4 f '' si1. 1 1 At 1m '-- f. . -. . " i f . ! ill! i -1 j TT --!?- ffi-.' ;,!-:! I I:: Mi-si (- J H- ':)!: , 1 - ' ? i ; V I" ,t V f - j : , h f i i "" ,j 5 i-1 i - lit I b"-.V--; , Si ;.' . 4Tw ;t-.t. ? ;t ii i :i - . t . t i f I It TV a' I, 1 I, ; :jljs:fi.KI.:l: .:,-H,-:lifjll ,1, It. I'. a .;-y( - i -) r - t - rv' n ' ,ob. XXVi: .1;: ,v.- f 7 " t. . ;'-! ar w v 0 it: Absbfutclv Piire.; ' ' This voider nrer 'nriM.. At marrl f tmriiv. rtrecurth and whoIcme&atf. ore econom icaTha n ordinary ktsd and ;msmt, W'sold In oftmpetitkia 1rithth ox tow tn,x inotl weigTit, l aa or phophte poy dei gcdd only tn aa. EoTlX Baxhio PDWntp-CO. tD Vail 8ri'9w; York. . r- f.jfl old by w. C. A (B. Stroaaoli; slid U '-Mil Martin!' Streeti 4 -1 1 M-i ... e i;i. We arc now dUpUrliMtth mol lgaat line of HOMDAY EVer shown in the State. 1 6 1000 SILK HANKERCHIEFS FBQH idU ; . i. s i . . -7 . 'ill It-: it Vm r.:. - Uchanical Eaflnei each 'In 4 T- If. TTeloofpedas. . Waacona, Peskf.ip I Car; b i v .- .:-t ., , .i ruii, eto. k H-. t ? I'M' t .' I '! & BU1 We aai kid body,' each, nhUdra Stry Bo)ks at rvrams. Toilet A.rtlelef, vfloe Vases and V i all kind! of T ys an-1 Qaaiei.l 2000 yds 85-in HenrfetU CUJthj shades at S5o yd, wprth 5o S ' :i -5 1 v Oar 0 odi are all oiark-d in 1 1 ' - JPIairi 111: .-r ' V. .AND ONE PRICE ONLYi iSDWABiD FA SSACH.: i J HMMg xi cu .5 . ' ,jir . S0L1T11LE Md CLISTE1 DIllOIfeM V-. ' -i M Oold Jewelry Gold and SUrer Watcher Gor ham's sterling 8llf erware,Bogsr it plated silTerware, any; siae and . weight of plain 18 karat En- . - ' cagement rizujs honstaat- A . ' iv in atocx. isaocees : and Medals inade '!..' T -. m ' ardsr. i 1 H l' fi 14 t Embraoas an endless) rartety t I .Ueatonuisrwna expe- . 1mm' nablM US to : eot einost an Wrorofrefrin loli ilaathsnopia (Tsak dzht) atf . elfins 9COflky$ relief from-, that dJaires IXt Aea4aeb whioh often aooompaniea perfeptTlaten, j OVR ARTIFICIAL ?-f Human iH-::4 '';!. I. jjti md look like the. natural or ga e pain when Inserted Patients at distance having a broken ma kara aootner iaaa wunaat aajii- :wm :' ?! .'I: ; - ! 1 14 East : i h r.M r 5 GQOPS m1-; is i:J'f . M.T.i it i.l it.:.t Djlls frdm f : . ' " fc It - - half ptVM j f I Jin ii: i Mil JEW OPT 01 " J Optical owFTraouc-H reL atmwsirht). Presbyopia : . I j "" 1; 'I ." TT !J:t The itution Jiu n; a ! rrt f .'1 regard: o ; tbp b brieflj explained i Minj rauroaa iin !btwen Noi? folk, on the coastJ! an the MiBsiBsippi river, wax crigtoally built by, the Ewfe Tinnesser, Blem pbia aiid Ghiiricst&ni loow oootrdlld by the si .TeniieeM&e and the r At lantic MusissiDDS and Ohio com pai nies (the last nampd how know aatb Morfolk Dd WeterD Tbe JNotroitt and Wtern'n linA r'tinH from! Norfolk to Bristol, the East "XjeoneBsee'i main line XttiDg irom unsipi to : aempnisi The Bast jTenn?&ed ! is at present oontrolled tarongh j ita -preferrei stock, pf which f 6j50,000 (beings the; majority) ift onei by the liichm,ond Terminal i conapatiy. This contro) howerer, Will I ezpiro in two years when it, will rerert to! all the- stock j both ,rroaon; preferred, of wcicq thfre't8 bpat $57(0Qb,000 ' ojutstsndS ivg. ipame years egortne iuast xen nessee,'! Virginia hndj Georgia -f Ai4 Liine. xrans portal (on company was formed, jwith air. Henry Emkfi ifa Eresideat, nod k cqw ; r'aofc was niadcf y it; with ; the East Teonesiee and Norfolk and Western railwaV eomDal nies for ihrough biiaujess. This con tract was rqr aODg term oi years; cm perpetuity I practicalljV aQd!ithere- fore stillJexists I f il.-t "T-".1 "As the oonttol of the E$t Ten- nesf ee i) stem will ! pass irom ico Richmond I Terminal in aboutwQ years, the latter i sotf gtt to iifaKegCoct its prosptcUTe loss in this respeot by Jeaaintf the ;F-st Tennessee'! to the uiehmond and Danrule . Company, ' t!'.l- ii m.