-' r. - - ! - ' i : ' . '' , i ?') "j .'. I MM ' . - i l ) l i . VOL. XXVI. it RALEIGH. N. C, SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 15, 18S8. S NO. 14S jN EWS AN :.r. ; . : . i p. "--..-' Absolutely Pure- f This powder nerer Tuies. Ai. marvtl f pnritTt Btrecurth and wboleaomeaeea More econom ioVth an ordinry klnda pad eaanoft be sold In competition with the , multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders, sold only fan ans. Rotax. Baxtsq Towvat Co., 108 Well Street, Hew York. Sold by W. O. ft A. B. Strouaoh, and J B Ferrall ft Oo t' !"-: W00IAC0TT & SON, 14 East Martin .Street. We are now displaying the mojt elegant . " j j - line OK . HOLIDAY GOODS . Ever shown in the Sta X 1000 SILK HAKKERCHIEFS FROM 10 i I rechaaioal Engines 6Co eaoh. ; relooipedes. Wagons, Desks, Doll Car' riages, etc . B isque and kid body eaoh. Dolls from 25o il ' t n's Stai phildren arj Books at half price. A- D rums. Toilet Articles; Fine Vases and all ktndi oz Toys ami uames,i 1000CH6ISTMS CARDS 2000 yds 88-in Henrietta fCl oth, all hades at S5p a yd, worth 85c 1 Our Good are all marked in IPIain Ft ONE PRICE ONIiYf jfiDWARD FASNICH 2f JEWEfffl DPTIOIAN SiLnSE, WU Om Mm 89UTiIE and 0LUSTE& OUMOID1 ! ; - !w Gold Jewelry, Gold and 8ihrer Watch -- Qorham's Sterling 8Urerwara,Boger I plated silrerware, any sue and s weight of plain 18 karat En- i : ly in stock. Badges j i T . z-r : r and Medals made i i to order. jar Optical Embraces an endless variety of lenses which together with oar practical expe ienos enables us to eotret almost any rror of refraction in Myopia (nearsightf, Hypermetropia (far sight), Prsbyopis (old sight). Asthenopia (weak sight) sC giving prompt relief from that distress tog headache which often aocompanies uuk AniiriLiAij ; m irl Huinaii Eyes stre and took like the natural organ sr min whan inserted. . , ; . Ji: PasientM at a distance having a broken r . K i l-.K .1 ! '.-T r:. Wepartmenl -eye eaa have another maa wttnons eau- NEWS OBSEBYATIONS. . 7-Friends of Senator Brown, ol Georgia, tate that Uere is no truth in the statement that ' he intends to resign his seat in the Senate at an early date. Senator; Brown is still in Georgia, but when hk left-Washing-; ton in October he did not' expect to ret sir n until after the! holiday recess, so that his absence therefrom at this liae-hss so significance whaterer. -The annual winter sales of thor oughbreds began at Lexington, Ky., Tuesday. The most important sale was that of thirty-eight head owned by the Melbourne Stable, -which sold for $61i320, the best lot being the two year-old Lioness, sold to Dick Roche, of SU Louis, for $10,100: There was a large attendance of horsemen from' all parts of- the coun- try-t i;' - Sf'-S t The French copper syndicate ab solutely controls the world's supply of copper, it is said,: and dictates the price that consumers shall pay lor the metal. An enormous surplus stock has accumulated- The syndicate must either restrict the production or col lapse itself. It seems to-have the power to compel- the mining com panies to shut down and throw thou sands of men out of work in order to alloW. it to keep a high, fictitious price on the product, and , thereby reap lm mense profits from its' oorner in the Stuffr !.. "I . '. -r . . v ' i t ; I i -r-The contract for the erection o( large and handsome hotel in Sayan- nan, fcra. has been awarded to an Inr dianft builder,, and it is to" be ready for oooupancy by Jecember 25th? 1889. With the groundsand site the hotel; will cost $500,000, the money being raised by a joints stock . com pany ooinposed of the leading capi talists and business men !of the city. The Screren House, of Sarannah, is also to be enlarged and modernized at a cost; of $100,000. Here is an ex ample for Raleigh men, who wish to make our beautiful oity the winter re sort it should be. T . j -,- jpoL j Thos.i G. Jones; who . was sent to Birmingham AlaA few days ago in charge of the) m jitary, will be remehibered by many of the old, sol diers of the Oonfederate army of Northern Virginia. As a member pf the staff