T 1 1 " News Akd ;Observei; FRIDAY, MARCH 29 ImcUI WMthtr Hapart ta Wfaa lW : k - for Stare 8, ISSe. f- H i : .Mitlmnm : temperature during the 4 hour eading 8 p. im. yesterday 75; minimum, 43; no rain. i Tor North Carolina Fair -J' light rain! ; followed in the interior by fair weather colder; northwesterly winds, j jjj l" f V MsW AdvartlsaoaentS. ! tf-. 1 1 -1 ! , W, H. & R. 8. Tucker Cor-pc11 'of Styles. i.- . :; M. U -J 't a;. a. ThnmmAA-Notice of Electiont Penn Mutual Life Insurant Complin Statement- t i - ' I S i I T J. M. Braughton & G .Cottage Sale. - i ! '. i' .-- KOfEl ABODrTOWJI. ; J ' J The time of school commencements approacheth. y The Alliance warehouse it IB no i' running under f u 1 headway. The time for the city election prqaches. May 6-h is the dayr The Governor Merrifct, of Boxb ha? appointed J km. a notary nubliS The Gorernorl has appointed J.no A- Hillery a commistoner ofjdeedi New York,; TT. S. SellarBJ deouty Bherriff! Gaston county, brought fou convicts to the penitentiary yesterday .The match crams of foot ballijbi tween Trinity and Wake Forest comes: off this afternoon at 3:30 at Athletic ground. n! ". '.. Jr I II , Th iAlArihrtna leemi to be beeOEh ing a popular institution among key era! of the towns oi tne state, avdib yUle falls into line. Capitol Square is bamg cleare aad .improved' wi:h the openin of the Bpring weather. Some jonftg trees are being Set out. ; ' ,1 .. All the ?o is the piar puzzle. e ttIa . in to roll: a natnbeti of marbles around a spiral box infd pen in the center. It is a great mirlh We learn that Mr. formerly ! of this ei T. Hi- Ooliijas, y, but ';noW jjpt tr.cViintrtnn: n a j will In a w weeks establish a newspaper; and fob effiea in the .flourishing town of Ox ford, NO. The old , Jenkins 11 property at! the earner of Harcrett and Blount streets has been sold . to colored peopljfor the purpose of building a;,BjHia church. Yesterday J workmen bf gM to tear .down the old buildifcg prewar .lrr to fiommenflioff work on I the .church.r;4 f,i- , . i:;!f! -The darKeya,it appear a, are exer-: eised about what they call the Mws acrafnat niokinc black berriei and BO-! ing in swimmiag enaoted by theleg j isture. Ttsy may possess .inejr.t-fws in patience so far id. these rid fllpus anam-crowrf are concerned as noikch laws : were nade, eo far , ias We hf a receiTeila hsndsome of irmtation from the Scotland fcc.kj TeBaperanoe AssooiaUoa annouueahgj the . second , annirersary I exercvses wbiuh occur Friday April 19Jiat 4. o'clock. The folio wing - Isf the cramme of exeroiset: Debate, our Republic reached the I zenith its fflorjT" Amrmaure: jtrrana bhieida, W. a Allen. NegtirW A. Dunn, W. O- McpowellJ At! pact 8 o'clock, annual oration, E W. balf E xlillxard. n r Vrtlk CirtllH'l Bamatora. - - - The North Carolina Senator ti caired appointments onthe followirg eoormitteetf of the Senate, j Fifty jfiM Congrees: Senator - Ransom ;rPM commerce and to inyestigate the 'cohj dition of the Potomac rirr front of Washiugtbn. Senator j "Vanoe-TW audit and control the contingent ex penaea of the Senate, on finance! and on cririleffes and elections.. Senator Rwom is chairman of the committee on crirate land claims and Senator Tanoe of the committee on woman suffrage, as heretofore announced. Senator Vance is at bis home a "Gombroon." ; I The AsheyiUe Qititsn j says Thoa. N. Vance and, wife left Mri !e dar f.go for North Yakiuaa, Waahingf ti.t , Wnere Mr. Vance has a gorernj xuent appointment, j . ; j Jill Air. u. li- irerry, ox uameron, is i thecity. . ' I! Gen. Young, of , Charlotte, u i p ported still critically ilL i Mrs. Bishop lipman was repor 1.4 r.;V4 kiMllv ill. i -hi? , LIr. li. I. Frempert, who has bea spending sereral days in thecitjf left h st night for Atlanta on a prefessabhj- a! tour. I A L Btata taMay Bsfcaal OMmUi J 1 The North Carolina : Bute Suadiy School Gonrention will "be heldi la Charlotte on April 2nd to 4' h inlu siTe. ' Mr. Chaa. W. TUlett of Chiij lotte is'chairman of the commit te&oa entertaining delegates, and all those: who expect to attend the conTentlba should send their names tohimrjThe' delegates on arriral will report at the '' Y. M. C- A. building. Among those ' .who are booked for addresses jar::' '- Key. Rolomon Pool. Col. E. J ParTikbLI Wm. Reynolds, Bar. Jas. Y Fir,i Rer. J. B. Shearer O D., Rey J; G , Rer , jla t;y. W.)0. Rey. J.If; tBPI lit 'card ' StoweU, H. N. Snow, R Norman, H. B. Bedpard, Crowell, P. D., Wm. Reynolds, Ray T.H. Pritchard, D. D.,-Mr. N-1B Broughton. I ' Pawl, luxati. ' tlor. Jfowie accenta the honorary msinbership of the Permanent DUiddM cratic ' Club, in the following letter .1. . 