'-4 '1 "if b ;-'Lr:!,;r.:-v:: I A'' i 1 HE 0 AND VOL. XX. VIII. RA.LEIGH. N. C TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14. 1890. NO. 28 r v j r 7 1 X 4 ' ! I Absolutely Pure. TUe powder mer varies. , marvel ous purity, strength and whole aomcne. IX ore economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be told In competition with the multitude of low test, abort weight, alum or phosphate powd-ra. Sold only in cans. - For tale by grocer waeraUy, Royal Buawa Powvra OObtabt, 108 Wall Street, N. Y. Portraits Painted j - by ;,yyy W. G, RANDALL, 1S1 layetteville St, Raleigh, If . O. Testimonial will be furnished upon application. I i U E. MARTIN ST., W have received for the early spring trade new designs in Gingham Prints, Batteens, Drew Good, etc . We are exhibiting the largest stock of Laces and Embroideries ver shown here, linen Torchon l&oe from Sic a yard. We have an entire line of ladies' and gent' n indksrohiefs, towels, napkins TABLE LINEN Oar clothing' asd shoe stook Is one of the most earn plete in the city, and we arc offering ; - . Immense Bargains la both lines Oar assoitment of crockery, tin-ware glass and wooden-ware are all bargain and cannot be duplicated elsewhere. All our goods are marked in plain figures and TO ALL. WAS THESE : Ever Anything To ! i - EqUAIL IT? fier. D. H. Tattle, testlflee as follows: Oapt. John A. Williams: DbabSov. During the yar 1888 1 anf fered much wivh DYSPEPSIA JU1D OTHER TROUBLES. XLy dear friend, Dr. Kingsbury, of WU SBUngton, asked me to try Panacea Water. 2 ordered a case, began it uae and soon found relief. After using three eases I was restored to Healthy Digestion; X still continue its use at intervals and ' find it beneficial. - Speaking from experience, I feel that from the bosom of our "Old North State" there flows no healthier fountain than that which aenda forth THE PANACEA Of SO many human troubles. Let those who suffer as I dil drink of its waters and Hud relief." . - ' Bold by King & UoOee and at McKim- . It your druggist does not keep it, send tiAO for a caee of the celebrated wates f. . d. at JUnion, a. w., to JOHN A, WILLIAMS, Oxford. If C QOSELEV'S ATTBlCflOHS FRE3H OYSTERS EVKBT .DAI . ;-;V. . .... AT -v- ; M.oaieley'ai Uiuiutf JEKoomsi ladies and gentlemen - ! Taitdthjui ": l.Yoa have, the routing fly fans to ksep you oool while en joying, a good aaeal at the Hoseley Bouse. . You EaTe all the luxuries of the season furnished to order. S. You are in the centre of toe city where you on see all the elite of the city pass by. 4 Yon art near the Oapitcl, Supreme Court Boom, Library, Agricultural Building, emigration Bu reau and Alliance bttdauarters. f. Within two sauares of any church ico wish to attend. Street ears pass the door 'Tory 90 minutes- , 6. You will have a comfortable room, polite attendance, eomethin good to eat; and fat' aa if at lMme,M tne Moseiey uouae. Sates, 19 cents ameai; LM to CS.QO -day. Cpedal rates by the week ermoeth mum SON Bond OffrlBs. By.TeleErapta to the News and Obserrer. WASHraoTOir, Jan. 13. The bond offerings today aeRreeated f 342.500 AU accepted at 104 g for fours and a bails and 1 for four per cents. A Tsnud la Ktataeky. . y Talegtapb to tba Ram and Obaerrer. WAHmeTos, Jan. 13 The Sign Oorpi Station at Cairo, Illinoia, re porta, under date of Jan. 19 J, as fol lows: Eleran persona killed. 60 wounded and 70 houses destroyed by a terrible tornado last night at Clin ton, Kentucky. . : ' j ' ' Death ( Kr. Z. T. He;. Winitoa Dally. v, ' j Mr. Z. T. Hege, brother of Mr. O. A. Hege, of Salem, disd suddenly at Jfiisin on fri-iay. Hi remains were brou, kt to Winston today for inter ment. Mr.Hege , had" but recently gon: to K kit open up a furnitnre tore. kar s a wife asd four ohil dren. He was 53 yeara old. ; Warm Weather. By Telegraph to the Kews aid Obtar? ar. ' WzuasaTOR, Del., Jan. IS. The Every Evening's Dover correspondent reports: The thermometer yesterday registered from 70 to 60 degrees in the shade, and in the sun went up to 106, and the peach buds are so far advanced that a general Ire up wm entirely kill them. Porelg-n, Hewa. By Cable to the News and Obaarrer. Mad bid, Jan. 13. The E'.og is now pronounoea out of danger. Lisbon, Jan. 13- The cabinet has resigned. Senhor Fimental, a Lib oral Oonaervative leader, voted with the minority at the meeting of the eo on oil when the demands of Eng land were acceded to. The minority were in favor of evacuating Shire dis trict, but opposed the other demands made by England unless that coun try submitted