ti i- ---i.lJ.-3i. IK"' t if f 5f RiL LEIGflj N!eJi SkTUR DAY MORNING. DECEMBER 2, 188 r-.n 1 I Ml : 1 f-1'rj; I f 154: S1- - J 5 W i f ak'l -"S I s lb 3". . . - 7 r; ,;p(oiuiiiiii Absolutely Purd- - fhis powder fterer Wles. ''A-::n4r--1 t Tmiiiy, strength mod wholeeemesww. Hor eoonotn tol.tfuui ordinary kind! and Mtnaot b told in competition iwtth the aiultitade Of low Mat, short tiw&gfct. ilim or phocphma powders, o an, i &OT4i Baxxhq Toimss olid only In GoJ. we v vw ail owee, newi iotk. i s Hold bj W O. ft A B, StronAoh, and ? llWnUft Go. - tVOOLLCOTT & J- lit mm 14 Bast! Martin Street, r Xlaleigrlii IV. ,Ci - i We are aow dispUjingthe moitislee ant line of HOLIDAY GOOES Erer shown in the State. 1000 SILK HANK ERCB I EFS FROM if: :i - I fechanical Engine! 50c each. ill 7 U p f7elooipedae Wasjona, Desks1 " . t I riagesteto. Dot! I Oar- jj- aad kid body aoh; from i; ( .r : I). S5C i v' ' nhilJran's St ry Books at half priced ! i 1 7 ' - ft y-f:-t jv.v'.: 'isj;31 . i ' ' 1 TYramis, Toilet Articles, Fioe Vaaes and Jt - all kind or Tjym ana ukmen,i 1000 CHRISTMAS CaBD$ V , - t 1 J 1 2000 yds ti-la riearlett Cloth, all shales at Site a yd. worth 83c, U-'m Jl-: iv: -.-Ul mMA Oar floods are all oiarked; in i tsif as : IPIain IFiffures liii AND ONE PRICE liDWARD FASNAGH; V t JEWEfHI lil'f BALXiaB, .. c S0LITA1&E and CLCSTE& fiim'B UOld Jewelry, uroia ana oiiTer vatcaf y 4orhAm,sSterluur8ilverwar;B08;eifS Dlatea aurerware, any size anei f weight of pisua 18 karat Emf i gagement rings comimi ;ly is stock. Badges j ml ana aaeaaumaae j 1? to - order. Hi -sirs jnr;Optical Embraces an endless variety : of I lenee .rhinh toflrether with our practical expe- ienoe enables us to ootreet, almost any rror of refraction in If yopta (neawightl, fiypermetropia (f a&ht)teopto t r$Am rhtl Aathenooia 1 weak sicht ) anw ItIm prompt relief from that diatrea IjXeadache which often aooonopanics -ttperJectTision. , ; yr UHi.Vj Jit OUR ARTllCIAlJ Human Ey6s itn and M whanlnsertedU olTunt as a- distance havtns a broken e oaa have another sM withojas eali. WW- iirtfi.i! j,' j I "lis OPHCIAil vatuxailorcaai THE SBBATH DBSTirtTTK.f i TBI PUEPOSIS COHKITTKC HAT By Telegnpb to the Hews and QbMryer. WiBHiKaTow, Deo. 2li Now that it day certain hat been fixed for the fi nal rote upon the Senate Bubslitnte for the IZilis bill, the committee on finance in charge of the! measure will have no more hearings, but will hold daily sessions through the rticess for tne purpose of perlectms tbe measure by amending lit in accordance with information derired from the inter ests wbich hare heretofore expressed their news and desires' to the com mtttee. As has been stated in the Senate by Mr.j AUison there will be amendments t the preaett ! text of the bill proposed by the committee as the result of many f conferences with maBufacturers and labofers had by the finance coxo mitts e. ' j i i i ,i i. i- 'i' i I I S --. j. i UrTalsxrapk ti Ui Sew ot 0trrr. ! Is0UAri)xisl lad . Dec- 21 A sen 4at;onal report.St-nt from here of th0 dUooYery of, plot to! assassinate ;Prefident-elcet Harrison created irreat j indignationlaiAQg tlejot j Harrison's many warm fhtlads. At Harrison's iousehold the story ''s unhesittingly declared to be the purest fabrication wi hout I a I shadow upon which to vuuu tfc. t xio ono m vup city cu ua found who erer beard of the alli?ged attempt upon Man. Harrison s i are, nor naa any tnougnt oi such a possi bility seriously; engaged! the cohsi?!- eration of the General's friends Or of his family so far as diligent ind airy can be ascertained. i a w - a i! ' "-- 6r Teiecrsph to the Jfews and Obserter. AvocsTAi Ga-i Dec 20.-I The break in the Augusta 1 canal, caused by the September orer flow of the Savannah river, is now repaired and. water! was turned on - gradually today from the river. 