. v ' '.!' 4 - - -to .' I to . J to . k to.;to;;.r"to '.,.vi-.-.;:: - to -fevtof -ss-t to ' to -toto- !;lto-to tor i-i-ii to f-nvif to -sito-to to? 1 - ;toto Vto r-totototo4tototototo ftowlltot ?$: ril fx it.vj.v to fcn? flHTTIP toi totototoito.tototo: toto;.to-lf f 'I vU; I I J I Jl t ' " ! ' 1"MM,l'MMMMMiiMMkMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMS v it - 1 i: ..'i-S r. -'- Hi -.. ii- :- - a- . .. J. r.:r J. iRiljEIGH, i NrpDfeliTnB D At MORNING. DECEMBER 529f i888. !v 1 N0.15& i i u !: ... a :Osyi ft Sift V; if ' i"-- l life I f .1 i I UjbJ I I i! Mm IS 1 E-iT .i M - - J 1 f i r f Absolutely Warn ! (lilt powder uerer Tarles. 1 A majrv 1 t puritr, strength and wnoleeetaeness. "3aanot . be sold in competition with f the :fn altitude ox low test, snort t weijns. slum ot phosphatej ana. Eorai. BaKnro Powcb Wall Street. New York, m w Botdbr W. a &A. B. atronaoBH d ) B Ferrall On. ; VVOOIiLCOTT & 14 East Mar tin- Street, iir Rale .1 1 We are ftow dispUvinffth most elej;atit line of j . at i ! HOLlDiY GQODS fiver sho wn ia the 8tte. 1000 SILK UAKERCHIEFi FEOIO 1 I Ml Jechanldal Saflaet BOq each. J ; ';.' -f ii 'A'--..: &i,r 'to to -fii Valoolped'M, Waonii Diiki, Oar 'i to' lt sto. to B liijttS and kU bodf . each. DjIU from MI3o .toii'to; i I. .. i. phildrsa's 8try Dokt at half prim. ; TArams- Toilet Articles. Floe Vates and V . all kind! of Tjjs aad Qmej,l 1009 CHRISTMAS OARPSl SS-ia Henrietta Cloth, aU ZJ U U ' shades at S5o a yd, worth) 5c. Our Qjod are aU marked in v ;to ii to iiV-rAA-t i IPIain : IFigures AND i ic ONE PRICE ONLY suunaH, B. .0-: SOUTH Wind CLISTEL DIHOI W . ! to- ! Oold Jswelrr, Gold and 811 ver Watche ' UorhamVDterimgUTeTware,ttoge to- plated suverware, any sue ana , ; ' weiznf ox puun 1.0 uwt iaw nfSfflSB ill rings constant "j in stock. Badges and Medals made to order jar Optical Departoieat Embraces an endless variety or lenses i.i.v. tiumther with, our praotloftltexpet rienee enables ms to eotreMS almost any t error of refraction in Mwms (neandsiht!, Hvvenaetropia (far fs), JMmte 4 (old aixht). AsthinopUlweak iitan 1 aiviaa prompt relief front that distrea 1 tz Aeadache which often aceompanief - OUR ARTIFICIAL Human Eyes and took like the itnral JEWS op. pSiBiits at a distance having a broken r-"oaa have aaouer xeaae wiww WS OBSEBVAtlONS-l e Richmond laCld to joip tbb Soaih!AtIfitio eqaetdroil.-. ;f - ( i -lie French Senate 5 ha ftdopUd the WdgejtbyjaTote of to 116.. t ll iU reported that Osman Digoa ia trjicg to collect forced at llanbuh. The aasian bud Jet I for 1 189 ahowif torplus ioeome of two million ; -Ei Governor Porteri of Indiana- i volii, i beincr boomed for a Cabinet position. ! k Xne Jfresbytenan oommitteea are conferring over the charoh-rennion question, i le YanderDUt rauroaas bare i returned tia the basis of per cent diTideids. If ' ) l - If- -1- m h.W ik, I eonflici between i blacks 1 and .whites took plaoe at Trenlon rail at Got. i HUL has convened' the LCcurt of Over and" Terminer In itpe cial session, i is supposed to try tMXKiie aiaermen. - , ..- JT- . 5 1 ' . The Fifth Maryland Beiriment will attend the inauguration at Wash Hngton,! March 4. A.hnndred cowboys from Colorado n their working garb wilj also be pnsent. . .; A Two r&tVh. Aoni&in!ncr ! th liAarJ ircfnk and limus of a jtnan, were found In East Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. A murder has been committed and the police are on the track. v j , ' Messrs. 1 Sheehy land Fiaucahs, nationalist members of Barliament, have been ; summoned to ! appear at Castle Gonnell, bounty Limerick,) to answer to the charge of inciting ten ants to iadopt a policy of 1 intimida- I LThe ChiGaao Bailwav Atrtt bats railway mileage of the country was i increased durinur . the vear bv rf!il20 miles of main traok, much less than the phenomenal increase in the years 1887, 1886, 1882 and, 1881, when the new mileage was; respect ively, 18,000,! OOOllOOand 9,796 but -exceeding that: of every other jcar in the history, with the ex cfotionrof the year 1871n when 7,379 miles were added. ! i 1 1 A Bersxtar Killed, 4 ' ' Csarlotts