the dispute to arbitra tion forthwith. There is much ex citement in the city, Crowds paraded the streets last night crying "Viva Pinto" and "Viva Portugal" : ' T Betmrma t WiikHtnr '( 'A j By Telecraph to the News and Obserrer. Wajhixotoh, D. 0. Jan. 13. Sur geon Oeneral Hamilton, of the Marine Hospital Service, has returned to Washineton from his visit to Florida and Cuba. Dr. Hortbeck,i8aoretary of the Charleston, S. C, Bute Board of Health, who acoompaniedDr.Hamil ton, returned from Cuba at the same time. While at Key West en route to Oaba Dr. Hamilton made a thor ough inspection of the Marine Hos pital at that place, and while in Cuba made an entirely unofficial inspection of the shipping at Havannah and Ma Ungos. On the return t&ip Dr. Ham ilton was in consultation with the State Board of Health of Jacksonville eoneern!nsthe health matters la the State of Florida, and A particularly with reference to the sanitary eondi c tion of Key West at which place a ease of yellow fever was said to exist last week resulting in an imposition of quarantine regulations -. by the Florida Slate Board of Health upon pert ens coming from tnat city. As a result of this ooniulUtion Assistant Surgeon Pasey of the service will be detailed to duty at Key West and will make a full report to the Marine Hospital Bureau on the subject. By lelasrarh to theiNaws and Obaerrar. CnroiKifATx, O., Jan. 13. The gale and here last night was continuous violent from evening until morning. Bain fell about midnight in heavy sheets. The temperature yesterday and last night was nearly 70. This morning it has fallen to 84, and the wind has changed from southerly to westerly. JNo damage by the gale has been reported. 1 Uaxbo, His., Jan 13. A tornado last night struck the" east side of Clinton, Ey , demolishing fifty-five houses and killing eleven people and wounding fifty tnree. The killed so far as aa. sertained are: J A Bhodei and two children; Mrs Wm Bone, Burnett Bone, Walter Nanoe, Jno W Gaddie and an infant and one other not yet identified. Wounded : J E Hodges, Q B Q win, wife, child and father; C W Yoorhees, a child and two rela tives the names unknown: Bev N W Little, wife and two children) Stubel field and several members of his family, tnougn not aenousiy ; urs. unester and two children; Mrs. J. A. Bhodes and one child, the latter will die; A Anderson and two children: A. M. Jackson and Bobert Johnson, Jr both dangerously, the latter will die; W. a. Nance, wife and child, and others whose names cannot be ascer tained. Assistance was sent from here last night. The storm also vis ited Winckliffts doing considerable damage to property, but causing no lossoiiixe. Dbtboit, Jan. 13 A terrible wind storm has raged since last evening. In the earlier part of the night it was accompanied by a heavy rain, but later it turned colder and the rain eeased, while the wind remained vio lent. Several trees were blown down in the heart of the city and signs in numerable were found in the streets this morning. Several large valua ble windows were blown in by the force of the gale also. This morning is the coldest experienced so far this winter, and there is a slight fall of snow. The steamer Oitiferage, which Jfas in winter quarters, was torn from her moorings .and blown up the river to Belle Iile,. where she stranded. She will probably be got off without damage. Nearly all f the telephone wires are down, erasing much inconvenience to the public Telegraphic eomannicatioa is also seriously interrupted. IN HONOR -OF TILDES: A CONGRESSMAN WITS GRIT INEISCBAW. xb ccmnsos, cr new toex. moposma f JTLXNDID MCKOMSST TO BAMUtL t. T1LD1N OMSJt DOIKflS IS C0503X88. By Telegrapli to the Kew ni Obserrw. ' WASHimos, Janury 13 -fcsA rs. j Amonir the petitions presented and referred was one signed by the ives of Chief Justice Fuller endJato Field and Harlan and by 'he wives of many other distinguish d offla.Hi ana, citizens of WBsnicg'on praying that in the legislation .Mtt'an z n? the International Expositiua o 1892 pro vision shall be made for the appoint ment of women on the board of man agers in view of the fact that there is to be a presentation of the share taken by woman in the artistic, in tellectual and religions progress of the nation. Among the bills reported from the committee and placed on the calen dar were the following: For a bronze statue in Washington to Christopher Columbus; to change the limit of the appropriation tor publio building at Jacksonville, Fla., from f 125,000 to 176,000; to pre vent