloBraph to the News and Obserw. New York, Nov. 3. The Republi can business men's parade started f otn the Battery at ODe o'clock this bfw-rrjoon on its way up liroadway. As ihe Bankers' and Brokers' divis ion passed up town other divisions fell in frcm the side streets. At half past two these streets had been cleared as far up as Liberty street and about twenty thousand men had by that time fallen into line. bhortly after three o clock Wuham J. Osborne, while ma:chirjg up Fifth Avenue in the parade dropped dead at 24:h St. DOIKKRY AT SMITHFIELU. HE MAKES AS HCKKDIASY SPEECH AND !S DENOUNCED BY UK. POC. Cor. ol the News snd Ole rter. On the night of November 1st O. 11. JJockery had an appointment to speak tt iSmithneld. Cap?. Kitchin also had an appointment to speak ai the same time and place but was un able to be present. Col. Dockery re fused to consider any effer to divide time, lie then commenced to ad dress a crowd of two hundred negroes and fourteen white Radicals of whom ten were candidates. Col. Dockery spoke for an hour and three quarter?; making one of the most deceitful, in cendiary and demagogical speeches ever heard in bmitbheld. The negroes grew wild with excitement. Dockery told them that if the present system of county government was not ' changed there would be bloodshed in the land. After it became apparent that Col. Dockery woe Id consume the entire night, Mr. Pou commenced to address a crowd of two hundred white men and never has the writer heard a more crushing denunciation than Mr. Pou heaped upon the Radi cal candidate and his methods. M. DUD SET FOR THE LKGISLl TlllE AND A. LIT ILK HOHET." THE CHAIRMAN CF THE IX- COM. FOB CHATHAM iat 2&H wofth 60c. MASTER OF THE SITUATION, AND INTENSELY AMERICAN. "The course which I ihave outlined and the recommendations made relate to the honor and dignity of our country and the protection and preservation oi the rights and interests of all our people. A Government docs but half its duty when it protects its citizens at home and pormitg them to be imposed upon and humiliated by the unfair and overreaching disposition of other nations. If wc invite our people to re?y upon arrangements made for their benefit abroad, we should see to it that thev are not deceived. 60 7, subject, vrUclipsrtmmWp sloid not disturb or coatac Lot - rc7 th. W My d m W, p.. L .caof sotUe,, it enter upon T2T SSST tion only to subserve the interests of our people and maintain mo nign Bianuaru - .w. t 3,00 Rents' V , I f laundried and unlaundried shirts at less , than the original cost. '" f - ! Gents' $4.00 STIFF lHATS i ! " ' . , for $3.60 . . I i S We warrant every pair of "ExEOmyE Mansion, August 23, 1883. G HOVER CLEVELAND." (h. c. losq is KEPCBLICAa C0UKTT.) Durham, N. G, Oct. 14, 18SS. II. C. lyyng, Esq , Haywood, N. l . Deab Sib : Please let me know who your candidates for the Legisla ture are after you agree on them and what their P. O. addresses are; also write J. B. Eavea at Raleigh at once in regard to it. Please push the work of organiza tion and find out as near as possible how the vote will be in Chatham for Congress and the Legislative and senatorial candidates. This is im portant. We are making a dead set for the Legislature on joint ballot and must not lose vour county. When you nave gone over the county let me know whether a little money could be used there with good effect. 1 think that 1 will be in your county I deem it unnecessary io say that this is confidential and that it would not be prudent to tell even good Re I publicans about it lieep me posted. Truly, &c, W. S. Albright. -EUGENE HIQaiXS 8ATE8 HIM N. Y. Herald. It may be that Democrats are the great unwashed," but iust the sacae Chairman Matt3.'Qaay, of the Re publican National Committee, learned a lesson in bathing from one of them Wednesday mght that he will not soon forget. llis tutor was Eugene Hiffrins. or Baltimore. After the manner of lawvera who D6rate each other in court and drink together duriDg recees, they met.on Broadway, and tLen, finding that they were bound for tbe same destination, started for a mmptuous bath-house