4.- ::i n-nvv'--.l- ukki Vt- .' .-i ' . ;k . : Ik k fct-N.. vi k . '- ;- i M k ; k f r'-v-- 1 t i 1-k : k H-r: ffs -k- v -; M Ik---.: -i:-..-.;-.-.. .:. .. k. M a 'His. liEWi AND ' (jEfelffllB i :- RALEIGH. N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 19, 188. I NO. 151 Absolutefy Pure. rhig powder nerer Tsriea. A 'f Duxitr. itrexurth and wholesomenee vl-jre econMnlcaXthAn ordinary klnda ad . Monot b sold in competition , with tbe it attitude olowie0tj short weight, ' li'jm or phoaphAte powder, oldoaly in uotal baxxhq rownsB w.. is Street; New York. roldbj W. C. B. f Farmn On. "f 1- 8tronaoh il ft ffOOLLCOTT & SON, East Martin Strefetj -i . JEfcaleigli; IV. Ot We are now displaying the moat elegan j,.-' ,- v.i . line ox ': . HOLIDAY GOODS Ever shown in the State. 1000 SILK I1ANKERCHIEFS FROM 10 j JJechanical Engines 60o each.. relocipedesr Wa6ns, Desks, Doll Car . i nages, etc - B isque an d kid body each. DjIIa from S5o phildrn' 8try Boks at halt price. t- 'V''- - - ' - - ' ivl- : D rams; Toilet Articles,, lloe Vases and all kinds 01 T-rrs ana uihw,i i i 1000 CHRISTMAS CARDS" - 1 r? '711 1 O AAA yds 8S-in Henrietta Clottt, au ZUUU shales at 25c a yd, worth tic 0 Our o ioAa are all marked i !!; . ' I .1- . : !"'-::. I- ! i ' "Ml 1 1 IPlain lFigares AND ONE PltlCE ONIlfeyBbS jfiDWARD FASNAOH, JEWEl Rr 1 OPTICIAN as. a. c tj v ' m 5QLITiI&E ui CLUSTER Gold Jewelry, Gold and 8aver Watchc . Gor ham's 8terlln RUTerware,Eogni plated silverware any aiaevand : weight of plain 18 karat En- r Ji H sjagement rings oonstanc I j In stock. Badges - . i and Medals made -...."--Mv. '"to'f order; -.. jfliOptica! Departuiiiat . : ;..i.Mi v -ij Embraces an endless variety cf leasee wUch together with1 oar gractieM expe ' ieaoe enables as to eotrswt almost ay error of refraction in Myopia (nearsishtli Hyecmetropia (far siiht), Presbyopia (old Sight). AsthenopUt weak sichtj aaa aivlng prompt relief from that dietreB. if, headache which often aocompanes -r'oUKARTIPlCIAL Human rkkMti':m-- :k,nr-. --v-nmn V.A txnA look like . the natural orgaa fl pain wibsn inserted. .HlsS If vStUtat. & distance bavins- a brokea TS.aaa have another made without ealK A HARROW KSOAPB I I noit BOA8TX 19 A 5ft 4 B7TlerpkU tbMwBAnd Qbrrer. Cmdiad, III., peel 18l A ntunbef of pMsengeri in a ftleepiBg car on the Illinois Central narrowly escaped roastioe 7eterdaT' inornincr about 5 o'clock- , The train jras j approaching Kankakee when the" brakunan at the rear at the train noticed smoke poar- ihg from the sleeper; The eondnetor Mxk in the situation at; a glance and directed his first attention to getting :J is- I u. i This thej accomplished with little di5cult?, nine gentlemen and one lady biing transferred to another car in rery lirelr fsshi'onj Then the brakemen deluged the car with water When the flames were extinguished ii was found ' that four i bertha. with their contents, curtains and hangings, bad been burned: and much dim age done br water "and smoke. ' : . 1 viRoiartA. A.COBSTT ACTS II .DIUCI YIOITION Or f THCIBCTrr OOOBT ltAHnATSS IIChabxwtoW W. V4.,Deevl8. In spite of the in j tnctioa serred on the county commissioners of this county Iat Saturday t he commissioners last night certified to the i Gorernors re tarns of the electron as to Congress man in this, ! county, j This is in di rect violation of , the mandates of the Pu-cuiti Court! i! Bx Tlectspli toJUie New and Observer. j i CnABUcsroir. S. Q, iDee. 18.Tes- terdsT at Blaekrillp. D. Dewitt. white shot Tyler, colored, who had armed himself with a double barreled shot gun to kill Dewitt Tjler had been suspected of killing a mule of Dewitt's ed a colored man with whom Tyler i had a lawsuit. Tyler announced his intention to shoot Dewitt on sight. ! The shooting; took place in a street loflthetowTUiv.v:! , . , -; i. i There ii some excitement in the same county on account of the disappear ance of Bobijt llorris whiter-Sets supposed to hare! been murdered try a .nana ox neirroea who had made threats ! against his brother. This brother and