! ' : i, ; I - - ' ' t ' IT, 1 y -Miis :mv:- rv&v3wiM m mm prim -1: i. 4: V H:,-i.;.:--- r-Mirl h r id 4 j ;Vyxx.'!jrtl!;s ' JftJ . U0; !. I t v. I ju r i f' i f Absolutely Pure ? Tsuxity, ttranatb and fbo!ejpa. " j' 'to eoocttiiiical'tKXn or Jiaary. :jdad aao beoM in oampetitioq ; witiii the -uititiid f Jot? tat, abort reif:bt iiioa or nLonphHto owders. sold anlj In ftna. BoTAi BAJnaa Fow3B Oo..1 'V aS I Street, If ew York. i J 14 East Martin Strie Raleigh 3V.) O' We are now displaying the most elegant line of 1 i s: Is HOLIDAY GOODS &vef shown in the State! 1000 SILK UAN KERCHIEFS FROil $ 1! I 1 v f. Mechanical Eaginee SOc each. V : 'Ifelocipede, Wacons, beaks,' DjU tJar- I mm B isue aid' kU body ach. DjIIs from 2c nhildrenfs St icy Books at half price D rams. Toilet a.rttcies viae v aieai sua all kind of T iys an 1 OsmeiI 100 J CHRISTMAS CA3DB nnnft yd Henriett Cloilb, ZJ)J ehades at 35o ayd, worth. S3c i 6 .1 Oar Goods are all markd in JPIain Fiffwr AND- ONE JPRICE OKEY EDWARD FiSffiCft 1 H;'l KALxiaa, 1. c SOLlTiltE CLISTE& DUfiO&B$ ' '' ' i! 1 Ji Gold Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watchc Uorham's Sterling HUverware.Rogwrp plated ailyerwar, any siae and '$ : ( cacement rings constant if in stock. Badges r 1 and Medals made . so order. Jar Optical D epartoat A ' Embraces an endless variety ol leasee which: together with .oar praotionl expe ' iestee enables us to coir"! almost any rmr nf refraction in Myoma (nearsizht). Uywermecropui (old sight), asthenopl iriAflf oromnt relief flyeermetrotrta irar wgnsj, x-riayopMi aia iweaa sign aou ffirinff Dromnt relief from that autre Ij Jiaadache whioh often aooompaaies perfectTtolea. oiR ARTIFICIAL I Human Eyes it ! r 1 -1 mr,A Unk like" the natural ersran giwhtajpietui. t lilt" JSWE i aw v w i 1- ! ;nhw3 obsbrvItions! Wah .trfcfct taliiPff up Suuth- era 'securities. 1 :s .-. -y- Gen. Moutaubaa Ihfts xriteh hie eapport' to Boulauger. J ' j I fix Goy. Abbait is j after fehi next enatorship of New Jerpey. ;l The Argentine Republic has join ed the telegraph oonTention. j . Another canceled bank note has crep$ inio unlawful circulation, f I ' Thf arcbdioccse qf Ne X0I claims 800,000 Cathohd population, i Minister PbelpB wfil not; accept the Colombia College presidency. . v i A ipartv of English capitalists will J ykit (Dnyille, ya Satf rday next! !.:!. ... A, ; ' I - Representative Kelley, of Ienn- sylvania, is about to wrte hisremin iscences. f; ' ' M - - A - IviBcr Milan has !BOstioned the opening of the Skuptsclina until Sat- -iiidaynet-lH ! t j . 1 f f - ; ; Mi The 'suit in New York against the CMttrn seed oil trust is claimed to b p peculatiye. -" -l i The namebf Stephem B. Eikins is' mentioned for a jblacef in Geo. .Har rison's cabinet. I If , r The Western Union is charged with t boTCOttins the Hay ti esibUrt p&ny Christmas presents were teceye4 and gitcn at! the j Wjiite House 16 Washington. i ; : - Wednesday the Qh'inamen of New iYoirk had a gran celebration and temple dedication to Jossi ! Madam Diss d Bar fs trying ta reoover her children ini new. xors: tnd Iiiwyer Marsh is helping her. If resident and airs. Uleraiana re ceived Christinas remembrances from friends in all parts1 of the country. Phnadelthi expects $4000,000 to be expended to make League Is land the chief nary ard of the coun- iolihc i 1 L L. tl : I , 1 Italian Legation at Washington,' has been appointed to the Hegationl at Brnsseis-i: i r -Gehi Roger Jones,- Inspector- General, has arrived a 1 Fortress Mon roe. Ya; from Tiew York! foil medical treauneht.i";.l,.'fli ' :-':;:: ; -. I y.i 7 -1-Gen.! Loris Melikoff,: the famous Russian offioer, and : Signer M4ncinL formerly Italian i minister! of i foreign afiaire, are dead. 1 ". ry4 Th- Committees of the two branches of (the 4 Presbyterian ehoreh I meet tday ,in Newj xorkr;to xpnsicUr the subjeet of reunion. A 'j .;r: j ": fi.' Tbd tobaced factory of Norwood & Evans; at South JBfcostorfTJa ,5 waa burned Wednesday., Loss $15,000; insurance, $35,000. I Ii. -Ofaoial. notice has beenY given that the! proposed loan to' the Bulga- garian government oannot be issued Within German territory. k iv lli Muoh " satisfaetion wiih ! the ad ministration and te navy m expressed on account of their v prompt action in the" Uaytian difficulty. A : - I - iha I . xxerr noam, presiaeas 01 . la - ktlJt -.