Chronicle. ? i m-pCn Christ mas morning, at I o'clock, ?triL Kits a citizen of China Qro?e, was waked by a noise at his window. Gutting Ibut i of bed, and creeping nci islets ly to the window, from which the sound cane, be pereelved that a cc jto wat try 12 j to break to- hie tout. f As quick at tnougnt, iir. Llrk isourad hit can, and presenting It at the negro's head, informed bun thati unliil he dstiitsl at onoe and Ufl the premiisi, he would bloW his brainl out. ThU eeemed to convince the' negro, for hi ran as fait as his legs would carry him. ' Mr. Kirk then went out on the porcht and it end- denly ocourred to him that he had onven away i tne ourgiar witn an empty gun. He thereupon proceeded toioad nis gun, and, wnue tnus en paired, he heard a slight noise behind him. He iarned around jaat in the nkk of ' time, for the black . rnfSan, who had been lurking near the house, was stealthily moving towards him with a drawn bowie knife, and in the next instant, would have' plunged it into his back, i Mr. Kirk was too quick for ithe. would be assassin, how ever, lor; he dealt tne negro a blow oil the head ; with his gun,f ' which went crashing ; through hia skull, kiU-1 in him instantly. At the coroners inquest tne jury decided at once tnat acted in self defense. A Oyaaaalta Cartridge BCaplateTeeX. ' By Teletraph to the News and Obserrer. V HABBiiitrae, Va, Dee. 28. A dyna mite cartridge placed under the cot ner of a hoase mear McGaheysville, which a party oi negroes were naving uuage r inn oj tne onpengruoun ue e dance, exploded and almoe.t totally I cldred E. j B. Pond (dem.) legally aestroyeci uw pauumg wiu muij m- fared Amos Moore and two Women. Eehed if an alarm had not been given y;a man who saw the Cartridge and recognized the danger. All but three escaped irom tne puuoing peipre tne explosion! took place. Moore and the two women wuo t ib uuk wuxv w eecape were thrown with - terrible farce through (the j building, and it is feared they cannot recover. ! It is thousrhtthe perpetrator of the fiendish act is known and every effort in being; made to arrest him. The' people of the community are highly excited and threats of : lynchmgare freely in dulgedin.1 ,H 1 to;v; ' '; - . f -J ' if Wet Sacelpts af Cattas- By Xelesrapn to the News and Observer i Nxw Yobx. Dec 28. The following are the total net receipts of cotton at all tKirts since September 1st, 1888: Glvestoni 486.660 bales: New Or-! leans. 1.084.743 balee; MobUe, 147, 047 bales: Savannah 626,5761 bales; Charleston 305,079 bales; Wilmington 127.063J Norfolk, 357,218: Baltimore1 30013; New York, 64,068; Boston, j 671; Newport News, 39,278; FJiiladei- to ha n S VTT ' A Wk AAA AOff . pnta, 2o,Zuo; rvvest iroint, xoo,uoi; Brunswick, 85,S97 Port Boy al, 8,666. Ballraaa CallUlatt. Bj( Telgrl to the News and Observe?. I IBiBitniattAM,! Ala. , ' Deo. 28 Two pAssenger ij trains pn the Birmingham Mineral Bailroad collided near this a ir today, wrecking both Engines and basra&re cars. Baggage; master Llird was seriously injured and sev eial passengers were slightly bruised. aad escaped injury. I The difference to time 0. the engineers caused the cQllisioa.! I BOYCE . . -11 THE GREA.T LEADER OF AilEB iION BAPTISTS D3EAgr J AT PiV, rBAHCI WH1THXB HB BAD 005 TO BICBUrt HIS HIALTH Kr MII.SB TO BK IBTISKXD ATiotTH TILLS OTHB KXw By Tlegnitb to th 2twt And Observer. ii . Louiariixi, Ky. Deo. 28- -A oabk cram reoeiTed this mornuisr an nounced the death at lau, France' of Rt. Jas.l Petigra Boyce, Lit. DD. D , President of. the Southern Baptist Theological Seoiiaci in this city. H was 60 yes "o)d-ao4 left here Iasi August for a two years trip to recfuU his shattered health. He was th foundy Cf the. seminary ad oaiot the greats Bt le4Bi a of AmerioauBp tists. I He was President of theSouth4 orn Baptist ConTention, trustee of he Slater funa and held many importaati born at Greenville, S. O , and bis wif and three daughters acoompanied him on nis travels. The remains will pe hrnnarKi hrA frtr intArmAni. I bark failures. ArriBxsTXT xrxnxKia nr bxbbasxi. By Telegraph o the News Sod Obsenrer - CmdaodjDec. 