Bull's Baby Syrup Facilitate! Teethmg! llb ' $oi4mt 4nggiiu7fteguate the Bowels! Dixy's Horso nmi BIMiMnr. 1 Doand rilll II IA For the care of 1 1 1 1 1 II ?t Cougbs,ColdCronp, I Hoarseness, Asthma. 1 Vbooping2r,k1limi Incipient smliplioil. And for the relief of ."OoosnmptiT persons. At druggists. 25 cts. P frr UH6tSCUB CIQARkTTS for Cm- Ma vm.fi tmrrtt.- PrlM 10 Cf. titan wiw , BATJCIGH, N. O. extraordinary offer.' 50 Solid Gold Watches, Bought of an overstocked wholesale ealer, and; receired this da -25QENI3 Solid Gold Watches ; vr sl 'i ' - - '. t Ouaranteed like flue by the U. 8. ; Assay. Each case weighs over , v two ounces. Betrular prioes 80tO i8S. ! i; MY PaCB 5 Solid Gold Watches Guaranteeu 14b. I fine by the U S. Assay Bagn , lar Price 940 to 42. mm . a . a w . n WliPl I II 111 l.ffll IUIM KPI1II 11 If PI WV! i ii n Mil i i ill ii UlllSJ" yA 1 lli SVE.U EDWARD FASNACH Tn n Kra.w : aralftrateatothe Pan American and ine irlVrriCe eOUiflnternational marine eonfereneea. (1 The movements -are all of American .manufacture, Waltham or Elgin, and are warranted excellent time keepers. These watches are richly and hand somely engraved, presenting altogether the appear nee of what they are a hlzh grade American watch We offar these watches for cash, or on time to prompt paying customers. . Correspondence eeUcited. y, Ohristmas is near at hand now, and you are thinking of what to buy and. ' where to bay your presents. - 'i - WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF Uovoltioo, Tovo, PLUSH GOODS JPANSEOOODS, &c, tc , And aa we have had about IS years ex pertence ia buying this class of goods we can . . a r . s : CHRISTMAS, thkm niieSlieiTkneeata Mr. Morton ascended to VUUill'Ui B tot'e chair and assumed the v. - '? . ui i u. n..i .i..j:..a. w:. i.f Than any other house in the 8tate. It Is well known fact that experience ia the beat teacner. We haTe learnt a great deal about :- , . r And what to buy to suit everybody daring the past twelre yers, and if you come to see us you will be satisfied that. our stock is both Handsome n n i CX cm rt gM.. vj - We have in the Doll line the following priced ones: 1c, 5c, 10c. 16c, S0o, 98o, aoc,1 sSe. BOo. 60c. 75c. $100, f 1..5, $1 60, $1.75, .t0, U 00 and to OO 18 ikee, and we hm-wm flv or six kinds at a prioe. Tbia will give you a small idea of thell oSTSSr. ffforTi'e Msortment broken. ' t Yi & U E-iMABTlN! ST, Baleigh,N. a 00LLCOTT SON 1 lm Hamor of WMMata f Bt Telesrwh to the Hews and Observer. I Wabhihgtoh. Dm. 11. The hour for holding the ceremonies in oom fmamoration of the inauguration of, George Washington, the first Presi fdent of the United States having been ;flied at 1 o'clock today, the appear anee of the hall of the House, was en TrynilanuBnal one. The arrangements on the floor were admirab y imted to take advent g of every foot of avail Jblerotee. In the . aisle m front of thejSpeaker'a desk werepfccedjj massive ehaua ard sofas lor tne as oommodation of the President and his cabinet, and the Justices of the Supreme Court. The two front rowi Ion the Republican side were reserved tor the diplomatic corps. While the cor j . . w . r tiaide were assumed to the district Jiiindieiarv and members of the Oourt r.. ' . ... . . Zol Uiaims. The mr moers 01 tne inter national Ad eriean Conference and Marine Cot far cnoe were assigned eeata to the , rear of those to be occupied., by ,1 the diplo- fmat-'A eoros. ' Nearly ; tne . wnoit I jol the right wing of the chamber was I Preserved lor senators ana itepre y set tativer, and in a triangular space Fbehind a eemi-airde of . deaka were HDlaoed chain and sofaa for the aoeom- I' -m i'.l: J tiiA Jmoaauon oi uutuiuuiucu wnwu flrnests. while the galleriee (to which Padmiasion was to be had by a ticket! was an absence of a crash around the jdoors which has character z )d similar "MjaaiaiiAwtei ivt f Vi A ntat. iVVVflkBiVUB) Met BWW aysww In the private gauery were Beatea. Mr. Puller, wife of the Chief Jus I tiee, and her datrgnters; urs. Aionon,! !