of Gen. John; B. Gordon, CpL Jones was distinguished f or ooor age and dash, and bears on - his per son scan receired in battle. At the closef of the war Got Jones settled in MoBtgo.mery, where; he achieved dis tinction as a lawyer and for ten years was Superior Co ar reporter of the Statej. . He has always taken great in terest in military affairs, and now oommands one of 4h best drilled and equipped volunteer regiments in the nth- f iKBi ' -hY - -A nautical dirojoe suit was tried in Boston last week which illustrated the oneertainty thai sometime fol low when one is married to a sailor. Rebsoca G. Pitts brought suit for di Toroe oil the ground .fi desertion, and alleged that her husband, C5apt Pitts, was. in the habit of going away on cruises of more r less length and freqaentiy neglected toinform her wnatpart ,of the world he was ! in. She averred that ha had., written to her to edme and life with ' him, but with strange forgelf ulness , had neg' looted, to add his hQme address to his letter. Oapt- Pittsl friends, brother Bea captains, also seemed very doubt ful as to the iegall residence of that seafaring individual, and . a divorce was granted. : : ' -:Y . : The official staiement of the cost of the quarantine :fwhioh. Gharleston, S. G., ' maintained ; during the past summer, exclusive pf the expense in curred on aocountiof extra labor on the 1 streets - and :3or, disinfecUntB, which should not jbe charged u the cost, of $he quarantine, shows that the whole .expendiiure was $1. 801.75. Referring to this exhibit, the New aud f GoUrier. ' observes? Oe tatnhj more important aid , reliable result hava never been o&tained in the his: tory of our municipal administration by ho trifltng an outlay. Even thow whq have not perfect faith in th effi oaoy of a . land quarantine wiii ac knowledge its: inestimable value in giviog confidence "and a sense of ee mini fn (ha rn Hulls? I r r' -fit. is announced ' again from- In dianapolis that no! one has yet beet offered a position in Gen. Harrison's cabinet. The President-elect is sorely annoyed, it is said, by the statemtnls that have, appeared as to the com po sitibn of .his executive family.: Every man brings him numerous letters con X;l,:!"pCm - r lauamg tnem to 'une skies. This it tiresome.'; It is hped, therefore, that the industrious dabinet-makers !will take a holiday. As the Baltimore sun says, now can a capmet be se lected until a policy has been adopted? This Chicago platform was put aiiide when the Senate tariff bill . was rramea, ana tne cartr nas vet to sav exactly what its leading motives! are to be in the next four, years. It takes time; to settle large questions like thse, so ;tbat we Imay readily believe Gen. Harrison to! be still undecided i 1.1 I lA.! Li 1'J 'JL I as.tu tue oompostuon pi uu caomei.. jVinks-f-"Beenf keeping niigbty scarce iince the yourself election, ber that Jinks. Guess you remember you were to wheel me five e squares if cs-j-"N-a, I I can't find a Cleveland lostltl "Jink haven't forgotten! it, but rope. Winks-l-MRoDef " Jinkc les: I a)ways do my wheeling on' a tight robe V Winks "Oh ! Well, never mind about ilhe bet, You nedn t pay. I Ropes are expensive CONGRESS. PROCEEDINGS TESTE RDAI IN ' j THE HOUSE . . SIVXBiL At5I)HK5TS TO Tjtl NI0i.Bi.QU4 A5D - DXFKATXn. Telegraph to the If ewslaad Observer, Wabbiirotok, Dec 14 Hon k Mr. Hooker of Mississippi, intro duoed a concurrent resolution p -viding for a holiday recess from FV day, December 21st, 'until Monday, January 7 th. Referred to the coin 'mittee on ways and. means. . Mr. Cleary, of Texas,' moved tha the House go into committee of the whole on the private calendar fo further consideration of the Nicara gua canal bill, and, pending this mo tibn, moved that all debate on th bQl and amendments thereto be lim itedto forty minutes. Mr. Blount, of Georgia, raised a point of Order against the latter mo tion, , contending that debate could. only ,be limited on a specified section of a bill, and not upon the entire measure. This point was dis cussed at considerable length, a diffi culty arising from