i i; : is fir,. 15 10 si, YOU XXVI. RALEIGH. N. C, SATURDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 10, 1888. NOJ 119. 1M V mm Absolutely P";-e. This powder ntrtr A aurrel : f parity, strength, ui wbolMMnmetf. More eoonomical,,thAn ordinary kinds and cannot be sold la competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powder, sold only ta u. Boy ax Bajom fomrn Oo., 106 Wall Street, New York. Boll by w. 0. ft A. B. Btronacn, and JBFemUft Oo. W00LLC0TT & SOS, 14 East Martin Street, THE S2O.000 STOCK OP MEN'S AND BOYS' v CLOTHING li selling rapidly, because we sell it S8 per cent lew than wholesale prices. Our stock of Men's Underwear lis the most complete in the city and prices I - are cheaper than can be bought .,-;:,.' ... . ' elsewhere. ' L 1,000 pairs of Gents' Merino Ilalf-llose l at S6a , worth 50c. -i. 3,000 Gents' 1 tundried acd ualauudried ahirta at lea than the original cost. Ocn'4.00 STIFF HATS . for mo We warrant erery pair of Faust & Son's OaUdren'i shoe we sell. They are hand made and are in all sues and qualities. -OUR- Dress-Goods department is complete. jSDWARD fasnach, BaLaiaB, X. 0 i SOUTil&E isd CLCSTEK BIU0SD2 Gold Jewelry, Gold and Silrer Watch : Uorham'sBterlingBilTerwareogers plated silrerware, any sixe and weight of plain 18 karat En gagement rings eonstant ' ly in stock. Badges and Medals made . 1 to order. jar Optical Cpepartmeni 1 Embraces an endless variety of lenses Which together with .Our practical expe i tone enables us to ooirt almost anv Srror of refraction in Myopia (nearsight), Hypenaetropta iiar signt), rresnyopu foM aisht). Asthenopia (weak Bifrhti ami living prompt relief from that distree aa neadache which often accompanies I Apertoot Tisiwu OVR ARTIFICIAL Human Eyes fve and took like the natural organ sia nln when inserted. Patients at a distance having a brake erVoan have another made without sail ft ma nsf.parsonauy SSOO Reward I : We win par the above reward (or any ease of lr.r cotnpt&int, rtyapepsUL, tick beadaciie, lnd ,1., coaiti palloo tr oostlveness we cannot 5 wl'Ui WrVeKethe Liver FUU, when tbe Strsctlooi are strictly compiles with. Tbev are Mirety veireuble, and never fail to five aatUfa - T,-. i..P haiM eoatmlnlna so nuinr coated p4Ua, e. For ule by all druKKlate. Beware of SounterfelU and tmltationa. Thegenutne maoa ?Tli,,4 nnl b JOHN O. WKST GO.. W. Madtsoa SCCalnco, III. For sale by Jv Mo KlSlo. iiBrnaalsta. 1SI IVaveiteviUs .at Batteb.W V OTOKE FOB BE.NT. , . The store 91 Fayetteville street, fo. mrlT occuDibd by J. It- Btone, will I e for rent January 1st, 1889. Arpij to' BATTLE oTMOBDECAI. JEWELERJOPTICIAN The present Congress holds the fourth of March. There is fl(D, 000,000 in the treasury, and the p$ are for Ux reduction will be gresjd rathee than less on the assembling Oongresa" in December. j j It may be that some compromlBe measure may get through. If rjbi, then it is likely that the question will go over until next December. f , Harrison will hare his hafids bo full of turning bat Clcle lnnd'i Democratic appointees k& patting back the republicans Cleve land a ousted, that he will o)t deeire an early meeting of Congrl. We may assume then that bona pnr ebasef will thriye. Before the ni Cong jess, meets in Deoember 189, nnleei a compromise, measure -is passed this winter, $150,000,000 vpil probably be spent in purchasing bonds, f j If the next House is Demociatioit can prevent eiceeeive appropriatics after bar, and it will. If Carlisle& Speaker again, we may be sore ti&t whether any rompromise tariff bill & pafaed or not, no squandering of tje EubliJ mbnej will ba allowed. Tsie ey to the position is then the com mand, of the nei'. House. Does tbt belong tb the Democrats or to le Republicans ? At this writing it ja impossible to say. It is of Tery vst import to the people. j If the Democrats shall control te House ef en by one majority, they cn re4ent I eilravaganoe. They cn imil the? exoessire waste of mony -LIX iL. r ui: . : wuiuu iiue iMuuuiuiiui uit in viewi Thej carj reject Republican measures which aim to reduce the rerenue j raising auues to tne pronipitory poic. Thus they can force a compromise m the tariff, and yet obtain soma relief for the industries of the country. M Spirit efth. BUts Prsss. Col. Dockery can now see what fool the republican leaders in State land in Washington made if mm. 1 foor fellow, somebody ouglp to ieei sorry lor mm. we pity ar. man who permits himself to be ms a tool,; of: by designing men of tt rerenhe "ring- Charlotte Democrit uem.1 k I Thej people of North Carolina df not seem to take kindly to-fraudu 13 V . S lent elections. The way they "sit down! on Chairman Eaves and unprincipled gang indicates that anr party must act honestly if it wishefi to succeed - in oar State. Moarrie Eoqairer and Express (dem.) I The irreateet man Who has bee President