in iwenty-eightn street with the deter mination respectively, of eozzening political .secrets one from the other. "I think I (tall take a Turkish bath," said Mr. llicerins. the Demo crat, when the lion and the lamb had reached the temple of siestas and be gan to look about for couches on which to lie. "Wei', Til go a Russian," said Mr. Gjuay, with an air that seemed to be speak much caution since that first batch of boodle out of the $25,000 reward he offered for the arrest and conviction of illegal voters had been bestowed upon a Democratic detec tive for the capture of a Republican crook. "Turkish baths are too weak ening and I med all my strength." ?r. Higgins smiled at this admis sion, and the two politicians went to the tot air acd steam of their choice. When they had been sufficiently steamed and heated they reappeared in the corridors of the bath-house ready for the plunge. Mr. Quay waa as ' confident as a man holding four aces pat with the last ante which he can raise before the cards are drawn. Mr. Higgihs was "sizing him up " and making the mental observation that Mr. . Quay's many mistakes of late are due to the fact that he is a good man for a ward or a district, and that in managing the national cam paign he is "over his head," when that gentleman started down the marble stairs leading to the plunge. "Hey there, Qua) ! Can you swim' asked Mr. Higgins in alarm as he saw Mr. Quay about to take the deep pool. "Oh, -yes, I'm all right," answered Mr. Quay, with the assurance born of the belief that the water was but knee-deep, and that he could safely make a big bluff just as-he has done with those ten thousand dollar bets on Harrison. "Here goes." With a ludicrous splash of the "belly-whopper " kind, the dignified leader of the G. O. P. flung himself into the basin. He went under. Great ripples of water circled all around the bole he had made. Sud denly he returned to the surface and spluttered and spattered, yelling at the top of his voice : "Throw me a life. nrfirvr I Tt,w equipped steamship, there were no life preservers, but Mr. Higgina iumped into the plunge and save Goi. Quay's life or at least prolonged it until he sicka with the Republican ship. This is a true story. VANCE AMD HESDKRSOW. DOIKO WEBTEBK GRAND WOBK ,IK THB PART OF THE STATE. Special to the News and Observer. Statestillb, N. O. Not. SL Hons. Z B. Vance and Jno. S. Henderson addressed a laree and enthusiastic and made a ten strike for De- Nw York Latter Carrier Arreeted . Bjr TelegfapH to the Newt and Observe. New Yobk, Nov. 3. William M. Speers, substitute letter carrier, was arrested and held in Dan rjy unuou States Commissioner Shields today for detaining mails. Speers left Sta tion D last nieht with a heavy pouch Af letters and documents and other hind the DemNrats and the better class of peopf l generally al- Uie Kadicai camp- vanoe . hand- Tt gded Sesel iutements as derson are a good team and Utiii. ,'!P r.j.j fcu :..i.i I unlendid work together. mereiv,!: intenaeu sjw iu.hum -f - , Rermblicans how to Arintna and aa an imnlied request to anil oJktnmit them rinncia J f Jrarkiitt I Anv statement that the Democratic JLIOOP - vvr -----;,it5oil ttf thu3tate baa any crowu " ; -r r paperB for delivery. The pouch con- mocracyat Weaterma n t Store yes- P number of political docu terday. Last night they spoke tJV, of LiverinK it he wua wnu i , - -. w -l k- o aumpea it in idoo w a-vp j -friend. He disposed of a similar eoucnl in like iasnion inia muruiB. rn.iuMn.tni vieU. They are BBsde and. are in all sixes and qualities 4-OtIB Statesville and the town is enthusiasm, : Henderson speecn i was strong and forcible and to the point and Vance was a Domo-sneu m ... T J TI. the Kadical came vanoe sou aou- are aoing They are L u ik. arousine unbounded enthusiasm amontr ice jemocrars sou uuwk in our path told good for their party of the btate. department ts complete DWARD FAS8ACH, I WELffl OPTICIAN SOUTalll MiCLESTEl MAIOIDtf Oold Jewelry, end SUver Watche Oorham's Sterling BQverwareogers ' plated silverware, any sixe and weicht of plain IS karat En gagement ring