1 X . A I ' I written in repiy to one irons we lift ident of the club: I I 1 I'j XICDTITB DcPABTKhJiT S Rale-firb.March!27Jl : Ee4s Sib: Yours informibg me 'M tb.9 J'-iTrfoa DmDcratwi Clubj !of RAlfjgb ;h38 been rece'yei, andjljac OPDt. with e crreat deal of.il Aieaaire .and wi'l ba gratified to j eolopeaW with thf club tn the enforwrnen ;o those great fundim- ntal prinBipe.:: trorernment' which underlie' our sis tem, and which in my opinion depend upon the triumph of the detnooraitd party for their full and complete (de TeloDineht. - ! i J ,U I Hi iif : Trnsting that the moTement ttfog crate am our State may become gen ersl, . I ani respectfully yobreij,-) Vlzz, G. rowtti1 s i match IKE. IF; 1 6 4 i I TUX !rOsT AJTD TBIHin TO MBIT AT rOOT BILL TOD A.T -i It la am t'A -d t.. announced kh there will be a match .game of foot b :i at .Athletic Ground; Here today D?twn ne Wake JFbrest end Trinity College Tnbnj ::Mr Dow J. of the Wake Iftst-tflam, telegraph us that the If ' ' gam Will certainly come off hnd that Fuu res steady iMarcK 10 04; April 10.04 . a splenldid game is on tbe tiqckft ! May lO.llj Jut e 10.19; July 10.26; A4 ltAi,hiiarmt vt ill AUaeb- to this krust 10.331 - : I ! li -, ;-.t filniMi- AfAiA I ?W V-7 J". under the training of a professional and it is believed that the gams to day will be ah. intensely interesting and exciting one; Mr. Brelter save he grounds are mlfirta condition aad Verjthihg ia favorable forj, au inter -atingfgame. There willf ba ample fcraet J oar aoaomm niilioni to the rounc l & Dlatfna-Ukd Arrival. j j i Tbe?;New Berne Jcumal has the ollowincr ; Before ' the eeaaon ! for r inter resort patrons to begin tu think of returuing home, we-haTei a pioneer 01 taejsummer tounst in. our miast. A-partT axrived on Sturd;ay night, or is; BUosed to have arriyed then, as hislbresenoe was . first j discorered that eyeniccr, who will make his sum cuer BoJourn here, and expects to be 6ined ty a large number ' during the iwar&aer daja of July and Abgust, He lhas laree family oonneo ions in New !!erse Delaware, Maryland and all I through j the Souti?, wh en j y a 1 aeouisu reouuiuun iur iuoh muoivw attainments. In fact our informant etatea that it was the practicing of a few notes, by the gentleman j who krrired on Saturday night; of an old famiriai air that .attracted attention knd ikaye unmistakable yidenoe of his Bomewnas eariy arrival, xae nas jtaken;rpoms oa lower Broad : street, and ifi treated with proper courtesy by the cit)zans of our pace will no poupt remain aiij summer rdu yiraw a laru? 3 concourse With bira.! . He has a modeety about harinsr his name ap4 pear in jthe newBpaiers, jand. there! fore ls.rery reuoent whri; lnterTiew ed,!putjan enterprisudj reporter gathered; some light on jby this print of bis bi.l p!ainl Amos Keeter. be Bubjact whieh aa .1 "Ta Tw K.stam Girls. if The Richmond Dy?pittih cf yester dav contained the folio iipg special telesrram from Maxtoa, j. u. : iUon siderabla excitement was created here thii afternoon on the; arriral : of the passenger train j from jV llmmgton. There was on board a ye?y rboghand tyraunioal-iooking countryman,-' who gatei hie name as, Jim Henry KeziaE, and 'j said he lived in Chesterfield ??nt' 9 S 21 mlH8 ff :m ,raw.;j ox? a. an naa m uia cnarge ops two yQucg daughters, .whom: be said Irani aw at from home last MerchI' He iBtaritd put in search of them last ipecember without money or other imeabe, and was onstquently ! coin telld to travel a!mofcti entirely o)n ifo4tHe cla-ms io have jvisited Cbar SotleTtJ Salisbury Greensboro, Ddr IhArnJ Rkleieh. G jldboro and Wil- ;mihgtbn, where he yesterday found ;tne two gins in a nouse oi ui repute. IThej had only been in rV Imiogton a jbhhr titne and jwent from Rale:gb Ithere-i; Kt ah compel isd his daugh- xs to coma wirn mm ioubj, ana was 7 way home when be passed ere ;t At every station the ; girls rjoJ'd make an effort to tret away. nd eeVdral times asked th condac- or la belo lhem to ttpaoe. savin their! father wa bo cruel to them