;1 V bMMMJnBhllU? a I 1 1 - , S2 TCSLS CC22X m mi. m u.i. rm The world iGoglit to C. rtt for mem the core bich wu bo bad as to I b by the physicians i . fcnt to be treated. Oae know what 8. 8. S. Has of a malignant Cancer, be coosioered Incnfa tn Cnicaeo. where; I of my neighbors attnta; i e a oopr of an adver-1 tift's boecific and I tisement ia regara to began tailing it. I (Jot doses: the nolsoa was t licr from the first few I : dually forced oat of I myeystem. and I wasi - earea souna ana i wen. it is now ten months since I aait tax- a ins . b. o. ana x.nsfvo fcsd nd sign of return of the dreadful disease. 1 i - f Mas. Axx BothwxuJ An Sable1, Mich-, Dec 9, 86V j Send for books on Blood Diseases and Cancers, mailed free. Tm Swift Bnemo Co. in Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga. Tx Tour Owu I ye too, Hame. f s Th y will dye verylb:. tTlicy idldeverfr Vbere. Price!, a ;-9m;.-. J ly w noMusi Vii JStreng-ih, .Brig.it.tMM. Araom:l i f f tr Fustnfu of tJoi-.r.-Or awu-Jf-i"1 "ir do not eroclt ajimt;. W eofcrr. lV.;i J --If' -lv ,.V:f 'P I. FackatreS Qualiti.a, i tal by Jcfta 8. Peacod. Druggist rand A eeary Hi .yettvule Street, RoDL ghTpsov er Hill-. nm and &ilitury Street: a oewth;8 t .- ss fir the Liquor Habit, Positively Cared it ABMIRISTEURB It. MAIRES SOtlEI SPECIflt It can be sivsa In cup of coffee or .tea. or In AN Deles of food, without the knowledge: of the peV-j son taking it; it la absolutely harm less and willt effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether cue patient is a moderate drinker ran alcoholic wreck, it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE! plete cure in every Instance. 48 page boekj , Aaqreu m eonnaenee, I , I t ; SPECIFIC CO, 1 85 Race St, Cincinnati, 0. fcsT1" f4k 8 if it A r Ui 1 1 & General and WERVOUS DfcBIIirjt. a'1 W T TTTI T1 WruksMi of Bdv and Kffecta- V ( of ErororxrimO:dor Young." Bra IMlh tn4 I SliM, TmU Urn, n4 'wrWl tMhf. lMna w i !! Ihi m Bask, Adi cxstmtM. uApiwAaaM a an, am mibicai sa ssiaui, a n and WatlakcT AaV i I lta cured art home wicb: . ontoain. Bock of par U 9 Uonlars sent FBE. I, tiffloo 6H Wattotiail f o. fanwuiiniitam.ui DISCOVERY. i OaJr Oenatno System stf Mssauij Training f oavr JloKs jjosuraioal la mmm renins;., i ) . . Mind wudertnaj earedU ' ' Jfrrwry cbild autd sulalt kroaulr aeeed Oraat indnoSawnU to Ouneapondanos Classes. : !;' pRMpeetas, with epfnkms of Dr. Wss. A. II um Tnoad, tna wonMaraM ppeciauaa m aaina jjuiuawa. iiaaiel Jreealef Thaman, the STaaJParahot- orist. J.B1. UuCKIrT. w.uuMiwrmHw itdwwota, A. ) A Kicaard Practa rioaa. Jadre Glboau Jadaa P. .leajaaaia,! S37 Vtftk Avow, lb t. jrra a. iioarxm IT ; tbO I Mi-txri-Ibe It and BtrAaabr'M rani Ctas!H C(L llFB,SUiw Q?eaar,W. 1 Otoetnnatf. fl, Si.l-I l y lrup tav ivCHINte lo.a . a ll&'ANHI IM a : t 4l Irilnkehne aoomi ma sinnir ., sa 1H X ft ro DT. I-I aas. 1 1 Achlas: atco and Baick, Hip, KIIT aa Uteri De Pains. Kbeumatle, fciatie, Bharp aafl WeakeninK Pains reUeved Lin onoi mlnuto Cntieura Anti-Fain Flasteii -The first and only Instantaneous paln-Wling: attengtbening plaster. eta. ; s for $U At drag m lata, or of Fottu Dauo ajtd Cemical Co., BOSTON. --! i - . n It I Pimple, blackhea ds,-ehapped and Dl CC r vl ollynkiP wired by Cnricnra jvp. TLI-tf QMnioa h. .yv su Sri r - 1 5 1 m ' U3JLVAA ONniOa HM SiJYW : BALSAM "A,ePZ f-iiClat and beautifies the katE, l il, i'r jinoirt t luxuriant prowlo. B. a.Xr' . a . a Restoro Qrsy CSVef..W Hr to its Voathfal Cater. Ptvvmt. IHut imff an't bmir (aUlaS; Vj ... T -A' Mi I,' s. 1 una : -- )ih.Ti?e nrooorttoa naT. Mention dU'ta-.p.- i I'L-.-ij- . A Bcientlfleand Standard Popular HadicaJ Treatiaa on the Errors of Youth, Prenjalore poeliM.KerTous . vv a till - ybbJalAa aa ssak KlAAif 4 fSA Physical jjeouny, miwu w w fieMlunctrom Folly. Vice. If-j8.." Overtaxation, Bnerratlns; and unfitting tba vlia for Work, Bnaineaa, the Married or Bocial Relation. . i j i i Lr. Pommb this anai 200 nafea. royal 8w. BeaoUfol all gut. mwi onj celTfKi the COLD AND JWSliau Zl from N atlotia 1 Nlsd ioal A"',.1.0' forth PRIZK E88AV on NERVOUS a)nd PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr.Ikerandaeorps of Aaaistant Phyaiclans may ba conanltad, confl. j tdentiallT, by mall or in person, at the oaol ; THE PEABODT HEDICAIi IN8TITIJTB, ; No. Bolfinch SL, Beaton. Jtfaae to whom all i arira for booka or letters for advice skottld b , directed as above. HINDERCORHSr-i Tha only mm Cnre tor Oorna. (Mope .11 ViamueS ianitortuUefeet.l&e.aIrarirMa. H loo X Co.. W.X. BTTCONSUrlPTI Hare too Ooneh, ltrtmrhid. AMhma. fnUMti t kaa en red Cr aai lib arbanc lOMacfXT wnuo. Takeiaamaw Wcaad usfc I'AltLOl'S COOK BOOK. l r . 