" " " " r if 'i' 'r hi.'"'''""! -f ,. fc?"1 i atoJLp Kw,1 ! it m u M 1 1 Ml; rL 1 NO. 157 . , t - ,k. -i- -ft 1 J iiili :r.V'i .Tvlii t;Ti;;Vi.4j I m f to 1- 1 Tt 1 r M iisiiwii n3,."7foir7n m ' Absolutely Pare. rhiB powder neyer Tri. A mrrl t purity, ctrenffth and wboleomenefc &arm eoonomlc&lthao ordimLnr kindi ind ' manot be sold in. competition kith -.the unltitnd of low test, short f weight ucun or phoepiucte powder, oia only m mi. - &otxi. Ruasa Powum C3o. 1C8 ,vn street, Wew York. 1 1j . ' uold hy W. C A A- B. Btron$ch n4 f B FerrmUft Go. 1 W ' ' I V00LLCOTT &' W 14 Bast MarUn Street; ;t1 1. -a. ; We are now displaying; the most itegant r- : i-y r ; -ti' ': tine Of H GOODS Etct abb wn in the States 000 SILK HANKtRCHIEFS FROM 1 ... fechanlcal Ecnss SOoeaeh TJelbcipedes, X7aona, Dssks, Doljl Car; I Dolls from Jgisque and kid body each. S5e rihildrns Stjry Bxx at half price. D rams. Toilet Articles,' Fine Vase and ll alndi oi Xjts ana unwa, 1000 OHRI3TMAS CARD3 Cff vdl 88-in Henrietta Cloth, all ZJJJ " shades at 25c a td. worth B5c Our Goods are ail marked in JPIaiti w- - a Ml lgUl t; i. wASD- : I n i i i iSDWARD FASNACH,! 50UtiI&EMdCLCSTEILDlAlOIES Tld Jewelrv. Gold and Silver Watche Uorham's Bterimg cuverware,uogers plated suverware, any. size ana v weight of plain 19 karat ln gagemSnt rings eonstant- ly in. stock. . Badges ' .and Medals made -v .--'--'-X'' to order. f: i 1 io. t, - ! "f lifF- Antlritl I nAnnrtTTlPnL U1 VVM- a TaTr, I RmtMraOBB an ajKuaw.wienj vi tcnaoa Lki.i. favmthM with :onr imotlcM exDA- I - Alienee enanies us v . ootrwsv iudohut -4rror of refraction in Myopia (neargightF, ZtZTJlZ.i-H (far aiirhtk Presbvonia (oUsisht). Asthenopia (weak sight) anf iiviAff nromnt telief from that distresa- ?i seadache which often axsccmpanies Lttperf ect viaioh. our Artificial Humaii mi e and kook like th aatural SMfgmh jain when inserted O . ,. rJW-& f PaTTanta at a distance having a broken WsLoaa have another made withott ealV ONE" PRICE ONlwYUjtwrtio avoid mutkes.; V - ' " !l I HHe Subscribed Cheerfully. " " aixxieaav'a. o K'L- vi j l , ' CtltUc and lxd tatvtmgvm. 'f ; baarriasre of ttholies to those professiBg a contrary religioas belief has alwaTB been deprecated by the PS 1 iathorities of the Ctholio Charoh, and Ml bnl permitted by special dispensa tldni j Ibei aered f Congregation of 'tis Inqoisitioa at Kome has recentlj titten to the Bishops in this couih tkj reqoestiog thec to transmit to it piaeh faets as they may be able to as jedrtaio In regard to jthis eubjeet. f y!car General Thomas CL Preston mk accordingly issued a letter to the btetgy. pj order of jirchbishop Cor Hgan rtqaesting. them to answer a lumber of qaestions bearing on the libjeot. Theyare aked tc1 state the bomber of mixed marriages in their rishe during lhe last ten years, and also the number of marriages be tween Catholics and persons not bap filed byf dispensation in the impedi ment pf fDif paritatis Cultus ; They are also requested to atae whether the nromlses reo aired by the Church bae been faithfully kept and in now inlay; cases ! the f; Prbtestant parties birejbeen cpnTertedito tha Oatholio ath or jOatholics hTe apostatized. I ixsuy, as w wnemert ne cmiaren oi i such mixed marm ires are baptized ! aad educated in the Oathclio reUgion 1 , t KJfl WS UliajfiiiYATlUJSS. -An earth qaaxe shock was xeit in Ladipshire, JtScg-, Fxiday morning. ; : The national democratic commit- ls la settling up its campaign debts. IUnw 4 jexdUng. the' Philidelphia bbkblicans v I5 i . Hlt; ii proposed to establish a $st oh the dreaded Outer. Diamond Shoal, Cape Hatteras, at a cost of ! lSenator Gorman is reported as tayihgmany democrats roted the; re publican ticket because they believed in groteeuoiu ;. f vr, :- ,. i-4There are upwards' of 1,600 ap plications at the War Department for a new preaiaentiai: appointments : w jUieVpest Point Military Academy. ll4-tThe eleetibnHin the department of the Seine tp fill the jyacant seat in the; Chamber of Deputies, for which fjen Boulanger is a candfdtte, has been; fixed for January 27. -io8 Amencu pueDui icams Ml another game sin Adelaide, BSuth Australia, monunsr. Tue' Chioafiros ! were: victoricua, the scare being: Chicago 12; All Atner ICS a. 11 . . , !. . I , . -i; .. : .ii'At a -meeting in Dublin Friday the 'Lord Mayor of ha city, Messrs. Dulon and ' Kenny and others were a"ntedj.a comaitte'9,organize a fund for the benefit orilbroney, who was recently released from KUrnain hard jail on account of ill-health. ? ;!