- -M TTi. Tl...:jl..t thai ... - - . mm w .i I families of the delegates to the Pan American conference; Mrs. Blaine, i&fiaa Blaine. Miss Letter, Mrs. and Miaa Halford and Mrs. Wanamaker jooenpied aeati in the diplomatic gal- aery, and Airs- reea ana un. 'were accommodated in seats i ae apart for tha frienda of the Soeaker. The President and members of his cabinet (gathered in the President's room and 1 . Vi. ' JiAttilaia mak1 ' Anil tt ill Senate orridorts while in the marble; room were congregated the members r of the diplomatic eorpa and the dele-l ana aeiegaim ap-i the corgeousnesa of their official eoatnmea and the inslg nia of the- yarioni orders to wUeb they belong. ; . , I At ten minutes of 12 o'ciocx tne per sons in the Senate wing working to move to the ball of the House, formed . . m aim m Hie. and startea. xwo 'stalwart Oaoitol police headed the '-W. followed by Oharlea B. Beade, yf acting aesistant doorkeeper of the CSeHaieepresenting Sergeant at Arms Tin iuvkb vi Mia irmiKwuBuw. I Then came President Harrison arm in arm with S seretaryi Blaine, Secre- tary Proctor and , attorney General! 'tary .Miller. Secretary f.rsey and Postmas ter General wanamatier, 3o.fciarj Busk and Private Secretary Halford As they passed the Supreme Oourt chambers the Associate Justices in their rotes ol office took places in the rear. In accordance to the date of the appointmenta the members of the Senate and employee followed headed by Oaot. Bassett, doorkeep r, and Chaplain Butler. Vioe-President iMorton, and Secretary MoOook. Fol lowing them were the diplomatic. corps and delegates to tne eonven tion led ov ciniei uiers Aiee oi. the State Department and Walker Blaine, examiner of olaimi. Among the f oreignera in ranks were the ministers of Great .Britain, ilex ico. the Argentine Republic Bolivia, BrsziJrOhiTi, China, Oorea, Equador, h jay tyw AASai w mmf jwMwaMeev wmmt e taw .OtA SN OBAAVA 4V OS IM I The hum of eonveraatioii waa hnah 'ed in the House when at precisely 1 a oiocs: tne jrresiaent ana turn caoint were announced and filed down the! . t . , n .9 m. M t ' imain aisle. Aaihe Senatora were escorted to: gavei, jur. xuieu atauuuig uu mi ca. At 1:10 o'oiocic all were eeatea ana the Vice President called the vas-as sembly to order.; After prayer bj Bev. J. u. Butler, the ebapiam ' oi the Senate, the Marine band broke ,nto the national air of "Hail Oolam bia." As the strain ended the Chief Justice waa escorted to the clerk's desk and read hia oration in a power ful voice, with a clear enunciation. He waa listened to with the greatest attention and plcaanre. I 1 ' - Thiv Tanixd a fllYar. Cbtspl Falls, Mich.,Decl0 The Caledonian mine was drowned out Monday under peculiar circumstaro oea. The miners ran a anaxt unaeri j i ' i a l i-i . .w I huw river nau wueu uuws waa i Upoded the river buret through and. T filled the mine. The men barely ea ciped with their lives. The value of the property destroyed will be great. Storm Calender and Weather Fore e tsts for 1890, by Bev. Ira T Hicks, mailed to any address, on receipt two cent postage stamp. Tex Da J. 'M Moajxax aizo St. Louis, Mo. Co. Short Cbaotar trma a lm BUttrr. The great profusion of holiday fiVgooda by no mesa, detracts from the - ;t street of other important depart imenis. uar supero areea uwue. stock has, as usual, the lead, and the notable reduction in the price of manv lines contributes wrgeiy to aaerrr rT!v. 7? .m i i. . " , .a t -u.