u t I i . - ! '1 ' - I EW RYER vou xxvi. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING; NOVEMBER '23, 1888. NO. 130, til I ' 1 -Si' : ! r 1 JaLJa AND UB8E 1 I i i I V :.' 1 i 1 l?(2)U!Ili Tis powder tmi variee. : A marvel r parity, strength and wholeeomenees. eeonomicarthan ordinary kind aid muimh be eold in competition with the Multitude of low teat, abort weight, el visa or phosphate powders, sold only In aita, fiOTAL BiJCCVQ Pownsx Oo.. 1CI Wall Street, "New York. I Sold by W. a ft A- B Stroneeh, and J 1 farraU ftOn. 1 j I KOV. 18, 1888. bite Blankets from f 1 per! pal' jQoIorW Blankets from 90c pr pair, Bed Comforts i i' from 95c each. Jadies Merino Vert ,80, 40, Mand75c; I thlldrena Mtrtno Vests, all sizes. pentlemen a Merino Shirts, 15, 85, 4Q K0anl75 eta . -.. ! QentfemenB 8car?et Bhirts 95, $1.40 and f 1.75. .4 Gentlemen's Merino 1-3 Hose 50c B5o, worth AH ELEGANT LINE OF- lfc ,25, AID m HOSE i constantly on hand.! A IVEW Lllft OF SATIRES 10, 12 i and 25o. A bioe line on hard stock will be kept up at present and I 'VP- e -r i f Arrlrina; and beinc opened. WOOLLCOTT M, ' - v i i 1 14 East Martin. Street, 1 Kaleigi, W. O. UdWAED FASNAGH, JEWEfRi OPTICIAN aUUBOB, B.O. 55UTUM ui imm Juioiii Sold Jewelry, Gold and Silrer Watchc ; U or ham s Bterling Silrerware,Boera plated ailrerware, any siae and weight of plain 18 karat En tMement rings constant it ly in stock. Badges ; . i and Medals made to order. jur Optical Department Embraces an endless variety of lai waioh tocether wish our practical expe- iaoce enables us to cotreat almost any error of refraction in Myopia (nearsight), Hywavrtropia (far sight), PreabyopLs (old sight). Asthenopia (week sight) anu tiring prompt relief from that diatreao Ug Aeadacha which often aooompaniaa -POURARTIFIClAL Human Eyes 4re and took like the natural organ afnonlnwhen inserted. Paatenta at a distance baring a broken re eaa hare anothet made withoss eaU CLOTHING Christmas ' : AND 110UD1Y GOODS J - - 1 ! V AJ2UJE S TO THE BURNING OF THE CHATTANOOGA HOTEL s BlOOAJt 8 xv. VA.LISI TOUITD MITT BXUli T9AT TBI BOUSE WAS BtXBKzD TO j OTIS SOBBKBY AHD 1 DXB OTHIR SIW8 MTTB- By Teltgrfph fco the New and Observer. CBiCajbo.tNov. 22 A dispatch from Chattanooga, Tenn , saye: Gen. P. H. Biggar, bf Atlants, Ga, was one of those who lost their lives in the Euro pean Hdtel'fire the night of Novem ber 2, wbicfi is supposed to be incen diary. I Yesterday hla valise, filled with stoheef was found in the Ten 'nesBee riverj. The money which Gen. Biggar wasjknown to hare carried in the valise was gone. A negro named Webb was Arrested in Cincinnati a fedajB ago and be is belieTed to the one i ttrmmrm tauso. When apprehended he had $14,000 en his person. Detectives are still at work on thefcaae and are certain that &ey will be j able to show that the house was burned to cover up mur der and fobbery. .BCOBTKSTKD. ! 1 tHl TOTI PT flSaUTtA FOB FBX&IDXHTI1X, H i XLXOTOBS. Kr Telegraph to he Newt and Obserrar. LOf tne Qooierenoe between uen. ma hone and13eriator Qaay, recently held in this citr. it is announced that pro- l oeedintra will be began in the Vir- linia State odurts and the U. S. Oir- I cait Oourf lot Virginia, attacking tne jnght of the j democratic electors of that State! to bast their rotes for Pres ident in the electoral college. The certificates ofthe electors will not be issued until after the meeting of the State Board of Gantassers in Rich mond next Monday, and the contem plated proceedings will be then im- meuiaieiy uBiitubex. x wlu do in the nature of! a petition of writ of 40 warranto, !to compel the electors peceiting the certificates to show by wnat ngnt, iney Msume 10 serre as Uoh. One df ' the petitioners will be Mr. Lamb, of Norfolk, the other probabli the republican candi- da'e for elector from the Richmond . l Ti : J u it.. Ui: uuSkTict. j,t in bkiu uj Mia ropuviicau ttorney in the! oaae that the petition for a writ will Ibe backed np breach iihowintr lof rand in the count of ballots cast onlthe sxith insi. as will aatiaf r anrl one thai the republican oKhdidates for lectori reoeiTed at the doHj a ploralitT. TrnmiTiffn as only a ery short time-will interjene be tween the leginning-of - proceediegs ana we meeting 01 tne weoborai leffe, and as the electors holding oer- tificates cannotibe pierented from ex efCising the functions 01 their omce bV injunction, i is more than proba ble that