-he: ' wool growers of ; Kimblet Menard, Sutton and Sleicher counties of "Texas, at a meeting held Wednes- day, adopted resolutions urging Con gresi to so amend the present tarif as tbi nrevent the importation of for iiflf I eign wool under; the names of ring waata. thread waste, yarn waste, etc, wbi&n are now ' used td evade tariff dot CUBRENGT. Leaving the Reception.--Til take at, waiter." . wnat Kino oi a as it,aiiTlMA,n6w sine one." rv. sir. but all the. new nau taken some tune ago rue- Blatter. ! ,.l; ; J eoura4rinflr.--Youne i lawyer t to ient: "Do not treble yourseu t the case at all, my dear' air. I j von that to craia a favorable ve?' et for tou will be the object of my brhole life." FHegeade 13 latter. Business is Business. American i Aiiuionaire itew aw9j--ii a I the prices of admissientf Doorkeeper (TJnited SUtes ; Uapitoi) "Seats m SiOOtfOO. Thanks. V Hand this ticket ! ita the usher. .Been me coupon mi l I -wiMi-Tiat. In avoid miatakea. -Pdck, Confi dential Clerk "Mr. Guaxleton is in, r4adam,but,.as it is within a few min ute "of his dumer time, I think it wjould be a good; plan to bring your subscription paper later in the day. JULrs;.Jf!eadit--4vn, 1 never xeaii i-un soliciting ; money to se up a grave mop4 over : Mrsw Teaxeih, that noble woman who so distinguished herself bv the collections for charitable pur poses; Which she!made from: our busi- nes;nien-T'---jruqx. , TBS CO FKDX AC Y, ; if i ILil -y 1 - roESAT 8XAt . raxsxxTxn to s r ATX .or SOUTH cAboiuia. . THX .15 I I".-.-. :- .i L . - ? a a . A Columbia. S. C, ipeciai oi ine Pitt,Bya. , y fcrw-. T I niina was j V wis yesterday presented with thelfcreat seal iof thel Confederate seal lot i the uonieat . of. SUtea of America. Thw seat was ( fea a mads in England, and reached Uioh mon d ; j ust before the I close of the nrarl-: At the evacuatiod of Richmond ttvfas .overlooked, and afterward it. fell into the bands or Uoi. w. . JSari, tfWashington, toy whom it is now hUd to the State The seal is ef J polished brouzs three inches in diameter.! !On one jsid is an eques- trian statue ox nasningwn, uu us iheulther the inscription : "The Con-: federate States of America, 22 J Feb ur18iJ2 DeO yindce.M , ; vfiliaaBarea Ur ermlm r Caaamra. P like season is appitacbing wheu 4nii.irAaaed . fashionable ' woman the my p h&tfw "So gaae his CI abou assure ve society the ooei snouiaer. HAITI: -I THE ! FOR THE-BE- LEASE Oil THE SEIZED H i . . VESSETi. : : ! ! I2C;IXXI0KXCI DIBXCTLT nOM POST AD PSIltCK THX lOCtHOD Or THI BziASS HOST OPP0B- Taax -othxx 'nwairt.- ' s i Bt fjihlA tii thn Kvi And flhierr. S Nxw Yobk, Dec. i 29.Capt. Shutter; of the Dutch steamer Prinsn Msuri itf which arrired early this morning, re ports " erery thing qniet at Port act Prince, from which port , he sailed direct for New York on the 221 insti JQegitime was inaugurated President MU Disaiy pvwi uiu; wiowvuj .vu . the 19th. ' !The Ualena andtLhe Yaniio I ereJn port at thertim. The ay- j tien Itepublio'Mwas hng outsldeinf j the hajbor, moored to a buoy; : I rest-1 Ident Legitime : boarded the OmJena j tod had a conference wih z Bear Ad- niral Lucel j Xft nnderstood that he inade no responwi. the demand for the 'llajtiea BepUWto'a reJease-The I kwiuusm t )U- uui uv&. tier oistoera ; aiierwaraa miue s iar fey of the harbor, ! i- -''-:'- -"V ! ;hief Officer Gibbelee stated' to-a Reporter this morning that he'fonnd no excitement at Port au Prince and that at other porta where he stopped he found an i apparent general satis faction ' withi Liegi time's presidency. The MHaytien Bepublio" was lying in the harbor of Port an Prince literally ooTered with; American nags and : er JV'iu Ie0 BettSmtP? 