-i I in his hunting stockings. t IrWashington 1 gossips put I do wn Hr: Blame 'for Secretary of State, McKinley, of Ohioj for the Treasury, and Wanamaker for a place, i ! : ' M-oenaxor Aamunas, 01 Vermont, phsse4 through Norfolk: Christmas Eve On j his 1 way to the Currituck nUrshes for a gunning expsdition. j There is considerable excitement in Acdomao county, Virginia, on av oountiCf the sudden death! of ;Wm. J. Taylor, a young farmer, fpuliplay be- mg suspected. Ik is affirmed that there shall be bo more railroad rate cutting. All roads announce in leew lorn that a fipl; passenger 'tariff will be main taincd..r? i -', . ; The steamboat : John Hi Hanna iiaa burned near Plaquennne, La , on the Mississippi river Tuesday. Many persona perijmed by ' fire and a large number were drownod. 1 j , 's President . Cleveland received manyj visitors at the publo reception Wednesday. 5 Mrs. Whitney and Mrs. Dickinson had large f receptions. Washington social life is in a gay holiday whirl. , ii Unusuallv mild weather prevail 4d Christmas day in nearly all parts of the country. Beautiful, mud Southern weather characterized th otav in New- YorkwPhilaae'phia and Qtner sesooara cities. A CXiicaffo parser prints inter views; with a number of leading Chi cago Wholesale merchants and well- Known raiiroaa managers giving uiur Opinion of the interstate commerce law, based on its workings np to the present fime. xue majority 01, sue meronanxs express aeciaea opposi UOn to it. : I i Gov. Wilson, of West IVirginia, has issued commissions to 'John U. Pendleton and Wm. L. WilsOn, dem ocrats, Congressmen elect from he first and, second districts!. Gov. Wil on. says commissions to the other Congressmen will not bi issued until he can do so aoording ta law. 1 In the French Senate 'Wednes day durjdg the discussiob of; tne esti mates on account of the fine arts,- M; pastor, I M. FressonBe and -other gpeaker denounced the! government for allowing: the production at the Odeon of Degoneourt'sf play. Ger- minie Lacerteux,' whichj they declare. Lto be immoral. - y HV sr. - i r LEIGH j N, CFEIDAT MOHNING. it Al BLIZZARD. IEAVYf FALLS OF SttOW At A A CO QKSXRAIXT py HEATT spl WHICH P1LS THK SHOW pBETTS OTHIB KIWS. . ;rT I;, 5 By Telesraps to the News and Obsrrer Cbicaoo Dec. 27. A gale which prevailed in this viclniy fyeBtardaj afternoon and up to midnight wM yery ; severe althongh it did little dam "go j "It' reached a velocity i of forty six'miles an hoar at pLO p. im: and i remained at that point until midnight, when it gradually substdl ed. The wind was accompanied I by an occasional flurry cf light snow Quite a brisk snow-storm if in prog ress this morning. Dispateee Irom Iow4 Northern Illinois an4 Wiscon sin indicate the preyalenoe f a seviere nieht a foot of snow had fallen anoWlf1"811?? m? fierce gale piled it into huge drifts The railroads in that vicifity i were badly blocked but the triins were still running. Mason. City, Iowa,' reports .that from Emmetfjsbnrg to the Dakota line there is a4 average fall of one inch. Wausau and Esu- claire, Wis , report sit inches fallen, which has gladdened . the hearts l of the loggers. U From Sioux Falls, Dak,: the ! first snow storm of the season, a heavy one, is reported, ac companied by a heavy wind whielt niles the snow hiffh ud. The rail roads have I not yet been leriously ;J Aoifrr srxar its rosoi- : Chioaoo, Deo. 27. Yesterday's blizzard seems 10 have abopt spent its force in the northwest. The Sig nal Service, here reports