CQereland will reoeire the rote of the Old f Dominion for Preai dent. Both Quay, and 31ahone deny it desire for mere party adrantaee, but say that it i prime importance t tierelop and prove election frauds in the South, with a new, in case of failnre in these efforts in the eourts, US arousing Congress to the necessity cp enacting laws to aeeure a true eoftnt of rotes past for presidential electors and members of Congress. HOnVrtt 04BOLUAWU1 rat- flrat Prii. at ta Sreat DamrUle T ?:v waeee aiymutii f traleeraph to tne JCewt and Obaerrar. ; PAJrrrxxz. rVa. Nor. 22. The main I feature of the DanriUe Tobaooo Ex- , pojuuon today Was the award of pre miums on tobacco exhibits. The first premium onjbright wrappers goes to Aladiaon county, N. G. The pre miums all told amounted to $2,150. Jlnfehe inter-State price drill the Danrille Blues look the first prize and the Beidsrille, N. G, Light Jn- fantry the seoond. 1 - ; B Telegrapli to tb Sew and Otwerrer. IWashxsotov, INor. 22. Indian I Commissioner Oberly today reoeired a letter froniBobt. L. Owen. U. S. Indian Agent At Biusoogee, Indian ferritorr. denriBtr the troth of the I report of a dutarbance in the Ghick aiaw Nation orer the election of Gor- exbor of that nation. aB aBaajea)jaMamaBaBBBSBaB f Beatd OfTariBg mm AeeaptaaeM. BJ Telegrapn to the If ewi and Obaervea. $WasHrjraTas, D. a, Nor. 22. The bind offerings today at the Treasury aggregated t f z,3ou ; aooeptanoea $582,350 four-and-a-haii per cents liriwaTcwT Fa CncToaslna; Clork. Correspondence of Hehra and Observer, i The friends of R. G. Lewis, Esq of this city will present his name to the Democratic caucus of the House o Representatires for iL. a: Mie puBiwuii dl Engrossing Clerk. I They do, riot claim any special con sideration for Mr. Lewis on aooount of bis lifelong actire Democracy, or because he conies from a ounty Which made; the; largest Democratic trains in ihetate. in the past elec tion, but they ask this position, for rilm because of ihis peculiar fitness for it. . I' j I He is a lawyers of ability and npe expenenoe but has Deen preventea latterly irom actively . louowing nis profession by the development oi a severe throat trouble. He needs the position and his many friends would he gratified to see him get it. X. Secretary Fairdhild's forthcom ing report il exeoted to derote con siderable space to the Treasury sur I as.' . A FURIOUS ATTACK 09 T2H P1E5IIX C01CKI9II01I BT (USIT10 iaBXAITD." By Cable to tne News aad ObnerreT. Dublhi, Nor. 22. United Ireland makes a furious attack on the Para ell Commission because of the heary fine imposed, upon Mr. Edward Harring ton. 7 . says whether it is guilty of contempt or not it will not abstain from commenting upon the action of the judges. It then reiterates the charge made for the Kerry Sentinel against the commission, and asaerta that the government, whose exist ence is at stake, has packed the court. THB W. W. Aad W. C. A. Kallreada. ; The stockholders of the Wilming-s ton & Weldon Railroad Company met in Wilmington Wednesday. The old Officers and old board of directors were re-elected. We condense from the Star's account the further pro ceedings as follows: : The reports of President Bridgers and General Manager Walters shows that the dosing fiscal year has been a prosperous one, and that both the freight and passenger business show a healthy increase. The gross earn ings of the Wilmington & Weldon road weae $1,135,532, and the ex penses $587,102.65; net receipts $548, 129 67. The report of operations of the Wilmington, Columbia A Augusta Uailroad shows' that tne gross earn ings were $779,988.82, the expenses $539,340 72, and the net receipts $240,648 10. Of the work accomplished the past year, the following is an epitome : They hare extended the Scotland Neck b. anch from Scotland Neck to Conehoe Creek, a distance of twelre miles from its present terminus, or thirty miles from its junction with the Wilmington A Weldon Railroad, and the grading is completed to the Albemarle A Baleigh Railroad, a dis tance of twelre miler, making twenty four miles. The rails and cross-ties hare been secured, and the company is laying the track from Conehoe to the Albemarle & Baleigh Railroad, which will be completed during the present year, and ready for opera tion. The. contract has been made for grading from there to a point near Greenrille. They hare .also constructed 297 miles irom the State