-V- .tt-V.-"! -V !. . . I - ' '-. - - - r I y- :'t J r-; J ,, m i r 17 I I s i 1 - 5 - ii if- vf)ij.xxvi: j RMlt0gSATUROAjYi MOANING. NOVEMBER 24. 1888. NO. 131, f W ; - 1 - M EWB OBSERVER i-N---v-. i- ryM jj, , ..... .. ; - V u - y y L3UU - f! - - SWITCHMEN strike; ENGINEER3 BEFUSE GO OUT. TO Si T !) Tai SKMA1TD8 piS! tax TIKI GIYI i )TOB OdHPLliKCS THB 1XTIHT 07 MKTHODMT.PROTKSTAJrr CBPHCH. THI SIXTT tElWflxiMIOS CF THI Or. of the News ud dtwerrer. The 63rd tenloli of tte North Caro lina Annual Oonfarenoeof the Metho dist Protestant Church eonrened at Hn4eribn, Yanee connty, N. O.. on Thursday, 22nd day of Nofember 1888,and was opened by Rer. i J un burn, preside t 9 o'clock oi by inging &ynn iQft aAnd are we yet alive, And see each other' foe " Pray et bt Bev. T. F. MeCuIlooh IN CANADA. -By Xatograph to t&a Tews And Obserrer. Nw YoBK,K;or.23 -The World aays: Information hW reached the World from a yery aolhentio soaree that the pwitcnmen on au tranc lines from the iouowea - or reaamff z cutimoj Mississippi to jNew York hare united Psalms and 394 . Hymn; prayer by W. n t demand upon the roads f or an I W. Amick. i Ret. W. F. Kenneit was nqrease of pay, and the settlement of I appointed temporary secretary ft .?. Other grievances. The matter has I J- X- Arnold, pastor M E. Jauro , 'a ! Absolutely Purb; TW powder never Tartoc A marral J purity, strength and. wholesemeneBS. Xore eeonomicaXthan ordinary kinds and Manot be sold Lb eompetitkm with- the u altitude ef low test, " short weight, tfum or phosphate powders, sold only In aos. . Lotax BxriHa PoimKB Oo., lot ,wall Street, Sew , t I', .Sold by W. O. ft A. B. Stronaoh, and j r rerrtus uo." - MY, 18, 1888; been kept in the! utmost secrecv bv both parties tof the controversy, but (here were earjaest consultations in this eity last night among ofiSoers of the trunk lines-. They hare been given intU Saturday o respond to the de mands Of the tritchmen and after taf, if these ftre not granted Or a compromise canubt be reached, a gen ejrmti atruce ia isnreatenea it was Deans, the rules Conference were was introduoed. On motion 3. 0., of the last Annual adjournment at ! 11 a. m. lor pulpit service; meet at 2 p.m.; adjourn at pleasure, ! Rev. G. E. Hunt, D. A. Highfill and J. O; Deans was appointed a oom- stated by the lame high authority I mittee on credentials of lay repreaen- last nignt uiat is was iuceiy tne new I taiives. W hits Blankets from Si per pair. Colored Blankets from 90o pitr. York Central would oqme to an ami cable agreement; with its men. : Lbuvirous tqd.; "Not. 23 The strike of railroad switchmen is taking ah ugly phase. pot a single switch epgine in the ( city was moved this ;morning. In; the freight yards everything is in pOnf asion. Morning trains were abandoned, half made up ot n6t made up kt all except in the Aionon ana lAfcer jsne s Western Rev. F. T. Tagg, corresponding secretary Board of Foreign Missions, was introduoed and epoke briefly. The conference entered into the examination of the final character of ministers. . S D. A. HighfiT, Orange circuit; W. W. Amick, Alamance circuit: V. A. Cecil, Randolph circuit; W. 0. Stain; Winston station: W. O. Eennett, Haw River circuit: W. F. Eennett, Flat yardi. The mete however, declared l-Rock circuit; T. F. McCulloogh, Ash Bed Comforts Iff - from 95c each. T adleaVUerino Vests,80, 40, 60 and tm I thlldron's Merino Vests, all sizes4! -.. - 4 r. Gentlemen Hi Merino Shirts, SS, j- . it 50 ant 75 cts , . ' that not ah engine should be fired this morning. Ih all the yards busi ness was it a complete standstill, t In several places engineers and firemen or other employees were pressed into service and tried Itio go on with their work but the strikers