another had gone off for assistance and on their return they found ! Robert's coat with a hole in it and his gun, but ; no trace ofSobert. -Tumr iHAH voutaX comfajit. FSABS THAT ITS XnTIC0X.TIBS MAT OlTS juss TonzsoxniB. ; r ByCable totiKewaandObvoTTen ; ' I Paxxs. Dec: 17 O wine to rs oulties may git e rue to : disorder on the isthmus the Frenoh gorernmeni has decided to send a man-of-war t o Colon to protect French interests. It Unexpected that the United States will send two war-ships to Colon. ' : i! ' i " ' ' ' " I Fttaeew.TerkTrnmae.f!' i i I WABisoTOH,Dec 15- It seemi to be I AMtfttAei 1mAAr awassirwvlw 4 Vka4 1 the opinion bf almost everybody that one member of President Harrison's Cabinet will be taken frpm the South and trustworthy information received here shows7 that Southern republicans are up and doing in. behalf of, their friends. -A Southern man of oonsid- erabie prominence today said that the movement in behalf of ex-Senator Mahone, of Virginia, is more general than most people realize. I Another man whose inends are taking a concerted effort in his behalf ia A. P. Buck, oi Georgia, who is said to) have received assurancea of sym pathy and support from prominent republicans in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Alabama as weu as in : his ownl State. "1 The . audden death of Judge SetUe, of Florida, is thought to have removed one promis ing Southern candidate for the epvet- ea Honor. M i I IX.HmUm a CemsllaiU tbary Wttohman, isttu Hamer's Weekly publishes . in last weeaa iaaa nnuii .uv xmuuwubb, -I.-J - . llTk. f1mwAmmm,w W gives a lull ; nrst page illustration in X mm m te A a f connection with it. f we are pieasea at this, as we know that nothing but what has real "merrit in it, would be accepted for publication in their e nodical, and it must be doubly so take first page .! - - I Mr. James Dickey, of Fannin county, Qa., has! for) many years ex tracted a meagre support from a "red hill" farm, which descended to; him fromhis father. - A few; months ago,, jusoording to the Atlanta Constitution, a syndicate of Chicago gentlemen, who are developing the marble inter ests bf North Georgia, struck the old Dickey ! farm. They prodded into crevices and gullies while there. They told Mr. Dickey that his farm waa better than a gold mine. They found nn it the best marble to be found in America. : Result, a lease for one hun dred years from Mr. Dickey on a roy alty !of every square foot of marble nnn4ttA thai ii au&ranteed to reach ll,000 every month and not to ex oeed $5,000 a month. Mr. Diekey has nd expense, . no work. He. simply ,t re eeibts every mdnth for a minimum of $1,000 royalty.s Tbi income of $12 0001 a year (which may be $60,000) is guaranteed for, one hundred jrears. BO the old farm maxes nr. uicaey and his heirs rich for generations. I .-f.;- i rj-n w ' " .; I s U- A number of prominent Indiana repablicans are: said to be more or laa delinauent in the matter of their CIVIL SERVICE. LIVELY DISCUSSION LAW OF THE THI ;rSDlXAZ. BOCSI TiSTxaDiT ! Si. HO BOLIDAT BKCE8S FOB TH LBBJtATa OTHXB XZWB. By Tdegraplt to the News and Obeerrer. ' I . Washisotoh, De. 18.-Sxxatx. The resolution for ' evening session was taken up and an amendment of jfered to it by Mr. Morrill providing that (until otherwise ordered) the daily hour Of meeting ofithe Senate shall be 11 a. m. and tlfat at 5 30 Bach day a recess shall I be taken till 8 p. m. i M; ;:H ': ' v r Mr. Vest opposed the resolution. He fully appreciated the present con dition of affairs considered from ft jpolitical standpoint. I . Democratic Senators who were not . members of the flaanoe committee could -not have been familiar with the details of the tariff bill and hid had no time to ex amine the schedules. ' It was simply: Out of the question that they oould do so.