1 IT 3WS BSERVER. t Y VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH. N. C., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7 18SS. NO. m. o AND THE RETURNS ; . if , FROM ALL 'PARTS OF THE COUNTRY i PBOVOKINQLT SLOW IX COMiKO I VIBY LITTLE DIFI5ITI SO FIB KKOWS FOWL! ILICTID BUNS )lfM 1 BIHTLY ILEOTID BTj A H4.XDSOMX lfAJOBITvl BOWL AND ILXCTID, . ETO XTO 1 By Telegraph to the Newt and Observer. : NORTH CAROLINA. AXTXAKDIB. 1 i Tayloiaville, N. O ; Not. 6. Alex ander gives the State and - National Democratic ticket four hundred ma jority Oat of 1,400 votes cast. AUMAHCS. , Entire, Democratic ticket thonght to be elected. . Gains in every pre cinot heard from. " Mebane'a, N, 0., Not. 6 The Tote at this precinct gives Cleveland 112, Harrison 173, Fowle 111, Dookery 170, Bonn 112, Nichols 173-a'Re publican ain of about' 80. . f ABSOH COliHTY. "Wadesboro, November G Six precincts r-' . eiht ; of i Anson 1,703 : Dockerr. Iment 260: Against democratic Legislature 1,684; apublican Legislature 5G9; Demo cratic Congress 1,768; Republican Oobgresa 671; Cleveland 1,64?; Har rison 793. The other precincts will increase the Democratic majority. ; BCXCOMB Curried for entire. Democratic ticket by good maj n-ities. CCMBtBLAND. 'i Fayetteville, Not. 6 - Fa)etieville township gives Sutton 200 msjotit); State and national tickets range from 160 to 180 majorities. Sutton and the whole Democratic legislative ticket elected; county safely. Demo cratic by 300. I i CUTILAKD COCSTT ! King's Mount an, 155 Demporatio majority. Scales' majority 161. i dubham. Democrats claim Durham county by 200 majority. The Democratic prohibitionists, headed by Burkhead, voted Ibe Democratic ticket. ij . . : ' DUPLIN. '1- Seventeen Democratic majority. ocaics majority is. : v. Wolfacape 95 D-mccrtx majority. S3.ies' majority 132. ,', HALIFAX OOCHTY. 1 Littleton, November 6. The party vote Republican 322, Democratic 212, Dt mocratic gain about 50. ; MJCXLXBBCR. Dae East, 124 Democratic ity. Scales' majority 91. t 1 major-; Charlo te, 254 Democratic major ity. ;f -j GBA.NVXLLX. j Oxford reports a Democratic gain . t f 100, and tiona pointing! to the county's giving a Democratic ma jority. MTT. i Greenville, Fowle's majority 6, 8 Ji.es' majority 19. bockinobax I KaLim&iAd democratic maiorif ty aou- ! Scales-'mjority 857. Bowaa. Estimated democratic majority 1. 600. Scales 1,260. L If Salisbury, Nov. 68.50 p. m : This box gives Fowle 275 majority, a gain of 162 over Scales' vote. t obxxxi. " La Grange, Nov. 6. Fowle 243, . Dockery 244. Balance of State ticket about the same. Democratic gain pf about 50 at this box. PESDBB. ' J Bargaw, Nov. 6.-Fowle 118, Dck erylOS. cabaBbus. i Concord, Nov. 6.-Fowle 175, Dockery 49. SBAVKH. - New Berne gives Fowle 616, Dock ery 846 A gain of 51. ' . - New Berne gives Fowle 516, a gain cf 51; Dockery 846; nothing against amendment; Dtmocratic lfgislative endidaus 646, Republican 676; Demr ootatio candidate for Congress 669f Republican 687; Cleveland 515, Har risen 840. I BCBXB. - iloreanton, Nov. 6!;' 9.45 p. m. Not all official bat we believe thai Hoffman has carried Burke county by seventy-five to one hundred, state and national ticket have probable majority of one hundred. " WATNB. Goldsboj 0, Nov. 6. Wayne e'ecta the whole Democratic ticket. CLXVILAXD. Indications ' in Cleveland county eive Democrats i,80U to Z,0UU ma- foritT. Shelby box gives Cleveland 640. Harrison 183. Shelby, N- C, Nov. 6 Shelby gives, official, five lony Democratic; one hundred and eighty-three Radi cal: a net eain of sixty-four. ' Cleve land county gains exceed two hun- oj nu"7 n . Absolutely Pure. ( This powder never varies. A marvel f mtroritrttt nA whaleflomeness. : ?f . liiLlthn ordinary kindi and ZZYbVodte competition with the rr.T. nt low uiat. ahort weicnt. Sum or phofphats powders, soldonly to ifsMi bv W. a ft A. B. Btronach, and 0& tjM FerraU 0 Rutherford aurely Demo gain of nearly three hundred- vote olUcal, 540 democratic, biican. Net democratic Rain nd county gains will exceed FRARET.IH. Frailkanton, Nov. 6. The entire democlac county and legislative ticket is Sleeted by at least two hun dred mjijirity. The state and nation al ticketil majority not bo large. Count Democratic. State ticket 200 maofity; legislature about 300. ad alantalce CouDlyiDemocratic by abcut 200. .11 BUTEXBFOBD. Rulhrird county surely demo cratic, a gin of nearly 300. VAKCE. For Colgressman: Simmons 446, Cheatham 55. (Scales' majority 10). add johnBtin 1 Etttreil,ov. 6. Legislature and Congresann about 47 republican majority! National and state about 75 repnblic&n majority. BDX00XBB AsheviQ J Nov. 6 - This township gives an ivarage Democratic majority of 265. 1 5 HXW HANOTIR. Incomraele returns indicate a Re publican mSority in New Hanover of 900, l Beifilican loss of 228. g 1BEDILL This coinly gives lowle more than 1,000 majdry. h I MOOKB. Indicatir are entire Democratic ticket elected in Moore county. CATAWBA. Ten oat Id fifteen precinctfl give Cleveland 1.S25. Harrison 444. Net dsmocratio Jcffls of 27. I I iCEKK Democrafife majority in Burke is about 175. 