News Observer. 1 AMD E vol. xxvn. RALEIGH. N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 11, 1889. 0NO.l49.' TOT 1D1 Era toeetet foaee Frmgrantl lotting Prioe MCta. . Sold (tDimi TheLaadlnf Cares UvtrCmpMmt, Cottle, BUlou Afftvtioma, Giddlittm. MdnigglMU. S60. V-r, frltttgil Ota, SoUbrallfnigglf, ly vrtti Ola..,:. u r-r ik fi 1ft Yf n U . tt n . ...hi TZZTttZm object like this 7"V. r:rt; : 1 rA. "7 1 t"BT-rrr''r7!MU who suffered with him for the gry, ocaoa, s,qgqgiio, wpuwac. S nun umt rwvo, im iot ropaeo BALKTQH, N. 0. An extraordinary offer. BO Solid Gold WatcheoJ Bought of an overstocked wholesale dealer, and reoeived this day I -25 GENTS M SoUd Gold W&tcheo .j Guaranteed Uks fine by the U. 8. say. Each case weight over , two ounoee. Regular prioes 130 to 185. jP PRICE C45 ll ' 25 LADIES' Solid Gold Watches Guaranteed 14ks. ! fine by the U-S. Assay Begm lar Price $40 to 42. My Price 027.50 Th moTementa are all of American manufacture, Walthant or Elgin, and ere warranted excellent timekeepers. These watches are richly and hand somely esgraTed, presenting altogether he Wr nee oi what ther Mht EDwARD FASNACfl grade American watch We off these The top bolls muitbs considered fairl, watchea for oaah. or on time to DromDtV.,i.,t Mi Mnmi mME;Al paying cartomere. l v. Oorreepondeooe eoIIcUed. ir 1 L -I: I if Christmas is near at ycu re thinking of what, to buy and n where to bay your preeeota. WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF CJovoItioG, Toyo, PLUSH GOODS iJPANE3EiaX)DS, &c, c And as we have had about IS years ex perknee in buying this class of good we can -1 - , i Sell THJt-t (Cheaper Than any other house in the Btate. It is a well known fact that experience la the best teacher. We have learnt a great deal about - And what to buy to suit eTerybodyi during the paat twelve years; and If you cotae to see as you will be aauaned that our atock is both . Handsome ! and Cheap ; We have In the Doll line the following ttrloed ones: lo, 60, 10c, 15c, 2Ce, S6c, B3c,! ZSc 50o, 60c, 76c, $1 CO, $1.5. $160, $1.75,, S4 00 and $8 00 18 ricee, and we have five or six kinds at a prioe. I I Thie will give you a small idea of the immensity or our stock. ' i - 1 CW1 early before the I assortment is .broken. . . s v.r '1 W! i U E-iMABTLN" ST alel2h. N. 0. 00LLGOTT SON So r-a Confederal Vateraa. f To tie Ex-Ooufederate I Soldien of North Carolina: In token of reipeot for the lament ed Jefferson Deris, I request thst yon weir on the left arm for ten days, beginning on Wednesday, the day when his body will be interred, a pena of black crape, three inohes wide, the usual badge 01 mourning. : - J. 8 Cau, Pres. N O. Vet- Aeso. State papers pit me copy. HBaDQUaBTBBS OOHf IDIBAtl VsTSBaBS AB800I4TIOK, Balbigh, N O , Dee. 9, 1889 , To the JPeople of North Carolina: It oai been brought to the atten tion of the Governor of the State and ? of the Confederate Veterans' Associa tion, that a moyement has been in augurated to raise a fund for the Droner maintenance and BUDDOrt of jtbe wdow and daughter of Jefferson , . , . . u ibukuikb ui uuti era iuu lurur Which comes so near to the hearts o: a. v:w v. IVi. mil niJ r" " - - B --r i sentative, and of all whose fathero or relatives illustrated Southern valor during the war. i Uommittees will be appointed ior each county, whose names will be hereafter announced, for the purpose of soliciting contributions, j , ! J. B. Uasb, President N. O. Veterans' Asso. , W. C. Steohaoh, See'y and Trees. A. B. Andrews, F. H. B Mbee. 8 Ache, Wm. L. Saunders, Oom llmi miitee. 