1-1' ink II i U i IfeWS AND OBSEBVKB Ptcusid DiH-T (BXCKrT MoXPAT) iD Bi THE NEWS A OBSERYEB CO J. J. MUi i HIMt. : Deur m ye', by bU postpaut. . nxnootti, - ,, .,- .,- ..- -: tares " - T W I M in n Kt uno entered without payment, iand bo pe ter tent after tbe ezptnUioa oC time paid lot. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1 1888. - . JVOOCrOUi,l JSWORITY. ' Wi hT6 returni from 82 couctka j in the State. These give a majority for Fowle of 17,761. :JTbe remaining 14 countiei gate York a majority cf 4,079. Giving the Republicans a majority of 4,600 in these counties Jadga Forle'i majority would be 13,261, and this is about what it wi 1 be finally. v JOIUaa BTATCMERr. Yesterday we printed an Associa ted Press dispatch from Boston giv iag the reasons alleged by .Elbridge J. Jordan for his recent departure from Durham. Jordan was i require! to leave Durham because he was be liaved to have incited the negroes cf the town to break open the construc tion car of the Durham & Northern Railroad and possess themselves cf 100 dynamite, cartridges contained therein; and to hare further incited the negroes to burn the residence o? Caleb B. Green, which was actual j destroyed, and other buildings in the town. The statement is ofj the sort which has been uaecL for ! lo! the? many years to fire, the northern heart, but when the actual facts on which it is based are known it cannot do much firing, unless indeed it be in the case of those ho are anxious to be fired , and are careless of 'the truth in their anxiety.-."; ; j; i a ' THB C1C1EI OP IHK KKVOLHWOII. The causes that led to the revolu- I ion of parties were doubtless variou Mr. Cleveland impressed himself great) j on the people during the first 10 years of bis administration, atd f m year m$v t wh ireeiy aamutea teat . he could not be defeated. It was considered that he was safely It-: II trenched' II - ', teiitv$?;'. in his office for another 1 1 s When the surplus forced the ques 1 1 , tion of tax reduction on thf attention ? j ' - of the public, Mr. Cleveland looted . i out for the interests of the country, j tf. ' ana Bougntjo mace tne evil as light If. as possible to thn people. 1 ? I lie even paid, out premiums to! II" : bond-holders in order to get the! v7 : money back into ' the channels of ; IXftri4a 'Our own. view has jbeen tha f V - the Constitution does, not give Gon4 f?: : 'gres the power to pay premiums on! . ;. Doacu. k 1 gives Congress the powc-ri -:I to pay the debts of the United: p.'i sfr StaiesHP-but that does not extend to; I 'paying premiums on bonds not due. I f i : k UMdtho DemocitAn w Conffres8 ' - .t J.I 1 . . I r m (twu iwinwaa taa question! S I Jrftvs. as they ought to have don the coun t r .' try would have r been aroused to the! 1 - strange tbsitioa of our financial af fairs immediately upon theassembl - l. . ting of Congress, and the issue of thej t- campaign would bave taken a differ! f :- As it: came to pass, the Adminisf 1 1 5' ' tration at first declined to buy boncUj 1 ' but subsequently fell k to the way of , doing so. That opened itap an an j ; "' constitutional way of getting rid of If " the surplUs-mnd the expedient, whilel relieving tne administration tempo;: rarily, worked to the detriment of the people and contributed to the defea of the party. -.--;;r-H';!.' -j 1 llr. Cleveland might have avoided! making the tariff issue so prominent i and U is 'understood that it was not his baby at all, bat Mr, Carlisle's,! Mr. Carlisle and other western lead ers sought him during tie summe i rer ess of 1887 and persuaded him tq t make the tariff the issue; he promf . ised, and when be sent in hk-mess; '.;jBge he made it the sole issue b'ef or4 she eountry. , , ; j -'I V - It is apparent now thai it was not good politics. The truth! of history bhould be vindicated, and the mover ment should be credited to its propel , authors. f !i' In addition to the influence which' the dread of lower wages had upon the wage-earners of the eountry, a4 element of weakness at this north was the pension vetoes of the President The effect of. thefe must have been widespread felt in evety district, and town of the entire north. Doubt less they contributed largely to the defeat of the Democratic party. Wi; applauded the President's action ii vetoing these billed but the personal interest of many old soldiers, thei)r uncles, cousins - and aunts, at the ' north was on the other side. The Re publican measures were bids for these " - .41 J Lit . 