? - -A' 4T t '1 . 1 '5 : I-K-' 5 !' s i'rf f ( ! 4 3 -t- V r. V ! I X i -i "4" L - News and a Observer - ' '.' 1 I PTiaaExir Duli (sxcxpt Motoat) urn i?'.r - r- f.-i'i'; WmxT. r 'v'' i' 1A : -By THE NEWS & OBSERVER CO I)in mmi m h mill nnttoall. It ( . SBOnUiSr " u ! 52 Mkl on wmmr. -."' ' !:'. . i : ' MS Im w-itha- I' i ' TS I Ho same entered wttbeot payment, moC 'tto pa- ' per aent utr the muntra of tune wuo mr. SATURDAY, DEO. 15, 188$ A Wi have 'Oe Locksmith of LyJobs, "or i The WeiTers War," by Prof. William Benry Feck, New York. Streets Smithy Paper, 25 cents, i. A; Aoux the .oyster war. Stesm 1nnAha knd Gailinc trans aie pressed ! into . serrioe. The 1 Chest - 'if--- peake is the scene usual. -A- ' !--A of operations j as It is good news that the "Scores - by" is to be continued. .The oyster surrey is a Very" important A work; for the State. Lt. Winslow's Intelligent, earnest and sustained efforts in its prosecution entitle that gentleman to the gratitude of ;the whole States derson, a Relegate to the, inter-oiaie i Immigration Convention , at , Mont-1 fforoerr. stibmitted resolutions in. the conrention. we see. wooosbg that in . 1891 and i!892 the Souther &it?s join togetoer and ,hold ' a Southern exposition ! in either New York, adelphia, Boston, Chicago,! Kansas City or S& Paul, the exhibits ; to .be fixclnairelT of Southern brodacts and manufactures. A good idea, i Ths Eyennr Reriew, of Winning- tm AlK-f A i.m iwAlfth birthday -it-ut A.:iu- ti ik fact almost escaped theT attention) of some of the Beriew's pest Jriends. We count ourselres. among.the mum ber of these and wish our : contempo rarr many happy' returns. The. Re riew is Wnmingtonian, first, last and m w . m m m all the time, so to speax, rtnecimg the trne sentiment of our chief i com - meroial aty. It fully merits tee hearty support; it receiyes "at tbe hands of its busy, prdgressire and hoBDitable" townspeople and of ' the State at large. , . ; - Thx direct tax refunding bill,! hat ing passed both houses; is n6w ready to be exited on by the ; President. It .will probably .reach; him thii Week. The yotein the House was 178 to 9G, the armatiye yotes being : east by 137 - republicans and 41 democrats. The latter, it is Btated, included two Virginians, four from Maryland, six from South Carolina, fire from North Carolina, two - irom Wissoari, one from Louisiana and one :-. from f West Virtrinia, the remainder of thef dem ocratic afi-rmatire rotes being t for rushed . by Northern and Western - States. ' ' The democrats from this State who yoted in faror of the measure; are'put down as Messrs. Henderson,-Latharr, MoClammy, Rowland and Simmons. i A !" AawAwaa.!'; "j-Rf Oar people should beware of the snares and pitiaiis i tnat are ses zor wi in-'tk-. rA4FMfltlv mifi:''rit iL-Li.J: great appe-uoe w . giu ,u- cneapneas oi nwiou piju-wuu- j p- pers.- Tbe literature tnus neia out is the: vilest poison. If introduced sinonfir uait will learer its slime and work -ucalculable harm to erery right political prmciple to which we A friend of rare discrimination 'and jadgment writes us on this point as , follows: . . 1 -, "There is great danger that cheap radical protection papers may sup plant to a great degree the sound po litical teachings of our papers all dyer the South. Erery week almoet I receire circulars, pamphlets, samples, Iprospectuses, com mnation offers, j and I suppose I; am only one among the thousands who are thus enticed to get the most read : ing and most premiums for the least moneji A!-:! .!'