7 j. A dispatch from Omaha, 'Neb , says: The failure ol several Nebraska banks within a week has caused considerable uneasiness throughonti the State. These failure, however, :are not due to financial stringency find in some instances it looks as though there was"a delib erate purpose to defraud on the part of thoee conducting the institution!. The State! laws concerning private banxs are frery lax. The statute r quires thai all corporations engaged in banking ahall annually make repor nnder oath to the State Auditor of their resources and liabilities. v There is no provision for State inspection! and, owing do this oversight, mushj room banks ihave sprung into existf ence. Everlaiinee the big swindle perl petrated by ithe Valparaiso; bankers less than a.; month ago the press of the State hat been vigoroaily arglng the need of revision of the banking; taws and- one ; of: the first -matters whioh Will be I, acted i upon . by- the: I doming legislature will probably bet this important subject; to i h TWODKattlLSllAMrSOV VktalSS i -. i set voiodt near. fy teltipapnlothsMtwt SBdObrnvtr. r if Ha$ AiaW Dee. 23. The north : bound train on the Katt Tennessee Virginia and Georgia railroad, which left tislma aV7t30 a. m, was derailed at 8 a. m. two! miles from BurnsrUIe and 11 miles from Selma. The acci dent was Cause J by a broken rail. The first' ahd 4 seco&4 class ; passenger oraches were thrown off and partly Overturned,! braising about 16 passen- srers. The authorities here immedi ately telegraphed to know if medical aid was; needed. I Conductor Jones umt arnrri i that nobodv waiTbadlv I . :ul-w k I n - aJLi Ttr I Yoang, a merchant of this city, was w ;: m uto reported tne f orn nurt Dy a iirsnea back, but it was not tnougnt to Da se rious. ; Sapi. Bridges has gone to the scene of the accident. ; ? ; - : 1 ' ;: -iAbout' 10 o'clock last ntht the west bound train on , the Cincinnati, Seima & Mobile road was -derailed about. 44 imiles f from Selma. Two I ebaches i were tartiallv turned- over I and the passengers badly shaken up, -. rrUe 1 a jl)aearaUe ' By; Telegraph td Hie News aaAObeervetotol ; Bah FaiBcisoo. Dee.1 28. The re- oount of the votes cast for mayor iu the last election was concluded last evetfinsr. ; At the close of the count i tuoui'ovi. ufajryt. v. vwuuw, deipendent candidate for mayor and thejmam who demanded the "recount, made a total net gain of 309 votes, but not 'enough to elept him. over Pond. ' i 'Al Ai- J l 1 . . ; A Keea' ameiasa'aee Vmrf BrICable ta WeNews and Ubserrer Soaxik, i Dec, 1 ; 28 Gen. Grenfell, at (the head of thai Welah regiment, the cavalry and the Soudanese troops made a reconnoissanoe lour fmues into the ' interior this morning. !A few rebels tin camels were seen ih the distanoe, but. they retired at the ap proach of I Gen. IGienfellV force.. After , filing up the rebel wells the force returned to Suakim. , J j ;; . ; Prada OalllaUaed. . By Cable to the News and Observer.' 'J-;. i Paris. Dak ' 28. .Prado. the!mnr- a firm demeanor to the last. He re fuied to: make confession and de clined1 the services of a chaplaintoto5 I Ah immense ; crowd Collected out- side tne prison last nignt and- re- mained nntil Prado had been - exe - " ' m mi.. tLi. .1 il. i i cuted. The rabblej spent the time in singing comio songs and amusing themselves In other 1 boisterous wave. Prado slept wellx until 6 o'clock this morning. $ He protested bis - inno eenoe of the murder; of Marie Ague I tant to the last and declared against I the iniuatioe of : this world. . He re- - j fused to disclose his real name. When ; the jailers came to pinion his' limbe he Joffered ' no resistance, r and . while they were engaged in this operation he bhed one tear. The i sight ; of : the guillotine appeared to hypnotise him. derer of Mane Auruetant, his mistress, I point John ; waa cruillotihed thia ' morninsat the I Oenerai The inf ormatiob Plaoe de la fioauette. He preserved I b&e iof Philadelpbiaa AJtD j '! -? ' .' . OTHXBS. . S By Zelecnpti ttte-Hwi and ObMrrw. ; Dvbuqcx, i lows, Deo. 28. Father F 0. J4n aboat ten years! ago was hsmoTed from "the pastorate of St, CrenaeuM, Gatholie church 'at Lyons by Bistjup Hennesey. He brought ma to reooTer ' damages ifrom tht iisnttp ou the ground that the re prj iigi, in which suit Fath : U Jean was itfaecL . He hs xiow iied witn the eletk of the District iJuuri ptttuion asking if damages itkoai Bithopt Hennesey,. Vf,-J. Knight Imd J. Oanulion jointly In the iaum of $30OfOO04 He charges them je-ith having conspired ; to have his kjtasae dropped from the Oatholio di rectories. L eather Jean was removed yt the instahot -the Catholics : vf Wis parish on a charge which was kostained by Bishop Hennesey upon learnincr the facts in the case. A 4nestio& of property ownership is in. oersonal funds were invested in property ' the church has; deprived dim of by legal process and aithougn defeated in every tribunal be still in sijtt that he is wrongfully deprived of his property, and although silenc ed from ; preaching he is bent upon hting it out. in any court which ies the case. . 1 4 udare Haves 1 tried the case a few months ago in CQinton lObuntyand gave a decision j against the plaintiff. ; The suit was also tried in J acksqn County with similar result- a 1AJSLTTDIA0 IB A TOSH. Hew James Syltee VleUealaed Prmlaat FM tlleiSv)ai,Ark. Siirtosfleld BepnClieao ;-.. Ahl escaped lunatic played a food joke! 'on prominent peaople at Hot dpings, Ark-, the other day. He en- tered the town representing himself as! a milUonaire from California and wan ting to engage a dozen j persons for good positions at salaries of from $4000 t0 i$C000 a year. Tnis talk was eagerly swallowed by the people and . a ". . a -a . a e a tnty Decamejciosoiy attacnea to tne oia man, who said nis name was Harper. A grand supper was gives in! his be- naif by about ou men, and there were flowers, wines,1 and musio. At the ban quel the old man said he wished to give hia friends a genuine mark of his affection. He prod need an armful of ntelopeSf ?rhese, -friends," said ,he, foontatn mv 1 i checks, for to various amounts, arid the only stipulation I make is that they mast not be opened anUL to morrow." TJiea there wee oiore. tejolclagyead 4 he rld mart . wai fairly worshiped. One woman could hot; stand the pressure and ran home and) opened her envelope. She found it contained the leaf of an old almanac ivlth proverbs like thin "A fool and hia money are soon parted," "All that Utters is not gold etc. Boiling with indignation, she returned to the ban quet roomi and showed her check. Then;1 there was a simultaneous open ing of envelopes,and a scene followed. AU contained pieces of almanac jokes. The old man was put in jail oa the fm n h i 1 1 sriT rrainn a iibi nun 11 11 1 nnsirvn "r..ir-- -r r .?. wasiobtaining f 80 Ifrom squire wit- ter. ! it developed tnat tne old man was ah escaped lunatie 'Trom Jackson- rille 111., named James Sykes. are CeUaft BUteaare. I iUfl flow JLvrm. uuuwwvuu ouiii" tiser says t "From all that loan be learned, it appears ; that Mr. Morton brottirht back from Indianapohs tnis ultimatum iof Gen. Harrison t New Tork can have a cabinet offioer if she presents a candidate on whom all tne leaders are united.' Otherwise. Ne ; York will be left out of- the cabinet. Mr. i Morton . le also said to. have brought the positive announcement that Senator bberman had been, of- 2)&red and bad accepted the secretary - ehipfuf State, ! and that any New : Yorker who aspired to a cabinet 'place must ifirst make friends with the t mi a . - mm a a m oomtng premier, xne result, oi air Morton's visit was regarded as an ag - crravation rather thah a soothing of the factional troubles among republi cans in New York.7 ; : f 5 ;!. . . A dispatch from Indianapolis says : jThe i latest cabinet rumor J comes from! as good ah authority as ex-Gov, Porter, who told a friend Wednesday that there was no doubt that Senator Sherman would be the next Secretary khis information was criven. there is no opportunity to doubt that !;Gav Porter believed what he said, and he is a man not likely. to be mistaken in uch .a matter. The talk now is that ihajwhole cabinet is likely to be set tled within two