41,0 The officers of the Galena and Yantie ! gare a reception to President Legiii me on Dec 22aL I 1 1 Captain Gibbelee states that Chare was no truth in the Story of the bom. i bardment of Cape Hay tien though all northern ports were biocxaded. t !i 'BtosT or Tax suExxxDxa. . On 'board the U. S.f steamer , Galena i: off Port an! Prince. Dec. 21, 188& i fria New Ybrkv Dee. 29th. i rT The Galena and Yantic. which left i Ne York December 12th f teamed. into the harbor of ! Port iau Prince Dee. 20th at 9 a. m. with ahotted guns; torpedo booms out, 'ships cleared for action and crews standing at quarters w aemana pi ua aiiegea xxaytien i govemmeni the instant release of the I Steamer Haytien Bepnblio. t On their arrival in the outer . harbor Bear;Ad Xantio, which has a draught of xnt4 . f ., i i mv T,.uvai then i run slowly into the inner within a hundred fleet oi t the aocx where tha "Hatien; Republic' was at anchor. Anchor .was dropped and a HaTtien lleoub id." 1 the cuns oi the Yantic beine ' trained on the city; The uaiena remainea in me vuw harbor with broad -side and pilot guns trained on the Qaytian j man-of-war Desolineff and prepared to fire at the . . . -M itt I1L - The Des-1 . . first hostile aemonstrauon. at.A atftnT at Uiir rnns I until the l result of the interview oi I Untenant Griffin ;w Legitoe was o ft made . known. Lieut Qrifiin . wenri J-nings jooxea ripe iwwww ashore shortly after9 o'dock with cor4 fthrougfc the energetic tfforte of a few munications from the State deparmenf I ami Admiral; Tnea demanding th I vAleaae within four hours of the de I IS steamer and the withdrawal few cuta arid bruiV It was reported ty.'l She came on tha Air Line RaU hguaxdegfin that the? negroes iw?d attest to roai to King' Mountancto delay would W tolerated, toder formal release 0 prisoned and at laat ae- a hick she miaccompnied weit home protest and an appeal for future arbi- trat&n commanded one of hia gun- boats to tow the ay tien BeplioT to the position in the outer harbor oo- cupied whencaptured and to 1 have such slight damage as had been done to her repaired by his mechanics, Niffbt fell before her cable could DC I severed, as her anchor chains had been badly folded.' The formal return was not made until next day. The moral effect of this prompt action of Ad miral Iiuce has been most salutary on the Haytien people. .The influence of the French I government, through t'hAir minister at Port au Prince, is very strong, with - the Legitime gov ernment and it is said that the "Hay tien Republic' ' would not have been released 'had; a French 'man of war been in the harbor. It is also claimed that the French government influence baa been backing ! Legitime since his return irom exile. i -I ' The release i was r most i opportune, from the! acknowledged; faot that Legitime had; contracted to sell the "Haytien HepuDlic " to ine anas uk, in fact was about to turn her oyer to a crew which had. arrived that anorn ing f rom Jamaica, i 4 ' I ; ism -4 : ' : - thk rrtlMr d aoWra Praabyta- By Telegrapk to the News and phserrer. j Niw Y6BK,!DecJ29.4-The confer ence of the Pretbytenan Southern and Northern General Assembuesi I . T" T " : L- I mmittft6a was reoorted aa procreBS - I IQg jaVOraDiy U V1UB VI kVUBJ m session. i;la the mox g session the Southern men delil aione, as AM alan thrt Northern men. In the afternoon the' opinions of bothasides II a. were brought together : ! ahd 'the ses sion adjourned until Monday. j Many of the seats bf pupils of the leading city churches will be occupied rfo- morrow by visiting ciergymen- I ! WaahlBCton Hetaa. Br elegrapli to the New anjl Obserre r, WabhiXotox, Dec 29J-4The Xreas uri today accepted $450,000 four and a half per cent bonus at auoj. : 1 ; The President toaey aireciea ue removal of Edward Cushing, Collector of i Custdms at Belfast, Mo , and will nominate bis successor, in a few