.' t 4l i man yon - the last bid ; l rei ceired one of them, for I; received two of them by the same mail. You will find in one a copy of what I bare to say to the publishers. I hope you will in your own- way warn your readers against the. wiles of such fellows.; I seems to me time to , talk plain; ! our welfare demands i t." , , 1 ; Our friend's reply to the offer made him, which was urged on the ground that 'eyeryj; immoreU suggestion is excluded from the columns" of the paper extended, wad aa follows; Pub. t t'Don't you consider it an "'immoral suggestion,' that it it right for Southern farmers to be compelled by laws passed in the Congress of the States 1 to A buy domestio goods at prices fixed by protected",manufac turers while more than two-thirds qf their cotton must go to Lirerpool in competition with cotton made by pauper field hands in Hindustan and ChinaT: Beast Butler; once said that among all the charges' made v against him nobody had called him a fool. T, wovAd like to beliere that "you don't; think me one. : A i'.'i- -'YVl If The .sample of the ycu mailed me has not arrired, but you were kind enough four years ago to enlighten me' during several i weeks on my obliga tions to the manufacturers 1 and 1 mil lionaires of the country, and particW larry to'the loyal statesmen who, are cow s proposing . to Taise sheol' in the South because the' Democrats n Vermont and oilier States, dominated by great moral ideas' are counted in the repteaentattre populaliozi go aa fvS wdiH pter I'6deral legislation! ( y .. pr jpy io8 tjoay or uujie Juanoce.. Ypurs reepecffallv. f xfcat: is the way to treat these of fears. That is the wayf to put away the poison that; is offered- in these cleap radical profecfcjort-rsheeta to i njeet the implied insuli to our inteili- gence involved in tne oners, juei ns tU the fellows who make these offers hat we think of their methods and ie principles they adf ocate. Let ub dpTso without disguise or hesitation. Gar friend : quoted above puts it about fight. 1 Let us follow his ex- - St lTaE4IURIH IfDKE. Hurrah for obr Boardrof County imissioners 1 ' We . commend their action of yesterday, Asirwe under stand the matter, they were entirely -right in declining to - extend the am- tile time that had been allowed the Treasurer apparent,' so to speak, to rjlkke bond. They certainly did well Mrl Lougee. He will w eieetinir make an admirable ofcer. We beg and the to congratulate' bun Cjriunty as well oil his jBection. M STATU PKSSIONS. - Borne time ago we ihad something to say! about State pensions to our Veterans of the! late! war. We held xkCe at a disadyantage in the tfuggle ' for existence should haxe I ferimeiconsideration. i line who was a soldier and who is of the i umDer we reier to p.ooje suppous lul tiew ahd aa wiir.be I en below. We: commend what he pays to tnose wno are interested in the matter of pensions I to Conf 6d erate goldiers and who of ps that lores bis I ptate and apprecfates! heroism is nott rjdiere is tbe, letter : 8 ; i r .1 -: - I: V Uec 12, 1888, h I I noticed somethin'ir in the News lmv Obbestzb in recrard :to the pen- I sions of Confederate? soldiers ; that Mia the right iibg.t-Tbe present peb 1- to a arH. 