- J .Mt .1,. J ti T r wmcn s aiso controisnoat tne courts declared the' lease td be UlegatThen ihe.Bichmond Teiminsl people, lore- seeing loss of coxitrol is tare, made orertoree t the near fu- the Norfolk and. Western Oompanl to-take off their hands the Cast Tennessee pre f erred stocky Itiwfs on this point that the negtUationf .'oi recent days hare been going dc btit it cow ap- e ars as if they were to; come to noth growing to the difuca!ty of appeas. ing the many interests 'comprised "in. the Biehmbnd Terminal control. -rf "7 l nxne rauare to arriTa at a ooncja- sion, con'mued the I gentleman We 4note. "if it is to ba a failure, -will hot disturb ; the Norf olje & Western Eople.1 The contract 1 with the Air ne, the Norfolk ifcj Western mana gers contend, is valid and'tnast be tired np td, and the" court has inti mated that if the East Tennessee di verts its traffic !fhe j Bichmond?& panyille withoat equal consideration to the Norfolk & Western, it will ap point a reeeiye r for, the East Tennes see property-; I notice that the Bich mond Terminal meeting, which was to be held today, haa been, postponed tlntij . Friday; ' There barebeen' so many' postponements ! that the Nor 01k Jk Western people are begmniog to doubt the good f ath jof - the ittch mond Terminal Droberiy, and it lis though to be more than likely that an agreement other than! that ordered by the oourte; will nOt b9 reached- I I1 I !wo bad sra. ' rUCM AIII 03tl A " SXBSATIOS IB THB j V-.IxBXBlX. CpUT k" CBAKXOTtX.. i f. CtarloU Ctorwilcl. J .. . ' i- There was ia decided; sensation in the Federal Court yesterday, in the nature 1 of !a spirited and .not - verv good tempered ' bout oil words be tween Judge :iiond on the bench, and Judge Bynnm in the bajv i Before Judge Bynuui Bad rfinished an argument he was making, inl fact, while be was addressing the court, judge (Bond: expressed a -most de cided opinion against his I position; Whereupon Judge Bynum remarked to J udge Bond that l his honor had made np bis mind to!dectde the case without further hearing, and ex pressed bis opinion m his decision, all he (Judge Bynum) had to do was to acquiesce, even if be did so with out his honor's having heard the argument !in the easel '' - I At this junctnre, Judge Bond ex pressed, in'equivocaLterms, his imp- iWDoa at counsel coming u(o court thoroughly Unprepared in. regard 'to Cheir cases, j -: , A: i ; I Judge Bynum then) stated to Efis Honor t hat he waa as welPprepared on the ease as! His Honor was, aud tht. he did hot I propose to.submit to a lecture from His Honor on the sub set; that he,! as an. attorney iin the court; had certain righteand that he ? reposed to maintain; them. j. ! A After., a! little muttering of His ponor,' the case was proceeded with, f This little war, of word was quite Interesting to the other attorneys, as well as the spectators, because it was lemembered that a passage at arms tt a similar nature had occurred be tween His! Honor and Judge .Bynum on a former bccaeionI-" i f 5 . : - T ! ' ' 1 The exposition -at Augusta, Ga.', closed Tueaday lasti j Though retard ed by the great flocjd injAugusta in Apgutt last, which luftcted damages estimated at $100,01)0 on the city, the doors of the exposition were thrown open Noyembwr 8. since which It J attracted over 100,000 visitors. Whilst a4ebt remain's to be met by the eipcsition icompahy, there is bo questioning 1 the. faci that in every Way the exposition has been of incaf oulable Talue to Augusta and an un qualified suoce8s as an exposition. ; A spring exhibition, beginning the mid die of April,' has bean proposed and wilf probably be held; i i 1 t . J .A ' . !' i Handsome presents lor the unrtst- inj holidays - can be had at J. ;C. Hutson &Co.'s furniture store. 5 j Warlike1 preparations are still koin on: at the lirooxlyn navy yard. UA IGHCX. C:, FIGHTING; f 1KB. AN ! INCIDENT OP ARMY i LIFE . I J ! n.Tnu brum i i i X1S OOMPAMES TBYIKQ TO SATC A MILT- tabt rosr r-Roii DESTRCcrios -tbb li :r'oFPicr fob eucczss roof ; f j . . I i K I . i: 1 : . i 1 : - ByTlgxpli to th 5ow md OMrrvT . from Fort Assiniboint, ioot, f.v: ed early this morning sayt: A'.' ! ' troops at this post, six coinj auit-n miAutry ana thrte oi cavalry, n;ro ou on the Drairie West of tbo post! njfbi ing ft fire whrchi started in the ta rras six miles to the westward ab,u sii o'clock in the evening and $t'di lv Advanced in the direction tf ; the