interfered and suocessf oily prevented the depart ure Of any trainal Although some difpoeition to blockade the tracks and obstruct the progress of the men who desired to work! was : exhibited. only I one instance of positive tio leneei was reported durintr the nijrht. A eef ions phase of the strike is that boro circuit; J. N. Garrett, For. syth circuit; 0. It whitaker, N. Gran ville circuit; T.M.Tollen,Roanoke cir euit; W. T. Toilen, LGrange mis sion; W. F..McDowell,Ivy circuit, and G. E. Hunt, Spring Church station were successfully examined and passed daring the morning session. On motion of J. H Toilen,' 2 30 o'clock tomorrow was set apart for the election of a president, the com mittees on examination of credentials, boundaries, literature, college, mis sions, finanoei temDerance. oresi- dent's annual report, Sunday-schools, W, 40 Q.tntlemeni Bcar'et Shirts, 75,! $1 and $1.75. - h. j 40 p sntlemen's Merino 1-S Hose S5o, worth AW ELECAHT LlfJE the engineers and firemen are in close I iournals and i unfinished business. yppatuy witn tqe; swiwsnmen ana mikeno attempt to man the engines. In near ly every' Instance-tley have quit jwork,,xun--their engines into their stalls and drawn the fifea when statistics and fraternal relations and correspondence, statistics and pul pit services, j " i j ; f Amasoos ssssion. The president in the chair. ;Rev. -OP-i adds in jch to the eomplicstion'bf the matter. . xue wuii awifcoamear may bef replaced by iaexperienced. men provided the . engineer! anaueaca will work,but nothing can be doneIn experience will not do to trust upon an engine, i S ireene, grand master of the Switchmen s Union, has re turned to Chicago1 Alt . the forenoon the strik erfhive been goiig in gangs from nrvA vkrdto anbthee and'warmntr the A WE W LIKE OF JLTIKS I tpplleants for worM that if .they un- aetase to canuie ua bwuuu wguiw the IwitdimentttiSBted iU Xhis I BeDjunin jStoht, of ; West Virginia, 01 borne missions of the ..4 UDIKS 10, 25, AXD ' 50c flOSEl constantly on hand e, - 10, 12i and 25a 1 '-' t i. secretary of home missions General Conference - of the M. P. Church, was introd need io the eon neTlAfioisTrofo butting one 'mission church every three weeks- . , i Friday at 10 a. m. was, on motion, hear ; ttev. uenitmin hich he rep- TWO MORE RASCALLY BANE WRECKERS. taM IGAHTIO SWOTDLI TAT1D THKIB TflStflMI- Minions oraia MIW8. Spirit ef th StaU PrM. ' The farmers of the South are more 1 deeply interested in this subject (in austnai Independence) than men of other pursuits for the 'reason that they are least able to bear the etrain to which they are subjected by mon opolists and a grinding tariff for the firotection of manufacturers a fear ul burden from the cridle to the grave. Their lands are already slip ping away from them, and under the i present oondition, which is growing worse and worse year by yeer, it is Only a question of time when our country shall oease to be a land of sturdy yeomanry, the lords of tbe sou POWDERLY I t RE-ELECTED GRAND MASTER WORKMAN OF THE K- OF L. TBS KOMIH1IS AEJt THBXS, BUT MB. POW- i DXSXT IS CS06I5 OTBIB OKI ICIBS XXXCTXD. i A'DtetlV Flt V- v! . n fiv Telegraph to the Kews and Observur. - s Eubma Spskqj, Ark-VNor. 23L-A fire broke out abo t 330 this morn insr in a dentist's office, and although immediate alarm was soon given, the , flames were beyond control and the greater part of the business portloh of the city was consented. Tne lost is estimated at $200,000, with very little insurance. By Telgraph to the News and Observer. Chioao"), Nov. 23- A dispatch from Omaha regarding the Valparaiso bank uauifc btk-jt: From the present ap jatauctb the! failure is one of the uOBfc giKantici dwindles ' and . defalca uons ever known