the faot that on Friday last a bill was considered in the regular manner, amendments being offered to all sections. In Order to settle the question Mr. Paysoh, of Illinois, offered an amend ment providing that the bill shall be read by sections, the debate on the first section beinsr limited to thirty minutes. L v . '? , Mr.f Wilson, of Minnesota; rising to a Question of crivileee. Bent to the clerk's desk and had read an article from a ew York newspaper declar ing that I two elements were united against the Nicaragua Canal bill the agents of the Pacific Railxoad and the attorneys of the Panama Canal Company- giving an interview with Judge paly on the subject and inti mating; that the gentlemen ; who had offered amendments to the bill Wil son of Minnesota, Cobb of Alabama, Bland of Missouri, and Spinola of New York), were seeking to defeat the bill by indirection. The j gentle men named all indignantly denied be ing influenced iu their, action in offer ing amendments by any purpose ex oept a desire to perfect the measure, and the latter referred to Judge Daly as a man who, since his retirement from the bench, had been connected with a .'breezy enterprise. ;-(-, ; Mr. Cox, of New lork, paid a warm eulogy! tcj Judgtt Daly's integrity, and ixt an; emphatio manner denied the charge that he was a lobbyist. The matter was then a ropped and Mr. Parson's resolution adopted and the House went into committee of the whole on the Nicaragua bill. MrPayson offered an amendment providing that all snares, j stocks, bonds, certificates and other seouri ties shall be issued from the princi pal office: in New York and shall be disposed of only for cash.- The amendment .wa) defeated by a tie tote but it was agreed that an other I vote should be taken in the House. 1 1 :: ' -, Mr.f Spinola offered an amendment limiting the capital stock to $100,- 000,000, and the amendment was sup ported Jby Mr. Faysonud opposed bt Mr Payne, of Pennsylvania, who, in the course of his remarks,' declared t b at the : bill : wonld be passed this seBsidn if it occupied every Fri Say. The committee thenTose, and, after an hour and a half ; spent in a vain tff jrt to secure a ' quorum upon the proposition to limit debate, the House at. 4 30 took a recess until 7.30 o'clock, the evening session to be for :Atj i'j i? m i : ine oonsiaerauon ox private pension bills. .j:--. The House remained in session an hour! this evening, the time being principally consumed in an cff rt to settleon i some method of procelure for the consideration of private pen sion bills but no agreement could be arrived at. The House at 3:30 ad journed until Monday. Total Sat Rlpts of Cotton- By Teligrap i to the Mews and Observer. iNiw xobx, Ueo. 14- The folio wine: I are the total' net receipts of cotton at all ports since September 1st, 1888: Galveston, 414,689 bales; New Or leans, 9U4.U 18 bales; Mobile, 124 baa bales; 'Savannah l 561,346 bales; Gharleston 273,687 bales; Wilmington 115,564; Norfolk, 315,387; Baltimore 21,272; New York, 51,707; Boston, 22, 772; Newport News, 36,458: Philadel- Broiiswfck, . Rrt Royal, 7,412; total, 3,129,144. i FortB Hows. By Cable to tbe News and Observer. PaBiBi Ueo. 14. In the Chamber of Deputies today, M. Reytral, Min ister of s Finance, submitted, a bill author iiing the postponement for three months the payment of the Panama Canal Company's liabilities, including the interest and redemption bonds, i - u : CoiaparaUTO Cotton Statement. Bt TelerrDh to the News and Observer. paratlTe Cotton statement for tbe week ending w xoaa. uet. 14. rne iouowinn isueeom vecemser i4 j - 1888 2B,'M 8,129,144 233,2i0 1,997, SJS.76S iltCl 4S4.000 as.ooo 1887 Receipts for tbe week . Total receipts to date, ! Kxports for tne week, . Total exports to date, Stoea at all C. & ports, Stock at aU Interior towns. 17,T4S I,l8e,l9T rrs.STS 2SI.IS4 STO.OOS JTU00 Stock at Liverpool, Bxporu to Great Britain. Bond OSToviacs mmut Aeeoptnneoa By Telegraph to the News and Observer. 1 . WaSBXBOTON, Dec. j 14.