1 ! Washibo toh, Dec 10- The Decern ,ber cotton report of the department rof agriculture relates I to prices on fnlftniAtmna CnrrUTfriAariia nf, InJ EXllw m nf ha.tJ cidentally to the progress of harvest-! ing and the status ox uo gathered crops. All report late maturity. In L fcriA TnrifiArn hali ar1w frnaf.a amiat ;ed the development of the bolls and. Seriously reduced the harvest, In the! larger and more Southern areas, while i-killing frosts were reported in some neither i.Yere nor general fron that cause. In the most produetive por- 1 a l, ...aT. m..iiiui aia AAjkMamaiM mm.!1! r ?ii i" . i vt . mi I ikio last wees; in xxovemoer. xne ses-j on maw tharrnp ha annaideped a7 a mi aaa aaB long -one, counterbalancing measure bly the late develooment of the olant. ? . . utn,M tvJ Kk . ku. a I rrr Vr r- -:oi weather as good as that of the first' week of Damher. ? Thaweathar fm) tiuvt auc uai inub Dumuanuini lav-1 ivorable, and the lint is generally (viigu, auu ma iuvhu uwi viwj kMhl mrnjs .1... frltfnMi Amtmm iiwuno ua iuu wtKku. rnoH m a, 'little batter than those of list Decern ber. Farm prices averse as foM i hows : Virginia 5.3 eenta per pound; hand now. andB"011 uaroura oo; ooutn uarouna worth uarouca 8 5; South Carolina r. a..;. & ft. wil;ii- r.r,A & k A Alabama &6; Mississippi 8.6;Louis-l Arr;B0r::;7.:TrT'r,rV:aeral can at Claiborne street. Gov. wta oi un o., ftraanaae o o. Tennessee 8 3. The quality and near ness to the market affect the average slightly on the small farms. , Ootton is eometimea sold in the - aeed at relatively lower prices, especially inj parts ox n iortda and Texas. Tke Oaly OeewUee eeeaaamedaU)a Trala Greenville Vews. Superintendent Byrd, of the Care. Jin a, Enoxville and Western Bailroad, " u i l a m -a ar ! wnion runs, oetween nere ana ia (rietts, declares that his is the only genome accommodation train now 'running.' The passengers get on and 'off at any ox the cross-roads, and Iwhen, this summer, a large turtle was 'fiAAn mroaainor tha iraAlr. tha toafn waa1 stopped and the passengers, engineer iauu bvuuusivi u iwa a uauu iu auc lespture of the slow traveler. A few jdays ago, while going up the road, a iiaciT TMiiinnF aranTwa nnr nrw ire book out of the window of the car. 'Before she could notify the conductor, il l - m x . ?t - tne tram naa eone a quarter ot m mue, tbut the conductor gallantly stopped this train, backed it to where the neck let book was lost and assisted in find jing it. Little instances of that kind is jwhy the Superintendent asys it is : strictly an accommodation' 'train. : The 0 , JL and W. idoes a I air business, too, and yes-j 4terday brought down over twtnty fnennla hn wanlail 1a mm ma tn thm I ipeopie wno w city to trade, has a large a lra(rmtA ratsi On salesdays it always' nuwu wa uamainii auu raAnnoA ratal ara oinn. IHta aitiml 'people on the line refer to the engine: j-and tram as the 'swamp rabbit," and Sits i real name is seldom called by ftham. 1 ... I ... WaablBKtea Kawa. By Telegraph to the News and Obserrer, . I Wabhikoton, Dec 10. -Bond offer- uuk ' wuaj KKse'Kateu fi.tiu.vwi 7 All accepted at 1.29 for fours and i.u4g ior ionr ana ft nans. Since the inauguration of Secretary Windom's policy of reducing the amount of crovernment deposits 'ia the national banks, on the- second. instant, $4,182,000 of bonds have been! I surrendered by the banks. CaatHbatlona for tha f alTerine Kxadaetare The polioe(department has received! r romAir. a. B. Baney, of the Xar- Hl TT. X --1 J . jdueu auun , iwg aasaa ui uuw. awu Jside of meat, to be distributed: w among the suffering exodosters, now 3 rmm IaA aMnnil 4 Via. TTninn ilainnk Alhese supplies will be issued judi Nciously by an cHeer. Any other inp- see fit to donate will be properly given out. U. V. I1BABTT, BEFORE THE FUNERALS ELABORATE PBEPABATIONS AT NEW ORLEANS. ABBAXOSICIHTS rOB THI BOLIMS OBU QUI OT IB THB XAUBTID 0 JHTD B ATI rBMlDIM TODAT --TO B8 TBI LABQI8T SUCOXSTBATIOa BTIB SIB) IB THB SOUTH. : .