in Saunders county. lu devl ipH thi, coville, one of the owners, had altered many of the notes I torsdependents, as abject servants amounts much more than they origin- over. The gravity of the situation, ally were and that he htn 'deposited oaq hardlj be overdrawn. It is a real these notes with I otiuir banks as col- danger and demands the most serious lateral for pioney with'whieh to ipeo- thought and decided action, not only ulate Net? a i which were paid and f farmers but Of all who would per- vhich should have been cancelled petuate the prosperity and the glory have been used in the same manner, of the country as the "home of the Sooville and Crafts, after confideno ing business- men of this city and tneir inenas out oi as much money as possible, suddenly decamped, am it is thought they, are now in Canada. No statement I of the assets can be made as yet but tbey are undoubted ly small. Scoville deserts his wife, an aged mother and two invalid sisters, leaving them in distress. "MUtUBWltTLMtirLlft. By Telegraph to the Newi and Obterrer. Pittsbtoo, Pa,, Nov. 23 Two freight trains on- the Cleveland Pittsburg road came into collision at Hammondsville, four miles from Yel low Creek, Ohio, at 4 o'clock this morning. Both engines and a num ber of loaded ears were demolished. A dispatch from Wellsville, O., says Engineer Dolphin, of Wellsville, O., and Brakeman Slavin, of Ravenna, O, were caught in the' wreck and killed. Conductor George Reese and Engineer G. R I Whitaker; jsfere.. seri ously but not fatailyirjured. - The accident was caused by the crew of ah extra train disobeying orderB. The loss is heavy.! j j iTke V4 mt t Ufrmla. By Telegraph to the Neirt and Observer. " .a Fkahchoj, Nov. 23. It is ex pected that the official canvass of the State in this city will be completed this afternoon, j The - total vore as counted so far in the fifth Congres sional district, i of which this city forms a part, gives 1 Phelps, republi can, for Congress 230 over Olunie, democrat. Only two mors assembly dutricUAm ta&eaviuir S'jsoVk 300 plurality. By Telegraph to the Newt and Obsever . IsnsAHAfous, lnd, Nov.; 23. The elections of officers took up the time ofthe Nnights of Labor general as- sembly today. This was the order of they cultivate; and they will become bQsess announced at the opening of tenants at will of wealthy proprie- """"B eBBion ana nominations were uoue cauea xor. Aanei Campbell, of Scranton, nominated T. Y. Powderly for re-election-, I .Victor KDrury, of Disrict Assembly 49, placed the name of Martin Henley,, of New .Jersey, before the convention and an ex delegate named Byrch, from Ohio. A great many : seconds to the nomina- ions followed and the vote resulted: Powderly 114, iHanley 27, Byrch 1. For General Worthy Foreman, Morris L. Wheat, 6f Iowa and Henry A. Beckmeyer, of New Jersey were nominated. The vote stood Wheat 83, Beckmeyer 66. As the candidates for ; Gen eral Secretary-Treasurer, three can didates were presented: George Duncan, of Richmond, Va , nomi nated Frederick . Turner, of Phil adelphia, present treasurer. Master Workman Powderly took the fi:or and nominated John W- Hayes, of New Jersey, present secretary, and W. G. F. Price, of New York, presented the name of Mrs. A. P. Stevens, of Toledo. Before the vote was taken a motion for recess for dinner carried. Srrvp rFlffa. Is Nature's own true laxative. It free and the land cf the brave." Salisbury Watchman. Who elected UDeathamT barely not the republicans who howled so about the story, invented by them selves, that the democrats had ap pointed negroes to office. II. P. Cheatham has been elected to Congress from the second district. He is a nrgrc, and is put down ai a republican. In some