days. rf-Mr. Johr Bright ' i' is further 1 1m- 1 0lMF0atCTQEDRa By Tfleguph to the Kews asd Obserter. Ciico D fl. .29 A ! dispatch fronl Dabaque, fows, as js 0er six thousand dollars' Vorth of ( stained glass manufsoTore'll in Eog'and for the thjBdral of itbif city was seized yesttrday by. S or rey or . M cLaaghlin. It is held subject to th pajment of $3,000 in daty. The surveyor claims that Jithe 'glass is subject to a duty of 45 er cent,, cotwithstankiipg the Secretary of the Trury liofoinied Senajtor Allison tkar,;being for church EurppBes, It was exempt. ; Surrey or cLlugblin claims to bs ad original court of j jttrisd:o;ioii in thjs matter and th'a.iine Secretary of. the Treasury hat to right to express an opinion.' . j ;j Brutally Bardmd. i -r rfei i'h wB and iih.ir LoIdo, Dec 29 -l-Te inutUated bodrbfi It boy Was fouid in an oni- house at Bradford this morning. ' It wa reeocrfflzed as thafof ioho. Bi l. jsightl years f kg &i when last Keen fcjie, was sUdfog on ihe ioe with some companions. : I i Thi bor had been brataUy murder- a. : jx$ iegt ana a.ms naa peen ehopped'joff u s rougii manner and tied to his .body. -1 His ears had been eat off. jf heret wer t wo etab wonhds n hischst and his; heart land en trails had! been torn out- The remains When found were'wrapped inla rough COTeringj The police.. beheVe from ne cfmsrinanneriin which the body t&b .i""! WB 5 itioni;had been inflamed byjreadmg WUI Wl U(ttUU lU( WUUH lmiCMThm KnAMV anil: VVtllitim 8M.n ?oou4t ties.l 1 i vi ui t n.ecnapei t attro- It supposed the 1 murder 'and butchiary were consuitted in some ptner place and the iremains ;af er wards carried by the efpetrators to ine oat nouse : in wuacti icey t were f pnnd-1 1 The crime has created ihe jgreatett excitement aVBradford. The Stlice lhate ' not as yet any trace of e murderer or murders, i i j V ivv-i-axjiBREW- oa cuseiciojt - i ' t ilx4o,!Dec. 29.A milkman has been arrested on suspicion of j having committed;; the crime. i The murdered boy hd cccasionalljf accompanied him onlhisrounds. iTfce prisoner was the firsi to'recognit 9 jthe remains. It is certain jthat the bodyfrwas placed in tbeont-hOQse between the hours of four ana seven this morning. ''- i boIt Ic. I Awoi wn.- box " i n. k fw-.Tr-KiJJ: iit i rrsrT.r." r""' uer littrum nniMih uym wiihuuiu. i i s; Telegripb to the Kewa fusd OMerTer. .j jSx. IkuiS, Deci -i-Iniormatioa --'!frJ:-m4i;.ll , - LUta O w county.! Arkansas, 'that I a drunken negro yesterday puohed a white-' man off the fidejwalk and then gave him ;a vigoroui cursing. The marshal tried to arrest the negro bu ihe latter re sisted ahd !a mob i ibout seventy- blacks ! immediately gathered ltd his j---nnfc.; . 1.1. lj US!- 1- aid - This brought Out the whites at once ou rTWirp, f COOi-neaxied wnue meui an open ngui was avoiae, inn Kru wim utrti dered and the only) damages were a coumse wntwis oa4 prepareuucu.- afetves for any emergency.;; I ;S A Cmr . mmmr ; iuoeapata sriaair amrt. ; : SjT$tos4pr;tie Kew and obserrer.5 : ; 8t. JosiPri, Mo., Dcd. 29 At 10:30 p'doek last! night a car on the electric riilwav line Was struck ny a swiccn encrine of the Cbicsgor St. Paol and Kansas City Railway crossing of Main andrBobidahx stretf and the car withkbout fifteen j occupants r was thrown dwn an embankment about thirtv-fire feet high into Black Snake Oreekrr fThe csr was! demolished,!and UV WHmv most Otne cccupanMnj urea, two oi them, William H Biyl and wife, ser- ioasly tTfce latter was injured inter nally and perhaps latauy. VlaUtla Saaaly af Cattaai. By Talegrapb Jo the New awl Oaaerrer. KWYoxjdDdc.l29.MDhe tota V1S- ble supply of cotton1 for the wor dia 2,916,855 bales,of which 2,663,705, are American;! against 308.520 bales and 2,652,780 rjales respectively last year. Rntirkt all interior Uwns. 163.661 bales. rrmecjBipts at the plantations, 272,719 jbliles. Crop in sight, 4,590, - 502 bales, j i .. i; ! T Papal jSiru to It ta Catbedra' Br Cable td the ews and pbaerrejr . i RoutDec, 29 -The Pope has writ ten a cordial letter to