weeks." fH ! TVio HVinaHalnhia North American Aitf d bv Glavtbn McMichael. savs it j. - r- jt." . . .... ' . r . has excellent . autbority. tor making the positive statemfnt that President elect I fjarruou iums j wsiueu vu ap- iwanamaEer irostmaster comes from best known business men, who I is a warm friend of Genl Harrison. Said he: General Harrison has been; in communication with a number of the most prominent republican mercaanis, air. 1 maker i included. IPeveral of i these I ; Li; t.. t-r:i-j V.: :C inen tiaTo uveu iu,iu v iwi mui w rndisLnanolis. I think I can aafslv sav that nearly J1 of them have, ia their Oorreepondence'with the President- elect,' advocated the appointment of iWakaiaaker; iln addition to the itrnnt nf Renators Qaav and Cam eron,!Mr. Wanamaker has a staunch friend m air. aiorton. xns appoin- mentiwaa settled while Mr. Morton Iras to Indianapolis last week." II i4The darAage by the 1 Marblebead fire WiU probabiy reaab 6SW,0W. XB XII TaOVBUW WITH HIS BIflHOr B P8P BETWEEN THK NORTHEBN AND SOUTHERN VBESB kIAns. tax MATTES EI3C08SID Bf TBS t$mtlT-i TIBS taOK THB; TWO A82B3LIS IV ' JOIST SISSIok OTHtB H1WS. By Telegraph to the Ne w and Ofeeerrel 1'Ntw Toaxi D&4 28. Arran gements are about completed for the confer ence' relative to co-operation otunion between the ooutnernj and ttdttnern Assemblies of I the j Presby terian Church All th members bf the Northern Committee have arrivexi and at noon 'today th0 discussion of prop qsitions tq . their Southern brethren was eoniinued. t The aoni ereaeei bgsn this afternoon all 63.Fifihr Avenue. The Southern men are nearly aU here and the absent ones are expected this ,00ttJ 1 i J I Tw- would also be tne oroceecuairs in joint session. Even the decision will not be disclosed Until the meejtingti of the General Assemblies inf May next. Tonignt tbjs delegates wll at tend a reception to be given thm by the Presbyterian Union at the Aletro pbliUn Opera House. 1 ; P f ' e ii i ii- i i- . - socrHKasr curros oiLcaf A I Divipxai: or 4 txm cxbt dxcLabxo. LBj Telegraph to ths Kes sad ObeerrerJ fPirTT.ATwT:PWTi Pa.. Daa. 2I.i4.The directors of the Southern Cotton Oil Co. today" declared: a dividend! of 4 pr cent, ! payable February 1, i889. to the holders of its capital atock as they stand (registered on tire books pf; the company at Ithe close of ; busi ness on JaauarylS 18S9. 1 1 . Barel Htwi. - it By Cable to the Mews and Obserrer. . Paris, Dec 2S.UThe Chamber of D Duties todav discussed the Senate's amendment', to the budget. ; Inl the ocjurse of j the debits, Doovetier, of tne ltignt. attacked the government for going to the extreme in secc3ar ixfig schbois. Premier Floqut,. la reply, declared his warmest aoptpval of everything that! had been donj to seoalarize schools. The republic, he said, desired to free ! education ftom alii: rsllcious , lnflaenoe. Floqet's speech wai rfcelved with e&thaUstlo applause, ahd a motion to ; print and Dlaeard it'tlhrocffhont France I Was ArTied IKfouvf:aTO towrji-r:. slti TA ! ralletre graph to the Msws and Observer. !pBrT.iBKLeiA. Pal.! Dae. 2.MThe failure of C. Weihmann A Oa, f ami tare, 927 U) 1.008 Market street jas annoonoed todays The sheriff isow in possession of th property. The uabUities wiU amount to about f ISO,- OUOi the assets abojit $75,000. fTLe failure is due to i tlveral : eauiesi "the one beintf the heavv expense under which the firm labored. 1 ....... i 1 . . u V r ;J : - f A Fatal "sZeU-Bmret. ' rjdable to tbe JCewi aad Obeerrer. Rous, Dee. 28. A shell burst rder massxine ! at Messina, Sieilv. this morning, killing sixteen soldiers and iniurinjr many Others, to ' I !- 11 nrer- -28. Bond I Bad OWerlaae. By telegraph to the News ad Obeerrer. ,WasHoiarox, D. C;, Daa 28. Bond offerings today aggregated $134, 000. AU rejected.; toil to". . l reTrmtfei () Akeat Stamlef-. Washington Post Cape. Montgomery James, an Eng lish officer,! who is ftopping in lihii adelohia. and who aooomaanied Stan ley; on bis Congo expedition of lfe$3, does not take the hopeful view oflthe 1 great explorer's safety that is gener ally! entertained;, in fact, he thinks Stanley is dead. ;.