5 i i af-aAa. FnA AAA .tfoalAa fCwkV 1AAlrsl llSLVA Veen. sold. Mailed on receipt of 30 eta. by .any boojt- seller, lor . or . . ' ' i I ESTES tt LAUBI AT Boston, Mas, I S500 Jlewar1 ! t. WewlH nay the above reyraxd for any eaao bf ir eomolaJnt. dyspepsia alek beadactie, llnd- nMtion. eonstipatioD or eostlveneas wo cannot ; enr with West's VeKetaie ljTer Fills, when th- ' rliWly eirotablo, and never faQ to give sadsf ae I ia.u larre boxes containing sngsr eoatet him Me. For saw cy an amemirw. wwwe : 'Vr,it. .nd imitations. Tbo geunlno wanft- IXrtnVed only otVOHJ C. JVB8T ' O-, Rry .mr Co. Druvgiats. 13 FayatmiUe Stf . Metgh.MO. ' ! ' !r : -j xn ADVERTISERS A list of l.ooo newspapers divided Into HTATs:: a.NI bKCTlONS wSl bo sent apUcarioa ; ' Totoosa who want tooir advfitoeWpay. w eaa offer bo better nedioza f or tliorwnh and ettoc tire wort than the various "Jettons of our 8KLo T riwnMr AdwrtimiK Keraaq; 5 - oniw 0:0 0 r aw . j - fc ... j-.-i 11 r. .' . RH0V7 THYSEIFjQ---, binding, emboased, full gilt, mes, omy i.v vj ; mall, poet-paid, coneealaj in plain wrapper. Illns-i UAsl JiS !tX3Nrlf OBSEItVEB. UplY, MARCH 29, 18S9. j S Vk'ilol a'liora Bloasamo. i : - , if ii-TOtn t&e boston Transcript- )ef() jvritbiit thetanjjlod wild wood, v-iere tn tuDefai.thriue8 sing, ad the draaminsr Dine trees whuoer ia uiix Bitfp a i bub oi opriDg Wiiere th laughiog brook goes leaping Dowh the mountain's mosey stair, ! tor tne wild white thorn ia flinKing! icof wees iregrance every wnere. ach And runted are its branches. But lit bloom ia white aa enow : Lnd the roaming beea have found it, I la their wanderings to and fro, Lnd they gather from its sweetness E Heavy freights the livelong day. Lnd go-sailing homeward, singing j Their thackBgivmgs all the way. 1 wtkaaaWf AA fall tllaA Klakstra-kVV& Like sweet enowflakes throus the air. nd'thd summer marchea onward :' I ' With Its fraxrance rich and rare : - put the grateful bee remembers, !. f I AS be winds hia mellow hftrn. pThat the springtime was made sweeter Jjy th; Wosepms of the thorn, j , : IQBTH CAKOLINA NEWS "I as BT 1 THS STATS i. i PBE8S. ; i r Winaton Daily': i There was met- cr ttBterdaT in this eitv 01 stocE- ipld$ra; of the Boanoke and Oonstrpc ion Oppipany to diecass and. perfect inatigeiinehts to pdeh the work J of edDBtr notion i! from Walnut Covelio artiilfe, Va. Much interest was frj&nifegted anli it was resolved tlat Jtje yrirk should be pushed aa rapidly id fiibroiisly as possible, and from all w.ijloan learn from the sentlenlen pr)-8eiii, we hve every reason to I be- YPeg -A 1 11118 o e uoain win M cbmbUted' at an ' early day 11 . . jjberlrje jen tpousacd and ive lndKMl dollars bP out to Mfcjo mpbjjleif toaccoBOld in ipur relejWldneEday. A' vast sum 1 thi moneyl rob into, the various eliaclliof trade, ielpiDg to inorfi&se biisirtesa and inf ase life in I every iin- 48try5Nor wAsHtt by Any means a :i J or toD&cco. vve bad pee WrefioVS6 alohe tbkt sold biz thou 4M.Mdjfir hundred dollars wbbh cf toj&icoI in lone day last week, tnd haire tliree WsrehouseB here i with deJpjreUy evenly divided. 1.1' sKeille!;Cili2'?ns Petitions asking f 4crS!for the uarbose of nrcicfr the epantebmmfesionersto call a local option (election, to be held on the second j Monday inijnne next, were circulated in the city yesterday.!.. Manager M. E. Burke, of the jwo posed iLehevil e telephane exchange, goes to'i-B:ack Mountain today toSn spect ;tbe teJejhone poles farslsned hfji coatrsct f r the erection of the wirts fni this ei y. Mr. Burke also tells usf teat! (he en ire outfi-. for the eer- Tioe -wtd; shipped from New York vtetczdAV morriiDtr. and that immedi ately upon its arrival in th city the cone tfU6( ion of the line will if be cQ!men'ced:j and rusbd'' throGgb ta if aa ,' early completion . . . Sen- later Geo. - F. Jdmunds, wife i and jdscghler, Of BorliniTton, Vermojnt, arrived iit the city on. the 7i30 even- ling, train ' Tuesday, ; and halve takn iajHirLnaents at the Swannanoa. Tbe iBenator - is traveling " through jt the jSoutli tQt the benefit of his health, and wtU jremain in Asheville "seTt)rai days. A tJitizen repressntative 'en deavored to obtain an interview with Mr. Edmunds at his hotel last even- uiki . bat i that eentleman was too mneh fattaTued from travel to talk'for publioaiion, and retired to his rooms i.tk. i-..ir. TJi.a ji l; this" eetaor Senator i'rom Yermpnt, and hiB term in the Senate expires in ;i93.t I -niT!--;:l-"-.-..-r;-,,: f I Oreeensboro North, Siatea Mr. tsorge i omun, oi summerheld, has Deep, appointed postraaster at that pliee to .upercda iBrittiin..ifTbe Pearson! meeting mil commence in Oreensbpro on Uundayi May 12. and continu seventeen or eighteen 0ay . k ; Greensboro has t been very ranch i&tirrednp by thv report that Ms j. Rollins; 1 of - Asheville, has ; beenl ap- .potfitea u. o. Marshall to eucpeed UcO. Settle.? audi that other offices wqyld icon be filled. . . .Bey. Dr. Starr, :of -Danville, j will preach the sermon before the grsdaatin&r class of ' Geeceboro Female College at the ap- prpacning: commencement j, . . .miss fima Utarry, a graduate of Greens a era) m aa a T. I rtra-A r)tnt'A s lU-tHPCrn. nhn riaa manw frsepdaj fn this . city, I was married ' in (ireen?uiA, marcn 14'n, to vr. no Brown; of weenville.. -..Two hand- Bime coaches for. the Boanoke Schitherb ! Bail road !iaesed thrbn&rh herp Tuesday for Walnut Gove, j This lime is now in operation 16 miles from Wklnttt M Cove towards Winston. BaUroadS i are eetting thick. 