i1 . r .. j f - , . i j - i i vr,v k : J i j-v j i .-Ami 1? ; in., - f " . ''?' ' A - , - -." ' i - p - ; i - - I- I 1 J! I i I f 11 RALEIGH. N. C;, T LIES DAT MOJRNINa. DEjCEMBER 525, 1888. A.- 'II NO. 154 X l " Til"-' Vt - 'I'' I I r ?..r i; - f I , 1 1 1 T 5 U N II T .. A i F s II M Kl?. II II II w a i ft v r I t i 1 - 1 ;1 . I ,1'- h i w hi Ll Ipf j ! VT 1 i Zibnolutelv Pure. 1 t This powder nerer Tazlea. A mrf i x DnritY. rtrenartn And wnoleeomeaew- : ilore eronomic&Tthan ordinary kiadt and: 4iopot be 0ld in competition , wttlx ihi multitude ol low test, ehort weight, 1 am or ih nthate. Dowdio, sold oniv id . SfAliBAiosa ?ownan oo ,r U- . ' ' oli by W.1C ft. A R Strcusth.i ftrtd 1 f 14 East Martin Street, i : it-, t i iEfcaleig-li, IV. O. i- 5 We are. now dbpUyingthe moat elegant: line or t HOLIDAY GOODS 44 ' Erer shown in the State 1000 SILJHANKEBCHIEFS FROtf 0 i .1 I Ifechanlcal Eagiaes 90c each. ; reloc(peX3s, Wasons, Deik DjU Car riases.etc. B isque and kil body , v aoh. Dills from ft : rhildraa' St ry Booki at half prices nrami. Toilet Articles, Fine Vases and 1 ill kind of Trrs an4 Qaaies.g ' S- K M I f ' , k , ! ' 3 ' "1 j r C-iRIlTMAS CA'tDS 2000 ds 85 in Henrietta ClathJ all shales at 2o a yd. worth S3C.4 t O xx G jod are all marked in 1 1 ONE PRICE ONLW ' -nm 1 nn uttT 1 rift - i ' jJiU II Alvl f A3aUH; .111. SWEISffiOPTIffl I j i I If.-! 80LITAIEE and CIXSTEfc j ! . . , . '! 1 i 1 I . I ' - I ! ! l Gold Jewelry, Odd and Silver Watche; U or ham's Sterling 6ilTerwre,Rogr plated silverware, any sue and ' weight os piain la aarat en r gagement rings oonstant- . ly in stock. Badges , and Medals made to order. ? jar Optical Departiiitii . ,' . ' i ! jl Embraces an endless .variety of lessee wioh Sogether with our practio.l expe ' ianee enables us to cot rs almost any error of refraction in Myopia (nearslght), Myaermetropla (far sight), rresbyops (old sight); Asthenopia (weak sight) am: aivlAK prompt relief from that distreai- tog ea4aoh which often -stooompanii .apeneet tibiwu t-"f "Uji OUR ARTIPICIAI- Human Eyes , i U ' ' - 1 i1 Hit 1 j$lgwB and kook like the natural orga-i So pain when inserted. : f M T.tinta at a distanoe havins a broken ersaa hare another mad without fUi iolA nrn'rvflf i'i ' 4 eaamretl Kpltome. N Y. Commerelal aad Ftnaaelal Chronicle General trade partakes of the char io$r of the holidar eeaon which ii at iiand. and preeentsl no feature! eatlinsr for epecial mention. In the; easing epecuiaiioiis, , ngwerer, mere are;, some ' notable cbatgee, among which Ihe decline n wheat, in couee qaence of prolonged diilnees: of t nort tradJ mtv hd Tinted.- In cottcm I, fcqnBiarDaie orenx in prices ibnfred, nitwitbBt Riding1 tho continti 'an'ce of an active demand for export P Xiard on the spol has not been acUi iva font ihrln-u f hutn ma & fair hnn I jtejsa at hardening! valuee, 7 75o fot; -Wfetjft ftf 8 40aS50o for frime M hoinn !Vf stem ami 9a for- refined to uh$ continent. I Fcckeidj offered f reeH ij o.reauoe tee prices 01 swine, d the; market becam steadier, and j "day there; was morje adranoe on a mand to-cover coat racs partly Wsrera account, tnd tne close waa steadr at the adTacce. s 1 . Eurk has fardred buyers, but close steady with a fairf demand at 13 75 and IU for extra f prime, $11 50 andl foHclear back ; Cut. meats have con tinued in demand, l and' the sales toft flay embraced pickled bellies, 12 and XI pounds , arerage, at - if ana with shoulders quoted at 7 and 73 and hams 9$ and lQo : smoked shoul4 dersjc and hams 1 Of and lie Beef is steady at $7 50 and $7-75 for extra messf and. 210 501 and 11 50 for packed per bbl.; India mess quoted at 92iand $23 per ieroe. Beef hams are dull at I $12 75 and S13 per bbli Tallow dull and lower at 6and6lii Stearlne quoted atf 9 and-.QJc , and oledniirgarine 7Jo. Butter is stead4 isr t,21 and 35o. r for creamery an 13 ' aud 21c for Western factory! ; Cbeee quiet at 10 and 12c. for SUte factoryi ; If ; 1 .. ; I ' ! Uoffee on the spot was adull until today when there Jwas a better den macd at firmer Drioes, the sales id eluding Bio No. 7! at 