that the storm centre passed here last night and ' '. is I now I proceeding Eastward along the lower lakes. iTh i fall iof snow: has ceased m; me nortnwest and the weather is clearing. pCn some portions sue wma cuuuuuc ekiuug with moderately low temper ftnre. StfsltUn ThaaelYM ta k KSTt By Telegrapll to the News and Obserwr. If Martin dale, highs, White Caps visited Dr. John Jf arknill.v I leading : physician, ana gave him a f terrible thrashing. His errand boy? had been, intoxicated jmd the Whte Caps accused Farkhillbf drugging H him. Charles Gamble, a merchant, bearing .they eontemplated regulating ,him, . accosted two men whom r he had reason to believe wefe members of the organization a4i threatened to shoot them ih case! a democBtration was made agamst him, There is much excitement here and the White Caps will ' probabfy be regulated., j.- jl.' t - Hirrfn .ta' tab bud bt bboicp AC rIPf J By Teiegraplii to the News and pbserfcr. i ' Mzxpats. Tenn.. Dec 1 27.4-Everr- thiD8 loi4k t Lamar, 11m,' toda The report 01 race trouDie were gre some of the whites that a cohfiict be tween ! whites and blacks Would be precipitated by the conduct Jcf some very insolent negroes. Preparations made by the whites to suppress all lawless ; acts bad its effect, and no trouble is anticipated. raio. or kibutt vest And laatant Dsath Aa m RaIt i mfx- , - Bt TalMripk t the News Ad Ohserrer. I: WismsaTbs. Deo. 27. I Michael Keeling, a messenger in the pit De partment, fell over the balusters on the fourth floor of that bmlding this morning and was instantly killed. The fall was about eighty feet. He was intoxicated at the time i j j4f Btr Oatnf tnmt ta WkUUi Cps..r By Telegraph to the News and Obsetrer. ;i -rff Leatih wobth, Ind , Dec 27 The White Ceps case haa been continued until March 26. The defendants asked 'for a change of yenfe from Judge i Senor, i which was granted Morris Morreli, one of the prosecute ing witnesses, claims that the White Caps tried to take his life IMondj nigat,g',!! I 'i-- -I . Tm BfB)rt Bowlasrj PabisV Dec. 27. At a meeting Of the National Republican committee today it was unanimously resolved to support Gen . Boalanger'l candi dacy for the seat in the Chamber of Deputies made vacant bv the death Of M. Heide. - -i "" Baseball im AaatraUa. Y By Cable to the News and Observer. 1 An xx aide, South 'Australia, Deer 26. A game of baseball was! played here today between American team. The result was All America 119, Chi cago 14. p : ' i y 4 : i . . , : !- ; -tr rraaaarjr Band Aeeeptaafaa. : ...4f ttm Tolntfrmnh tA th Nawl mil niiurM '"'rsS' WASRiveTOH, Xec av rose Treas ury today accepted $113,000 bonds at 108. ; , .: r. y- , - . Jy, t V ; i t T haa ha. Awfallr. -At The' Raleigh News asd OBaxaviB fublishes a Christmas poem bf Taskir 'oik, of Warrenton. A hastyireading impressea us tnai it nau m-nu n e may publish all or a part of it Wil- mington btar. ... 11 3f; The lxe:ntive committee of tne Norih Carolina Teachers' Assembly is n sessioh in the city for the purpose juf arranging a programme for the next annua meeting of thw assembly. CXnritnnl Daa. 27 A disn&teh from tJWrnt aDOUt V Ferry. Ohio, says; At Hope-1 len negre men, . ! llTa.fann' (HinntTJ flhristmftfi I some desperate ah. omioi surrxiiso at ak ajcui- -r-- CAX BKI0I AT Tn BASDS OT "itT"" sfasish orriqxxs. ' ' y Xelesrapb to the News aad Obferter. j Prni.AniT.yfftA, Deo. 27.