1 The more the merrier. - r. J J'j rfco'Olae-jr mt Uxe UajaolM Olxli ! 3l.hr. Herald. ;': ' ' . V i Dnlv a few nichts ffo Bertha Er- riigton bas helping to make life; mer rier or the world. Yesterday the poor little ballet girl was taken to her grave; folio -red by a single obach. Dt allj tbe enthusiasts-who strewed ha stage with , fiowere while! this child of Bohemia added 'her grace anci oeauty to tne scene there was noivone jto throw a blossom on her arrayed ' How vtkt is the glory of Ihe dat- ciag girl I f A few mad whirls, a few roars 6 applause, a few perfumed billet s "doux and then! a deserted death 6ene.b ' a ' l ;, The i Delightful Liaaid Laiativ JSrrup of Figs is a most agreeable and TAJhabie family reiaedy, as it is easily taken by old and young, and is prompt and ettecttve In curing Habitual Con- a. vuuuimuu w jgemtly strengthens the organs on which itsBCts and awakens them to a healthy acttyity.i i . A TBiO'-AtfYaittaa; PplnMg at (ttaa Masa. 1 11. You are in ' the centre of the city apposite the large dry 1 goods house of ;Tcker Alk. Where yon can see; all the sighta ! of . italeigh, as everybody goes itbjsreJStf:, ; . ! . . , ;i ?ti Near : the Capitol, Supreme Court Boomt Library and Axricoltural f Build- :ing, I : h , . pi. two squares per any cnureb ! you want to' attend. Street cars bass the mot r vwry jrw minutes. "f a x . i j v xan wm nave a oomrortabie room. pelite attendance, aomethinn; good eat and feel as IT at home at Uoeeley , to ! Ex-rrebident Cleveland has been entertained at dicier by the Gotct - A3 A CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. Wait a Brakemma Says of Traveling v Klavmtad BoekL I dont know of f better cure for an obstinate tease or dyspepsia than da ly travel On the j elevated," said a he irty looking brakeman on a Brook lyn elevated train ! which was I just pulling out of East: New York. S r,At any rate it has helped my case, and this hai caused me to take an interest In the health of others who are daily sengers on tne roao. - xou isee ybung lady I sitting! In one of orchestra chairs of this cart we is employed in a law office in York. - Mir attention was first to her about six months airo .Id a1.:- -a 3 he looked so thin and pale and always ec ned exhausted after her climb up the stairs'; to- the platform. I. some-. times had jto help her on. especiajly if she was a trifle tardy. She seemod to ati reciate tny kindness and always 1 af U srward has had & pleasant wor 1 for mo. About a month from the clay I firs , saw her she began to look ' much iin roved. S She told me that she had cot suited a physician about her hoalth anc he had advised tier to ride on the ele- rated withrregularity and that she - i beginning to find his advice tene j field. But this One case is not solely wh. it I base my belief on as to the ; rood results of elevated traVeL . There are twenty or thirty men and women J whom I come in contact with erery day on my train, who have conic ssea to rie that they ride regularly to the : end of the; road for the physical tene- : fits they derive from the trip. I have had men tell toe that a ride over the elevated road bn a warm day in sum mer did them as much good as half a day I spent at the seaside or in the coun? try. Theyi are so high up that they get plenty Of pure airthrough the tJpen- winuowa. i Borne people - chancre off and take the surface road once or t1 vice a:wk for, variety. f j . ;j h j "Dp passengers show I many evi- . dences of fear in traveling on the ele- vatear - i jf r i; j ; I "Afraid of accidents? Oh, yes I Wo j . la .aa i : men sometimes look frightened When making sharp curves at high speed First ! they I look around the car. then out of the window and sometimes al most I leave their seats. I have seen women bury their face in their hands. apparently i waiting for the worst. But case i of this sort grow rarer each day. and it is Only strangers from out ox town who show outward siens of fear: I have talked with a cbod many Deonle ori my train and the number of people wuoiure auperBuuous ana nave an in ward 1 nervous fear of some horrible accident rather astonishes me. It ia ndt those who make occasional trips that think of dancer, but the thoukrht of! ridinsr back and forth every day makes them nervous. Some men think that by taking a surface car two or three? times aweek they reduce the danger. For my part I think I would preier to run my chances : on J an elevated train I in W an accident than r in I. all surface car unlder the elevated. But this nervous f gradually wears away even with valid passengers, r They dislike Idea of allowing their fears to get better or them, and. more than do they dislike the surface roads. ter ndinjr on the elevated, tae distaninA on n iirfnrn rn.r RAATnairr vaxids: wiiir climb no the lone at lust for the ride on' the elevated. seems i to put new life into people. i There ; are less causes to p: man's patience on the 'U than on cm str'aA MAo1a T'rVeta ay4rvv-kaii ana mvn OtAAjtMVU AtVWsAAUa. !4.UW 0V SJSjS W At V asVaSaBAV a usually there is plenty of room, ana an elevated car is a very good place to meditate, to read or for sight seeing. The Kurfacft car ia not without its ad- vantages, but ii seems alow, close and crf-iifFvii In V.tt h.KltnAl T.. 4nMt, Unange fori thebrjdgel" Uro Eagle.: ' Vr f Ci-.r- i I i .'; Serrod Bar XUgiit. - f One morning, on a crowded car. a fashionably; dressed vbunir lady took - r .