-Today's bond offerings aggregated $680,000 acceptances $675,000, all four-and lHHIOBATIoa, THS 8O0THXBN tNTKS STATX oonvxir- r i 4 TlOS-ra tXRUAJXar tHTKa ITATX B.SAU 0BMXD. . ' r 4'he southern inter -state immigra tion Convention at Montgomery re assembled! Thursday mordina: and -rl Chilton, of Texas, chairman I of oh committee on the organflEation of ' permanent Southern Inter state ipjigration Bureau, submitted the ' cb mi t tee's -report as folio wp four loommittee, , selected! for the urpose of drafting a plan of orgahi a :on looking towards the fbrmation & permanent southern Iqter-otate migration .Bureau, for the purpose f I securing, added, population and .ir.ai ior cue oouinern snites ana Vfritories, securing uniforia freight c4 immigration rates, tbetopeningofet rueral omoe and the estarJisbment f other .offices and agencies, arrang- ngof fairs and expositionp, estab lishing ports of entry, and tme doing of aU other things necesF any for the development of every Statefand Ter ritory embraced in the'v call of this convention, beg to submit itheir re port as follows, and; recommend that there- i be r selected an Executive committee to consist of members from eaoh State and Territory; Ithat said executive ' committee shall I elect a gerieral manager, and that said exec utiye committee ana general I manager shall constitute the Southern Inter Stajbe Immigration Bureau; ind shall hold office until the meetii g of the next annual convention, or b ntil their successors have been elected and ac cepted the trust. .Your cbmmittee furthermore suggest that as matters pertaining to the conduct iff the' In terstate -Bureau be left solely with he! Bureau, there being nol question of State interest involved, s nee each State wilt be represented b r one of hedmost able representativ men in tbef formation of the executive oom mittee. ' I i 'Your' committee further! suggest that said i Inter-State Burbau shall consist tad be composed of the f ol- owinfr i named oersons : 'Ixeoutive committee John T. Patrick J Raleigh. N p ; R. F. Kolb, Montgombry, Ala.; xjogan ra. ;xvoo(s, ijittie jnqcK. "vric; T. W. Poole, New Orleans, ILa : Geo W. Carlisle Jacksofl.Miss.; HM.Hbrd, JNahvule,!Tenn ; Jv js. ingamoan ford, JTla.; W.Jj Jb! Gleaner,' moious, a; A, P. flintier, UolumbiaJ 3. O. J. S; fDougherty, Austin, Tet4s; T. P. Weison, Folsom, Hew Mex ct; (Jr.. W. B. HalL Rocky Mount, -Ya J Temple Bodly, Louisville, Ky ; J- El Gwynn, Missouri; and that when a vacancy rs in said executive cbm nittee Governor of tha State frim which retiring member came shlalt be re auestea to uu -the: vaeandvt and in case said Governor fails to xaake such appointment the executive iobmmittee shall fill said vacancy. ; 1 1: , ! Qn mbtion of Mr. Patrick, hf N. C., ie report oz the committee was amended ! ! by inserting the ume , of Co , P. B; Chilton, of TexaL as gen erai manager ol . the buream, and as amended the report waa adopted. : I The committee on resolutibna made the! following- report, which was adopted: ' t. . " ; ! Whxbias, It is belceved' by many citizens of the United States It at the Southern States dd not desiqe to have imtnigration from the ' NOrtqern, Newi England and Northwestern qtat fcs and Territories; therefore,' be rti Resolved, Bv the Southern Inter- State immigration Uonveaticu, as- seuibled this day in the city lof Mont gomery, Ala., composed pi officials and prominent citiz9ns of tie several Soptnern! States and Territdrie,. that wej extend to all law-abiding citizens, of every .religious, faith! on political party, an earnest and hearty invita tion to make their home income one of these local States tad territories herf represented in this! odnv'-ntion moma, . That he Soth offers grander and greater; opppr ; hittes aii.d inducements to . labor ad vpi ai thin any other county on the f-ioe of the globe; that there are jyet to be fohnd .: within - the border IT of the S rates here repr6seated : in th s con vention-, a large acreage of uiotwdp'd agricultural an6Lhbrt.ioUltural lauds open to se tlement and oocspa iy, at less price per acre than oarJ be found inf any -other portion of tqe United otjates that in her mineral