1 1 1 USI0N. Monroe, Nfv. 6 Mouroe precinct of Union coty: fowle, 540; Dock ery, Mb;s UifeTeland, 549; Harrison, 201. 1 Beaufort: i'owle, 140; Dockery, 216. il forehead tty: Fowle, 136; Dock ery, b5. i Newport: I)wle, 65; Dockery, 98 HASH. Whitaker'sl Not. 6. Whitaker's precinct: Cleveland 77, Harrison 128, Fowle 78, Doj;ery 128 m DOWBLL Marion, Novl 6. Four townships giTe Fowle 18S majority. Same eaTe Scales 200 ma&rity. County about 250 majority ft the Democrats. BOWLASd BE UJtCTID. Ti7:i : i ii iiuiuigbuut C, Nov. 6. -Row-elected to OoEgress una (Uem.) is from the sixth iatrict by a large ma- jority. ifPBESOX. Heavy Demrjbratio gains in Shoe Lumber Heel, Red Serings and Bridge. FowIb's majority 100; a gain of 184 ove? Scales' vote. FsBSXTH. Winston Precjnct, Hauser for the egislature, democrat, 10 majority over Reynolds, tspublican. Mitchell, State Senator, democrat, 8 majority over L:neback. grower, Republican Congressman, llnajority. Cleveland, 2 ma majority; Mitchell, 25 majority; Motshead and Fowle, 34 majority; Bethana R, Reynolds, 18 majority; Li.nebck, 16 majority; Muddy, Reynold's majority 118; iinebacks maiosty 127. The vote for President nd counted - This is all that can be gden. Kernersville, Niovember 6 --Gleve- and 177, Harrison 180; Fowle 182, Dockary 174 Moreheai 188, Brown 177. II J0HTOH. Smithfield, NoSl 6 Fowle 293, Dockery 309, co&ititutional amend ment 249, agaifest constitutional amendment 304; Democratic legisla ture candidate 301 J Republican can didate 304; DemoCHitic candidate for Congress 300, Republican candidate or Congress 304; , Cleveland electors 296, Harrison 305. I Selma, Nov. 6--fowIes majority in O'Neal's townsbje is 200; Bunnrs majority 136. II' WUaon's Mills, JSJC, Nov. 6 In creased Democratic vote. Neither Dockery nor Nicbpll has received a white vote. ' , 1 Clayton, Bunn's mtjority 5; Fowle's majority 3; Cleveland's majority 5; (Scales' majority 341 Selma, Cleve land's majority 1121 fowle's majority 118; Bunn's majorityllO. (Scales ma jority 51) I BUTBXBVOlD Rutherford county goes Democratic by about 200. I S B0W4 Rowan is Democrata! by more than 1,700, a Democralio'gtjin of 400. I CHATHA16- H Pit tabor o' Nov. $ -I Returns indi cate Chatham at leaea five hundred Democratic majority. i WIL80. Wilson. Nov." 6-4-mrtial returha indicate 500 for from the different pie$ncts a majority of not less than FoWleJ! ' i r f polk I Tryon, Nov. 6 - 12 0 a. m. Re turns, ftom Green's Crok and Coop er's Obd n)t in. Thel maiorUv la Jiow in favor of Democrats. Ilepub- Jicana lost badly both tt Tryon and Columbus, and alio it ff.ills Springs! HAYWOOD. I Waynesville, Nov? Haywood gives Cleveland a maifrity of 3501 Fowle 830. Democratic iandidate for legislature 185. JohnsSm 315. . s LBIOIB. J HUBBAH FOB HHl ! KissTOS, N. 0., Noteeber 0 The dounty Bolidly Democratic Vy from one to three hundred IVooten, De- mocrat,'elected to the Huse. :! , ;1 Maryland! j Baltimore, Nov. 6.rhe weather &i warm and clear. Man reports are epmicg tn of arrests fSr i;legl regie-, iratibn and fraud. Te alleged cut rjrit are mostly coloredm8n. The indications are for a unexpectedly large vote. IS.' I ii IOWA.I J ;Des Moines, Iowa,iNv. 6. The Weather is bright and-! clear, the country roads are in (tool condition I aid t) large vote is beifig boiled. dred. cratiCjj m 183 rpi of 64.S 1 Cleei 200. . TENNESSEE. 5 nhiittaiontr&.Tflnn.. November. 6 The Democratic, Republican and Darties nomicatd Presidential tick ets. There wa also elected OoTer nor, Congreosnien and LgiBlature. The latter besides choosing the exe- cutiTe offioers Will elect a United States Senator to succeed Iaham Har ris. The weather it cloudy and a full Tote is beicfir cast Party lines are strictly adhered to. the limited num ber of polling prcincts in thiji citj creates a fear ih$t all the votes cau not be deposi ed.between the hours of 9 and 4 GreM crowds are at the polls and hundreds are in line wait ing their turn to get to the box. At cne booth five rotes j must be cast every minute to get the expected votes within the legal . hours. (Chal lengers are frequently) delaying the firogress of Toting, as many negroes rom Georgia and Alabama are at tempting to Tote. Both parties seem sure of carrying this Congressional district. Businesl is virtually sua pended. The clamor of nearly 3,000 negro voters in thu city to get to the ballot box is deterring many wmte men from voting. There is no dis turbanoe. Last flight within ten minutes of each other the prinoipal thoroughfares wefe occupied by a Democratic procession of 3,000 men and by nearly 2,000 colored Republi cans without an unpleasant episode. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord, N. H , Nov. 6 New Hampshire elects the Governor and Legislature today, besides the Presi dential electors and Congressmen. Uoncord, N. II , 7 p. m , Oct 6. Indies' ions at this hour are that Har rison has carried the State, and that Goode, Rep., has been elected Gov ernor, lnat tne ivepublicans nave carried both congressional districts, defeating McEenna, dem, and hare secured both branches of the legisla ture. 1 SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston, S. 0:, Nov 6i In South Carolina besides, the Presiden tial electors, there were elected ail State officers, half of the Senate and all of the State House of Representa tives. There was no Republican State ticket nor had that party any county or legislative ticket except in . Beaa fort (where there was no local Demo cratic ticket) and Berkely. In the seventh district Robert Simmons (colored' Republican) ran as inde pendent candidate .for . Congress against Elliott (Dem) and Jliller (regular Rep.) and in this district the light was the warmesr. Charleston, b. U , November b Election in the State was perfectly quiet. ; The vote was not Urge, and the colored vote was very light. The Democratic electoral : and State tickets and a full Congressional dele gation : elected by handsome majori ties. MICHIGAN. ; Datrpit, Mich., Nov. & Sixty-three townships iu the State give Harrison 13,031, 1 Cleveland 9,575. The same townships in 1884 gave Blaine 10,270, Cleveland 9,372 A net Republican gain of 1,550. , ' Detroit, Nov. 6.-117 towns in lower Peninsula show republican gains of 5,685. i V ; Detroit, Mich., November 6 214 towns in Michigan gjve ' Harrison 41,904, Cleveland 34,273, NEW YORK New York, November q. -10.30 is being m. The election today being very quietly carred on iu this city. Political workers were at the polls early and by 9 o clock . a large number of votes had' been caet. Promptly at 6 o'clock the polls were opened and the banks and mercantile houses, together with the public offices, were closed. To get the to: era out early a novel plan Was adopted by the Democratic and Republican parties. Buglers and bell; ringers were sent through election precincts before the polls opened to wake peo ple up. The polls at No. 126 Varick street were not opened up to nine o'clock this morning. Thi is a strong Democratic precinct. One of the election inspectors was intoxicated and anoth r was absent Finally a voter notified . the: Police Commissioners and tne lioara: imme diately went into session and made appointments to fill the places-of the I absentees. In the tenth election dis trict of the Eleventh Assembly dis trict there was also trouble. The poll clerks did not appear and the polls were not opened until 8 O'clock. ThiB matter was also referred ; to the Police Commissioners and new clerks were appointed. It is faartd that this delay will prevent a number of voters from casting -their ballots. Both polling places havela large reg istered list, and it will take pretiy lively work to get all the votes in by 4 o'clock. In some of the precincts votes were received at the rate of one a minute. 11:30 a. ni. Quite a number of ar rests have been made for various causes. Some were held for: trial, while others Were discharged. New York, Nov. 6 It was report ed that the Tammany Hall people in the 31st election district of the ninth assembly diutrict were Belling oue Cleveland for Grant. A committee fiom the national headquarters' made investigation and one of the members afterwards reports 1 that the cutting bad been stopped, lne eon let t in the 12th assembly district is' very keen. The i Tammany Hall people here claim that the County Democracy leaders are buvincr un vrtes, most of the voters being Hungarians. It was also asserted I that the -County De mocracy people were-trading Cleve land for Hewitt. Tnere was consid erable vest pocket voting done in up town precincts. ,- New York, Nov. 6.-312 election districts in the New York. State ;out side of New York and Kings county give Cleveland 59,222, Harrison 78, 940, Fiak 4,479. The Same .districts in 1834 gave Cleveland 57,473, BJaine 73,116, St. John 4,072. New York, Nov. 6 829 out of 856 districts, Cleveland 156.370, Hairieon 101 263, Fisk 1 , 179. Brookly n o.ty complete: Cleveland 79,736, Harris on 68,197, Fisk 1,005." i . TAMVANT KUOT3 TJE MAVOB. ' . The New York City Press Associa tion says Grant's election iv assured by from 20,000 to 25,000. ; BBOOKLT1T. New York, Nov. 6. The Brooklyn voters turned out early to vote this morning. I he foggy sunrise found a long line of citizens before the poll ing places ready to deposit their bal lots. Things hummed until 1 p. m. after which there was a brief respite. Ia some of the districts half of the registered vote was deposited at 9 a. m. Three arrests have been made and the men bailed. Watertown, N. Y , 3 15 p m Rain has been falling fast all the after noon but two thirds of the vote was polled at noon. The silent vote ex ceeds that of any previous election. Gravesend, Long Island, Nov. 6 The election is paish g off very quietlj here. There is a heavy vote being polled, 923 ballots nnving been deposited before noon. Rochester, N. Y. 12 m i he weather ia cloudy and warm The voting is heavy. All the 6ulo hp r.re closed. All the Democratic workers are at the pol's. The R pjb.ienos are also hard at work. Gov. Hill is running ah sad of his ticket n!l over the city. Syraouse, N. Y., Nov. 6. Weather cloudy and pleasant. A very large vote is being polled. Indications we favorable to the Republican electoral ticket. Considerable cutting of Miller. Several arrests l were made this fore noon for illegal voting. New York, Nov., 6. Gravesend, Kings County, including Coney Is land, where there has been a serious Democratic split for some time voted today as follows: Harrison 831, Cleve land 398. In 1884 the town voted Blaine 295, Cleveland 667. Syracuse, Nov 6. City of Syracuse complete gives Harrison a majority of 3,255, a gain of 1,636 over Blaine in 1884. Elmira, Nov. 6.