15Jil6a. and Uapitana at 16 8.4 afioatbesides larg3 lines Of Maracaibo, Laguayra, &c., ozi pritate terms. The speculation inj: Bio,options has been Tery unsettled.1 the "market i today making an advance of 0 pointsi closing firm with sellertl as yifows, suqwigi a sugai aayanoe iorne-wees: -v ; if, ... f Baw sugars nave ' been dull and close Easier and nominal at 5s. for fair rfiflninflr Cuba and 6ra. for cen4 triftigar, 96 deg. test Molasses easier and more active new crop . New Of leans selis at 35a45c as to quality apd 400 hhds. Ttinidad sold today at a' private price. The offerinor of teas and about steady prices were obtained jluo speouiauon ia ooiioa jor iu tfirsi delivery at this market was ai decSnlng prices lor! most of the week undar? review. ! The comparatively ! f reeniovemeui of rthe crop discouri' agea (ne duii partv. ana were: wa; much nloadinBr But whan Jsnuary sold: at $9.50o f ihe shorta" boughf ; f?eiy to cpreY contracts, and there mand; however, was not maintained and the bears again began selling fot .tne ucime, ua rv euuesuay, iub rep; fort of anl! increased crop estimate y leading house ' hVad a depressing inllaenee. in the meantime tne 'lAterfj pool market, though, weak, was bet ter iustained than this or the South ern markets, where I the pressure o the increasing supplies began to be felt; On Thursday the market jrtjf unsstUed, with eo&siderable spirit and;activity to the pecalation, clos mg somewhat easier, w sympathy with dull Southern markets. Today there was ah early decline, which wastrel cohered on reporta of free takings by aanoin spmaers. vjhoii 00. spot declined 1169. oa Monday, and again on Tuesday, without leaoisg to an Increase Of business. Stocka, hoever, show; no sfericus accumula tion, as large quantities go forward :to Europe promptly pn arrival. Toy the market was steady at )fo. lot middQng uplands. 1 ' i : he figures indicate a decrease in the cotton in siftht tonight of 253,708 SHffiL&SSr.Sff as Compared with the corresponding I aane 01 xooo ana a apesreowe oi xo,oa Ibales as compared wih 1885 The totals show that the old inte rior stocks hare increased during ihe week 41,065 bales land are tonight 53.518 bales tes than at tine same I period last year-n ITiie receipts at the I same towns haye; l bf en 28,983 bales more than tne same wees last year,ana since September 1st Ihe receipts at air the towns are 352,665 bales less than for the same time in 1887. "TT"! StUwai accieat. : J p' Bj Telegraph to the News fcnd Osserver. , ; ; Loti8vxLL, Ky., Dec. 24. Passen ger train, Noj 5 on the mam stem 01 the Li. & Jn.i telescoped passenger train No- 23 of the iKnoxrille branch at; ljordatown Junction at 9 o'clock this morning. ; BotJh trains left the city on time but No. . 23, which left twenty minutes aheitd of No. 5 got delayed by frequent stops till it ran On the other train's time. At the June tibn there is a sharp qurve and No. 2 stbpped on jibe I main, track just around the curre. No. 6 was running at the rate of , 45 m31es an hour and split; the rear and second coaches of the stationary traiif in two, scatter ing the fragment's i every diceotion. Bo far as learned there were thirteen sevefely hurt and! two killed out - rfehl. i , liilJ' : Lj 1 ! By TelegriiiJli tu tne wews ana uoserrer. WsiNaTOH, xec4 : 22. Bond offer- ! iegs . todays i agerr Seated $302 950 AeoeptedL $219,450; bar and a half s at 19. iTHE QUEEN. VICTORIA; TO HER FATTHrtJL ; jSUBJE0T& THE LOBD AMD UK OW TAMIdA- . MEST TH BSITI8H LSOIBLATiyfi , ; BODY PKOBCQUIl) OTHia , iraws. Ey Cbl to tlx i-News and Obserrer. ; A.OSD JK, JJ -o., '21., i'arliameht w prorogued tpday. The QatuV sgfr' was as follow : r "I have great satis faction in being able to ieiet)i juu from your protracted labors My lationa with ail - foreign powers cou tinue friendly. I resrret that'! th convention concluded between myseli and the President of ' ihe United States fur ihe adjustment of qdes tions wbieh , have arisen with refer ence to the fisheries in North Ameri caa waters, has not commended itself ib the judgment of ihe United Siaiea Senate, m 