of this great country sinc. Thomas Jefferaon, has been retired t pmatelife by the majority of th electoral college and probably, alsd by atpopalar oajority. jaia ueieat is uuuuug iees tnan f great 'national calamity, and it hM been 1 heard throughout the Unici with genuine Borrow. Ralei a h Chron icle (deni) jl "Opposition to high tariff for U6 protection of monspoliea" is as tr a principle today as it erer was, anl the democratio party ahoold stick t this jgreat and patriotio prinoiplf through Victory or defeat Durham Tobaeoo Plant (dem.) I To acecant for this resalt is torni- wnatouncoii. neeoniess to grett surprised It was not due to the tar iff issue, for the returns show larg gainsj fof Cleveland in the great man ufacturing 'centres; nor is it due E trading in New York, for he gainep 12,000 in that city over his vote fk 1881J He lost 4,000 in Brooklyg, from! some inexplicable ' cause, asp the Republican majorities increi in the rural districts. These tbe greatest interest in the cause if tariff reform; and so we are disposed to take it that the sectional issue his beaten as. The Northern hatred f the South has been appealed to agaig, and frith effect; Cleveland has beji too kind to us, has dealt too justly with 'us; for his popularity in tlge North. He has been paniihed fgr our sake- We can see nothing 5 cept the seotional issue that coaJd have brooght such a result.- SlateJ- A Jary Cato rire. ;S The Deoole at Atlanta. Georgia, aye ; after the Eddleman jury with a shaep sucav Alter burning in efflgy fge jury J who acquitted Eddleman, In dicted lor murder, they have st oeeded in proving that one of the 2 managed to get on the jury without L-!L. i J I li 11 . JL oeing rvguiariy urawn. &u tne aw utieS b wear that thev did not sum. mons him, and Judge Clark has seit him to jail for 20 days and fined h&n $200. The unfortunate man olais that he voted for manslaughter, aid was the last to agree to a verdiefsbf not guiltT. The Atlanta uonsti&i I tion aays in reference to the exoie- ment : ; If it be taken for granted that Bie verdict in the Hiddleman case was an outrage or, at the very least, thf it is a. verdict which failed to meefctfie expectations of the community, fat is tne remedy t There is no remesy, so lar as tne revision of the verdiceis concerned, but the action of individ ual members of the jury is subjectSto lnvesugation in tne courts. iJpie burping of jurymen in effigy can hfve but one effect, and that will be to In timidate juries in other cases; and lor it m m . inis reason, u xor no other, tne dn onstration of Tuesday night is iolbe aepiorea. 1 Tetal Hc Uecelpta t CmlUtm- i I Br TeleaTapb to tbe News and Obserrer. ' S Niw loin, Nov. 9. The foUcnrmg are the total net receipts of ooton at all ports since September 1st, 1888: Galveston, 289,747 bales: New Dr- learjH, 468,257 bales; Mobile, 71J14 bales: 5 Savannah 372,483 bale Charleston 177,822 bales; Wilmihglon 68,120; Norfolk, 187,584; lialtimwe, 5,126; New York, 4,780; BostcaiP,- 12G: Newport News, 16,525; Philaiel- phia, 9,683: West Point, 114.P04 Brunswick, 33,284; Port Rojal, $,38, total, 1,831,108. i - l Tk Wsrk mt Bls;lwayraa.B.'i S By Teleifraph Ufbs Kew and Obaerver UOWKIEB VILLI, Uai., HOV. V ABtRge coach was held up yesterday by marked highwaymen and the express! fox containing bullion and coin arfofint- ing tb about $22,500, was nfieS of ita contents. The mail bags were not found, i 2 ELECTION RETURNS. STILL COMING IN FROM ALL TARTS OF THE COUNTRY. MILLS EI ILXCTXD PBOBABLI WITHOUT I BIDUCID MA JOB ITT ClUTOBNLt KXP0BLIOAH. By TelegTspfa to the News and Observer. TEXAS. MILLS 1 KLZ0TXD PBOBiBLT WITHOUT 1 BscaxASzn majobitt. GalTestOD, Not. 9. The latest re-! turns from many precincts in Mills district indicate hia re election with' out doutt and probably without a de areased majority. The contest be tween democrats and republicans in the 7th district will be close, but the election of Grain, democrat, seems certain. CALIFORNIA. ; THK BT&T1 00KCEDED TO TJK BiPUBU' : C1NS. San Kraacisoo. Oal , Not. 9 Th counl or lf cincta, in the city out of 176 p Harrison 24,980, CleTe- land 97,691. The republican State committee claim the State by front 10,(300 to 12,000. The democratic State committee concede the State to the republicans but by a small major ity. The latest figurts indicate the election of four republican Congress men. Three of the Congressional districts are very close. 1 WEST VIKGINIA. Charleston, Not. 9. Offioial infor- mation received at the state house says, Fleming, democrat, is elected GoTernor by about 900 majority. It is now believed that the republicans have elected three out of four Con gTessmen, with the fourth in doubt, In every county aud precinct the re publicans have gained and as the matter now stands the legislature is doubtful. It looks as if it would be a tie with Senator Carr, greenbacker, naving deciding vote on vsint ballot The republicans claim everything and democrats are very blue. Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 9. Forty counties polling 115,468 votes foe President inH.884, show a net repub lican gain of 4,046. . The remaining fourteen counties polling 16,689 votes will at the same ratio of gains give the republicans a gain of 799, making a total gain in the State of 4,845, which would give the State to the re- Sublicans by 624 majority. The in icationa are that Atkinson, Flick and Smith, republicans, are elected re spectively' in the first, second an fourth Congressional districts. : INDIANA. Indianapolis, Nov. 9. The Indiana apolis republicans are still jubilant and smiling, but the remarkable de monatratiODS of the past two days hare ceased. The people have re turned to business and the city wear its normal aspect. The county can Tassing board is still in session. The official figures on the res alt in the city cannot be obtained, but the dem ocratic electoral ticket was carried in the county by a plurality of 378. Few official returns are coming id from the counties over the State, and it is thought that the republican plu- ralitv will be in the neighborhood o! 2.500. In the eighth district E. V. Brook- shire, democrat,' defeats James T Johnston, republican, for Congress by 65 majority. This ia a democratic gain. Indianapolis, Ind , Nov. 9. Coun ty returns from Indiana had not be gun to arrive at midnight and it is scarcely probable that the official re turns will be received before Friday bight, when the vote of the State by counties will be given. The returns from Congressional districts are also incomplete, bat up to one o'clock this morning nothing bad occurred that changed the resalt as given in the earlier press dispatches. Paf rott, Democratio candidate fdr Congress in the first district, has a majority of only 26 over Posey, Re publican. This is General Hovey a old district. The latest returns 0L Presidential electors indicate thfit Gen. ' Harrison's plurality will be aboat 4,000.' Several pretended interviews witu Harrison nave very recently been printed in three or more metropolitan journals. Harrison from the day Of his nomination has consistently de clined to be interviewed by any news paper correspondent and has n4t knowingly talked of public matters for publication. These interviews therefore are not genuine. f CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Nov. 9. Two hun dred and twentv-two thousand two nunarea ana eigniy-one votes naa been canvassed in California this morning. This includes the ent&re vote of San Francisco with the excep tion of nine precincts, which will Dt be obtained for several days. It alio includes the vote of 1,123 interior precincts out of a total of 1,590. The result of the vote as far as counted; ia as follows : Harrison 112,576, Cleve land 104,615, Fisk 4,059, Curtis 1,032 NORTH CAROLINA. STOKES OOURTY. Official: Fowle 1,450, Dockfry 1,333; for Constitutional amendment 958, against Constitutional ameAd ment 251; Democratio legislative can' didates 1,442; Republican legislative can iidatea 1,309; Democratio candi date for Congress 1,453; Republic candidate for Congress 1,352; Cleve land electors 1,442; Harrison electors 1,363. GBAHVILLR. Officali: Dockery 2,601, Fowle 2,406; Brower'a majority 338. CouUy xvepuoncan except itegister of Deela CABABKDB, Official : Cleveland 1,659; Harrion 933; Fowle 1,645. Dockery 933; P?or Amenament l,a'H; Against, 149; Ssup, (Ju Democrat 1,639; Republican f 60, Senate Democratic 1,393; Indepen dent 972; Member Uongress. Uetoo oratio 1,596; Bepublioan 1,596: Re publican 828. CATAWBA. Official: Fowle 2,360; Dockery ?56 Walker 72; for constitutional amind ment 2,287; against constitutions amendment 91: democratic Legiala- I tive candidate 2,159; Turner. Senate, lO nnnkliftan lrm.!.!!.. JL J: date none; democratio candidate for Congress 2,355; republican candidate for Congress 720; Cleveland electors 2,349; Harrison electors 765; Fisk 94. PKHDXS. Official : Fowle 721, Dockery 757; for amendment 684; against 98; dem ocratic legislature 767, republican 708; democratic Congress 712, repub lican 757; Cleveland electors 725, Harrison le;tors 758. HTDB, Mi'joritiet: Cleveland 1; Fowle 13; White 30; Mtkiley, Democrat, Repre sent' iv i!G9. Cbuhty ticket Demo cratic except reisttrof deeds To preoiucts ucteard from will increase Democratio ntajority at ltaet fifty all round. FRASKLIS Officia': Fowle 2,204, Dockery 2, 041; for amendment 2 9o7, against amendment 498 Legislature candi dates; Cooke, Democrat, 2 233; Clif ton, Democrat, 2,241; Williamson, Republican, 1,923, Macoo, Iitpubli cab, 1,950; Bunn 2,210, Nichols 2 021; Cleveland 2,218; Harrison 2,020, CCMBEBLAND. Official: Cleveland 2,523; Harrison 2,028; Fowle 2,577; Dockery 