-; .: ;; ; Ji In an . interview tpubiisned by a Philadelphia paper, Capt. James states that be bases this - belief on tne fact that Stanley has been unheard of o moon longer tnan is r esusonaoiy neces sary He sajs it is only - 260 miles from the xambuya cmp on tne Aru- wmmi xuver o n aueiai u us.& I bert, and tha Stanley ought to baye I gone to the' latter place and returned in a little over six months, if he could do it at alU - He was! gone more than a year before the recent reports were received T of .bis 'return to tne Ara- whimC : t;t . Vi.iS ! The country, say $ j Capt, James, through which Stanley had to pass jjn order to reach Wadeiai, where he was to find Emin 1 rashaJ; f is one vast bg or Quagmire and infelted with hostile cannibalistic tribes, I and his theory is I thai Stanlev" perished 1 lone asro from 1 i "if . 1. . swamp fever or from tne bands of tbe natives. . t ighl la .a ! We doubt if any special- wei to be attached to these views not withstanding hia partial acquaintance with the - country, through! which Stanley is ! supposed to hare ben traveling. , Btanley bimself knew tbe eonntrr better than anybody els. and he was aware of fall the haxards thafi were . to be encountered. His past suocess has beem mainly due to 1 m ..j (.:. t..i iua sr-HouiK juuwcun iuiu um w I in dealincr with the natives: so il la hardly reasonable to suppose that He would plunge deliberately into jttje kind of death-trap ; that ' Capt. Jamtje describee. " i j v 1 1 j l ", to t - 1 ; Whilir the renorisi that: havelr. 1 eenily come from Stanley axe aom- what vaxrue and eonflietiiur, it is prob- abl that they: have at least a basil of truth, and - that Stanley is alive and well aomewhere. Thia is the view taken' by the best authorities of both Europe and America. 1. fete aerta OmUaa MlUetaM Caaapaayto I Ten years ago i this company was organized under the - general law for the manufacture; of corn: mills, at Parkewood, in Moore county. In 1885 it was) re brganixed i with Mr. James E. Taylor !aa president. The business was prosecuted with ahergy and success, and; the company sold one of the best corfi mQlt itL the coun try. The' quarry frpm which ther ob tained these millstones afforded the finest grit for grinding corn to be found anywhere in jthr world, being superior for this purpose to the eso pus or Freitoh buhr. In 11885 the company made a xnortgsge to secure $30,000 of bonds upon which they borrowed money to; extend and pros ecute their business. .Failing ! to ob tain a railroad to; Parkewood, upon -which much of their heavy expendi tures had been' predicated, they were fpreed to make an, assignment to Mr. Aj H, MoNeilL lately the worthy clerk o the 1 Superior Gourt of Moore county. " , . I I-," :,-.;-' - ' kThese two deeds of trust weie at tacked as fraud alent by creditors in a creditor's bill, and; OoL tf. : W. HinaT dale and Mr. Ernest Haywood were 'appointed receivers of the company's property by the Federal court. They sold the property under order of the court, and it brought some $22, . Beoently, the. tease having been compromised, all the bids were trans ferred to Mr. M. Schall, of Pennsyl vania, a gentleman of high character, add who is said to be worth a million dollars. The deeds of trust nnder the compromise are declared to be bona fide and valid in every respect.. Un der the arrangement which has been perfected, Mr. M. Schali rys to the receivers $4,000 -foT; the property, wbicb, with the proceeds of the stone, is to be applied to the pay ment i 'to of the Y I expenses - of eating for the j property, the costs of litigation, and allowance to the ienner trustees and to the receivers, and to the creditora1 attorney; the balance of the $4,000 and proceeds of these f is to-be ; divided pro rata amongst the unyref erred creditors. ' . At is expected that Air. Sc&aU will reorganise the company, revive, the business and push it with enertrv and capital, and there it no reason why it should not be made a grand success. It is fortunate for I the countv of Moore, which is so much Interested in the development 