1 whom, according to tnt Constitution of the United States, th power oi, rauueauon is ve temporafy' arrangements, however, which have I been made will, I trust, prevent any; immediate inconvenience arising from this decision. The con ference which has been t held on ihe subject of bounties upon so gar for export has been brought to a satis factory issue i by the conclusion of convention for their abolition, which has been signed by tiyes of most of the countries, i ' the represents' sugar produoing I The reHtoration of Egypt to a odn- anion 01 pomicai ana nnanciai secur ity has been for, a time interrupted by an attempt of the Soudanese to ' a . J 1 T i posstss ; themselves of the port of Suakim. f A dispersion of their forces has been' effected by a brilliant mili tary operation oh thepart of Egyptian trpops, supported by a British con tingent. I In: diheiespect8 the ad ministration and economical progress of lLgyptare sauwactory. 1 An insurrection has I broken out upon the continental portion of the dominions of the Sultan of Zanzibar. Which has brought with it considera ble destruction of life and property in the settlements on that coast. It is evident that a renewed vigor of the slave trade, of which j; symptoms have unhappily shown ihemselved in seve ral parts of Africa, has largely con tributed to the production of these disturbances; I hate joined the Em peror of iQeimany in the establish ment of d naval blockade of that part 1 of the coast which is I in insurrection iorder to prevent not only 1 the f rx portation of slaves but the Import a- lion 01 munitionw-o -w I My Indian dominions have enjoyed -t 1 general tranquility and prosperity during the' past year. Disturbances, however, have occurred in the neigh boring region of the Black mountains and on the extreme frontier of Sikim, bjut havt . bjen terminated without difficulty. 1 ,' j. i 1 A rebellion in. Afghanistan under Ishak Khau, which at one time threatened to assume formidable pro portions, has -been entirely subdued by the military force of the jAmeer. J A rising of some Zulu chiefs in South Africa does net seem to have met with any sympathy oh, the part of the population, has been? suppressed by my troops end native levies. The chiefs concerned are awaiting trial before special commission of 'gen tlemen of the Iloase of Commons. ' : irthank yoa for the liberal proris- ibn you hare made for service of the Stated I , trust y that the j financial measures -you hare sanctioned will materially increase the publio re sources of the country without add ing to its htcal burdens. i I My Lords and . Gentlemen, the measures you hare passed for extend idg 106 functions and improving the local government in ni?land axe cal culated to increase the loyal attach ment of my people to ihe:r instita tions. l trust you may lbs able ; now to promote the suooessful working of these changea in your several locali ties, and that in this aid air other; fields of duty the blessings of inighty God may be with you. i Al j ' MR. O'KELLT BELEtlBD 'and PrtHiitd with Aadnu ' - - Purs rO0l4. . By Cable to the Mows sad Observer. DuBLnr, Dec 23. Mr. Jas. IJ. O'Kelly, member of Parliament, was released from prison at Sligo today. H'S friends tendered him reception and presented, mm with an address and a purse of gold. ' - BaaciftlMS) tw ryanUtr, Oattty. SylTelenapli tetke News aad. Observer, t . -QxBirA, Ills , Deo '24. In the case of iBauereisen.-chief of the dynami tecs at Aurora Ills., who has been on : trial here tot several davs past, the jary returned a rerdict of guuty, and nxea nts sentenoe at two rears. - ' The crime with which Biuereisen was charged was conspiracy to injure the property ox the Uhicago, Burling ton - and Qiiney Bailroad Company withe dynamite. Bauerei3en Was one of the striking engineers of that road. : Washlaa- Wots. ' ' By Telegraph to the News and Observer. W ashikstox, Deo. 24. All the del pariments closed at noon today! and government business will be suspends ed until Wednesday morning, y M -The President and Mrs. Cleveland will spend unnstmas quieuy at the White House. i ! The delicious fraerance, refresinsj coolness and soft beauty imparted to the skin by, Ponsoi's Fowder. teomtudi if to an laxtiw. 