2,232 ; McClammy 2.601; Robinson 2,246. DCPLIN. Official: Cleveland 2,209; Harrison 1,160; Fowle 2,205; Dockery 1,154; McClammy 2,208; Robinson 1,162. COLUMBUS. Official: Cleveland 2,078; Harrison 893; Fowle 2,072; Dockery 910; Row land 2,079; Lockey 883. KXW HA50VKB. Official: Cleveland 1,871, Harrison 2,856; Rowland 1,880; Dockery 2,856; Rowland 1,855; Lockey 2,830. LENOIB. ; Official: Cleveland 1,598, Harrison 1,427; Fowle 1,587; Dockery 1,436; Simmons 1,695, Cheatham 1,359 AL1MANCB. Official: Cleveland 1,717; Harrison 1,542; Fowle 1,741; Dockery 1,517; Bunn 1,739; Nichols 1,569. Col. Holt led the ticket, carrying the county by a majority of 384. QCILFORD Official: Cleveland 2,462; Harrison 2,721; Fowle ;2,470; Dockery 2,680; Morebead 2,447; Brower 2,671. ROTHEBFORi. Official : Cleveland 1,678, Harrison 1,069; Fowle 1,690, Dockery 1,663; Johnston 1,683, Ewart 1,060. CLITELASD. Official: Cleveland 2,264, Harrison 762; Fowle 2,269, Dockery 764; Oowles 2,252, Ward 599. SASH. Official: Cleveland 2,182; Harrison 1,719; Fowle 2,157; Dockery 1,699; Bunn 2,207; Nichols 1,684. BABRXTT. Official: Cleveland 1,497; Harrison 843; Fowle 1,444; Dockery 877; mem ber Congress (dem.) 1,480; rep. 860. KOOBR. Offioial : Cleveland 1,955; Harrison 1,826; Fowle 1,944; Dockery 1,846; McClammy 1,953; Robinson 1,819. ROBTHAKPTOH. Official: Cleveland 1,684; Harrison 1,996; Fowle 1,659; Dockery 100; Simmons 1,682; Cheatham 1,796. HIKTTOBD. Official : Cleveland 1,107; Harrison 1,208; Fowle 1,132;. Dockery 1,202; Member of Congress, democrat, 1,121; republican, 1,210. BOBKSOH. Official : Cleveland 2,879; Harrison 1,970; Fowl 2 823; Dockery 1,988; Member cf Congress, democrat, 2,853; republican 2.205. is4 josis. FOflOnK XLXOTXD TO THK LIOIfcLATUBR. New Berne JooinsL ' Trenton, Nov. 8. The board of canvaasers of Jones county met at the court house today and after a full investigation came to the conclusion to throw out the returns of Beaver Creek township for moving the boxes and other irregularities which elects E. M. Josoue to tbe legislature. JAS. IS. bTANLT. Hade Craiy by the Election. Bj Telegraph to the News and Observer. Chicago, Nov. 9. A special die patch from St. Louis, says: Marrison itensnaw, manager oi ueorge castle' man's campaign in the 10th oongree Sional district, and Charles D. Brock man, saloon keeper, have gone crazy in consequence of election excitement. Jttensnaw was formerly a newspaper reporter and is a well known man about town. Tbe doctors say he will recover by careful nursing. His wife, who is on a visit in New York, was .eiegraphed to come home. Brock- man s case is more serious and he was sent to the insane asylum. Complalat Against Outrages. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Chicago, Nov. 9. A dispatch from Winnipeg says : In the legislature yesterday the government announced that ah appeal would be made at the foot of the throne against the pro vince by the Federal government. Ill ia probable that the request will be made to have the province elevated into the Crown colony. Premier Green way dealt for three hours with the charges of corruption made against himself and the government These, he said, were wholly untrue; Foreign Hews. By Cable to tbe News aud observer. Losdoh, Nov. 9. A telegram from Havre states that the Cunard line steamer Nantes came into collision 86 miles off Lizard, with the German shin Theodore Rucer. Captain Merer, from Hamburg, and that both vessels sank. A portion of the ships crew have landed at Trouville. The fate Of the reBt of her crew and tbe steamers crew is unknown. Nantes was an iron ocean steamer of 949 tons, she was bark rigged and was built in 1875. j Destructive vrtro. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Kocbtsteb, N. Y., Nov. 9.TL8 Steam Gauge and Lanturn Co. plant was entirely destroyed by fire tonight. At least seven lives were lost. The loss was upwards of 1200,000. In snrance not including the building amounts to $179,000. Bailee KxbImIob. By Tetegradh to the News and Observer. Atuhta, Ga., Nov. 9. Tbe boiler of the Atlanta Bridge & Axle Works exploded this afternoon, fatally in juring Jack Faster, foreman, and Amoi Allen, worhnAn, j GONE WRONG. : . THE CHAIRMAN OF A REPUB LICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. BX F0BQI8 RCMKBOUS CHXOKS ARO OB TAINS THOUSANDS OP DOLLARS OR VtLSB FBXTKNCKS. By Telegraph to tbe News and Observer. i Clxvklard, O., Nov. 9. Major F. H. B. Bragging, chairman of tbe re publican central committee of this county, was arrested today for for ging the name of ex Mayor W. O. Rose to numerous notes on which he Secured between six and seven thou sand dollars at different city banks. He ,was looked up at the contra! police station and confessed his guilt. His arrest caused a great sensation, as Bragging was a well known local figure and had always