-f-The brig- antine Josef a,: which arrived Tuesday at 1 this port jfroin Jamaica; brings ,aews of an outrage suffered by that vessel at the hands of the Span ish government. While discharging nargo on her Outward trip (from New fork at Airoyi, Porto Rico, the Span- rth: cuslcms officials discovered that wrenty packages of corn starch which vere masked on the vessel's manifest vere missing! After an extended search tee goods could not be found nd the vessel was seiied by the Spanish authorities who . held hei untd a fine of $4,000 was paid, alth6ugh the value of tb goods in question j did not exeeeeV $20. i The master and crew were forced to suffer many indignities at the hands of the Governor of the island and the offi his authority. Lhe authorities onered to settle t he matter jf the captain of the vesifcii could satisfactorily explain the where abouts of the missing packages. Af ter the fine had ben paid it ;Was ascer tained that thf missing goods had been delivered ! by mistake ou bo&rd the ship Joseph us, which lay1 . next to he Josef a in New York. 1 f An Explanation was made to the Spanish authorities and the retuen cf the fine. was requested but was re fused, and the vessel left Porto Rioo to load cargo elsewhere for this city. The managingj owner of the Josef a has filed a complaint . against the Spanish government with Secretary Bayard and asked that his immediate attention be given to the matter. It will be urged that the warships Ga lena and Yantiq be ordered 1 to con tinue their cruise to - Porto Rico and summarily secure redress for the im position suffered by the Josefa. -iirr jfTl A. DESPBOATB HOW. OWE OF THS T.IAnXRS SHOT DOWN ST AS omegB- if bixf nrrxjrca. Cot,s4 the News and, Observer. I iv -Mouht Aibt, Dec 24, 1688 At a negro festival here Saturday one 0 clock-height or among? whom were characters, crot into a fight in whioh razor, rocks, bedposts and palings were) used-iieely. Chief of Police Thompson made his sp pesiance absnt this time and 1 at- tempted to arrest the leaders, where upon j one of them, George ,Dorse, made 1 at him with an open razor, cut ting inta his coat three or four times, and! When' coming" atr"-faim -oyia-f Thompaonshoti bun do a a. This quieted the row for a short while. It was then evident that the leaders were; planning Ja more desperate game. 1 Mayor - Brown having, been notified of - the 'situation appeared promptly upon the scene and was not long in having the desperate pharac ters arrested and! locked nn. At thn tisjis morniag the leaders, Jordan Prenhell and Ed. Prennell, were com mitted to JaiL Thejcase of: Thomp son was taken up land after thorough 1 t ? t t j 1 . examination it was plainly shown that ne was aiscnarging nis auty as an officer and did the shooting 1 in self- defence, whereupon Myor I Brown dismissed the papers against him. ft Citizen. . State KvaaBHa lpjpaitl. . : The committoei appointed by the Jatef Presbyterianl Synod of V North Carolina met in this city -yesterday, in the lecture room of the First Pres byterian Church 'at 3 p. m. and con tinued in session until a Ute honr last night; The committee consisted qL&vt: A. M. Scales, Rer. Dr. II. G- Hfll, Maxton: Ren Alexander Sprunt, Henderson; Rev. W. E. Mcllwaine, Gastonia;Rev R B Anderson, Morgan ton; Rev. Peyton H. Hoge, Wilming ton, B. F. Hall, Esq , Wilmington. Dr..; L W. McNeill, Fayetteville, Gen. Rufus Barringer, Charlotte In the absence of the chairman, Rev. John IW. Primrose, of Wilmington, Got. Scales was elected ehairman and Rev. -P. H. Hoge, secretary. The committee was appointed to decide as to having a Svhodical Evangelist, whos field should be the whole State Of NOrth Carolina r " r It waa decided to have the Evan gelist and a good jnany names were suggested. After full consideration the committee .unanimously elected Rst, Geoi W. Fnley, of Romney West Virginia. Mr. Finley was for merly, of North Carolina. ; i Btataa far IkalatamamratlaiBi .. xhe following special rales for the military proposing to attend the in- aageration of Governori Fowls nave been , Announced : ;On the R. & D. R. R, system, tariff No. L i of the Asso ciated Railways Circular 1775, will ap ply to military oompames with: twen ty-five or more on one solid ticket. Ticket good returning for four daj a as follows: i f i WaynesviUe, $6 20; Asheville, $5.60; Charlotte, $8.80; States ville, - $3.50,' Dallas, via Gaatonia, $4 00; Greens boro, $2 80; Winston, $2.70; Reids ville, $2 70; Durham, 90c ; Goldsboro, $150; Oxford, $1 60. On the Atlanta Coast Line rates will b as follow. IWilmington, $3.20; . '." AM -Wi m 1 m a . A -a a Uimton, 9Z.3U; xtocky siount, w av Tarboro, $2.70; Fayetteville; $2 10. Rates on the other railways leading to Raleigh will ere announced in day or two. r" Prado, the murderer' of Marie Agaetian, hai writ n a letter to Pres- ldbnt Oarnot, of nnze, in which he protesta that he s innocent of the crime lor wnioa e was sentence 1 to death. .' DECEMBER? 