posti; The wind is blowing at i thi rate ox thirty mues an hour, ana, at- the appliance for fighting fifo ' ait limited, it is feared ' that the garrison nr": trill yfiA rifltrrvftfl. The Idas in buildings," which are all frame struct suh case will be! heavy, as, desids thi officers' quarters and the barrdeks of t be enlisted, men. the Qiarter-Mas- ter's barns contain a large quantity cf hay and other forage for the wihter. At;two o clock this morning the; wind was blowing the dazing prairie, grass Into the garrison enclosure iu bunch 0s ind the prospaots for saviDg' the ; post were not encouraging. j SERIOUS FIRE. I - With DlMilert Firemen, i By Telegraph to tne News and Ubserrer. , hr CisciJSSATi, Deb. ) 22 A fife at Strpbel's picture I frame factory this morniDg, not only ? caused an oyer whelming losa, but- resulted in ads ftster to firemen - that is sppalling. When Captain Bray 1 was lost in the building and burned 'it was hoped that this would bs the only casd;y After the fire had been raging for s'ome time, a wall fell ou the east side of tj.e structure and the firemen baro ly escaped in time. Then, shortly ajfterwards, the north wall fell out Ward. iin front of it on' a lumber pile were a number or firemen torwhpm escape ! was . impossible ; and the nrive men seemed) doomed ;o death. As ioon as the wall had fallen otbtr firemen rushed in to rescue their .'Allows and soon ! extricated firinjen Morton and OOonhor, John Flaherty, ijeorge; Bushing and Thomas Hunt, Who were all injured more or less and f!were sent to the hospital. Later fire men! Davis and John McGuire were Also rescued and sent to the hospital ythougbriheir iejuries' were not ip' parectiy serious. John White 1 ytm also! injured. At the hospital it wis found that Anderson and McQjjre Were quite seriously injured' in ternally.? Bashing - was also badly hurti Others received ptinfal bat not sen o us wounas. I T PRESS IB PUltlDrLtPUlA.; Xditobs Birota to mvcxos ths foutcz I ; ;;Uij or iKrosxiTioN . ;-- . by Tilerraph to ths News and Observer Parian txPBia, i Deo, 22 Jhde Biddle this afternoon issued a decree directing Wm. W. Baun, editor snd proprietor of the1 Sunday Transcript, ana a a. axuiiin, eaitor ana proprietor cf the Sunday World, to testify jin the select council i bribery investiga tion nd answer a question .as to the sOurcesj of information upon which they based editorials in which jthy Charged that attempts had been made to bribe councilmen" in the interests of the Northeastern Elevated Bil; rps4 1 pro j set. j The witnesses when u before the committee refused! to- divulge the sources of thsir information on the ground that It was ; contrary to hewspaper ethics an 1 the honor cf their profession. The! city Solicitor! tnen appealed; jto the court with the above result and tbe two t editors will cons quecily Sppear fat the next session of the committee and answer the queeiions pjut ;to them. , j . j, : A Fit 8erl fr the Brltuh r.mtrv- Br Cable to the News and Observer, j -J j LOxdob, Dec. 22 In the House of Cbnimbns today Mr. Kimber, Con- servative, moved that the clerk of the Souse appear before the Par noil Coin mission. when it reaspcm Dies' and; pro djice for its inspection ' the memberB' rplljcontaining Mr. Parnfli's tlgca- ture) Mr. Sexton protested against the paotion, but it was carried by a vtesof 54 -to 13. lit is said ibo K'm ber motion was the result of a: pre concerted plan agreed on by the jL'dn- servstives, Ml of whom voted for its kdoptioh. . I I .; i. I ! t'Vii Celdi Wtalhr. ! f By TfifgrapQ to tke Mews and Observer: ' j & I Sab as ao LiAkE. N. Y .1 Deo. '2-'.. A cold J aye prevails here. The nr er cury at the aicrnal service station r g- ite red : 22 degrees below z;ro lust night. ' i -T . I. . 1. I feigned) Jas Y. Mills, Observer! , -!" . ! I 1 ' 5 DeaA Of 'irlngiBd Aceeplnncci. By Telegraph to the Hews and Observer. bond offerings aggregated 9192.000. Accepted f 7 1,100. l0ur and a half per ibenis at 108i- f - ! : -.