been regarded as an benefit man. ile has an inter esting fatuily of jions and daughters just coming-into manhood and wom anhood, lie wis formerly a-ninvs-ptper mtu and originally came from Mercer, Pa. Note of the fundi? of the republican committee have been touched aedthet ffice of tbe chairman is now vacant. nitODir, THE BRIDGE BlILUKH. EX BREAKS TBBEE C'F HI1 RiB1 15 BIS last'lbap. Bj Teleiirapb to the News and Observer. PorjonKMPiiK, N. Y , Nov. 9. Steve Brodie jumped from the bridge in course of construction over the Hudson river here at 6 o'clock this morning. He broke three of bis ribs and when he reached shore blood was tinning from his mouth and ears. The jump was made from tbe west pier, modie shortly afterwards took the train for New York. Mr. HePkerMD l Eatlutat. By Telegraph to tbe News and Observer. Washikqtor, D. C, November 9 I believe that we will have from fifteen to twenty majority in the next House," said Secretary McPherson, of the Republican Congressional Committee, today. Taking up a table printed in a New York Republican paper he said: "I am going to give the Democrats all that they claim within reason, where actual returns have not removed all doubts." From tbe table he reduced Republican claims for Congressmen by one in each Florida, Kentucky, Maryland. North Carolina and West Virginia, and by two in Virginia. In that shape he deolared be allowed all dem ocrats claims in doubtful cases red the result was a republican majority of fifteen. He could not see how it could possibly be reduced below that figure, and allowing for republican chances in doubtful districts as in Virginia, Maryland, West Yirginia, North Carolina and elsewhere he con fidently expected that the republican majority would be nearer twenty than fifteen.., Hjuiged Himself. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. SrRiRonxxD, Nov, 9. Frank Tur ner, oi YYestuerd, who was cocboed in jiil in this city, awaiting the action of the grand jury on the charge of adultery against him, hanged himself in bis cell last night. He was dis covered at 8 o'clock this morning af ter Le had been dead several hours. He was in the habit pf wearing a silk handkerchief around his neck and through this be tied another hand kerchief and fastened the loop to an iron ventilator. One handkerchief had broken and he was in Bitting posi tion when found. This is the seoond suicide at this jail this week. A Decision aa to Chinese Laborers. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. San Francuco, Nov. 9. The United States crcuit judge has rendered a decision in the test cases of two Chinese ,stn which be holds that inas much as they Were born in the United ates they are citizens thereof and not amenable to tbe act of Congress ox eluding Chines elaboiers. Comparative Cotton Statement. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Nsw York, Nov. 9 The following is the com arative cotton statement for Uie week ending iovember . 1888 187 Receipts lor the week 271,079 m,m Total receipt to date, Ill.li'R ,2,2:i :ui Exports for the week, 1M.0.U lus.ius Total exports to date, 72.439 1,W,491 Htock at all U. 8. ports, 66,M7 736,3'JO Stock at all interior towns, 131,463 Y.n.m "toes: at Liverpool. vs6,(K) .,ouu Exports to Great RriUln, 231,000 29,000 Demaeratle Coaajraaamaix Alcctd. By Telegraph to the Newt and Observer. St. Louis, Nov. 9 A speoial from Nashville, 111., says: Farman, demo crat, for Congress in the 18th district of Illinois, has a majority of 17, Over Jenu Baker, republican. A Card from Mr. Burkhead. Cor. ol the News and Observer. Dubham, N. C , Nov. 8, 1888. Your Durham telegram, stating "I voted the straight democratio ticket, does me a gross injustice. I am certain it was not so intended by the sender, therefore it is not neces sary for me to say more than that it was a mistake. I was true to the Erohibition party. I voted the pro ibition ticket as far as it went; I then supplemented as I thought beat. I did not vote for myself for tbe leg islature. Respectfully, W. G. BcfiKHXAD. Millions of Dollars Said to bave Chaaged Hands on tho FesulU N. Y. Herald. How muoh money changed hands T Well, if every story is to be be lieved and certain gentlemen about town with roosters on their bats are to be given credence, then somewhere in the neighborhood of $140,000,000 went into the Republican pocket yes terday. As a matter of fact, however, eliminating the "Munchausen" ele ment, about $2,500,000 were staked on the result in this city, and perhaps five times this amount throughout the country. Good liwi for Biaaaaowa. (Mew Berne Jonrna' ct yesterday) . , Tbe news from Ed&ecombe last 1 night put uneatnam s election in I doubt Simmom maygolhroughyet night put Uheauiaxn s election in THK GRAND MONOPOLY. TBI BICHM050 ASD DAWILLK 6T6TfM The Richmond aod Yc:t Ppint Terminal Railway aid