528, 18S& SLAVE-TRADE. I GOING ON BY vAaREEMENT IN ZiNZTBAR I ABD IA8X AKBICA TBS COMPL1CATICS8 s ' ' ' f iS'- ..'it' , IT HAS BROUGHT! 'ABOUT?- OTHEB NXWS- 1 i S' ! By Cabla to the News and Observer. Lokdon, Deo. 27. A Z iczlbar dis patch sayt: It has been discovered that ah agreement in relation: to slave-dealing ex Bts between the Eng lish Eaat Africa company, the utan of Zanzibar and ;Arab slave-deal ers of Manbazi. By ;this agreenient the Arabs are authorized to carry J On the trade in slaves and to flotri or otherwise punish thf m.' The compa ny upon, hiring slaves must makef ar rangements witbi the owners. The wages of slaves must be paid the pwners ( The English mission ta jtions are obliged, , under the agiee bient, to return runaway ' elavesi to their owners.' After the sgreement pad been pignod the agents of Lthe company, Mr. MHenzie and Genl Matthews, accompanied by M&ubszA lrabs went to Rabia church mission jiiation and demandt-d the surrender pf certain runaways! who ' had taken -efuge at tne station. r The missiona ries refuetd- to give theaa up. i The Company s ; agent therefore, I nj rrder to avoid a collieion, paid $25 or each slave theyl were unable! to return 10 the owners. The English Consul has! issued a proclamation warning all British iubjects in Zanzi bar that they will be liable ' to - seven gears' imprisonment if they enter into contracts for slave labor. The Brit- ish traders have made a united pto- est . against the order. They; M7 that the slave trade labor is the 'only kind of labor obtainable in Zwzibar and that if this, is ut off ail work iiust be stopped, fin view of this roteet the uoiiEUi will suppenc he nforcezisnt: of the . proclamation pending investigation. : ., ! THZ BTOBT DEIOXD. . . LoHDoir, Dec 27l-The Secretary df the English East Africa Compa ny denies the authenticity of the stpry from Zinzibar about an. agreement between the Company and the Sul- ikn and Arab slave-dealers. no such agreement has been maaa- lie further save that the only action Of Asrent MacKenz:e in resrard I to ares ) has ' been to pay for- the iberatioh of 1,400 slaves. . : A SttUtmcBt Raided y Iaaiaa Scaa. By Telegrafh to the News and Observer. " 4 I St. Loms. Dec 27. A special from Dispatch,' says: Indian .scoutsunder Lieut. MoComb have visited Okla homa station and arrested all in t&at vicinity, compelling them to hitch jap ineir wagons ana : take everything wth them and goto the scouts' can) p. The scouts disarmed the settlers and drove them like so many hogs ; Malny of those who. were arrested were men who had been engaged in teaming for the government Others had been railroad employees,' who .were teW pbrarily without work and who had ekpected work soon The peorelof is to be a scheme to capture the town site; Some of those at. the station iave small houses builti on runnels. Thia is a new style' of architecture, but it may possibly be yery con venient where one has several masters. em If- ra Dally ta a Prafarrad, mt CtarM." Marioa Bugle. . , j ! . i 9 The State Chronicle and.the Nxwa Asb Obszbvbb will be competitors for oe oism pnnuD; ;i i j j We esteem both! of ' our contempo aries highly. They did effective work for the party in the recent cam paign. Were we a legislator it would be hard to decide jwhich one to vote or. - i :- - II .: : 1 ' The party ought I to consider the importance of an able exponent at he S fate capital. A daily is to be pre- erred, of course, and in that regard the Nsws and Obsxbvbb has the ad- intage. ; It has not only in the re cent campaign but for years been; werful factor in Ithe democratic y of the State.1 i . 