- On account of the sickness of (Mr. Eeck work had been: devolved on some; other democratic Senators that was irksome but that had to be performed) and now the proposition to chancre the hour of meeting and to hold evening sessions was simply (if Senators were : to do justice to the Retails of the bill) ornel and outra geous. For his part he could not agree to it and would not agree to it. I The resolution was also jmet with determined opposition from Messrs. Yanoe, Harris,' Toorhees, . Blackburn and OockrelJ, and was advocated by Messrs. Hoar, Hawley Aldrieb, AUi- son, Morrill, Sherman and Dawes. v Mr. Cockrell moved to amend the resolution so as to provide for a daily meeting of the Senate at' 11 a. m. but' not to provide for night sessions. Bejeeted 25 to 27. f Mri Gray proposed an amendment o'clock and for night sessions durintr r;""- - "V e, I the remainder er of the week with the understanding that the concurrent a holiday recess be resolution for agreed to. j JurJ Morrill with a view of ar ranging compromise iwith the Sena tors on the other side, I ask for a postponement of the resolution till tomorrow. There was jno objection. and the resolution was postponed till tomorrow. : -.a; i'iMrJ Morrill then reported back from the finance committee the House oncurrent resolution for a holiday row. 1 , f l-Af i . il - . L :1IThe Senate then resumed consider ation bf -the tariff bill, taking it up at paragraph 150 in reference to . wire rods. i W itif , 4MrJ Turpie. moved to change the phraseologf of the bill by substitu tion "Mills" instead of. tenth s of a'' in .t-finer f r&Aiinnal rate. Ra- iled. No change was made in this i, i. 1 i e . A oaracTADQ. 1 raragrapn 101 was wen taken up. It applies to !wire made of iron or steel," and .taxes that which is smaller than No. ten, and not AT O A - W smaller than J. No. 16, 1$ cents per pound, ind that ' which is smaller than No. 16, and not smaller than No. 26. 3 bents per pound, j , ! .;; Mri Saulsbury 'offered an amend ment which was agreed to, inserting mm it-i -i. t - :- alter suo worua rewwyi iuw wuo .. the words "and iron and ateel, flit, with longitudinal ribs for the manu facture of fencing." ; ThA flflnate then, havinir disDOsed of about three pages Of the bill, pro ceeded to the consideration of execu tive business . and at o 35 adjourned. oubx. ; -;'.' Mr.! Springer, of Illinois, sUted that he would not call up the territo rial bill today. There would be a meeting of the committee on terri tories tomorrow and it would be then determined when these measures would be considered, i i f .! t There waa a brief contest between Mr. ! Blanchard, of i Iiouitjana, in charge of the river and harbor bill, and Mr. .Bandall, of Pennsylvania, in charge of the legislative appropria tion xUl, for precedence for their re apeetife measures, and Mr. Bandall be ing suooessful, the House proceeded to committee of the whole (Mr. Blount, of Georgia, in the chair) to consider his bill. M 7 i There was no interruption in the reading of the bill untiTMr. Holman, bf Indiana, offered an. amendmentin oreasingthe number of messengers on the "soldiers' roll" of the House from J 14 to 20. This amendment caused a politioal debate and was fi nally rejected,, 53 to 66 pMr. Henderson,1 of Iowa, moved to increase the clerical force of the Civil Service Commission, land the amend ment was opposed by Messrs. Ran dall, Spinola and uummmgs, 01 ew York.' and Othera. 1 : : r . . . ! Mr! Henderson said the increase was ajked for by the Commission and that it should be granted if Congress deslrid to enforce the law in good faithi But he ch arced that the spirit nf iha law had not been carried out in good faith byj the present admin- iatration. ! . 