ahd amber resources she is destined 'tL had the whole iworld: that the i Somth needs immigration, and the kindl of lmmi- gtation wanted is. that whidh l intel ligent and energetic; men! who are capable Ol producing sonietbing in addition to their immediate dBoettsities. Warrenton Gazette: A siagular and sad shooting oaee oocurredjnear War-; renton; on Monday nighl last, by which a yourjg colored mkn named Davy ' Sbmerville lost his llife The nlinks pad been disturbing biM fowls, for several . nights, and ol Monday night! they came again. I IDavy got nb and went out without I the other iq mates . anu wing is. j jciub ouuhi Alonzo, also heard the noisp and went but with the gun and as be came neajr sr 1 1 !l 1 TTt ;i the hen house he saw a man coming Srtiii nrffVi n : licrKf t ixr A i.hlhhincr it n thief Instead of a mink, fined and in- stantiy juiiea xavr snojoting o a , - - s o both eyes and brains. Thomas H' Blythe, of San- Pj co, who left four millions of prop erty and; no will, was not a gypsy, as claimed, but an ex-conviod who , was transported f romliondon ti Australia. Only relatives 'are afamilyjof iiondoh chimney sweeps named. Sa≥ but the daughter of a variety af tres claim occu thet NEWS FROM STANLEY 1 - : l .-' I- LETTER CONTAINING 1EWS i OP HIS CAPTtJRE. I 8 -f TO SUBRENDIB HIM PE0TTDXD THE TROOPS 1 WITHUBAWSt yBOK StJAKIM raBjuaicE9T niscussiso ! I THS SITUATION. Rr Cable to tt News svndObsertcr, Cairo, Dec 14. In a letter received at Suakim from Ojmari Dtgna, and Which is supposed to have i ontained an announcement that Emin Pasha tad the white traveler (presumably Stanley) had f alien, into the hahds 'of tne Mahdi, were enclosed copies of a dispatch from the dervish leader at Lado to Khil Pasha, giving the date Of Emin Pasha's surrender as I Octo ber 10, and a letter' to Emin jPasha from the Khedive, which the flatter handed to Henry M. Stanley when he was at Cairo. f ALLXOXD PBOrOSITION TO I GIVE it P THZ ji rBI80NKS. j 1 . xjohdon, Dec 14. It' is .rumored that Oaman Digua, in' his letter, ex pressed: a willingness to surjrender Emin Pasha and his white companion Srovided Egypt would agree td aban on Suakim. If this proposal is not accepted, it is believed that both cap tives will be killed. The British cab inet are now discussing the situation. i! Along with the letter, : Qsman Digna sent several cartridges, which he alleged were takei' frorh the' white traveler. til In the House, this afternoon, Mr. Smith replying to Mr. Wilfred .Law son said, as far as knovrn, thei letter written by Osman Digna, announces the surrender of Emin jPashaj and a white traveler. The government had no means of knowing whether It he al legations were well-founded, f Stan hope, Minister of War,! replying to JLsillon, : stated that the cost of the army occupation of Egypt during the current year was 110,0001 This expense would be borne by Egypt If the operations entailed further ex- ; -. . , i a i x m penaitures ; me government wouia oonsider how they should be met. The Egyptian government : bad ap proved j the 1 sending of reinfbrce ments to Suakim. 1 . i I ' f . GenJ Grenfell recognized the letter which lOdmta Digna has furnisbed as the; original one which.; ne i baa drafted for the Ehedivei Thus Stan ley's capture is virtually beyond doubt,; " i 'Cifl;l . , been informed cf the situation. The! King of Belgium :: is agi tated by this outcome of this xpedi- tion and is receiving a great many dispatches regarding it. ile admits that he was the largest subscribe i to Stanley's expenses. 