Ware -hcj-use Company now controls 7,2U 1 njiiles of rail and water lines, as folio sl BICBX0RD AXD WlBT POINT. R. & D. and Leased Linep, $55 Richmond and Meckleuburg, 31 Virginia Midland, 413 Washington, Ohio & Central, : 50 Char , Columbia & Augusta, 373 Columbia and GreenviUc, $96 Western North Carolina, 290 Statesville and Western, 20 Asheville and Spartansburg, ; 7q Northeast Georgia : C6 Enoxville and Augusta, : 16 Oxfo&d and Henderson, 16 Georgia Pacific, 401 Water lines, 00 3,091 a BORGIA 242 EAST TCRNE8SKE, VIBOIVIl East Tennesaee Division, Walden's lliJige, North Carolina Branch, Ooltewah Cut-off, Alabama Divjsi-T, Meridian Sub Division, Atlanta Division, Brunswick Divieior, Hawkinsville: B;ancb, Memphis & Cbarleston, Knoxville & Ohio, Mcbiie & Binni-gharr. St 20 1 113 158J 193 i l'J 330 i G6 150 1,624 . 17 i 39 53 21J 333 84 J 80 159 21 300 128 112 87 60 16 229 50 35 30 : 10 15 7 2;189 CENTRAL, OF GEORGIA. Main stem (Savamh & At ) Milledgevilie Brancb, East Alabama, Augnsta & Savannah, Eitonton Branch, Southwestern, Mobile & Girard, Montgomery & Eufaula, Columbus & Western, Eufaula & Clajton, Ocean Steamship Company, Western, of Alabama, Port Royal and Augusta, Atlanta and We6t Paint, .Savannah, Griffin and N. A , Upson Count'', Port Royal and W. C, Columbus and Ii?m?, Wrightsvilie an i Tenniile, Buena Vista and Elhville, Louisville anl Wad'ey, Sylvania Brancb, Talbotton Branch, OEOBOIA RAILBCAD. Main Line, Augusta & Atlanta, Macon Brancb, Athens Brancb, Washington Branch, Trackage, 171 74 40 18 4 867 7.214J Total, eeneela of th Mhlnplaatcre. General F. K. Spinner la Jacksonville Fla) Ilmes-UnloD. You are quite right iu regard to the origin of the postal currenoy. When all the silver had been paid out of the United States early in ' 1862, 1 pro cured from the Poat office Department quantities of postage stamps for the purpose of making chant e my recol lection now is that at that time five and tep ctnt stamps were the only kinds in use. So, to facilitate tbe making of change, I had the stamps pasted on Blips of paper so as to make twsnty-five and fifty cents. This was done after an agreement with Mr. Montgomery Blair, the then Postmas ter General, that he would redeem them in that condition in postage stamps. It was soon found that this mode of procedure was impracticable. I then persuaded the Postmaster General to procure the engraving and priming ui iaa simiKs oi me postal compound postage stamps. These the Treasury bought from the Post master General under an agreement that the Postoffice Department would redeem them. This was what was called "postal currency," and is the kind you inquire about in your letter. Enclosed herewith you will find a sample o! this kind of currency. You will notice that it was made re deemable in postage stamps only. The Postmaster, General soon be came tired of tho additional respon sibility and labor that the issuing and redemption of this currency threw upon his omoe, and he urged that the Treasury should relieve him from it. I then procured the passage of a law by (Jongress lor the printing of a currency that would represent tbe tactions of the dollar. These were engraved and printed in denomina tions of three, live, ten, hf toen, twenty-five and fifty cent Doles, and in con tradistinction to the postal currencv were called fractional currency, and were receivable for all government dues. Siurar Rafinirv abut Down. Bv Telegraph to Uie News and Observer; Boston, Nov. .The Boston su gar refinery at East Boston will ehut down tomorrow, niebt for aa indefi nite period. The company ttates that advantage Is taken of the; pres ent small demand for sugar to tem porarily close the works for repairs and impiovemienjts that shall increase the present production of refinery. On tbe market it is reported that the shut down was ord.red by a trust. In the spring it is not unf requently that persona are more or lees bilious. A safe and reliable medicine, one that can be taken at all times, by persons m any age or sex. is what the people want. All these requirements in Laxador. 25 cents. "My mother-intlaw is a walking adver tisement ior ur. euu s rsaoy nyrup,' subscriber remarked yesterday, "she recommends it evry where." E ist Orange, N. J , is displaying a wndeiful collection cf r bi jeanthe- muuia Amonyi tueni is thol "Mrs Alprens HsrJy oi wntcn Uxtre are ontj six known iBpecimpns A Safe Isrcilmtnl, Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory iresults, or in case of failure a return of purchase prijee. On this safe plan you can buy from our ad- vertiaed aruggiat a bottle of Dr.; King's New Discovery tor Consumption. It ia guaranteed "to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of the throat, lunar or onest, sacn as consumption, in flammation of lungs, bronchitis, asthma. whooping; cough, croup, etc. , etc. It pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended u I bottles free! at Lee, Johnson ft drug store, pon. Co's ANOTHER ADDED TO THE LIST OF THE LONDON MURDER FIEND'S VICTIMS BODY CUT INTO PIIC8 DlhCuVKBXI' IS BPITALFULDS TBS POLIO! TJ8ISO BLOOD BOUNDS TO TRACK TBI afUBDSBIR OTBCR NkW. ' By Cable to tlie News and Ob-er. London Nov. 9. The murder fiend has added another to hi list cf vie- tims. At 11 o'clock thi morning the body of a woman cut into pieces was discovered in a house on D raey street, .Spita'nVdv ihe police are endeavoring to truck the murderers with t he aid of blood honed t. Tbe remains were rti'i ilatfd in ihobame horrible manner as wero tho?e of the women murdered in Whi'.