- -.. , r i . i a seat on tne grip. At the next cross ing a young man with! a lunch basket i a hole in his hat took the vacant beside her. She seemed to I be greatly displeased at what she consid ered his presumption,' and distorted her pretty face into such a frown as would have subdued any young wal low of ordinary bravery. He, how ever, was not .to be withered byj a glance. He evidently recognized his right to the only vacant seat and meant i o stay!: As 'the car gavo a lurch she dropped in front of Thex a large silver pinn from her hair 'which. ner unwelcome companion ppiiteiy pioked Up .and ihanded to hen The ! spoiled beauty was toot ill-natured jto 1 recognize any act or kindness on lus part and disdainfully turned her he-td away, i With the greatest composu: "e, he! pitched ! it lover the dasii board. which so enraged her that she left the car at the next atop, to the amusement of two or three passengers who had been witnesses to the I episoueu-Mjhl- i i. i- i i - . cagu vvuruitu j LJgbtninaT .and If a: There is a ladynow living in Cleve land, upon whom an electric shock has left the most remarkable traces, f Sor jo fourteen vears Airo. durinor a thundi r- storm, j she was so shocked , as to be paruy uarauyzeu lur gome uays, aou since then, whenever there is a stonu, thOuerh She Sutlers no uaia and retains speech j and consciouspesj, she loses ail muscular nower. and onlv remiha it when the Weather grows calm. . She confined to the upper currents and one that stirs al) the aerial deeps. In a mountainous, breezy -region, she says, the electric influence is not so strong j as I in oie where the land ia level and, the air measurably call a. The only preventive she bus is ; to jrp indoors and shut herself iu a: room darkened and flitf with eras, t Evitu .there, if the. storm lasts a few hours. sne is overcome py it, tnougti uie ran or absence of rain makes but little dif ference in her condition. - Kew ' York Telegram. ( Mi' Hiss Isabel llapjroodJ the translator of j Tblstors writings,! acquired hor knowledge of Ruaaian. from a low Testament and a dictionary. n ' , Waaaea Pralsa B, B. B. : . The uffertog oC women :i oartalnly awakens tbo i sympathy-1 of every true pnilanthrophlst. x neir Dest inena, nowever, hs.d. a. t inownio KloodBalm.) Send to Blood Balm Co..; Atlanta. Ga.j tor proofs. j , JTUTS'Vt'U r. fVinii IL LJ fassldy, Kennesaw, oa writes: 'Three Mra.RM.Woa,wrJteaIh. have I never uao anjuuna to eqoat u o. a Mrs. Oi H. Oar. Boeky Moont. N. C. writes Not a day for 16 years was I free from bead she. IB. B. B. entirely relieved me. , I feel like aAOtherperaoa. j . -,.,1: James W. Laacastr.HawklaivlUe.Oai.wrltes: "My wife was: la bad ; health for eight years. inve apciora ana mny patent meaicines naa done her no good. Blx bottles of B.B.B. eared nor." yi . m --v.-l .. p HM B. Tonuiason, A Tomllnson, Atlanta, Oa., says: "For years I'sunerea witn rneamatum, caused by kidney trouble and Indigestion. I also was feeble and nervous, it. . a. relieved me at once, although several other medicines had failed." Kev.TJ. M. Richardson, Clark s ton, Ark-writes: ' Mr wife soffered twelve years with rheuma tism and female complaint. . a ladv member of my enurennaa oaeneuraa oy tt. is. Bne per suaded my wife to try it, who now says there Is notbtnkuke a. B. B., aa it quickly gave her re CrvLxmom 6TAaoa.---.For fine laundry work! this i Starch, has .no . equal, rev quires no oooxing. Mne pound pack' 2es Iten cents. Also a line of first- rate Iiftandry 8oaps -Ivory, EiddaU'e, 1 Colette's, Active, Is i &c 'I that the LL she New attracted because WSSXAXJ FAaafKMS. rill the; eoming yonog woman be a farmer ? I Satt6red all Of er thel bread nrai. ries of the Northwest pre h .mirodB of self recant, true ble oung he roihea, living in small, isolated cabins called sbsks, proving p claims, en tering I homesteads ; nd j making mosey. j - v ; I It is! Ibneoonie, drear j business, thi iiyingjaoae on si wild, unsettled prrie, without alf&ce or hnman form to walcomb one br eher one's soli tude, but j there Btin to be a good many 6u!ng women who have the g-ij t: "hng o this solitary life long nijugh o prey? up a claim at least. Four yo.' ng ladies ioi Dakota last revf put their heada together and hit !ipu .s-h.