'faMa reaEOn that It is paid to so many! there are but a iew dollars, a' mere pittance, lor each One. f!Now, think of itt widows, (and, as some said in the legislature of 1885.1 orphans) of the soldiers, after I iwenty foor yearachildren aU grown i up iu i manbood ana womannooa manyjbf the widows parried again bringing ail these in,! hile some men who bare sacrineed Hmbs get notbing ttndder that bill.? I know- of a bum ber of one-legged mfii who left home in . yduncr manhood n- their teem at this call of Ody- SSlis. for troops. They! lost their: leg for Nortb Oaro Una or at least in obedience to their Oorernor's call.! No I human power can restore to toem i wnat tney loss. I suppose not one of itbem as poor is some of them mayi" be wonld be ynUikg to take; $10,0 for the lost rlW it they had it back: airain. : Now. ilon't you think that; North Carolina Ought at least to Keeptnem supplied f mum wooaen ega n :,? oea oriu was Gorernor.lin 1856, the State, m her porerty. surjplied leach" one with a leg.- Those legs f were -worn out jlong sinoe. The las leg I purchased eost ! f85 and charges. It is nearly I crone. I am not able , to pur Chase another, i Tbe State could make arrangements and get them much cheaper than indiriduals. There is great extortion in the prices. I suppose the best i legs are, held at $150 or $200, which is an out jhtge-tone but the Wealthy can enjoy the luxury. I don't 4suDtose there are 600 men in Norh Carolina who can use or need wooden legs, but there .are some who b are - been Ibsing; them terer since f the State I furnished tbem in "1866, and they idmost1 indispensable - ij do think tbe State ought to do this I much for them Many such men de- serre and need pensions, but I don't know that they will ever get them, brut 5 we are all -well ; aware of one thing-rthat those who fought on the other side will all get good pension's now whether needy; or deserving or not, while the only thing Confederate soldiers can expect Am us t come from their, own States. Yon must pardon ine for. this long letter; I know you have a great j big, warm heart for the old Confederate soldier, especially those who were unfortunate, I have Ventured to write to you and give you jmy ideas5.' , At " ' ; - A 4 No words of ours ceuld.add to the force of an;' appeal1 like that. We Submit it to the people of tbe State and their chosen representatives. ;i OOMPKITTIVK KXAMISaTIOjr. C raa appoistmeut iro wist poiht )' We are requested j by Hon. F. M. Simmons to announce' that a compete itive examination of ; applicants for appointment to the jracant oadetship at the West Point Military Academy from the second district will be held at Rocky Mount on the 27th ' day of December, 1888. The examination will.bs conducted by-Prof. Joseph Kinsey, of Lenoir county;. Mr. Etia pari, of Edgecombe, and Dr. Robert Stabcill, of Northampton. T I ir a --ex Hall r Salem Female ; .- -f !';".-. Aaei'. . . from tbe xadetr. Bale-i. N. C. - A It is an elegant two-story frame structure, 70 feet by 90, in Queen Anne style, with roof of four gables and a "deck, jit stands in the rear! of the bid Anne?, or Bagge House, the piazza fronting on the yard . back of the two principal academy buildings. on .:4 t x L ' jl uiM uuui vyuouts ut urge y tranca hall, two study parlors ano class-rooms, while tbe second floor is divided into, thirty six sleeping al coves,; neatly finished throughout native pine' and oakA Each - room in is twainscotted in oak, With hard oil fin- ishJ Oas 13 in every ' department, bath rooms complete ' onf each floor, with hot: and cold water, and every modern convenience; sewerage and ventilation', are exceptionally com plete..', Handsome Brussels carpets adorn the study-parlors, - sofas -are upholstered in olive gree plusbi The exquisite nnub oz tbe whole appeals to every artistic beuuty-lorlng eye. Cltat as tm l e SeaaterahJp. - We cad ill afford to lose the services ana the vintages of Ransom's ex perience with the incoming ' adminis tration of the republican party, whose course ad