-- j i . r i j I ; i Heliaajr t lilverp!. -: ' i : By C.hl,e to tie Hews and Observer. ! j 1 ! I; LiviBrooL, Dec- 22 -Monday j Tujps day and Wednesday of .next , 'week will be observed as holidays in all of the markets here. . J . . '" i . ' Jha Bright Better. " ' J' By Qable to the News and Observer. ; ) j 4 Prrgftt's tjo4itioir is iapre-rvd. i SllpAY MORNING. DECEMBER 3l88, mukHur 1 i t -T - is I IM1 tOKS AB rBAOMSSTS or 1 Taa uiks or iUILDWO.ij V$J- jiiei:rjiik t the News anl Obrrr. , 22 Tb9 Hotel sud an were . burned Calcined I bones adjoining Thursday and frsg butitAD flash were found in Btrnry Hawkins aud ins.-Hr:i miffing; The; it iu iltfc .p'orch of tb tin hutfcf They both aud a, moment f ih ihianffh th .ed in- The fir o T ;b on: i I caused by i VELUIW tfeVBR. --lit I obaphu). I' ; Merf h to ih Newiaud ObseiTer. knMBitri, Oio, lc 22. Prof. B fatiiir, ut tn ObLo H; at a TTniTfti l iitv! hs Wonoiaded !tha task of tbL J' gjp!ngjhe garms causing yelld 1 1 Bver thtit bad been sent him by Dr I 'fauiVe' E H Reeken, of Chattanooga. I Heph- The iroiessor eats this is the iirst tuna that yellow, fever, germs iav beenifound m the tissues, acien iisUIhefeU ore ;'-srcpinx ror tnem in l A . i M . fftinil Thei e , beeu found in -si m snassea la the capillary biooa vessels frhiai appear distenlfd ahd ruptured, knd 'i&t I heee ruptures these masses are idense and large. Xne bacilli breslnt themWvesi in four forms f iref is klj plaip, dark, round mas; secoe d, p.n oval, witn a uarx point at achlexFremity; third,; an oblong die, ,ithldack'. points ai in the second, lad i fourth, two dark points uni Eed lv hi! film and f stnkincly re p?mriDfT a damp xeing m - ti TP ii. to Lox toe disooverj Isegarditi 11 a; the cause pQi yeiiow fevei csjoa : to 9 jmaae, ne Dr Sternberg, I of . John; nsl University for a hutn Sop tier oi 1 years has ma.a ! exhans ire search I fir tellow fcveri germs but without tuccees in the tissues, uar tbz tee list epidemic L he j made Bev eal fostlmortem examinations at De cjaitury Ala? The liver a;nd kidnej tissue of it wo persons at! least wer n: Dy iim to vr. iteeyes xor tne hirpse )f j mounting1 for macroscopic iMirpeaesi I have several; negatives, ich kt whjeii is good. Some show oaobetia singly, otnera m inassea wiw the c oiliaries dictended with tnem r Til B PR BIS SPA IB. 4At?lT N tWTOBS Bit imiTAar orr M ' ! ntnu Wy C&lili to the Hews and Observer. ! MAbsin, Dec 22. The iDorrespori tcgncia iuimsr n&s pnniea a uumuts a iiicle!8 recently commenting o pVopdsed mjlitiry reforms. Severa d'ffictts dftbe general staff of th my to whom the publications haf Utinse i entered the cmcer o the oaneirStodav and; aasaulted th editors. IThe officers; were arrested but were afterwards paroled. Si! ; . ii Panic tn a Railway Or. fcy Telegraph to ths N-ws atd Observer, j CHiCAoi,' Disc 22 -The expl06ioi at tberrwtiter nine in a ldav coach oi the Xinofs Central train last evening filled be car with steam and createq f p&b is Every paesepger attemptec! tb rag oat of tho cir as the same in stant and many wAr trampled upor and iior or less hurt. ! Mrs. Id Pierck of! this city, was among th pasaepgeilei ! aud ' she atone retained fjuffic fnt perve to pull the bell 'cord and kopjthe tram j A number of ladies jattempted to jump1 from tht: Vain before it stopped, but were held bck by male passtpgers. f 1 H - rf i . i A 9UtigaiUhed IVorlhk t arollnlaM. dfcarloue Democrat, -j . ; ; - . ' . i 1 Wej'ha? ireceived frpm,ij. Everetp BrsdH Pli. t , Latin language and; IteraljureJ of Smith . College, North 4mptn, M4sf' official circular No. 15.; lc-' Bj-odi is a North Carolinian, a; jrad4ite of ; the State IJniversity. S'e inBtituiiolaiwith which he is iiow lonn4il'di is f pc the liighei; education f yoptnr women, with the design tnl umisb .'