i .lii! 1 i Hi : It ! "V t rti; Me:fril!tL f iUlSif..: Absolutely Fure ;..:v i-vf.:ir-lT-.--- -m; ; : r..$ , Thlr powder neret TirlM. A! marvel t purity, strengths and wholeeomenees. or econorr-taal'than Ordinary kind fend -anno be sold in competition with the a? altitude of low test, -j short weight, slim or phosphate powders, sola only in ana. BotaX BAErab Powst Co,, 10 all Street, New York. r-fcf! . l V H6ld,by iW. a -Al B. Stronael-, ond WOOlibCO 14 Bast Martin; Str,eet 1 Rn.leigrli, We are now displaying uhe moat elegattt iisiii m. mam HOLIDAY & 1 rv'"- -- V t Erer shown in the States 1000 SILK HANKERCO EFSFBQM10 Ifechanical Eaglnen 60o each. JUL. elocipedes, WaKoas, Peskt, IXU Oaf rtages, etc. . f :-. Mi B iaque and kid body Polls 'rota 334 1 aach nhildren 8t ry Bjoks at half f. H D tains. Toilet Articles, Fine ,Vasa andJ all kinds Toys and Oaaiet Hi m m n .1000 CHBI3T1IA8 OARD3 -mm 2006 i ':! -j Iti yds 88-1 a Henr etU doih had at S5oa yd, worth i5o. Oar O odf are all niarkd in s If. I AND i -'Hi:' ' - i 3 ONE PRICE jSDWARD FASflAO J iaauKiea, E SOLITAIIE ad CLCSTE LI Gold Jewehr, Gold and Silver Watche tiorham'S Sterling aUTerwar,Boger plated silverware, any size and weirht of plain 18 karat En mcaensiingaeoiwwu Tj in stock. Badges . and MedaU made Lth! to order,! parUucnt M1 . Embraces an etodless variety of i lenses iance eaables us to coiwwt almost any 'error of refraction in Myopia (neorsight), BTrWf.frllVW SlS, jinarfeoc nun. ; v UW1V tun..M.r.juJU i Human Eyes mm jCjta And took like th natural drgan sTe pain waim inserted.. A ' '. Potlensi at A distance having a broken ersJpan have onoshar made wlthoa all I 1 . a-. -t SI ! i,.;7irT. ' 1 mm : n- : rt a ht ? ; m EWE . 3 OPTICIAN ; i mm t n l'parvoaalry ii; it i jli lQlIET REI6KSJ i r-r SCENE 9F TBAGEDY. SUNDAY'S KIXJLIKQ ;!r OF KiaSOBB - i HO rCRTHIB THOCBLg APf BXHKSOKD l AT WAHAXjAK. By Telecnph to Uie.Kwi aod Obserrer, NswrTciix, Deo. 19 A WaJxalak, Miaa.; special aajt: A report hia jast reached., here that an armed posee overtook tour of the inegro partici pants in dondaj nights txagedj. One of the four resisted and was riddled ith ballets. The other three were then hinged to surrounding tree. The posse I was sworn- to run I down all negroes who tied to the hills on ihenight of the affray. There are at least ulteen other, negroes in hiding. - ooxrrBlfATiOH of thx uixnta. j ! Nsw1 Obliaks, Lal DeeJ U9s A special to the States from Wabalak, Miss., says:; The troubla between; the whi tes and j blacks of this place is not yet settled and serious trouble and much bloodshed is sure to follow It is now known that in the past 24 hours at least - two necrroes and per haps more haye been killed. ; IA(RJBKBIKHT IH SIGHT AXOHO SXaATOBS. ;A HOUDAT as- bj Ttaecnpa to tne nefi na usserrer. I WASHntoTOH, Deo. 19. Thuf eTe ning the - indications are; that pa pgreement will be reached tomorrow by the Senate npon the question 'of holiday; adjournment and in connec- uon tnerewitu an agreement as to pne length of debater on the. tariff bill. The democratio Senators held a cau cus (after adjournment; this evening And authorized Meaars, Harris and Test 1 to present to Messrs Morrill And Sherman represeu ting f he ret publicau Senators, a proposition em bodying 'the following provisions:' To adjourn rriday next until January 7th (as fixed by the House resolution); to hold daily sessions beginning lat 11 o'clock a. m, and continuing until at least 5.3(Ko'oloek p. ;m. until the tariff bill ia disposed of and finally to vote upon i the tariff ;bill January 20th. ; This is in practical harmony with the republican proposition, save in the matter of night sessions and upon that point Jthe democrats aire firmly muted, in - declaring belief in their impracticability. The republir cans suggested a holiday recess end iflg on toe uma ox 4anuaryr withia vote on the bill on the 16th or a re cess ending January 7th; ,! . T , . i Til-. - - , I 1 5 ! - iv; 1. -, - : Nxw! XpBX,Sf Deo. 19. The jUiyde steamship Saginaw, which arrived here from Havti yesterday, put! in at !her dock at Brooklyn this morning (There seems to be great doubt jin the Wands of the members of! the firm of .;Payd is Co. a to whether, the bombardment! 