that f hey had rather die and be in torment jthan go home. The girls said their mother and four younger children iiad been compelled to la ive home in the i Jght in order to escape death at jtha bands of iheir father. Their tale was pit'fn! in the extremr, aad hir aond screams were frightening. When the rain stopped here accPthey got bff to change ears the youngest gtrl rep on the reai' end of a coach and It was necessary to put her off by foroe. f The other one j imped off and attempted to ruin; when her father paughl her, and while the train was tnoving off aha made frantic efforts to plan'5 beneath the wheels and' be orushedV The rash act was prevented by the father, who held her I tightly with both handa Craaidet able ehaa ing was eoesi lary to natch the younger one, an 1 it was neoeesary to lift both on the irain and kaep guard at' the door. Citizsns bought tickets for the i party to BennetUville, but bdtbj girls said they would kill them selves before thiy got home. ! ; I I It" : ' ' ai ' ; Klprlaat Maiia Billitla j laihir , j Mxt,.tw...4 a lia r : i J f ' ii (NO xpskixajrT StatcoVi t i! j March 29, 1889 !'' (Bulletin No. (21 will be issued to- .day.i I It contains in addition to the fertilizer, anal js s published in No. 62 jother analyses Completed since jthatj time. The list as printed in 62 iembraceB with but few r-xcetions alt bf the brands licensed f jr sale in the State.ji : r j ! tWrite for the Experiment! Station iBulljetin No. 62 jj; this aud the eubse- iqueht publications are .sect Up upon kpp&oation: , I . H. 13. Battb, Director. 4- O px of maoy, pne. 0,th may plas- ters that are on the miarkt, the best one !iB' 0 LO O CABI5 PLaSTEiS I f ' ! ? ! I j , g j 8 Racket Store is now op?)n, and io cash :buyers we are ready to sell far cheaper than they have ! ever bought Dry Goods, Clothing, Ht and Shoes, notions and stationery. grand . opening i of Millinery Goods will take pla?e one day next .Week,; when we will display a full line lot Jpe , latest designs in Miunery. !1 French' Hata bf all the new nil terns. f: Mrei -Riddle and Miss Boyd. -of th a P city',; will conduct the! MilfiSry De- artment ox tne n g Xaackec ire. - r- f f " ' aaass-syaBBMSapai . Oraa4 ta(mi. ever in toe history of oar bvsi nave we bad an oprr.Drr with sacoess. The univera decision is thkt the display urpr'B any of thejkind ever made in th tyl Home goods arrived too late to bo, display ed, These will be addd f-oay and the display continued. AU the schools spedalfyuiTited today and tomorrow. Two liariM". sak-4 irectors in' between tne xnnity aaa :n- uwer twq jtertml. It is stated that the Waka Foresters hive recently been liV fTELEGRAPH. NOON! REPORT. Nejw York. March 23. Money i quiet, ttedy and easy at Si per cent.; Ex. chanlice -lona: a 8fila.S6; short 4-831a 4-8a.M Governments neglected. '. State; bond dolt and flrm. i Cotton stead jr; j sales 488 bates: mid dling i uplands (10 8 lft; Orleans 10 7-1. i Flbiir'dall and weak Wheat aotie and Sowen Corn dull and steady. Pork fired fet 13.00m 14. 00. -i Lard quiet and kteadr ' at . 1 1(7;40. Spirits turpentine i " t- m a ; J - t . . a. quiet: ana easy: at f. uorid eieaay 21.151.171. rretehtisieadr UaXTIHORK, S March 23. Flour weak andf nominal; rloward Street and West era I super S3 878.50;!! extra 88.60a4.60, family $4.75a5.25, city mills, Rio brands extifa S5.a5a5 50. : Wheat Southern dull audi easy Fultx ?al 05; i Long berry 97a1.08; No. 2 Southern $1.00; Western. stesiiy at a decline;; No. S winter red spot and March 88 laS3f. Corn tsouth- ern active and ttrtner; wmte 43a4S ysr ow 4141i: western steady.! LiVKd.fOJU March 88 1 m. i)otwt:, Steady and in fair demank American middling upland 5 11-10; vOrleaoi sale lO.OOOi bales; speculation and ex port! 1.000 bales; receipts Hl,UUU baiost American 27,800 bales. Futures steady; March 5 43 64;Marcn and April 5 43 64. April and May 5 42 64: May and June 6 4-di; June ahd July 5 42 61; July ana Augusts 44-64: August arid September 5 4( 64; September and October 5 2J-64. 