. iem meaus nd facilities fori jlducaiioii ej(ju(at to those which are auoruec! m ur colleges for youn( edccaliohal i institution inen. hlAs an for ycurgilidied it ranks the! highest the pouptry. ' : . . j jl! Ttl Vlslkle Sttpply mt Cattaa. pj TeletTrph to the News and Observer. NaW YojiK, pec. 22 The total vis blo sJipplyj of cotton for the world is 2,772 533 bales,of. which 2.523,035 are American; jagainst 3,031,243 bales and 2603,743 $les respectively last year. Beceipts at Jail interior towns, 186,232 baleall; Btreipts at the plantation, 03,43 bales. Crop in sight, 4,317,- iZJ Ddies. ! ; . I f A! PiUrd Tlui Old Not Ualst. jr Caulb"t- tho News and Observer. f MADBin4 Dc. 22 A petard ws exploded lasti Dight at the' door Of the residence oi bencr Uanovas del Castillo." jOaly slight damage doriei;! jbutl'the greatest Jklarm was was the y4i jaustcl ampng the; meBsbirsJof BousoLcltli ; No arrwsts have as been jhvadej. . - t i IT Weekly Bank Mateaaaait. y Xegtauto the Kews and Observtr 1 W e reasft, Ydi k , D-o 22 BeserVe df 2,y7,CUO; loans increaej ii,5i6, 580; j specie decrease, $1,355, $00; 1M a) tirades dcrease,S1.513,20j eposiJ a decrease, saaiVSUU; circa tlof'JIectease,. $83,000- Tbe bank .1 5 ow noja &'i,viiyiiw excess or tne Hi- A CAM )tkX i FLKSH i. ! U a v.. . I, jdtiA; j . ii-i; 111 .e. if j I : ..j'j lift . u j n 14-x i .istoM i J ! 3 - if i 5i ! !" ': 8y t I ipk ct rwl. .-I CARBET-BAGGERS TOfBE GIVEN A bElvT BT THIiB roilTICAI. BBITHH FBOM THB SOUTH WHAT ! THB ! BCCTHKBK BE I! FUBLICA UBMBIBS Off I- THS HOOSt ABB DOIKO ("HKB I vxwS. By Telegraph t the News and Observer. ,. WAfHiBOTOK, D. O., Dec: 22 -p-The Star this evening prints he follow ing ; - It may be definitely Ittafed that cans cf the ulouse will pot present any name to Mr. Hamsonl for a cabi net appointment. They jKill merely urge tea uesirapuify ox sppe ooum ern j msn going into te j cabinit .ft m - aW - 8??$ Jvltel There 4s one thing they undertake that they nnrDrn. tA i kl,i. O iUi K" Vv iy vJ uwum et-baff- gers: frbm t party,or, a lone of 4ne members put ft in cenversation to ion to- uay, --turns aqwn s mens wno nancr J : i aboiit IWashngton i.s ! Mbfeasiohal oousuem iep.ip,,cai. xpey oeueTe the succees of the party j depend upon ineu- apuity to clear i away bus picion that the men who -jrtere South just at the cJ6se of the wi4 merely to get what they could get out of it and have-never had! any - sympathy with the people, are to be at t&e head of affairs. "What we want'; said the t . aw ! j i V 3 .! a tar a mi or mane "is to getfmen who can be republicans without leasing jto be Southern I men whd I lean ad. vance the interests and i advocate ganuine repuouoan principieB, rexam - it... ! . . ! --ii , - Jt'7 -' ; .jifwvrv' w iii-uuuiK w ajrwfauj. w w Mwm. 1 e, wsnt tnose men who thin tmh us to be able! to work with us. 1 1 We want to make conyeris among xnest people ui me poutu ana TO j DUlia UP our country. Shappers' Hatea. Those who! wish to stop at a first- afslsiOB VtAnSVtBA 4 41 4 Al ATM eM AJ S L Ak aiAakal vertisement else where of the Moseley House. It is a I first class dininar hall and affords) all the luxuries of the season. l s . ; ; -f- : f I : -i See the. advertisement of the i Oak City steam laundry. L. B. Wyatt, pro prietor.' ! . '- -I i Thb 60th term of the School for Sfirlt; and young ladies of lhe Missea sah and Miss Hollock i a Hillsboro will begin January 231 and Continue wenty weeks. I All our life! loner we have' heard cf this fine old institution and of its excellenoes. There is no school we can commend ifnbre hear tilv. 1 There ia none better. o far aa we. know, id the wholef fcountry. mere are larerer estaoiisnments. ox course, but none better, we 3 believe, so far as solid mora : and refininflr as well as educational adrantages are concerned, ill? - , 1 1 I h ' - I; Messrs, WI HJ & B-lSiTbcker : & Co- beg the attention of their friends and customers ; Iin regardt several beautiful Brussels art ece;,' anglo- ndian art ta dares. Smvrna ths and Smyrna carpets, Ptrt4t.rre Araperiea J t-. J a L a Ji arw m 2. auu neayy curtains anu . nuet pamor nia blankets, decidedly dekijrable for Christmas presents, ii Iheist will be offered at . prices for I less lhan value omorrow, on the eve of Christmas. Everybody is interested 1 ii - these choice goods. ? - I . i f i; ': $: Our handseme drucrgist, John Y. MacBiO, still has on baud t lull sup ply of the most elegant plush goods, &&, for Christmas presents. Call tO- morrow. !: i; " .'I !