-jinetiias j pn, whereby tbef codMj e-ch, ecure & claim and ietjaii llvd cf Hif i Ubiy together fts vah-f&' d cjL bo .on her .6wt n Ii.;!ed,o? ruilJiu focr shacks with c r room eafh, they constructed ne) hfck wf h fjonrf r- ms, but! ic VCtj'.t plirir -'i bt'farh rom rf the 'q iWe bni'ding ra8!'on .a ditTereht qual-ler Ifr.j ion.- ICacii hr owr Sf-djin hfr I own roc m an in tl at waj ai. ihgiti slept upon hf i acs ViQ Vud Siciny 8- .7 :ia ite of th6 cty will won eri not eu ui : c rj t o v; bese y o un $ e fijong without Hocisi privileges, 'ar fsw&jg jleyp yr;u, Hck mucii of a o ho wit liov da;ed live sc um t f doqtors. . Why, they never ttbought pi Declare are I not half so Louserjoid necessity as city people are In the habit of thinking. 1 Fr all the ordinary illf of life, the old aahionjad roots and erbs reme dies arep nore efieetite and much -afer in results, than modern doctors' pills and potions. jThese latter are eo radii ial in their effects tha, while they may better! meet Ihel modern desire for 3'iick (results, they frequently perr. anehtly injure the ystem, :na turefrebeliikig against. th unnatural metnods employed, j I I Itis alwiys safest to foQow natural methods in! treating disease. The bid limef roots and her ps remedies, which oar good old log-cabin grandmothers knew ao well howi toj prepare, were the best! medicine's the irorld ever knew, because they were nature's remedies.! j rn world needf them.- i In War&6t'a Ia ! Cabin .Remedies, and especially stuch as yVamer'slLog Oabin 8arsipariila and Warner's pog Cabin Oouh and Consumption Bemedy,the rw r? -r J r r to recureme neaitny meaictn our rpggedi arced t0rs hsedfyi es whieh with such spleifdid results- GUARANTEED TO OUTWEAR AilY CUSTOM-MADE CQRSET I AlXYtF, STROUSE A WO. 1 aUBa A.aWrnw Torkaty 1 - THO USATJiDS J.PFH MES. .j . -'(-! Have beenl jmadeibeautift use ef i by the On walln 'Amd ceilirisrs. It is no longer an experiment i but has beeri used in C Vl.lMltr: Avv veava and ia tin dnilbt V the fnoet beautiful wall flnih msde. f We have it in IS beautiful tints and i in white, Behdfor H Cntlemetio lappteciate bur ! efforts to give value lot then fuoney ana are Duyiog i Our celSbratea snoa areeemg 4 I x ,. j 'for .. 1 ' i ' -i IliAlllBSlSHOEg, 1 Only; 8 cents tier bottle. Not better gOvcs tn tne nsran. : aa o bmuvu finer than most kinds that . j sell for IS cents, j TUOSH BRIMS & SONS. ElAElGH, isr. c.. Offer ll all times 4 complete ptock of rooerie&v Provisions and Staple and t I n i . i. - 1 S3 irktnoFamlly Snpplw of eiery dei tin siriptibiuj bf the Beit Quality and at. the Lowest Prieea. r I aUl dt ipronipUy delireted .and gnaranUedIaa to quality , and price. I I ! I" ' : . I-.- I' '. ' ample1card.; " q I J i :?." . I 1 I:. - - 8 ' , I t In small Id ns.1 Can be applied by j anrne.. ' - -i I- "TT" : :- - i ' ""' 7 JACeCOrS F.rCfl; BLCKiSf ClAa-r f W?A b V-t rati I - ,i .a S i v , . -i I i, j . .. . ;) ;- I i ' . KSaeteisor. U E. J.Oariiii.) 4 I ii , j; I, I " 1 1 ' : . a Hoijmia' 3uildm rayettevttre St , ' i I : 1 ''!': t :: if -j. '1 . ; I 1 J t FOB SALE. ALUABLS VARM FOB BXNT. OB BALK. Within one and one-half miles of Carey (the VS. H. Burroughs tract), containing 360 acres, mostly cleared, with large enclosed pastures, Kood dwelling and nmerooa outhouses, barns, stables, ttt.i ? f. i good aan eaa get thai place- at 'aheap rates. , if i A good nuu-nonse is on the place and the '-. dam oouid easily be repaired. Also the house in Carey roughs now raekiea. In which W. H.; Hur- B. F.MOOBXj I Balelgh.K November aoth. ifm. VALUABLE . HOUSE AND LOT r OS i- ; "i SALE.: tl H r Under and by virtue of a decree filed In a cer tain Special Proceeding in the office of Clerc of Wake Superior Court entitled Andrew Byrne. Adm'r va. Klla Hester etals,to make assets, I a 111 sell for cash at pablic outcry to the highest bid der at the court bouse door In Raleigh, on Mon day, the first day of April, 1889, at 13 m., that valuable house and lot situated in the city of Raleigh on West Lenoir street beine part of lot No. ii in the plaa of the city of Raleigh, front ing IS feet on said street and rnnning back so I teet, . more particularly described in. adeed lu tsoosi vu, page iu, in tne omce Oi negtswr ot Deeds lor Wake coaatr. ; j H? ; ! aNDBEW 8YME.: . ! t ! uomm lewiouer, Ma; eh st. 1869. ; i - t-ALK or VAJLUABLK KBAL KSIaviiW j ; STTTJATED Of THB OOTJiniKS OF WAXB ' AND OBANOK. . I h : This la to give notice that under and by virtue, at mi-order of Wake Superior Court obtained in a special proceeding entitled Spier Wnltaker, Administrator of W. F. Askcw against W. F. bkow and others, I will offer for sa.e to' the highest bidder at. public auction at the court house door In tbo city of Raleigh oa baturday,the icTth day Of April, tbtia. at ia o'clock ro., the fol lowing real estate, situated In the county of ; Wake. M J in Oue tract of land at the Groat Fall of Neuse river and on both i sides