-. ji By Telegraph to the New and Obserrer. Nbw Oblbans, Deo AO rhrong of people continue to pour throuj 1 ;Uitv Haill durine this morning em- jbraoing besides the oommon multi Jtude, numerous -; organisations, hohools and societies. Many distin 'sruished eentlemen from the ' lead ling cities of the section were aisc among the visitors, uen. otepnfc D. Lee, of Mississippi; ex uovernoi Lnbbeek, of Tezv; , (ien. P.M. E Youne, Cavalry Leader in the Oon federaoy, paid their respect. J The funeral will be the largest de- monstation ever seen in the South Every benevolent organisation in tht city, military schools, athletic clubs, ,k. t Icommercial bodies, shipmasters, flrel department, ahdderg, will be lgel, bre presented. The route will be about; .four miles lone. The procession will ImOve sharply at 12 o'clock and wili '20 np town past the Lee ioirole ' The funeral oeremo !nies will be conducted in front 6f Oity Hall by Bishops Oallaher of, Louisiana, and Wilmer of Alabama,1 and five omoiating clergymen ox the various denominationsFather Hern bert, Bev. Thompson M. Davis, Beo tor at BUoxi. Bev. Dr. Markhaxn, oi Lafayette Presbyterian Ohuroh, and Bev. Messrs Bakewell and Martin, oi the EpisoopalDiooese of New Orleans will be ten surpliced clergymen fTt.m lh. R.i hntlsk Md other Jroxn the Episeopal Ohurch and other denominations assisting. A surpliced choir of 86, accompanied by an organ,1 will sins: ; the anthem, Mxnougn i walk through the valley of the shadow l death." . ' . At the grave the ceremonies will I .be conducted by Bishops Gallagher Hogh Udler ThowpBon, of Mis sissippi. loinate guns will be fired at the r head of flanal atMAk and at fllaihrtma' .and uanal all dav ana at the ovaTll: i, . iTTr r i 1 . r w o--i L11IUH Will MWm llrlll aflejav VUUI I1U a IM UWS WIU Ml UIUUBI KUILI IUU 'cells as becomes a military funeral. . T7 si.-- - , .muMn W1"1? w,u ni?ftMT Txm and country : parishes of Lou I 1isiana. Floral tributes from different .sections of the Bonth were received todavand the mnrtnarw Ahamh i. irr . r gns. A Caisson is being pre- ilWHglM. as. aiMVU : USUIg UB (pared and will be suitably draped It lis learned that the route has been so1 arranged that the funeral ear will .have i smooth laiw .WWVia : WBHlB)aMBj WVVM M.V l.i.i. m.. -J: l - .suish. auo owtmumw are mj oe very brief and will not occupy more i imuhi m is uuuum aa tua uau. xuree J Min.tnn. aril 1 miMk nnr. ftn (Iia .am. rrr rr-. 7 . - tery: the remainder -will take the f n- Buekner, of Kentucky, is among the! arrivals today. 1 . TMrlk e Bzelattea. By TelegraDh to the News sad Obeerrer. V.' Botlbb, Pa, Dee. 10.- At a quarter past- 9 o'clock this mornlnff Butlei Iwas shaken np by a nitro glycerine jexplosion at the Butler Torpedo Oom 'panv's magaBine two miles South of jtown. j The explosion occurred when the cans were being put into wagons :at the factory of James O. Woods, and Wm. Medill and their wsgon and jteam were blown into unrecognis.b'e. 'fragments. The woods in the jvicinity of the migtxne ! are Ibeirg searched by, hundreds of men .for the remaina of the men. .The! jlarger part of ; the j factory buildings 'are demolished. The factory was1 crushed down . and only the smoke stack remains intact The rafters of the magssine fell down over the gliee pnne there, but it did not sxolode. Woods' shoulder and right arm have been found ! twenty rods away. A small part of Medilrs trunk was taken from the ton of a tree. The theorr ts tnai woods let tne can ox explosive a a ail a a a a. a drop when handing it up to Medill who was in the wagon.' A great hole was made in Ithe ground where the wagon stood. srn.Barriselm'e Slater Dead. By Telegraph to the News and Obserrer. WASHnroToi, Dee. 10. Mrs. Scott Lord, sister of Mrs. Harrison died this morning at 8:30 o'clock. Nobodv outside of the family in the house where she was stopping, was present! when Airs. Lord cued. It was known that the case was hopeless, but still ber death was sudden and was not expected so soon. Mrs. Harrison and! rv d-lL T J . J IL f Dr. Scott Lord are now in the housal it,. vr- waau auv inuauia. uu wu smuiLXUUaiibc for the funeral has yet been made. A good hotel clerk will room a stut ring man and have his baggsge sent up bexore me new arrival has tune to Htell what sort of a front room he must . 