4 The eanal wul be -nlle t slowly and. the cotton mills will run! for a few hours Saturday to get every hing in readiness for a general resumption, of work on Monday withf a full force and regular : hours. Augusta jis f the largest cotton manufacturing city in the souths and I the 'Starting of, the mills agaya means employment for 5,000 hands and a. running of nearly have i been idle since Septemberj 8 th. A neat tm Buifai for KallriMd. By Cable to the STevp and Oseerrer. ) ; BrrTtrt&sifBBa. Dec' 21 The Io- dratrial and 11 Cbmmeroiat Co opera tive Society, of which Gedi Ijgnatieff is president, has appealed ; to 5 the government to begin immediately the oonstrnettontf tja railway from sire- Irovsk to Vladi-KTka in orde4 to pretent the exclusion of Russian merchants from Persian . marke s The Society 'estimates tie Icosi of such a railway at 5,009,000 roubles and the timet necessary for ksomple- I tion iwb years. DtFTAIX ALXXiaOER; 1 ma io anion oxxabxv btatxo -bx will AOCXPT A KOMUTATIOJl IT TXBDiaXD ; j ;to bdc bt tbk lxoislatubb' J ; I CtUUlotte Pajly Kewf.W ... 1 . J, .. 4jOapt. S. B - Aexandsr Jwasi injthe i clt yesterday for the firs; time with 14 a week, haviog been confined to his home,! near: town, by an attack of siekness. He was' seen at ie Cen tral Hotel by a News reporter, land asked about the reports that are how being circulated I by the press! that he wouiu not ; oppose oeaaior rfcansom. Capt. Alexander said that be had been misrepresented in - an p.ntervww With a Charlotte reporter, pust be fore he left for Mississippi be was ao cosled by the ' reporter and asked aooai nis position in tne senatorial i race.' lie said , to tne reporter: rvJi course, if the legislature is opposed to Bansom, the fields, open to every body.w That,s said. QapyAlekan der. "is all I said, and lis ail the?. tged interview was basefl upon. The porter afterwards apologized I td "tiQi me Siald the nJws fepUu to Capt. Alexander, "a sUitement that will define your position for the ben efit of your friends throughout the SUte." "Well,? replied Csp Alexander A the legislature nominates me, I will'aooept i.If my frieftis want to press mj name for the penatorship, they can us it for that! purpose. 1 ahall make no personal exertions in the matter." h ' ; t ' .- -VM mmMmi In (ilaflnA Capt. . Alex. ander's position dearly, and there Heed be no farther misunderstanding on that score. He is a 51 iTiUisrocRaiiBo WILLXSOWH KH ilXKIB BlDLT I IP :1 !. Hj BUST. i 'iiJL Charlotte special of Wednesday says : 1 1 the., .passenger: train from V liming ton Over the Carolina Central rpad doe here at 7 o'olook this morij inir met witn a ! rather (serious acci dent near LUesTille, about fotty miles from here: l The train l was moymgr I Along on regular schedule time When iUgineer . ; jc . ; AAiaeuiceimer caugnt slight of a large rock onthe track bnly ; few feet in front of tbe engine. IThe engine Was reversed, bat before the train coald be stopped jit struck; the Obstruction audi was dashed f rod the ract. The Only person jwounded was Mieenheimer, the Engineer, iwho sustains terrible hurtB,his face being $adly Iaceratedb " He jalsoH received painful and serious gashes in the legs and hands His condition, however, is not considered critical. TA fPA CONG BESS ADJOURNS FOB THE HOLIDAYS. - if ' id 3 !! TBS T'ABlVt AQAIS I!T THB BXNAtS TBS 1 KICBAOOA OAK AJd IX TBS B0U8X ! i 4 .i ." . - -! i OTBEB KKWd : By;TtlegraDa to .the Hews nd ObMrrer, WAfHiwoTOK, Dec 21. SXSAia. Mri Chandler presented three adds. tional" memorial numerously j signed from three voting precincts w Pr aogeburg County, Sbuth Carolina,! al leging denial of the right of voting a ill 1.11 - t . 1' . !. " J . ' i , i tne iate election, ana praying an an vestigation. .Beferrad.- 'i,.-' ' . - Mr.i uawiey, from the commutee on naval affairs, reported back ...ibe Senate bill giving to the Peheaebla and Memphis JEtaiirbad Compiny the right I of .way through the fjUniied States naval and military reservation near Jfeosacois, Fla. Fassed.1 The; public printing deficiency bill was reported back (without ameBd ment) by Jtfr. Hale and was passed. it appropriates $o3,uuu ? tor that pur; pose and $5,000 for the observation of the eclipse of the" sun on the first of January next. ' ! $ The resolution offdred by Mr. Telll er for the appointment of a commit tee i to: investigate the Supervising Architect of the Treasury's accounts during the administration of the present Supervising Architect was taken np. .'Air. vest moved to