-i . .....i i m.AAS iintrest oi our exniDis ivwai auvu! fuon i.thet36 inch Barnaley I Suit - lings, fancy wool Plaids at 15 cents' Mg J . W. a&Ii.srTpora&Oo. f A IFi Tfi RPCT LA 11 1U 1.Oa. FUNERAL OBSEQUIES OF THE SOUTHS DEAD CHIEFTAIN. thi mnsiL or hoi. jifmmob pavis- On Or THI X98T . IKPOSZRO DKX0K jSTKATlOHS BVBB IIM IW THI SOUTH -A TBIMSBPOUS MLTITUDl PaiBaHT TBI PALL BtABBBS. By.Telegraph to the Kews and Obterrer, Kaw OaucuiB, Dee j 11 The daj . 'notwithstanding the threatening acr oppressive, charac'tr oi tne weatnt during the past several days, coult not have been more; propitious o . beautiful.; The portentous, preg Jaant look of the night previoat 'and the ar eat banks o? the heavy! fos this morning, had wtoiiy aisappearea by 7 o'clock as the son borst fortfc and a beautiful Southern summer da 'dawned for I the obsequies of j the Southera chieftain. The city ia crowded with thonaands of people repretentirg the promt aenoe, wealth and chivalry of ! the Southern Statea. SJzoraeven Gov ernora are here, attended by and bringing with them great delegations! lot DeODle. The military parade! will be a marked one.! A doaen companies' Alabama are here, and the Louisiana! sute national unaras ana tne vpii aoteer MiliUaof New Orleana will n.ti.;,l.t. Tt,. An thm ftf State National Guards and the Vol 'promises to equal anything that has r - : A 3 I. At..1 ever ' been witnessed here on tee occasion of the carnival. Across it Lafayette Square juat oppoaits City Hall a dense multitude haa gathered F ! 1:7. -Is I and Oanal, Oamp and Stitehard street re crowded with people from aii over the country. Floral deeoration& were added this morning. They oome from every State and city in the South, and are suberb in their design and beauty. The town ia draped from one end to the other with the! moat elaborate hanginga of black, j The bosineif fronts and I residences that j were barren of mourning emblems yet - terday are covered this morning and everp bit of buntirg I there ia in the aty fitea on the staff at half mast. . . L . 1 . 1 AL . A.i an earij nour snia morning tne itreeta were thronged with aoldierr and firemen in uniform, membera of various civic organisations and repre sentatives of every prof ession,avocat ,ion and association,! all en-route to their respective meeting stations! aarriaftwijaA ea kAtat-kai a f.mw aa f aI m uvuvw m Aa vy mwuai m arv baav j i sate, v w ooneentrate in Lafayette square, i As soon aa the doora of the city hall were opened a atream of dtiaena be gan to pour into the deatn chamber co take a farewell view of the remaini. of the famous Oonfederate leader. lWa . .k a m . aoa crowd of visitors waa even greater than that of yesterday, there .being hundreds of i people 'abroad in tbie city, who he from had been delayed until today. It waa not on il 11:80 o'clock that the lid of the casket waa dosed down forever upon the features of the dead. The remains were then conveyed to the front por tion of the Oity Hall building, where he simple bnt impressive rites of the Episcopal Church were performed. Lafayette Square in front of the Oity Hall, and the streets were densely packed with people, and the balooniee and every available space from which' the pageant can be viewed are! crowded in the extreme. Obedient to a universal request Mr.1 Davia was given a funeral in full sscord witn nts superior rang as a a . a a T military offiser, in addition to which uumeroua civio and other organiaa- aona combined to render the cortege wday in all respects most imposing, Qot only with referenda to numbers but in the pomp and eireumataaee of 3its elaborate ceremonial. There are JWticiDatinz in the