the introduction of contagious aiseases from one state to another, asd , for the punishment of certain offences, i Mr. Butler gave notice of his in tention to address the Senate next Thursday on the subject of his bill for the emigration of the colored peo pie, and Mr. Pasco gave a like notioe for the same day, his remarks to be on the subject of Federal elections. Mr, Hoar offered a : resolution, which was referred to the finance oommittee, instructing that commit tee, whenever it reports - the tar s? bill, to incorporate in it a Jrovision that whenever -any oreign country shall impose an export daty on logs,: in any form, or on manufactured or partially man ufactured lumber, the duty shall be collected on such logs or lumber in the United States 1 rqual to the amount of export duty so imposed in I addition to. the duty otherwise im posed by law. - -j- The resolution heretofore effered by Mr. Plumb respecting- the lease of the islands of St Paul and St. Georjte to the Alaska Commer jial Company and reguestinsr the Secretarv4 of the Treasury not to make farther lease of such islands until further action by Congress, and calling upon the Secretary of the .Treasury -for infor mation regarding the methods of the seal of the company, was taken up, debated at some length and finally, without action, was referred to the committee on finanee. ; - . - The action of the House upon the death of Bepresentative Kelly was announced, whereupon the Senate adjourned. - - . j housi Mr. Adams, of Illinois, chairman of the Silcott investigating committee submitted a report accompanied by a bin appropriating S75.000 for the purpose of supplying the deficiency in the appropriation for the pay and mileage of members and delegates oeetaioned by the recent defalcation in the office of Sargeant-at-Arms- Alr. Hemphill, of South Carolina. and Mr. Holman, of Indiana, sub mitted minority reports. They were all ordered nrinted in the record and recommitted. Accompanying Mr. Hemphill V report is a bill authorialne the members who suffered by the de falcation to bring suit Against the government in the court of claims. The States were called for the in troduction of bills for reference. Among the bills introduced were the following : - .: By Mr. Fithia of Illinois, a reso lution directing the committee on ways and means to report a separate bill placing lumber, salt, jute, hemp, manila and sisal grass on the free list. By Mr. Morgan, of Mississippi, placing bagging for i cotton on the free list- By Mr. Stockdale, of Mississippi, for a publio building at Natehes, Miss. ;i Q Y"A '.P i x- y - -s.i By Mr- Dunnell, of Minnesota, to repeal so much of an act of July 1st, 1870, as antborues leasing of the right to engage in taking fur seals from the Island of St. Paul and St. George. . ,' : ; 1 ' -:'j Vy Mr. Baker, of New York, (by request), extending the right of suf j frage to women. f By Mr. Oummings, of New York, a joint resolution for the erection of a statue to the memory of the late Samuel J. Tildes. The joint resolu tion was read as follows : i . Resolved, That there is appro priated from the treasury of the United States the sum of $50,000 to erect a broitz i statue of Samuel J. Tilden, to be placed in the centre of the rotunda of the Capitol; that on the tablet at the front base of said statue there shall be conspicuously engraved I these words : Samuel J. Tilden, the nineteenth President of the United States, elected but not seated;" (applause on the Democratic side); that on the right square of the base shall be engraved the date of birtbi election and death of such President, and that on the opposite side shall be engraved an eaarle with a snake in his talons, and under them these words: "For the right." Besohed, That the President of the United States Chief Justiei of the Supreme Court, President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives be authorised to su- periniacd the expenditure of the moaey and that a copy of these reso- lutiOuB with the names and titles c sai 1 dignitaries ; be engraved on the rear of said baee. Sx Sweeney,- of I iw,r inquired whither the gentletuau expect, d the inscriptions to be ia cipLer (Ap ple ie e on ine itepuDiiean iuc ) - s By Mr i E wart, of North Carolina, txaaiDting from the operation of the Oivil eervico law soldiers, sailers and marines of the late war. By Mr. Qrosvenor, of Ohio, for a uuitary rational raiit (Ubiokamaaga batUfQe'd bi'). , -; i By Mr. A. A- Taller, pf Tennessee, for pabh& bctidicg at Morris town an I