the prelates in Ireland InjTorming them that he 1 has sent a rich sift to each of the 'Irish I L - -r- s l UathearaJe. i . ii i.f : jvialaalt Scaitaa latrf laad.Kzpactad. Bjr Cable Jfthe Kew aad iQtwerrer. . fBi.iir,!DU .29Urhe evictibh cf deunque tenantsj!fini 65e epnnty fegal, waa cprnmeWed- M-dtv iXroppa anaipouce.nave-a orders IhHher to assist the baUiffs Sod viollqt acenes af expeoted? ;y 1- --rr crvra t9rat Skaat. ; .! -By Telegri4 to tbeNewi aod Observer. f ; SMixsxWsMinnf, Dec. 29.Dr. WiFs.Cyrer: bad made 49,000 ;tar- ; ! - 1 J Kf? v.tJ?n aCV up i MJ XA O CJUCai ia u'w. a 000 targeU to make . t. ... - 8 torwin '.ffera!. Tea a.Uvarpaal. Bt teleerapa to! the News and. Observer. i3BHoxJ Deo. 29.- Monday, ID eember 81st. an i Tuesday, Januai lst willibe bbserved as holidiys the cotton maraes. 1 , .. t i . - . . " B . . - -iR. ' , ... 1 ; E - . ITRIOHINE IV: illH !:i IK THE FLESH OF A "HEALTH! 1 1 j YOUKQ MA. hcpi or BXLxrrros tHi bvttiztz sicxri rs BiXTHpTBia ; kxws bt wraxl ' m Telegraph to the News and Oterrer, rn-ooiasoTON, xus., xQ. fzy. x wo years ago a young man Jof the town of Leroy, this i eountyl ion of a wealthy banker, became suddenly and painfully ill. ! From thai time until now he has been a great iufferer and is physicians have bean Unable to satisfactorily (diagnose , the .disease from which he has suffered. Yes ters day a physician j of this eitjr made careiui microscopic examination of a particle of the rpatient'd flesh and lound that it waa densely populated With t rich tree. It is beJiered that there is no hope whatever; tqr the ex-i termination of the tnchinro and that th'4 sufferer's agohf will find no relief except in aea&n. 1 1 . Ill -m i ,i fJClPED FAOH ULali. CsdmBd ! ' . 6 ' ! It Bald-KiMfcfcers mm By Xelegriph to4he New! and OtwrTor. . ' j St. Lours, I Dro. 20.-f A pedal from Ozarky ;Mo. to the Post Dis patch says:; John and ffiilf . mat thews, two of; the I four Condemned Bald-Knobbers, andJW.P'Hahbanzon, Fmk Johnson,'! Williani ; Bedford, nre train robbers; lescaped from jail nere last j nigui. t some at present unknown person orl pensons cut through the; brick wall of thef prison, unlocked the cells and released the prisoners.0 1 Dave ' Walker, pleader of the Bald Kuobbers, and hi. son. Wfl liam, also under sehtence to hang, and a. young man named Btteer re fused to leare and. were fbnnd in their cells when the discorery was made, i There is f great edtement among the people here today J ' t '! " nonrovx. WKsraiur, .1 ! or STATXHEST TBS BOU) I'll ro.tivoTSM- BXS. Bt XflletraDh to the Kes Sad Obeerrer. c . ' Philadelphia, Pa ,E Dec 29.-The statement of i the Norfolk AVestern B "gR.' for November I showsi gross earnings of j $42,769,696; - expenses, including taxes,' $276,344; nt earn ings J $161,352-r-a decrease in net earnings as compared with Novem ber 18S7, of $27,040i For the eleven flijris engea oyemoer tm? eme net of $162,001 j mi compared 1 with the COrrf SDounintr narin or Ju OAT WIDOW ISIKTVK. THX jAXDBXW BKAm I MTSTXKX THS ' bxttbs jEOXx oxtBxa'.wm The Shelby Aurora of yesterday aavSr"-' . , : ,1 II M- I.I, The attractive, well developed and fascinating widow Sarah Beaii, Mfair, fat J and fort v."; returned Uist weex from her protracted wanderiogi and now w sw t IZ5 Smithy Cleveland county. .She fled from the courts and ! persecution last February and! her . friends were aur? nrised to see 1 her apsin in thil conn- with an emDtv treasury. The smiling1 .parson,1 Bev4 1 J.' P. Styers who "loved not wiselybut too well" the charming biacx-ejea rwiaow Peani, accompanied her in hef flight in a,' buggy to partatuo last February, and for his t infatuation his church and: Cleveland Superior court had; previously tried him j an&found him guilty. i The church expelled him, then the court fined fboth but they fledf their bond. .Their j flight; was hastened and! in part caused by per aaention . and I thr I probably i false . ' . L' Lt.