'of this quarry and the proascutiou of this ianorta&t in dot try, that the property &aa fallen into toe hands of such eaWrrritiaa an as -nr. gcnairr. ne wu-ut crincloal bond holder, bavin or raid therefor about $2700 in cash. About $12,500 of the procisds of sales are applied 0 the boodi hsld by him. us it rtDresented bv uol J. w. Hinsdale, who also! appeared for the aims tone vompany, and tne several gentlemen who composed ii. f n 'lhe plaintiffs were represented by Messrs. Busbee Jk Butbee, and Hay wood A Haywood, Messrs. Burwell A Walker, and Messrs. Melver & Black represented Mr. Brenlzer, one of the trustees, and OoL Hindsdale, Messrs. Mclver A Black, Mr. w. E. Morchison and. Mr. 0. A. McNeill represented Mri A. H. McNeill the1 other trustee. - Thus has ended an important and earnestly prosecuted and defended law, suit,2wnieh;at one time bade fair to occupy tne courts for a number of years; but which lias been settled to the J satisfaction of i all-, parties con cerned, i I . ; . . ' i :-; Si - -k-4 1 : . . The Lynchburg Duly Advance in 'a leading editorial comes- out strongly- in favor I of Mr. Samuel Woodson Yenable, of Petersburg, as the democratic nominee for Governor of Virginia. MrJi Yenable is one of the leading business men of the Cock ade City, and has1 been! active in fight ing the battles of the democracy in the ."black belt" section. -Though not a practiced public speaker, as a lf" 1 f L TT II. political campaigner aix. t euacue u a "hustler," and has, the reputation of b eing able to ' shake hands and converse with more voters in a given time than any other man in the State. Among the gentlemen named in con nection witn tne gubernatorial nomi nation are Mr. Bichaid F. Beirne, editor of the BTohmond State, Hons. C T. OTerrall and 'John T. Harris, of Rockingham, CoU P. W. McKin- nev; of Farmville,' and Hon. James -W. Marshall, of Uraig.J The election of State officers; one-half of the State Senators and a full Hoase of Dele gates in Virginia will; take place next November. - - .. ' t -ii! Small la a Drwar Stera. ' ; to What smells the most in a drug store? Your nose. But when Vyotf have a cold. nothing. Care . oonghs and colds by taking Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of 8 weet Gum and Mullein. -; t Zikxtbax, Dec 28. News lias been received here that the! missionaries at TJrambo, Mpwapwa and Mboia arer I safe: 1 The Germans at Alpwapwa bave fortified the summit of the hill there. They have one cannon.. .' : "to -! . -v;: . AOV1CX TO MOTBXBS. Mr. Wlnalow Boothlac Bynra saoold always be naed wbea ehUdrea are entttns teetb. It r Uevee tne utua soserer at oeee, u proaoeas sa oral, qqiet sleea by reUeTtns tn children traes MtA tal the little eharnb awakes as "bright as a button." It le very pleasant to taste aoothea tne eaua, aorwme wtm rums, auaya ail paiaa. ueves wind, reroutes the bowels aad Is tne I known reaaear tor aiarrnceai wnecaer naiaciroca teething or othet eaaies. Twenty-flTe eeats a boom. . . j i : - ii lw Ceeda ad Never before offered on holiday soods. ; Special inducements will be offered from now nntu J.st oz .Janua Mtmm w m w km a at m ry on framed pictures Begular clean' ing out prices to maxe room' zor others. Don't buy until you hare inspected my stock, j - - - .. h .. .Fxxs. Ai Watios,1 Manufacturer Of Picture j Frames, Window Shades, Ac I It appears that Henry Cabol Lodge of Massachassttr, John If, Farquhar of New York,; and Thos.' M. Bayne are also toj be ! repkoned among aspir ants for the j Speakership.' of the next House from among the republicans. This will be news of interest to Beed, McKinlej,;Cannon, Barrows and so Q- -- 'l. ' m-J -v- :; , , Important All persons afflicted with rheumatism, neuralgia, j soretthroatr pains in the back or limbs; sprains, braises,eto.; should know that Salvation " Oil is what they need. Price X5 cents. :Delays hare dangerous -ends," the immortal William doth l declare. Have you a cold) or leough, a hoarseness or sore chest?) Bewarel Take Dr. Boll's Cough Syrup; don't delay, and all the oongh and soreness will S'on pass away.. ' Get it at once! You may oo worse another day. Price 23 oents, U ; 1 to 1 mm t U - ' NwTokv te. a8.4.The foUowtag Is the eora PMveeoaoa sutemeat for pe week, ending !v - I ' !s ! ! ! isss -Keeetpcs forth week J .t : e Total receipt teUate.; .' H Si-,26 giaorte for tne wek, Total exocrta tooata. !i s.v0 1M I l,lk4,(l6S : e4,oo 17S.0U0 Stock at aU V. S. aorta, it sibjss stock at all interior fowas, SM.15S toek at LiTerpooL i - 6,ooo Xxporu to Great Briula, : h ; Muoeo ,. 