counties sev eral negroes have been elected to office. This is inatter for juicing for our colored friends, but what about white republicans who claim to be opposed to negroes in office f We believe the best class of repub licans is this immediate section are opposed to .colored officials, when brought home to them. Now, will they admit that, while they are un willing to be under negro rule them selvee, yet they will give their aid to j a party that thrusts it upon others ? Or wyi they boldly declare that they are opposed to placing any of their race under negro domination,; and then prove what they say by step ping out of the republican party T Gastonia Gazette. The press of North Carolina are returning thanks to Spier Whitaker for the able manner with which he conducted the State canvass; we j add the recrrets of millions of the voters of the country that he was not chair man of the National Committee, for with his superior , executive abilit) better results might have been od tained. Charlotte Democrat. ! was is tbe most easily taken, and the most . . effective remedy-known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Qoetve: to Dispel Headaches, Coldsy and , Fevers; to .Cure Habitual Oonstipsv. taon. Indigestion, Piles, etc Manu factured only by the California Fg- Syrup Company, San Francisco, CaL John S. Pescud," Sole -Agent for-Bs? eigh,N.'Cl -i , " ; Sprma Cvmrt Dlslm. Vigeeted by the Mewe and Observer. I McElweevs. Black well ' ! When the same subject matter has been adjudica'ed in another action between the- same parties the jodg A 111 mens in mat suit may oe plead as a . bar to the action, and will defeat it. Fop First Place. - ! A xreat amount of Dolitioal njnn ing wOl be done by friends of candidates , to secure for their man the first'plaoe on !A the ticket, and the best man Will proba- 1 bly secure the coveted i place- , Then it i endorsed by the ma joriry of the' people, the election is assured. Electric fitters has been put to tbe front, its merits passed upon, has been t endorsed, (and unanimously given the first placeAmonc remedies peculiarly adapted to the re her and cure of au diseases' of kidneys. liver and stomach. - Electrio Bitter, be ing guaranteed, is a safe investment.' Price 60o and $ 1 per bottle at Lee, John son ft Co's drus store. . taidc dressed CLOTHING ! A aioe line on hard at present sad stock will be kept up ; ? f o it p": : IS'-- . " iGhristmas! i 1 1 i. J Tl . HOLIDAY- GOODS ; I t ! "! thev I would be handled roughly. Fearing trouble, the officer I of the roads called xor pouce protection; a nqon and an effort! will be made to start but some of the new crews this " 5" i ' , ... . - - i evening. 1 1 iV j AW Arriving and being opened. s .... " -iii . UTAAl i riATrp c. - VhX 14a Bast Martin Street, l By'Telegradh to the Kew and Observer jCotoMBifc, Nov.! 23 The State ! Bard of Canvassers has at last con fh Mnvasa of all the State I And i'ederal returns and has deelared tne res uai, . wuiou , hwwuu u entire aemoc ratio cueotorat uoae bjf the following vote: Cleveland 65, 825, Harriaoa 13,740; demojratio ma jority 62,085. The total vote is li, 1 932 less than four! years ; ago. The democratie majority is 4,054 greater. The I democratic Oongtessmea are elected in the seven districts of the i StaU, the contest in the seventn ana bftcs districts .having been aeciaea bi theSUte board: in favor of Col Wm4 ICliiott, present lnoumoent, wno i igelected by a vote of 8,358 to 7,003 for Miller, his colored competitor. appointed! to Stout on the interest resents. ' : ' R Van DeVenter, : of the Baptist Churoh, and Rev; Dr. Esgan, mis sionary to Italy, were introduced to the eonference. ' . 