line towards I'ayetterille, being part of the Wilson A Fayetterille branch, completed as far . as a station called Rowland. This, with the i Florence railroad, commencing on the W-, O. A A. near Pee Dee river, a distance of 24 47 miles, makes complete this part of the line, from the Pee Dee, on the W., a & A R. R. to the station; Rowland. The remainder of this line to jFay etterille will be completed whenever the company wishes the same to be done. The Manchester A Augusta rail road starts from Sumter, 8. C , going in the direction of Augusta, Ga., and has been completed to Halfway, or Pine Log Swamp, a distance of 14 mfles. The remaining four miles have been, let to contract. This company has agreed with the Richmond A Danrille Railroad Com pany to furnish one-half the money necessary for building the Chowan A Southern Railroad from Portsmouth to Tarboro, with a terminal in Nor folk, for which large expenditures hare been made. i It is gratifying to note that there has been a considerable increase in the local freight and passenger busi ness, the number of local passengers having increased 24.4 and the reve nue 13.5 per oent, and this too while the local passenger rates Were de creased 12 per cent, and an addi tional train, both north and south bound, was run the year round to serve the local business of the road. It has given such satisfaction to the public that the General Manager re commends that, while its receipts hare i not equalled its expenses, it should be continued as a permanency, i The trucking business dereloped by the Atlantic Coast Dispatch Line, for the shipment of early rege tables and fruits to Northern markets, has been beyond the expectations of the most sanguine, and a large increase in this business is anticipated the coming year, particularly irom local points on the Wilmington A Weldon Railroad.. It is proposed to relay the Clinton branch road with steels, although the road has been operated at a loss this rear as expected. , There was a meeting of the stock holders of the Wilmington, Columbia A Augusta, the Florida A Manches ter and Augusta railroads as well as I of the.W. & W. and the same officers I elected by the W. A W. were elected . il. J I to serye on tneae rua-ua. The Niws abb Ubszbvbb unier - a rands that the Wilmington & el don agreed to extend the Scotland Neck railroad from Scotland Neck to Greenrille to Kinstosv to Jackson ville in Onslow county. tallnr In Galnsboro. Wfuniogton Messenger, SKL A telegram reoeired last night from ; GoldsborO announces that L. Edwards, dealer in dry goods, clothihir and shoes, formerly of Wil son, N. C, made an assignment yes terday. Liabilities f 28,000; assets not ascertained. ; Dr. D. . Dogdell is the assignee, j : : 1 Mr. J.ha Brts;a Worse. By Cable to the Hews aad Observer. Lobdob, Nor. 23. Mr. John Bright I is worse this morning. His condition , is critical. THE JORDAN MATTER. A STATEMENT BY THE COM MISS10N1SR3 UJT THE TOWN ' . 6F DURHAM. AY PIRSOH OB PBKSOBS WISHtJta TO IN VK8TIGA.TB OOBDIAXLT IHVITID TO DO SO. Durham Tobacco Plant. At a regular meeting of the mayor and comm'BPioners of the town of Durham, hy November 20th, 1888. it was r8olved that a statement be prepared of certain recent occur rences in the town, respectirg one G. Jordan, in order to satufy numer ous inquiries.. and thereupon the fol lowing wa. prepared and adopteJ and is believed to bo a statement of matters connected therewith : In 1885 one E G Jordan appeared in Durham.; He c'aimel to be a blacksmith by trade, and called him self "Professor Jordan." He waa re ported to have been run away from two towns in this State, before com ing here. He was here but a short time before he was arrested as a com mon nuisance, being a loud and boisterous profane swearer on the public streets. He was also arrested as a disturber ox the peace. He was convicted of both and required ti gire bond for good beharior. At that time rery few, if any, persons knew his politics. Soon afterwards he became noisy and disposed to be turbulent. He was evidently a man of a bad heart and given to jBOwing disoord and dis content in the community. He was notoriously regarded as an anarchist, who boldly and defiantly declared his principles, and who sought to instil those notions; in the negroes. He proclaimed the social! equality of the blacks with the whites and set himself up as the special champion of the negroes, by