1 I ' votes-Hma . tney uwuuuees got tne lot Whether the .Republicans wi(i now carrv these measures into effect remains to be seen. We fear they wil), althonffh it is DOSsible that they mav not ' - - ' !; f These are among the; chief influ encee that have -defeated Mr. CJevt land's administration before the peo pi. . '-'.':-: Thb republican vistory decides" th political complexion of the SupremU ' Court of the United States in the near future as well as of the Presi dency fd' of OongreES. Judge Miller,1 Bradley and Field have all passed the sge at -which they may be retired "and their successors will , probably be I republicans. , Judges Field, Lamar and Follet are now the only Democratic members of tile court. 'r-rl '. A vxbt large proportion of what known aa the annual F.orida travel !; will this year stop short of the Land of Flowers- Baleb has peculiar ad vat tsges for this class of travel whitjhj r snooiu oe maue mown, xce (jnarn ber of Commerce and Industry, with ' other organised city agencies, should take the matter in hand without de lay, and make the most of our oppor tcnity. Once known our beautiful capital would grow in favor rp.dly . as a winter resort and would retain its bold long on popoJar preference. i .... ' 1 v .j At last they have had a heavy frost in the fever stricken districts of Flor ida and the reign of the pestilence is Tflic Coorxa i been elected to represent Transylvania in th Iegis iatare. In one) tspwn&hip of his coun ty af uIKblooded! negro was elected asoonbtable stlthe French Bread Ifoioe thereupi well says: "lit is bad enough when the east ern part of theate elects a negro, Where they haV a negro msjonty, but;4t ie extr&xtely diagraceful and humiliatiog fra community of a olid white mfjeity for white men to deliberately cstheir votes for and elect a negro ioany office." There are hot more tbi from 60 to 70 ne gro voters in rn8ylvania county, so that tbi Voice; sys .further: "About 70 ignorant negroes bave said who shaU rule oveS and represent the while men of fTiansylvania count?." The g- od peqrps of the State may Bee If a this iasirom many other in-dicati- us what North Carolina has (been aved jfrm by Democratic ACCIOEVT O.V i HE PIEDMONT 1SB. AIR Evtrf Car of m niln Bnracd to A sites !i ant xapoar t.int. LCharlottCliroiilCSle An t itire r$n of Richmond & D.thvii:3 carej &clud ng postal car, baggage car, efpress car, first and second class Scoacbes and a fine new ; vestibule car vas burced to ashes, onjthe Air Juidg Division yesterday. The burned trin was the fast mail and express Kd 53, due here at 5 25 yesterday afternoon from Atlanta, and thJ accident which resulted in its.desiructidn Recurred in the vicin ity; of the !jFufa!o river, near Too- 0O- J I Capt. D. H handler was conduc tor iu charge' of the train, but the en gineer and arejnjn belonged to the Atlant a J)iviici and their run ended at;Central, a fw miles ahead, where thfey were td bg relieved, as usual, by the Charlotte Engineer and fireman. It; was just dbiiday and the train was bowling along Jhe mountain curve at the usual rates of sp.eed, when there was a r udden folt under the forward trockn of the fpostal car, which was suoce. ded immediately by another and heavier b, and then the postal car bounded! fpm the track and went headlong down a thirty foot embank ment. -Following if went the baggage car, and then in uick succession and with a migbg momentum, went tie express car, bj first and second-class cars and the Sullman vestibule car. The cars wefefpiled upon each other in the greatesf cbnfusion, but were not badly bfolen up a fact which accounts forfthe reported circum stance of nd ves bein lost. The trjlin had a d passenger list and the scene waa one of indescribable excitement. f he cars had scarcely ceased ro!linwhen the terrified pas sengers begad? scrambling from the doors and windows, some who were injured being! helped out by their more fortunate fellow-pasgengers, and all escaped te terrible death that would a few nmentff more have over taken any ooewho might have been pinned in the rreck. The baggage master was ineed fabtened between a pile of trupl, but was rescued by the train cref Scarcely had every ofee cleared h wreck, when the work of the car stppi commenced, and car after car bufsf in iot flames. An effort was made tOj eTe the vestibule car, bt wa'er wa inaccessible and the passengers Ssoald only stand by and see the car8reluced to ashes. Bag page, mail &d all were burned There