thereof, including; the Falls of the river and containing Dy estimation 113 acres. i ; - Oue tract of land lying on the north side of Neuse river coutalnlng about St .acres formerly ovnw by Bills UarretL .:' ' One tract of land adjoining the aforesaid Falls tract containing about .nfty-oue; acres and one tract of Und .of which Thomas Uarrett, died seized adjoining the aforesaid Falls tract and containing by estintatioa 206 acres more or less, the above : named tracts are subject, to tne dowel of Mrs- Harriett J. Askew which has been regularly allotted to ber and which is au undi viaeo seventy-eight hundred and thirty-tliren, twenty-seven thousand live hundredtas uiUrejt during the term ot ber natural life, . j Una tract adjoining the lauds of 1 athan ; Bol ton, -B. L. AUeu and J. ii- Crenshaw ooutauiink to l-s acres more or less, and kuuirn as: toe kVargan tract. i ; t ; i One tract conUtining about: one ai d one-hall acres, adjoining the Laud of R. L. Allen; tuti Fails oi Mouse Manufacturing Company and ll, F. Fort. : i ; One tract adjoining the lands of B. L Allen, the Vails of Me use Manufacturing Company' and 1. F. Kort, as the Uin lot, and oue tract of land sitoated In the town of chapel II ill in the county of Orange, ou the corner of College avenue and Plttsboro streets containing three acres more or leaS.' f - : V . ! The said tracts of land being -subject to the dower ot Mrs. Harriet J. Askew Which has been regularly allotted to her and which is an estate for her natural life. ; ; j A lot ot laud situated In the city ot Raleigh being lot 38 and part of lot SO aa shown by Shaf fer's map ot said city and accurately described as following : Beginning at the south west cornier ot Cabarrus and Salisbury streets, running thence south alonx Salisbury street 890 feet, thence west 210 feet, thence east along Cabarrus street 210 feet to tne beginning. Uuoh the tracts of 1 k the tracts of land first above mentioned Is situated an excellent paper null, mill-house, lira! 'll lirr. J 1 wuvtmww Teams of sale are: ouwiouses and tenant-nouses, j One-third Of tne purcnase money casta : one-tnirdln six months and one- third In nine months. The purchaser- to ivt bond for the deferred instalments of purcnase money .and the title of said land to be reiameu until the full payment of the purchase money. All persons who may wish to buy are requested to call at my omce and obtain full Inf onnaaon & to the value of the said property including; the water power, mill-house, machinery Ac . Adm-r W. F. Askew, dee'di 4th vanuary. 1S83. -n LEE, JOHNSON it ' : 1 1 - . i 1 & CO., h Opposite Postoffloe. 1 1 ! IV, 1 1 at the We offer everything in pur line ! I most Reasonable Bates. SPECIALTIES i ABB FINE -i- IMP O R TED AND i DOMESTIC GIOAfis 1. ! I ' i : i j it . f -I- S - I f: And everything dispensed 1 from the ? I : ' M i t I -f SODA COUHTER '1! i ! i. J -.11 We have the moat elegant Apparatus In tha city. : . - : ; PAY US A ! VISlfi LEE, JOHNSON &CQ.I . fit . '- "V' Ii- ' I i First Corner Above Yalrboro Houses fit '; i : :- Hllrj.;- OPPOSITE TJ. S. POSTOFFICB BAXXIOH, N. C LOOK HERE EVERYBODI w-tr" i- :n i ! : :A: Rusinesa men who have extensive cor respondence and a large volume of I: office work will find it decided- ! i i ly to ! their interest to ! I i I make use of a : : .. 1 ' n.. :-, : .. 1 rl r .;,;- . f 'I i( -i, :' . it " :. ' :'t 1 As a labor and time sivua machink . ; jit I will pay, for itself a dozen S ! j J'- tiniesover in ayear. 1' i 1 l When 1 once you decide: to purchase a Tpe Writer you will nave no other out THE HAr.iTaiorjo cealaJ If yod are at all familiar with its supe rior advantages xer speea, oirengia, Chistngestble Type Perfect A.iisrniueiiL, xsestaty ana unnv biiitjr. 1 ' It Excels all Others. .4 III . . - 'I'' I I Cannot Chi fOut of liantnentt i Jt U Not JJabU to aet Out oj vraer ( u j It Cannot Collide with Itsdfl It has onen-end carriage, which admits of paper of any width or length, and has changeable type. ! 1 ? ? ! &EvryackvM WARRANTED PER TECX. ..' ' 1 1 Prioe oemplete, wttn two sets or type. $100. 1 Send for descriptiya pamphlet at once.! 1 1: IIENBY W. MILLEB. Agent, J Raleigh. N.C, OUR "-J-i ia.! iiai:irOB-i , i MERCHANT TATLOB, -1- ! - l i- , NO. 8 WEST MARTIN STREET (Opposite Postofflce.) Invites his friends and customers to -inspect his line, of 1 ' lA-l CDS. The best goods at she lowest prices. Made op; in Best styles. UlU I If tsh youw to ! ; ' ! - - .1 ''all adil Inspoct my stock before par CllflBIUH. I. Wi net rob Gaytonf Red! Ash Coal SEHlfAHRACITE, T rea Burning, Fasily Ignited. Does not Grumble to Dust. Does not smoke or Fill up Flues with Soot. Requires ' . . bat Little Draught. Givea im-. mediate and Intense Heat. . - . A Smaller Quantity Be-;. U quired- to imake' s --jiil ' ' r Fire than of I ! i OiUer Antraoite. Holds Fire' all Night V Lien Banked with Ashes, j I SiriTAliLE FOR STOVES' OB G BATES. Afcd coeti One Dollar per Ton lees than any other Anthracite. l or sale by ! JONES & POWELli. Miners' Agents. RAVE TAKEN THE STATE AGENCT IFOB i ! 