-clpr 1 PARAGRAPHIC POPULARITY. What the Trnrll Drivers Say Aboat Ho Whom the World Knows. John Bright is so weak that even bath chair cxerciae exhausts him. Lord Lonsdale ia sending home copiqpts diary notes from North America for pub Ucadon. A son of rresident Tyler has been chosen president of William and Mary college, at Williamsburg, Pa. The two sons of Joe Chandler Harm, Julian and Lucian, are now called "Brer" Fox and ' Brer-' Rabbit by their friends. Jay Gould is poorer than some people suppose. Instead of being worth nearly 1200,000,000 he is worth only $75,000,. 000. Applicants for charity should let him alone. Mr. Carlo PeUegrini, the celebrated caricaturist, will not be interviewed nor photographed. He adopted his well known signature "Ape1 he says, be cause when caricaturing he "apes" the peculiarities of his subject. President Camot, of France, has been placed in a curious dilemma. He was taught the handicraft of a carpenter in his youth, and the striking carpenters of Paris have written to him, complain ing that he has not attended their meet ings nor subscribed to their fund. Russell Sage Is at least fifteen years older than Jay Gould, but he has not a wrinkle in his face, ana isas well pre served as a man of 60 He attributes hia continued good health, after twenty five years in Wall street, to the fact that ho never permits himself to worry about business outside of business hour. The mikado of Japan has almost fin ished hia new palace, which has taken six years for its construction. Thero are 400 rooms in the building, and the din ing hall will seat 127 guests. The fur niture of the state department came from Germany. Not the least interest ing object in the palace Is an American piano. j Before Edward M. Munch, of Buffalo, died he directed that his body be cre mated in the Freeh Pond crematorium, and his ashes scattered over one of the flower beds on tho lawn m front of the retort house. . Mrs. Munch faithfully carried out the directions of her husband, and for weeks afterward his light gray ashes were plainly visible on tho flowers and plants where tfcey had fallen. The correspondent of The Indenciidnnpe Belire at Rome writes that the state of Leo XLTI's health is far from eattef ao tory, but that his real condition is carev fully kept from the public. He Is in a palnfuUy nervous state, and k conetantly pursued by a morbid fear of death, th slightest ailment assumixg hi his ex cited imagination the form of a serious disorder. Dwighs L. MoodV. the evanoelist. k very much opposed to having his photo- grapntaKen. lie sat to a photographer Only once, and that was just before he left England, because he wanted to leave hia portrait with a few friends; but he broke the negative with his own hands, so that no more impressions could be taken. Mr. Moody makes his home at trthfield, Mass., where, his mother, now still lives, and where he has his co worker, Ira D. Sankey, for a near neigh bor. .Men who have more than tone ocenna- tion frequently nsa different forms of their name for each one. Mr. Btedmaa, for example, aa the banker prefers to be known as E. C. Stedmarj, and in litera ture as Edmund Clarenco Stedman. In business circles .Mr. FranoU TTrmUnwwi Smith is known as F.H. Smi or Fran cis H. Smith, while in art circles he L.n a Wiaa reputation as F. Hopkinaon Smith, and so business and art have their nico distinctions even when exemplllied in the same person. When Signer Verdi arnVnrl at Brrmte- catini, where he is spending his vacation wis year, ne round a fine grand piano Installed in the sitting room which had been taken for him. It was onen and. aa a delicate compliment to his illustrious guest, tho proprietor of the hotel had placed the score of "TrorarTc" on the stand over the key board. The com noser removed the book, closed the instrument, locked it, put the key in hi pocket, started for a walk and flung tbe key over the edge of a deep ravine. There is a stery (roine the rounds abont the late J. C. Engel, director of Kroll's Opera house, Berlin. He asked two of his etars, Nachbaur and Reichnann, into his(sanctum, and invited them to men- tion their conditions for a new engage- mens, wen,-' said jxachbaur, yom know my terms. Half the cross re ceipts." 