'l . . .!.-..! '- !. - haa DIOCKSBI OVIOBTH CASIO UNA.' BISHCP LTM4B S APP0IJIT1CXXTS. Dee. 11 Wednesday, Bidjreway. 12 Thursday, p. m., Henderson1 13 Friday, Littleton. 16 Sunday, Weldon Ordina- ! tion. ' i---r ; , 16 Monday, Halifax. I 19 Thursday, Rockingham. 20 Friday, Malloy's Factory. M M Holy Communion at morninir ser viees. ; Collection for Diocesan Miju Cor. of theKewt nd Obserrer. ,- Hihdkbsob, N. O , Dee 9,1889. A laree crowd assembled in' Bur well Hall tbil evening to do honor to the great Confederate chieftain. I Dr. J. H. Tvtcier, chairman, asked OoL W. 11. Oheek, the ranking Oon federate officer among us, to preside. Nearly half the audiesoe were ladies. The committee woien nad been ap pointed on resolutions effered their -eport; beautuuuy euiogizisg Mr. Davis. , It wts quite fortunate for the ttopped herrbis afternoon on a mat I I J . m 1 J I j' -.o one one of his matchless speeches Cant Eitehin said the hand of Prov denoe had been laid heavily upon hs,1 ud would he could have lived till he vas an hundred years old. That he preserved his' honor,, his manhood,! tnd while death stared him In the fiaoe no complaint ' fell from his lipsJ 3e touched upon ' the charge of trea- Eitohin, so well known to a North! 3UUt SSI VB WUV . w WVMW W WVH ffopftlin an A inn a A. bwhIIa in 1 It r highest. 1 I. J . . ... -i. w. vwmwwh mtfvmv miuiuwi w, llnl Hnwttiiiii anna iu.nliftill Af j. ..: .r.rm "a J, . TmJ Sl SShihS occasion, ue read a letter from Airs Davis, received while he was a stu S$Jll J!i?el k2rBlS!!. 1 students for , a amall mm of hnoney they - had sect Mr. Davis while in prison at Fortress Monroe He spoke of how Mr. Davis was iormented by the treatment of the Federal Government . while in that prison, while he enamored for trial upon the charge of treason, and the' Federal Government fearing to ry htm, released him. . Ue was followed by Mr. i Walter :Henry. He spoke of every point in pis character, his tenderness, how that Iwhen the easement of Fortress Mon jroe would crumble to dust, that the 'name of Jefferson Davis would j live ithrough m- thousand oenturies. i He Jwas followed by Ool Cheek, Messrs.! 'J. H. Dunn, E G. Butler, T. B Man Ining and A- Hatehett. - These were followed by Mr. W. . Bavage, who J . wc said that , U the b imS of the . Ne wIpP0 flTOrfW b la il i it .i. il. a .1 anm msana inas ma woniiGr dioou oii i ithe South thought Jeff Davis ' . . n . . A ' r W T "V . wrong he denounced it as fake. The reeolutioni were ordered published iu. i .- . j"4 .I'""""; ".' ""i aaa, iiu ou, . vaiu. - The Awetralbua Ballet System. ' The New York Herald has been in- .terviewinsr prominent men in every ssate on toe Australian oaiiot system ct a a a a e aa m and publishes t the following ; from: North Carolina? ! - ' . I Governor Fowls said he had not: given the question the consideration' which its importance demanded. I S M. Finger, State Superintendent! ui mpug ABsiruouon, said : "Ane: - AV , Tl 11 . r a. L - A? - Mm I 'principle commends itself to my jadg j ment. ' Whether it : is best to put it linto immediate operation, to apply to !Dersons who cannot read and write.! ior to ray it shall apply only to those! who come of age hereafter, is a ques tion which -mav - wall he ennaiilaMwlJ in view of the fact that it would be a! srreat hardshio to disfranehiie rjeonle' jwho have long had the ballot The; new system would wonderfully stimu-) tate publie education." ' J 0- L Harris, ' secretary of the' Beputlican State Executive Com mittee, said s I have" no objection to tne eyrtem. it has some very . .. m" ata i w powenni advantages " n. a. Battle, ex chairman of the Democratic State Executive Oommit-f see said: '-It is exceedingly desirable! .a T ak:. L. k:-Ci. -a sl j iw uwj'i av tuiua uiaij ua te, auu, think it should be adopted all over bur county. My own