01 Uape lisyben, as r& ported by the Saginaw's! passengers yesterday, did actually occur, i j Capt. Kelly, of the. Vessel, has ia yet! made n6 official' statement of the incident W his employers. A story is; pub lished this morning that ra bombard- ment did occur, but that the fire from the Cape .Hay tien forts drove I away I the ShiDS after a few shots: that little or no damasre was-' done either: on shore or at sea. . I " I f TaBsttrtkJLU Hr. Attl. 1 By TaUcrapa to tta ICew and Observer. lv . ' iBaltiicorx Dec 19. The inyento- rv of the estate of the late: A. S. A.beJ, the founder of the "Sunw, was filed in the Orphan's Court of Baltimore odunty thu morning. By Mr. Abel's Will the "Sun. newspaper, and every' thing thereunto belonging and ap pertaininjjr, was bequeathed absolute- ir to his three sons. Edwin P.. Geo W. and Walter B. Abel." The legacies, under j J the i will, to relatives, connections, n friends, employees, obarities Afid pubuo - institutions amount to over half a million dollars. The total Appraised and assessed value of the estate,' . not ih- etading the good will off the Balti mpre Sun-there never having j been a sale it would be bard to de 'ermine the value of that is $6,067,765! This amount is made up of $1,936023 in bonds, $$67,394 in stock, $34,253 in furniture aud other articles inj resi dences, $44,126 in personal property in the Sun iron bauaing, ,9,b6U in leasehold property and $2,166,308 iu real estate. . , TfUB WORST IS TBSRSL 1 I Til SXCETT STOMC AXOHtt US ACIXIO COAST. I SH AWK W mmm'w - " I- I Sak PaAHOisoorOal., Dec 194 a1aMKii Vsl sattal OtssVsaFlsir- iruntaitia of eoaatintr vessels reDOrt '. -r.fr t . . t -. " ; . . ' the recent storm Along tne coast irom Gape Mendocino to Cape Flattery as i tne worst in vneir expenopoe. : vwpw, Salmon, of thej Eswaiian collier Costa Bica, was thrown by a heary boa from I the bndare to the deck and ' had an Arm broken, j Several oolliers from the North came in yesterday nearly a I overduci It is feared that some of tae heavy laden ooal vessels from not weather the i Nw PrMldt mt ta BlUaKr ui Okl. , By Telesraph to taa Nwi aad Obferrer. ; , i I BAiiTDCoax, : Dec 19. Charles P. Mayer has been elected president of the B. A O. B- B- . - s ; ; .; F d dSTrtMa'aa AMfpUBMl v oaklo to tha Mows and Observo. WosmseTOJC,' D Jec 19 The bond offerings to-day aggregated $608,000. All rejeoted. AS TO CIBS. I ; i " i it j ) i i KALElQfl.j Nj C.. f HtJDAY MQ&Nl. HAROIkD. -:9 i SAVAOs-WnjjAica. On yesterday At la. o clock, Jfroi. w. v. oavage, Principal of Henderson Male Aoad emy, and Miss.!; Mat tie Willisns of Bafeigh, were tinited in marriage at the residence of OapU E. B. Stamps, brotherin-law of the bride, in his City, lit The occasion, though a quiet one, was of general interest in Bel eii?h on acoount of the wide land pleasant acquaintanceship of bbi parties, and while only a few of :th relaures and invited friends Were present, there Were hosts of friends heartily wishing that all the bi essiugs enjoyed by humanity might tend the yoans: couple ior';alJ i The ceremony was performed b ' Bev. VL T. Vann, of Wake Fotesi Qollege, and was one which must hive impressed , all present, present ing as it did, a sense of both the joj ohsness and solemnity of the mar riage iypw. . , . -I Prof. Savage was formerly prinoi pel of one of the graded school of this city, is most favorably, known here as a gentleman of scholarly at tainmeets and most excellent soc&l quslities. Miss 1 Williams, who has been a life long resident of Baleigh, numbers among I her warm And epr 6Ua1 friends And $ Acquaintances eterj one in the scale of elegant and pleas ant social life.' . t . i '.. ij ' i Throughout th5 day .Tuesday ; And daring all of yesterday morning nu merous messengers rang the bell 'at CApt. ; Stamps' residence and.' left 'some elegant offering T intended $fto convey the high 1 regard and esteem ih jWhioh the bridf was generally held Anil the aggregate offerings consti tuted one of the finest displays f"of bridal presents ever seen in this city. 1 1 xne costume or the bride was of rich.. drab colored clinging material, of beautiful white ; with bodioe front embroidery, and traveling hat of dAb silk to match. In personnel and man ner she was lovely and charminff and, if possible, made deeper and stronger the friendship and admiration 'she already held of all present. : i il Among , those who witnessed the ceremony ?were ! Mr.' i and Mrs. Judge E. Q. Beade, Mrs. Chief Justin W.IN1 H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Primrose, Mr and Mrs. Josephus Daniels. Hon. P. Dowd, Bev. Dr. Thos. E. Skinnir, Misses Helen Fowle, Elira) Skinner, Carrie Ma rray, And EUa " Btddle, Messrs. J. D. BoushaU, J. N. : Hold ing, Wallace BcaJes, Herbert jack son Bo: Williamson, Herbert , Argo, Boone, of Hertford, and BarnesJ of Henderson, with member A of the im mediate families of both bride and grobm. I Mr. - H. iW. Ayar was the groom's best man.-After the ceremo ny the married oonple received, the eohgra' ulations of the friends Assem bled, took affectionate and, , to ! be hoped, temporary leavr, and left in the korth bound train for; the home of the groom's father in Hertfcrd county. There went with them the best and most cordial wishes of many friends, here, who kill always rejoice at every favorable act of fortune to ward them, i. I -J h ).;: - if. . rQATTis-Dupsss At Garner, Wake Ca,;N. C, on Tuesday evening Deo. 18, 1888, Dr. U E. Gattis and M&s llattie Al Dapree, Bev. ; Dr. J. B. Bobbitt, officiating. I I The inooming mail train on the B. A A; yesterday ran over and killed a man about one mile this side (of Southern Pines. The train was about f two hours behind time" and was run- ninir'at a hisrh rate j of speed. The mam was seen from the engine walk ing itlong the sills o the trAck just Outside of the left i hand rail. The whistle was. blown loud and long but the tnan who was evidently ; a deaf mute took no notioe of it and the 'train rushed uoon him knockincr him from the track audi killing him in stantly. He was a stranger and could not be identified, bul bore evidenoe of being a tramp umbrellA mender Jj 1 It; was also learned here yesterdAy that a fatal accident occurred on the Carolina Central railroAd nisrht before last.'? The engineer observed' an ob struction oa the track; while the trsln was in mouon and in; attempting ;lo jump rom tne ; engine leii and rs- ceivea injuries . wnicn wiu prooacuy prove fatal i : , - !j i f SAL.LBUI VnitOCOH. r tstx inaofiArxoirs bswess THS ViiA I w. inl n. i Oy'Teiegimpti to U Mtwf sad ObMTOr. f l Nxw Xosr, Dec 19. The netr atins between the Norfolk and .es tern land Richmond and Danville Bail Boad officials in regard to the ioiht operAtion of the East Tennessee sys tem have fallen through and the meet ing arranged for today has been in definitely postponed; Sprm Cemrt. ; i , Opinions m the;; following eases were banded down sines the last State vs. Christmas, from ii no : error.! L i --L-. . . hi fHendriek vs. O. O. Bailroad irom tjieveiana: no error. mi'1' I l ' :l. . t. .. ' . ;3 1 Anthony vs. Estes, from i Barks; '1 error, new trial. IBowden vs. Boiles, from Mecklen burg j no error. State vs. Watkins, from Wataoga: error, judgment arrested. i Zachary vs. Phillips, from combe; no error. ' : i Bun isxarunys. xiippts., uvm owiw appeal dismissed, because not taken fromia final judgment. Xr you want eood Apples allow prices fori youri Zmas treat ordn of D. x i Johnson, 'f wholesale - oommisston mSr chant. 