1 AO A MS. ASGXBA X038 OV UTS f SOSAJ9LJ' SIXTT I l t! I 'PXBSOX8.I . By Tslegrsph to the News tak Obsemr. Mrjfhn, Tenn., Dec 2. WUUam Donnohue, one of the! olerks of the steamer Kate Adams came up this forenoon from the wreck. He was in 4 'vaw! with clerk George Oorbett then it capsized and the last he saw ' if his colleague he was floating down 5 i rivi-r clinging ;o a small ladder. K.unohue managed to catch a bale of J t. ;-. ' swept j into the cur I hJ r ved some BIX milep K i i", o ti SQUie hegtoes pr 3b. Arkwasas id f th rirer. Ht- 4bnt uie pobsibly hare been scued f rther.do.wn the river. ! Th. es of' life is as ' yet not definitely Jlnpwziand the pro. peSts are that t.hf ixact 'number wh were : drowned lever will bei aocurs tel j stat ed. Thirty dve is 'the most Con lervative estimate- Oat of J e p4rtw df fifteen white Is borers which boarded the! steamer below Friar's Point ony two sire said to have been saved. If this be true, tnd there are no means, of subetan dating: the fact thef loss : of lirea may reach sixty, as many negroes who were on the lower deck lost their lires in attempting to swim ashore from the stem Oof I the burning steamer. The boat and! her cargo were valued at $145,000. The Rate Adams haa a record of the fastest time between Helena and Memphis.! In' the sprioe of 18821 she made the run in fire hours Mid seventeen minutes. She was the steamer r that convened - President Clereland and wife from West Mem phis to this city oh the occasion of their visit to the South. I : ; AVirRAljli. A Badxat from Aaat Wkr A way Iara. By Telegjraph to the News saS Observer, f Sm Fbakcisco, Dec- 21 Ad?Icee ffom Australia report adestuctire jQe ail Barren Htll, J a new mining clmp jn -; New Bonthf Wales, oaf Na vember 6th. The town was built en ttrely.of wood, and in two hours, sixtr bftildings were destroyed, comprising the main business portion. The losses vere heavy, as Tew carried insurance. ThejTeat strike of-coal miner at Newcastle has ended, f The i strike! asted three months. ight thousand Men were idle and $1,500,000 were fat by the miners and their men) h A terrible hurricane is wept ov- Olermont in Queensland' November . Sail stones fell as; blgms hens' eggs and were driven by the iorce of; the wind clear through the i sides of houses. Gardens, vineyards and or chards were ruined ah i forest trees were stripped of their leaves. POP a Vrtcf Catlkallei Aaltete for tta RstimUoj f fap9 Rupriu y. By Cable to the News and Obserrer. f f I ulit, Dec 24.-i-The Pope, ad- ressmg the sactea luoilege toasy, gave thanks to God for the blessings which bis Jubilee had brought him He , affirmed .with mbch , feeling his former utterances onphe question of temporal power and lindignantly re-; ieoted the accusation that he was the ehemy of Italy. ' He urged Catholics everywhere to agitate, hi a legal man ner for the restoration of papall su- bremacy and spoke in deprecation of the recent liberal enactments in Italy. His address throughout was unusual' ly; violent and bitter. ! ' The speech referred exclusively to the Vatican and Ital. His Holiness said that the whole world caw what a painful situation he was placed in. One could; easily asMr Mow far; will they gd at present. J Systematic war Was being waged. Eren ; the person of the Pope was exposed to the threats! of the ; mob. ! Enemies of the holy hive weapons! enough already to in j are Papacy, and if these did not suffice theyrwere prepared to manu facture fresh weapons. It was per Bistently asserted that the Pope was an ? enemy of Italy. This! as sertion WM I simply j made to mask the real object .of the perfidious war ! againat the church 1 and that obj est was to render the l Italian hostile tpthe Papacyf To vindicate the rights of pontiff thefwaa in reality to advance the prosperity of Italy, To demapd that the greatest moral power in the world should possess real so v ereignty In Italy, where