1 . President Ogbarnrcad h5a annual I gmKiDg lcday. report to ine COUierenoo. coiav. The president a enaracter psu The character of the aged Dr. W. H. Wills passed by a standing vote. The conference; resumed the pas sage of official ministerial character, when thirty others ; (all - examined) nassed.: ' . A vote of thanks Was extended to the M, K. IChurch of Henderson for the kind tender of their church to any use for which the conference may wishiu ij ; x , t . The conference accepted , It invi tation of Uie Baptist church to hear Dr. Eagan's lecture tonight on Mis- sionsry Lue in Italy. Prof . J. Allen Holt, of Oak Ridge Institute, was elected permanent sec retary.. , !'. ; ' . The motion to adiourn to 9 o clock Friday morning was carried. C The doxology was sung and ie conference was adjourned ty DrB. H. Wills. I ! ! J. Allxx Holt, Sec'y. Sire. Jey Gml Dytag. By Telegraph to the News and Obterrer. Nxw Yobx, Nov.! 23 Speaking of Mrs. Jay Gould's condition this morning, Dr. Baldwin, the attendant physician, says- i "A perceptible enange nas lasen piace in oar oonui tion since yesterday. Tbe patient spent a poor night and is gradually Total Set fUeelptf of CU- By Telegraph to the News and Observer. New Yoaxi Nor. 23. The foDowing are the total net receipts of cotton at all ports since September 1st, 1888: Galveston, 340,393 bales; New Or leans. 632,487 bales; Mobile, 88,191 bales; .1... fki Jimmh) , A. Dretty apEeeo "auoi, in soft embroidered silk, sitting on the mat on tbe floor, bending over a koto, oh which she strums un accom paniment to her, voice, would iu all probability touch the heart of a young Japanese, but no matier ;how much be might pe loucoeu, u bum appear utterly indifferent to hex and ignore ber charms ana ner prseue. For, progressive as is. Japan, young men and . women ; ara never allowed together alone, and such a thing as a flirtation or coquetry is unknown. Unlike China and Cores, Japan al lows parents to invite a young gen tleman to their house as their guest, but he devotes his time to the pa rents, ind the daughter may play the koto or entertain him in other ways, hnt aha is noticed no more than is a uauesi uainuuou iuv,uuo l , . . nhTitM 91 d 1 1S halAS! Wflmiriffton colored servant woman oj gu. m Klfrtllr Oil QftQ. Baltimore I a UOUUtern UOme. X Boeiu a 87.837: 8.456: New York. 28,560: Boston, 17,- 307; Newport Newe, 24,888; PhUadel ohiaJ 10.994: West Point, 174,368; Brunswick, 16,011; Port Royal, 4,261; total, 2,354,698. ; rfDWARD FASNAC1I, JEWELER lOPTICIAIi BAxaiaa, a. o A-uriMS PeUlt Health AaaoeiaUea. By Telegraph to the Newp and Obeervev.. MttWATOar, Nov! 23. During; the 1 third day't seisionlof the American rubllO Ueaitn A8SOCiaon. yeeteruaj, the discussion of yellow fever epi demics was resumed and oontiniaed at great length throughout the .day. The exeoutive committee nominated ajboard of officers for the ensuing Rebraaka PeUtlee. wmah. Cor. Baltimore Sua. 1 l - A - a Mr. 1 victor; Vitauane, one 01 tne Efameer setUers'in Saline county, Ne raska. at one time editor Of the State i- F . .a I il. . .!t Democrat, passed tnrougn tne city Sunday en route to Europe. Air. Yipquane takes active interest in DOlitics, and IS au araent aamirer iuu BUDDOrier OI xresiueut wieBiauu. ; s a,; f SOLITAill ui CLUSTE& DI110IES" ,i i . ; - . ! dbld Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watch e i-. uorham's Sterling SUverwarssBogers Si plated silverware, any size and T i welajht of plain 18 karat En- i f gjasentrincseonstant ly in stock. - Badges and Medals made order. m - :-v.f-. .; U-T! r I vmhrMM an endless variety of lenses wWch together with our praotioel exp fence enable us to ootreat almost any to of refraction in Myopia (nearaight t iiacae which often adoompanies ye4Dr. Hosmer