constant ly in stock. Badges ana neaais nuu oraer., knowledge of or connS'ance with any i fraudulent practice or Intent of wrong j in connecuon witn tnej eiecwon en tirely false and I cfauenge prooi. Mr. Dadlev. the Chairtnan oi the a- tional atepublican wmmie, anu thole Who are in sympathy with Jam, have a complete monopoly oi tni ftrt of business in tbiS! State. I Bigneuj, y"11 Dockery and Eaves gind Morton act as if the people, of 3orth Carolina were a race oi cowarojy cure. a.uoj will aef . j FOWLS AT OOLOSBOtO. He AddrtHM L.arc CrowdHie Speech SplceieUd la Huur I'd la BflTeet Way Rlgat. Special to the Hews and Observer. i Goldsbobo, N- O., Nov. 3? A large nrnwd assembled under the Pearson tent here today to hear Judge Fowle. A good many ladies were present. The Judge's effort was a splendid success in its manner ana in its enecs. Manv colored men heard hinrthrougn although Brogden was speaking fifty yards away. Wayne is au rign. THB YELLOW rEVEB. A CH 1NCK OI IO. r Jar (totiealODei artmeat Bmteeee an endless ariety of lensee which togethei with .our praotioet expe . i nahla us to ooireet almost any. error of refraction in Myopia (nearsightj, idling prompt relief trom distrea Jiyiache jwhlch often aocompaaies iperfeos viais- OjR 'ARTIFICIAL Human Eyes atv and look like the natural organ aTe sain when inserted. tytaa have anothet saade withonA ealle gerB 0f both poUtical ag pasmawur 0. J.fwtaiu FREEBI4K SteDOgrapbjp and Fred. W. Ltkh Type-Writers, Have opened an office in the HoUeman 5 imuE? where they are prepared to uU rTder. In law reportina and t". writing! Cla- In short hand and 4 TVt Yarboro House, RALEIGH, N. 0., thoroughly rates to Irr.. been refurnished and th "JSS: I8neclal monthly ' rirof the Lgllatare. -"r TBri5kNEYr Proprietor. It Is EHHaved She Will fHwel Into EJne i- ter L flolumbus. Ohio.ispecial of the lBt says : -Chairman Tevnsend, of the. Demoqrauo Slate J!iiepuve uomum. teej has issued a congratulatory cir nli.f .to the various lounty eommit- teet , in which he stlies that from estimates received froS all township coihmittees in Ohio, larefuUy made after ja thorough canajjs, Ohio will cive to Cleveland aci Thar man a plttraUty of 16,000 onfTuesday next. Chairman Townsend, in conversation tonight, expressed the opinion that fuQy ninety per cent of the Irish votes that went for BKine four years ago baa returned to the Democratic partyk and that large accessions from the German element aje very notice able, i "The result in Uhio next Tues- day,":aaid Mr. Townsejia, win oe a t-rrinu aurorise to all Sie old mana- ( iS 1L. parties, ana me surface indications of! today will be entirely obliterated, f he campaign has been onieof tbepeosle, and neither committee baa teen instrumental in molding public sentiment, ine peo ple have fully consider ine question . Uane and have f ullyJaUsfied them- i.- (hat the dav fori war taxes to 8;wiped,out has arriifd.' , Weekly Baali SH : ir W t " .v fV-lW YOtKe ViOTm a-S . tl9.C81.500; liana decrease, ToAiRDO: arjecie decrease, $2,397,600: leWal tenders increaa4l$242,900; de decrease, $7itl200; circula- fir,n aacreaee.il21,3O0.irhebanks now kAM I3.B50.850 in ekless of the 2S per cent rule. i A HXAVT EXPBESS ROBBEBT. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Decatub, Ala-, Nov. 3-Two new cases of yellow fever in the last 24 hours. Both oolored nurses. JlBOME CCCHRASK, M. D. The United States messenger on I vreBent frcm Chatham ... . . T A I . 1 T . 1 the train on me new jrieuu auu Northeastern R. R, which arrived here this morning at 7 c clock, was robbed at 5 a- m , between Jjacy ana Derby stations, fifty miles from here. The express officials decline to state the amount of the robbery, but it is understood the loss is between $40, 000 and $50,000. Eartbqaake Shock. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Memphis, Tenn , Wo v. & ymie a The man acknowledged his guilt and intimated that he was inducea to Commit the offense by a friend whose name ha would not disclose. He is liable! to one year's imprisonment and a fine of $ 500. ' i' Waddell and Polk at Sanford . Cor. of the News and Observer. I Sanfobd, N. C, Nov. 2. ' ni !: Waii.iA.li and Col. Folk spoke here today. Col. Waddell devoted nimaAlf exclusivelv. to the discussion tho tariff. Hia srjeecn was Cicai and atronir. He deased his hearers. and njtade poor Democrats good ones rrrvn1 TWnrwxats belter ones. Col. Polk made a fine impression also. I He said that be had gone into the State convention an uncompro- ..... 1 tU.t it I.I1A misinir Alexander man, w . - . . -i L.J haan name or Aiexanaer nu uv withdrawn he would have been voting for him' now. But that a majority of his white brethren had saia is w better for us to make their fight for rrinir,lft with our banner in the hands of another man and he cheer fully acquiesced in that decision. We vote not for men but for principles. ThW were auite a number of men fmm Ohatham. Among other telling pointa Col. Polk ahowed how tha fftrmers had been spurned by tnhn Vlnhnla in Con cress in their pleadings for relief from the Bigging Toitaf Imkrs&nr. He broduced Mr. Nichols' speech and rflftd from the title page the rea c, ir.;-.n hr Nichols for deserting ihA fermAra. Aa no doubt he has acattered thousands of Supies of this speech over his district it would be well Tor tne xarmers to reau i- ..va in anhatance that his district is -j - - . AT ft EW HILU ABOUT FIVE HCHDBED SOLID VOTERS PRESENT POLK, BROUQHTON ASD LOS DOH GIVE THE ALARM. Yesterday7 at New Hill, in Wake county, was the liveliest day that De mocracy has ever had in that pre cinct, art, everybody acreed that many vote were made for the cause of good government- Col. L. L. Polk was the first sneaker. For nearly two hours he reasoned with the large body of farmers present about the hard Limes through which they were Dassinar and the cause for the same, tie tola tnem oi me ei forts that President Cleveland and a Democratic House of Repre entatives had made to relieve them and the other laboring men of this country of the burdensome taxes unaer wnicn thev were crroanintr. He told them how the ReDublioan party had spumed the appeal of the farmers of . 1 . il W- .WamIt tua f a! f KrPth, morning Tt ioT o'doZ now changing into a Z plVaaaleen in the upper stories of district. Th.s is his reason. 1 1 m. r . - . buildings ana resiaencea wmo wuwu- nrablv alarmed. Its only a few seconds aeeat. Reserve de duration was Total Visible Sappljr of Cetten. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Nvw Torx. November 3 Tha total visible supply of cotton for the world is 1,697,786 bales, of which 1,479,886 are American; against 2.$o,84.i ana 1.88G.442. respects ely, last year. Ke- teiots at all interior towns 170,015. . . ... nnq nro 1 Reoeipts at pianiauona ow,uw- wruf in eight 1,809,268. TerrlSSe Kmpleelea. By Cable to the Sews and Obeenrer. Paris, Nov. 3. A terrific explosion Occurred in the Oampsgaac c al-pit in the department of Aveyron.. Eighty miners were kUled. Twenty-two j bodies have teen recovered. -:-tM.lW r ailmiaaion and a notice . ,-i. tV.. kA , to the farmers oi tne aistrwi, - is nO longer under obligation to look after their interests, but that hence forth he it at the serriice of the manu- facturera. Waddell and Polk are a strong team and made ringing speeches. D.vtv: Hf wva rlrtvtl fnr Cleveland ana M. Fotfle. r To Close Ovtr KlecUon Day. u. -roi.urra.nh to the Mews and Observer. New Yobk, Nov.; 3. aii oi me rlnwn town exchanges will close from Mondaw niffht until Wednesday morn ingi i The Custom House will be open from 9 to 10. Dockery was sick 4ast night- How much sicker he will be Wednesday morning ! the South, and how John Nichols had proven false to his promises as the candidate of the workingtnan that he was the only member of Congress from North Carolina that listened to the monopolists of the North in pref erence to his own people. He told the farmers of their demands through the Alliances, for a reduction nf the tariff. and how the Republican party had placed themselves in the way of their de mands. He appealed to the people to support Daniel G Fowle, and the DAmonratio State ticket and also to vote for .the full legislative and