-J charge oi poisonmg ner late nf, -TrJVL'-:. and the jury brought a verdtl-that he ?died of fowl play.f 1 The yiscera, stomach, Ac, iere carried a an ex4 pense to unapei am xor mawujwo, u strange to aayjno analysis hat . ever been j reported! The j Aurora th n said and now repeats there is nO proof that Andrew Beam was poisoned and nor' evidence that the amoroda; and uxorious parson and Mrs. Beajcu gave himi "noiion. I They thought ! their I UveS were in darjger and fled ; 1 exoitement has j giveaway to 1 . . to I . - ' v. jm sr . ? i. i .1. Q9W UW s reason and! her money spent,! she returns home' a sad and wiser: woman. rWhere, oh, where in the 'amiling par onT I Echo ahswera; where 1 It is stated that 1 hia confiding wife has recently visted him, but no one) knows where he is concealed, j Hiaformer home was near Salisbury, ,N. p4 ' The sensation ; created j Mjf the elopement of Styers .ahd Mrai Beam several months ago will be remember- i ril,. .nm.nh a! i4i)ra(lUtm. j whicbTwas exbumed J kslM MniMereto JSSWemist BatUe!fOr analyfea and d or the ; p,t foueeks frL-a l tha sSaJvaia. which is a very difficult task; as the siomach I Kaan - i- th tfrannd two 1 veara when it was exhumed. ? The analysis has not yet been completeldli f ... ; ,y - !l ii ; , VMM . eaMaaitj Kew Berae Journal. v. 'v?-:;' 1;-': v , Oh Christmas dty Mr.; Augustus Rigg a ycung ; man liriog o t Bear Creek, Onslow county,; was intthe act of fijring a gun.' The gun Bursed and biennis brains out, killinsf frim in stshtlv. Mr RgflTS was about! twen- ty years old and was employed on the far at with Mr. Robert Freehwitfcr Hi FROM iTHfe EXCHANGES.. Ninety-two fcousand paupers was the lVmdon census for September. V A1 real, lire princees keeps a- mUlinery ' etore in Fifth arenue New York. . The new lord mayor; of London is a fan maker named Whitehead. 1- j A 'cigar dealer in Manheim, Pa. , has a rooster which cannnti ahoeetringa . The Prince of Wales; has been Iparn- . ins Magyar, and recently made a brief . speech in that tongue. ? !- (Queen-Victoria will be presented with, a dress of black Bilk pillow lace by the . ladies of the Maltese nobility. :. r . . A report comes front Los Angeles, CaL, of the discorery of an ancient temple' on San Oeminto Island, Just off the coast. ' - Attendance in the 'English chorches -is said - to be excellent. The dlsBenting churches make a rather poor abowing in comparison. J ;1 1 : .'. . :- The king of Portugal,! who, translated : "Hamlet" into Portuguese some years ' ao, has just puhlished f a translation of The lierchant of Venice. i ;? h - A newxeligious order hsS been started by a man- named 'May,WcaBed; the 1 'Brotherhood of the Sun. ''tit rests upon "thA fnnilamimfal tmth tfiat rtn A frxt alt religious systems. -lP: -The Chinese goTemment has; refused an rlnglish firm permission to set np cot ton cleaning machinery in that country; The decision is made that foreigners bare ik right to start manufactories on Chi- ese oU- .V-j i;-'.v-i. f ' i- ' Says a foreign, correspondent : . "The crown prince of Germany is "a dear little fellow six years old, wfth " fair skin,' hair and txdoring generally, and ! full of life and intelligence. n ; The EnasiaQ government - has granted an annual Jsuhsidy of, 111,000 rubles to a private firm who contract to run a line of steamers between the Jlussian Pacifio ports and Corea, Japan and China, the vessels in time of war to be at the dis posal of the government. .-, '? The late Prince Schwarwnberg, whose landed estates were so enormous as to be called the Schwarzenberg empire, left a. ifortone of $50,00V,000, from which a- sum of 1409 was bequeathed to the poor ':of Vienna. : That was his sole charitable I f Moravian rnimioriaries make less publio Btir.jover their-work than almost any ;bthers. In a quiet waj they carry cs a great variety of missionary, enterprises -without coming in conflict with those of 7 other denominations. tThey select- some " bf the hardest fields in the world j wldch are neglected by others. : Por instance,! they have almost the monopoly of the . field: in Greenland and'ilAhrador. A' century