--Complete returns from Elmira give Cleveland a plural- ty Of all; a democratic gain of 1,051 over 1884. Hill has a plurality of 665. ' A New York Herald bulletin says : Cleveland's majority in Albany is 2,500; a gain of 1,300. ad Massachusetts. St. Lawrence county, N. Y., gives Harrison a plurality of 8,000; a gain of 594 over Blaine's vote. New York: 406 election districts New York State outside of New York and Kings counties. Cleveland, 70,074; Harrison, 93,888; Fisk, 5,439. The same districts in 1884: Cleveland, 67,934; Blaine, 86,115; St. John, 4,818. The Herald says 9 democratic Con gressmen elected in New York city, again of one democratic Congress man. New York, Nov. 6 717 election districts New York State outside of New York and King's county, Cleveland 130,618, Harrison 164,758 Fisk 9,672- Preparations have been made to collect the vote for President and Governor bj election districts Of such di8tricts there are in the entire State 3,346 Of this number 1,238 are in New York and Kings counties, leaving in theStateoutside of these two counties 2,108. As fast as the re turns from the State at large are re ceived they will be carefully tabu lated and compared with the vote for Pre id-Lt in 1884 and the vote for Governor inJ885 The votes will be counted in the following order . 1st for Presidential electors; 2d f jt State ticket; 31 for Congressmen; 4tb for aBstmbljmec; 5th for city ticket. Four hundred and eighty-four elec tion districts in New York State, out side of New York and Kings County, give Cleveland 84,435; Harrison 110, 171; Fisk 6,222. The same districts in '84 gave Cleveland 80,961; Blaine 100,978; St. John 5,670. New York City. 830 out of 856 distticts give Harrison 101 355; Cleveland 156,536; Fisk 1,179. A Tribune bulletin says : "Hill is probably elected. That Harrison has carried the State by a plurality of 1,500 to 2,000:1 New York- 691 election districts in New York State outside of New York and Kings counties give Cleveland 125,027, Harrison 158,921, Fiek 7,754. The same districts in 1884 gave Cleve land 117,897, Blaine 143,926, St. John 7,286. New York City, Nov- 6 - 839 out Of 856 districts give Harrison 102,- 470, FiBk 1,193, Cleveland 158,290. Buffalo Nov. 6 Buffalo city com plete, Hill 25,207, Miller 19,830; ma jority for Hill 5,377. 731 election district! in New lorn State outside give Cleveland 133,308; Harrison 168,039; Fisk 8,061, same in '84, Cleveland 125,634; Blaine 152, 690. Nw York City, November 6.-850 out of 856 districts; Cleveland 101,- 765, Harrison 105,181. 775-districts in New York State, outside, give Cleveland 149,897; Har mon 187,264; FiBk 858. The same in '84, Cleveland 139,669; Blaine 168,- 758. Total city vote, allowing for for four election districts missing, on a basis of the vote in 852 districts give Harrison 105,921, Cleveland 162,- 907, Fisi 1,300, Oowdrey 1,507. New York city complete. For mayor, Erhardt 67,721, Grant 107, 537, Hewitt 68,134, Coogan 9,465. 2,500 I XMOCRATIO MAJOB1TT. New York Nov. 6 The New Yoik State Democratic committee estimates tbo majority at 2,500 for Cleveland, 756 districts of New York htate out side gave Cleveland 156,3G2,HarriBon 189,741; same. districts in '84 gave Cleveland 141,161, Blaine 170,902 850 eleotion districts in ticw York State outside of New York and Kings counties give Cleveland 163,615, Harrison 206,258, Fisk 9,683 New York, Nov. 6 780 districts in New York State outside of New Yoik and Kings counties give Hill 154,324, Miller 180,420, Joiies 88,147 lhesamein 65 gave 11 ill 122,411, Davenport 149,035. ' 894 election districts ia New York Slate outside of New York and Kings County give Cleveland 175,359; Har rison 220,475; Fiak 10,334 New York, Nov. 6, 1:51 lit is said the Times will claim this State has gone for Cleveland and that he is fleeted; that he has carried New Jer sey tgid Connecticut- It also sajs Hill is elected. 