1 . !! n '. The Independence Beige Bays thet England will doubt less do everything possible to liberate Stahley, abd that Gladstone, too, bitterly regrets the abandonment of Gen. .Gordon, and hopes that Xiord Salisbury : iil not abandon Stanley and Emin Pasha. i , j . For Steanlna- Clerk of the Senate. uor. of tas news ana UDserren 'Dobso, N. C, Deo. 12, I see that "some of the best 888. d-imo- orats of Orange county? have reoom mended o. P- Graves of purrjf coun ty for the position of Reading Clerk of the Senate; and we most cordially endorse the suggestion! for. we know he is in every respect? qaahnea for the position. He is a yourig inian of intelligence, high .moral worth and exceptionally good hibits, ! arid he is also a good and fluent reader, with full,; round voice At bur last county convention he was unanimously se lected to canvass the county Jin the interest of democracy. And h did the work well, so wejl indeed that the incff ased democratic votef i th county i largely attributable io it. Wit hout disparagement to auy other gentleman 1 who may aspire to , the same po-uuon no be iter selection be oiade. If the Sena a should rOpr i to . give him the :. pit. je - it d : bat' encourage a . deserving altd be a prjbper reward for orioas service, i- J. R. IiXWAi4rr.. Ch'm. Dem- Ex. Com jof Saty Co. wm i i ' The power of words is illustrated by the following, related in he Me chanical News: "A wealthy man who owns a 'country residence, Recently became dissatisfied with it, and de termined to have another. So he in structed : a real estate agent famous for his descriptive powers to adver tise it for private sale;, but to conceal the location, telling purchasers to ap ply at his officer In a few days the gentleman happened to see the ad vertisement, was pleased with the ac count of the place, showed it to his wife, and the two concluded ii was; just what they wanted,! ahd theyi would secure it atohoe. So he went to the office of the Jurent and told him that the place he hwd j advertisedl was such a one as hei desired and he would ourchase it. The agent burs into a faugh and told him that was description of his own house when he was then living. He read the ad vertisement again, cogitated Over the 'grassy slopes,' 'beautiful ' vistai,! smooth lawns,' &o.,; and i broke out, is it possible? Well, mki out mf bill for advertising tad expenses, for by George! I wouldh t sell the place 1 BOW 1W uma uises un wo iuq. '. The bursting of a water pipe Cleveland caused serious damage by tearing up streets and undermining 1-1 I v could see p won) jmatij men I Other things being equal the party irhen it has places to bestow, should Reward those who have rendered it tad the state; the greatest public eer snce. The friends of Mr, Augustus Leazar of Iredell will present his same be fore the demQcratic caucus at the en suing session of the General Assem bly for Speaker of the House of Rer jresent stives. Mr. LeS?ar should re ceive the nomination and be-'elected-I Since his first, appearancd in the Legislature of 1883 the session of 1883 having bbeh returned by his county to every succBedingi session, tad this 'being the fourth time he has been elected as a member of that body he has been an important and prominent figure in the counsels of iisparty.. U - v ;. , jl Few men in so shortxa time have .arisen to A such eminence", ahd j have rendered the State and his. party 'such devoted and I efficient service. Both during his second and third terms in the legislature so highly: were his abilities esteemed, so : broad and 'conservative his statesmanship, that he took first rank! among the able aeff" who served With hini in the Hoaie of Representatives at the ses sions Of 1885 ; and 1887, . and he was at once recognized as one of the lead ers of his party. As chairman of the committee on education, author of the bill establishing the Agricultural and Mechanical College, a member of the Board of Agriculture, tad being b farmer, he has been and is identi fied closely with the agricultural and Industrial interests of the State. - His brilliant canvass both in the cam paign of 1882 and 1884, as well as in the last campaign, hove made him a reputation which I will outlive him. Ho is thoroughly 'familiar withthe financial history and condition of the State, and at every session be has earnestly antagonized everything that savored .of extravagance and waste. He has always been found on the aide pf the i people , as against monop OlienJ and his ' fight 1 against the 1 additional appropriation j to Mie Vapo Fear Sc. Yadkin Valley Bailroadand.the large appropriation to the penitentiary is