opinion it that it will to adopted. I do not know, however, that it will be by the next legislature, as our people take hold of new ideas slowly. T. U JTuller, a prominent lawyer. -aid: Mi tun very favorably of it, for it provides the best safe-guards for a fair election of all the systems e.e. a e a a - witn wniea i nave any aeanalntanee. e. uoaea, miy superintendent ox, public schools: "It is the ! salvation! m r li r . . a . .1 of our people, t Several other gentlemen said the system is right in itself and in the long rnn it will prevail. : It holds ont a eve ? aaee lavvaaavea m i-v vswVRUIVii WM UD Slffl lfllfnAAfnAnl ft Alanwehf aVa-a, Aka 'people. Some did not think that at 'present the system could be applied to norm uarouna. Maaeerlal Serrlaaa la fiieaaaoad. A Bichmond special says: Wednes dsy, the dsy of the funeral of Hon.' Jefferson Paris, business here will be 'generally suspended, and at the hour '.i u i -t n , . uieae bo tiucd urvm w new tyrieant memorial services will be held by all lL. I mi.. Tit .ue ouugregauuo uers. xne xipuoo pal churches will hold union servicer ,in St. Paul's. During his residence iV.o a. n4n.t U . J - 1 ihere the udio me 6a .ivuusui atau a pew is iauu was m icuiat wuuaunicans Oi Uu.a tTo .u.-j: auaa ouuavu. aa waa eiwatXlBg Bar vioe there on that memorable Sab bath day when it was known that the Confederate government had deter mined to abandon this dty. The dat brightl and beautiful the first Sabbath in April, 1865, and com Davis's pew was about munion day midway of the middle aisle of the Ahnreh. and now rented K IT-nn T Ijamaa. Tha TAnarakIa mI.a- n mMmm . i .w wot .w w.h awawa, . Aaw rlDr. Oh as. Minnegerode, had pro iAaba4atu9 vittt sStsl riiflWvnSfe- ayfftAwa ea 4am1 Jegram, handed Mr. Davis by a mes 'aenger, informed him o the' eondi 'Hnrt nf fan. TiAA'a irmt fti m Jdent left the church and the govern ment at onoe began preparations fo te evacuation. Pears will not now on wet eronnd Apples will thrive oa moist, bat not ID0IN6S IN CONGRESS. A SHOBT 8ES8ION OF THE SENATE YE3TEBDA7. TBI raOOBAIOCB FOB THB rXBBCXSBS ooirjcufOBATrvi or thb mnauiA-j r 1 " ' TIOH OF jOBOBaS WASBIBOTOB WHIOE TAXBS KmIOB TODAT A 8IU TO HOLD THB WOBXd's ?AI1 IK XXW T 3BX. By Telegraph to Uie News and Obeerrer. WASHnroTOH, Deb. 10 Sbhati A 2Ur. UorrilL from the finance commit lee reported back ad ersely the bills .to providel for the Inational banks with organization of. less capital than $50,000, and it was indefinintely ! postponed.! i' I Among the bills introduced and re Jerred was one bv air. Chandler to amend the laws relative to tai tive franchise. Theresol 'yesterday by Mr. Turpie NWV BV IMP Bin 1 resolution offered irpie as to trusts,! iwas taken uo. and M. Tnwrfe tmvl m ivw 'it. At the close I . ... - -avKMh tha hill let .rour bunaretn anniversary oi the dis iOUT?.I7 "P- "7 W-5 J.? S 'a a. s . !)Mi ui iMrinil tlniL minMWiwmm.' l'01 nnte he House to borrow in cjonunemontion of the anniversary of the first inaujuratioo; 4' of George Washington was presented. and adoDtedJ The Senate them oro-l jocodod to the ooarideTation of execn-l .tire business, tod at 1:35, adjourned ':v OOBTIBXBD BT THB SBHATB. The Senate this afternoon oosfirmenf the following nominations : Bobert !P. Porter of New York to be Snperin itendent of census; Lewie A. Groff, of iNebraaka. to! be Oommissioner of 1.1 1 1 i TO Tl c ute nDOH lana vuob, n m.ia. Btone, of Iowa. Assistant .Commissioner tf tha general land cfioer James M Townsend, of; Indiana, Beoorder oi tha mnml lm.n ntMnai : TVtA nm?na tion of Mr. Green B. Baum, Illinois 'a r. . a -rk icm Wamt Htaa te ke Imtorre4 IB KJeh ByTelegrapa to the Kews and Obeerver. ; Biohxobts, VtvJ, Dec 10. The leg- lata-e today passed joint resolu tions requesting Mrs. Jefferson Darit ,t6 allow the remains of her husband lib be interred in this dty. I TJae lietwe of Wea f Sw Orieane Densosrat. 