'I The Civil Service Commissioners were' defended by Mr. MeMillin, while Messis. CU'mings and Spinoli made a fierce on ' ught upon the Civil Ser- vice law aad earnesuy aavocatea an amendment striking out all appropi atiom for its enforcement. Mr He derson'e amendment was rejected, 27 to CO. Mr. Bandall isaid he had never 1 agreed that there should be fastened upon the country ft class: of ofioe holders but that sinee the Civil Ser vioelaw was enacted he had always vo ted for, the appropriation necessary to pfale it.' mi iriebds on the: other side! would scon be m charge and they doujd make the civil service law spread all over the jcounfry and . em brace all office holders. He waa wait ing iwith a great deal of anxiety and expectation of amusement to see theoL atutude in the next Congress wnen.. tney wouia proiess tceur ex treme anxiety in cnneetion with the civil aervioe law. (Liughter ) Z:;MTr" Cummings, ; of New ' York, .movd to strike out the whole Cause relating toibe Civil ;8ervioa Comtois lioni He did this, sid, because t seemed ihat every i bill that yr in troduced in the House to repeal the civU serrice act had been huried in cmmUtee, and he saw no other wa of reaching the subject than by Cu- iaiUng he. Oommisiiop Jby stxikirg the appropriation for its rhanite nenoe. ; He believed the Commission undemocratic; that ii favored certain voters at the expense of other voters, and jhe knew that if the rules of the Commission wdre applied o mem bers of the Hoiise, not flve-eifirths of theniwould eter reach the floor again. , L(Laughter). Believing the th5 ia. Commission to be un-democratic and m violation of the fundamental prin ciplea of the laws governing the Be- publicr I he moved to strike Out the whole section, i f 1; . :;: : ; Mr. Spinola looked upon the motion of his oolleague as k . healthy one. (Laughter.) t , i" : . 1; ' . 1 -Mr Bandall requested Mr. Cum miiigB t a withdraw his motion. As long as tne civil service law was on the statute books he was in favor of appropriating money o enforce it. j Mr. : Cunmings replied that i he would gladly withdraw his motion if he saw any other way lof reaching the Vivu 1 service uommsefoa. "I do not," he continued, "desire o Obstruct the passage of the bill, arid if the gentle- d.. -it t "mu.a cttijru wui agree to "f1 W TOr.!n toe ae T Will WlthHMW Ihm KlMilAH nAn. Air Bandall I cannot, becaue I have no instructions from the com mittee to do so. I . ' ; The general subject !of civil service ana ns reiorm ana tne civu servioe law and its administration were dis cussed at great lengih by Messrs. Sprmger, Brown, of Indiana, Comp ton, Lodge, Jackson, bf Pennsylva nia, flicuomas, Bynom, Buchanan and Guthion.i j ; . j : I ?; .. j i he mouoa of Mr. Cummmgs to strike out the whole section relating i concluded without further interrup tion, and, the' committed having risen, the bill was passed. 'Ill r ' 1- Mrl Tillman, of ; South Carolina, from the. committee -on. military af -fairs,' reported the Military Academy bill, appropriating about $900,000, and it was placed on the calendar. i The House then, at o'c'ocfcv ad- journed. BntJt Cwtllaa'i ;CafMN PttmMimmm. By Telerrspb tojtas Rews amd Otwerrer. f jjf j ! CoiviaiA, S. O , Dee. 17. The Sen ate yesterday rejected the bill to es tablish a home for disabled Confed erate oldie and sailors and passed a bill -amending .the present pension law by limiting the amount to be pid ranhually to $50,000.1: The bill provides 3 that in each oouaty a oommittee of five veterans shall be annually selected by a ! mass meetinj of their r comrades. This committee will select from the list; of applicants such indigent and disabled veterans aa they may deem worthy and these will receive pension of foil per year - : 1 ! jftker la Texas. ,' ; By TlxTpntotoeHews and Obserrer. k i Sii 'Iuts, Dec 18. A dispatch from! Texas Jiay that the miners of the Texas and Pacific Coal Contpan; in Bath county have been on a strike for month3 past and! that they are becoming quite unruly. On .last Fri day ! night i some "new 1 men were at- tacked f and badly beaten and there wasjV constant firing of guns land pistols between the strikers and new men, nearly ail mgn put no serious casualties axe reported.; The loflices and storehouses of thejoompany ware riddled by bullets. The sherixr witn a toSBfr was on the aground bu4 the. forci was inadequate to protect life and 'property and the j Governor had been appealed 1 to. : At last accounts the Sheriffs of adjoining counties had been ordered to the scene of the con flict and a company of j State Bangers will