14 Haroett street: i ; a i w CONGRESS. PBOOXEDINQS TESTEBDATi ; SENATE AND HOUSE. ; A rSOTBACTXD DISCUSSIOH UT THX HOtJpB HS BayXB ABD BAABOB BtLt- T By Tctegrapb to tfea Kws aad OWerrw. ' ! I MHftfoTO, Dec 19 Sbhatx 34 lijTasAarylrou the committee bn ib rarji reported, bock, 4 with verbal ttbendmei.ta ue House bill to incqr jirate tie American Historical JtSiOr reea to anie bill pftsied. ! ! j slrl EutuufiJnr introduced snd ibid eferre4 to the .comiitee on foreign nations the foilowli e- ioint rolfa tWnTrJ53'- , . . : I.I f VJteoljped, That the government of ;ne uniteojsutes wui look with se dous'cOnoern and . disapproval upop toy connection of any European go djrnmenf with the construction or con trol of an v shin canal I aeroaa thm IsthmnSxr Dorien and must recrard any such connection lor control as in- iu.uua to sue jobs ngnts ana inter t TT.il.J C9.l. L j J j L d v tug uiunu . OMiiiejp, wu u menace to their welfare, h 1 ; 1 i jKesoff A That . the President of the United States be requested i to communicate this expression of the viewa of tiongresa to the governments of Europe : . ; .( h . .; I ; The Senate at 12:40 i resumed eoibiderAtioh of the tariff bill, taking it up at paragraph lfo, relemng to gold leaf . JMo amendment was offered to that or to the following pArAsmph relating fo hollow ware. J called attention, to 176. fiiincr I thd Ant- bh ieadTore and lead dross ;'at 1 oeptl per do una. with tne orbviso that lea ore; coi-iaming suver, orj silver or oontainiur lead shall pay : a duty o 1 ents per pound. He referred it in 'connection with I the ores from Mexico, and said that the adoption of ther'proylso i would break up the! melting Establishments in El Paso. HeJmOTe4 to strike out 'the proviso. Bejeeted after some debste, yeas 18, air. xtegan then moved to amend; by making the doty on lead ore and ead drossy three fourths of a cent per Ouhd" instead oi 11 centa. That rate, ne ssld. would ' be eaaivalent to 30 per centadvalorem, and consider ing. the weight; of the ore, the amount of waste matter contained in it. And the f Act that.it had to be transported by railrdcto the; smelting! works it was ;a; hlghi rate. iThe clerk then read paragraph 177, -. taxing;' lead . in pigs ondbars two cents per pound. :". i Mr. Yacoe 'moved to reduce- the rato1to"lientAJ-...,.!4 v . j Air. voothees then spoke at some ength ag .inst.the bill ; itself, attack- mg it ic general and in detail. Mr; Hawiey replied to Mr. Yoor hees andUie- debate took the form a eeoloquy between Messrs.; Hawley oornees ancpfanoc vote was token on .Mr Vance's amendment and it! w re jected-yeos 18, nays 23. . i no prqposiuons $o amend were then! made until . paragraph ! 183 was! reocnea, relating to ; needles for sew-i ing, doming or knitting, i; ; ; i Mir. Vance moyed to strike cut the! words pr1 cent Ad valorem" And! to insert the words :free of duty." Bejeeted, 20 to 22. , ! The next1 amendment offered was by Mr. Vest to osrorrarh 190 as to quickiilver by striking out 1 6 eents a pouud and inserting 10 per cent ad valorem- f Bejeeted, 18 to 22. ( xar4 v sly motea to amend para- grapn lui os to wood sorews by re ducing the rate on screws ohe half noniAnd less in length" from 14 to 12 cents pef pound. Bejeeted, 18 to 22.- l'&B-:v - ! !.-!. The amendment next in order was offered bv Mr. Vest, to I amend oara graph 194f relating to type metal, by ohanging the rate from A cents per pound for the leaa eortained therein o 16 per cent od valorem. Bejeeted, ! Mr jrancs moved to reduce the iite Ion sine ! in blocks or biers from -I tq leents. per pound. IV j acted i Mr.tHorris moved to amend para flrraph: 193, relatinsr to manufactured articles or i wares not specially enumerated, I by adding i thf i proviso that o -article ihoald pay A higher rate bfautyithAn ninety per cent ad ntorSBVpyff' V ;--!..; - S' i Mr AldnchtJnopposuig the Amend ment, aid' not wisn it to be assumed that any axUole would pay more than ninety per .cent but he argued that the Adoption! of the proviso would leAd ito InextrioAble confusion and would increase the cost of collection by rxuxing spproisai