1 Many old ladies clad in deep mourn !ing viewed theremains. Mostof them 'sent sons of husbands to the front at! .the outbreak of ithe war and never 'taw them again. j One of these wai a feeble tot 49 . . 1 -a sngure wnose gray nair ana (dress and eighty-four years of age noe arrested attention. She MM HI. M.V.t a. haa Ih.l ( v.wa mmf aa,puB UNM WWaaiU amn(tAnan aa if aaul munMriM aat' lover ber. liar last visit to these halls Iblne uniforms and muskets that clis4 !tened with bavoneta. Tlar nrnent Jone waa to shed a tear over the body) ox her ue time friend. She was the' M wife of Bev. J. T. Wheat, of Mem l ahia. in whnaui ehnreh Mr. Dawia mbP senior warden. Lulled into delaying1 an aniiAtnafan wteta in If Taawta by the favorable reports of his eon i idikinn. atta AiA ntt la... ttaw hMna 1. Mwwwa nw av, waiv . ur t iShltahnrr. N. CL. in earlier tima ilian jto reach here Thursday noon. Tha jnight she called at his residence, anc t and wet told Mr. Davis was too ill to be seen. . . '" Thentx. morning his old friend (Mail atiaft ha aru AamA f3m, filUJ in Altai tiaillaaaia, mm ait,a' aaaaAaS iua m. iiau w aa. piw inuanu UWUI (where the body lay, and seemed over oome by ber harrowed feelings. Ser- 'feantat Arms of the City Council, I John Hurley, standing near by, sup 'ported her i with his one arm and strong frame. In apology for her wesxness ane saia ner name was; Wheat, and her eon had held a com mission from Jefferson Davis. He was OoL Bobert O. Wheat, of the Louisiana Tigers. aAkl madam, I remember him well, replied big hearted Hurley. I lost my arm the same day ne was suied." Savacer of Ptptheria. Bjr Telegraph, to the Hews sad Obeerrer. Mabxbobo. Maaiu Dec 10. All the schools here will be closed tomorrow and the high school Friday evening, to try to prevent the prevalence o diptheria in the town. Twenty ease have already been reported. Left Bfafall La Jail. Charlotte Hews. 7 Mr. George Horton, brothdav ol Mrs. Nutall, of Wadeeboro, passoc 'through Charlotte yesterday, on hit f seaat-WSfJiwl rtAmA ftytm A rlAflft : FT m tm9i i ovua m aavaasw waaat e-BasasBSiWBSsi ea-fjaj ai Nutall in the jsU at Dallas, Ga. Al doubts as to Nutalls identity non leem to be removed and he will bt pnt through the oourts on the chargt of bigamy. : :- S TheSlretSUp.? Perhaps you are run do wn, can t eat. cant eleep. cant tzunx. can can't do any- 'thina, tn wlnr amtillf aritinn ainit mm wnn. Ider what alls you. Ton should heed the! 1 warning, you are taxins ; the first atej into rterrous x-rostranon. xou n&ea a Nerve Tonio and in Electric Bitters you wm una ine exact remeuy zor restoring: 2 rour nervous sjatem to its normalJl 7 i .1- i ti i.i i i , a jfoUow the use of this great Nerve Tonic land Altar fci-ra. Ton annarita aatnaa. 'good digestion is restored, and the Utoi ana jaJdneys resume neaithyaotaon. Try a bottle. Prioe fiOo, at John Y. ICacIUe's drugstore.:; Let averv bnaiaeaa dm elfise tvf 4 a a a a aa a a a W iia cosor ci uo c&aa csitfwaa Ik Bb'.OftTU. Nbw Oblbabv, Dec 9. The bodvl I Jefferson Davis lies in state at the .uitv iiau, guarded by police, veterans and detailed men from the Washing! ,ton Artillery. The latter supplies two generations as Us guard of honor, !its veterans in the old gray uniform !of the ooraiatnd. and the Breaent A4tn "m. i.i u-.f 'actives in the natty bine and red and tow parade dress ox the battalion. JAlthouffh it was a rainy, muddy, dis eeable day the crowd does not de crease. The city is filling np with! strangers, and they join the ranks of mourners, .r--I - The decoration of buPdingt is .spreadias all over the dty, and there jure not decorators enough to do the! work. Today the base of the Let .monument was draped in black. Many1 private dwellinira are covered with lowing draperies in intermixed black and white, indicating the respect and I ' AM fit tttm aal4aEai Ataal J-ww mm BHMHiai iviiaiu III.,. trnetype of Southern chivalry, thefl lhero of the "Lost.Oause." Ut