and a half ago thef-began to send mission aries to the East Indies. In Some of the roughest parts of Central : and of Australia, their ; mftgdona T long ago planted. IIThey recently - established a mission in ; Alaska. They do not:, have costly offices for missionary T headquarters in any of the great cities, ; lHnn fit Kif h nriced Bccmtwries. - iiiachT tew oc duty.; 1L 4 The chief carter of the Moravian church in this country is at Bethlehem. Pa. The .famous okL church there is largejand. plain. There is a full equipment of edtt- .:; cational buildings in connection with it. -The Moravians there are thrifty and con-' servitive. Some are wealthy. ; They do not 'put on ecclesiastical jstylc, nor do tbey make - much worldly display..'. In ; Europe their chief center is Herrnhut in Saxony. Their chnrch is ione throughout the world. Herrnhut islto them what Borne iS to the Roman Catholics. " When: recently three new bishops were needed, for the chnrch in tats country six ; Were chosen by the churches in America, V but their names were sent to Herrnhnt r that three might oe selected from them : the brethren there. iThe Herrnhut , authorities made the selection by casting . ia tn thM nU niluiurai wav. and the three whom they thus selected were duly i ordained bishops. 1 H $ "Peace and good will' are the leading ideas 'I of the ; Moravians. ; Ecrleriastical combats are almost unknown among -; therru New York Press, i ) . R l -f' H 'xiad to lEatsat 8onsa ' -v i f i 3C XXa Xevad to XCate; Horiea. 1 4Ite von know that we had a case this city which, for fiendishness, was1 aVv parallel to the Whitechapel murdersr said Detective John Schnucks at police ; headquarters. "It was out in the West Epd, and you will all remember the case. c It was that of a man who went around night I after ' night maiming horses.' ? Ha would make a sneak' into a stable afc night and hamstring a hsise. He took -the greatest delight, it appeared, in tcut-v. tihg up the poor awima rendering them , entirely useless, and all had to be killed afterwards. ' That ws about nine years ago lit was a strange mania, and be- fore the fellow was captured he had i carved up about twenty horses. Then we got onto him. He proved to be an old f el- j loW who had been released from a luna tic; asylum as cured. ;He: had gone in sane jrrom being xicxea oy a none wu in, his devilish way sought revenge. v He WSs returned to the asylum and is -there now.'T unrnmnn mgmwy. . r. :r - -7- .1. - Boak Thieves to, Paris. Book stealing seems to have been ele vated I into a regular trade in Paris, for, according ' to a return drawn up by; the . prefecture of police, the number of per- sons prosecuted for this lonTense within the last two yirs has beeni45, of whom 1 only 6 havefbeen acquitted, while 90 others have neen sentenced to fine or lent, and the remaining ou am , ; awaiting their trial. The amount of bafi lodged and of fees paid for hearing has exceeded 3,000, these sums being exclusive 'of counsel's fees and other legal experisesl--Caiicago Kewa. - -s , In Xiova wltlt TrnonA Bloc. 14 vears of ;ace, recently r committed suicide in Paris on account of unrociprocatea anecuon. xie wu u -with a plaster cast of Venus in his father's house, and would rtand gazing at it for hours. ; The hoy ".neglected his studies, , and his father grew angry and broke the -.; statue into piece"1- Eugene went to hia-, room, twistad a sheet around ' hia neck and strangled bimself.