5 ' - : " ! ' Gaytou Red Ash Coal For the miners and can ship piomptly to any depot by the Car load at low rates- any j size. Nut Stove. Egg, or Brctcn.' JoneN afelPoweil, '" " ' FT" I H - ;-' -' W NORTH CAROLINA I ! Home Insurance Qo.. OF. BALEIGH, N. C I Organixad in 18C8. I Has been insuring property In North Carolina for eighteen yers. With agents In nearly every town in the State acces sible to nilroads and east of the moun tains. ! -,':-'", -T1!'- j V solicits the patronage of property owners in the State, offering them safe indem nity for losses at rates as low as those of any company working in North Carolina. CLASSES OF PROPERTY IASURED i Dwellings In town-land country; met eantila risks, . churches, schools, oourV houses, society lodges private barns and stables, farm produce and live stock cot ton gins; r - l' V Insure in the North Carolina Home I Tjisurance Company. W. S. PRtMEoss. f ! Cbabv! Root, President. . See'y and Trees. W. G. UrxwoaoH, j F. OowraB, i Vice-President. I : Adiuater. OfSoe in Briggs Bufldini?, No. 22 Fayetteville street. 36 i . ' - .Telephone No. WIRE BAILING AND OB NAMENTAL WIRE DDFUR CO., So. 118, ft 115; North Howard street, Bal timore manufacturers of wire railing for cemeteries, balconies, &c, sieves fenders, wires, wood and coal aoreeBS woven cage iron bedsteads, settees, etc. HEALTH IS iWEALTH. n. ! a n WaaTa Vnri awn BsATaT TasAl inn?3i a guaranteed specific tor Hysteria, Wul- DOSS, ( VOnVUlBMma, rivai f,ww fiT Headache, nervous rrostraaon wuw y nseol alcohol or tobaceo, Wakefulness, Mental Depression. 6oftenlng of the Brain resulting la lit sanity and leading lo misery, decay and death. Premature uia Age, Barrenness, imi r-. in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermator- rfcoea eanaed by over-exsroon ot tne Dram, sew IT MnJiuiiiiimiuM.i Kacta box eontalns onemonth's treatment. Sl-00 a box, or six boxes tor SAAO, sent oy mau nyau w awny v. y.ip. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES i -a -l;: I. I 1 i-J To cure any case. With each order received n . tnr .ii riosna. aeoomoanled With AS. 00. we Wtl send the nnrcnaser our written guarantea) 10 rw fni th mraut U the treatment does not eneei a -sure, uuarantees issuea omy py lamee ma- ttlaimon 61 CO., wrugguns. oia avKeata, isa aj" ett vUla SL. RalatflO. N.tl 1 . i 1 AtBlQH GASTON BAtLROAD. - .1 o take effect 12 noon, Sunday, Feb. i, 1388, , TSAUV8 stOVUfO.SfUJ.Tai. - sal s I ss Saat rt aai rasa. fsas. sad IsIL liauy ex. nun. vauj . duo. iave Ra'elirn. Tlipm lastpm Mill ttrooK, Wake, v Frankilnton, Klttrell, 1 Henderson, Warren rialns, Maoon. . 8 8S Ot . as -100s . 11 is 11 as uu 111 IM Sl sss sot sis Arrive Weldea. laoam ssspsr TBAnrs xovnje aormx. idl I 88 raw. kailau. Mrt aai rats. Dailyex. nun. Daily ex. Bun. lav weldoa. 11 a a as UN 13 48 p 89 124 JOO 'S IS ' 988 SOS . S IS lAoasj maoon, . Warren FTalns, neudersoa, Kittreu, r Frankllnton, Wke,' - 87 IU 8 04 SS 404 asiu tvooa, t 181 Arrive Raleiirh, - 1- - oam XAUtS SETJRO RAILROAD. Te.l, Leaves Loitlu- at la.vo p m. and .1--. Ao. P.. I rlTM fit rni.l nun vi t.uft n. "- 1 Trjtrwaxojf A WELbOV JL B. ajtd BxAJraass. s TRACTS OOUId BOTJTB No Dated Jan, No a! Dallv I o' dally ex twinday 10 44 p SS 11 M , Ft Mail . fin. imi.i . Lve Weldoa. Ar Rorry alt. An Tarboro, LveTarboro, DaUy ft3p is o pin 1 01 i s as i is so a as ArrWUaosW saspm I t sop at 12Slaa Lvs a ss iu o5 Arr Selma Arr Fayetteville, LvoOoldaboro,: Lto Waruw. 8 1ft 410 4 fail 1 so am 8K : I iA : ; Most!1 dally ; Sunday OOP st S4S i M sss ; Lve Magnolia, i Arr Wilmington 60S tbaths ooiho horthJ NOW Dallv ' NbfS Daily Lve Wilmington, L3 Warsaw J ArOoldsboro, UMpn Warn 1 UIB X is 10 85 IS BO Ufitf Train for all points odWsWBB and points In Bastern Carolina; also, for Petersburg, Rich mood and Eastern eitiiea. leaves Raleigh daily except Sunday at 10 a m. arrives at Beiioa 10 U a m; Wilson VU W A K branch la is slat, there connecting wttn W A W tor all poiuU North. This train carries through coach between Ral eigb and -Wilson. 1 Returuing leayes WUaon saS p m,oeuna 40, arrivelngatltalelnga 4 40 9 to. Arr Tarboro, i 8 89 I juvs Tarboro, 111 w , stops axt rveiaonv 4 90 8 to p SB n.n snn.1.. BAiitax for Scotland Neck at a au p m. Returning leaves Scotland Nee at xo a m, daily except ouuday. : I- 1 - , -.' N,.. ' - , , Traut leaves Tarboro via Albemarl Balelgh B R Daily except eunday, iw p m., Sunday it p m atrive Willlamstou, N C , 8 10 p m, 4t p in. iswkurulug leaves WIU lain -ton, dall except Sunday 1 19 a m, Sunday 9 au a m, airiva Xarbora 8lam,uwam - 1 . 1 i- 1 Irain on diuton Branch leaves Warsaw 1 for Clin ton, 'dally except BunUay, at 4 p m and 11 M a in. Returuing leaves CUntoa at s a m and S id p m, eonnocuns at Warsaw, with Noa. la, Ctt, j and 78. . r- r i-- j i s . t. : Trains make dose connection tor ail points North via Riohmoal and Washington.