-' -i ' We call attention to the isdrertise- ment elsewhere of Mr. Edward Fis-1 -- - . - L A naeh, who we are glad to know is now I doing? the most prosperous and I flourishing busijesB that he jlss ever I done, i His full stock affords" i an ele-1 ie front which to selfc Christ- trant line mas presents, i --: I Bee Messrs. James McJummon & Co's sdvertisement ' and call On; them when j selecting Christmas presents tomorrow. . I fiii - l-l- Attention is called to the fnew ad vertisement of Me srs. Lee, Johnson i & Co., who are still keepW heal- quarters for di u medioint cigars, etc : i; ' ; .-if, Messrs. i Brwaosrer Bros ?Ptt - T i. "Tl IT 1 m IZlVAZr'T I uch rush ot-bdsmess for Ihp Ohris- .vr "uu L r J possible to wait on thear utomerS. s nam BfAVBT en Anaaa rwivn wsriATn i sb a ; a 1:1 IL Jj-'il f-l T.'inr"7r i fvitH hemls goodf at rock- their iadvertisev stylish and attractive bottom fi cures; See v Uw S(Vi9l VA DUvvoqa Tjpasju suuut a ment this morning.!; j ; ; j 5 The JTartti Cajralljaa BIttlstana fcaaaMir Ths North Carolina iiMillstons property in Moore county pas been purchased by Mr. i M. Sehali, a wealthy capitalist of Penpsylvaniat, who will reorganize the company, re vive the business and push i; it with both capital and energy, j f Thoroughly Scientific B extender "Seems to me' you are pduring out a pretty big drink f Or thati dimeJ' irsmp "i urma, . sir, : oecazuBe tne weather lis cold. I want to - get warm.' and tou know it is a and you know it l. a well- ascertained scientific i fact j tat" one I swaiipw does not maxe a summer, New York Weekly. !- VBreaixlaw WUtlvi T t ti AroA ' WAFA tnr hr Aa.hr si w inAntiid what might the window say Tremen dous (tree mend us). Taylor's (Cherokee. Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein has a tremendous 'sale, for it mends all forms of coughs, colds and Jturjg troub les. . j -- r :f t.. - --.-I !-'- -a -s Attorney General Garland will pri tice law in Washington laftervleaving 11 ALJii i i If 0 11 - 3 j . tne uaisrnet. ; The followini? are the masaueraders of Friday night's ball and the oharac hey impersonated r Misa Mary miuer, the T'Nbws abd Miss Gertrude Winder! Opheliai' atMiM; Mies Maud Marshall, "Parthenia;" Miss Mary Snow, "Galatea;" Miss Helen Fowled "Ladv of the 18th Gen tury;" Miss Marion Haywood, ".dst- thetio Maiden;H Miss Mildred Badger, Pearl of Savoy:1' Miss Margaret Hinsdale, "Little Mies Muffet;" Miss Indie Tucker,! f 'Fisherman's Wife; Miss Flora Creech, "Pink ; of Perfec tion;" Miss Van Wyck, "Star of the Evening;" Hissi Wesson J f'Oatharine Sey ton?' Miss (Helen McYea, VKate Greea'awa;" Mrs. Boddy,f "Queen Mr. George Heck, "Hamlet;" Mr. W Tucker, Italian Brlirand Mr. Albert Kranier,! i "FrOst iKing; Mr, - Wni. GrimesJpSarlof LeicfSter; Mr,' J- J5-."Maaaon, Qland Melnotto;' Mr. Frank Hill, 'ayetU;" Mr. Herbert I v ' TT.7. JL . iT . . . I Apttn. "inoftrtArt" Kir: KtarlrA Kibth. I ! nRiriar1' IlTr" . U: T?rA Oi. LOIorTimerF Ur7 JaX Busb .m-. t rru iAi7,m-'t i f Prin n Tir.io..ri.. v l Alfred WimsttsJ f'Bicycliati''; Messrs. Hester, Harper and Thorpe, "3 little ooys irom scnooi;" stepnen iragaw, I Sailor; Alfred WUliams, f-Bioliit.I av ? - a ' Mr. Btcoard Merrimon, Pippo": Mr; Tom DanronJ "Lieut, of 59"; Mr. T. L.? Eberhardt. "Bed Bandanna": Mr. Henry SUton, f-Page"; Mf.VanWjck Hoke, "Page;" Mr. Henry Iiitehford, "Mrs. Ajanrtry"; . AU. James Ander- son, Humpty Duntptj": Mr. George Hsr- I iin.P 1 J V'M 1 bee and Ludlow S,kiunerippeared as "XWO OKI PI ail g- j All the disguises were jso ezquis- itely gotten np; and were so perfecUy I ant;nAi h. th. rr;a i ...nmin. them that it is almost impossible to I nentinn nns with on t ininatta ij nth. era, but it seemed that compliment! were not more profusely' showered on any than on Misses Mo Yea, Winder, Marshall, FOwle, Van Wyck and had chosen - with. surpaBsihg loveli- nesa.' ---- t;- !--t -": . 4 .: .