was foiling left of the cars bfat a net-wprl of warped iron rods ahd wheeled I The engine did not leave the trc, and it was the only part of tbeirlin that escaped in the general ruin. 1 J' The cause f the accident is not ear, but wjasjtbe result of either a broken raifo a broken wheel. It occurred atia)oint not easily reached by telegraph tijid the more important details wee Shard to secure. The railroad menf state positively, how ever, that nb ne was killed, though it is admitie that a number were founded. Te names of the injured parties could ot be secured, but it is stated that h baggageman and ex press messenger were more seriously Burt than aon the train. The in juries of tbfeg parties are classed as seriou, an tie others slightly, f The loss 4o the railroad company Of a completely equipped passenger fthd mail trail! is a heavy one. The Vestibule cr fflone cost $15,000, and the passenge poaches were among thehfcudao3etof this finely equipped road. J g ' i. -HI8 IIKtilWAS TRCSC TO POLL." f t aoMAxca wiha hipptdisocimiht is TBQJ XW0BTHT CASK. fioclnnatt EDalir. ' 1 Clkvilad,)., Not. 7. A romantic Redding was elebrated, today at St. John's Romaji Catholic Cathedral. Rev. Fathe f horp was the ofllciating lergman ad the leading characters in the interting event were Miss Jennie Axwotftby and Mr. Joseph P Farnam. Mpa Axworthy is young find very altt Active, and the daughter Of Thomai Ai worth v. the clt M si, . ----- urer 01 ieeiana, wno fled these parts in Seto timber for Canada, a de faulter in tbesum of$450,000. The Axworthyf age Episcopalianp, and the fugitive wia for several years vestry an at St.Jhn's Episcopal church. The Farn&mfe on the other hand, are Catholics. If Young Firam is rich, and Miss Jen nie was thuht to be equally fortu nate. They y ere neighbors, and, of feorBe, fe! ilove. Both families ob jected to tbjegTair on religious grounds However, h young people were de termined. Kirly this summer Far ham went oCalifornia for his health, fie imaginbu he had the consump lion, and he ras evidently correct in bis opiniorl. On September 1st Miss Axworthy Jbcame a Roman Catholic, joininir St.jhn's Cathedral in order to make her narriage less objection able to thf Ifarnams. On the 28 th of the mobtr her father departed for New York k f uined man, and eeveral days later h. was published as a de faulter. KhS immediatelv wrote ber lorer in California, breaking the en gagement le was paralyzed, but not hearttfs, and telegraphed back the eipre&e declaration that he would marrrher if he had to creen m& bis knefislrom Colorado to Cleve- TW-tLM . 1 .. I auu. xiexne oaca in a I'm man car insteadNI on all fours! and todav. like a truejkf ight in spirit, if not in physique, Bjesled his fair lady love to the altar. I I The &tH throueh exDress train from Paria.'tfi Constantinople arrived 1 1 tne tauer fy oMuraay. i f i CKOILT. J Tka PlM. Straw Imiumtrr Tkara Tka Omly Kmrntmnt IU Kl Im tk WrtA. : Correspondence of the H. T. Krentng Post. ! I Ceoklt, N. C. ' ; The recent "judicious handling" tof gunnycloth and jute bagging, and tbe "sympathetic movement" (not a Trust at alii !) to raise tbe prices there-; of, are bringing to deserved notice: this pretty little out-of-the-way apii in North Carolina. If marked upu; the maps at all, it is on only the very latest ones, It is in the southeast corner of tbe State, on tbe east branch of the Cape Fear Rirer, two miles from it, thirty from the Atlantic CoaBr, and seventeen from the old city of Wilmington, and is upon the Carolina Central railroad. Right in the piney woods, regularly laid out with streets fifty feet wide, with pret ty homes and admirable sanitary reg ulations, the health record of the town is such that we wonder it does not set up: for a sanatorium. During the past season many dwellers in Wil mington have regarded it as a con venient and safe refuge in case of au invasion of tbe city by the dreaded yellow fever. There is not a saloon within its limits, nor can there be un der its articles of incorporation. Here is located the pine fibre in dustry the only establishment ef the kind in the world. Whose bufey brain nd quick vision first discov ered textile possibilities in pine fb liage is quite unknowr, but here we see what has been only waste mat ter converted into various articles, not only of oouifort, but of commercial importance. Pinus Australia is the variety, known otherwise as pi'ch, long leaved, and tieid pine. While the leaves average in Iccgth