- All trains run solid beteen Wilmington and Washlugtoa. and have 1 oilman fAtace- sieepers attached, ii 1 r . i 1 i I: hi , I . ' j . !-Sv Jno. F. DrvniB, -."-j-I ' ! i : :-: j l.Uenl fcmp'f. ' J' K. jSBHLT, Sup's. Trana. : DICILMOND A DAN VaLLE b! B. it 1 L-lr-C ..M: I -I it OONDKNSKP BCHEDULK, ! In etteet January tn,l8s, auuztt svoban 1 1 O.i0.f(NCal. 310 pm lauan 10 36 p tt ttiUM Lve Richmond Ar Or c us bo ro LveOoldsboro. AT. RalelgjB i Lve Raieignj LveDurtaaut Ar ixreeualxiro 11 M a m ji npm 4 4 p m 1 6 &0 p m tslopm uu wta !i6am j ill am 1 TaOam Mpu -r- Lvebalem ititpm 480am Lve Ureenaboro Ar bauibury Ar 8taLsvule . ATASnoVlUe . : 1 AT Hot OpIXUgS ! 10 s p m uziam l a av a 11 is a 11 A mi I4am liiapj 4 44 PI ?isa (4 10 put LveBali&bury Ar (.iliariovto uasami : 1 so a m Uai IS 40 pi Ot) Dl Lve cnarioae A.r Augusta j . T i.ittm 10 av a at JfOKTHBOUaalii DaUy. i No. SI. SO.A1 iVO AUjgUSta : vx CLaiiotto ; Saopnt Wvpmi Ssuai S id p 1 0 00 p mi i 4 Co am lain' 1 10 a 1 topi rut pi A.r whariuuej ItkO Hut 'C'k'lti-VV 1 Lve Asuuvule ! Lva ntauule I s6pm - SaSpm 890 am uFiop - 1 aa a tip 43 p Ar bauaoury s v 1 Lveiiauabury -. i7lla Lam 7pi 8 40O1 urnouaooro Salem i i l 1140 am tiastam - Lve Greensboro -otsam ' 1201 pni 1 1 08 p m S W pat l-t . . i 1 : 1S4S 1100 1X10 no 4 l til Npn Swam vain 48aa uurnaiai 1 ' Ralelicn ax iroidaboro. . Lve Fayetteville. Arrneima; 1 Arr Wilson, 1 Lve Wilson, j -ArrRoca-yMt, Islam uupn 1 1 IT . I4sam 111 ! i, Lve Ureeasboco sot am, s eopm Man Ar Biea n4 b so r m No. as Bonth bound, leaves Ssona aLs p m Arrives at Raiaign 4)40 p m. 1 1 1 No. 64 .orUoound leaves BaleUt ( W-jM a m 1 arrives at&elma lM am ! : Dally. tDaiiy except Dunuay. - ! Train for Raleigh Via CUrksvdle leave Rich mond daily, s io p m; Keysi ule, 6 pm; arrives CUrfcsvuia, 1 Si a-m; Oxford, a so p m ; Bender son, 80 9 m j arrives Durham 10 so p m j Ralelgn, llAspm. iii 1 1 . ... Returning leaves Balelgh daily jt a n f Durham, Sam; Henderson, in tm: Oxford, 10 a mt ClarkavUle, ll 00 a m; BeysvUle, is Ai p m; ar rives Richmond 8 80 p m. ! 1 ' VV. A. 1X1 iUt, Dir. Pass. Agent, Baleigh. It. a . JA Tatlob, O Pi A Washington; DC i -- 1 APEFEAB ct YADKIN VALLEY B.B. it - f CONPSN8JCD B0H8PTJLK - s ' i i . i ni ., Take effect i8.45 a. to., Wednesday 20th, 183. ? ! TKAXHS KOVXNa XCSTH. ' I I Mo. I i Fsasenger and t FreiRht and aettsvlnW I Aaoo ta sa oil at! on. Leave Benn liOtta' 30 8 40 8 29 881 4 00 ai Arrive Maxtoa, SS4 8 IS IBS P 0 o a 88 Ijeave Ataxton, . 1 Arrive Fayette vina, Leave rayeaevuu Arrive at Banford. 8 90 10 so a m f 120pm U 10 ssopm I.eave saniorti Arrive ureens i aaapsa rsspm Laara f reansboroi a do,. - s so a nt S 80 n jn. 11 u) n. Arrive ML Airy I No.i-4raakfastat Fayetteville, dinner atOroen noro. 1 r i TBADI! MOVTSa SOUTH. . $ - -I h N08 I Freight and oconxKlatloa iMvsMtAlry J Arrive Greenaoord, , ; T4 Leave ereeasboro, v 00 a m Arrive Banford I 180pm Leave Banford. . , lAftpm Tba p m T so a at 1 bo p nt 2 30 D BA SM T 05 a a 118 iiupm Sao o m Arrive Fayettevnis ; . 4 00 lAaveravettevuiat 1 10: - Hi l,.i"V M IS Arrive Raxton, f ' , f 19 Lmti Mtxtoa. 1 1 1 axo Arrive Bennettsvulei. T4A No. s breakfast Greensboro, dinner at Sao- loro. ' FA0TOBT BBANCH FREIGHT AND i TBAIK8 MOVUtQ NORTH. Leave Mfllboro. I M . ' 8 00 am Arrive Greensboro, 8 80 am Leave Greensboro, : 10 10 a to . Arrive MJllboro, I upm TRAiaa MOATNa SOOTH. Leave Madlsou. 1 I- -. itapm Arrive Uroeuabord, 4 16pm Leave Grs&naboro. j 4Bpm Arriva tiilUiuru. i - . SSU Wm Fassenaar and mail trains run dally exeepht Sunday.: ; -t J ' aroeioju ana pit wwniwi uaui nun una BenneUsvule Tuesday a, lbursdays land bat- urdays: from Fayettevuio to ureenaboro on Mon- aAys, Wednesdays ano r nuays ; trom ureeasDoro toBt. Airy on Mondays, Wednesdays and FrW days ; from ML Airy to Greensboro oa Tuesdays. ACCOM .1 : 1 . 1 , Xnursuaya aoa Daumarsi iwa unmuuiro aa 1 Fayetteville oa Tuesdays. Thursdays and Batur days. and from Fayette vule to beuneusvlUe oa stonuays, weuneauaja auu jciiuaia, 1 . Factory branch train runs daily exoept Boa? TV. Xi. JLALiiS Qeneral Paaa. Agent. ', J. W. FBY.' General Supt. 1" 1..-" :.U- ALBtGH AUGUSTA AIR LLHB B. B. effect U noon.: Sunday; Februarys, !, WW IUVI Ufl. si IV 1. 41 rassepger Freight1 at mau, . 8Wpm Fasaeager Leave Raieian, - Spn ... 1 cam ' 4 ' ' Merry Oaka, ' Moacure, Banford, 4 !&mAmn- s an T4T 81 oa si '411 I 4 a j . 4 AS i a 1 Meru rines, a 11 r 1 Aa 1 8 41 ! IS to I048BS tp Tift p sal j l -1 ArrlTO Gibson S00UU CJOOrO VOKTH, nuk aa 1 Fassenger at Mad. una. NO. 64. Freight Faaaeuger Leave Gibson, t Leave. Ohio 1 1 Arrive Hamlet, iaa 8 00 too am lAava 1 " a 810 in Booth ern Finea, 14 11 S 8ft 484 8T 4 84 ' 41 0t S4utsi f 1 r Dameroa, 1 Banlord, Monenre, 14 ST 11S1 l 11 17 1188 1314 r. Merry Arrivs a. I. Jt a ftW LMirti. I - 18 80 n 1 , ft A H. IH KA I I.Kf IA IL jefttM CaBeroa at bb p m, aad arzlrcv . l alt...i. .t . V. t ' Leaves Carae m .H Hf''pd arrives at it" ar -I m m 1 m n m ra