A, Johnson, of Ch Mr. Yipquane gives an interesting re :ih.inv nnmin.ui for tresid-nt. view of) the poTiticnl situation in Ne braska: He says the democrats in Crete, Neb , were celebrating Cleve land's re-election up to a late hour TUWnsdav eveninar folio sing the election, so certain were they that tv.ii nartv had been victorious. In the cities land towns throughout the State it was generally conceded that Cleveland would be his own suc cessor,! asl his administration had been eminently satisfactory iron, a dusi- ness standpoint, it was tnougnt toat the republican majority would be ma teriallv reduced, but the old farmers oould not grasp the tariff question properly, so they piled up their votes for Harrison and protection Secretary Whitney has agobeing nominated for president. KltrtelA-atPUmt Deetrey. j By Telegraph to the KeS and Observer. Fobt Wat, Ini, JSIotS The Fort Wayne Jennej Electrio Light i Company's plant was entirely ae - stroyed by fir at " a. m. The loss on building ana machinery is tzou, 000 Insured for $150,000, divided among thirty different . companies. I The; fire originated m tne tmra no or WuhiagMn SHi. By TelegJtph to the Eews and Obeerter. ' ThA Marine Hosnital Bureau is in formed that there have been 1,200 cases and 38 deaths from yellow fe ver in Fernahdina, Fla , during the past season. H i Dr. Hardigan telegraphs from Ooala, Fla., that that place is healthy. He says he will start for Washington fnHiv information nas aiso oeeu received that the fever camp near Camp Perry,; Fla., has been closed for the season.! ' UM OBITS TWE1TY FITS) TEARS. i i i i ' For StoalU.; Orw :ljrtr mtm Hlllloa aad Hli Vaoae Wai Bedell. By Telegraph to the News and Obserrer, Nsw York, Nov. 23 Jas. E. Bed All, a real estate clerk of the law firm rtf Rhinmanr Barlow. Sarofirne and to us thnt custom can so control feel ing and Bentiment, especially when every day we see here at home young men doing the exact opposite, ignor ing parents and older members of the family and feigning more interest in the young women than they really feel. Marriages in Japan are carried An much as ther used to be, the pa rent making the choice, but nowadays if it chance that either the young lady or young gentleman, seeing the other, obiects to become husband or wife, . . i - iL. .11.. the parents ao not iorce me matter, and, as a rule, babies are not be trothed by their parents, as they are in some of the Asiatic countnea. Neither are women so secluded as they are in those countries, for nearly as' many Japanese women are to be Been on the streets in Japan as are American women in this country. In fact, the Japanese woman or girl ii to Asia what the American girl is to Europe. - The TeUaw Fever. ; , t t -. By Telegraph to the News and Observer.; GAXjrxsvnxz, Fla., Nov. 23.-Surgeon Martin reports one death, Bessie Pinkersohn, white, and four new cases two white and two col ored. The temperature is 47 No frost has appeared as yet. Nsw Yobi, Nov. 23. The follow ing telegram was received today from R- S. Schuyler, secretary of the How ard' Association, dated Fernahdina, FlaNov. 22: No new cases j today and no deaths. Four yellow fever pa tients under treatment. Five new cases at Chester, two white. A cold rain and wind storm has prevailed all the week. We hope it wtf 1 end with frost, which, we think, will close the feretiiecd wn-U- By Telegraph to the Ke we and Obsrrver; Lohdos, Nov. 23 At the Sitting of the Purnell commission today In spector of Police Hoggins testified concerning the outrages at Castle Island, County Eerryr : i . Sir Charles Russell objected; to the witneR' rrivicc evidence reirardinsr O 9 V matters beyotd his personal knowl edge. Presiding Jastice Haoner said he admitted reports 'made- by the police at times for what they Were worth. Witness resuming, quoted from statistics showed that from No vember, 1882, to September, 1884, one hundred and sixty outrages were committed. Sanatar Verm KmII J. By Telegraph to tbe News and Observer. Mohtoomxbt, Nov. 23 At the joint caucus of the democratic sena tors and represenatives of ;the Ala bama legislature today, TJ. S Senator John T. Morgan was nominated by acclamation to be hi own suqeoasor frpm the fourth of March next: This is his third nomination. 