policy are as yet entirely problematic With tbe Souh Let us have Ransom sgain. Scotland Neck Democrat. A - A . AV. . In discussing the senatorship the Charlotte Chronicle suggests that Mr. frank liUaborce, the solicitor of the Mecklenburg district, would not make a bad United States Senator in the event Gen. Ransom is retired. There is more in the suggestion than people who are! unacauainted with Mr. Os borne might suppose.! He is a man of uncommon ability. The Chronicle says truly that he is only two years youDger than Senator Kenna,0f West Tirginia and is a ' more; accurate thinker--about which latter propose tion, however, there is a good deal'of !l . - L. Sfrt.. i 1 t A qoudc ju ne nas twice tne aDiiny and general fitness of ' the gentlemen who are being boomed for Senator and woold do the State no discredit in that position.. ; g i K" By I the way. had you beard that Hon. A S. Merrimon sis sniffing the. senatorship : afar.on T j act.! Another able and hohorable man Wno did the State! credit in the .Senate for one term and is quoted in that body yet. And Gen. W- R. Co the best type of a JSortb Carolinian, a cultured cren tlemana Ghevaher Bayard, indeed. AU honorable men. I , We ate hot poor in Senatorial tim ber. I But we all want our two ablest and molt .useful. men in the United StateB Senate; don't We ? Statesville Iiandmrk. , J- ' .'.;. : There will be a sharp contest for the seat in the Senate now held by 1. W. Ransom. There will be sever pi aspirants for. the position, but un der existing circumstances we can see- no reason Why Ransom should not be returned, i He has served his constit uents faithfully, and in view of the fact ' that, the President and both brancnes oi uongress are h to be re publican, Ransom's experience is go ing tib be .in demand!.! TlleA Oonrier trusts Ransom will be his own s Oessor.fAsheboro Coflirierl I Ex Gov. j Jarvia has resigned his position administer to Brsxil, and is expected to arrire at New I York this week. - A contest between him and IGren. Rknsbm will be one wherein "Greek meets Greek,"' and will excite intense interest among their respec tive adherents, and miy result in the defeat of both and the election of Waddell or Alexander. - "We will see Chatham Record. A Whsterer the cause may be, if his (Gor. Jarvis') name goes before the legislature as a successor to Mr. Ransom h will prove quite a f ormid able opponent to that gentleman, ai Well as to some others in whoso bon net the Senatorial bee is burring. I Mr. Ransom is suoceeded by either Col. Steele, Col. Waddell,- Mr. Jarvis, Got. Scales, Col. Armfield, or any - o: a half doaen others whom we could mention: we shall be satisfied. Rockingham Rocket. A " ''f ; CURRENCY. ' l-'jf, A Unkind. " They had pirouetted for about tnree minutes, when she Big billed in thei usual way her desire to stopi j fTm very fond of the waltz, ; said hei "Indeed f . I should think you . would ' have learned if, then And the silence that came; over the room was-so deep -that all attempts to measure it by throwing the lead were lutile. Harper s Bazar. L A good story is told of Ros-enthal, the pianist, oilote, one of ''Ijiszt s favorite pupila," sent Rosenthal note announcing the birth of his first daughter, adding: "She is already four weeks old, but cannot play the piano iSemarkable, isn't it T Noth Ing at j all remarkable about that," Rosenthal replied. lou are thirty two, and can't play, either."Jewiah Aiesaebger. , , A great inducement. Miss Brown V Why, what's the matter, Mr. Paulas; ! you look fatigued hard wbrktl Mr. Paulus-i-MNo, not that