whom he was nomi nated for the;! office of constable of this township, in this year. A few weeks before the election he declared, in a speeoh made in the publio hall of the town, to a convention of ne groes, that he had lived in twenty eight Stales of the Union, and a few days before the election he boasted that "after the election we negroes will control this county." During the; week preceding the election be was reported as holding secret meetings at night with the ne groes,! he being the only white man present. On the night of the election, the county haying reversed its political completion and gone democratic, ! wiping : out its small republican majority of two years ago, the negroes; were riolent in manner and inoendiary in languapp. , A rail road camp waa raided and: one hun dred dynamite cartridges and a keg of blasting powder stolen by the ne groes, and Mr.,C. B. Green, chairman of the democratic county executive committee was- notified, by a negro, on election night, that there was a plan on foot1 to injure him that night. Che people were very much excited and all believed Jordan to be the in citer of all the; disturbance and the leader of the negroes. At 2 o'clock that night, while Mr. Green was absent, his house was sat urated with kerosene oil and set on fire and his wife and children barely escaped with their lives. The senti ment of the community was almost unanimous r that Jordan, baring threatened that there erould be trou ble, was either the actual incendiary or the instigator of the burning It became the Opinion, of the citizens generally, that . if he did not leave much bloodshed would ensue, for the rwmle were then wrOucht up to the highest pitch of exogement, not knowing what would next be attempt ed. In this state oi anairs some young men, carrying out the demand of the best citizens oi tne sown, iook it on themselves to notify him to leave. Fher did so. and be not Boing, they took him out in a carriaere to make him tro. Other citizens, fearing they mieht do him bodily harm, offered to im that he left' on the next train if released. He was then readily re leased and tie citizens contributed the monev to pay the fare of his f am ily and bdmself-it is not believed that it was intended by the young men to kill or injure him. After Jordan left the excitement abated, quiet was easily restored and there has been so further outbreak or violence of any kind, and it is the gen eral feeling of the community, with out resrard to poRtica or color, that his departure was a happy riddance. We will simply add, as to Jordan's character and the weight to be at tached to his statements, that there i. atronff suspicion and current ru I mor in the community that he has I. . ft- Tift - . i been IOC some time guusy oi incesiu 1 0us intercourse with his daughter. Durham is and will be a safe and happy home for good men of any lat itude or! politics, but not for men of the Jordan class. . we pity any com munity Where lie would be welcome if his true character was known We beliere the above to be a true and fair! statement of the incidents connected with Jordan's departure. The statement made by Jordan re- ?-i Kifi.v- aaA in thn -Winn .a.Sani awAVta tn KaTASI 4fW IKfKlf A 41 SUA la MASBJVBa SB .avesnvam. mvwvb vwafwno ts falsej There was only one set of boxes uaed. ! There was no talk of i. w;,, tvA - sft, - Jtwi KAnnin. immuiiaftni I after sunset and completed by day i break, but the 'election of township constable was ascertained soon after the polls were closed. We will be glad to welcome any 1 jS'X : matter. Gao. W. Woodward, Clerk Board Town Commissioners. A HORBIBLK MURDER. A Farmer In Cleveland 1'eantjr Shot Dow l Ula own Door. Special to the News and Observer. Shixbt, N. C, Nor. 22 The most horrible and cold-blooded murder in the annals of Cleveland connty was committed last night shortly after dark. James Phil beck, a thrifty and industrious farmer, 60 years old, who lives four miles west of Shelby, was called to h's back door by a man who said he had a note fronva friend and was shot down in the most cold blooded way, one ball entering hia right nostril and the other the roof of the mouth. Hia wife, who had followed him to the door, was com pelled to surrender all the money she had a ten dollar bill and about three dollars in silver. The burglar then cursed her and said she had more, as her husband had just sold eeren bales