--ew York Sun. J-Frederick B. Hubbard, of .West End. Conn-, was attacked ia the stree t by a large eagle,' which he cue- I eeeded in capturing after a desperate CUPPED 1 ' --A .' - A YDIi0A.N0? i n STRANGE PHENoidEkoN IN U vi, i; DAKOTA. ,': - I; - A GBX1T votriia on STXiX COSSTAJtTLT CSXTICX ACCOM- ) . issnro 1-rxoit A f ASXTD ST A9 OUOS Or SCLPHTB, A 1 UOHT-COLDXlh SMOXX ' - AXn'A XCHBUXa SOCSD ' OTHIX XX WS. By Telegraph to tte News aad Obsenrer, Chicago, Dec. 28i,A disralch from Chamberlain, Dakota; eajs t There is now no , doubt that the great phe nomenon in Chariest Mix county is not; caused by burnincr coal alone. There is 8r great volume of steai con- stantly issairg from the crevice, ac concpanitd by a strong sulphur odor and light colored f moke. (The earth for1 many feet about' is warm. It is also phosphorescent and cab lie seen at jght for many Smiles.! At frtquent itervals a deep - ruzubUng sound is heard for a long distance. The phe- notnenon is situated cm that portion of the Randall .military reservation which was lately thrown open to set--ilement.' : ' II i. ; ; ;A Saal ! Fatat Sccldcmt. New Berne JonrnaL; ":;.; ' -: 1 Our community wis sadly shocked on Thursday night V, when the awfdl . newf was received that f Johnnie Jor dtn, the only son ot .Coli and Mrs. iU , V. Jordan, of this" city, had been" wounded unto death by i the accadsn-, talj discharge c a shot gun in the : hands of Mr. Thomas, Lane. ; 1 It seems that a party of younx gen tlemen: were out : hunting,, among ' whom were young ; Jordan and Hi. Lane. The latter! jumped across a j ditch, a briar or bush catching the hammer of tbe gnu, the; mexze of ) which was pointing to the rear, ice ' guh fired and the entire load entered i the breast . off Mr. Jordan, who was -: i but! a fow paces behind. ..This 'was about 3 p- m. on Thursday, and he died just before; sunset, having been taken to the house 01 a Mr. Daugher-. ty near by. He was perfectly con- : scions up lo Within a few:' minutes of his death. - iH.M I ti ),:r. . .i . . '.. j ! Wkl IBva 8aapapr !. St. Lods BejotUe.?;.; ,1 ? , ,1 ; i ' : i; The country could not hold togeth er at . all without hewspspers. The ' newspaper, with: the tefegrsph in its . service, makes the ; people of Califor nia land; the people of f New York . neighbors, and enables them to un derstand, each : other.;, t w hen the StaV of Mexico get ' more nawspa- ieM'sd . Ifl! ears nh a th ey jriIlJ:aTe HewEerce JoarniLvJ-f ;i j;."?rl ;' i--: fi. MrVC Di Meadows, an old citizen of about a xty years, of Jones county, near Majsville was found dead in the roau near iapw v. wj . night oi the 27th. He had started to Maysville in hia boggy and being un der the iifluenceof liquor, fell out of the ouggy and Broxe nis heck. j. wm so dearly an accident that an is quest was deemed unnecessary, ana ne was taken to hia. home for burial. . ; - ITood greasy benefits when properly riven at the riaht periods, but to over feed the baby is to sicken it, and induce a degree of suffering, i Dr. jPull' Baby Syrnp ia the best remedy for the discom- ; fort arising uom ; otbiicuuis w Price 23 cento. ? - - it - j: , , ' If you are hi need of a reliable remedy for torpid Uver, dyiperflia.coetivenesa or ; sick headache, we would recommena lAxador, the golden specific for all such 1 die eases, cold every wnen or w . 3w GaaJa aa'aw Frtea. y -Never before; offered on holiday goods. . Special inducements will be offered from now until 1st of Janua ry on framed lectures- Bnlr clean- .1 . i r mo Va TTVim for - others." Don't buy until you have inspected my stock. ; "-jj ! . ' : - Fxxn. A: Waos, . Manuf scturer of Picture Frames, . Window Shades, &c ? : ! r SOTvrxBKosaAVrjrs, Eto-r-Scupper - nong wine,' choice, in half-gallon bot tles, 65 cenUi each. Best imported Gin for medicinal use. . ucoioe oner ries, Poit, Cognac, etc, etc Posi- Uvelv ho liauors j sold to be drank on 7. - - - 1 ' K J. ITannnr. "-IMiss Wealihy Ann Bunt, a de- i ceased Bridgeport j j (Conn.) ! school teacher, who accumulated a fortune of $100,000.' left Uhe bulk 01 it xor phianthropie purpose : ., -j Bull's Baby Syrup Ficilittrt.s Te&in3?'tr'c''t'S"; Tnr?n HoMO eX - JTV V jLaja. t. . I.ar Vww aaA aawa Piataaapar. Ipottad- ' laaaeli paekaga. rorailyaUaalta. TryRt r-ann n For the cure ox and for the reliex 01 jr.- j 1 r i GjnsTunptivepson,; f , 1 1 Atdiggists.v25ct3.VJ ti UUviil. l..MM IJM6C9 CUBeaiC'6A fTT3 for Co Z2S torr. f Ct. M as 1 . fag per serially J;" 'jl-'- 3 mmm .-.1 i si -1 X i . '- -5M- ;f;; lHvIl f'i- I 'M

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