Bfittoi. TaciC. , -.'V; ":f " ; tsj iir.i v anDiogtoo, or Tsnnessee, making Andrew jACeoa'a birthday a national ncuaay. . ; :v By Mr. Stewart, of Georgia, to emend the naturalization laws. xne xiouse men proceeded in a committee of the whole to the con sideration of the bill to provide for a townaise entry or the lamas ut us lahoma. In order to enable the mem bers to examine the bill at their leis ure no action was taken and the com mittee and the Hoase at 3:15 ad journed.' . ' I ! r Ahmt tke 8trm. ' By Tf lof rh to.the Mewa and Obaerrar. - W asaiaiT. h. Jan. 13 The storm whicQ was central in the southwest yesterday morning moved northeast ward rapidly with great energy, pass ing over the central valley and lake region, attended by severe ga?es and destructive local storms. Un usual local warm southerly winds prevailed to the eastward of the storm centre, while the cold wave ex tended ' southward over, Mississ- sippi, Missouri and lilincij, south ward to the ooast, the change in the temperature in twelve hours ; ranging from forty! degrees to fifty degrees from Missouri and Illinois southward to the Gulf coast. The temperature is now below freezing in northeast ern Louisiana and Ttxa ; and 1 it ia ove sixty degrees from Florida northward to New York. T By Talegnph to the Kewa nd Obserrer. Boston, Jan. 13. A phenomenal fog shut down on Boston for several hours this morning. N?ibing like it has been seen before in this city, lit was impossible to duern objects from across the street. The vehicles crawled along to avoid collisions and blockades in the business streets. In the fc arbor crafts of all kinds reduced the speed one half. A VmnI O Ma Dwa. By Telecraph to t&a Hawa and Obaerrar. j NaW Ycxx. Jan. 13. The steamer City of Augusta, from i Savannah, wmen arrtvaa nere too ay, reports that on the 12 di instant, at 9 40 a. m, eleven miles north of Birnapel and about four miles from lackLtha pataed a mast floating, and the spar, top just awash, apparently attached to a sunken ivessel. . TerrlAa WladriteraB. " By Telesraph to the Kewa aad Obaerrar. ; FiTTfcBuYe, Jan. 13. A terrifie wind storm passed over the city about six o clock this morning doing consider able damage and prostrating the wires in every direction. Communica tion east and west for a time was en tirely out eff but it has again been established .although the telegraphic service ia still badly crippled. Am After: f AiUeter'a Ball. , T World, j f.."-.-"! ; - - Mention was made last week of the criticisms which had been awakened by Cornelius Tanderbilt and Ward McAllister reserving a table for the committee at the New Tear's ball and inviting a number of distinguished people, including Dr. Dapew, Grover Cleveland, Mrs. Cleveland, Mrs. Paran Stevens and others, to sit down with them, i The table was immediately dubbed the royal table, and it was declared that the appropriation of exclusive privileges at a subscription oaii, wnere everybody contributed to wards the expenses! of the balL was altogether I unwarranted. The pros and eons of this serious and impor tant matter nave open canvassed at the Union Club particularly , and in the drawing root of the town throughout the more bitterness tire week, and d acrimony have been engena than if the been a politi- discussion J had cal one and the ate of the conn- try had depended n its outcome. As this matter of committee tables is by no mesne .a new .thing it is. rather srtnage that thej discussion should have been stirred np just at the present time. At the Patriarch balls the committee has always had a table of its own, and other prominent men and women have made up parties for supper simply in order that people who are friendly with each other and enjoy each other's society should be together. Such an arrangement does away with the haphszzard character Of the Ordinary ball supper, and makes the whole thin? oleasant and homelike. It is of course. under stood that all the tables in the supper room at the New Year's ball were supplied jwith the same menu. The only difference was that more promi nent people were at this table than at the osners. it would be rather in teresting for some of these Union Club critics to come toward and form ulate their side of the case. If you suffer pricking pains on mrtwinff fthe even' or Aannot hear bright lignt, and nnd your sight weak and tailing, you snouid promptly use Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening ma eb an : area 4 i 4 Cje Baivsy . 