fourteen inchep, those measuring twenty-seven inches have been brought in. The "straw," a? it is alwajs called here, is gathered mostly by' women and children from trees, "thrown," for cord wood, timber, or for the leaves alone. Mule power is prominent iu transporting the straw to tbe factory, horses are never seer, oxen rarely. Fifteen cents per. hundred pounds is paid for the straw, which is stored- in a huge shed. Aa we encer the first of three large buildings we see a huge tank being filled with the straw; to this is added caustic soda, in quantity regulated by the quality of the fibre desired leas being required for the coarse than for the finer grades. Foe twelve hours the mass is cooked by steam from pipes passing through the tank or boiler. Then it is passed through the rubber, a machine which cleanses it entirely from all soda, pulp, etc , leaving clean fibre only. Following this is the work of the wringer, breaker and carder; and if the fibr is to be manufactured on the premise', it in run through t the rover; whatever its destination, it is passed through the dryer. Tne product now awttits orders from the spinnirjg-room, or if for shipment, from the baling pr?ss. Machinery is used for all handling of material, from the wagon which brings it from the woods to the car taking it from tbe (factory door. : Commercially, the fibre is "pine wool," of which five grades are pro duced; the three coarser are in jde mand for mattresses and creneral ho- .holsrericg, being elastic, durable and exempt from insect ravages. The finest grade is very soft and" is marked surgeons' packing." This is meeting with marked favor ffom the medical profession, as being Spe cially adapted to its designated pur pose. From grade S is spun jMrns of different sizes, none fine, however. From this is woven a variety of mat tings or carpets, not elegant, td. be sure, but honest, comfortable looking floor coverings, inviting hard service, and W'th a suggestion of the wide outdoors in the balsamic odor which all the rough experience of manrifao turing has not driven out. Iu the incipiency of this peculiar industry the production of floor cov ering was the objective point of 'the originators of it; but being also; en gaged in the manufacture of feftili zers, they; set about evolving from the pine wool a fabric which would resist the chemical action so destruo tive to every material heretofore hsd as packing for phosphates, e:c. The result is a cloth that has endured ev ery test, the nse of which must bene fit the consumer as well as the manu facturer and dealer in these commodi ties. The proprietors thus builded better than they knew, in unwitting ly preparing aid for the cotton plant er and buyer in the present stress. For cotton baling it is meeting every requirement of pressure, &o. The spinning and weaving of the various fabrics differ little from pro cesses employed for other textiles. Another pine straw product of growing importance ia the oil. This is exprested from the green straw by subjecting it in a great retort or boiler to the action of steam. The pioneers in this enterprise found little machinery adapted to their work. Most of that in use in this factory is of their own invention and design, suggested by their spe cial needs. . So great ia the demand for tbe pro ducts of this unique industry thai the entire plant is being enlged ana iurnisnea witn improved Appli ances. At an early day the daily out put of clean fibre will be from 2,000 to 3,000 pounds, requiring from five to seven tons of straw, with a four fold increased capacity in the "Spin ning and weaving departments. FlLO$lM Ths Coming New States. V It is already announced by promi nent republican leaders that about tbe first business to engage the at tention of the Fifty-first Congress, which will be republican in 'both branches, will be the clothing of the Territories of Dakota, Idaho, Mon tana and Washington with statehood. The present population of Dakota is estimated at 600,000, and when ad mitted it will be as two States Bouth Dakota and North Dakota. It in claimed that tbe other Territories named possess the requisite popula tion for their admission a States. Large emigration from tbe North to these Territories within the pa4 few J 'ears has made them strongly rApub ican in the opinion of republican leaders. With- these States in the UniOn there would be added to the republican strength ten United SUtes Senators and at least ten members of the lower