coun ty ticket. Col folk grew eloquent as he urged the importance cf electing the Democratic Lgi8lative ticket in Wake county. Mr. N. B Broughton followed Col. Polk and sooke for one hour. He re vievred the record of the Republican party in North Carolina and the op portunity it had to niake itself strocff with our people, coming to tbem as it d-d when they were bleeding and crushed from the wound of the war how it might have healed those wounds and given fresn nope ana courage w people and yet they laid the hand still heavier, and made ihe burden more grievous. He showed the course of the Republican party at the North inri1 those of the South in their hatred and abuse. How we had turned to them to lighten the bur dens upon us and yet at the bidding of the capitalists and monopolists A7 . tbey had mocked us with false Hopes and pretended friendship. That now ' Jl 1 L -.1 J U- nnr rea were open ana it wumu iw j . . . . . . i i i f, nnr nhamfi It we dia not neip our selves. He reviewed the history of the fence law and showed how the Rnnnbhcan oartv bad: faslenea it uDon our people. He appealed for the election of all the Democratic candidates, and showed how far supe rior in all that makes fitness for office they were to those of the Republican party Caot. H. A. LOndon, of Pittsboro heinir present, waa loudly called for and for one hour, in one of the clearest and most convincing speeches tnat we have heard he reviewed the great issue of high taxes as proposed by the Republican party and lower taxes as offered by the Democtatio party, ne showed how the Republicans pro tected the luxuries of the rich instead of T the necessities of the poor. Levi P. Morton and his spe cial tax bonds were noticed and the people were warned against allowing him to collect his special tax bonds. He took up the canaiaates of the Republican party and Bhowed their inefficiency to nil the places ior which they were named. In strong terms he pleaded for Democracy and for the people to turn out next Aues day and redeem their county and district from Republican misruie. ne closed by saying that old Chatham would come to Wake with a glorious victory. A splendid barbecue was servea free to all and everybody enjoyed it, and to Messrs. Thos. Boothe, J. W. Judge Shepherd. Correspondence ol News and Observer. Washington, N. O , Oct. 31. I was greatly pleased with your remarks on Judge J. E. Shepherd in a late issue of your paper, and the people of Beaufort county will en dorse by a large majority on the 6th dav of November your estimate of him. The Democrats are a nnit for Judge Shepherd in this county, and the Republicans say that he has been so impartial, so upngu auu able in the discharge of his exalted office that they object to nothing in the man but his politics. I am happy to inform you that the Demo crais of old Beaufort ar unit for Grover Cleveland, tax u notion and the State ticket from top to bottom. S. T. .NlCHOLSOS. An Ottawa, Canada, dispatch of the 31st ults. sayt: "The Attorney-General of New Brunswick has requested the Department of Justice to apply for the extradition from the United Stages for William J. .Best on mo charge of shooting E; M. Batson with intent to kill at Campo Belle, New Brunswick." It seems, to us we have nave heard of Wm. J. Best before in Korth Carolina. Booker ; were we good dinner and Boling and P. A. indebted for the flrood order. . Capt. M. W. Page our caneiiaaie for sheriff and J. P. Judd, Esq , one of our candidates for the House made brief remarks. CATAWBA. SlX THOUSAND MEMBERS OF 1T9 ISVISCI BLE DEMOCRACY ADUBESSEP BI VAWCE, HEHDERECN, FIHGEB, LOSQ A1SD OTHERS THI ENTHUSIASM GREAT. Special to the News and Observer. The Blsnop Lyman incident. 