1 mm 1 1 Atameetinpof the national- re publicairoommittee in Paris ThurBday ; it was unanimously . resolved to sop port Gen- Boulanger's candidacy for the seat in the Chamber of Deputies for the Seine, made vacant by the -death of M- Hude, ;j - . ;. H 5 A Wtoua'i Oiaeaverr. Another iwonderfulJ discoverv has been made and that too by a Lady in thia . county. Disease; fastened its clutches upon her and for seven vears she with- - stood it severest tests, but her vital or gans) were undermined and death seem ed imminent. : For threa months she . coughed incessant lr and could not sleen. She sought of us a bottle of Dr. Kings new Discovery for consumption and was so much relief ed on taking the first dose that she elect all nirht and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her -name is Mrs. 'Luther Lutz." Thus write W C. (T.m.k, Jtr r1. nf Gl..lk. T r Oet a free trial bottle at Lee, Johnson & Go's drug store. 1 ; . ... 1 t, m , 1 isjT sbsbw sai 11 . ' " '"" - Mr.: W. W- Dudley-threatens to squeal unless ha is permitted to go his way in peace. Inasmuch as to good man is likely to be harmed by any amount of t qusaling, ; we wo cud sugget that Mr Dudley be forced io squeal, "let the chips fall where they may.' The i ehanees are that Urto Dudley i 1 la ply blufli g on ssvea spot high Chicago Morning News. ' . - 1 1 -1 aevete ftsee mtmmt a.i.... .- Thousands suffer from ' blood' poUoa. who would be cured if thtv cave IU it. B., (BwUnlo Dlood Balm) a trial. Send to the iilood Oalm Co. JLtlaata, Ua.. for -book of wondsif ul cures, that convince the most keptlcal. It Is sent free. r. u. UiDson, Meridian, iits.. writes : "For a number of years I suffered untold agonies from blood poison. Several prominent physicians did me little if aey ' Kooa. 1 naaaa to use is is. ix with very little faith; but, to my utter surprise it has made me a well and hearty person. - ium a. Aiauerwn,- aiaoon, ua., writes: "I contracted blood poison. I first tried Fhysieians, and then went to not Springs. returned home a ruined man physical ly. Nothing seemed to do me any rood. . sly mother persuaded me to try B. B. B. , To my utter astonishment every ulcer quickly healed." ; . . , . Beni. Morris. Atlanta. Ga.J writes: "I suffered years from syphilitic blood poi son which refused to be cored by all treatment. Physicians -pronounced it a . hopeless case, jihad no appetite, I had psdns in hips aad joints and my kidneys were diseased. 1 uy throat was ulcere- - ted and my breast a mass of running sores, Zn thia condition I commenced a use of B. B. &. f 1th aled every ulcer and sore and cured me completely with- ' in two montna " ' 1 King Milan Js poli iodly speak tog, on his last legs. J ! , ' " ywwa wr risa. : i to Is Nature's own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive; to H Dispel ' Headaches, : Colds, and Fevers; to Cure Habiinal Constipa tion, Indicstion,' Piltjt, Lc, Manu factured only! by the Calif ornia Syrup Company, San Francisco, John S. Peseud, Sole Agent for Bal- eigh, n. a to" 1 ') . r: ScTTfrxKBosd Wrxz. Etc SarDoex- nong wine, chpioe, to haif-gallon bot tles, 65 cents each- t iiest nn ported Gin. for medicinal u&e. Choice Sher ries; Port, Cognac, etc, etc Posi tively no liquors sold to be drank oa the: promisee . :. .. : K J HtKpra. Sixty-five German1, generals htve been placed on the retired list. w ThaLeadlsr mcesacu. Sou etPmsTtota on Coataeaeat, Bilioma At n91 2 gfliuAiro: qal Uill re ere lihtamairtm. saraJjtJ Eas2Ch, Tootaasua, cons, Larr.t, Cats, ScaJ, Caelsek9, LToamfs, & s. f-i 'r,9""to rrtf-- mm kjiwrwaauy. t . i r 4. . -"J 1; i ft- to to i r 4 - 1 i:-tov;-:i toto.jjto'4