bouse, allowing four Jntm bers toi North Dakota and thrie to South JtJako a. This would increase the electoral vote in 1892 from 01 to 421, and make 211 votes necessary to a cboiJ of President. Baltimore PUB. CahlMta. rhillde-phla Times, j ;! A Cabinet composed entirely of civil aerrioe reformers would be par ticularly appropriate at this time. Ia this line nothing could rival the fol lowing slate, which it is believed even Mr. Curtis would accept in the spirit 1 a which it is offered : Secretary of State James G. Blaine, of Maine. Secretary of the Interior Stephen W. Dorsey, of New Mexico. Secretary of War Charley Foster, of Ohio. - I Secretary of the Navy Stephen B. Elkins, of New York. Secretary of the : Treasury John C. New, of Indiana. Postmaster General D. W. Flana gan, of Texas. Attorney General M. M. Estee, of California. Assuming that a Biaine Cabinet will be a necessity, why not agree upon a collection such as this : Secretary of State James G Blaine, of Maine. Secretary of the Interior Joseph B. Foraker, of Ohio. Secretary of War Russell A- Al ger, of Michigan. Secretary of the Navy Charles Hicnory srmtn, 01 I'ennsylvama. Secretary of the Treasury Chaun cey M. Dapew, of New York. Postmaster General Joseph M Mauley, of Maine. Attorney General John S. Wise, of Virginia. There are men, no doubt,who would object to all theee suggestions for the reasdn that the name if Blaine occurs infrequently. For the benefit of these the following slate has been arranged in the confidence that their specific objection has been met Secretary of State James G. Blainr, of Maine. Secretary of the Interior Emmons Blaine. Secretary of War James G. Blaine, 2d , Secretary of the Treasury Mrs. Jamea G. Blaine. Postmaster General James G. Blaine, 3d. Attorney General Walker Blaine Secretary of the Navy Any other Biaine that can swim 9 pi of the Stale Press. There has been a political revolu tion quite unlooked-for. Greensboro Workman (non-political ) The country is to be congratulated upon Gen. Harrison' election. He is liberal in bis views towards the South and no discrimination will be made by him against any section of our common country. He is a pa triotic statesman, and his. policy will be to heal as far as in his power lies the wounds caused by the late war. His foreign policy, so far as can be gathered from hu utterances, will be characterized by firmness, decision and discretion Afheville Advance Herald (rep ) SW-B There are indications than if neither Mr. Blaine nor Senator Hale enter General Harrison's Cabinet there will be a very pretty Senatorial fight in Maine wi h Senator Frye in war paint. GVBKBMaTOHlAL VOTM. FUST DISTRICT. i 184. 1888. (Scales. York. Fowle. lockerr. Beaufort, Carteret, Oundea, Chowan. Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Martin, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Tyrrell, Washington, Totals, Bml, Craven, Edgecombe, GreeuB. Halifax, Jooes, Lenoir, Northampton, Vance, Warren, Wilson. Totals. Bladen, Cumberland, Duplin, . Haruett, Moore, Onslow, Pender, Sampson, Wajue, Tota s. .IH6 1,M 2,192 1,789 1.171 I9 r,s J44 1,1X1 1X7 lJ7i 748 8VH 777 2,tt vi Us 6V7 &A4 02 438 8(1 413 2 70s 1, 'JOS 74 1,104 60S 1,239 V78 2, 6 338 1,072 74 978 1,132 1,702 740 Cl 2,5"8 472 J,8 367 1,014 M.MS2 14,784 SECOND -DISTRICT. 1,I1 1,338 1.U4S 2,24 7i ,(20 1.733 1,166 1.U4 2 U5 1,823 2,513 8,316 1. UV4 ,7 7M 1,3U 2,3M 1 ,612 2, H-i 1,493 1,40S 2,37 1,0(8 1,072 t4 1,587 1. C52 1,3X2 1.225 2, '6a 620 1,436 1,990 1,W a,j67 1,5 1,4i 23.2M THLRD DISTRICT, 1.4J9 1.61 : Z,4I 2,: 1.254 1,7)17 1,24 1.215 2,851 2,7i 2,577 2,26 1,444 1,6 1,180 721 2,370 2.7S1 3,291 1,164 877 1,816 2 757 1,616 2,561 1,174 722 m 1,240 1,601 2.SU0 17.041 12,5 FOURTH DISTRICT. ,tJ 1.7(1 Alamance, Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Johnston, Nash, OraoKe, Wake, TotaU, Caswel', Forsyth, Grauvtile, Guilford, Person, Kockiiifcham, Stokes, Surry, 1,517 2,02 1,617 2,041 1,699 l,sa 4,M3 2,4" I 1,570 2,10 2.801 1,837 a70 4,772 1,071 2.M 1.1V0 1,S7 l,v l.ist 1,051 4.278 1,8 S 2,204 2,157 l,SO 4,18 18,890 14,782 FIFTH, DISTRICT. 1,550 1,(03 1.S77 2,047 8,208 1.02 1,577 l,0M 1,433 2,259 2,470 1,460 2,584 2.680 2 101 2,199 2,491 1,490 2,443 !, 1,371 Totals, Anson. Brunswick, Cabarrus, Columbus, Mecklenburg, New Hanover, Kichmond, Kopesoii, btably, Uniou, 14,974 12.M4 SIXTH DISTRICT. J,8 l,OK4 2,241 963 33 10 1,3 1,(K7 8,727 1,751 1.968 2,361 1,1110 1,038 063 1,016 2,072 9J3 8,010 2.H79 1,75 1,992 014 4t 1,080 9,836 2,823 1,980 996 .817 2,032 807 19,322 SEVKWTH 2,31 13 l,9&t 1.067 2,679 9U1 2.044 2,636 952 14.706 DISTRICT. 