probably be sent there, j . -iA Paris dispatch of Friday says: Daring another exolting scene at the Panama Uanai ; uompany s otnoe to day; on a call for M. Lrsseps, pharles de Jbesseps, his son, appearea. ne announced that only 180,000 bonds had been subscribed for, and that the company 'would therefore commence returning lthe deposita ( to morrow. T A US- l.tli.1. ..mi.lM Ml the previous day, he aaia: juy xatoer ia younger in spirit tnan 1. Uia re marks: were made on th strength of a hdpefurreport , that X made- him. Thi result is " bankruptcy, or the winding J up of the i oompatty.' He urgea tnem to. petition tne govern ment to borne to the assistanoe of th oompanj., :v v- .,) -;; Why . do school glrl 4ike northeast winds? It brings chaps to their lips. Should It bring oolds to their heads, Wt them take Taylor's ChevokaevEatuedy of Sweet. Gum and KuUria. - A f ' H ' i 4 ANOTHER ACCOUNTi ,OF THE RIOT THERE. ! i OH a mrrxztST faci put TBI .MAT- TIB THS wHiTia nssTinhsn ST 1 TBX HIORDXS 0THXR RAWS;: 1 Bjr Telegraph to the News and Obeerrer. Mcsroiur, M:ss , Dac 18 A num ber of telegrams "were reoeived here yesterday morning stating that a iot had occurred at- . WalhaUa, Kemper county, 50 miles north of Meridian, and that Holly Morton, of this place, had been killed. A party of twenty men was at onoe organised and left for the scene on the regular passen ger train. Subseqtientiy another party of forty was raised j and lef on special train. Pt '': L '.I.' " H-' A number of wild rumors mere ajbon in circulation 1 to theeffeet thatl-the poese from this city hadThad a ffeht with the negroes and that several of them had been wounded.! These ru mors were set aside by the arrival of the posse on the regulat mail tfain last night. They reported thaj ev ery tning was j quiet at vy alhalia md A n ' ' m ' 4 SllXl not, LMt ThursdajKthesbri of Q F. Nicholson, a I prominent I farmer! i bf j Kemper county, was,;, driving alog tne road when he met a negro:; des perado named Maruder driving inithe opposite dnrection. Young , Nichol son's vehicle by accident came ;lnto collision with that bf the 'negro, who kept inithe middle cf the road jtif determined to drive the boy out.lThe negro cursed the youth, when old Mr Nicholson appeared and i interfered. The negro thereupon drew a revbfver but instead of firing closed with Kch Olson and knocked him senseless with the nistol. The hesro I then tied. The following day Nicholson toldghis frier: ds of the negro's; assult, an on Saturday it was determined to orirah- ize a posse and arrest f Maruder. iln lormation f 01 tnis aeterminationi of the whites reached the I negroeqj in some way.! It is said ths two white men gathered a party of negroeii to gether at a church ounday night; and after haranguing them Organized ' a 9fmA 4Va 9 ikMi MA!ei aeat- his house. These whiteel are knbwn but their i namea cannot! be learned. It is the settled deteirminaion i 1 I- .L. I - a i i: Dleaxeue that when ther are hanW it will be the proper j time r to make ttai JZmA hv tha two f white men : . - mi 5 m vuv wvr uuuv 1 14:, maVa 1 went to Maruder's house when' :t he church meeting adjourned and fifon- etaled themselves in the smoxenou and cotton house. 1 . j Very soon after f this the posse of. white I men j Came up the road and I halted in front of Manlier V housel Foul of them walked up to the house flbut found it deserted. They f then went to the smoke house whertj they foxind three negroes. These men1 eTe questioned as L to Maruder's wherea bouts but they pretended they could not tell where he could be found. While the whites were trying to irain I some lnxormation xrom tnem- a :man 1 oni the -outside shouted: "Heire is Maruder 1 Suppose yoif comef and arrest him." The whites rushed; in a body from the building, and as fihey emerged were met with & volley from eight or ten muskets and shot guns. Wm. Vaughan was seriously wound ed by buckshot in the left arm, neek aud shoulder and ; another Iman whose i name couldi . not be learned ' was slightly wounded in the hand. I This volley eamo from the cotton house and was promptly returned-by the ' whites,! but the ne- groes, being behind etout plank walls, receivea no injury The whites soon discovered that they were fighting at great disadvantage and moved around to the nortn siae 01 tne structure Here they received another volley resulting : in the instant death of Henry Maury and the wounding of his brother, J. F. Maury, in the arm near the , elbow. The f whites! now draw off and ! the firing! eeased tern- pot 1081 rarily. 