1 Pabents wax no wxix to inspect i Whiting Bros'. epck of Boys', and. Children's Clothing before buying , elsewhere, as they must be sold to satisfy creditors. ', i ' . : Stamps ft Dxvzbxox,, ', f Assignees & Receivers. i ScuprsRsoso Wrax, Etc. Scupper nong wine, choice, in half-gallOn bot-" fles, 65 cents each. Best imported Gin for medicinal use. i Choioe Sheo i ries, Poit, Cognac, etc., etc Poi-M tively no liquors sold to be drank on , he preiniseaj. HaBpra. I Now that corsets, are down to to dollar the poorest woman may in dulge in the luxuries of wasp waist and a ruined conautntidn. -: vv Tacilitates Teeihmg! koi4 at n.,gi7Rgulaf thkBt fit! Day's Horso MTM as aJCaae Piwwte Kaiaa Fevyv id taMahMckmb ForMlbyUdalefa Try III i nm i I1UE.E. O BBSaW BBBBBBI Mr. Blight Dea BTat Improve. By Cable to the News and Obserrer. j . Lokdoh, Nov. 23 Mr. John Bright passed another uncomfortable night, lie does not improve. 1 Now is thx tims to buy hats cheap. ' For the eurs ox i rri Onlda. CrouD. I Hoarseness. Asthma, and for the relief of Caff 11 1111 unars cubes cmnema r WALTER E- BRAUER, Richmond, Va,, . Shipper ut all kinds of j, " Stamps & DrrsBxirx, Assignees ft Receivers. now is thx tims to Duy natscneap. i . t t o: Whiting Bros', stock is being sold off Beef, POFK, MUllOD, Wtil9 &C. to pay creditors. t I I 7 ' . j ALSO i Iresh link, smoked linJr, tray or cake f 1 . Bologna, livtr and Irish fudding, Smoken neer tonue, . Corned b of , - - Corned pork. , Special driven in shoes, rubber goods, umbrellas, etc, at ? Whiting Bros'. r 4 Stamps ft Dbvxseux, Assignees ft Receivers. Choioi Maoxebxx. Choice new fat mackerel, mullets, codfish, i roe her rings, fcc. E-J. Habdib. ; ! The Hoekr Mount Fair. The Nsws akd Obsibvsb ib very ,t1o tn state the Rocky tfount fair Choate, whoiswihdled his employers J wa8 a grand success. The gate re and their clients out of $264,000 of 1 oeipts will approximate six thousand rfi.0001 dollara. Mr. jonn tt. unaer- wood, the efficient secretarv, has been untiring in his efforts ana nis success source oi satisisotion to ma will ehio to any cart of North Carolina if reference is given, or C. O. D.j pthv I wise. : ' ; s " ' ' - j. a- ItAm-UrAt.ilfomOIaBe- FullyfSOO idf, OptlCal jlCpilltpttl Uorkmen are thrown out of employ- UiOUD. 'ft- Humian Eyes aUre W iook like the natural organ patients at a distance having a broken .rsceS Xv anoth. made withos mlW Fir 1 Lraeaomrg. By Telegraph to the News and Observer; ; Washihotok, Not4 23. A special to Uie Evening Star t from Lynchburg, Ya says ; A fire which occurred here las,fc night destroyed; the pork-packing Establishment of WcUorkie ft cow man, with $25,000 worth of ma chinery; also xates stove lactory, aa- joining. ;; t- . 