1 650 2 360 2,012 Catawba. Iavidsou, Davie, Iredell, Montgomery, Kandolph, Kowan, Yadkin, Totals, Alexander, AUeghaDy, Ashe. Burke, Caldwell, Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln, Watauga, Wilkes, 1756 1.2T4 1.897 2,8W 1,266 1,4 9 1,107 1,708 1,I-J1 3,372 1,213 1,008 -2 7.'4 2,171 2,739 1,071 14,S:6 10,876 EIGHTH DISTRICT. M3 5x6 351 41)1 950 1.27S 1.261 2.030 l,:n6 1,162 759 J,St)l 1,1 9MS 4.'0 612 934 '53 624 1,939 1,247 1,253 2,249 l.&M 1,209 1,165 717 761 1,236 9U1 1,706 2,292 11,654 8,872 NINTH D18TKICT. 2,665 1,941 3.C41 Buncombe, Cherukee, Clay. Graham, Haywood, Hendersou, Jackson, Macon, Madi.vin, Mitchell, ' McUowell, Polk, Kutht-rtord. owaln, Transylvania, Yancey, 1,816 606 368 V6 1,181 182 713 7I8 I,0r7 KJ5 !l 446 1,517 4SU 4UO 7-40 64 20S 137 74 877 345 493 I,Ji8 1,140 &S 4M l,32 16H 1K3 66 271 917 91 IS 7NO 1,178 1,0 0 .6 1,61)0 620 191 1,291 469 742 1,8-s 858 418 ',661 663 Totals, n.eun ii,466 Total vote 1884, for Hcales 143,000: lor York 122. 934 ; majority for tteale 20,066. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Wlnilow's (toothing Byrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It re lieves tbe little sufferer at once, it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by reilertnic the children from pain, and tbe little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It Is very pleasant to taste;- soothes the child, tens The eums, allays all pat us, re lieves wind, regulates the bowels aad is tbe best known remedy for diarrhoea, "vbether rising from teething or, other oausea. Twenty-Ova eenta a uptUn. I "i vl m Choioi Uacurxl Choice new fat mackerel, mnlleta, codfish, roe her rings, Ac J . "i B- T. HAana. - Di Mnrska. the one famAni singer, was sent back Sunday from new xorx to ner native, 'land in broken health and artistic ruin throogh the kindness of some old friend. A aatwral slew ef Birs front the Uver la KasesUtel te OA UealUk. When this Is obstructed It results In i BILIOUSft ESS, which, It neglected, soon leads to serious diseases. Simmons' Liver Regulator exerts a most felicitous influence over every kind of biliousness. It re stores the Uver to proper working order, regu lates tbe secretion of bile and puis the digestive organs in such condition that they can do their best work. After taking this medicine no one will say, "I am bilious." 'I was affected for several years with bilious ness and disordered liver, which resulted In a severe attack of jaundice I had oo' medical attendance, and tried tbe favorite prescription of one of tb most renowned physicians of .Louis ville, Ky.. but to no purpose, whereupon I was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator. I was benhflted by its use and it ultimately restored me to the full eajovment of health. A. H. Bais ur, Richmond, Ky. Kxaruine to see that yon get the genuine, dis tinguished from all frauds and Imitations by our Urd Z Tndc-Suk on front of Wrapper, aDd on tbe side the seal and signature of J. H. Zeilhs A 'Jo. The Toy tho Child Likes Best ih run "ANCHOR" Stcna Mh Slocb. Heal Stone. Thr Colors. A Clktot Preskxt foroftlld rn of all act. For $1.75, or $.00 a gotA avprape box. Iexnptivf) Oatalotme neat poet-Crwo on explication to F. Ad. Ricnter & Co., I SIO BROADWAY, NEW YORK. i. C. Insane Asylum. VISITORS at the Insane Asylum will hereafter be admitted only on WEDNESDAYS, Between 0 a. m. and 0 p. m. This rule has been found necessary on account of the Injurious effects of excessive visiting upon tne inmates. By order Of the Board. EUGENE GRISSOM, Superintendent. Fowk Maun Greet AND FOWK MAUN EAT As long as this world lasts no matter what party rules the political roast. This Week we Offer Pickled pigs feet and tripe, 12 lb. kits and by lb. Pitted cherries. evaDorated aDricota. Evaporated and sun dried apples and peacnes. Atmore's fflinco Meat, 5 and 18 lb buckets and by lb. Saratoga chips, 4 lb. boxes. NEW CROP Porto Eico, New Orleans and Cuba Molasses, Vanilla Drip Maple 8yi up. Thin, Light, Crisp Unequal ed, Our Graham wafers and oatmeal biscuit, 25c. lb. Oar Best Soda Crtker, 1 lb packages 10c. The beet oyster cracker, - 10c. lb. Pretzels, butter crackers. NEW PACKING Golden Gate peaches, pears and apricots. Fine Fruit: Extra Choice King Apples, Fancy Florida Oranges, Pears, Malaga Grppea, New puUed figs, 15c- lb. Finest London Layer Figs, lib boxes 20c , 25c. lb. New Ford dates, 10 lb boxes, 1.00. Fine chocolate cream drops, 5 lb. boxes $1.00 . Finest Marshmallow Drops, S lb. boxes. $1.50. "Did you bet cigars on the election' If so, we can save you money. Pilars at Cost. ELBERTON, S8.50 cigar for f 6.50 for 100. PRINCESS FIERA, $3.50 cigar for 6.50 per 100. WEDQEWOOD A A and A 1. $4 50 cigars for $3 25 per 100. tfUMADO, HIGH ART. cigar for 28 25 per 1C0. LA BOUQUET, 84.00 cigar for $2.75, per 100. 