exactly; but I went to church three times i last Sunday at different chuicbes--and 'twas the same old thing at all three. Miss Brown--- 1' Why don't you come brer to (our church? W e barf e good music, com fortable pews, and not one word about 'Robert Elsmere.' "life. A 1 f Ifci i '! mmr r ! Habitual Conatipation And kidney and liver ill, depending on a wea or inactive condition ot tne kid .neys, lhrert or bowels,- are successfully and permanently cured only by the ure of the gentle yet effective laxative and and diiirectic Hyr up of Fis. Its advan tages are evident; it. is easily taken, pleasing to the taste, acceptable to the stomach, harmless to the most delicate system and truly beneficial in effect. Jno. Si Pescud, Sole ! Agent, Baieigh, O. f-rf i.-. ; i I ' ,. ! :-. -t U- !, 1 Thej Yale foot-ball eleven have elected Rhodes '91 captain of the team for the ensuing- yeah The Go loshes I of Rhodes will be watched yith interest Philadelphia Ledger. ia( flaw af BUe irom the Lirer la ueauai uaaa ueaaua. ; When this is obstructed it resatts in ' Which, if neglected, soon leads to serious diseases. Simmons? Liver Eegulator exerts a most felicitous Influence over every kind of biliousness, it re atores the liver to proper working order, - regu lates tbe secretion of bile and puts the digestive organs in such condition that Ihey can do their best work JiAitrr taking this medicine no one wUlsay.f'rambUtous'T i W i I was affected for several years With bilious ness and disordered, liver, which resulted in a severe attack of Jaundice 1 1 had koo medical attendance, and tried tbe favorite preseriptlo of one of tne most renowned 'physicians- of Louis ville, Kyi but to no purpose, whereupon"! was induced tatty Simmons Liver Regulator. J.ws eennnieaoy its use ana ultimately restored me to the full enjoyment of health. JLiH. 8aja 1st, Richjnond, Kj. .v v t. - a -e if Kxamiae to see that you get the genaine, dts tlnKulsbed frem all frauds and Imitations by our Trade-Mark on front' oi -rmM.m am arm vu iroDt oc wra rapper, and I Tbe libtle PrtaUaa. Salisbury. Watcbman. - A mi i m . a t . . -V inetiaitniui ana emcient services of the? Nkws asd Obskbysb through out too late canvass entitles that es taouspmens to tne nrst coneidenation oi toe democrats when it conjps to electing a State Printer. - We hope tney may acsnoif Itodire tbe vaaiabl services bandsotrely , f A Sound Ial Oplnlem. E. Bunbridfire Mundav. E-a.. fJouniy T J l Wlu.j , : "RftVA UMVl Klw.trin Ritta.. -11H sajs: most hann-rf reeults. II T br4thr lan wak very low With Malarial Fever and Jaubd ice but was cured by titnelv use of th icineif . Atri j satisfied Electric: saved! his life. ' med itters MrJD.-I.; Wilcoxson. nf Horsd Cava, : Be Kv.I ddaa,likn tnotimnn. sovin o4 ToaitivelvrTeli ia w-in1H hairi died, . J - - v m . u naa iw no s poen ior tiectnc ttitters Xnis great remedy will ward well Ss cure all Malaria Dfeteess, fcffjas and for al!-li(Wney.Liiver and stomach Disprders stands uneauated. I'rira hCc. and Si. at Lee. IJohrsoh & Co. 's. 1! -Idavot O'Brien, of Bontcri i was beaten for a fourth re election day.f The parochial school sea Tues- e and the influence of women workerp and voters compassed his defeat Thomas N. JJart will succeed him. Th en took to election riav work wOm- they say,jlike pickaninnies to watermel6p W - : . " ' :; ; I aovick to motbkbs. alrS. WlnaloW'S Soothliur flTMn ihnnlif ilmm pe unu wuea eauaren are Cutting teeui 11 re- uevet tne intie sunerer at once, it Mod vices nat oral, quiet sleep by relieving (he cbUdien from pain.Md the little cherub awaaes as tBigbt