8tote9?ll!e Landmark. ... . Oliver Dockery says m his speeches that at a reception given by Bishop Lyman at home in Raleigh to the Episcopal convention, R. 11. Battle, Esq , late chairman of the Democratic State Executive Committee, sat be tween "two buck nigger6" nd ate Col. .T i inn !tii, of this place, an Episolian aud a delegate to the convenon in question au thorizes The Landmark,to make this etatoment: That for several -years past two colored clergymen have been members of the diocese of North Carolina; that the Episcopal con vention being in session at Raleigh lat May a year ago, Bishop Ljman invited the members in a body to a recep'ion to bs held on his lawn; that at a certain stags duiiugits pro- i i . cress, too two coiorea ciergyuieu The True Method Of curing habitual constipation, and liver and kidney ill is to avoid the use of the bitter drastic liver medicines and cathartics, and to take only the pleasant liquid fruit remedy, Byrup of Figs.; It cleanses as well as strengthens the sys tem, and does not leave the bowels cos tive, so that regular habits may be formed, and the invalid permanently re stored to health. It acts promptly ana effectively; it is easily akn' fAtw hamlAss. John 8. Pescud, Sole Agent, Baleigh, N. C. Cardinal Newman's condition ia yery serious. Bull's Baby Syrup Facilitate, Teething'1''8;'' Day's Horse rUnAfEn Pmente luc Fever end cans EMatoae pr. lpouna Treltl Kiwton. N. C . November 3 The largest garnering w. , ArJA on th lawn and took positions vincible lemocracj ' ssema . ee and thit , 9 (Col. Au6a) himoif t-rriH.l to each of mem a toilav. A careful estimates pin tne vast assembly, at six thousand. Gov. Vanc9 says he never addressed a larger crowd in the State. The bar becue was abundant and was spread upon twelve hundred feet of table. There were acres of people, and two thousand men and horses. Splendid musio was furnished by the Hick Dry and Newton bands The uniforms and drill of the Hickory band called forth grat applause. The greatest nthusiasm prevails. The infamous circulars issued by Kaves an l nn- clansmen have arou; ed intense indig nation, which is only excelled by the appointment of negro supervisors to bull-doze tne election. auib im mense throng of Democrats was addressed by J. S. Henderson, Mai- Finger, B- A. Long and Z. B, Vanoe. Catawba s Demcrncy is un- terrified ti- her by Morton s money, Pinkei ton's Detectives or Eaves "Re liaLlta" and will bold their banner. The organization of the county is largely due to the unremitting exer tion of our able cnairman, APei onu-ford. rocthecnreol . Ill I V Tourfis.Cold, Croup, lULL. O Hoarseness, Asthma, nlata cf ice cream, which tney ate efendinor an d then retirtd. Col. Al- ln ia a man cf erood character; Do:k- erv ia not. Bus there is altogether j Tha Wel'daa Fair. The Weldon Fair just ended waa the greatest success it has ever hn. Each day there were be tween two and three thousand people present. . , The exhibit was especially fine ana reflected great, credit upon the peo rA of Halifax and adjoining section. The management was 1 1. B. Alfftcbt. ii u.Ul nil Vi tha - fair won pitt -- 7 .w t-t i -w-vm m v n "V well a o . her wise. The weather waa verv V.. '-at "d the racing was said Whooping T?mmphit!s. and for the relief of Consumptive persons. At droggistB. 25cts. a aa aam aa aa innmiHML 1 CDUGH SYRUP ZTIiara cueea oioAHmea w 0o' C. I. Lee. That seem to have Pinkerton tectives in Indiana albo. ; Iney seem to understand them there, too, just as we do here in North Carolina. The Pinkerton Party is the Pinkerton Party everywhere. I to be some of the finest ever seen in this State. Mr. John S. Cunningham, who was chief marshal at tie fair, of- fixated in his usual giaoeful style. The wonderful cure"by Baivation Oa f Mr. M. 8. Uuin. a ueorge BMW., Baltimore, Md., wbo was ior many yoe so prostrated with rheumatism aa to be entirely helpless, baa awakened wide spread interest in tnis renwuj. only 85 cents. , . "If the heart of a man is depressed ;v. norAA and aufferins:. the mist ia dis pelled when tbe bottle appears. Not a bottle of spiriU, oh nol but a small vial of that invaluable compound known to civilization as Dr. Bull's Cough Byrup, which will cure a cough or cold immediately- Fa et'.tville Btrett. ALL OF TU- La' est deaigM ta Pictures, Picture Frames, Artists' Materials, .a nr., T At pricds ntver this city. before introduced in CALL AND SEE US. , A-iifreolit Sc Lee, 9

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