23 5o. oigais for 75c. SPECIAL FOR TODAY: COIYCORU GKAIi, 10 lb baskets, 50c. Dianas, 5 lb. baskets, 35c. W.C1A1 Wholesale Grocers, and Retail Grocers, Coffee Boasters & Candy Manuf acturei s, Edw, J. Ilardiir, Grocer, Offers at all times a complete and carefully Selected Stock Of all seasonable substantial and luxu ries of the PROVISION TRADE Meats, Fish, Fine Butter, Fine Teas, Coffees. 4c. An. Canned Goods of the; most approved brands, including ine Peaches, Pears, Apricots and Cherries of the "Golden Gate Company " of San Jose. BEST CANNED VEGETABLES, Corn, Tcmatooa, Asparagus, Succotash. etc, CCO. PRESERVES, Jellies, Sauces, Olives, Flavoring Ex tracts, and everything else In the way of TABLE SUPPLIES STRONACH For spee-'al announcements front day to day, see the local oolaias of thlapapsr. E. J.HARDIN. I :- 7iT ' 7 1 SEED WHEAT 200 bushels I crime x Fultz seed wheat. Seed Rye, Seed Oats, , Stove Coal, Egg Coal, Nut Coal, Pocahontas Coal, SPLINT COAL. Jones & Powell. CAUTION BnriK mt VrfcoH. as my nam sod the prtrs SV stuniH'tl on lite bottom of al my sdTertlped shoes before levlnff Ile factcrrrj which pmtoct tbe wearer :ilal hieli prices &n4 Inferior Hoods. If dealer WT.'M V. L. Uouala fhoes at a re duced price, or mra Ike lias thetu without my name, and price stamped on Urn bottom, sut him down as SfrauO. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. GENTLEMEN. The snlv calf 8)S SEAMIE88 Hhoe omooth insl.le. SO TAfKS or WAX THREAD to hurt the feet, easy aa hand-sewed and WILL NOT RIP. W. I,. DOUGLAS 9 SHOE, the orlalnal and onljr hand-scwed welt $4 shoe. Equals cu&-tom-made ete rostlur from to t!. W. L. DOL'OLAS S3JS0 POLICE SHOE. Itallroad Men and Letter Carrier all wear them. Smooth Inffide aa a lland-Scwed fchoe. Ko Tscss or Wax Ttiroa.l to hurt tht Jt. - W. L. DOt'GLAit S3.AO SHOE h aancelled tor heavy wenr. Bret 'lf Shoe for the price. W. t. DOUGLAS aa-SB WORKING MAX'S SHOE is tine beat In tlie world for rouRh wear: one nalr ourht to wear a man a Tear. W. I.. DOi'flLAS S)a SHOE FOR ROTS is the h&"t Hchonl SI oe In the world. W. L. DOUGLAS V1.7S TOUTH'S Bchool Shoe (tIych tlic r matt lioyi a cbane W wear Um seat shotw in the world. ' AI1 mail" In OnyreM, ButUiVi and Lace. If not sold hjr jour dealer, write W. L. DOUGLAS. BROCKTON, MASS. For'sale bj HELXiERlBEO'S 131, FayetteTille St. BEST flTTlNG CORSEf ' JRLO FOR SALE BY LEADING M - iNIS. VJYTP. STROUSE a 00. W. MTRS.-4I2 BROADWAY. N. Y. WE'VE GOT EM. i i Got "Who? Whj, Got Stacks of Goods j and ; si 1 LOW TAHIFF, The tariff has been taken off Wr iting Bros', stock of Clothing, Bats, bhoee Underwear, &c . &c. Now is the time for bargains, as the goods must be sold to wind up the busi ness ana pay creditors. . Stamps & Devereux, AMignees and Eeceiver. Health is Wealth. Db. E. c. Wfst's Kkbw and Bbatm Tbiat atXMT a guaranteed upeclfic for Hysteria, Dizzi ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcobol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental impression, soitemng oi tne Braiu reauuing in insanitvaud leadlna to mlserv. deeav and death. P re mature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Hpermatoe- rnoea causea dv over-exeruon oi tne Drain, sen abuse or over-indulgence . Each box contains one month's treatment. 11.00 a box. or six boxes lor $6.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot price. WE GUARANTEE. t SIX BOXES Te ears soy ease. With each order received by as lor six boxes, aeeoaianlett with as.uo, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re- tun u tow uiu,7 u uam treat hi isufr uovs DOS eaves a ear, uuaranieew wsuea euty Dy yaanes ate KlaiBiee Co., IWgists. aoia Aaeuta, Ul far mm .sImsjs . . masvi i H . TjV''''aBSSSBSBSSSBSBas SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL Plain or Fancy Stationery! 8ENL YOUB ORDER TO .! ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO Booksellers, and Stationers, Raleigh, H. 0. OUR POPULAR NETf PUBLICATION81 W.T 1 1 isorin Carolina bpeaker. BuBbee's New Justice and Form Ecok , $2.0 School and Bueiness Map of N. C, 4x6 feet.. .f4 Send for Complete Catalogue "ALL 9 K ' W ' CELEBRATED ENSILAGE COHOIt AND STRAW CUTTERS COOK STOVES Colt's lTantnicrless Gnns. I MA MBi JULIUS LEWIS & CO., I I. H. ATHkK H Eatabliehed 1865. Si HEADQUARTERS FOR CfeXJiOJS: SHOT POWDER JUST ARRIVED "NO . TRUST BAGGING." 25,000 yards Dundee Bagging. 1,000 Bundles Arrow Ties. 60 Barrels fresh mullets, extra size. 1 1 Car-Load White seed oats. 1 Oar-Load mixed Corn. ' 1 ar-Load of Dunlap McCance's Meal. 600 Barrels of Flour of Different Brands. 60 Bags of No-1 Coffee. 60 Barrels of Sugar, different Grades. For sale at lowest prices ai M. T. NORRIS & BROS. THE HAMMOND i r-. 1 Type Writer 1 he most PERFECT machine ever of fered on the market. THE BEST For Speed, Strength, Changeable Type, Perfect Alignment, Bean tj and Durability. The only Type Writer awarded a GOLD MFDAL at the Now Orleans Exposition. It has many advantages over other writing machines, and the work done on it is PERFECT. It Cannot Get Out of Alignment I It is Not Liable to Get Out of Order i It Cannot Collide with. Itself I It has open-end carriage, which adm i of paper of any width or length, and ha changeable type. Every machine WARRANTED PER FECT. Price complete, with two sets of type f 100. Send for catalogue. T. A. MONTGOMERY, State Agent, Raleigh, N. C 1867. Fall Trade 1888 J. J. THOMAS & CO. Raletjerlr, IV. c Cotton Sellers AND Commission Merchants Offer to the trade. Ginners AND Farmers 1,000 bundles new Arrow ties, 800 bun dles spliced Arrow ties, 10,000 yards Burlaps and other doth suitable for covering cotton, bulk meat, flour, coffee, sugar molasstse, neaL, corn, oats, hay and ship tuff, all of which we will 'sell upon VERY BEST TERMS. We solicit yc'nr consignments of cot ton, and pledge you .our twenty years experience to serve you faithfully and right. Vlill make cash, advances upon bills of lading or cotton in hand when ever desired. j. j. mm A co. L18, 816 and 817, & Wilmington Street, 05OO Reward! WswUl par the above reward for any ease ot lrer eoBsplaint. (IvsneDala. sick headache, tod - g nation, constipation t eosttveness ws eaanof ears with West's VersUble Liver PUls. when tus airseUons an strictly compiled with. Tnev ars btitoly vetreUWe.and never fail to give satfafaa rloib Lane boxes contaluluK su sugar eoated uia. 3BM. jrov sals dv all oruitirlala. Kowara of oouDtertelts and imitations. Th araulns matin factnraaealj brJOUHiX WaT Vk. Ssg W. MMiaosi (K.airo, iu. rur aaia tv Ja. aja. aiawsKss si us . ajraasosia, ra irai ecu., jis - BOOKS OS paper, 40 eta, cloth 71 RIGHT " SASH DOOR 1 KfflG AND BLINDS W A m m . BEND CHILLKD PLOW. ifialeigh, ft. O. C1&CIIT COCET OF TBI I AITID STALLS, East irs Distbict of NoBTH-CABOiiKa, At BauciOH. . United States against two bay horses, one two horse wagon and one set double harness and against James A. Bovster, claimant, and Joseph N Orrell and Ban ister Boyster, sureties ion appraisement bond for said property. To James A. Boyster. iJosenh N. Orrell and Banister Boyster, and to all whom" it may concern URMmaa: . Notice is hereby given, that the above mentioned property was seized by Henry L. Perry, Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue for the Fourth Collection Dis trict of North Carolina, on the.- 6th day: of May, 1888. as forfeited to the uses of the United States, for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libellrd and prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the United States for, condem nation for the causes in the said libel o: information set forth;: and that the sal causes will stand for trial at the cou room of said coui t, in the city of Ral eigh, on the last Monday of November next, if that be a iurlsdiction : dav. and if not, at the next day of jurisdiction if thereafter , -when and where you and all I pertont are warned tdi appear! to showi cause why condemnation should not bsf I decreed, and judgment accordingly enl- I tered upon the said appraisement bowl herein, and to intervene for their inter est. ! ' L Given under my hard, at Baleigb, this 86th day of October, 1888. V. V. RICHARDSON, : U. S. Marshal, H. H. iatrecht C. . Lft. A NEW ART STORE. FayettevUle Street. AlXOFfHJ ; '" i ' : - Latest designs In Pictures, , Picture Frames, ArtisU'Materiali, i - vt7-.,i n - ana vvau x myvi 1 1 At prices never this city. before Introduced CALL AND SEE U f log i - Uw-'SSlg I of 1 1 1 a- il IGl--,-gfa i l " "- si -. ;.