as a punon' it is verv pleasant to taste:! soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all rains, re ueves wind, regulates the bowels and is Tie best anown remeax lor oiarrnoea, to ether nngfroD teenang or otner eausea. Twenty-Bvef cents a -General i Boulanger has Sent a mj(jr;iu me uecwip oi tne aepart ments oi i bomme and Ubarehte-In ferieure announcing hi4 intention to represent the department or xf ord in the f Chamber of Debut ies abd . h's constqqent resignation of that teats tux j uicu ' ue j was returnea firsf two departments. by the FonsMMOs many Important Advantages over sH '0., ! 1 1 -otner prepared zoooa BABIES CRY FOR IT . I ! U INVALIDS 1 RELISH IT. Makee Plump, .aushins, Healthy Babtos fceguae ine tomaon enq 1 Sold by Dnigg-tsL a., 50- Bdwela. i WELLS, BICHJiROSOII I COL, mtnntS,VT, Baby Portraits arttoUo of Ceantlftil baby portrait! , a APorttoUo baby portrait! printed on fine plate paper by ftefto Mother of an v Baby born wtthl: tiate oaner dt natent nnoto nr patent photo prdctm, sent a year. Every Mather wants these pictures; sena Give Baby's name and age. ) I at once. WEILS,' RICHARDSON & CO, Preps, SiirtngtoR, Vt Itfs Easy to . with; . '' ' 4 8une 1 JH Strength, Fastness, ! Beatlty, f , AND Slmpl city. Warranted to color more Igoods than kny other dvea evar made, and to irive mora brill la nt and Kurable eokm. Ask fcr the LhoMonti and take tno1 other. 36 colors ; to cents each. Hflij& RICHARDSON A pO.. Burlifaton, t Far Gilding or Broaxing Pane- Artidlea, USB J PIAMOND. fPAINtrS Oold,1 Silver, Bronre, Copper. Only 110 Cente. CmZEMS' TRUST COMPANY BALEIGH, N. 0 ( Solicits and is empowered to execute TRUSTS OP AtL .1UND9, i- TO KANAQK POPEHTT Ai - 1 4gont for tOwnor 4 To buy and sell property, -, i COLLECT IJESISTK 1 ! LOOK ATTEB TAXES, I -'!- A 1 . . v Rtf Y AND SELL SECURITIES To issue negotiable oertificatsl again goods on storage upon which money can txf onuinea at tne lowest Huiing uate and u no ail Dusiness usually pone by Tfuat (Jompanies. - Oi At. HAWKINS, President W. E. ANDERSON! Tice-President Pi M. WILSON, Cashier. - A Wr Raieigb Garble Works, 41? and 418 Fayetteville St., . 1,1 a-:"" H RALEIGH, K. C, trmch lard, Lawder'i Old Stud. .i a;a;' ! tATXTTXTtLLK, W. O. Man af acturer of all kinds of Hobumeatt and fTombstonea in Marbles or Oranitea, Also Contractor for all kinds of Build ing Work. Ourbtng l'osta. atepa. Hiila, jfco. ail descriptions kept on hand and aent any addresa apoa applioaticnL IJ.A A M--A -I Chao. A. ftoodwinr A 1 r ; rro ritrt ;. S500 Reward I SVe will nav tbe above reward for anv ease of 1 er eomnlamt. drsoeiMla. sick headache, lad. Mitkm. eonstlDation -M eoatiTeBeaa wa - eaniwit i.re witn west's vegetame i-ver when the dirsctloms are strictly eompQed with. They are preiy vegetanie, ana never rau to gt ttUfse eoated .uu uuie muh wuwtiiiiitg w m DtUs. in. For sale bv all dru exists. counterfeits and bnltmrtons. Therenume nutira- o fsttfiired onlybv JOHN Q. WKS1 1 a OUJsea W. Madison t .Chlwxo, itt.: For sate byj J. Ms KinuBsoa amu -ivnaian us irstetieviue- a WIRE RAILING ANl OR. .Ta ei i 4 mr a vm a ti U: JB' .ij w rac .;' No, 113, & 113, Norihnuwaid sujeetB re tixnore manufacturer 01 i wire railing for? cemeteries, balconies, dec fenders, wires; wood and coal r. sieves scree tu wotS 1 oajgs tktni UssiMft9r I -! 1 SMTT Hor in ROSS "I ALU RIGHT" I i CELEBRATED Sv N SILAGE AAl'- ; AND A A 'v! STRAW . GOOK STDVES CUTTERS - - f (ill's lianncrlm Huns. ' M A M-UD It ,-.... iti-i ''. f''T vy rr t-n. ...it . i't - BiUIIIlB :l LEW ANT1 1 Established Raleigh. BELrTlNG. NOW IS THE TIMEr IA . , I , TO BUT- 1 . I UNDERWEAR CHEAP. 