of cotton. She offered him the keys and said he could search the house and that she would strike a light, the wind coming from the open door having extinguished the lamp. ' As she struck a match the burglar put a pistol to her face and shot her under the left eye, the ball ranging downward, and then he made his escape. Mrs. Philbeck was un conscious for about half an hour, when with a great effort ehe made her way to the house of Perry Love- j lace, her brother-in-law, about fifty yards away. The latter heard the shots, but thought Philbeck was urv loading lumber. He at once sum moned assistance, but the murderer had made his escape, leaving no track behind him. Mrs. Philbeck could not identify the man, but says she thinks he is either a white I man or a bright mulatto. He was evidently acquainted with the premises. I'hilbeck and wife lived alone, their children having married or being at school. Sheriff Hamrick, with a posse, is in search of the mur derer but has no clue. . The people of Shelby are greatly excited orer the tragedy and if the man were caught tonight he would be lynched. The burglar was alone. The Haytlaa Rebellion Aboat Ended. By Telegraph to the Newt and Observer. Naw Yobx, Nov. 22. Consul-Gen eral Bassett, who represents the Hay- tian government at New York, has received information that peace be- tween toe Uayuan government and the insurgents is being arranged by the ambassadors. The first steps in the negotiations were taken at the re quest of the high authorities of the Roman Catholic Church. The rebels ar nearly out of money and peace is confidently expected within a few days. Tne Yellow Fe-rer. By Telegraph to the Mews aad Observer. Gaihisvoxb, Fls, Nor. 22. Sur geon Martin reports two new cases of yellow fever, both colored. The weather is cool, but no frost has ap peared. The thermometer stands at 49. AHorroUt Asalcnntont. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Nobtolx, Va., Nor. 22. Rairlins, Whithurst A Co., ice dealers, assigned today with liabUities of 913,000. Maniacal Homleldo. Elizabeth City Keonomlst. About 5 a m. on Wednesday morn ing near Hertford, Perquimans coun ty, a murder was committed py a man named Henry Lowe who, ordi narily was considered an idiot, but occasionally had paryaoxms of riolent On Tuesday ox election, as we learn it, he applied to rote-but was rejected because he had not reg istered, which greatly afiecUd him. He was living with Mr. Matt. Wood, of Perquimans county, and on Wednesday morning last, just before day he knocked at the door of the bedroom of Mr. Wood, and being re fused admittance, he fired through the door, striking Mr. Wood on the face. He then burst in the door and fired another shot at Wood in flicting a fatal wound in the breast from which Wood died immediately. He then turned upon his own brother Who had come in and fired at him, striking and breaking his arm. He then sought Mrs. wood, who es caped from the window with her children. Two of the neighbors came in, aroused by the commotion, and met Lowe in the yard with his pistol, which was emptied. When he saw them he commenced to run, but upon being halted and warned of his dan ger, and a rifle presented, he stopped and was arrested, lie was then taxen to jail, where he is now confined. This case presents a question of re sponsibility which , may well puzzle casuists. IX conscious or the crime which he was committing when the act was done, the act was murder; if unconscious of homicidal intent, then it was the act of an irresponsible man. Madness is often nearly allied to the most subtle intellect and all forms of insanity are still more closely allied. The law in its acknowledged wisdom has said that an innocent man should not be punished though a thousand a l - MLl f pmlty men go unpunished. This is l1011 om 1 of insanity does not arise, but if the I legitimate result be to suffer insane - menW,TM..x Wis- "m w m i a?pMuu to such cases is rery questionable. -Mr. Dillon il going to Australia. MORTON. HE VISITS WASHINGTON TO IN SPECT AN APARTMENT HOUSE ! BB IS BtTILDIBa IB THB rCDX&AI. CAPI TAL EE IS ArPABIBTLY IN FXBJTCT EXALTS OTBXB BSWS. By Telegraph to the Hews and Observer. Washibqtos, D. C, Nor. 22. Vice- President-elect Levi P. Morton, ac companied by Mrs. Morton, is spend ing the day in Washington. They came oyer from New York last night and expect to return tomorrow morn ing. To an Associated