I AU the Oonfekimte VUt-. is exeenuTe eommittee laift Extur- nightr On that occasion bet at that he would be proud as a sol Ala nt ill A TTnitavl Ruiaa Im.mI Wmemory of the illustrious patriot, wldier and statesman of the South, (He could not forget that Jefferson .Dans had also been a" soldier of the United States, who had rendered dis-f ,liagniihed Karvice. cr fail torecos-l c mas alaa WM a great and purr iman. Jefferson Davis should, as s Tallant soldier, be accorded a sol dier's burial with every show of tbf 'prof oundest respect tand, lore of hit people. j Mii it U agreed,N eontinned Oapt. Gray, "that the body of the dear ohieftaln shall be borne into the em htery upon the shoulders of the ok I veterans. I, as a representative of th .Grand Army of the Republic, sha? loertainly demand to have the rigV ! co assist in the performance of tha 'ssd, honorable duty." I It is learned that all the army of ! aoers, while they cannot take any o a .2.1 t a a . t aouu muub w regara so sue aatn o' Mr. Davis, have great respect for bin is a soldier and a statesman, and wi' attend the funeral. Mr 1 - By midnight it in calculated tha 100,000 people had paased the bier Among those who came today wen many Catholic priests, the consuls ol foreign nations and the pupils of the .augia iwwwfc ajmi gmB mga scuooi : ., THB Y AXWaUlOCI ' I The body it to be conveyed from the City Hall to the cemetery on a nalaawMt mm Ka a!ti4 Iimu. Theeortegeia to be divided into ' 1 j: 1 3 . 1 , iainuoos aa iouowb : ratsT srmiOK. DetaUoteltypoUee." HlntBrT a.aflvt nf mf nttma aafTlffaMr uMitn. " J The ekargy In earrUges. CaissoB with the body el Mr. Darls. sbooms nmaiov. Veterans' AasoeUuoa of the CoBfederate States. Oaattacaed Veterans of the Confederate states. Oread Army of the KepubUe: . i Unattached. Veterans of the United States. ' THUD MT18IOK. - ' t - Officials of theEBUte of Louisiana. j Other Btate offleiaia, United Stues offleUU. Offleers of the United States Army and Nary. Officials of the Oty of New Orleua. : CfficUUof other ettiea, ' rOUATH DITIBIOX. Maaoale Drder. Iodepeodent Order of Odd.reilows. Knifhts of Honor. Kalshts of rythlas and kindred erganlzatloca. . FIFTH DlVniOX. CI rti, rettglous and benevolent assoelatlona. r sixth nmsiox. Fire Department. SBVaHTX Dirwoii Other Orsaaliatlons. ' XIOHTH D1TISIOX.1 Colored Assoelatlona,. There will ha Ana hfttinrarw ' erpar A tnarshal and one assistant marshal fori each division, who will report to the; jrand marshal and be responsible to uuu aw uia pruper arrau inmBQi oi ols division. uiut. six. wo. , aoBDOB ; " waa selected as honorary grand mar- hai ana Gen. Jno. Uljnn, Jr., as grand tnarshaL A prominent place wiu be given the Ladies Confederate Memorial issociation., ;'l-;; - The aervioei at the grave will be oeia on sne mouna. . u.I a m : ,1 . - The bells throughout the city wfl toll and minute guns will be Urea luring tne passing of the corpse. I suffered for two weeks with neural-l gia of the face, and procured immediate reuer by uatag salvation UU. I Has. WAt. a BALD, I ' 488 N. Carey St., Balto., Md. I A PhUsM lAWA Ka Vtae aw4al VeA UmJ oould tell what she waa thinking of. He! eam vauvaau sv w trBB MAav kia a eassi AAW. thought she waa thinkiac of him. bnt she wasnH; it waa about Dr. Bull' Cough! fttfini tiaf ina J k., .1 a I dreadful coush. A; i. UJIVWt RHWMU.V JWH VUICU UVI UI : H Special OaTartasa la Haeelaeaae SUfcs ' it W. H & B S. Tucker & Co's art t raeHrg wide-rpreid attention Special prioee have been made Or hem for Che holiday trade; all relia ole and bough, for this season' rales Jolored Faille Franeaise worth $1 are AA 1 affh AW I . low oua., ana ue 91 no une wui gc for $1 26V The blacks are reduced as ollows: From $115 down to SI: rom 11.25 to $1.15: from $1.85 to tl.15; from $1 60 to $1 35 and from tl 65 to 21 471 . i Bovel Arnnraa rorth $1 shaU go at 77ie j the $1.15! iinauty at ft and the 91.85 at $1.25 