1 p. m. Oonort Amerioan mid iling 5 li-16; sales today inclu1i 8,000 bale? American; March 5 43-64, BeUer; March and April 5 43-64. sellers; April and May 5 44-64, sellers; May and June 6 44-64. jul and sellers; June jand July o 44 04, sllera and Auarnst 5 44-64, buyers; Auirust September 5 42-64, sellers; Septem and October 6 2 84, 1 sellers, Sep ben tei per 5 43 64. sellers. Futures firm. MARKETt NIGHT ; fw Y.oaa. March 2?. Kxchaae dull firm at 4-86Ja4 8&i. oub at I 2 n4 per cent, closing la; 8 p.T eent. Hab-treaur gold $152,60.000; ourrenoj aoas- 153.000. . Governments dull aad fir 4 per cent oouon lSi; 44 per 108. State bonda dull but steady: ma, elasti A. 8-5; 105 ; Alabama li,' 5 111; Oeorgia 7s mortga'K: Norths Carolina Cons. 125 rth Carolina 4 'a 24 South Caro- I Ul Brown s, 105; Tennessee settle Be 71; Yirgtnia Qa 48 bid; Vir j oonsols 85 ; Northwestern ltiia i Northwestern preferred 186; Dela- A Lackawanna 1871; Erie 27t ; Eat eaaee V Lake Hnore 100 . & Naahvtlie 61t; Memphis A leston 59; Mobile Ohio 9. yille AChattandioga 62; N ew Orleans lsfs 871; New York OentraJ 106 rfolk A i Western preferred i 491; rtheru Pacific S5-. Nirthern Pacilif f erred 69 - Ptt HaVl 85t; Beading l aiohm'w? Alleghany 15; Rich V West ' Point 125; Bock Island 91; St Finite?: St ? Paut preferred 100; Texa PiAifio 181; Tenoeassee Coal and I Iror 89ti Union Pa3ifio61. New Jersey Ceo tril 95;' MJseouri Pacific 661. Westers Ohlon 84: Cotton Oil Certificates 55 Nw XORKi March 23. Cotton s eady; bSlre; middling uplands 10 8-16, Orleans sales today ?o3 bales; latt evening Id 7-16 ; 'exports to Great Britain 8,740 ba les; to France bales; to the con tinent 5,831 baNi: stock 676,210 bales. - Oottoo Ne -eceipta 1,841 bales; gro re jeipts : 8,531 baJea. Futures closed flim; sales 63,8110 bales; March 10 09a 1C 10, AprU ID 08al0.09, May 10. 15a 10 16 Ji ttel0 2iaia28: July 10.9a10.0. Au gi ist 10.85alp 88: September 9 94a9.5. Ostoberi 9.74aW 75; November 9 64a9 66. D cember 9 5a9 67; January 9 74a9.77. iiuurf-oouwern e hiwtt: wmmon to fair extra 49 003.40; good to choice MEOattCa Wheat spvs dull and to lower; options closed weak ani ialo ldwer; No. 9 red March BVt; AprU 88; May 89. Corn spot firmer and fairly ac&ve; No. 242a42t in elevator; opttioncr; moiderafeiy active and tare higher 'and flfai; March) 42 1; April 42ia4it; May 41. Oacs spot dull bat steady: options mi&derately active; March 81; April 80J May 8v)aS0f; No 2 spot 81a31; mixed western 80a80K Hops steady and quiet Coffee March aad April $16 70al6 75 Maj;6.75al6.80; June 16 85al6.W, spot Bio quiet; fair cargoes 181. Sugar raw les active and strong: fair reflaing 5a 5 11-10; centrifugals VG test 6; refined quiet and fi'in- Molasses foreign firm. 50 test SStaSQ, New Orleans cuiet; open kettle gnod to fancy 28a42. ! Bioe quiet and steady domeetio 4a6; Japan 4!a5t. Petroleum more active and firm refined here $7. Cotton seed oil stronger; crude 4ft al8i yellow 50. Rosin quiet and steady; strained common to good $ 1.15a 1.1,9 J. epults turpentine ) qutet i and easy at' 49.t Elides steady! aad quiet; wet-sallied New Orleans selected 45. Wool quet and easy.' Pork steady; old mess $18.00: new mes $12 75al4.00 Beef quiet. 1 Out meats quiet; pickled btolliea 7: pickled shoulders 6)i; pickled hams flfalO. Middles quiet; short clear m art 1 A1 w-w.m a...i t . 1 easy and dull : western steam $7.40; city 86.95; options, March $7 41, closing at 97,40; April 7.W bid. May $7 40a7.44. freights easier; cotton 8-16d.; grain 2iL ' ChioaOO, lli., March S3. Ua-in quo tations ware as folio wa; ! ' ' 4, Flour steady and firm.! Wh No I spring 99)4a99l: No. S. ! red 994a99K Corn No. a i 841. Oats No. 9, 25. Meat pork SIZ.0M12.65. . Lard $7.05a7.07. Short rib aides, loose, $6.80a6 85. dry- sited shoulders, boxed. $5.50a5.75: short clear sides, boxed, t6.6aaa6 75. Whiskv 11.08. 1,. . ! LeadlngTotures ranged as ty l Openiog,hlgnest. oloainff. j i . Wheat Np. 9, May $1.01al.02ial Oil; June 95!a95ia96i; Ju'y e8.a39ia8S.Cori. NO. 8, April. 34i; May 85fa-a85l; Jane 85a85ia85. Oats No. 9 May. 6ia24ta 25: June 25iaaa25. Pork mess May $12 90al8.92al2.65: June $19 80al2.82ia 12.70. Lard May $7.15a7.15a7.l0, July $7.22a7.22lk7.15. Short. ribs-Uav $.40a6.4Oa6.S5: June$6.45a aS.4C. I March 23 Ootton audduna:. Galveston steady,! lOli 158 bales; Norfolk steady, 10, 62$ bales; Baltimore quiet. 10 8 16, J bales; Boston quiet. lOi, 797 bales: Wilmington fluietr 9J, 27 bales; Phila delphia quiet, 101, 75 bales; Savan nah firm, 9, 887 bales; New Orleans firm, 9 15 164 2,417 bales; Mobile firm, 9 18-164 975 bales; Memphis firm, 9 15-16, 423 bales; Augusta quiet and steady, 10 1-16 231 bales; Charleston firm,; 10, 285 bales. .