1 Notwithstanding their oases, however, tne posse aeterminea to make another attack on the cotton bouse,! approaching i thfi time from the south side. As they camejup to the , building they received r af twrd volley, the negroes apparently Jawait ing the order to fire as they had done in the previous instance. At the third volley Seth Cobb reoeived twenty-two buckshot in the breasts ana stemaon. tearing the entire front part lof his body'away. ' John Dew,- another of the whites,' j waa probably ! mortally wounded by a pistol ball in th groin. The whites again drew; off foi; bonsul Ution, when it was decided that an other! attack on ; the building with their reduced force would be Useless, and they determined to -wait for day light and reinforoementa. While they were consulting the negroes Irushed from the cotton housf to Maruder's residence in a body and proceeded to fortify that building, and the whites went backo Waihallay f iJJ:-";;"'' k i Yesterday morning 1 another force of fifty men was raised and proceeded to Maruder's residenioc The place was found entirely deserted, $ven the bedding: and ' furniture havisg been removed. The wUtsTpurnedi th building on the place, together with those on the farm j tdjoinmg, ana scouted the woods for the negroes, bnt could find no trice-of them. It was mpossible to ; find any negroesr WALHALDAl .within Ave miles t of j the scene of the trouble. The white people from the adioininsr towns poured into Walhalla all.day and joined in the search, but, as none of the negroes . exoept Mara -def waa known, they aooomplisxied nothing. One negro ; was seen lurk ing in the woods and was rushed upon by a party Of whites, but he in stantly disappeared, j When the pos se from Meridian, under command of Capti Thomas Jamison, reached Wal haUa they, were told that their ser vices were not'., required. They say the whites throughout Kemper, .coun ty ptm very sore and think more trou ble win occur. It is certain - that if any negroes who fired on the whites are; caught they will be killed at onoe. The feeling,. however, is now against the; two white men who are said to have organised the;, negroes. Not f a single negro is known, to have re eeivedanyiiijaries. -Two white men besides those already reported were wounded, bu a their hurt are alight their names are notlgiven, lor prudential reasons. It does not ap pear that the whites in attempting to make the arrest were acting on any legal authority, 1 but they aren atts tained by the entire white population oz xvemper ana the adjoining -counties and jit is unlikely that any Pro twAa4 . asf 40 UaraaiJBvw Ufee eeeingswillbefakeagaii j Kcw Oaxxavs. Dec ' 18.. gainst, them, Kissxsszm. OaxxAvs. Dec ! 18. A snecial to tne Aricaytmexroxnuoiumbuav aliss., received at 11 o'clock last night, says: A Special from; Walhalla tp the ;Co lumbus Index was received at ten o'clock tonight giving full details of the trouble there, which differ but ML - t. m - j-m' m J 7- . slightly from the; accounts sent you. A special train has been telegraphed for and a force if being made up nere 10 leave lor the scene 01 the trouble at thearliest possible momentl flf -1 I all Quirr at waiaixa. B ; juiuphzs, xennJ, iec 18. A spe cial sotne evening 1 Scimetar from aActriaum. auss-, says: xnere is mo ehinge in the situation at WalhaUa. The village is crowded this i morning ' wibu iuu UVU we mi rfiiiiniiing OOun tryt Parties have been searching the swamps and every locality where the negroes who did .the killing are; sup posed