yet fresh in the minds of the people. He has always been found between the two; extremes, the cheap JohnsVand extravagant. Such a man id a safe and wise party leader. Familiar from every experi ence with the rulesj a thorough par iiamentarian, a gentleman of culture and refinement of: irreproachable character, wise: and 4 discreet,; Mr. Xieazar possesses evary quality which goes to make a j first-class presiding .officer. Liet him. he chosen.! u ' , . j . i j -j 1 ' . Dsmoobat: Druggie t (pi ay fully sq o ir ting some Jockey club on Brown's coat) There, iBrown, you're a whole flower garden all by yourself. Brown (iu alarm) ? Greaa Scott! Msn, do yba know don?" Druggist-- fwhat you've pNothing,- eerious, I hope" Brown ' . . w a : ith jockey club, and my wife never uses anything but i heliotrope. New York San.- :M- . rfl -i.i1 '31" Visions of egg-nogg and applejack must have loomed Up before the elec tors of Boston: Tuesday as they pre sented themselves I at the polls and voted on ' the question of' license or. no license to seU ardent spirits."-Out of 42,00 votes cast the majority for icense was 17,551, (as against '8,483 ast year and 3,437 in 1886. But it is to . be . hoped I Boston will; take' its liquid refreshments in modsration. A Rome dispatch Bays: f A sensa tion has been catised by the Pope's refusal to bless medals and reliqua ries sent to Rome by-an Irish priest who intended them lor distribution in Ireland. Ts Pope sternly said: I cannot blass theml The people of Ireland are disobedient They seem io prefbr te gospel of Dillon an O'Briep to the 1 Goapel f Of . Jesus Cbristi" i : L ' To a corredpoadent in Newcastle under-Lime, President- elect' Hai risdn has written a letter stating ithat it m accepted by some of his relative that his family has descended from: Gen. Thomas Harrison, an officerin Crom well's army,- i r ", - i ? f .;, A PMlUr OraUtauti. . hichi is the most positive gentleman? Cer-tain. Taylor's Cherokee Bemedy of Sweet Gum and Mallei a is pcertain! ito cure couarh, ooldsl and croup. It Vis pleasant and effeewve. . I. j r ;f ' - Pinapies, Sorea, iebea nnt falaU' -When a hundred bottles ' of aarsaDSV- rilla or other pretentious specifio fail to eradicate in-born scrofula or Contagious blood poison, remember' that: B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) has gained . many tliousana Tictones,inas many seemiDgiy incurable instances. send to! the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, for 'Book of j Won ders," and be convinced. It is the only true blood purifier, j 1 I t ft ! O. W. Aleseer, Howell's i JKoads, Ua., writes: I waa afflicted nine years with sores. AU the medicine I could take did me no good. I then tried B. f B. B., and eight bottles cured me sound.' i M Mrs. o. al. wuson. Kouna laiouncain. Texas, w rites ; 1 " A lady friend off mine was troubled, with bumps and pimples on her face and reck, She tooa three bot tles of B. B. B-J and her skin got soft and smeoth, pimples disappeared. and her imnroved crratJ v t f Jaa. U BoswbrthJ Atlanta. Oa..- writes "Some years' ago II contracted -blood poison. 1 1 had too appetite, my digestion was ruuied, rheumatism - drew up my limbs so I could hardly walk! my throat was eauterizedj five tunes. ; Sot Springs gave me nol benefit, and my life was one of torture until I save B. B. B. a trial. and. surprising; as it may seem, the use of ne bottles curednfe." ' - 4 'I j TrRXXTS. Turkeys in the feathers or dressed io order at short noiid ; BietKodlst Alosmasa Coaftromoo. By Telegraph to ths News and Observer. Mobilx, Deo. 14. The : third day of the Methodist Conference was de voted to hearing reports of presiding elders showing that though the year ' has been hard one,' the church has made a steady advance, increasing its membership about eight per cent. The temperance cause is reported as improving and also the ladies' mis sionary work. :-';: j - i . ' la response to an appeal to increase the endowment of the Southern Col lege at Greensboro, Ala., $3,000 were raised in the conference today. Eight passed-two-years j men are