10 P. M Returns received at Jer sey City police headquarter indicate that at least 9 of the 10 assemblymen will be democrats. Ad Tenn New York City complete. The Bu reau of election issues corrected com plete figures on the electoral ticket as follows : Harrison 105,726; Cleve land 162,981. Cleveland's majority 57,255. habrisom'b xlbction claimed. New York, Nov. 7 A Herald editorial says the indications are that at the hour of going to jpress Harri son is elected President add new york 1 973 eleotion districts state outside Cleveland 192,678, Harrison 239,140 king's county. King's county complete gives Cleveland 82,447, Harrison 70,587. There are 836 polling places in New York city, and 2,108 in New York State outside of New York and Kings county. The votes are given sepa rately for these two series of polling places. Cleveland s majority iu B.ooklyn is 11,500. In New York city it appears to be about 57,000. At the moment we write 717 election districts ia the State above the Har lem gi o Harrison about 34,000 ma jority which leaves 34,000 for him to overcome in the remaining 1,400 eleo tion districts. The outlook is at least that Hill ia elected. VIRGINIA.. Richmond, Nov. 6 The only par ties in Virginia having tickets in the field for President this year were the Democratic and Republican parties. The prohibition and labor issues were not involved in the results of the elec tion, and only Piesidential electors and Representatives in Congress were to be chosen in the ten districts of the State. Richmond, Va-, November 6. Fine weather. A full vote will probably be polled throughout the State Everything is quiet as far as heard from. Wise expects to get the usual majority in the district. Norfolk, Va., Nov. 6. The weather is clear and warm and voting in Nor folk and Portsmouth cities and Nor folk county is progressing rapidly and more interest shown by both par parties than in any election for years. The colored people are bringing out their full strength and assert intense opposition to tariff reform. This' Congressional district is largely Re publican and Geo. E. Bowden, Re publican Representative, will be re turned. There is no obstruction at the polls and the colored vote is be ing recorded rapidly. Iu the largest colored precinct of the town this morning the supervisors had a judge of election arrested for allowing alleged ex-convicts to vote. Judge Hughes of the United States court discharged the election judge and or dered the arrest of the Democratic supervisor for obstructing voting, re voked his commission and bound hhn over to appear before the grand jury. This incident has created great ex citement among Democrats and Re publicans bat no trouble is appre hended. Richmond, Va- Nov. 6. No official returns have been received yet. Eleotion passed off quietly so far as heard from. The estimated vote in several counties in differant parts of the State does not indicate a gain to either party over the vote of 1884 Richmond gives about 1,690 Dem ocratic majority. Estimated vote in eight counties indicate a Demo cratic loss of from 1,200 to 1,500. Danville, Nov. 6. Cleveland 258 Democratic gain of 137. " North Dan ville, Cleveland 114, Democratic gain of 40. i Staunton, Va , Nov. 6 'Returns from Virginia at one o'clock to night are too meagre to estimate majorities. At the rooms of the State Democratic Committee the electoral vote of the State is considered safe for Cleve Imd. The Democrats have elected four Congressmen, the republicans 026, and the indications are that the democrats will certainly elect three Others. , Charlottesville, Nov. 6.- -A dispatch indicat"B O'Ferrali's (Democrat) re election, and Scott claims a gain of three Democratic Congressmen in the State. I Washington, Nov. 6 -- A special to the Post from Alexandria, Va , sayB that W. W. Scott, Secretary of the State Democratic State Committee, claims the State for Cleveland by a reduced majority, probably between four and five thousand. Lee, Demo crat, is elee'ed by from 2,000 to 2,500. I FLORIDA. Jacksonville, Nov. 6. The Demo cratic and Republican parties had full tickets in the field this year, includ ing nominations for Presidential elec tors, Congressmen, State and county officers, except in the first district, where Davidson, Democratic candi date for Congress, was unopposed. While the Prohibition party : nomi nated electors, the party has no or ganization and made no canvass. The gubernatorial candidates were Francis P. Fleming, Democrat, and V. J. Shopman, Republican. The canvass has been seriously interrupted in the northern and eastern portions of the State by the yellow fever, but has been quite vigorous in the South. Jacksonville, Nov. fa Fleming is undoubtedly elected GoTernor. Add Alabama New York, Nov. 6 -A He aid bul letin says Florida is probably fXnio- craiio by 1,500. ! CONNECTICUT. Hartford, Conn., Nov. 6. There 11 absolutely no excitement s here. very large vote is being polled quietly and steadily, some wa ds hav ing half their lists checked by 11 o'clock. Republicans are votiog their full strength early with a gool chance of reducing the usual Demo cratic majority. New Haven, Nov. 6 The wenther today has been damp, bit a big vote will ba polle 1 Cleveland seems to be DOilingr the usual Democratic u.a- jority and will receive in this city a majority , of about 3,000. Ii. B. Morse (Democrat) for Governor will run ahead of his ticket by 1 000 votes. Wilcox (Democrat) for Congressman is being scratched to a great extent ami his election is in doubt. Meriden, Conn., Nov. 6. The elec tion here is close. An enormous vote is being polled, amounting to over 4,200 up to 2 o'clock. In the second Congressional district Hon. Wales Lines, Republican, ii ucdoubtodiy elected. Hartford, Conn, Nov. Twenty towns Bhow Republican gaiu of 463 on Presidential vote cf 1S84. Hartford, Nov. 6. 