to be secreted, but up to this hour (10 a. m.) not one of them has been found. It i is j. supposed, that j they have left the country. All the returned and report everthing quiet at Walhalla. . Nothing renuins of the cabins occupied by the negro George M-..i C:- 3 L. 1 " 1 i. it". rj miu uu ouaiounuM out eneir L4 4" stocBLowned n nim wa n ul mrit mmmm " mmmm V V , W J 1 1 1 la mWB M Jl VI- nn. . Cobb, two white men who were killed, were brought to the village yesterday and their friends and neighbors per- armed the last sad rites of interment today John Dew,, who was severely wounded in the groin, , is still I alive, but in a critical condition. ! It is not known what further action will be taken by the determined men on the iUTld-4"f':':-,:,J:k;- 1: I . Te aeceea east . By telegraph to ttte Hew aad Obeerrer.! WASHrsOTOV, D. a,: Dec 17 The President today nominated E.! Hart- ridge, of Jacksonville, Fla.;1 to be United Stated district judge for the nonuwn uuww w wnu ; I WmmA OtTmxtmKm mmA Si .rtae. Wasboto, Dec! 17-Today'a bond offerings aggregated $540,000; acceptances $110,000, all four and-a-halfa, at 108i. 'V ' 3 H-h ! ;k ::kt UteaBtraswlyBdevaeeV ; k Beotland Neck Democrat. !, .,. ' - jEditor Sootland Neck Democrat f I havo just risen from the careful pe rusal of the production,' publiahedf in the Democrat of the 6 th inst, bf Hon. W. B Kitchin, on the causes of Pres ident Cleveland's recent defeat. It is able, original, bold ! and strong, as are all the . writings and speeches of that patriotic and dtirguished North Carolinian For one A thank him for bis fearless and truthful exposition of the causes of bur defeat. It ought to be republished in all the Democratic papers of our State, not alone for its tfuth and comprehensiveness, 1 but as a warning record of political history which the JJemocrauc party snouia take to heart and mind on all their future nominations for State and na tional tickets.: From no tongue or pen, inside or outside of North Car olina, have I read, or seen, or heard nf. an exnlanation of why CleTelaad waa defeaUd, so dear; conclusive and4 SUtesman-like ia eedper xrom an nones ana otsts man wuv tSrih.- nrai of his convictions ind who has just . such pluck and braina as are more than , ever in .de mand in the democratic party; Policy men and time-servers; may . object to Mr. Kitehin's explanations and con elusions, but thejr are cogent; logical, appropriate and overwhelming. I honor and love such a true man. He la one of those faithful and! coming democrats who is destined to be ele vated, if the people can be heard, to higher and yet higher position in .'North Carolina. -A. i ' k ' ( , - r . :A PSJTOS DXMCCSAT. : Bocxt Poiirrj N. C, Dec 8, '8S. "I haTi thee on the Wo." cried rheu matism seizing his victim and tossing him on a suffering bed. "Not so," he cried, not sol Wait, my ancient foe, just five minutes until the boy brings a bit tie of 8alvatloe Oil, then well see who wins the dar." r--.;-' I f , .1'k .1 "- : Te.ttL:it is said, ruards herself Care f nll-r arainat cold. Ehe evidently does nnk halieva in free concerta. bat does be IIava in ths free us ot ut. uail-s CoujthSjrup, as it has cured her several .j v Tke Semate tev CaUaa 1 Seeet.i tita- (RtMM,: .: I 9T Telecrah to the Mews and Observer. WASHTKaTOjr.lDec. 18. The repub-, lican senatorial; caucof j this morning- aeciaeatnat tne 3 senate stall con tinue in session, without holiday re cess, until the tariff bill is jdisposed of, letting the House take recess if if so desires. It j jwas V also decided to) hold two sessions r ldaily beginning at II A. Mt and 8 P. M. This action wiu prupaoiy oe ; m corporal ea in a ' resolution to be introddced today. There was a large but inot complete attendance , of republican senators, and the action lis said j to have been r taken bjr unanimous eon sent J i ' THAJIKI Aw Bmrfm Oeiteral H mnsmllteia ( FrtM By'Telegraph to the, Ne ws and ObssrVer. WashikotosJ Dec., 18. Surgeon' General Hamilton has received a let-' tjr from Governor Perrv, of j