-r.. i Miss Van Wyck was tha veritable 'star oi the evening." Mr. John Hon- sdo, as Claud Melnotte, was admira ble in that, role j and; won! the Jyons share of compliments on the gentle men's side. V Mr;! ; W.VB. Tucker, as be "Italian brigand,", sustained bis character hBndsomely. But it is im possible to note all the hppy feat- ureBiofi the evening, which were too numerous to mention. Aamariea Afceaat aa tJautl. v t -1 Pnt SniAtrAl rb trrrAt mmnni fb Pl?8 tn eT"f COmpOS- I Swifzrland, er ? of the Zurich 5 - Conservatory, haB just written the i wiAhioi piano i msnuiacturers, Messrs. Kranichj & Baehl of New York, the following which is another proof of the excellence of their al ready famous pianos. M "Zubicbv tswitzerlancL Nor. 17. Mtotr. JCranich ;fc Bach: f J Gbittlihbm: The Upright Piano has arrived in f beautiful nondition. and I herewith' compliment you, on tne same. 1 nave played many pian- os,;but have never touched i.suc an exoellent inlrnment, as this of your manufaoture. I am positive four eitr never saw such an tx tellent instru mept before, The American ' Piand manufacturers have tried everything to drive Our own from- their letriu- mate groundv and I must ' say witn success. Patriotism has nothing to do with this, and T must repeat that if your boose produce all such - beauti-1 fuly tuned pianov you will soon, if nb already, rank the highest in your profession.- onrs, B.' Sraaxxn VThis from a foreira Professor. who could not have been actuated by mcenary motive s proves j the supe-1" riofitj of the instruments Of Messrs. Kranich & BachV manufacture , l ' ii,, ' aa a in ', f 1 Mr;-Wlmslows Sootala 8yro should always im uaea wnea enuaren Are cutting teem. re lieves tne little sussrer at once, it produces nat-.. qolet sleep m relieving u caiiaren irom a. aad the little cherub awaaee as bright as thsshrfteastte WJ!rl,.Pa'ntIi a button." It 1 very pleasant to. taste ; soothes SnowaWsta toe'hlng or Otaaf .: caosea. - Twenty-live eents a ' Dome. if ilia iiJt--1 -i:LL tj-.x1!-: 1 f AArAAiiitisi rreeue. ;T;-r-..v you wbh alcheap and.atisfo- totr gift, price those handsome, o up- at nnAr W fihoi Stors. aa Fr --ww-..'--r-- Per? at neiier jjros onoe otore, aa they are better prepared than ever to off-. complete line of slippers at ri4 t0 suit. To enumerate all the . varieties we have would be- almost imttossible.so we will just name a few of the many styles such as the "Cele- gents Im Seal and Alligator' Slippers at fl 50; gents' Russet and Patent Leather IJrimmed j Slnppers' at $1.75; gents' Qoze Calf and Goat Slippers at $2; $5 and many Jother ) styles. The ladies should not forget us when they wish to give an appropriate, gift; to their husband brother, ! son. sweet heart or friend. . ; We also have some extra nice ' slippers not introduced above,: namely Genuine j Alligator Plub.Galf-&c m ' ' k-j - .. Besides the above we would like to ealiv attention to onr bnmenie stock ol Shoes. Boots, Trunks, Valises, &c All we ask of the public is to see our gOoids, get our prices and I then let tout own judgment decide whether yon can do better i elsewhere, and we ! are confident that yon, will; decide in our favor, as the! best, the most and the cheapest can be found at HELLER BROS' Shoe House, 1 . ' Raleigh, N. A i Several overdue steamera r ! earning anxiety at Kew York. NO. 15i W6bth--AI hia rA!1 nri. HrAaf Art. - 1 Ashe county, N. O ," Monday morn- ing, December 10th, 1888, David i iiwiimiUBriyiumr oi xus see. AAiuuugn o:b suneung was seveie, Al.1.1 j U;..-.?.'.!!.'. . ll.li i.l: ... and ibis only livinur : children. Mrsi Col. N Jt LillardJ Mrs. O. K. Ude and Mrsi J, 8. Penn, were absent from his bedside at their homes in ' I Tennessee, not knowing the serious nature Of his sickness) still this vet eran, 'Soldier of the" Cross"; contem plated hif journey, and approach td the yaley pf the shadow of deaths with uncomplaining Christian nerve and fortitude i i ;- ..!':. V The life) cf David Worih had been thatf an exemplary, pious, Chris- -. nan gentleman, an snectionate bus- ' band andlther, ; a warm hearted.' hospitable Vghbor, a man for whom' death has" no terrors. His house was" death has" noSrrorsV : His hous, theteichet's borne, his council f uge jfqr jtboseS in! trouble". . Hi a re-; I "S" 1 t'y-J UUUWB.. XXKVlOg TT i I hn II Kl.rl..o. .1 ru. t m : il"- nlf kri, ikM. -L. i.- il CmM: E&&&ttalZ9T yrry .nisr: 1 j .