amend the resolution by making it include also the administration of the last Supervising Architect. Mr: AUlisdnj inquired cf Mr. Test what the obi jeot of the amendment was. 1 Air. Yest.Baid he took it for granted thai the proposed investigation" was not a personal attack. He intended! none by his amendment. Jtiat if he had' learned any thing aa a member of the committee on public bu3diofiri and: grounds with whioh he been, cop- nected for ten years) it was the abso lute: and hnqaestionable vice of the" present system in regard to th eon structSon of public jbuildings. Jle would put ,; the whole matter of the construation of public buildings un der i' contract, which he saidwasi infinitely j superior to any other systems ' In - that connection; he (Mr, Yostt told of !sv conversation which1 he had xeoently had with Gan Casey (the best administrative offioer in the erection of public buildinks in the United States if not in thewoildl in which Gen. Casey? compared the cost of frescoing and plastering ill we iouia wing oi tne, ocate, war ana Mavy ' vbmldtng (by day's iwork $400,000)1 with the cost of like Wbrk irr the 5 north a ing jof exactly1 the same dimensions (by oon tract $330J- 000), the, Utter work . having jbeefi done in one-third of the time that the other occupied. Mr Vest also re ferred to the slow manner in which the work on the eapitbl p-japets! was be inc: carried on, and to the new li brary building, whicbi he said, would not have been completed during the life of the youngest Sena 'or if it had been left under the day s work sysi- After considerable duou3sion,fi Met Hawley moved to amend the reioi ac tion by: striking out the preamble and merely Instructing the committee oi publio' buildings and grounds t0 in vestigate the condition of the offisel As thus modified it was agreed to. Aresolution offered yesterday by Mr. Plumb, calling on the Secretary' of the Treasury for a statement fs to the purchase of bonds since the1 4th of March, 1 11585, was token upland agreed-to.' M-r . The liouid bill to remove thei pot litinal disabilities of John H. Patker of Virginii, was reported and palaedi Mr. Chandler gave notice that on the first day after the holiday roebi he would more to take up his resolui tion for the appointment of a $om mittee to inquire into the Louisiana election of lasi April. S i The Senate then, at 1 o'clock, to Dk up the tariff bill, resuming its cohsidf erationat schedule, i'l," cotton: insn ufactures. -Mr. Vest moved to aniend the first l paragraph of the schedj ule (313) by striking out the words "ten cents j per pound" (applied to thread, 1 yarns, etc ; I not exceeding twenty-five cents per- pound) an in sorting the words "35 per centl ad yaloreni.", He said that, a superficial examination of the whole schedule would show that it was gotten up in the interest of New Eogland mjanu-j facturers who could not compete in coarser cotton fabrics w$h manofaoi turers ih Augusta,lGs , ed who.had to depend on finer ootton fabrics! H quoted i from a speech of Mr. cock's to the effect j that Ameri ootton manufacturers could exbor coarser: cotton . fabrics, into English colonies and compete there success fully with English manufacturers) j Mr. JVest'a argument was Jffre quently interrupted . with comments j questions and remarks by, senator Dawes, Chace, Aldxich, Allison fan Blair. Mr. iliscock said he would irratified if Mr. Vest i would endors the whole of the speech from whica he had quoted. He had then said (andj he now repeated with emphasis) hat as to cheaper fabrics manufaetoredj in this country in the cost of which! mannual labor played an immaterial part and with raw material here thej United States could comp te with' the world. 