obseauies of the1 ..SV. - " - - . - - a 'irather of tne usnfederaoy today De hides Veternana of the loat cause who! have once again been called npon to oae up their decimated ranks many gallant soldiers . whose ntfl.nohing valor displayed on ' the numerous ootiy contested fields resulted nou infrequently in both glory and victory to the "a tars and otnpea. The following gentlemen i acted ae pall-bearers : Gen. Geo. W. Jones, of Iowa: Hon. Oharlea E. Fennerof Louisiana; Sawyer Haywood, of Mis-! sissippt: Hon. Thos. H. Wstts, of Alabama, a member of ; President Davia' cabinet. The honorary pall- bearers wrre : Governor ifraneia T. Nichols, of Louisiana: Gov. Bobert Lowry, of Mississippi; Gov. S. B Buckuer, of Kentucky: Gov1. John B jGordon, of Georgia; Gov. JJ 8. Bioh jardson, of South Carolina; Gov. D. G. Fowle, of North Uarolina: Gov. F. P. Fleming, of Florida, and Gov. James P. Eagle, of Arkansas. About 12:10 o'clock the casket waa conveyed from the memorial room to! an improvised cataia'qae in the cen- aive piuara were entwined with a profusion of crape. Over the casket ihvAwn th mntt ffAa it that Isilken flg of the lost cauae as also? Itha fflittarinff skbra with whinh th Cdead soldier had carved fame andifpftrt in the memorial services. shonor lor himself and glory and vio- r.Itnrv for hia eonntrv on tha ntmmn la., j- J r,u ir.. l t Immediately aurroundtng the oeffia (were he dergy and armed aentriea,' Ithey being the only persons admitted Hw P00a, aiinng ane i .were BasumBa to Beau in tne Alavor'a , rm - - - -( W- from the fnndowa; of which jty were enabled to witness Uxe cer lbAeqnieA, which were accord. to moti ox Ue Epiioopaiy Rchurch, were conducted by Biahopnwere largely attended. At the State;! KGalleher. asaisted by fire officiating iWvioet a dresses were made by Genii 'clercrTmen of variona denominationa, aa fouowa: Jratner XLupers, ttev. ur. Thompson, Ht Davis' rector atBiloxiJ Uiaa , Bev. Dr. uaranam, uev. axr. 8akewell and Btv. Mr. Martin. There jrere altogether fully twenty surplioed, ainisters, besides the attendance of. nmerons eJersy of d fferent denomH aationa from various oontnern ouus i The surplioed choir of ' 36 voices, ac-j lompanied by an organ, sang the afi I hem, "ihrougu tne va'ley of the, ihadow of Doaic," f tt-r which Bishop lalleher ma Je au addieea. JTollow ag Bishrp Galleher Btv. Dr. Mark- im sutftH aa lAbBAVI. VrtliA KflV RIp I klariin repeat d a Psalm, Bev. Mr. J&kewell the V raiolea and Bev. Mr. Chompsan the Creed, and thus ended .he services at City Hall, which, alt hough simple and brief, were won lerfully impressive, -; Dunne - this period, an immense throng representing evary oonoeivable' rariety of religious and aociai profession and nationality stood in: reverential ailence, with heads nn-l u. .rTM tcket rw borne by the detachment of e lol- iiera to the handsomely deoorated. IIUMIWIWU VI MW, v r J Tp'i 'prepared for which it waa oemetery. From catafalque consisting , hi v. , giu .'S fonr ftjseaDoara ejaima, orgamzauon and. ffg widtL aSf departmente im widtn, and supported dj sixf ... Mtvf.M,mM4 1 cannon, brsoed with muaketa. The dome of the canopy is ornamented in bronaa with furled United States 11 Age draped . , . ui 5 i 7 loataf a; qua are auperbly draped in1 black cloth with bullion fringes and 'gimp. The eaeiEet rested on a eiignt ialevation and the caisson was drawn !by six black horses two abrest capari soned In artillery harness and plumes and each animal led by a soldier in nni form. : With a marvelous military pre oision the various battalions wheeled, into line proceeded by a detachment of aty police and followed in turn Jtv clergymen, pall bearers and ao on inl respective order until the