27 cents a dox. . WHAT OF GERONIMO ? SECRETARY PROCTOR'S TWO PROPOSITIONS. Tex rnxoaasa or xaxo is wxstxui XOXTH OlBOUXa SDOeiSTXD ABD ALSO A tBOrOSBn SITTtXX SXT U TBS IBOXAX TXXXXTOBT. ; ;-';'''.. ; A ....... , . . i sj j; ... By Taletrapfe to the Newt aad Obserrer. WasnxeTox, I JsnT 13 -Secretary rroctor naa sent to the speaker of the House a report upon the survey of the Oooge river, in Alabama, made under the direction of CapkcFhuip M. Price and corps of engineers in compliance with a provision of the law requiring the survey for the loca tion of the channel in and along the river in Alabama from its rapids at YYetumpka to connect with the im provements already completed on the river above Ten Islands. The plan of improvement recommended by Capt Price as the most feasible, eco nomical and snitsble is to provide a Ks tern of slack water navigation over e greater part of the distance by the construction df a dam to back the water over the swift, shallow portions and of loess to pass the boats from one level, to another, and in addition to excavate a suitable . channel through the reefs by blasting and the removal oz rock where necessary. The estimated cost of the improve ment, consisting of twenty-seven locks, dame and abutments, lock- keeper's dwelling and the rock exca vation in the channel between the looks, is given at $6,074,913. Secretary Proctor, who has been for some months giving earnest con sideration to the amelioration of the condition of the Apache Indiana who have been held aa prisoners of war since Geronimo and his band sur rendered to Gen. Miles," today sub nutted his conclusions to the Presi dent in two alternative suggestions- one the purchase of a tract of land in the mountain region of Western North Carolina or one in the adia cent8tatei: the other that the eon sent of Congress be rr quested for their transfer to some point in the Indian Territory, proposing if such transfer be authot zid to locate thBm at Fort Sill temporarily with a view to their final settlement on the Eiows, Oommanohe and Apache reservation u eatisraetory cegouafcoae can be consummated with those confederated tribes. The latter suggestion has the aD&roval of the Sacretarv of Wr and he recommends its adoption. This is in harmony with the views of Hajor-General Orook and Lieutenant Gcneral Howard, who, under instruc tions of the Saeretary of War, have recently r.-. i ed the Apache prisoners at ' Mt.i Yernon barracks, Alabama, where they nave been held in custody lad who reports aa. follows : , ,Tha band now numbers four hundred and tixty. j Two are in confinement at Governor's Island ; twenty are at Car lisle school, and three hundred and nine women and children and seventy- nine men are. at . Mount Yernon. Thirty j of these . men ; only are able bodied ; twenty-five are able to do more or less work and the rest are old or crippled. Not all of them were bostues, some of them having been in the army as scouts, in which i they rendered valuable and loyal servioe. Banishment and im prisonment have been their reward. Theee Indiana have had all the desire for war taken out of them and now only desire a term in some location where they can find a mote healthful climate and learn the wajs of white men." : The President today nomisated the followincr boatmastera : Richard D. Locke, Macon, Georgia; W. Walker Russell, Anderson Court House, B.U; Guilford MjTaylor, Covington, Tsnn.; wm. spellings,- MeA.ecsie, Tenn. Also the following recess nomina tions: George F. Fisher, of Dela ware, to be First Auditor of the Treasury; Henry O. Warmouth,oollee tor of customs for the district of New Orleans. V::';'j: Klmato Beta. Oor. ol the Haws aad Obaerrar. f EiasTOH, N, O, Jan. 13, '90. Messrs. 0. E. Barrett and James Cox two of Etnston's young men left est week for Waco, Texts, which they expeot to make their future home. . 1 ;,; A-. .:; ; .' . Mr. A. Mitchell had his arm hurt last Saturday by beinnr thrown from his road cart and was dragged a short distance. ; He succeeded in getting possession of the .lines and stopped the horse. The cart waa turned over by' rnnninsr over a nlousrh. We are glad to know that Mr. Mitchell was not acrioualy hurt. ; iDtmn Buy at Srfik. Balttmora Sua. "'i NoxroLX, Ye., Jan. 12. The po lice, fire department, railroads, street ear lines, ferries, eto , are all attacked by the grippe, and six or seven hun dred cases are in the two cities. Some of the doctors; report fifty eases on their bands, and the doctors them selves have it. I Lt J. G. MoWhorter, of the marine corps, was sent to the hospital yesterday very ill with the disease.' j ' ' YeurlaU. - ' whether on pleasure bent or business, should take on every trip a bottle of 8yrop of Figs, as it acts most pleas antly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, head aches and other forms of sick ness. For gale in 50e and II 00 bot- ties by all leading druggists, TKIMITT AWAKE. 