'He had remarkkT in IhatJ speech (which was in .favor of Ameri j can steamship companies) that sis to Mexico! Central Amerioa and Sontbi America, it was those coarser good: I that they eoasumed and that it was the duty of Qongress tobnild up the foreign trade: with those countries. He had been then, as? he was now, in favor of ; paying to . American steam ship line just compensation for car rying the) mails, but that policy had beep, resisted- on the other side of the chamber iandl the English and Ger man steamatup line had been allowed to destroy American oommeroe, prao Uoall y carryitfgj the mails ' for noth- A nuniberbf bills were taken from ihe caleudar anfl passed; among them tioasft oui to construct a road from Fiorenc .8. O , Tiona' Cmetr After si b ief to the adjacent Na- executive session tbe Seoate! Adjourned till Wednesday, JanuarVII,-; . - i i : - : --- In hj -Opening p ayer th'i morning tne cnapiain; reierrd . .top the ap- proacbiDg holidays and I invoked good willand peaee for all mankind On motion of; AXrvMcCreary, of Ken tucky, a resolution was adopted re questing; from' the President informa tion touching;: afiairs in Madagascar, Tbe House went into committee of the wholes on the Nicaragua bill. J The pending amendment was that ottered by AuvFpinola, of New xork, limiting the capital stock of theooni- pany to iuu,wu,uuu. Also one pro viding that all; shares, bonds, certifi eates and other evidence of indebted - Kness shall ?be paid for only in cash to be paid into the company s treasury and used for corporate purposes . i After, a brief debate the amend ment was rejected25 to 138. The amendment offered ; by Mr. Stockdale,; of f Mississippi, providing that none f tbe concessions of the Nicaraguan government shall b? chancred without the consent of the United i States 'government was re jected, 18 to 68r) r I On motion of Mr. JPayson, of Illi nois, an amendment was adopted pro viding that all; bonda, stocks and car tificates shKUbefTssued at the orinci pal offioe iaNew TOrk city. j- The amendment offered by Mr. Hoi man I was adopted providing that the directota shall be citizens of the United States ior of Nicaracua. and that a maforitV shall be citizens and residents of the United States. ' In ther?"course of a i speech m support of , the bill, Mr. s, of, Alabama, (.said, that from every standpoint the enterprise commended itself, to him.' . He did not think that it would be necessary ml' ar- a w 'rsi' or tne trmcea states to maintain a arge nary to protect American inter ests on - the Isthmus, nor did , he think thi the prosecution Of the . en- terpnse ; d involve the oaantry in a f oreu war. r While he: would not welcbmt war. at any time he was no sure that if the cause of the United States was just s foreign war would be of de irimenttothia country. He was apprehensivcj that nothing rould ever completely jeradicate sectional ism mi this country except a foreign war; andj if it bad no other -beneficial result, such a'War (if it, waW not a very grejit and very expensiyd one) would bejrrtsu)uUay.: j J .Mif Herbertt'of Alabama, coincided with I the bribwsj expressed by his coL ieague. Xioreign war, he said, might prove tobe a great blessing to the people of : the United Stages, r If the U cited S.ates could have aj wae(a warT of .cOdrsei Jm! which its cause wa? jast)lthslon;Of those who) fough on different; sides during the late civil war must Mind to bring together th people off 'the. whole country. Hj was afraid that unless the country ha.l a war with a foreign nation, in which the peopjleof the South could demon strate upon the field of battle their loyalty to ! the government-' the late war would never be forgotten: by tho North. 1- Mr. - flaaDonald, of Minnesota, offered an noendment providing that no change or concessions made by ie aragua and voata luc, which in any wav affebtB: the riehts of American. citizins or thoright of the govern mentSK thej .(United 1 States to 'have"a 4 ?roiee :in' 'the :, goverp mentkl:eontrol0f the rise of the canal, shjall be valid until the consent of the United States shall have been first triven. "Adobtedl k i ID. On,mdtioi of pit. Baker, of New York ajLramendment was adopted re quiring the oompany to make a re port to tfaa;Seoretary of the Interior on the fif st Monday in each year. Qci motion of Mr. Bland, of Mis sou r an amendment was adopted providing that the United States gov ernmant shall, not be estopped from exercising at any time any rights or powers mat now, exiss py virtue 01 the lawaf? nations or j that may be acqufredf through treaty stipulation relative V the transportation