mammoth! procession was formed. The proces sion after leaving the Oity fiall pro-j oeeded up St. Oharles street to UaUi jpe and from Calliope into Camp' thence to i Ohartres to St. Louis to! Boyal and Oanal in a direot route to the oemetery. ! we an hour and jcen minutes Aa the gran iSSSS ESSJXNgU'M, im rersed the streets every church a knell waa tolled. The clank of aabrea and the tramp of iron hod feet echoed along the intermine o!e lines, waile aoul subduing dirges blended with -the soltmn boomir of I i " ' V'.l minut-uni. ado paru ci mac ciiy aot directly i located on the line oi march or in anywise remote from the' icene of the pageant, were l'teralh Jepopula ed, their inhabitants having! do? uirecUng the elerk. to; nthered in countless numbers on theliorm the Senate that the House was Balconies and in 1 other available! tplaeee from which an easy view Toi the marching columns : oould be had oRiaoinxs at wilmihotob. W iuobotox, N. C, D. 11 The Memorial services in honor of the ate Jefferson Davis were of the most mnosing character, isuameaa was entirely suspended. The opera house was filled from pit to dome, and hun-i dreds were unable to gain admission. Eloquent and feeling addresses were! delivered by Hon. George Davis, ex Attorney General of the Oonfederate States: exLt Gov. Stedman. Hon AM. WaddeU, OoL John P. Taylor, Key. vi. jf ritohard and Bev. W. SJ Creasy. A complimentary allnsion1 made by Ool. Waddell to the resolu cinn of th A. A. R nf V Orlaani flft rtapttma Va in thm fnaual ..nl..i' jwaa warmly applauded.' All the ad Jdressel were conservative and pa- Jtnotio in tone, being entirely free Ifrom aectional feeling. , j , : f j AT CBABLOm 8VILXE, VA. I - The Jefferson Davia memorial! servi oea were attended by the local null tary and Confederate Veterans, bells were rung and businesa suspended. AT WISCHXSTEB- VA. Balls were tolled, stores dosed and! the business houses suspended dor in Davia memorial Mrrieea whieh! wars held i from 12 to 12iS0 todav.l Tit. aarvirtaa War altandcul hw Vic1 tj Oonfederate Veterans and dtiaena. 1 1 AT STAPBTOB, VA. I The hour of Jefferson Davis' funer-J al waa observed here by the firing of. f cannon and tne toiling of ennrch tbella. - -.. i-'CU - a :t AT BOBTtJLX, VA. ? . f From 12 to 8 odoek today all bus-l mesa waa suspended in - Norf olkJ Portsmouth, and the surrounding towns, and the neonla tnrnad ont an masse to attend servioes in honor of. Ex-President Davis. All shipping in! the harbor put their flaea at half . . m . Tr .) mast and minute guns were fired. AT KOMI, OA. :V j : . Crape could be seen on all aides today between the houra of 11 and 1 o'dock. All business was suspended The bells tolled in all parts of the dty. Large crowds gathered to take AT LIHOajJUBQ, VA. Memorial servioes were held in all the Eoiseooal Churches of the dtv at noon and the dty bells were tolled in memory of Jefferson Davis. ,. Columbia, a. U, dm. 11. The leg i1arriw tfannvOTIA 11 itfwiw. aaaamhlw taf jnoon today to hold memorial servioes 'in honor of Jefferson Davis. At the .took place at the dty hall under the auspices of the City Government,1 'lha flonf adarata anrvirora and Tiadiaa'i ; (Memorial Aasooiation. Both services fjohnaon Hagbod, Q. 8. A- who ii jolso an ex Governor; Gen Juo. Brat-I 'ton, a S. A ; Ool. A a Haskell, O. S A lately returned U. 8. lOnister to I .unina. xne aaareaaea were atnxmg teatimoniala of the strong hold Mr (Davia had on the affections of the .Southern people. I ATATLARTA. I Memorial services were held today .in almost every town-in Georgia durJ .ing tne nour of the funeral of ur. Davie. In Atlanta services were bel at the Btate Oapitol, which was .fuaely draped in mourning. The session to the Oapitol to the music of, Ja fnneral dirge waa a mile long, the jOotfederate nrnyera of the imty jleading. ' Over 1,000 school children, military, fire department, with appa-l ratua draped in mourning, were in .line, isaeinesa waa generally ani- pended during the morning. - Fifky-rtret By Telegraph to the Kews and Obterrer. Washihqtob, Dee. 11. Sxxatb.