-i.i.a t ness sections Of the tountrv have done I more for family, church and eommu. '.''. k 'i i -.' - . . nity than did U Wilmbfeteii,! this good eqbDk I Sa ihn: TT.-mAU I ville and fGreensboro papers please J j-. ','.. ; t ' . copy. A quiet ind pleasint home is insured to sll mothers ! that use Dr. Bull's Babv ' ! Syrup; for their Ilt&e ons. It contalna aothl'igT Injurious, f i , nature do)S not execute "snap" judg-1 ments, but alwai s warns the offender against he laws by the inn lottos of pain. Give attention) to her warnings and take Ajaaadori in good time to prerent the. emcroachmentj of disease. Price only 20 cents.! "rise Best In Hartb Car ell ma. f i' i Tabbobo, N. C, Deo. 21, '88.! : I regard your piper ss the best in t . North Carolina, alwsjs rep'ete.with . news true toi democracy snd the in terest! of :;thie peopled : ,.J, J. B. X. '.. 1 . i : '.j'j Btnck lata' Arlea n va. - I The Best Salve in the wOrld for cuW !Vuises,8orejTJlcen3aItlam.FeTer , 8ores,Tettr,clipt.ed Hands, Chilblains -Cernsand all Bkin Eruptlona, and posi tively curas Ptlea, or no pay required. Ii is goaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,' or money refunded. . price 23 cents per v' box. ror saie.Dy Aee,-jonnson suo. ." , Mi is confidently expected in'i Philadelphia that Mr. Wanamaker will be in President Harrison's cabi net. .1 - Plmatee. Stores, ackea aU Pais. ' When a hundred bottles of sarsapa- Villa or other rjretentioas oeclflc faila to eraaioate in-ooirn aqroruia or contagious I ulow powon, rememoer mat n. aj, aj. I rjotanic HLood Balml has gained mann I thnnaand xrintrtrtam In man v aaAmlhirl ' I IncBrable instances. Send to the Blood Balm Co.; Atlsinta, for Book of Won- ' dors, ".and be convnoed. It Is the only true blood partner. . i , i J-Q. W. Mftdser, ! Howell's X Hoad. Ga.. writes; VI was afaicted nine -years with sores. All the 'medicine I could take did- me !no trood. I then tried B. IB. B.. and eight bottles cured m so and. ' Mrs. S. IL Wilson. Round 'Mountain. Texas,! writes "jj Alady friend of mine was troubled with bumps and pimples on her face and neck. She took three bot tles! of B. B B.L and her skin trot soft and xTitti ij. l. Bosworth, Atlanta: ltSom years ago I contra smooth, pimples - disappeared, and her Ga., writes: years ago I contracted blood poison I had no appetite, my digestion was ruined, rheumatism drew up ' my limbs so I could hardly walk, my throat was; cauterized j five times. Hot Springs gav me no, benefit, and my life was one of tOrtare until lave B. B. B. a trial, and, surprising as it may seem, the use of ve bottles cured mei " !j . . ' UCspt Slocamb has left Norfolk in j the j little craft , Liberdad for Wakhihgioia and Baltimore. .- Bah y Syrup f trie Oil If t8 0miV, Ifkcilitatai teeiAfng. ' son htA Regulates tho Dowesf : m'llJ-r - 7 Daya Horso trtrm XVema; Fever and" cnMa I1 ( v. lDoand - lakcttnDkti. iForaele by all Saalera. Try It I For the core of Conghs.Colds. Croup, Hoarseness, Asthma, Whooping RUT incipient Con- TJrhnefiitta.. U? t4i(! smnption. tlon. and for the relief 'Consumptive persons. lAfcdrnireists. 25ets. -.n-eXAXQva cuaea oiOAHcrrca for car i SSOA S tmrrH. ' fir Ot: AtmM afnreeeea. . N OTIOE. II. v The Elchtnohd oV Danville freight de' pot Wilt be closed on Tnerdsy, the 23th ins After 10 o'cl ck a. m. f r Uht wUl be delivered up to that time. ; ! Perishable freight will net be received for shipment oh the S4th inst-, as there will beini flreitht, trains from here on the t5ta. V i ."V.I V. II. DEWIT. it' ft If 1 Agent. i OB BENT, One dwelling. 9 rooms with water Ac; tsro cottages, o rooms; also my Farm ad joining the city i Apply to iv' : r - ' '; :-; ''f : ' j' H '' U 01 B. Lnoir BtraA : - -,tr .r H-.'iWtete - '' Notice is hereby gin that application will be made to the next session . cf the General Assembly for amendments to the charter to the city of Raleigh. . ifiPf DULLffi i :V. i i ' - f A. -A. TOOsrsoiir, Major. . V A. A. TBprsoif, :i' '..-iii.- ; i ' J' I i .V 21 ' . I IS 1 "M f !'-.'.! "i iJ I ti. H- i. '1 .i n 4 'IV

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