of Amer ican citizens land their property throdgb Iho'canaL j j ; 'h.t j;.. Mri Biker, of (Xilinoifl: offered an amendmi mt providing th3t the ernment of the United States gov shall at any. time at its own optioa have the rightjto purchase the entire property of the company at a price equal to its actual cost with interest at the rate of 5 bar cent pen annual, i ! This was rejected! but it Was agreed that t' might be offered in the House and s yei and nay vote token upon it. - The cc mnxittee then, rose and the previous question 'was ordered; on the bill and (amendments. On motion of erbert, of Ala- bauuithe Senate -bil was passed Grrantincr. to tha Pennsaoola & Metn- hisJBlvayOo. the right M way through the; naval and military reser vation near ' Pensaoola, and then, at 3.35,ithe House adjourned till Wed- needay, January MX. STANLEY. : -ir -I? A tETTEB SAID TO HAVE BEEN RECEIVED ; FROM HI MJ r -.i pr WHICB BEPBESZBTS BUf AHD IBIS XXfXDI tion as, wxxL iirn wAjrrufo OTi- 10 kcecst 25tb otbxb :k , KZWA. IS . Is is 11 By fble to ttje Mews and Obaerrer. ! IoxDdiT,iDec 21. A Zanzibar' dis patch saye: Letters addressed to SUjoley August 0tb; have been deliv ered here by Tippo Tib's men. Jfhey state tnat a letter Sa as ( received at Stahley Pall from Henry M, Stanley 0? August!28th.l Stanley wasHhen at isonyaia on : the 'Aruwhua- where he had arrived on August-25th. N He naoj jeit rjnm Jrana eighty-two may b peiore in perfect health and provided witn plenty 01 j iood.i Stanley had re turned to Bonyala for loads of scores in charge, of his rear guard j and in tended to leave fen nays later td re ioin Emin. He reported all the whites in the expedition as welhand said! the expedition wanted nothing. 1 1 p ' ' biFiNiTE x'iws fhou : STABLXX'Il Losdoh, Eng. Dec 21 -The. West Afriean ! Telegraph Co. has received the following dispatch from If St. Thotnas; dated Friday 2 p. nxi .1 ave just received information that Henry M. Stanley, with I Emin Pasha,!has arrived on the : Aruwhimi. ! The hews is reliable. : Further details will fol low.! 1 j" '! 1 Li . ; r ji (SignefJ) j i I r iPABsoiss, Sti Thomas iisf an island of that name in the Golf of Guinea, jortirguese; station. ;. ! InlthelHousc LUominons tniii-af- ternoon, Gosch f.'She acting govern ment' leader, rea ;d cheers a ele gratal received byi - West African Telegraph Company 1 ;St. Tlhdmaa repdrtinff the arrival bif nler Sand JSmin! on the ; ArnWhih. , . '-(oschen J ! " 7. TT ' Z "V -- i " I stated that the government h i lnot reoeivea any airect pmciai nM-on arm tag this report. By Cable to It e Ne k and Observer. Lokdos, Deo: 20.Lord Salisbury in a speech at Scarborough last night dwelt upon the procress 1 th liberal Unionists were: makihg and rejoiced over (thej impossibility of I their re uniting with Mr. I Gladstone's party. The orders to send reinforcements of trobps to the Mediterranean Save been countermanded j ; n i h Batal But r? u. B'llr. . . ! -; ; w Telegiph to therein and Obeerrer. p ' .- CoirMSiiaJ; ,Ind.,j 'jDec. :. 1 21.--The large boiler in the sboke factory of Emmett & Son. Mt. Vernon. Ind.. exploded yesterday, Instantly killing jas. jett, or this city. J as. Xee, Joshua 10. lie wis, Andy Jones land Chas.l Reed were fatally wounded. Several other employees were? 14- ': I-. ft: jaredf J V I I All AiC at WthalUk. iNEV UBLB1BS, Dec ai. A 8 to the Slates from Wahallak sitys: Peaceiand quiet j reign once more 'and afiairs! have resumed their normal condition No further trduble is ex pected. i DarUm Jail Delltrerjr. - & . By Telegraph to the News and Observer. -4 Poit TbwHiXHD. W. T : Dec 21 The most dariDg fand euccesfcfull jail delivery ,evei . perpetrated; on gtne Sound occurred last fnisht. Thomas Hull,! jailer, was in One of the ella where fivk prisoners were! confined wjhenj they sii idenly overpo wired and gigged himl Relieving him of) his keys and pistols' before he could faise an alarm. Within a few minutes the fi jre criminals had opened the dord and wjbre fleeirg for liberty af ter lack ing the j iiler and one trusty prisoner in thej peil The prisoner had beenied and as son as be could release him self fie unbound the jailer. ! Thej