neceeaiTj. At the suggestion , of Mr. Allison- aotion on thje, amendment was deferred. ! . About three pages of the bill having been actually disposed of todsy, the Senate; proceed to executive business And At55 Adioarned till 10 a. m. to morrow.: 'Mtr Springer, of lUisibU, stated -if. that at a meeting of the committee on territories this morning it hod been determined that the territorial bills would not be! called up for consider ation ;untQ January ISthJ Mr, Buchanan, of New Jersey. Why this sudden cessation of activity T . ; Mr,tJBinger it is the unanimous wisbbf the committee, there being ho politics in tt. ! . i ' Mi;Hayea,of Iowa, from the com mittee on Aceounts, reported as priv ilegd matter Ithe bill authorising the Appointment Of lerks to senstors And representAtirds, not chairmen of eom taittet ; ; ' 8 i i jj f jDECEXiBjER gtj l88! On a point of order raised bv Mr. ! 1 Holmon, the bill was referred to the oommittee bf the whol4 and Mr. Hayes moved that the House go into committee for Us consideration. j. Mr. Springer, demandell . the yeas and nays, regarding the vpte as a test vote on the bilt The motion was de feated -95 to 106. S Ml ! j I j Toe Ilouse then went ihto commit tee of the whole on the! river and harbor bill. Mr. Blanchard's request that the first reading' of j with was object Iowa. The bill the bill be dispensed ed to by Mr. Kerr j of having been read Mr. BlAnchArd siid t there was no dis position on th part of members of n rivers and harbors the committee to discuss th same unless some esire information.; member might Mr. Kerr, bf ova, expressed a de- sire; for information as to why ! so many appropriations, were"! mode for the improvement of rirersl and har bors which he had never! heard !of before : ' .'I i';. " r' .-, !": : ! . I -J Mr. Spinolo told Mr. Kerr-thot iie oould not pass I !a civil j servjee exomi-, nation and Mr Blonchard referred him to the reports of engineers lor the information .he desired. Mr. Blonchard stated that every item fof appropriation on the bill hid beeniin the bill of lost year. The bill oppro- E rioted in the aggregate $1,000,00, eing a little fless than one-third of the amount recommended by tne Chief of Engineers.; i! . I f ". ' ' Mr. Croin, of Texas, said fiis object tiontothebili was that it did nb sppropriate enough money to carry on the work of internal improvement He made a long speech, cohdemniiig what he termed the driblet System bf spprOpriotion for public I improve ments.. He Said he would, jot tie proper time offer, as a substitute - for the measure, practically the samie btUt which had passed at the firs session of the present Congress, ilthough, personally he wojild prefer tb pass fa bill appropriating exactly th$ snm efe- timoted for by I the Chief o Engin eers. i ' ' : i Mr J Blonchard 'said that the gentle- man from Texas oocupied the unique position oi opposing the; river Ana hatbor bill because the aggregate amount carried was not large enough. It hod previously; been opposed be cause it appropriated too large, ah amount. ' He sympathized Irith. the gentleman from: Texas in the! position he hod taken, j He, himself woa!d like to see a larger amount Appropri ated every year than it was foun practicable to appropriate .N The gen tleman's theory was beautiful but izn- Eraeticablc If; the ) committee had rought in a bill Of twenty-two mil lions of dollars it ieoald not hove been enacted into law. ii : i. I i Pending debate the c.mmlttee rose and the House, at 4.45, adjourned. I -klatr JarrU Im WVaUlrL. I WMblngUa Poet lth. i - -j i- - '-''t'l Jx-Uovernor Jams, of North.' Carot- lin, the United : States Minister t Brszil arrived lot the Metropolitan Hotel jesterdayi morning, aooompo'f niedbyMrs. Jsryis. "I donotex peer," he said to aj Post reporter, ftd return to Brazil iagain. Ihafenoi seen the President or the Secretary of State since my tl return, bat ll will not likely i go back; to Brazil unless there is some sbeoial reason