Proridence placed tne ennrcn centuries ago was not an act 01 nostuity 10 ue couuu The fact that bishops in foreign Ian wee laboring, for the restoration the Popes temporal richts proi thathe interests ilf the whole Cath olic church were bound up in the causes ' SPlDEniO AltOSa HOR1E9. THS BtSIASS A XXW OKX TO VETSAINABT ! BTJROSONS. ; CoLUMBaj, O-, Dec. 21. An epi demie is spreading among hcrses owned in - this city. The street ear company bad forty-six horsey in their barns yesterday and their serrice was seriouslT crippled The disease is a new one to the veterinary ; surgeons, and they are baffled in its treatment flChe disease apparently affects the L lands of the throat. In a majority of cases it causes a swelling which extends from the point of the jw to tqe preast. xuis; waxes urestuuig aod eating mattefs cf great difhoult ' As a result the animal rapidly grov- s weak and loses flesh. 4- ij Parllamftt Praroanad. By Cable to the News anl Observer, i ; : London, Dec 24. Parliament waa prorogued until Janaary 31st. I Blir. Brlfjht rentiBulBK to Irnpraye. LasDOB, Dec 24. M.r. John Bright passed a good night, tie continues Txut BURsiaa or THE;KaTK tO iflDpTOrWi ON DEllANIff Tllfi STEAMEB HAYTIJENl RE PUBLIC DELIVERED. . : Lis I hi I 1 i(l . so prSLEOBirBS APKIBAl. LTTCE I FBOK xrsosTOK, Jamaica tub pind;aL- TT SETTLED OTHEH HKWS.f - t ' - I III ' By .ble to tte News and Observer. I ASHiKGTON, DcJ 24 Secretary ney today received a cablelmeBS- from Raar Admiral Luc irj corn el of the United s States asi earner. bL at Ktoga'os', Jamaica sarincr the American' steamer Haytien ublic, leoently Beized al Pbrt au Prince by the Havtien authorities. had been surrendered to hm; l upon demand. Tl Stat Sura. , ? I I j 1 Adj atant Geceral Johnstone 4 Johes hasl derl issued the folio wing ge&erjal or- t the biennial elections I held on the! sixth instant, in ! obedience to Ge eral Orders No. 15, dated Novem ber; 2, 1888, : the following &eld rffi oerf were duly elected, anjj . will be obeyed and respected accordingly. 1 First Regiment Colonel..' John W Gotten, Tarboro (re elected); SLieu tenant Colonel, D. N.jBogavt, Wash ington (re elected)) Msjor Ehgene G, Uarrell, R ileigh ; (promoted- from Captain Co. C) , j 3 I -fMl ' Second Regiment Colonel,! Wil lianl C. Jones, Wilmington re-elected) Lieutenant Colonel, WiS. Cook, Fayette ville (promoted frori Major); Major, John A. Stevens, Clizito w (pro moled from First' Lieutenant Co. F. Third Regiment Colonel, James D. pienn, Greensboro , (reelected); L eutenant Colonel,1 E. 'J. Parrish, Durham (late Captain Co. Dp;! Major, B.i M. Ellington, Reidsfille (re elected). ' ' ',! I j I - Fourth Regiment Colonel, ames T. jlnthony, Charlotte (re-elected); Lieutenant Colonel, O. Ei Childs, Lineolnton (promoted from Captain Oo.B); Msjor, WH ;B. LIiebrger, Dallas (promoted from Firs tiL.eu ten ant Co. K). ! I i I ; 1 First Battalion Msi or. B. B. Gains, Kittrell. ! If- First Steps la H rth CarallAa Hlsiai Messrs. Alfred Williams &X)a. now have in press a most delightful! little liistjjry of our State, specially al sup plementary reading for pupils; who are ) advanced . about as far as the Third Reader. The book is Entitled "First Stepk in North Carolma His tory,!"' and it is written! expressly for the 1 1 publishers : by Mrs. Cornelia Phillips Spencer, of Chapel Hill, N. O. iThe authoress is one of the most "fTT " ---r-dl BDSiQSS ior luauy years maue siipeoi altyl of North Carolina historical re search, end her well known tioeuraoy and! exceeding popularity will insure the immediate adoption of her! wot k intq every ii North Carolina I school. Thiii book is prepared with airjew to in te testing Our childre) in their State evetu in their earlier Schools fdaye; it is written in a simple ana t most en tertaining narrative style wefi idapt-i ed 4 children of the age for jVhich it is intended,' and itis o- precede the larger "School History! of North Car olina " by Maj. Moore. We cannot begin too early to teach our boys and girls about; their State, ncr jcaa we everj instill into . their . hearts too