5S towns show a net gain for Harrison of 1481. Hartford, Ct , Nov. 6 William E. Simmons, Rep , is elected to Con gress over Robert J. Vance, Dem , present Congressman. A New York Herald bulletin saye: Republicans - and Democrats both claim Connecticut. The Democrats claim it by 1,400 and the Republicans by 3,000. New York Herald bulletin says Cleveland has carried Connecticut by 859 majority.' Sun bulletin eajs '.hat tie republi can plurality, in that State will be small. Hill probably elected. Hartford, Corn., Nov. 6 Post has returns from 114 town showing a Republican gain of 1,324 over '84; says the same ratio' pf gain in the remaining towns will give Harrison the State by a small majority. The Republicans elect 3 Congressmen and probably four legislative Republi cans. A New York Herald bulletin says Connecticut is for Cleveland by about 1,000 plurality, 135 towns including New Haven, Hartford, Bridgeport. Waterbary Meriden, New Britain, New. London, and Norwich give Harrison a gain of 785. INDIANA. Indianapolis, Ind , November 6 The day opened with a drizzling rain. A cold wind set in, making it all in all the most disagreeable day of the season thus far. In the working precincts of the city, where a heavy Democratic vote is cast, the polls wero opened at 6 o'clock by petition. At the other precincts they were opened at 8 o'clock. A great deal of challenging is being done, but every thing is quiet. The business streets of the city present at 10 o'clock a deserted appearance. HARBISON VOTES Indianapolis, Nov. 6. Toward 11 o'clock the rain ceased and there were signs of clearing. At 10.30 there was a crowd of about 1,000J standing around and within the livery stable on Seventh street where citizens of the third precinct of the second ward voted. The rain had ceased shortly bafore two men wearing fall over coats with collars turned up walked quietly along Seventh street and en? tered the polling place. It was Gen. Harrison and his ;eon Russell. The distance from their residence to the polling place is some three and a half squares. The chute being open when the General arrived he walked up to the window and in the quickest man ner possible handed in his ballot. As the inspector deposited the paper in the box he called out the name "Ben jamin Harrison" and the clerks re sponded "Number 237", signifying the number of ballots cast up to that hour. As this precinct only cast 302 votes in 1884 and 357 in 1886 it will be seen that over two thirds of the vote was in today at half-past ten. Russell Harrison did not vote, being a citizen of Montana. Indianapolis, Nov. 61:30 p. m. The weather is growing colder, the cold ware signal having, just been hoisted. No rain has fallen for two hours but the skies are lean and the day is dark. It is reported that about 100 arrests have been made in this city up this hour. In most cases the arrests are of suspicious cases. The vote cast up to this hour is un paralleled for its s ze. Telegrams from Terre Haute, Vincennee, Evans ville and New Albany tell of rainy weather and a heavy vote. In all those cities there have been a number of arrests but no trouble. In northern Indiana things are quiet and but few arrests are known to have occurred. Evansville, Ind , Nov. 6. The re sults cannot be definitely ascertained until toward morning. Including Rockford, the seat, the county is re ported over 300 Republican majority. 1 his is a large Republican gain. Indianapolis, Ind , November 6 306 precincts; Harrison 3,193, Cleve land 2,674. Iudianapolis, Ind., Nov. 6. Fifty preciucts in Indiana give Harrison 5,846, Cleveland 4,661. The Bame precincts in 1884 gave Cleveland 4,470, Blaine 5,536. Baltimore, Nov. 6 Judging from the.vot of Maryland, not counting Baltimore city, Cleveland's plurality will be from seven to eight thousand, a falling ofl of aboyt:3,000. The Sun estimates Cleveland's plu rality in the State at 6,000. Indianapolis, Nov. 6. Eighty pre cincts Indiana give Harrison 8,860, Cleveland 7,791. The same precincts in 1884 gave Blaine 8,330, Cleveland 7 343 PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Nov. 6 Presiden tial electors, members f Congress and a legislature which will elect a United States Senator wi 1 be chosen. KENTUCKY. A Herald .: bulletin says : Ken tucky has gained one Democratic Congressman. Speaker Carlisle is re elect J by a handsome majority. NEW JERSEY. New Yoik, Nov (J A New i'ork Sun bulletin eays w Jersey will give Cleveland a plurality cf 6,000 to 8,000 Wkkilino, West Va , Nov. 6. Nothing in yet. NVt even from city. l'r -babW uiiJriLbt btfore anything definite. Democratic hosilquarter report Cive!sud'.i p!ur!i! y m New Jersey nt 000 J-w Y01 k Su!? l-'illetin says New hi- ) :s d-siuiKTVir. by about 5,000. .Je.swY t.ttv, N J , Nov. 6 In Hud- m" county tb '. Democrats made al iu ot a clt-ft'j hw. j. Their presiden tial electors viii have fully six thou sand majority in t::e State