-h The Vice-President presided ove the la i - mt . .... gZJ3a fSmSSSu-on the5m! !r,ff? iZT Irrl ITLj mittee for new Senators, was carried and on civil servioe.and retrenchment, i , tan . i ireapeouveiy. xneir Bnootaaora on khose eommitteea are still to be aa- nounoed. Among the billa introduced and referred were the following : ( . By Mr. Hoar, a bill for a atatue -and monument to Jaa. Madiaon. J By Mr. Gall, a bill authorising the irreaiaent to open negotiations with .Spain for the acquisition of the Island jof - Cuba. In connection with f this Mr Call presented a petition of the fnatives of Cuba now eitisena of the .been represented to him that nearly I aU of inch persona were . in fav of! jthe acquiaiUon of the Island by the 1'TT-ji.j oi.i T' 1 lUHlMU aUIH. aaVDAA IUIM1 U1U IB Mil. iTT.Il.J OA. A. i A A AfL.A d fj 3 uuwo oiatea. i A ' enaaMMA taa' - ' f mimvi 4eWa House to the effect that that body waa now in aeaaion and ready to pro-l oeed wttn tne oeremoniea in eommem oration of tne inauguration of George I i Washington aathe first President of LV.M? HCOSB. - Immediately after the Chaplains raver Mr. Gumminca. of New Yflrk.1 1 rom the ceremonial committee re-j 'ported the order of tfc;arranstaent' .and it wafttdopted. The Houae thei, at 12:20 took a recess for twenty-five MaTsartlM M fll.a. - utnuic. uiM,rwH s raauuBcs, !iu HHHW auiu roauy so pruofjfja W1U1 the ceremonies. At the request of ,the Speaker the membera then retired to their seats assigned to them. Upon itne conclusion pi the uantennial eere-! Imonies the House was called to order bnt immediately adjourned. I J Bjcttbxll, N. 0L, Dee. 11, 1889 To New and Observer, Raleigh: Kittrell paya her Ireapeots to daywith her thouaads of lister towns of our Southland to our dead Chieftain. Buaineaa : houses were closed and bells tolled during sne time set for the funeral. The pastora of our churches being absent . i . - i ao aemoea were ueio. . I have just noticed that the; large nag as the hotel here haa been mn out and ia flying at ha'f mast. Mr. Davia, the proprietor, and hia gueets are xxortnern people, and this act of sympathy on hia part ia appreciated Dy onr people; - mim - '- -jA.. ' ' TUrn SUt AmlBat Hr. Umu ! NewTork Post. v, . : '! Mr. Boardman of Tracy, MoFar- and, Boardman & Piatt who are the counsel in the auit of the Tennessee Goal, Iron and Bailroad Company, through ; its President Thomas ! O. Piatt, .against John H. Ionian, for &uu,uuu, said snia morning that oa iub pars itne company to see last now far man oould use a company in which he was intereated ia a fi-! dnoiary 1- character, for the pur oose of making money ceraonallv j Mr. Boardman thought that when a Iman aging director of any institution 3 used hia! power to make money from lit peraonally instead of using the 'mww to mua monv for tna mm. ltan.! ha waa frailtv of wrnrcr rl-iir ttL, Z 'iZ ZZjZjr&Z ZTA - 77 M 'u. , ;M i,a .... 