1 While that is; EOi every one ad es the ability, tact, vim, pluck and ertrr diiDlaved bv"-our. friend Jo- sephus Daniels, of I the State Chroni cle. The Chronicle I wielded a great influence for good; in a party sense, and published some Of the ablest and most logical documents during the campAign . , ' .. I - ' -? ( Baa-era Caaae Blaad Palaaau I I Thousands sutler from blood poison, who would ne cured ii tner arave a. a. B L (Botanic Blood Balm) a trial.- Bead tojthe Blood Balm Co. Atlanta, Oa.;for bdok of wondeif al euree, that convince the most tkentieaL ; It is sent free. - 4 J. O. Oibson, Meridian, Kiss., writes : yor a number or years I suffered untold ttfoBiei zrom Dtooa i noiaom iMrarti Drominent' physicians did me little if any good. I began to use B. B. B, -with vary little raiuii ", to my j utter surprise It lb. T. Jtiaiierton, siaoon, ua., writes -I contracted blood poison. I first tried fhyslcians, and then, went to Bot8prinS. Returned home a'Tuined man physici lyi Nothing: seemed to do me any good. Mr mother persuaded me to try B. BB. Td my utter astonishment every ulcer quickly healed." - i : I Benj. Morris. Atlanta. Oa., writes: " suffered years from syphilitic blood poi bor which! refused to be cared by gall treatment. I Physician! pronounced 6 a hdprless case. - I had no appetite, I tad pains in hips and joints and my kVlnfys were d iseased: Mr . throat was ulcera ted and my breast a mass of running sore. In! this condition I commented a Use of B, B. B. It h aled every ulcer and sore and cured me completely wtwi in; two months," I; tVaU-paaerrcal Caalaur. i 'T V ----- - L- - 5 j ; I Among the pleasant events of the Chzistmaa-tide none were jmore so than happened at the R. &. Q. Shops on Christmas day. ft Mr.t Josenh But ler,! foreman of the machine shops, was notified unofficially that his pres ence waa required at! the reading room. Thither he f repaired, only! to be confronted by his fellow-workmen. Mr. Lewis Blcunt, a machinist. promptly stepped : forward on . Mr. Butler's appearance, and in language both appropriate and feeling, pre sented his foreman with I a rold- heade4 cane, appropriately engraved. To say that Joe's bald pate was be. studded with great beads i of : per spiiation would be putting it mildly, but he recovered his breath and pres ence of mind sufficiently to say: irxixow- vvoxxkxk: I appreciate the. act thai the intrinsic value, or the money lvalue, of the arif t is as nothlnar ing i to the sentiment the gift carries -with it. Coming f as this does; on the day of I gift, I might aceept it as a matter of form. "Not o does it come to me, but as an ndication that down deep ! beneath the tipper current of bur social and business relations there runs another that carries on it feelings of friend ship and kindness that smooth the asperities and raspings of our official associations, and teach us that kind words "fall as (honey from the lips," and that kind Wb are as the dews" that lall from Heaven, and that life is full of j sweets' when the fictitious coverings of onr -daily intercourse are a !i mm :- lornioa. urenuemen, witn. au my heart I thank you for your gift, feel ing that I little deserve 1 it. 1 But, in the future, my earnest endeavor shall be tol show to yon that your gift is not onappreciated. ; U : ' BfAXtBISD. s ! SrxPHzxsoB WHTTAitB. daite social event was the marriage of Mr. J. D Stephenson, son of Coli L. D. atephenson, to aliss Delia vvhitaker, daughter of the late Nat Whi taker, Esq jwhich occurred on Wednesday evening. A reception was given at the residence of Col. Stephenson, which was attended by a large crowd of invited guests, and ywhich waa a most : brilliant and elegant affair.: Ratplbtx Hatwooo. The ; Balti- more 'JSun of yesterday says : Prof. Walker G. Sappleye, of Oswego, N.Y and Miss Mai vina Henry Haywood, of Raleigh, N. C, were married in Washington city yesterday! morning at the residence of the bride's . broth er, Mr. Ed. Graham Hay wood, Jr., by tne aer. j. u. Jferry, rector: of ot. Andrew's Church. The bride being yet in mourning on account of the re cent ideath of her father, only relatives of the contracting parties were pres ent, i A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony, after which the toubct couple started on a bridal tour thrpogh the Northern ' States. ; They will make their home in Oswego. The bride is a daughter of the late Ed. Graham Haywood, of North. Carolina, and I a granddaughter of the late United States Senator William : Hay wood; and of the late: Louis D. Henry, of the same State. I' Li..; . DIED. -l!t; t PasotjD In this city, at tin resi dence of her father, Mr. John 8. Pescud, Wcdneedsy, December 26th, 9 a. ni , Susie Brooke, aged four years, of dipththeritio croup. Thefaneral services were held at Christ's : Church at 12 m- yesterday. ' 1 - "f ir jl Baata ar K-aya." ; ; "A Bunch of Kejs" will be seen at the opera house this evening, pre-. sen ted tor the nrsi tune by tne origi nal company;. This play ia in its sev enth year, and is one of Holt's best playB.' Miss Nash, who plays : the part, ia a pretty and graceful: yonng actress, and has made a big hit in! all the large - cities. The .management announce this as one; of the best at tractions thia season, Seats are now on sale at MacRae's drug - store Re served seats ,75c; admission 60 and 25 cents. 5 1 Talk ia revived of WhartSn Bar ker's bank ani railroads in China. I The 1 delicious ' fragrance. refresiag coolness and soft beauty imparted to the akin by ronaol Powder, commands it to all: ladies. 1 . . : If you wish a cheap and satisfac tory gift, price those iiandso me Slip- pers a neuer cros; onoe ocore, as they are better prepared tnan ever to offer,' a complete line of Blippers' at prices to suit. To enumerate all the rarietfea we hxtTe would be : almost impossible.so we will just same a few of thai many styles such as the "Cele brated 80c Embroidered suppers, gentaMm. Seal and Alligator Slippers at $150: gents' Russet and! Patent Leather Trimmed Slippers at j $1.75; genu' Ooze Calf and Goat Slippers at $2 25 and many other styles.-. The ladies should not forget us when they wish to give an appropriate gift to their' husband, brother, son,; sweet heart Or friend. We also ha vis some extra nice slippers not introduced above, namely.. Genuine Alligator Plush. Calf c ; i: . i. v i u Besides the above we would like to call attention to our Immense Stock of Shoes, Boots, Trunks, Yaliies,f &c All W0 ask of the public is to see our goodf , . get our prices and then let yQurjown judgment decide whether you can do better elsewhere, land we are confident that you will decide in our favor, as the best the moat and the cheapest can be found at I; -HELLER BROS Shoe House, NO, 155 WB DOOaKKfgROr TH B SflTI MB. B. A- WHISHT, Or 0U)SB0B0. Cor. totheNewsandFobserten i.. ", 1 it, ' - I GoLhf bobo,! N. 0., Dee. 26. Please1 announce' that Mr.: E. A Wright, of this 'city; is a candidate for Doorkeeper, of the next State Senate, i Mr. Wright did all be could with voice and Tien for the sueoesaof the democratic party 1 during the late ' campaigii as 'he; has cheerfully done for the pa?t twenty-three years. He would make- a; good officer and de eervesi the! recognition aa election! Would involve. Hnch men as W. T. DortchandjJoli GallOway would re joice to see; him elected. . - ; X. ! 1 i I a . , laaoal. s . t' ; :-!