1 r Whiting 5 Bros' Stock ft ;BE SOLD. vPat. thefir Stock and Prices before buying elsewhere and you will save money. , B4ot9, Shoes, Umbrellas,' &c, to besoldOuu f 1 ! I A 8TAMPS & DEVEREUX, 5 Assi(rneesand R seel vers. ITHE BE S(T;MR Bee -j f. I . "ARE- " - A-- - I :l r" ;- fiOOD iND BEAUTlFUfi BObKS. V I we nave s asgnuceni hock or ue Ton want. -! I ".r I : , Wv a r 9A9 . i I 3Make your selections early, fqr it and we will try to please you. ; Bagster and. 0xf ordJBIhlea 4 " At 25 Mr bent lew CHRISTMAS AND 1 IDickkks' Complete Y obks 6f handsome volumes, only 5.00 1 : English Poets. rtd liDr lull gilt, only ;W er-ta by mail.i Thousands of Children's .new book Ifrom 10 cents Co S1.00. and nerfect aatisfaCtion fruaranteed.! ' ' ! ' ; SMTWe can fill your orders "jf mail aa aadanytning may be return- wtucn isn? satisractory. j 1 ! TSend for our list of Standard Boots, beautifully bound j in floth, which wt sell for 80c by mail, (publisher's rr!ce$f 00). - r - A i I! i i ; . liootpeiirs ana fUDiisnerf, ttaieignrn. ui.ri Ttf DATKNT P :'H .CJLMMBRH.t trS.CS. WARRANTED CJLwAIM RH4 MfaCvy V - m m N ORRIS & GARTER Grand Hjisplny 1 E s or r 1 Moliday GrOOdS - i . i kovelties iti Imported i SUK' Press Pattern sjjnported Jf lusnj ana JS "Woolen Bobes. I A OSASn DI8P--T .'- J '---:-of-.i- ! : Cloaks and Wraps of eyery Pescrip- , ; - tioni I SEAL PLTJSlk WRAPS, f from $12 60 up BICB X0TXLTXXS VX MANICURE SETS,' I HAND PAINTED I 3AOHET BAGS, 1 i ti a x n-rtTCTin mEPS and fine Shoes for Ladles, Gentlemen Misses and Children, r i CARPETS AND RUGS - f 1 ' I . M : ' ' I. to suit 1 eTetjbody t at r the lowest HAND-PAINTED : Plash Bouiet Scarfs and Table OoTers. 1 In fact a firreat many fancy articles too numerous to mention. ' J .ti TMMENDOUS SB-G-JNS beintr offeredL on our Job Odunters.. mjDCt:Cafter. AsiD 8KOXIONS: wulDe sent ca appUcalloa I a-u. 1 M 'v. --. I.- - . Ta those who want their aaveresmg to pay.wa eaa oSnr no better mdlum for thorough and effee 1 tiva work than tbe various seetloas ot ur z.bot LOOAX IOSI. . G-BO. P. SOWS!-. OX '! no , 10 biw sure Ksv Tork. J 1 . A - - r M j t A KIIG Lanu W A IE , IB - '- '.1 -.1 , i. s f f - -.. 1 -i o i bOUlH S & CO., BEND! -If i' i ) . CHIIiLJID, j I 1865. TJ. C. 4 PLOW. ..-I : ,20,1874. i i Our Motto: ! ' ? f BLINDS RELIABLE QOOpg&LOWPBICESyi - STl - - S:rSEfFlS ssji - M 1 . . oujiuaje, auu wewniumunji oi - 1 -. '.'TT'. ML ' j J -I lU and no matter what you want, send to u we nave , Pulpit andFami y Bibles, than tibb&I trice0 NEWY EAR CARDS. well as 11 you were present in our store AiVTARRANTED- CJLSAMBR HI . . an WINM SUPPLIES. 1 if Edw. J.. Uardin; Grocer, As the Holiday season approaches, of fers every kind of table substantial or aelicacy appropriate to tne season. . j Mow A rri vi nir . VAr..:-:M,, -.-A l-TiliVv New Grenoble walnuts, fl uest importa fation. new almonds and pecans', very Choice. French rranes In 0 lb cartoons, yinestflgs, cranberries, Malaga grapes, uains, new citron, ro., so. - f 1 mi Anchovy pastejMited bloaters in fancy rs. Smoked Norwegian sardines, finest neless sardines, tannv fish, : Crosse ft Black well's picklee, pin money -picklee, ra, c so. "v ' i.;' -.