es cape ! are;: Davenport, of Whatcom, charged with Xttempt' to!: murder; McDonald, W lhams Connor and one otherj ; oharged'l with grand larceny and highway robbery. The criminals are dip characters and well knOwn. Posses were at qnoe Organized forjthe purpose of pursuing- them, and neigh boring porta were notified of taede- liveryj; 1 A' CASK PaCSKSTATIOBI ! T3 XXVI J. H. CDRD03T AT WILSON. Cor. of the News and Observer. . r ' f 1 v WrLSOH, N. O.L Dec 20, 1888,. ! After prayer meeting last night S at the Methodist ehareh, Rev. J.?H. Oordpn was given a splendid gold headd ckne by Mr. Henry W. Blonnt, editor of the WilsOn Mirror, in behalf of the young wmen lof Wilson; Mr. Blonnt a presentation speech wa a perfect gem of !; Oratory, and i If or beauty of diction fand eloqaencei ex celled anything ever listened to by a Wilson audience j I It was : enthaly impromptu but Mr. Blonnt ; Vur passed himself. !-' j : :' ':! i .:, ' I bit., Cordon was very much affected by this manifeatation .of the affection and esteem of ithe young men tT him, ahd of i his popularity with them, j and in his i response, wliich was a beautiful aild appropriate one,' he feelingly referred to the deed rin terst he felt in the welfare of I jhe young men and his love for them.; The people of: Wilson part ith Mr Ooidon with! deep regret, without regard to denominational 1 affiliatos, Eajrticularly ! the! young, to whoh he ajs endeared himself very muoh, both as ; pastor and friend. J. M. W I Thi Western1 railrosds are it ill trying to harmcnia rates 1 A lIHIt TlOBf . I Cae4 fcy tlk M PftanM f a ' lielll .. ;.. Bh .t. iU I: By telecraph to the News aad Obserrer. :j - pi ' v vAiBisoTOK,. Dij-'CVDeil 21 A sensation was caused in the national bank bote redemption agents of. the Treasury yesterday: by the receipt of a $20 national bank note 1 which -had prsviqusiy been ; redeemed and i can celled and which I was supposed to hae been destroyed. The note bad been accepted by the bank in Wash ington in the regular course Of busi ness and was sent to the Treasury for redemption. National bank' notes when received and redeemed by thei United States Treasurer fare j practi-j caljy cancelled by cutting off I ibsV twoi lower corners and fare transferred to th4 office of the Comptroller: of thei Currency,- where. they: are punched thrjoagh the centre and then! de stroyed. After their cancellation and before their destruction they kre com mitted to a special "committee bom-: posed of representatives of the Treas ury and of the bank by whom the notes were issued.' (This committee oo4nts and verifias! the notes : and superintends their destruction.- The not4 in question had been properly cut and punched, but in some mys terious, manner hail ewapectj lacera tion It bad been! pierced with the other notes so- as id resemble them bu f the work was done fn enchja looee and careless Umanner that the Treasury officials are surprised that its ;true character was not discovered before it came to 1 them fori second redemption. An investigation is how in I progress bdt nothing has been developed beyond what 1 is! stated ab4ve. j No other, notes of tha kind have been presented and it j is ' not believed there are any more iin exist ence, -i ."-! .FT . r m' -11 1:4: KxGav. Ualdan tm tka Oeaaral iiumbW The following) card from Ex-iGov. xioiaen nas oeen puoiisnea : ; . : v T& th General A.$8emblv of North Carolina, soon td pe in session.1 Gxxtlikxh : -On I the 22d day of March, 1871, the - Senate of LNorth Carolina aittlner aa:i a Court lof Im peachment, pronounced ' judgment asrainst me in six out of the eight ar tides of impeachment filed against melby the House of Representatives- I waa held by this judgment as guilty of thigh crime and misdemeanors." I denythis in the most solemn manner. I dp not ask yon to repeal or rescind thi4 sentenoe or judgment, for it is being executed, and .it might, hot be repealed or rescinded save by the same; court that passed it; but I ask yod most earnestly 11 to resolve' or de- olaie that in your opuiion, I was actu ated by good motives in what X did, and tnas a naa lor my oDject tne uess and highest interests 01 tne state, i . 