strong a sentiment Of Stati pride, The people of Nor tin Carolina are pe cultary fortunate in baring a; hatire a. . a . a at ai mm state with a jecord of whien tney may well, be proud, and it is our de sire! to train our children ! to honor, lore ana aeiena our ; oeiovea uia North State at all times and under all jeirbumstances, and thus they b come true citiz ns of North Carolina; This book will be ! out in iabout thif ty-days,- in good time for; spring terras of the schoole,?and there will be several I thousand I .. little f people studying North Carolina Histbry in a very short time. t . l! .t Kir, CIIae OtaTclab J j . - !- Prof. Bracdoi. the pobular leader of the Rutger s College Glee Club Quartet, is a perfect musicaljgeniua, a whole concert in himself," whose talents shine forth briehtlyi I As a falsetto he is unrivalled, second to noia as an imitator, and assisted by hisi tble qaartet, he presents a pro gramme th it is ! pronounced faultless by jlhe best musical ferities ! of this coii itry. I Probably there nyer has visl;ed this city the equals oftbis fa mous Club, and certainly; ttyeir pro gra nme will not be improved upon this season. ; j Clin Cltlkens' Alsllsf Coiamlttee. This; committee, for the Relief of the poor, are now making aetrve ar rangements for their win ter5s work. This deserving charity has f been going on in our city for a great many years, and it is .earnestly hoped that oujfcitizens will respond to th com mittee's appeal in their usual liberal ways. The eommittee will wt.it upon our o tisens today land ,leti every body irive something' to help the se. Contributions received at any the banks, i ,11 "Si - Irran (f Fl. 18 f 5 .. a Kalnrn'ii nwn trim IttnUtA. Tk lslthe most easily taken, anl the most effective remedy known to . Cleanse the System when Bihous or Posture; toll Dispel Headaches, Colls, and Jure Habitual Obhstipa- tion. Indigestion, Piles, etc I Manu factured only by the! California Fig Syrap Ccrupariy, Sanj FranciiacO, Oal. John a. PesoMM, ooie Agent iOrRal man Gale that Rep ;h, N. C; i I -. faat as ta Un f saatarsbilp). li 'j The -contest for Geni Ransom's seat in the United States Senate will be quite "a warm one, end.' the resnlt is uncertain. The aspirants for said office exir numerous, either of whom will grace the poaition. Senator Ransom and Col. Alfred M. Waddell are in the lead, and one of the two is almost certain of election. I Of all the competitors, we favor Col. Waddell. first, last and all the time. He is not an untried publio man; he has represented the 3d Dis trict in Congress- for i several years, ably and acceptably, and North Caro lina nerer had a representatire at the National Capital who more jealously guarded her interests and her honor than did this distinguished soni! His useful career in the House (reflected credit on the State. And no man in the State has vorked more zealously for the domination of 1 democracy,. or isi stronger in his derotion to the rty of which he has' erer been . an nored member and for many years leader: " L " - Our chief reason for opposing Ran som is that he .has been in the 'Posi tion long' enough, harihg served the Slate in the aacie' capacity eontinu ottsly for eighteen years-f And it is said that tod much p'ublic life tends to corrupt ! the best of men. ' And Col Waddell is a man whose' ability equals -if toot exceeds that of General Ran som. North Carolina will do Well to elect Col. Waddell to this honorable position. We hope and believe our county representative i will vote for him. Carthage Blade. j iCaptain Alexander i-is ourp first choice for Senator and Colonel Wad dell our second., We hope Alexander will be elected.