1also," said Reichm&nn; "I Cannot take less than half the gross." "Gentlemen," grafely replied 3, C Engel, "supposing I accept, will you, oo caaionally, let me have a free tiokett I should like to be able to enter my own theatre." Referring to the emperor of Austria a reeent writer says: "He has no taste for court gayety and leads rather a solitary life, re thing early and rising with the dawn. When, however, his presence is necessary at official ceremonies or festive gatherings he ia one of the most punctual of men. His only passion is grouse shooting, and in the season be frequently Blips away from Vienna to the Alpine forests to indulge in his favorite sport. He ia very charitable, and, having a largo fortune of his own, distributes hia bounties freely though discreetly. Fran cis Joseph is never ill, and owes his ex cellent health to his constant occupation and proverbial sobriety," A tall, dark man, with raven black hair, high cheek bones, sunken cheeks and the garb and manner of a gentleman of the old school, a physician whose name at one timo hung upon the lips of the entire country, visited New York last week. He was Dr. Taf t, of Washington, who was sitting in a frors seat at Ford's theatre when President 1 jnwln was as sassinated, and who, on a call being made for a physician, entered the box where tbe wounded man had fallen to the floor and took charge of the case. He jumped over tbe footlights and was passed Into the box at tbe front by the assistance of three actors. Dr. Taft caused the president to be carried serosa the street to the house where he after ward died. Mr. Lincoln was so tall in stature that no bed in the house would receive hk prostrate form, aadlne was laid upon mttiuam oa lb wme, - u Work is begun on th viuajy , vania Railroad's elevated structure ia Jersey City. It will probablyak a year and a half to complete ti i " few a ffese lywiCtaTakay Tho Leading MotMCta niKTUKIL Sold I Laxador Car fat I'atrCsOTatafet, Cof aM yH At4rmnlta. . !1 1 i IALVATIOH (OIL Met mill tit ftfl tmUhm mi d-mniiEHa Will ntiera Rhtumatltm, i$uru!gio0 SwtllingsJlruistsjMmbagoJpw'as, P Hndach; Toothache, Soro$, Bwi Cuts, Seadt, Backache, Woundt.kai PHEW ifoc'BHima. r oWi rot m Fowk Maun Greet : AND F0WK MAUN EA As long as this world lasts no aaatter what party rules the political roost. This Week we Offer ' Pickled riiira fat nrl tiv f 12 lb. kits and by lb. Pitted cherriM mvritl ...u.i Evaporated and sun dried .apples and pe acnes. Jtmore's llioce Meat, V ! 5 and 18 lb bucket and by lb, ' Saratoga chips, 4 lb. boxes. - - NEW OEOP Porto Rico, New Orleans and Cat Molasses, ' Vanilla Drip Maple Syiup. Thin, Light, Crisp Unequaled, Oar ! Graham wafers and oatmeal biscuit, S5c. lb. ! Our Cest Soda riclert ' 1 lb packages 10c. a The best oyster crack er, s lOclb. Pretzels, butter crackers. -NEW PACKING! Golden Gate peackes, pears and apricottv Fine Fruit: Extra Choice King Applet, Fancy Florida Oranges, 'u' Pears, Malaga Grape. New pulled figs, 16c lb. Fmeet London Layer Figs, lib. boxes sue, 890, lb. New Ford dates, ; 10 lb boxes, $1.00. . Fine chocolate cream drops, I 5 lb. boxes SUM Finest MarahmaUow Drops, . . : I : 5 lb. boxes, ai.OO. . 'Did you! bet cigars on the election?" If so, Ve can save yon money. ) Cigars at Cost. , ELBERTON, S8.50 cigar for fO.60 for 1C6. PRINCESS FIERA, $8.60 cigar for $6.60 per 100. WEDGE WOOD A A and A 1. $4 50 cigars for S3.26 per 100. jfUMADO, HIGH ART, $4.86 cigar for 13.25 per 1C0. LA BOUQUET, 14.00 cigar for S2.75, per 100. 25 Bo. cigais for ?5o. SPECIAL FOR TODAY:; , ' 0COUI OBAP E 8, 10 lb baskets, 60c. Dianas, 5 lb. baskets, 85c. W.CiiB. Wholesale Grocers, and Retail Grooers, Coffee Roasters & Candy Manufacturers, ThisistheTop of the Genuine ; Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. ; Allothers. similar are imitation. ; This exact JLabci isoneachPearl TopCHumney. A dealer may aay x J and think he hat others as good, TTT HE HAS NOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. fQJl SALS t,liw. f hlBVip." aivAUa saTiieiir7,l Ilcaltii is Wealth. : ariM aaVaranEeaipeeiae lor Hysteria, lizt ofnvuStos7 fits. Nervous Neuralgia, SiiohTNerVoM Prostration eausea by Uie Depression, softening ot .B" JltS dLk. Insanity and leading to misery. Premiere Old Aire. liarrrnneM. JL ooe i'h' i treatment 1.00 a box. or ill boses! SSr aHea, wut by mall repaid ea rccpt ol pries. WE GUARANTEE. : SIX BOXES To eure any case. Witt eae order reeelvi ly J.TacwmsauM witk ts e, w will aei d the pnrehaaev our rittwi toarantej to is. t?l.A Si Suvmit If tba truenf ds do tt'et aTb. aranweaju eaarant Issued euly j 'Jamea Mo- out. a irs, .v w mr n n mm 4Lrrt; 6 m- 1 f W. -.- I V 1 1 t t t

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