1 ajm not now' a party mani ! Both parties have disowned me. I appeal to yon solely on tha ground! jof jus tice. I 1 have never been an enemy to the State. On the! ' eontrarvJ I have loved her weii and! do now; and am herlOyal son. though proscribed and batined. ; f.J . ' U rj The press of 1 the I State will please copy the abovecardaa an act of kind ness to a former member of the craft am send me a copy of the paper. .; 'v . ' r . W. W. HotiDBB. Br t eiecrattli to the News' and Observed i Kkw Yobx, Dec 21. The'following are; the total net receipts of j cotton at ill ports' sinoe September 1st 1888: Galveston, 452,850, bales;. New Or leans, 989,222 bales Mobile, 135,894 bales; Savannah 596,523 SI bales; Charleston 290,383 balee: Wilmington 123,721; Norfolk, 1 838,816 Baltimore 47; Newport News, 137,408; Philadel phia,! 20,358; West Point, 247,021; Brunswick, 35.897 Port Boyalj B,257; total, 3,384,773. 1 j ; i Uvm Cattaa 8aaaamt. NivTOBE, De. SL Tne following the com parattTe eotton statement for tbe weekj ending iMcemoer u. 1888 ! J5S.8IT 1887 ! MI.S16 i,Tas.iwe ; 188,TU KeeetpU for tbe week Total receipts to oate. Exports for tbe weekj s.!4,m ii ns,ee 1,217,381: Alports ior sne wmj Total euorta to date. C Stock at aU Oj 8. DortsL ! 3,61,014 i.o: 1 1 a i Stock at all interior towns,; 843,000 664,000 moos Mica as xATarpoot. i - 162,008 IW.000 axpons to ureat raitam, . I iM:. SBastd OsVarhasra Aeeestfsua By telegraph to tbe News and Observer, ,WAKnoToir, Dec. 21Today'a 003d offerings aggregated ) I4&500; au fejeowu. , -. s : ). y . s--ssa . f ; f HasalstaUastby tke PresldemC. By TeletTsjh to the News and ObserrerJ WASBXBeTOB. D C . Dec 21-The President today' nominated Dah'i W. Moselv. of I Virginia, f to be collector 01 customs ior . tee aistriot 01 itiicu- L .1i a S 4 a Ml Tk! !.' ' t ADVTCB TO MOTHEBS, Mis. Wlnslows Boothlnk Bvrnb should always be used when children axe cutting teeth. It re liergs the little snSerer at once, it produces nat uraL quiet sleep by relieving the children from pain, aad the littla ehsrub awakes as "bright as a button." It la very pleasant to taste; soothe the child, softens the gums, allays all pains, re lieves wind, regnlatee the bowels aad is the best known remedy for diarrhoea. vbettier rising from teething: or other causae. Twenty-flTe cents a r FiTTfKBjroBs WixxJ EtcScQTDr- nong wine, choice, in half -gallon bot tles, 65 cents each. ', Best imported Gin for medicinal use. . Choice, Sher ries; Port, Cognac, etc, etc Posi tively no bquprs sold to be drank on the premises. tu. j. jbUBonr. SostBTBZBa Nxw IB BAi8iBS.--Fine California Layer Raisins in quarter boi cartoons, five pounds ne ,f $1.25 each- Kaiains of all j sorts, Stainless Valencias, Seedless Sultana, fine Des sert Clusters, &c, &o'. E. J. ltABDia. Handsome presents for the Christ mas Lohdajs can be haa atl j.- u. Huteon & Co.'s furniture stored L : . ' ;A Bcqacst Vfpm Blakap Lyauuft. j . Baletgn Chronlele. j .!i;yy--- , , j -f- 1 Rev.!j Jot. Blount Cheshire, Jr.; of Charlotte, writes I the editor of the Chronicle afollows : ? J yl ; " f "Bishop pTtdan has taken his pac age in 4 steamer which sails Jan-; .' nary 2d. In a recent letter he asked f ns to lave! the! announcement made' in the Raleigh papers, about this; time, in order that it might be known throughout the Diocese, and he asks the prayers of his people ) in' their ; several churches for his safe voyaee, i on the the firs ast Sunday in December audi ; Sunday iu January." 1 ;; A aareilsivestMseat.-'' Is one which I W guaranteed to brinr 1 you a satisfactoryrmult, or in case of 1 failure a return Of purchase price. On this : aaf e.'plan yon can bay from our ad- vertUed Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring; relief In every case, when jued for iahy affection of Throat. , Langs or Chest, such , as 'Consumption. ' Inflammation i o i Lungs, Bronchitis, , Asthma. Whoopittjr Cough, Croup, eto., etc. ! It is pleaaaht and agreeable to the taste, perfectly safe, aad canal ways be depended pon . , , 1 . v '. Trial bottles free at Lee, Johnson & Cc's, f't jt Jm 0;L--.;i---.-.