Slack Bhadames at 60e , worth 75oJ md $1. worth $1 15. These- are the ichesi sxd lmest goodi of both for4 ign and domestic mti, and tht . . . ,, 0W priCS Cannot pOSSibly be d&pU4 WW r," ai aaa aaa ww ryeiM otted asain this Winter. csenate, upon: .Tery mncn pleased witn the fraternal 1 of : Mr. Tnroie'i' spirit which characterised the remark' I aanhMlini. tk.! AT lant I.IWlK Imm) ' II.. rimmA' vmvaawu.K Hit. f wva vaww . uaji VI .MP Mfllll. nuw Jack suiu eay ii. The Trinity bovs have WL.Dted onft Lhe Wake Forest bovs at foot hall. Now we hope. . ; J I That the UniversitT bovs mV whin f. ..ij. i- out the Trinity bsrrs. i That the Oak Grove boys may whip put the ITniverifty bdys. xnat tne rma - iforest bovs mar whip out the Oak Grove boys. 7 . xnat tne Anteiooe f Indiana mav whip ont the Pine Forest boys. That the Athlete Africans may whin ont the Antelope Indians. . l I That the .Model Monkeys may whip ont the Athlete Afrioans. : , That the snakes may. swallow the' .Model Monkeys and so end forever' 'A t - A ' as.1 u great American game oi xoot-bau. "k AnriOB to "Mothxbs. .' Hra. Wtauiiowt Soothhtg Bid thorM ntnji tw aed wbea ehUdres are cutting teeth. It ie levee toe little anfferor ml ohm. It nrndueM nil. urii, qolet eleep by reUertng the etaiarea boa paielu the little eberub awakee ae "bright ae whob." k m very weaaant to taatet lootuee ehUd, aoltens the sums, atlaya all pains, re ee Wind, recnlataa tllM howla and la tha haat 11 known remedy for diarrhoea, whether Mains tVuu,, oro, Iwenty-flTe ceau Parties from : Greensboro say the hnAm mntSnnu tjs ow ' Tt fa afafaui l , 1 . 1 . .aa . a . - was aooni inju,uw worm ox property has exchanged hands within the last da or two.. N ;, :f: Saay Chairs. ' 'The best assortment in the city to select from Is kt Fred.' A. Watson Ptetnre and : Art Store. The 1 prices are an inducement' on the entire line. jPietures and frames in endless va (riety. ' Art novelties,' house deoora .tions, wall paper, mirrors and mirror olateev h .." Da Taa Kaaw Blaat The Kippered Herrinsr. imDOrted an elegant dish for lunch and the tea able; at a reasonable cost; 25a for a tin : which7 contains enough for the syerage table. ; Hasm & Pksoud Martin Far quhar Tupper died fa nous and poor. He wss better as a nan than aaa poet." V; t ENJOYS Both the method ; and ..results when Byrnp of Fiai is taken: it is pleasant ana rexreshing to the taste, and acts eentlv vet tiromtitlv on the rTMnprs liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. 8yrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind .ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in Ii 3 a 1 1 ' af . , ,, iws Acuuu ana truiy Denencuu m lis effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to ail and. have made it the mofi popular remedy known. -Svrup of Fies is for sale In EOo and $1 bottles by all "leading drug gists. . Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will Pro- care it promptly for any f one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute.: 1 , CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C0J SAM nAMGlSCO. CAU ! LOUISVILLE. Kf. HEW YORK. Stf. , ' JOHN S. PESCUD, Baleigh, N. a Oil FOR cSCDcBo I mean the same thinar. We have about SCO pairs Ladios' Fine Kid and Dongola Button Boots,, which are worth . and we wQl guarantee It In order to close out this lot we will offer them at $Ilo5D) Erery word of this is trie. GO THE? must: . :i i When buyuur clease mention thl daper. ; uverproduction shoe Store. Opposite the Post Office. ; i Q BEAT BANKRUPT SALE OF CLOTHING j 25OOQ Dollars sad FaniUtungs Sta3c oa toe Dotier. Some rt oar Bargains i Mane Corkscrew, Wonted Solte!$4.69 worth 2b ea'aaAU"Wo1 Cassimera Baits, $JtO ia Good TwaSVrts,US elek "JfWWSa 'e"t.t4- worth , Men's wwwi mim, jaea-i- jruie uceas: aoita. aasa ,waoa vnitnt rains, ise worm m-2.00. Men's Unea HaDlkaielileia7e worth aaeMea's tieo4 iTCiJ B9 n Og5oGDCID9 r !- ' t