Florida, assuring him of; hi grateful lapprcci-; atioU of the consideration which the President and thej Treasury depart ment have shown j to Florida in her troubles ' from the I yellow fever scourge and especially of his appre ciation of Dr. Hamilton's labors in I behalf of the people, and his I present I exxorte to thoroughly ' disinfect Jack sonville. He f concludes: MMI shall reel greatly relieved if I knew that your department ia giving its atten tion to every plaeein which there is suspicion of the infection, and trust 1 you will 1 continue i your goid work until you are satisfied no germs of disease are lef t in the State.? j J I "Lewis, the light." the religions ! crank,; startled! the congregation ati old Trinity, N. XJ, Saturday,! by ap- I Vnng in the ! pulpit in a baseball uniform and reading a wild! proela mation of his advent as the Holy Ghost. .vVKrJ-f'-Hi .- i ,: j' ; ;::! ' You cannot afford to waste time in ex perimenting when your lungs are in dan Zr. Consumption always seems at first only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap im itation of Dr. King' New Discovery for consumption, coughs and. colds, but be sure you get the genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tell you he txmm someuung jasxas gooo, or just tne same. Tton't bed Afed, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery which is guaranted to give relief in all throat, long and chest affections. I Trial bottles free at Lee, Johnson & Co's drug store. Large bottles $1. j k ! ' .. I !v S l isi " l ; Stranger "I hear v thia iLa great section ior fox : hunting. . Uak Tree inn ixost Miee, siree; parties . con a in errand stvie. too. 1 been co miner for years." ;lsn't there danger that you will. run out or foieeT" -Not a bit. We are still using the fox wet ejran with." PhUadelphia Becordl ? Habitual Conatlpation And kidney and liver ills, depending on a weak or inactive condition of the kid- : neys, liver, or bowels, are successfully and permanently cured only by the use ; of the gentle yet! effective laxative and and dlurectio yrup 01 rigs, its aavan tages arefevident;fit 4a easily taken, pleasing to the- taste; acceptable to the stomach, harmless to the mostr delicate system, and truly: beneficial in effect. Jno. 8. Pescud, Sole .Agent, jBaleigh, Q. r,k:k .kir;;. I Buckles are disoiaved I in the shops in a variety j of shapes. They are maoe variously; repouBse butc, plain silver studded with Irish dia monds or black "brilliants, cut steel and old ivory surrounded by a nar row circle of enamel or semi-precious iridescent stones.' j k ; :, - . , ." ys-3,2 juyics xqioTHEBaf 1. -' ,: Mrs. Window's BoothiHf Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It re lieves the little sufferer at once. It produces nat ural, quiet sleep by rellerlng the children from .uaviwiuueeaeiuo wub jw uh&". mm SMtwn." it is very pleasant to taaie; movuivm tbe turn, semens tne rumm, auays axt puuur ueves wind, regulates ue bowels avd Is the beet known remedy for diarrhOBa, wbetner rising traa fawithtng or other eaoses. Iwmtytye cents a Never: before J offered onj . holiday goods. Special inducements will be offered from now until 1st of Janua ry on framed pictures. Regular clean ing out d rices ta maxe room ior others. Don't buy until ywu have inspected my stock. ! . -,.;.(. ,:::; : ' 'Xp. AT oar, : . Manufacturer j of Picture 1 Window Shadei-&c Frames, ViA.PrftHidenW lect L. I x . , Mor ton and Mrs. MorJou lei ladianapo lis Saturday on their return to'New York.' - k- jirjTVa BabV SwiTP TSMS - - -,. -- . I malM.Jt9galat9 fie Bowlt! Hbrso X POWTJEII, rrenreeW tmrnrnw Kwn sad - mn .if fl nnnnd la Mch Mckan, For mi by U de!er. TSrlt For the care of Couchs.Colds, Croup, IV Hoarseness; Asthina,. Whooping a t n n n n and for the reliefjof Vrffffn . . ....mn Lisra matBCTtFft turn Cam 1 o- i 5 I ai persona wj If!, , 1 ... campaign asfie"smnts. !, ) - f " .r .s - f -; - i ..... i :-ktr rk: -: ' i I " I i! - k - ' ---'! ' " k5k;": :kfkJ:E Sky i It --k Kf4l:: 4i:k, ! :k;".i. !fTf" - I U i