1 . ;i ! . j . I ' Follmroof Stooa-Brokon . j a Taiaaraoh to the Newe and Obeerver. ! Bostob. Nov. J w . aiacam- t tosh ft Co., failed. Their be stated. stock brokers, have liabilities cannot now i.t 1 ed a board of naval offioera to pre nara nlans for the new warships an . . . I . I 1 i IT- HI t homed oy oongress, dui ne wm leave the acceptance of the plans and all work on them to his ; successor in the Navy Department, which he spent part in the policy ahop of Emeraon and uoss, was to day sentenced on his plea of guilty tn the State orison for 25 years and 4 montha. Philip J. Goss, one of the policy dealers, who got $30,000 nnf. nf Bedell. Dieaaea euuiv to iew ny and was fined; $1,000. Will Be Proeaeated. By Teleguph to tbe News and Observer. LoBDoa, Nov. 23. It is announced that John O'Conner, Sheehy, Mayne, London. Patrick O'Brien and Tanner, appoint- j all members of the Irish party in the House of Commons, wui be prose rtjA for intimidatinsr renters of evicted farms.! Bond Oirrtmca AepUM. By Telegiaph to she Newe and Observe. WasHriaTos, T. ov. 22 The bond offerings' today aggregated ,$192,600 ; acceptances a,lUU xour 1 and-a-half per vents at 109$. " rnpuUT Cottom Btetoaooal. 'kivTobi. Nov. M The foflowtog ta.theeom- ! paraUve eotton statement lor the weea encung Kovemner . j ; , Receipts for the week : Total receipts to date; Exports for the week, Total exports to date, Rtnr.k at all U. 8. DOTtS. Btock at all interior towns, HtOCK M UTorpuui Xxporis to ureas tsat seB.eos llTM 1,864,91 726,698 i,itt 64,000 189T 4,86T 8,110.800 1M,71 1,89,166 43,683 238,071 63,000 237,400 is a friends as well as a proof of bis busi- ness ability. ' The following letter is inserted to show that Mr. Underwood was not responsible for the failure of Dt R. M. Dunham's troop of Indians to put ... A? J in their appearance aa aavertisea. dupuoatb or lkttbb. Beooklth, N. Y , Aug. 21, 1888. Mr. Underwood Dear Sir: I will be at your fair in November. My company will leave here this Satur day for Alexandria, Va., and soon down to your place. Yours truly, Dr. B W. Dtobam, 162 Reid At., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wall Papkb is cheaper just now than ever before. Will paper rooms a r A ? - ST.11 - . complete towing to size; aa wuow. . . T3M.Ao $6, $8 and $10 each, 1V5 oU, ia ana I w rite x? u jltj-jt i,iva. $20 each. Prices named are one-hall former prices.; Special care iaken to do gocd work, batbf action guaran teed. Have on hand a large, stock, and can suit almost any taste. ; Fred. A. Watson, put dealer and manufac turer of picture frames. Orders so licited and promptly executed. . i Walter E. Brauer, RICHMOND, VA CLOSING OUT SALE BEFORE REMOVAL Spxciw. BABGAisa in flannel onder wear at Whiting Bros'. Stamps ft Divarktjx, Aasignnees ft Receivers. Office of W. H. & R S. TucxxB ft Co., Ralbioh, N. a, Nov. 10, 1888. To the Public : i -: - On February 1st, 1889, Mr. Charles McEimmon will retire from the firm of W. H. ft R S. Tuckenft Co. The business will be continued and con ducted by the remaining members, Messrs. Boy an, Dobbin and Poe, un der the firm name of W. H. ft R. P Tucker ft Co. aa heretofore. 1' In the meantime we 'desire to re duce our stock Of goods and ; to col lees ail notes and accounts now ana. W. H. & R S. Tress ft Co. Jamet Boylan. . ; i .-. r. TV. Dobbin. Charlet McKimmon. O. W. Poe. i I . JV t will remain but a few days longer tn Raleigh and invite all who want great ' bargains in general dry goods, shoes, ; hats and store furniture, to call at ones. Those indebted to me are earneetly re-. quested to make 1 tu mediate paymeuv I wish to exchange a large Fire Proof ' Safe in good order for a smaller one. is. raiix, 184 Fayettevlll Btreai. Baleigh, Nove.et 8,1885. , . L, S500 RoWardl .JpWwS aladaeaTidja 'Mtlon, eonstlpaflon or -eosUvraeM i w aaso j jare with Wettte Vegetable Uver PUlajrhea U ' potoly TPKetable, and norer fail to gtre eaaafao. SZruSf bozee oonUlnlng SO sagM oeatedV puts, c For aaie by aU ditot.ewar U , j eouut rfelU ii ImlUttona. The renBlns mann-. raetared only bv JOHN O. JTMSTM CO, StS W.c Klrnaon On Orngidete. 1SS ISaeouanUS M BallsgaR U : i ! 4 '! ' u. g perssiwMi ii At. "777