'jhV'1--'' SHI IS STILL HCXTJSe TEX LXATHXB BTBBBB. Cor. of the Nawa and Obaerrar. . Tbixitt OoLLiaz, Jan. 12, 1890. 1 Most of the students have returned "battered and torn" from the places where their hearts lie buried, and have entered college again. A num ber of students who were with us several years ago have also returned to snuff the intellectual air in this vicinity, and with the return of the student! the question is put: Now for the foot ball pennant 1 Shall Trinity win it ? The future will have this to solve. The University team having reinforced their ranks by the addition of men said to be from other institutions are putting forth every effort to keep Trinity from t winning the pennant. It will be remembered that this son there were to be three games, each college to play the other once. Wake Forest won the game over the Tarsity boya, and on last Thanks giving day Trinity stole the "turkey off of Wake Forest's table. Should the 'Varsity boys win the coming game against Trinity they wonld not gain the pennant themselves but only make it a tie as last seaeon; But should Trinity blue win the day the pennant ia hers. Today our team began to play. They mean to PLAY, and play yon may expect it to be. While oor boys are not totally confident of victory, still it would not surprise us very much to see it perch open our Buuaara. If the good people 'who view the next game will not let their enthu siasm run them all over the grounds in the way of players perhaps Rafa ders and Daniels may get a chance to run, a privilege which they were not given in the last year at Raleigh owing to the crowds that j were in thai wv . --VV - - It has already been announced to the public that Dr. Wm. V. Tudor, of Norfolk, has accepted the invitation to preach the Baccalaureate sera on before the graduating elais next cr m menoement; but just here let it be staled that Trinity bid j all people who love to hear genuine sermons to be with us on that day.; r , JTax Boon Tiara. The Weaterm Uaioa'a Baw limi t Fajr- , IIHT1UI. Wilmington M eaaeager. - Caps. G. W. Alleyr-who ia super vising the building of the Western Union Company s Telegraph line along the Gape-Fear' and v Yadkin Valley Railway, fromWilmington to Fayetteville, . camedown the road yesterday to spend Sunday in ihe aty. He inzormfns thatabout thirty miles of the line have been completed and that thepests are np a a a e . a . . , . w to witnin twenty-nve nuies or ray etterille. That pari of the line com pleted is from the aty to t point near , l Wt ft . mm juacs xuTcr, oampson county, xne Captain expects to have the line com pleted tor business by the 10th of reorusry. Dr. Bc Orlaaeam. AaherlUe Ultisea. - This distinguished gentleman reached here yesterday by the 2 o eiocK p. m. train from Knoxville. and was warmly received by many inenaa, notaoiy among t&ose ox the naaonie fraternity, in which he holda high rank and consideration. He will leave today at 2 p. m. for Raleigh. Dr. Grissom has been on a visit to St. Louis, where he has been offered a high and lucrative position in an institution of high character in which the treatment of various ailments is a specialty, and it is probable he will accept the offer. An erroneous state ment comes from Washington, that he had been an applicant for the con trol oi St. -Elizabeth, the National Insane Asylum. This is an error, his absence from Raleigh being connected solely with the St Louis proposition. ' CUto Temr Bom a Cluuae. Every youth looks forward to a bright future in which self acquired wealth figures as a most prominent eature. Baeeess ts not acquired with out effort, and effort is useless unless intelligently directed. To be a busi ness man, one must be trained to bus iness methods. - This is just what the great Business College of Messrs. Sadler's, Bryant A Stratton, Balti more, md is doing for thousands of our, youths. It is the best Lb the country. Send for circulars. Terma moderate. l bi d Plea ea. . .;; Blood dlaeaaea are terrible on aeeonnt of their loathsome nature, aad the fact that they wrack uie wuhwunitn cofflpietoiyiuueaa tue proper aatldpto la applied. B . B. B. (Botanic Blood Bairn) ia Maipoaod of the true antidote for b'ood poleoa. Ita ue