Press repor ter Mr. Morton stated that his visit was for the purpose of inspecting his large apartment house, now ap proach! ng completion, on the site of the residence occupied by him during his previous stay in Washington, cor ner 15th and H streets. , He had not been here before and came at the re quest of the architect ' I " VYVhen do ou expect to rial t lien. Harrison 1" he was asked. "Oh, I don't know. That has not been settled yet. It will depend upon the mutual convenience of the par ties." i Mr. Morton desired to be as free from public notice as possible during his stay and for that reason did not, as usual, stop at any of ! the hotels but is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Hobson, on N street. Upon politics he had nothing to cay. : The Vice-President-elect bears every appear ance of perfect health. Tne national Onnli By Telegraph to the News and Observer, ToptKA, Nov. 22. At the closing session of the National Grange, OoL J. IL Brigham, of Ohio, was elected Urand Master, and .Leonard Rhone, of Pennsylvania, was selected to fill a vacancy on the executive committee. A resolution urging that U. S. Sena tors be elected directly by the people was passed, as was also a resolution advocating pure food. The Grangex adjourned, leaving the matter of se-7 lection of the next meeting place to the executive committee, i The F.ver at F.mannlna. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Was ezngtob, Nor. 23. Surgeon- General Hamilton has received the following telegram from Surgeon Ross, at Fernandina, Florida : 'Une new case of yellow fever reported for the twenty-four hours ending 6 p. m. November 20. careful analysis ox the status shows four eases of yellow fever under treatment in Fernandina yesterday. On no day since my ar rival here has the total; number of eases under treatment been so small as xesterday. The yellow fever pabulum 7 about exhausted. Rot Likely to bo A nUano. Wilmington Star, Bd. When it was reported a short time ago that negotiations were pending for the purchese of the Atlantic Coast Lime by the Richmond Terminal syn dicate, j considerable interest was manifested in the matter here, as it was feared that the deal, 'if accom plished, would be detrimental to the interests of Wilmington. Itia there fore gratifying to know, as was stated authoritatively by gentlemen present at the meeting of railroad men yes terday, that the proposed deal is not at all likely to be accomplished. Th Atlmntla iCanat.Lina. wnmlngooB Star. , The Star takes pleasure in announ- eing that tnere is no proDaouity whatever that there will be any change in the ownership or; manage ment of the Atlantic uoast i Lime, as has been feared since it became known that negotiations looking to that end were pending between that corpora tion and the iuenmond and west Point Terminal , The views of the parties interested are as divergent as would be the course of two locomo tive engines starting from f Weldon, one going North and the other going South, and both running a speed of sixty miles an hour. j Elsxwekbx it will be seen: that the name of R. G. Lewis, Esq , a well known member of the Raleigh bar and a good democrat, is to: be pre sented to the democratic caucus ox the House of Representatives for the position of enrolling clerk. Wall Pans is cheaper just now than ever before. Will paper rooms complete (owing to size) as follows : $6, 8 and $10 each, $12.60, $15 and $20 each. Prices named are one-half former prices. Special care taken to do good work. Satisfaction guaran teed. Have on hand a large stock, and can suit almost any taste. Fred. A Watsor, ait dealer and manufac turer of picture frames. Orders so lioited and promptly executed. Office of i W. H. A R. S. TucxxB A Co., Ralxioh, N. C, Nov. 10i 1883. To the Public: On February 1st. 1889, Mr. Charles McKimmon will retire f rem the firm of W. H. A R. S. Tucker A Co. The basin ess will be continued and con ducted f by the remaining members, Messrs. Boylan, Dobbin and Poe, un der the! firm name of W. H A 3. S Tucker A Co., as heretofore.; In the meantime we desire to re dace our stock of goods and to col loot all notes and accounts now due. W. H. A R. S. TucxxB A Co. Jamet Boylan. T. W Dobbin. Charles McKimmon. Q, TV. Poe. 1 The New York Times of Tuesday says : Mr. Jay Gould is credited with owning over 50,000 shares of Atchi son, Topeka & Santa Fe stock in one Boston