-I . -; t ! i .. ka aasy iaia ra,t '"' CAbUOTKB OAJLT. lUtaxas, March 88 7 P Uood mlddiiag, ) 10 91 vt V t Middling, l i Htrict low middling. f 5 Low middling. i . f i r ' .Market strong. .Mi WUJUBUTOf BAVAX. BTOBJCS MAJBKZT t (Cloaintr Quotations. 1 i j . Ip j Wiiinaro.Nj starch 28 iriw, turptiutine nominal. 47 trained rosin firm, ' tod strai&wvl rvint 85 9J 50 50 75 7a "ar firm. -J'i. i. i-H $1 1 2 t i'urpentine jerudJ Ybllow dip1, J . firm, hard I ;;attai Kmuaraala saw Varli INrW YORK. March 28. The Hun1 tIw pr today's cotton marktt says: Ftitures opened firmer on a better re port fivm Liverpool, but it was a dull, dragging market till after the last jcaii, when deslinr- became more active and r prices Showed some degree vt buoyancy. cue apparenwy to a oeiier spot market and tho reduced interior movement. It seems j probable that the Upward! ten dencyoC values will .not be more than temporarily checked until, the demand Jafreduoed, and this may not come ei cep through the "Jhort time'! ia Xanca shlre. E The coCltJseacy . is jiot to be rHtlly rccril. X .It- ! 1 SHOP LTMilt'a ASPOlSTMCaTS. March f Thdrsaay ttaUfAX. I 1 Si 8U0(1T ihum I : .. WedowdayO-Kalleidi i tilttif r-rSHiaul Neck, I . ' -Moidy PalwTr. i I ! Tiwdy &U Mary's EdjrecSrot Oo. 1 eaneday-a. m. 8t buket. "arboro Sttiya&T00', f-TUursday-kidgeway, ,A& l-r-ri4ay-Mldd ZnurJl . '1 1 f-Atr llay-wmiamsboml I y Cliail Hitii f I ss t ti Hu.Ji. 1 May tuiidai-Urtstcbarch. KalHgh j ! i m. tit. Anu-tin'. Kareleh. n fhurnh t U UooaSliepberd . i P- m. Ht TfoUry'k Klefith " jv-Wettbeiaay, lieu:;rt'u Diceln "Cab ll-TUdsday. Tnntkburgt i 6 ! " - S.iiurd&y. Pit buru-f-CoDseratUn SS-taqdayPfrtiaorti. j" 4 so & 3l4-Waloit Cove and Gnftintih Jwi'i subdiy, vWuMoq-. j i i unij uorntnuition at aU inuraitijr wrjic . . liftctl(iiiljr UiocAsan Ml It iHeok El: Hsious. s Clio! Ndice las hertpy give toiheSv .ters of the dity or I KaleUh. r KS tht, m pur- sUatife of authority conferred y ffection o 01 an act 01 ma uneral Aempiy 01 North Ur6liaa,5eQUt(cd VnJct to an- thorif! j thc t of lialight issue for nlubliCnmproremnts aad it iondf lev? a BDfCial tak ' ratitid the 7th d Msrcfi 1189 an j election will 3e held iri the cjty of Itlcih, N.q , ou tne 6fchr!ay (beit(,r thes llrtiMouda) of lltL 18:9; to obaini the consent anil approval of the qualified tfoterslof the city uC, Uileijh to the issuilig by khe' Board of i.tder-uen of thle ciH of Raleigh of! the bondd of the City to tuauioiiut l Twenty fie ihous d t)ollai fori the i-urpoe f jiving J d I other i ef improving a itch of the I an and i other i el improviuif a itch of public sMeet Of the city of 'ita'einh as the Boardjof Aldermen i may detdrmine to improve, as lei out in sectiSi 1 bf said act (If the Geoef-al Assembly, ind; to the levyi and 1 collection of the sidcial tar provf ted f jr io sub-dect'on Ijpf section 5 of laid iai't: arid, further, to tiie issuing bv the Board of Alderman of said citv.of the loads! the city to thU amount bf bevj nt4five Thousand ($75 OOO.J )ollars for the burpise- oC brovidiosc aisyftemiok sew4raee for the city, of Raleuh or 01 maktnir idther foUblid imorovements in thn ity bjf RlQKh or for e'tlier fr both of each purposes, as and when the Board of Alderman may determine, a4 pr-vvi dedln sedtion $ of said act of he Genera l Assmbtyi, and to the levy and collectfo 1 ' section 4 4t secfioa 5r of saidlistj f 01 tee fdwuu LajL pFoviueu lur ?u ouy Th following ia a copy of amotion l pf ll saidi act: - 1 f j- -s ' Section 1. ffhat for the1 fpurpose paving ana otoerwi e jimprovrjug su ths! public Btreetsj bf i the city of p leigh as the 1 J Board gof! Aide merj of j atid city may to improve. , he city of herby anthoFiz-rd and' eo fdetermine fttileighl is piwered so iwae its) b mds to an t not ex cee4mgftweni7 fiva Tho sattd, IDo'iars, or sucn denominations j and m sucn pro DOitions as the Board of Aldemen may aeeco aayisaoie, . oearing msera-ii uoui the id ate thereof at a rate nOf exceedinlg nvegperrant jm per annum, wiw mer- est lridns attached payabatf yearly at such times a and at bucu p'ace or p aces las jnayf be dee-ned advisabe by said f Board of A13f rmeri, said bonds to be of smell form and tenor an 1 tra9rerabie 1 a such way and the priocipal thereby pv abl or redeemable at such time or tim a notexceeding:tifty years frm the da e thereof! ini at sucn j placed or plaoxj as the I BOard .of Aldermen tnay deter Thelfollovrinz is a !opy of section 2 of said act: ft i ll . 