- . : -iMajoriJi I B. ! Collins, a retired army officer, is dtitically ill in Wast- , - j; piaap'-a, Sore. Aches aad Pa la. ' ' "When a hundred bottles of sarsapa rilla or other pretentious specific fails to eradicate ia-born. scrofula or contagions blood poison, remember that B. B. B. ttknanic Blood Balm) has gained many thousand vietones,ln as many seemingly incurable instances. , Send to the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, for Book of Won ders," and be convinced. It Is the only true blood purifier. i ' . O. W. ifeeser, Howeirs X Eoads, Oi. , writes: ; "I was afflicted nine years with sores. ; All the medicine I could take did me no good4 ,1 then tried B, B. B., and eight bottles cured me sound.'? i Mrs. S, M. Wilson, Bound lfountain Texas, writes ; ta. lady friend of mine was troubled with bumps and pimples on her face and neck. She took three bot tles of B. B. B., ahd her skin got soft and smooth, i pimples j disappeared, and her health improved greatly. ?; . u Jss. L. Bosworth, Atlanta. Ga., writes: kiSome ' years I ago II contracted blood . poison.) I had no! appetite, my digestion was ruined, rheumatism drew up ,my limbs so I could hardly walk, my throat was cauterized five tihea, Hot Springs gave me no benefllt, and my life was one of torture until I Igave B. B. B. a- trialr and, surprising as it may seem,' the use of five bottles cured roe." 1 ' 1 . Ftamriag Sltlls Ocstraycd. Y ByTeleraphtotheNews.aaddbserTsr, . DxTsoir, Micld , i Dec 20.A spe cial from Lansing save: The .Oapitcl Flouring Mills were totally destroyed by fire last night ) Loss $5O,OC0. Partiallj insured. i;jr-; y y ' . iwsse-i 1 ' r Fax Cakbs, ic -WUson's j; Fruit Cakes two: pound tin boxes; Qra bam Wafers; Crosse & Biackwell's Jmy all sorts, 25o per jar; special prices by the dozen.! E. J. xTaedib. The Jiichmond-1 is ready to sail for Hay tL t ;l i : ! I tmit s 1 1 fragramt! Lotting! Tbs leading Bold a Drags-. AQOQ " (VrM tlMrCimplalmt, i Afftctlomm, eiddlisa. MSrmggltUt 6 . ; Are oatg Si CU SoU eg aB 4niggltt. Uiltreliero RhemAatisn, Neuralgia, Sw$IogsfBruissJLumLcjofSprajas, Htadacha, Toothache, Sores, Burnt; Cuts! Scalds, DackachB, Wounds, &c. .(.-W LA USE'S PLUGS, 1h:6rat Toteoo A if CHEW ttfetsAWWee 10 Ctt. AtmlUntgglMt -J5!f WIRE BAILING AN U O ti- zM&tgL- i namental wibe . r .1- 1 WOEKS i, ' . X U JEVUXX Sc C O. No. 118, & 115, North Howard street, Bal timore manufacturers of : wire railing for cerorteries, balcon1s. " &oM sieves . fenders, wires, I wood i r.d cual screens woven Mr im nivt(i tra . GEATEFULCOMl? OBTINO. i EPPS'Si COCOA. t H BREAKFAST. nT a thoronirh knowledge of the nataral laws whtch govern the operations of digestion and nu trition, and by a careful application of the fine proper lies of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a eeucately flavored beverage) w filch may shyo as msny heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the Judicious sse of sui h articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually, built p until strong enough to re sist evarv tendency to ciseasA, Hundreds of sub tle maladies are Hosting around us ready to at tack wherever there is a weak p int. we may escape ina-y a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortlnrd with pure blood auo. a properly nourisnea irame jaoe simoiy win iwiuug water or milk. Sold only la half-pound tins,, by Grocers, labtled thus;;- . , . JAMES apra& OO., Horaosopathlc Chemists. -.-- j . " i . .London. Bnglacd. : NOTICE.tj Slt-. A 1 rllfafl knntini mMtincr nf th stockholders ( of the Saleigh National j AUV PSfaass-ie Bank, and of the National Bank of Bal- cio-h twill ba held in their ban kin 2 house in Raleigh, N. i'., on the second Tuesday la January, loow, tan. ineetni at 10 o'clock a. m. ; i- - - . 1 V C.i Iti BEIVIIT. Cashi-r. j ydB irTnt.- ! -. j- I r -v i k.r:"-r -To find large : stores in th Henry Building, onJ Fayetteville street, oppo site United States: PostofBce, Raleigh, If. C '-(' They are in fine condition and Will be .rented j to reliable part-ea on reasonable terms. Apply to BEN. U. AIQOEE, A cent. - fj ft. ' i: f r iI smvsMv '1 : i t i- 1 -m. .If if! :!!: 14 r. 'if f

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