why I should return." ill f I X,: I "Is it true," if asked the .reporters that you ore to be a candidate for? election to the i Senate from North) CarOlina.Ml- 4 Irv" .M... j "That is a matter I know nothing about yeti'f was f lhel reply, i I have been away f rom North Carolina for two years and cannot tell whit I will, do until I hnve gone back home," ! , Minister Jams spoke in the high est terms ' of the f people of I BrsziL "They faTor everything,w said he, "that will bring them into closer re lations with this 1 country. The gov ernment has not jyet taken official ac tion in regard to the Three Americas' Exposition at Washington, but the project is regarded with the greatest favor, as is everything else that will tend to bind the ! American I nations closer together. 4 The Emperor ' is a man of iroie attainments and this en lightened policy had done muoh to advance the' country. The i tecrent. Prince Isabella, is a really remlurkab'e woman of great force of . character, but at the same time very modest and unassuming. 4 g 5 I i limit f Mn. -i Is Nature's own true laxative.' It the most easily: taken, an A the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System; when Bilious or Costive; to Dispel i Headaches, Colds, and Fevers; to Care Habitual Oonstipa- faotured only by the ualiiornia Syrup Company, Son Francisco, John S.I Pescud, Sole -Agent for Bal eigb,N.!G ! .-i-JS'l . i I , - ----i e , Mr.f 1 John ; Henniker Heaton, member of Parliament for Canter bury, will j visit ithe United States next year, and will, endeavor to have 4 bill submitted tb Congress provid ing for the Adoption of his scheme of universAl penhy postsge. - L E. Balnbridge If unday,' Esq., kuaty Attorney, Clay county, Tez. says: VHave used Electric Bitters with most happy reaulta. My brother also was very slow with Malarial Fever; and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this med icine. Am i satisfied Electric Bitters leaved his life." :r;l ' " ; i I Mr. D. I Wilcoxaon, Of Borse Gave, Ky.. adds alike testimony, aaying : Be Ipositively believes be would have died, had it not been for Electrio Bitters. ; f This great remedy twill ward toff, as well as cure all Malaria Diseas ss, and for all Kidney, Liver and tomooh Disorders stands unequaled. Price BOo. and $1. at ILm. Johnson ft Co. -x ; . .ii . t I 1 1 I OF COURSE i NOT J ! THAT VISIT CP SOUTHEBNEBS TO HARBISON "NOT POLltl- BUT ALL THX BAJUy IT OOVKBS A. MOVB -..-KB3T "'; JOB A ! jSBW VpABTT' : TEX ? SOTTBI A FABTT Or PBOTIO- TXOSISTS, WHO ABB TO WAX OX "BOUBBOX hbxb" U ''!;' SOCAX-LU OTHXn i iHIWS. By Telegrash to tto JTewi aad Ob-err w. iBprAXAPOixis, Ind., Dec 18. Hon. Thomas iSeddon and. his ASSOciAteff, comprising the 1 committee of South erners from Birmingham i AHsT, who called upon Gen.J Harrison: yesterdsy, were particular to impress upon a press correspondent that their. -visit was not political in the general acceptance of the term. An inquiry, however, into the causes and circumstances Reading to their visit; and the formulation of the address they presented to jthe Presidentelect discloses the fact that beneath this endorsement of the pro tection doctrine by the capitalists of Alabama lies hidden what may prove to be a great political project. It is believed that the movement embodies the founding of, a new political party in the Southern! States, the 1 leading spirits of which should be the busi ness element, especially i manufactu rers. : Said one i of the ! committee: "We regard the Solid South as is thing of the past. It is gone forever. The election of Gen. Harrison and the certain' Admission !of two or three new republican ; States f stripe the South of her former power in na tionslpoliticc The break-up is upon us. We must look to arranrinr new lines; and in doing so we propose to make new alliances and to bring about Afettlement of the perplexing race. issuea-" . t It . is learned thot the oricrinal secret coll issued I at ' Birminsrham