5 'Bectidn 2 Tnat foi;" the; foapo3 Wf providing a system of sewerage . for h city of Baleigh. or -of making o her pub lic imprqvements in the citf of JKaleigh, or for cither or brthof such purposes. s auij Whenifthe Board of Aiderini tnaf- detprmiai, the City of Baleigh i hereby Isiuth6riz)d and empowered to iaue its bonds, from time tojtime, ro an amount I nt - exceeding jeVent-nve Thduaao -Doi'ars in jthe aggregate, of such denomiaations aad such pr -por tioas as (he said Board of A tier men may deem aavwan.e, Dearing lqterest iron thai date ith'srsof at a rate ndt exceed i five! (5) pr oehtuoi per anuum with ih- terest cduppn attacned, payaDini y earl 7 ad such place or p:aos &s may deemed dviiable by tsaidfrr-on is, said bondti to.b i of such form and tenor, arid tfaaefer4hie in such way and the pri cipal thereof payable or redeemable at such time or times, not' exceeding fifty years frdm the daie thereof"? and at such plafee or place! as the Board ef Aldermen mrh may determine, m i - The following: is a c py of section 5 o( Said act: ! 1 :! II ' I Section 5. that for the purpose of ffo vidinK: 1st. for the payment of the inter est accruing n, and th principal at ma turity, tae Doada issued unaer autaori- Ltydf sedtion I hereof Jthe hsard of f; Al dermen of said city shall anautllyand at the time of levying othfr city takex, levy and! lay It particular tax on all par sons and! subjects of tax-itfeu on which tnejsaia poaru ox ajaermetf nuwrare r,r may hereafter be euthons m to lay aod levy taxes jfor any i purposes whatso ever, said particular taxr to be f not less than i tbree bor 5 mote thau four cents on the one huadred dollars assevKKl (valuation oaj property and not le4 than nine nor mora fthan twslv eenl s on each f poll, and, 9f for he pay ment pi, tne . interest; aocrain on and th priricipal at maturity f the bonds issued under authority ofscion 2 of this aotj the said Bobrd f Aid rmea shall levy and lay a particular tax on all the! persons and subjijots of taxation on whch ild board now or may hereafter b itutboxixed to lay and levy taxen for any purples whatsoever, isaid p Articu lar lax- to b not less tha ten or more than twelve cents on jthe pne hundred dollar assessed valuation son property and not leas (than thirty nor more than tnirty-siic cents on each poll. line takes provided for in this section shall be collected in the manner ana at theftimei other city taxes are1 collected and shal) be accounted for and kept sep arate from ;ach other and Irom other city takes, ansl shall be applied exclu sively a thp purposes) foft wh eh they are respectively levied knd Ueoted- 80 mubh of, sayi taxes aa may not bs re quired to pay the interest fpn the bonds issued 'ai it falls due, and Cannot be ai pliyd in jthe burchaae or discharge of the boedsfir which said itaxei are re -pec-tivily f levied and collected, shall be in vented so as to secure ths payment at maturity-of the principal of tha said bonds f Jr which the faaidaxes are res petivelf levied and icollected; and to inshe the due investment o the amounts xuect:d, from year to yfar, iu exceis of hat required to pay the said interest, thai Board of Aldermen sshall appoint some suitable person tb betscj l-d iom missioner of the Elnklagl Furd of the Oity of Baltagh,'? whuke daty iv shall be under? eiiciij general rulrsl aid re nla tkihs aaid li ard t'. Aider.oen ajha I frdgin tiUie to time. prefer ihd, to make in vestments of aoma h Of tlxe taxes ccllec ted as aforesaid as shall b. applicable as afoeaid tuj thelpaymen:of Vhe princi pal of Said bpnds issued unjder se tiuo 1 or eecnion 9 hereof, or both and to do or perfoi m all! such other ervire9 in con-m-ctioh Kvitb Saul bonds a? said Board of Alderman may pr-orib,iand suqh oom5 miisionr shall give bo i and rrceive su4h oorripehsation for his services as said iroardof aldermen may determine. Pro-; vided however, that if the said bdnla auh'jrited by section1 1 hereby shall be issfiedl indlthe special orai tlcular tax, as provided lur in suiidivion J, of 'this sedition, shall be levied aa provfeld.Tthen by 5ao much shall the spepial tjax provi ded for In section 12, f