-Windsor Ledger, i The Landmark's' article last i week about the Senatorship fared badly at the hands of the brethren, j The Raleigh Nxws akd OBSxsrxB made ns say that Mr. Frank I-s Osborne, ' of Mecklenburg, (ha3 twice the ability and general fitness of the gentlemen who are being boomed for Senator," whereas; we. said he had twice' as mnch of these as"some of the gen tlemen," etc ; It would appear! from the way in which our Raleigh contem porary quotes us that we are for Os borne against the field. And on the other hand the .Charlotte Chronicle, by clipping off the last paragraph of the article, in which our preference is clearly indicated, represents us as' fori the I field against i RansomJ We are for Ransom a-rainst'the field, and in !riew of the liberties ) the brethren took with tu last week would it be asking too much of them to request them ta say so Statesrule -Land mark. s:.;-r . I-,.-. , ' fSo far as the Nxws akd Ob3dvxb is concern td, the mis tak 3 was doe regret it Tery much. En. N. & O.j . Ghtrlotte times... hv-jv, j! ' l :t-W Some of our contemporaries seem to be laboring under the impression that. Cap t. Alexander will not permit his hame to be used in connection with the United States Senatorship, except in the contingency of a sort of scrub race. jThis, wo are sort is a total misrepresentation;! of the situ ation, and is, in -fact, not justified by. anything Capt. Alexander has said. And besides it so happens that Oajpt. Alexander is not exclusirely his oirn property in this ' ihstahee. The peo- Ele.hare an' interest ; end it is well no wn that he is the choioe of not only a large number of the people all brer the State, but the choioe, the first choice, of many of the members elect to the Legialatcire, and: f that ehoioiB'wifli be made known at the proper titae- and in a way that will nol be nxUtmderstood :; fj ' l I; Y MiaP PW aVVauaaA raCeya .. l i, -Max L- Clayton, agent for the com pany, is in town and announces ' the original oompany in a Bunch of Keys, at the Opera Bouse one night, Friday,' December 28, with Miss Marietta Nash; the original Teddy, and a strong company. This is Mr. a JEL Hort's firsts and; greatest success and has played to more money than any musi cal comedy erer written, and it is con sidered Mr. Hoyt's best, effort . The songs and dances are All new and the house is anre 0 be crowded. , Mr. Hoyt is the author of a Tin Soldier, a Parlor j Mf tch, ; a Brass Monkey, a Hole in the Ground, a Midnight Bell, &clj Seats are now onsateat MacRae's drug store; 75 cents i reserred seats; admission 50 and 25 cents. ' V ' t Cor 'of the News and Observer. ' : ' 'Taken away suddenly on the morn ing,' of; Sunday, the 23d Decem ber, Adelaide Smith, for 46 years the faithful and tender nurse in the family of Msji John Derereuxl The children whom; she reared rise up and 0)11 her blessed., '''ill ! - il T- -.' Lll ' ' . Messrs! Berwanger Bros, desire it. said that they wish all their customers a: rery ; merry Christmas, and state that they Intended to prepare a Christ mas card addressed to their patrons but jTpr Jibe sickness of Mr.. D. Ber wastrer of the firm. Howerer. their establishment is still beadquarters for the; holiday trade. j j; y! ikabituai poor health is a direct ! result of habitual poor attentions to the- physi cal system. Keep the head cool, thereat warm, and the bowels regular by the proper use of Laxador, and sickness can not approach you. Prioe 25 cents-.( . . Noopiumt ho laudanum or other dan srarous drui is contained in Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, tot the predef cf I colic, teething, to. Prioe 25 csnts. - . kaj.'R. S . Tuobpr" jh iQ1! u-i his ice houie with a Tery fine q lalitr of rbjeair thick ic i t eken fioni h's f on a. Is History ranstkt la SrtB Carla f I Ralhoh, N. C ,,; Deui 24, 1888. ;I hare today receired from the Bu reau.; of . Education! at Washington 'Circular of Information No. 2, 1887," "The Study fHistorj in American Colleges and Universities," and have looked oyer jit' as carefully as the time at my diepoeal would permit. - iTo my great! surpriie, however, I find no mention made of any institution in, North Carolina in which history is taught; Harvard, jl'alej Columbia Cplle'go, Cornel); Johna Hopkins, AVis- other State colleges and universities are dily reported, but! not a Word hare I found as tio ihe TJoircrsitwand col leges cf Noit Lh Carolina! . Will vou ba kind enough to let the public know what the trjouble is ? , Is it that