17;: i,7Z ',"'1 uiuuau. am wa awwiaNvt his , :uoal and Iron Usmpany, Mr. Iuman had nut himself ia the position of aell inn A it,. TMnsitaa ILAAK VW M VAMSVBMVW VBJ mmWMf Bailroad Company the Pratt Comp- Iir. ir. tm... :.. Mr. Boardman, Mr. Inman waa inter-! jetted in the sale peraonallyi and aa jftnaacial agent of the Tennessee Oonv 'pany. Aa the latter he was under ob ligation to eeeure the Pratt Oompany at aa low price as possible; j and has no right to make money ont of it rhe money had been made by him, and the suit had been brought forf theprupoaeof getting iiU& I John tt lumaa waa aot at hia oi - Am thia mornino. Vint ona of hia nart.b " - " o - rw. ,UaiB BB1U HUM UW m UUH JW. M. asauua,! Mr. Inman'a lawyer, had aaaweredl ,. wMjyiaan.a, auyuua huh be the end of the matter. The answer) j jmay aot be made for thirty days. a a akA.AAa pro-i a a mm i - t I (. TWICE STRIGKEH. JOHNSTOWN HAS ANOTHER ; DISASTEBi A TttBMLB AXI0 IB A TEXATXB A STAIBH WAT MLBD WITH DBAS AID PTOIO AI f - 800BB OF PIOPLB XZLLBS. Br Telegraph to the Kews and Obeerrer I Johbstowb; Pa., Deo. 11 Again! with disaster. This time instead of. water it waa the cry of fire ia the' theatre that sent nearly a score of. him into eternity and maimec seventy-five others, many of probably fataUy injured. dually whom ;are probably fataUy injured. Park's' .wpen aouMOf wuere me casaatropne, occurred, a three-story bnildW MMIM Af HWaVlill ..J oorner of Franklin, and waa used as dining room for several months (The building haa for a long time .been considered unsafe and many people eoold not be r hired to attend any -kind of entertainment .there. There were about 500 person i cipaUj wolTnd" ln tOTae hut night. - About 1(5:30 at ih rrforrr.nM ... .Kfe periormanoe waa about dosing wiunuNi abauuueu on u corner, nitap thai nnatM hnnmm. Aan.avi K tVie jdiscoveryof the fire in Dr. Wake- 177 7 sliIWV ?"tiy eidted the audience ind they unmediatelv ruahad into the And they immediately rushed into thr streeta. They were met at the en- i , a m mm . a nans oj erowa xrom tne outaiae, who thought the fire was in the open house. The crowds eoming to gather ia the close stairwa not over six : feet wide am the frantio efforts of those in the rea of the outooming crowd,eausedaterri ble jam, which was made still worst by persons j umping from the gellerie on to the heada of those on the stairs Che firemen had to turn their ho on those on the outside to ease th j? nd. hen the injured could b. ?ttea airway waa found u I P? Jmoa'to fl of;tht np- nw Anna win tna AamA mwiA Hi. .r r i A TatMhlag laeldeat. !Kew Orleans Cor. K. T. World A touching incident occurred in tht death chamber upon the arrival oi fllafe XWtrMke- mw m rrm ij ' Avail mw m-Z " iiiiiw v wrvavy ws vsvw : vaava uuw rriv axlored man who had been Mr. Davia' 'servant during the war. During the 'pact fifteen yeara Milo haa been a president of Florida and each year has jremembranee ia the ahape of oranges or other unit grown in that state Searing the aevere illnesa of Mr. rn.vla ha aiariaJ frsr TlM nrlMM tnr the purpoae cf gtUlaj a last glaaee Sthe kindly face before its dirp- 'Pnranae laUa rravaJy.Upca hla cz- rival this morBms he waa admitted 1 AWL 9 At- V Sj m us aeata, enasser. vnere no leJJiimay not have it on hand, wiiirrww ;upa hia kaavaa" rn.nA , hinvtSns ' tni' .tears riravcwl fcwMittw trim - h,a . M1 (iiiaaa am mm iwt hid uninig v.. IUWSC jhe had left behind him. I "Perched upon bust of Pallas. M oil better yet, ou some handy shelAt the sn- rsiDia iiousexeeper naa her bottle ox Dr 1 Bull's Cough Syrup, and when the child i ha. . ntal i naaiurr wvma1t n a tAnk Af fcronn aha enraa tna 2ittl nn in ba lima I I "What de precher talk 1ut todav.l brudder JuUus?" "On, he teUed bont samaon beat dem Philistines, en. vou xnow, k mose cry to tinx dent poor ereet era couldnt get no Salvation OiL" , Prince Bismarck eonaldera Sir Oharlea Dilke the greatest English statesman. DOEG CURE inciilQ m mm wiou In Its First Stages. Bt WW ffti Om genuine. WIRE BAILING AND OB-j NAMENTAL WISE WOBKS, . J3TJJPTJ. &. CO Na. 118 ft IIS North Howard street. By timore. tnannfaatureta of wire