about the 20th of November and sent to about 1,000 of l ithe leading manu facturers, capitalists and i business men of Alabama has never been pub lished. An examination bf this call is of 'interest. ' It sets forth the ad vantages to be si 'cured by acquies cence in the veolipt of the people for protection. ' - It deprecates and rebels from a further, continuation of the political supremacy in the ! South of what it terms Bourbon rule.? And lastly it outlines lau ingenious plan for the cteotiodl of al hew land independent - Southern- party i whose founders and followers shall institute a peaceable warfare against "Bour bon rule," and press -that element until it calls the negro to its! aid to save it -from, political r death. When they (the 'Bourbons") shall be com pel led to call for the negroes' vote in State and local elections in the South they are, secured; and political dis franchisement oeates. The; new port J will not antagonize the colored race or drive them from!Uts membership, bat it will be" orglnized Almost en tirely by white men, who (expect no support, to speak of. from! the negro at the outset. Protection And fair elections are to bej the corner-stone of the new j party! and its charter members are men of such unbounded wealth and infiaehce that the move ment assumes on important aspect; Toe much importance cannot be at tached to the fact that Loxador has no superior as - a .family medicine. . For headache, flatulency, dyspepsia, nerv on an ass ; liver aad blood dUea.es, etc., it stands unexoelled. Price S5 cents a pack- -J-IIV i - As spirituous liquors will injure men,se opiuxa.or laudanum will barxafally, af fect the baby. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is the remedy for tne baby. It is sot in jurious. Price 85 cents. V jl ; i Financiers in ; Berlin - are uneasy over the inooess of j the Hussion loan in Paris, which is ! lupposed i to indi cate a possibility that France may re cover her lost ground in the financial world. 1 A- r Habitual Constipation . And kidney and liver ills, depending on a weak or inactive condition of the kid neys, lirer, or b lwels, sre successfully and permanently cured only by the use of the gentle yet effective laxative and and dialectic Syrup of Figs. Its advan tages are evident; it is easily taken, pleasing to the tasteJ acceptable to the stomach, harmless to! the most delicate mwA. I ...1 WAH A1 1 si. ,,. no. 8. Pescud, Sole Asent. Baleiah. t Grand Duke Paul, of Bussia, will le married to f Princess Alexandra of Greece next June, -j , V ! ::' Slew ef Btl )tfmm thm lAwvt U Wbsa this Is obstructed It rasstts la j BllilOUESSe WMeli, If Bfteeted, aaoa load- to rtooi alien. timmtemaf uw Bnlator exerta a most toUeltoua tuflaeoe orer very kind of biUoasaees. It re ftoree tint liver to proper worklag order, rega litoo UMseeretioa or bile aad pou tb diiresure Orgaat la raeb eoaditloa tbat they eaa do their teitwork, After taking tola medioint ao eae vUl say, -1 aw biltoua." ' MI vu affected lor erend Tear wltb bfltoaa. aeaaaad dleordered Urer, whlcli reeolted ta a ierereattaek oraandie. I X bad goo medical t.oi-.n-e, and tried the favorite preeeriptioa of one of the wwt renowned tthysieuuu of Loai. vlile, -., but to no purpoM, whereupon I wm SMl-oed to try Simmons Liver Regulator. I was benhflted by tta dm and It ultimately restored e to the tall eBjojmexit ot healU.