ihapter 85,lpri-' vale aeti of !1885, be reduced and lessen ed land if the bonds iaufhor.sed by seo tioh9Dflthiact shall be issued and the rirticular tax provided feriu subsection of thia section shall be levied, then by so much shall the special tax1 authorised by ect-i 1 cf taid cb "ter t:f "rivate fDI4M JBrtaCarUaa. I acs pi isaa, e reduced, and lessened1- and both, j classes of bonds, aa nv.Z laed i by eection 2 of this k.i be iwtted and the tpecial taxes author thorised by subsection and 2 of "this section are levied, thei ehall the special tax: provided for bjr said section 12, of chap w 8 cf private acta of 18S5, be r e- u vw uu j-eaHi ry s the aggresate amount of the htm thority of this rection, it being the pur- w 1 " V "Q;8 etion, to prevent y.-r .un collection or special taxes for all purposes o a greater extent than on?-ir,ira ni. one per centum rn perty and one ?olUr cn each poll." ; i Those qualified voter appioving ihe iasue;.f the bonda provided I for in seo ttonH;l and 2. of said act, r and the levy provided for inetcti -n 5;of sa'd act shall deposit in a ballot box Jta be prenared uu w'li ou mi me DirttClllir Unw for purpoee. a f Hp co . taininir the nrint4a or written wor.i. " nDroved.'Vn.i thAia isafrprovlngl the mMi shall deposit a UKeinaiiot with the DTinted or written word, "Disapproved " j I J j. tt9 e ection will held at ilia f, .11 cor ing places: f i x j Le ward enkinsr rhbp,corner Blount aod and Hargatt stretai i j- ward Jenkins' fchon Catarrhs streft. near Blount street. i f 8d wardr-Eeseue Engine IIouBe" near Wae Court Uouse i T.I 1! X, " f : M m. L I T1 . iu ar ptore i wusi, corner Da- harrus and McUox-ell str i tts. .' 5th wa'd -Simpson 's"X)rug Ftore, Cor n$r ahsitbury and Ilillsb ro sir taJ ! , i order of i-r the Board of Afdermen. J if' A A. fMOMPSON, j " I , . I ..- li Mayor- C yV. LAMjBSTn, CityjQIerlc.'. S. H1 F'dR SAlilE AT A liiR5AN -ijx ll- Htm cotjt'ge on North East Rtreet. Very little money required Long time gain, , ,j on si! nw. I Apply quick f jr a biir sar- TXT ANTED A nous s wrra 7 or 8 rooms .Vf Is wanted for a a excellent tenant in the ceitral part of the c'ty. ) ' I i, I J i: . A' I . '. j If TOTJ Bi,VK HROP RTY TO BENT let US knw. We hse applications nowj for four nv re house thaniw can supply. ', ! J Mi BIC'JUGli TON & CO. I I i " . Real Estate-Agents Offl e f ront room 2d I fl or over Le, Johnson & Cso drug Store. i Oceans ot Stylfeis r ' it- NEW.DRESS FABRI -AT t'i U. & It S. Tucker iHVs A whole oocan Ires Fabrics could j , . 11 i fnOtglVeampreCOrrCJCt 1 . l ? .!'-' 4 ! ' 1 u a 01 Drevaiiiiit ; ;- . -hi -J tylesi upon j counters. IWejj have Aimed f. variety i ov bei FUflcafd in (jeltitg i i:.-If:;irla'mt1:rrof .ryca:k anOR ob j; p Oi-!.' rou ' d a'ii Hi everj where how bright pur display is ual f ta icom. hsaViuess.' 1 NewBordur s 114 i BANDS are nowhere - i shown ihjsuch vaVirtf y. , Xufire ia a touch . t oHdrtEal itj i?ipittl by the. run pf exclusive W 11. & R , V 0CE I 4 OENTd WaNIISD. 4 21. : t : f Male and Female to sell t'Electrosine Pencils," erases ink in two seconds', no abrasion of papor. j Best sellings arti cle on earth; Sample sent post paid on receipt of 55 cents. Address with stamp. I A. N. TALBEnVT,' j . I i General Agent. 1 I ... . v 1 Plum Brsnch, 8 jr!, : ILTSED . JOMKS, : I HEBBIBT K. IMQIUUS i i -i . f of Apex. I JONES & NORRiS, . i I : I - ; . Attorneys at Law," Office in court house over; clerk's office. I Practice in he counties of Wake,; liar net t, h tham and Moore, State and , Federal courts. 1 oans negotiated and prompt attention given to collection of claims. '! h ti - - . - 1 1 )' ;lUleih. N. C. j j j .. Business ! Chinee. H- , . .".! liJ A good, established, paying clothing business for sale. . For particulars app'y to I . ji s i r bAu LEHMAXf, ' st Durham Clothing HalL Virginia Paper Co.. lannfictarers i m d I Wulrgjls fapcr RICHMOlD, VA Hiahest Cash Prices naid for It AGs and all other grades of paper aiovK. - - i t-vrrespoudenco olfcited. ' ' - j j FOR RENT, Piedtaont Springs Hotel IN 8TOKE8 COUN.l Y 8- ' fbe new Hotel U Stokes county, which will be coiopieteu byway ft. wm Debased for a year or term of seis by tb comp;.r y. These sprkiBa are situated twelve muea iiom Walnut Cove, la htokes county, whirn. point is rclid by the rape Fear Vadkiu Valley Kartradii from (JreeDsbroaiMltlieKoanoki& Houthern KalJroad trm Winston. The hotel, which will he com plated by May 1st, will eaataui between 60 and so room , j r- i j ' - For paricutars aidres ! ' ! H i ; f . i V- C BUXTON. PreMldeat, I 1 i . Winston, w.q; QALE OF LAND. i . i f : ! Hn Welaely the st day ol-Mav, isfnwe Will sell at pu illc auction at : the Court Huiim) tu llalriKh. r tract of laud, situate on Middle creek, tulaiituer Hiauch TowumIiid. Wake count v. ad - joining the laii'is of Jotiu Vounir, J. J. Peuay and .tlierti aud aiit to cttutaln 16? acres. 