admitted' as ; deacons, f Bishop Hargrove con ducting the examination. .i.i - i m j. ; . A I crtibU Wreck. By Telegraph to the Fewt and Ohserrer. Jacxsohvuxs, Fla., Dec 14. A, Tallahassee j special' says: i A-fait orange train jumped the track at -the' switch just west of this, city this morning. : The train waa thrown to the top of ' the engine.' Scott ' Sea brooke, the engineer, tad ; the fire man, Jim Conyers, colored, were in stantly killed, i their 1 bodiesr being cooked by escaping steam. Brake man Rice, a . young white man, was badly; scalded; and bruised, but, will recover.' It 'was a terrible wreck. "Say," said the subordinate to the editor of the new paper, the . Bugle here says our first issue gives evi dence of no more brains than -a sheet of fly-paper, and that the wax dummy who edits it oughtj to have embarked in; the fish business." "The .Bugle man," returned the editor with some warmth, "is a perambulating ' insane asylum, and hasn't brains enough to sit on a board and watch a game of base-ball. The Bugle is about the poorest apol--" fObt by the way," interrupted the subordinate, I'Tve got 'em mixed. ! It is the Banner that has made the uncomplimentary remark- The -Bugle gives us a. good notice says bur initial number fairly scintillates with brilliant and original ideas, tad bears the impress of geni us in every line.?' "Clip the notice and run it under the head of '"Praise from Sir Hubert,' " said the pleased editor. Norris town Herald. :, i . 1 . ' s It is estimated that 16,947 women out of a total registration of 21,200 Committed in the Boston municpal election, i 1 i ' The American; leads the Iworld la everything and especially In fast eating; this has made dyspepsia our national dls- -ease , though now under perfect control by the use uf Laxador. Price 85 cents. People talk 6f , moneyed responsibility S There is no rsepontibility like a baby. now important then that its neaitn ds maintained by the use ' of Dr. Boll's Baby Syrup. Price 25 cents a bottle. t1"f . -" V TaTo Popla Let everybody ko1 to the new tobacco and i newspaper, store to get all they need in that line. The store will be opened on the first of January, by a JUUrieh boy. He will keep a full line of cigars, cigarette,: chewing -tobacco. newspapers and. periodicals. IX yon want papers delivered leave your orders with him. . Let him have a chance and he will suit you in this line. ; The store will positively: be opened on the 1st of January. 18stJ I -;( . i i xl ; ! : Cabbage by the barreL ' Order of I-' i- i .: ( - i v'1 TV f lATmmw : i i . . IPlAAHant iPor: MWmiwa. Little Johnny (looking curiously at the ! r t;h . T J-U . M A one you, xuiua x uuu muj of the marks." Visitor Why, Jbhhnyi I haven't been f bitten by any ; chicken."; I J Johnny "Aiamma, didn't yon tell papa lur. xiiuns was dreadfully henpecked T Why, mamma, how funny you i look! Your face is all red.' Chicago Tribune. -Mr Leopold Morse, of Boston, evident! y thinks the Inter-State Com merce law a failure, as he has intro duced aijbill providing for its entire re peal. - t f ' . New Goods aad Mow Prieos ? Never : before offered on holiday srooda. ? Special inducement will be . j. .! - i i:i f -i. T . ,nrea irom n .wj uuui ao ui nuun- on framed "pictures Regular e'ean-1 mg out prices to ni ke ; room ior others. ; Don't ! buy .bntiV you have ? inspected my stock. ,:" i ,,f; I , I'lTaxn. A. VAT8ox, anufaciurer, f rPturie Prames, Windivw.S i . . ' i The itiiatiuiA u&: beoome more critical thaa 'evr in Servia and a rev olation is regarded as imminent. fi mm &Ptrt SoetM t.f The Leading f PEHJTJMS. FrmgrwttlUKtl9t t Pries 83 Cta SoU at: LdnniaBnwnm u0 ' PrtctoataiXCt. SoMbj as,nryW. Bill rtliero Rheumatism, f.'ierajfe, SwIIingsMrvitosjMmbagoprcjnt, Utadache, Toothathe, Sores, urn si Cats. Scalds. Cackachg. t7oarids,&eJ uLkla n mrnnnn Usi rM as-aMf w a a. m fi'hUadeiphia JUeoord. i ossein i- v . ' V .1 i; it '.r 4im- -i :i t ;ii i. . .1 ? u :1V 1 1 i i '4 halts, at 108$. - that Bythe was her father E. J.iHkanikV " I 1...,. '"4 ; ' !

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