-; a- -i r ' -. ' -J ' GovJ Scales 'returned, yesterdays from GreensboroV . ' : --r ' ' Pro Ge6. Winston, of the Univer sity, was in the city yesterdsy. ; ;uar brother nilliard of the Scot and Neck Pemocrat, was . good enough to drop in upon ua yesterday: ' and we enjoyed his visit no little He is one of our best newspaper men. af rue son of, the State and a champion ' of, Democracy ; that necdeth not to ' be a&hamed who 1 has abundant reason indeed to'be proud of his bold ana patriotic and valuable , achieve- ; ments. ! ; I :; ' -y I -i, yu .. !-.-". f Death afan Katlaaabla Xdr. Cor.-News and Observer: . l f i : - j Eociy Mount, Dec 27. Mrs. Maria Abram. a prominent He- " brew lady, died at her home in thia ' place saddenly last evening. H. Metropolitan Hall" has been : esre- - cially prepared for the presentation ; or jtne "uuneu of lieysV tonight. - A double deck has been built on the stage to represent a two story house The f company played in Richmond laai'niffhi.' : : im Hi. r M 1 : 1 The spirit of reform ii beniniune its : work in the nurseries of, the land br banishing .those dangerous opium pre parations, ! and establishing useful and : natmless remedies, of which Br. Bull's - Baby Syrnp is acknowledged as the rerr - best ior all the disorders of babyhood and childhood.) Price 25 cents. ' Tunctional disorganization of the liver is 4 most powerful and common cause of melancholy. HLaxador Invariably gives tone to tne liver ana promotes its health fui action.: ilceS cents. ; ; ! Merely a social CalL Lady of the Honse--'Now you can ro along 1 I have nothing to give you," Tramp "Don't get excited, miss.' I was pre sented with a f turkey iat-theiisst house, and, having found the wish- ' bone, I have ; called, thinking ( yon might like (to break; it with me.' weUCitixen.5 i r-.A I - j- :j A Baffs laveataaemt. s one which Is sfl lanteed to brinr you a satisfactoryirnuit, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you, can buy from our ad vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's; New1 Discovery for Consumption. , It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, j when used for any affection of Throat,! Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption. : Inflammation;" el h LungsJ ' Bronchitis, - Asthma. Whooping Cough, Croup, etc, etc It is ptaasant and agreeable to the taste, perfectly safe, and cans! way s be uepenaea upon yy 1 ? Trial bottles free at Lee. Johnson Cc's, J i in i-Mj; - "j I ; 1 j ' , . - - 1 , The eour of lha Khedive's letter to Einin Pasha forwarded to General Granfell by Osman Digna, prorea to be an exact reproduction of the orig . intL ! il i ; : .: ' . I f .fi - IrraF er Tig .. i . ' Is Nature's- own true laxative It is the most easily1 taken, and the most effective .remedy 1 known, to Cleanse . the System when Bilious or Costive; to jjispel Headaches, . Golds,; and Fevers; to Cure "Habitual Constipa tion, 1 Indigestion, Piles, etc Mann- factored only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San IFrancisco, Cat. John S.t Pescud, Sole Agent for Ral- eigh,-N;c1.j4 !r,M tlj. . Scuppersono Wnrs. n b--Scupper nong wine, choioe, in haJf-gallon bet ties, 65 cents- each. ; Best imported Gin for medicinal: use j Choice Sher ries, .For t, uognac, etc, etc Posi tively no liquors sold to be drank. Oh the premises.) j H. K. J. nA.Bnnt.v The tbazinest- In the arsenal at Constantinople have revolted because their wages have not been paid. The leaders' were arrested. i i v--: I . ' ! I t III:. 1! J - .It is charged that some line ofl cera of (the navy 1 are taring a torn at cabinet making, j j'-'-i.i' ;1 - rr S- Bull's I Baby Syrnp POWDER,! Tiwraula taw 9mx aad Im each packajto. i Tor mla by all Sxalfra. Try It! T 1 1 . .1 1 mbiiI. For-the cure of 1 Cong-hs.Coliia, Croup, Boareeness, At.hma, .?&HBfliifiri,?' Brdtichiti.W uUyi II sumptkm. n for thd relief Ka f 7 pj r-fai-M I'S CUSP CHARETTE3 far Cm tarrK 1 iQ Ctm, At ma tmfglru. ! '.Ii r it: '" J .1-1 I X M ; 5 : j J ; - 1 I oa 7 "isuj 1 :t I ! 9d3 coijy ban LI-fi esla i-"-': ----. -. i wi.a . o rr r if: i x, -i: ;l 4f 1

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