ratling' for oemetetiea, balooniee, ftc, aleves. fenders: wires, wood and coal screett; wotu eaca. iron oataaa eeattaea. at a'" . , -v Whereas we. Eugene T. Lynch John 0. Short, by the name of the "NOBFOLK AND NOSTH CABOXJ2TA OANAL COMPANY, V have become the purchasers ofZall the riirhta. franflhissa and nronartv of the! pimal sPpm?"Twne,d h' i uAVth n.miiu r.n.i nmrnaa i w , aViaav a, .t.. 1U.. . twJ uuu at m. w v.wa vw aw wn. j wan VOUtws, .wa, twa. ,w. a, iMawuu. Buuaing, orroia va - - i , ; JOHN O. bHOBT, yBy the name of the Norfolk and NortT l.fc-, CarolbaaCONnpairy. nTIotW a 4 1 SCmUtied te te But, AU are entiUed to the best that , their money will buy, ao every family . xhonld have, at once, a bottle of the beat family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to 'cleanse the system when eostiw w .bilioua. For sale in 50c and $1 uea oy au lewung tungguM. . Bd OflriBe.' L V'fi'v By Telegraph to the Kews and Obterrer, . v Wasbtkotob, Dec.' 11. Bond oft L ings today aggregated f 577,b50. i 'accepted at 1.29 for fours and l.Ot Aur tour ana nnua. Tn First Btop. Perhaps you are ran down, cant eat. oant sleep, cant think, csnt do any. thing to your satisfaction, and you won der what ails you. Yon should heed the warning, yon are talcing the first step into nervous Prostration. You need a IwUl find the exact remedy for restoring IVU. I IW healthy condition. Surprising results .rouow tne use of this great Nerve Tonto land Alterative. Your appetite returns, 'good digestion is restored, and the Liver ana juaneys resaxne neeitny action. Try a bottle. Price BOo, at John Y. tfacRae drugstore. ; - ; , Kasy CluUrs. The best assortment in the city to 91aaI frnm ia a.fc TPrtiA A Wat.nn'a ifieture and Art Store. The prioca irioiurea ana iramea in enaieaa va- Jriety. Art novelties, houae decora ! dona, wall paper, mirrora and mirror ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectuallydispels colds, head- acnes and levers and cures habitual constipation. Svrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, .prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the mobi popular remedy known. ' 8yrup of Figs ir for sale In 50c ssd 11 bottles by all' leading draa . gists; . Anjr rebaW dntgKt I" . ' .WWMat L W . wr . . 1 . . 11 . . J- cure it promptly' for any one who wishes to try, it. Do not accept any substitute.! CAUFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. toumntu, xr r mw rom. atr. t JOHN S. PESCUD, ; , Baleigh,N. O. Tksy km test tried for era fifty ywt,tti sre t-4ay the aost pepalsr ia ut. Tear ntlint sad aethtri bsm them. Tltj srt the Bsftst, PvMt, sad Beit Semedy tat Urn sad Bto oh Ptwesis era eoapeaadei. Tw SaU HU Dmfgtoti. Prio ZS ea.'Mr box ; S boxatfor U etSJ or aent by Bull, poat&ge frM, oa SMriytefprlee, Dr,J.H.ScaaDck ASoB.RiUiJ'M OH fs Se I mean the same thina. We have i 300 pairs Ladies' Fine Kid and Do Button Boots, which are worth and we will guarantee It- In order to Close out this lot we will offer them at , Every word of this fa trne. GO THEY When : buyins : please mention thl daper. urerproa ucuon snoe store. -Opposite the Post Office. 0 BEAT BANKRUPT SALE OP . CLOTHING i 25eOOO Dollars Worth of Men's dot's and . 3hi:dina einthtno and rarolftuDKB at We. oa the Dotiar. SemeoT oorBarctJns s Mas' Corkscrew, Wonted Salts IS4.cn wort I, lS-oe, Mea's.AU-Wool Oass mero Salts, Aa worth 9 . Men's floe Dress: Salts. se worth S20. Men's Good Warm OTereoau.il 69 worth $10, Men's BdxMsI. Kersey Overcoats. Silk Jbaeed, t.as worth - SM, Men's Finest BeaTer Orerooata, it.M worth $. Men's wood Dorabla Pants, no worth 12.04, Men's .ssworu ae. Men's uooa worth, sse. PoslUTelr bo Merenants, . o ix)ut 4 tola QS5o(DvID9 7