nerer falla to Eire aattanetion. , Xn. Laura Hark Beaufort, 8. C., writees "A loathaome lona of blood polaoa waa kUling me. aty appetite waa lost. m beoea ached, aitdparta of mj Seeh teemed m If It would come off bt Donee, a mena Drouent mo a bottle of B. b. B The aoreo becaa heailng at onee, and when I had taken two bouiee I aurprlaed ay friends at any rapid racoTary,,, j w. A. Brrant, Moody. Texaa, writea i I had aa aggraraten case of salt rheom for wax rears. Inch medicine I toor onlr aeemad mjr irrt until I found B. B. B. It eared my hand, which reeemblea a burnt aurfaoo. it also cured mr two children of Itch, which had resisted prertoua treatment.'' The handsomest line of Satin r exhibited in the State can at Fred A. Watson's Picture and Ari Store. In the collection is a satin copy of The y&ngelus, the! liighettsjprice piare now in America, On" Christmas Goods I am prepared to offer extra induce-' menta. Elegant line of noveltiti, hand painted cards, Chamois skin goods elaborately furnished. Shop pers can ssts money by looking through my stock. Mail orders have prompt attention. Fan. A. WiTKW, . 112 FjaytileriU 8k. ' Xtaarllle tVjrBcliawraj. Daarille Begiater. Captain E. T. Ltmb, agent, of the Richmond and Danville Railroad at this point, writes to Captain Harry Wooding, president Chamber of Com merce, as follows in regard to the Bocky Mount train : - "I am glad to inform you that on Monday next, January 13 th, 1890, we will have a m'xed train running be tween Danville and Lynchburg that will carry passengers. This train will make dose, con nections at Franklin Junction for Bocky Mount each way, thereby en abling passengers on the Bocky Monnt division to come to Danville, attend to their business, and return home the same night." : The "baby's beat friend" is the most appropriate title for Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. It ia perfectly safe and reliable under all circumstances and by allaying the usual stomach and bowel disorders of babyhood keps the child from fretting and crying. : Borne people are queer; they will suf fer with dyapepaia o liver disease for mrmth anaTW . mil iti ..i in.U. cured bw a SS cent naokaire at Tvsn. wonder why they never tried It before ;'; 'Waked mp Bflroetawllyt A lethargic, dormant condition af the liver ia hardly to be orracome with drastic "uttiartlfa and nauseous cholagognes. A geotler, pleaa anter aad tar a-ore eflectlra means exists of arousing the organ when somnolent, This in H os tetters Stomach Bitters, vouched for by the medical fraternity, tested by the publio for many yeara. A resumption by the biliary organ of Its secrettre rnnctlo with the tcrwttr attendant -npon health, a return to regularity of the bowel,, and a renewal of digestion, are the no teas happy and certain results of nsfng the bitters syatem atiea'ly. Its laiatire effect la nerer painful and drenching, its tendency being rather to perpetu ate regularity than to produce a copious ac,lon. , Malaria, net rosness debility, kidney troubles,, and neuralgia it subdues effectually. . Maw Qrlea Molaesea. ! Choice new crop New Orleans and Porto Rico Molasses, i Maple Syrup oy mesAure. Best Buckwheat, etc. -A" V . ; Rabsix & Pxaorrn. y:: A heap Vegetable - Rier ardson's corn 10c per can. A did stacdaad brand Of corn, in full vi No 2 cans. A full stock of reli able earned goods of every descrip tion frails, vgtab!e, fish, etc, etc. , BaBnia A PaectrD, Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-' tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cum habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy; of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- -ceptable to the stomach, i prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy ana agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the mobi popular remedy known. Srmn nf Ficr fa fnnta fn Kfln and $1 bottles by all leading drug mat ' -ir.ii- j , - jiy rcuauio uruggisi wno may not hava it on finnd wnll tmi. cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any suosuiuie. CALIFORNIA FIG SfRUP CO. - 9A" FMKC1SC0, CAL. loumiui, nr. new voax. n.t. JOHN a PESCDD. y Raleigh, N. a THE S0N3 OF. .... v IS ALL THE CRAZE north); BUT - RALEIGH PEOPLE Content TTliemsel vee WITH USING ENAMELINE, 4N IMPROVED STOVEPOUSD. It produces a jet-black enamel makes no - bvi, reqoires no mixing, always ready for use. It is a pasta. Cannot spill on the flor, sou htii iauvr to applying it. 1H0S. U. BRI66S & SONS, 1 r 1- V

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