--, H. Bara HtlliiVrty1 Kf. ( . - - s t XzamUM omo t&at you it the reantna, dla- SSa m Trad Wart, oa (roat o VraroarlaaA on UMatdatbeieal and tlcaatnr of J. -LZelili uo. -'r K !! '. - A NO. 152 . OTlCXTO-tOT-l-EI-S. ' .Xza. Wmlowa Sootblns Brrnp tbocld alwav be need wben eblklren are cutting teeth. It re- -ttevea the little auSerer at onoe, tt produces nat aral, quiet sleep by relieving the children from pain, and the lime eherub awakes as "bright as a button.' It i very pleasant to taste; soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pains, re beveo wind, regelates the bowels and Is the beet known remedy tor diarrhaMuwhether rising from teething or outer causes. Twentxve oents a . latc pcaiacATioary. The World of Cant,1 "o co-spinica book to; 'Bobert Elsmere.'" J. 8. Ogilvie, : publisher. New York, and Chicago, i Paper. ' Price 50 oentK I D-'t -Cxpeiixaea. ; . You cannot afford to waste time in ex perimenting when your lungs are in dan ger. ; Consumption always seems at first only a cold.' Do not permit any dealer to impose Upon yon with some cheap im itation of Dr4 King 'a New Discovery for consumption roughs "and colds, but be sure you get the genuine. I Because he can make mote profit he may tell you he han something jast as good, or just the same. TkonH be deceived, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Disco very which is gusranted to give relief in all throat, lung and chest affections. Trial bottles free at Lee. Johnson & Cos drug store. , Large bottles Si. j it . '.- ,. . : Iiw 6iMt ul Itw Mem ! 1 Never i before offered on holiday goods.- Special inducements will be ofTered from now until 1st of Janua ry on framed pictures. Begulor cleaning-out , prices to moke room for others. Don't buy until you have inspected my stock. ? j' r;--. -. iFoxD. A. j Wats on, r Manufacturer'; of ' Picture : Frames, Window Shades, &c j . i i i i ; - The Belgian consul at Su&kizn telegraphs to his government that the military- and i political authorities there believe the story that Emia Pasha has been captured and his force dispersed, but ore in doubt about the capture of Henry M- Stanley. mm mmmm JFrm7rmt!Lattlat . ..lie leading t Price aaCU. Soil at Dnww-rts. ooa Cwrtt Uesr Cornnkdrrtf Cortiomn, Bilious .. Ajftciie, Gi4rtmM. 'A A .gtUUiSnori:n.- Vm hicitl2SCU. SaJibfcMtnigslft, EM nlera ff&iamatism, t'earalgia, ifadich0. Toothache, Soret, Earns,' Cats, Scald, Csckacha, &'oands,&c; mum uxera rives, r ert Tot in 7 A3fl "f-----r---" m m mv " This is theTop ofthe Genuine Pearl TopXamp Chimney. -All others, similarare imitation. .This exact )-abel is on each Pearl Top Chimney. i A dealer may say and think he has others as good. T-n , re rrf Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. ti ti Fll SAU ITimnitK. HA0I MLT IT CED. AIUCSETH & CO., fitt:t:.U Ptv I : - Lnd an natnro assames a wintry aspect, tho whi are prudent and i economical wilL'-exiB to look about xv lj Tfr i for protection a, lust cold weather. W U.EiSi, chan res of temperature, and their " results.: Winter clotting, fuel aad Benson's riasteraro reeof-izea as the most Important household ne cessities. This plaster has secured a permanent place in every well regulated household, as the most valuable external remedy known fnr nfh, MlHc h A&fn, fc-. THE LIAV1S ache, rheuatlsiniXica4umbago aoa au acnes ana p-'iis peculiar to . this season of the jear. Owing to its geat popularity Benson's Piaster ,. has be.m largely imitated, heneo JsxUvjIXH buyers should always a ; for Bea- . sot's and refuse all Asth-rs, thus '.' avoiding worthless rroducts. ' gy-Snd two cent 'tamp to Sea. TO tIlkTT DurT Johnson, rt Pleit street, N. A I tl ry, foi .a copy of "Instructions from the Doctor, a valuable household i . - boot, i.. i i "APOPULABHOUSE," THE i )i . ia wam. mvim t im ar -UxaiQ-t. : , ' i ! ! i If you wish to save money, stop with II oeeley. Central, convenient , and a plesaant place, i ; U Table good. All the luxuries "of the The only firit-claes ladies' and gantle menx dining hall in the city. Tou can have ; I; ;;; ;. :,.. - ' . (SERVED TO ORDER what you want from 10 up. I We strive to please.'1 Bates pe dor at ' Special totes by the weeji; ;:m.- '!-".-- tT?3 WIBB BAILING AND OB -w4 NAUENTAIi WIB3 Tl tJ-PXTIt o OOw Ko.118, et 11S. North Howard street, Cal timore manufacturers ot wire railiaj for oameteriee, balconies, &e., sieves fenders, wires, wood and cool screes woVsn eage iron bedsteads, settees, G- MOSELEY HOUSE v - V 4 r Hi lit"

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