brokerage office. The same, brokers were big buyers of Riehmocd i Terminal yesterday, and the Street' surmised it was for Mr. Gould, too. The relations of the Terminal (by uso of the , Memphis A Charleston) at Memphis with Mr. Gould's system are to be peculiarly close, as plans to be made pnblio soon will show. Per haps there is truth after all in the Wall street gossip that Mr. Gould's sons are to become Terminal direc tors. The Terminal directors yester day accepted an invitation to visit the big Exposition at Augusta, Ga. Not only the Exposition managers, but the Mayor of Augusta and a special citizens' committee, joined in the in vitation, which was presented through -Mr. Marion J. Verdery of this city, a former resident of the thrifty Georgia town. President J H. Inman, Col. Cal vin S- Brice, Capt.i John C. Calhoun, Gen. T. M. Logans and other direc tors will probably make up the visit ing party, whose trip will begin the latter part of this week. Mr. Verdery will go as the guest of the directors. This visit of the Terminal Board to Augusta ought to ibe productire of ?reat good to the Terminal interests, here has been a feeling, but thinly disguised, of opposition in the South to the recent mores of the Terminal Company in gaining control of so great a portion of the Southern rail way system. This visit and the good fellowship.it will be sure to develop between Southern citizens and North ern financiers, ought to go far toward removing much of the existing op position. ! Headache arises from different causes. Congestive headache is produced by, an undue quantity of Wood in the brain, to which high livers robust people and young women are liable. Laxador reg ulates the bowels and thus diverts the current of blood from the brain. Price 25 cents. j I Experience has proven that the beat remedy for oolio, diarhoaa, teething and other troubles of infancy is Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Price 25 cents. aa -n ' . Cancers Cnrad. ' Dr. A.G. WoUard, of Richmond, Va, is having great; success in treat, ing cancers. He has cured hundreds pronounced incurable by other tiyhsi- dans. Knife not used. Send stamp for pamphlet with certificates. Office, No. 7 Worth Sixth street (where he is permanently located). Richmond, Va, References t Hob. Johb E. Massit, Lieutenant- Governor, Charlottesville, Ys i Rxv. S. i- Laxbith, Richmond, Va. C. B. Mobtob, M. D., Fredericksburg, Va Gbobob D. Wisb, M. 0., Third CkmgresBional District of Vir- ' eiO.OeODaaaacea. . WUmlngton 8tar. h The jury in the case or Mr. 4. 1. Edmundson against the Richmond A Danville Railroad lor damages by reason of injuries sustained in the Rifles railroad accident while en route for the State Guard encampment at - Asheville three summers ago, and which has been on trial at Kins ton court since Thorsday last, returned a verdict Tuesday afternoon m hi faror for $10,000. 4 j 3 Syrmp nr Ftsa. Is Nature's own true laxatire. It is she most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when B.iaous or Costire; to Dispel Headaches, Golds, and Fevers; to Cure Habitual ' Oonatipsy tion, Indigestion, Piles, etc Manu factured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, OaL John S. Pescud, Sole Agent for Ral eigh, N. C u ea k The Norfolk A Western Railroad; Company has sent A rf presentatire to London, and abundaut funds for the f u nre are countedupon. - AD V1CB TO MOTH BBS. Mrs. Win low's Soothlnt Svtud should always bo used when children are entUng tooth. It ro llevos the little snflerer at once, It produces mat oral, quiet sleep by relieving tne children from Dain. and the little cherub awaaea as Mbrlcht as a button." It is very pleasant to taste; soothes the child, softens the rams, allays tt pains, re lieves wind, regulates the bow- 4 to the best known remedy for diarrhaavwbeUMr rlslBC from ' teething or other causes.. Twenty Ave cents a bottle. ' - . ' An effort is being rondo to intro duce a tailless dc sa ovni, but it will not succeed. The dress suit is ugly enough now. Sweet a Imm fntrmtUUitbigt The Leaning rrioesacts. Sold atPrusanta. Laicador Curt Unr&mptolwt, CottlotitUS. Billon mm EES lAUwvnon it ' fVoa H I tti. SoUba atf aVaay fctfc miinferg Rhoumatitm. Wtoraga, Headache, Toothache, Sow, Ban; Cut, Scaldt, Backache, Woands.te; ucvw uKQCi nuexn. ert nbmAm : 1 f I" 1. V0 10811? 1 I' i t f - j j

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