for Cleve land. Congressman Wm. McAdoo re-elected for his fourth term, defeat ing Ex Mayor Gilbert Collins, of Jer- tey City, by at leas' 5,500. GKORGIA. Augusta, Ga , Nov. 6 The Demo cratic, Republican and Piohibition parties nominated tickets for Presi dential electors in Georgia. There was no State ticket to be elected and ; although candidates for Congress .from ail the districts werl voted for I little interest was manifested in the the Presidential ticket. Tho only change in Democratic Congressional nominations was ia the substitution of Rufus E. Lester (present Mayor Savannah) for Thomas M. Norwood as the representative from the 1st district Atlanta, Ga , Nov. 6 The weather throughout Georgia is beautiful. A light vote is being polled in Atlanta and the indications point to the same vote throughout the State. Augusta, Ga, Nov. 6 All the Democra'.io delegations in Georgia will be elected to Congress. Atlanta, Nov 6 Returns are very, slow coming in. Indications point to the normal democraticmajority,with a J tuit delegation to Uongress. WEST VIRGINIA. Wheeling, West Va , Nov. 6 The Chairmen of both State Committees claim the State. The vote of this city will not be counted before 11 a. m , Wednesday. The result in the State will probably not be known before Thursday. Ad NY TENNESSEE. T Nashville, Nov. 6 Third Congres sional district doubtful. Chances favor Democrats. Republican State oentral committee claim Stato by 12,000 to 15,000. Nashville, Nov. 6 The Congress ional representation will be un changed. MISSOURL Kansas City, Mo , Nov. 610.30 a. m. The weather is cold and dear. A very heavy vote is being polled. ALABAMA". Mobile, Ala , Nov. 6 There was no State ticket to be voted for in Alabama. The election was confined to the selection of presidential .'elec tors and Congressmen. y Montoombbt, Nov. 6. Scattering returns have been received from dif ferent points in Alabama all dis tricts -and they are sufficient to show a solid democratic delegation to Con gress. Montgomery, Ala, Nov. 6. The Democrats claim a majority in the State of thirty thousand and all the Congressmen. OHIO. Cincinnati, Nov. 6. The weather may be classed as rainy throughout Ohio. The voting in the city ia progressing very rapidly. Fully one nan tne entire registered polled before 9 o'clock, precincts two-thirds of the vote was In many vote was cast at that hour. iVVQt THCBMA5 VOTX3 Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 6. At half past 1 o'clock this afternoon Judge Thurman and his son Allen W. Thur man alighted from a coupe at the polling place of the 6th ward and cast their ballots for the Democratic ticket. Owing to rain, the coupe was driven up to withirva few feet of the window and without assistance the Judge walked across the pavement and han ded in his ticket, which he had ready folded in his hand. 355 precincts net Democratic of 1,720; total vote 127,027. gam Cincinnati, O., Nov. 6. Sixty pre cincts in Cincinnati give Harrison 11,817, Cleveland 9,635, the city hav ing been redistrioted there can be no comparison. There are 168 precincts in the city. Cincinnati, Nov. 6 315 precincts sho it a net democratic gain of 1,513; total vote 111,600. Democratic Con gressman gained in ninth Kentucky district Cincinnati, Nov. 6. 513 precincts: net democratic gain of 1,687. Total votes 192,084. COLORADO. Denver, Col., Nov. 6. Unusual in terest is taken in the election in Col orado this year. It is for all State officers, Congressmen, members of the Legislature, two Judges of the Supreme Court, county uu 1 township officers. There are elements of un certainty in the situation, which make predictions of but little value. One of these ia a large increase in the popu lation, Denver alone having increas ed 4,000 within the past two years and the State outside of the city pro bably sixty thousand. The registra tion in this city is nearly 25,000, or twice that of 1884. The State gave Blaine a plurality of nearly 9,000 in 1884. The best politicLins here how. ever do not concede the State to Har rison by this amount. The contest for Governor between T. M. Patter son, Dem , and T. A. Cooper, rep., will probably be very close. The struggle for the legislature is the most animated feature of the contest, both parties being confident. MINNESOTA. Minneapolis, Nov. 6. The day is clear, crisp and cold. The vote in this city is very large and hundreds were in line at the various precincts when the polls opened. Many ladies are voting for the school board. There is a vast amount of scratching done on State and municipal tickets. CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Nov. 6 The eleo tion laws of California make a can vass impossible. It directs that each ticket which embraces candidates for National, State and local offices shall be entirely counted seriatim and in flicts a penalty for sorting out tickets in order to count the straight ballots first. I'. is seldom that one hundred complete precincts are reported on the night of an election. This, to gether ith the difference in time be tween California and