-f Preserves,' Jellies,! Ac. Preserved damsons, neaches. and oeara. home-made, of choice qualityF Gordon & Dil worth's preserves in elaSi fan and ind at retail by the noand Currant and apple jellies. . Gordon & Dilwprth a and I CALIFORNIA CANNED GQ0S. Ymest lemon elm g peaches, Bartlett pears, apricots, cherries. ; I Premier" brand of canned corn. (beet), green peas. aoootah XJ ma beans. Everything - in canned vegetables and fish, potted meats, aauoea. ' catsups. -utcn cneese, etc; oo., oco. i All the substantial of the provision trade of best quality. Fine I hama. tongues, meats,fish, molasses and syrups, flours, butter,! cheese and all the rest of it. ' 1 "i A Fine Teao. 1 Best green and black teas a t-pecialiy always in complete supply and carefully selected. ;:!!' , . i -.r ' ,; .;. I H,- I Boasted and green coffees, and every, thing else in the way of table supplies. II All : goods promptly j -delivered - and fully guaranteed as to quality and price. E. J. HARDIN.1 SEED. WHEAT j t - Ji j - 7 s . 200 bushels prime r - !. ' Eullz seed wheat, i Seed Rye, i 1 ! ii. Seed .Oatsj v - Stoyeicoal,- I. ' 1-" ' i.r ', j Nut Coal, ;i ,.1:-- H'-Kr-A - t Pocahontao Cool, COAL. Jones !& Powell. X FOIL. .. iMD&EWS & CO HEADQUARTERS - a -I' 'j " ; i 1 ' )fce No. 18. telephone No,; 79, East Marvin Street, Adams Building. Yard, H est Hargett Street, j i .near ice factory, Teie- t i r phone wo. 10s.- Anthracite White and.' red ashe, broken, egg and nut, for grates and stoves. . " I A f i i i . "' t COAL. ' Bitumlnoue. Ti West Vir- glnia Splint and Pocahontaa e West Virginia Splint the best and cheapest coal in the market, a trial of the eame is oaly necessary to pro re the fact. A ) For smi purposes, the beet we can buy. "The oun tain Brook Smithing CoaL, w O O D r 1 long or cut and split to order, t A.'.r l " illuminating on, from a quart to a bar rel, from fire -test to -the highest le; delivered from our wagon at your door. Leave your orders tor winter 'fuel. Better now than later. -Money aaved is money made. ; " A word to the wise," PtiL D. luireiTS 't Co. ! NORTH CAROLINA . . i - Vi c 0 A L Honie Insurance' Co., .v ' OP RALEIGH, N.f C. -5:a;-; . j-.. ; : , . , A Orsranedinl8esl! ' . ' IjBaa been insuriag property in North " Carolina for eighteen years. With agents "; in nearly every town in the State acces- 1 sible to railroads and east of the moun- j - , V z v ll ' . ' 5T-EI JbG ;home , , solicits the patronage of piopet ty owners in the frtate, oflerink them safe Indent nity for losses at rates as low as those of -any company working in North Parol ins, - : Blisses or mmn 'immM: j I A; :v-:-lAt-- 'i r-A'E". .- A : i Dwellings in town and oountry, mer can tile risks, . churches, schools, court, houses, society lodges, private barns and ; stables, farm produce and live stock, cot-' . ton gins. ' ) j - . 1 . Insure in the .North Carolma Home 1 A Insurance Company. W.S. Psnatoes. t jCaxs. Root, i "President, ii Seo'y and Treaa. Wi G. Upohusch, A P. Cowpxs, . A 1 Vke-Presidenti A1!, A , Adjuster. Office in Briggs; Buildiag No. 22 Fayettefille , street.; Telephone ' ITo. 3S-A. : : A! 1 : !- :A,'v.' - 1867. Fall tliacie! 1888 J J J. THOHAS ;C0. Cotton Sellers AND Commission Merchants 'f .-tii Offer to, the trade, Ginners i A AND AfV - r 1,000 bundles new Arrow ties, 200 v bun dles spliced Arrow ties, 10,000 yards . Burlaps and other dotn suitanie : for oovering cotton, . bulk r meat, flouxi ootee. sugar . molsss-i.UiesI, corn oats, bay and snip stuff. Tall of : f" . which we . will sail '5 r npofi - VERY; BEST TERES. It j - kit ti i I We solicit your consignments of cot ton, and pledge you 'our twenty yesxv experience to serve! yon faithfully J . right. Wll make ;cah advancea epea bills of lading or ootton ia hand wben ever desired. J ' - , :: j. j. tz:2as & a) . 818, 815 and 817, . Wn : Dalr!, IT.C; i ''- j im ton Llrtt:, 4 A : 1 r f -V 1 T- ' A 4

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