history ii not taught here or is the fault Withlj the so called Bureau of Education at AYaahington. X. lWixxiAUMiW -4,Afc thebiide'a father's, December. I19f i by Ker: A. Cnrrie, Mr. I Andrew1 'L Williams, d Fayettcville, to Miss Lee D. Martin, of Curries villc j The following were tha attedtB Mr Slalcom Curiie, of, Fayettcville and Miss E J. McDon ald, of Currifcsville,; Mr, John Wil liams, of Fyf ttevUla, and Miss Chris tian LaacU, cf G!aM, Mr- F. L Martin, of CurricsviSlo, ar.d Miss Ida Gaddie, of Fayetteville,Mr;. . Jf ho. Beard, of irayetteriiiei andi IMiss F.I Willford, of FavtfcAill., I . ; l! Ushers: M. C. McDona d, of Aber deen, and Georgia Williams; of. Fay etteyUleJM: ( Tj ; The happy couple Heft for the home of the groom on the night of the 19th. V"'-- : mni '' : jj inn j i J ! ' The mostldelicate 1 constitution can safely use :Dr. J : H-l i McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm it is a sure remedy' for cougb. Ices of voice, and all throat and! iung! diseases. 25 cts. a botaj;;-; j;. j;;".r V j j : i Some fiends by exploding dynamite under a store at; Wichita, Kan., killed two personal .jjjhl ' , - ; "p.-. if';-.. A brnt JTcttmciit. . .rj.-,;. I Is one which is guaranteed to bring you a sati8factory;reulti or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can1 buy from our ad vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. KiDg's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs orCheet, such la Consumption. Inflammation! of; ; Lungs, ; Bronchitis, Asthma. Wht oping Cough, Croup, etc, to. It is pleasant and agreeable to the tastej perfectly safe, and cancl ways be depended upon. I . I ' ' Trial bottles free at Lee Johnson & Co,l:-v..t i-riii4kHiix . ... m ; m ( iTheBoafd appointed to select a site for a new navy yard on the' Pacific fiCTStULKSjrJ ohooie one on Pn tj I- Plmplasa Sraa, Acaes Aad Pala. i ' When a handred bottles of rarsapa rilla or other pretentious specific fails to eradicate in-born scrofula or contagions blood poison,! remember , that 8. ii. B. thousand victories,inl . ' seemingly incurable instances. ' t t-w the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, for, "Book of Won ders," and be convinced . It is the only true blood purifler. h1: f. -J t- i O. W. Messer, Sowelps X Koads, Ga., writes: "I was anicted nine years with, ore. All tfajc medicine I could take did me no good, j I then tried B. Bt B. and eight bottles cured me sound." ' Mrs. 8. M. Wilson, Round Mountain, Texas, writes :!' kA lady friend of. mine waa troubled with bom pe and pimples on her faco and neck4 ' She took three bot tles of B. B. B., and her skin got soft and smooth, pimples disappeared, and her health Improved greatlyi'?! ! :r. ..!!! ,! Jas. L. Bosworth, Atlanta. Qa., writes: ktSome years ago . 1 1 contracted blood poison. I had no appetite, my digestion was ruined, ; rheumatism drew up my limbs so I coold hardly walk, my throat was cauterized five times. Hot Springs gave me no benefit and my life was one of torture until I gave B. B. B. a trial, and, surprising as it may seem, the use of Ave bottles cared me." I i; i i . ' iFura CAXjss, &c'r Wilson's Fruit Cakes,! two pound i'tit i boxes; Gra ham Wafers; Crosse iu Blackwell'e Jams, all sorts, : 25a per jar; special prioeBby the dozen, i j E J. Habdix. Sotpp cbJtqko ' Wf EtsL Scuppei-nong- wine choice, in half-gallon bot tles, .65 cents each. !l Best imported Gin for medicinal r p-se. Choice Sher ries, Poit, Cognac, ! etc tc Posi tively no liquors l sold to be drank On the premises. !,!.jy!BniiuiB:i Foreigners in Prt ar. iV,iicekppre hend a rglapse into anarchy at that, place. '? I -i-b-! if -Tilt't-l- !iti-! .". iKOtamc isiood HAimi: - "ned manv wt tut Kottmtt .FragretmtlLaatinat 1 I The Aa4iniR Price MCts. i 'Bold i a Pragfitaj ' Curti Llvr Complaint, I AJactio. OiiUlntUk, 1H AtdruggliU. 26 o. VTtA ' or Mil relievo jnnaumavsm, houraigia. ...... : m . ' 'at.. Sfoadact0M toothache, Soros, Burnt, Cats, Scalds, Castache, kWotrixfs.&e. Q.AUAQQ fj u. II n I II I III I WW J S ! I ii 1 It ? J.. n t t i 1 ' 1 1 ! k V 'i ! p