3d atiraiof kite aUovetrart is aubjndt.to the dower rlKhtot the widow of J. 11 Adam. Hale made by virtue of mortgage wade by J. li. Adains as appears by I eieruco tu ion sawa reora in douk ), page tus, Reglster'a offl ie of Wake eouuty. Tliue of sale, 12 in. Terms vah. I h . . ft! ft IIOMHNG. f ' I H Attorneys of Mortgages. . .March 27, . j . -f ; . It r- HiLEiaff Undor r new'1 mtaareraent. ! LArge, airy, wlf-f 'dirnUhi jrooms, with meals at the Yarboro House, for 93 00 per i day. SlU.W per weew ; - ; i . . I ,jv.' BOOMS WITHOUT; MEALS j $75 cents per day, per weak.1 ' Commercial travel lets-and lawvers at tending court will hnLiheHDTauvFtOB knob a most ctftnf brtable, quiet and con venient place to stay .while In thecity. ,.TH03. U. ARRiNOTOJi, l . Jra 's than those : 11 - t our ' ..' n" J HOTEL FLORENCE. - . !1 NO.- I , - ! i -' - . S. I." v.,., - j i For Our Siring ; ": ' 'li- .:.'!"-;f : M: ; SI -,-1 In tuojiean lime wc at ex-imine 6lotliiijr for the greatest "' ii'-''H-'- Men, Boys J ; I' ? soownjin this city. Never Ih iye better tcooi Never hav;e greater IVKVJER llare - OF . I ; . M-!i' -:!;." -V' ' r ' 'to! . - 1 I 1 . S . -1--. i i,. .. I HI I .1 I I ! 1 f I 1 I I I I GLOTIIIIG 1 I i ! AJa :.i tfU ANDREWS .1 r i SfeJ Rwis3fc-arpT5!y2ailv-ffil mm wzBmmmy m now eeaaia ; s ' m u fi a " v t --5- -i-; i" a-- - m 1 fiiH ftsn -firriw "1 II i If? I I BtaaaX IIK.I 11 B-.ta U I I - W r La 13 I . N im HRpti,al.a j I Eetablisbed I84S RECEIVI W V T j .WHOLES ALE. STBIEI1D v- - i - r ... ,- v. Eevery thing BUIST'S PRIZE 8 nd iu your ' ROSS': " ALL celebrated; - L ( - 3 " . fiJiSILiOE XV i i if.:; 1 11 il la.-TOWfeft"- i'liw ' auLJr IUi;l side tm iwmMmm&m w & (JO I . a. . n . a . , rTV . COTTON GOOKSTp I oU?i llaniincrlm Giiifs CUTTERS. Rb iiiiiiiit LEAT1IER lhj .IIJS LEWIS Established 1865. 1 i- - :- .1 a. Raleigh. tT w ! 1 xoit. i. NORTH CAROLINA .1- ThesFiit Steps l T - F.i BY MRS a trtiia llttiA twtoar. eomnriaina! S73 Dim. fa wjritten of any State or country. I he intrrtieg Itcryj exceedineiv nieasans manner, sucn as wui of iu readers..; It is' specially prepared fir eiemeatary and intermediate classes in school, and the unanimous verdict of all teachers who have examined the book is that "it is lust the th Intel" It will uuicklv find its wav into thousands of schools ..i L.i. UMkiilli :- - Beautifully printed and handsomely OU-Ju o An nouiieemei) t mvil public, lo call tr t !.',' 1 r Spriitg av of T . . J -: and Child rcn ever s been sjo nJ varie tiei been! offered. necii T 1 THE I: NBAY, Mat FBITIBiL t4. j:oji.ei iiLih. An. the larkt Hvd most selec t thing ah d Fur- niohine: Gbbqs; Hats; Shoes. ,&cU ooihtto Ever brou RaWgh He is in cirect comminication . with tbe large mabufactorers n the United Btat , i and owir g to the fact that he bus and reils for CASH he guaiatite k to his many custom ers and the eereral nub io innucemnta thrt cannot. be offered e'aewhr- In RaUigh. This. is and fehall r THE CLQTH'fiB HOUSE 0 THE STATFa r t -CLOTBIKG 6 FIT F.VEBjT- I BQD3T I FKOM A f CHILD 6 YEARS OF AGE S O A MAN WJEIGL1NO SCO POUNDS I shall make it a stodv to ileae everv one as to rVX YLE, QUALITY and PRICK, and retpeciiuuy tn.lte-lne puDtlc t ekaudne vidi rRoiicn Ilia 1 . : . . i i ri r . 1 i i .1 ':?:,!" I LKiDElt IN LOW FltH.ES 1' Hew Ifork Cffice for.Broad.wav ian.i Bond 8tL G DAI ANI) Rf-TAlL 1 , ID)IBTP,ClDiri .' - - l I for the people. order today ORt'OGlSV AND SBKDSNIR, RIGHTj " DOOR, -AND & CO., IJ N D CHILLED i T4. plow;; SCHOOLS. : . i j- I'll -ir i- P j HMory, 1Y.?S U one of jv inot delightful histories ever yt of our Diate is oia in an a 'tAAchra and nnnils. and all fnarui t .ta ... i . I .. . -Ill .' i bound. Price 75 oents per copy by null; EMP01UUM MO ' PaVlD Rj I stock of . I L. 1 - 1 MEDAL STOCK i ' J IV::: l - V