the East and necessary delays in telegraphing over so great a distance, will tend to make the Pacific Coast returns from today's election tardy iu comparison with those from points further east. San Fraucieco, Nov. 6 The polls in this State close at 7 p. m. which is 10 20 by eabtetn time, consequently the vote will be very late. RHODE ISLAND. Providence, R. I., 3:30 p. m. City vote with one ward lacking i was : Harrison, 5,364; Cleveland, 3,969; Fisk, 336- Four years ago it was at this hour: Blaine, 5,617; Cleveland, 3,398; Scattering, 306. Providence, Nov. 6 --Rhode Island gives narrison over ,uuu : majority. I Congressional delegation re-elected. J INCENDIARIES. NEGROES BURN A DWELLING AT DURHAM. " A"XB ""katmujm TO mob TITW THB OWKI B "V im MB. O OBD a. Special to the News and nhur, DCBHAM. N. C . Vn 7 itn. Last night -' ' i Liu a. ui. negroes threatened to pf ii TKio : . mob U. B. fire,, 3 o'clock his .I...!, -!. a and burned O v sa DC VII UIQ up. , v MAINE, fK S5?' Noy- G -Blaine has sent the following telegrm to Geo. Har- itUf,D8 ihu9 far received in dicata that Maine has given you a rTtir .yK Cf,2'000 ItwiUbmore rather than less. (Signed; J is. G. Blaihi. WISCONSIN. A Sun bulletin saye: "Large demo cratic gams in Wisconsin." MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Nov. 6 -One hundred and fifty towns pre Harrison 4720, Cleveland 33,755. Same towas ia JSf Mt Blain 88 Oiweiaiid ,40,7(8. Every Repobueaii Congress man elected in ilachustta aoepi one, a Republican gais of two Con gressmen. a- .Boston ci-.y Lai gone Democratic nyiu.wu. Boston, Ncv. tj Prwudeutuil a J Of Boston complete : Harrison 27. 312; Cleveland i&JCfe; Brd, i publican for CoLgreae it defaaUd in the third district." Boston, Nov. t. Vii tt excep tion of O'Neill, democrat, in the fourth and Andrew, democrat, in the third districts doubUees all the Re publican Congressmen nr elected, , ILLISOIS. , The New York Herald says the Demo crats concede Illinois to Harrison, but claim Palmer's election (to the governorship.) Chicago, Nov., 6 Two hundred precints in Chicago give Harrison 30,218, Cleveland 32,944. Fifer, rep , for Governor 30,036. Palmer, dem-, for Governor 36,465 W hat Wu Voted For. New York, Nov. 6. Every State votedjfor Presidential electors. Every State except Maine, Oregon and Ver mont elected members of Congress and each organized Territory elected a delegate. State offioers and legis latures were chosen by Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hlinois, Kansas, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ne braska, North Carolina, South Care lina, 'Texas, West Virginia and Wis consin. California elected legisla ture, Chief Justice and Associate Judge Supreme Court. Iowa and Ohio elected minor State offioers. Nevada elected Supreme Judge, Re gents of University and legislature. New Hampshire and Tennessee elect ed Governor and legislature New Jersey elected legislature: New York elected Governor, Judge of Court of Appeals and legislature. Pennsyl vania elected Supreme Court auditor and legislature. Proposed amend ments to their constitutions or gen eral laws were voted upon by Geor- g'a, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, New amps hire, New York, North Caro lina, Virginia and West Virginia. Mr. Ben. T. He Idea. I ei nan suddenly mosdat at lowill. Charlotte Chronicle. ! Mr. Benjamin T. Mo Aden, son of R. Y. McAden, of this city, died at his home at Lowell, in Gaston ooun county, at 6 o'clock yesterday morn ing. His death was very unexpected, and was due to congestion of the stomach, and heart failure. He had been sick for several dajs past, but his condition was not thonght to be serious. He rested well Sunday, but at six o'clock yesterday morning he suddenly gave way, and died within a few minutes. The body of the de ceased will be buried at Elmwood cemetery in this city, and waa br here on the afternoon Air ijin yesterday. Every one is the artisan of his own fortune. If you wish a fortune keep healthy by the use of Warner's Lor Cabin Sarsaparilfa, which purifies the blood and thus1 gives health and strength. Ltrgest bottle on the mar ket. 120 doses for $1.00. Try it. It is stated in Cologne that the nobles in the Caucasus contemplate an emeute at the first opportunity, and that the official accounts of the Czar's reception on his tour were not true. Peculiar. It is verr peculiar that when you try Dr. Diggers Huckleberry Cordial you will never suffer yourself to be without it again. It never fails to relieve all bowel affections and children teething'. The newest and oddest things in made of beaten finger bowls are brass. Bull's Baby Syrup Facilitate TthingrPr'- sou rg,,.t.7RegylatBt iht Bowttl Day's Horse POWDER, Prorata Mmmg Fvr and cuw Dlatemver. ltwuod . la each ptkii for by til 4 ,). Try It I It I II I t For the cure of DULL hooping Couch pniinu Incipisnt) van Bronchitis, WWVtlll sumption. tion. and for the relief of. Consumptive persons. SVRUP At dmecists. S5cta "QADtmS for Co- a,' If I: i 1 !l ft :i S li

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