THE NEWS AND OBSERVER VOL. XXXII. ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidney® aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Fig.i is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleaoiug to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt i» its action and truly beneficial in iti effects, prepared only from the most Wealthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Byrup of Figs i 3 for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it cn hand will pr&, cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE, K\. W V QPK. N.V, 1111 USD 11 A T 7> * On Thursday we will have our Spring Opening Os Millinery, Dry Goods, Trimmings, Bibbons, Laces, Embroideries, &c. Our Stock in qualities is the Best we have ever shown. We ask everybody to call and see it. All goods marked in plain figures and sold at our price. Our $2 Shoe WILL SUIT YOU. Woollcott & Sons. SPRING HAS COME, And those who have babies ought to buy the little ones a Carriage Our first shipment has been receiv ed. We have two more ship ments to follow at once. The styles this season are pretty, the quality is The: Very: Best, And prices are right One great advantage in buying a carriage of us is, that you can always get repairs for them. Call and exam ine styles and prices. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH, N. O. ICE! SEASON O*F 1892. We quote city prices as follows: 100 lbs (20 slb tickets) $ 65 500 lbs (50-10 lb tickets) 3 00 1000 lbs (40-25 lb tickets) 6 00 2000 lbs (40-50 lb tickets) 12 00 2000 lbs (20 100 lb tickets) 10 00 Retail depot corner Hargett and Sal isbury streets, (under Progressive Far mer office). As soon as the weather will justify and the trade demands will put on our wagons and make two deliveries daily as in previous seasons. The usual terms of payment to our friends and customers. Respectfully, LEACH & ANDREWS. hmm]WIRE RAILING AND PUpy, ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS. DUFUH cfc oo- No Six North Howard Street, Baltimore, rnanu racturersof wire railing tor cemeteries, balco alee. Ac., sieves, tenders, wires, wood an* coal jcreeui), woven cages, iron bedstead settee, etc. The Approaching Election In Rhode Island. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Providence, April 4.—Preparatory work for the State election AVednea day is nearly over. But a few more meetings are to be held, and none of these are of much importance, except the Republican gathering in this city tonight, which is to be ad dressed by Secretary of the Navy Tracy and Congressman Burrows, of Michigan. A mass meeting of Republicans will be held tonight in Pawtucket, where Ex-Speaker Reed will speak, and a similar rally will be held in Newport tomorrow night to be ad dressed by Reed and Speaker Bar rett, of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. The Democrats have finished their large gatherings, but some small ones Mill be held in various parts of the State tonight and tomorrow night. Both parties claim to be confident of the result, but the indications point to the election of a Republi can majority in the legislature. The State ticket is likely to fail of elec tion, with the Democrats securing a plurality of the votes cast, which will, however, be of no avail in case of the election of a Republican leg islature. Senator Aldrich considers the outlook very satisfactory for the Republicans, and hopes they will receive a plurality vote for the officers, as this will be taken as an indication of the vote in the presi dential election, which is by plu rality instead of majority, as in the State contest. The Democrats claim that the plurality vote on State of ficers is assured to them, and that they hope for a majority, too, as well as the balance of power in the legislature. A Woman Convicted of Manslaughter. By Cable to the News and Observer. Dublin, April 4.—Mrs. Annie Mon tague, of Cronmore House, London derry, was tried here today under an indictment for causing the death of her three-year old daughter by cruel punishment and for cruelty to three other children under fourteen years of age. She was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to im prisonment for one year at hard la bor. The case has become noted because of the conspicuous family involved and because it entered into a religious and political contro versy in Ireland. The case for the Crown consisted entirely of evidence presented at the coroner’s inquest. Death of Editor* cT R. Oliver. Special to the News and Observar. Reidsville, N. C.. April 4.—Mr. C. R. Oliver, one of the proprietors of the Review, died this afternoon at 4 o’clock of pulmonary cansump tion. He had been a victim to this slow and lingering disease for sev eral months. The deceased was aged twenty-six years and was held in high esteem in the community. He was a member of the Knights of Honor and the Reidsville Rifles, and will be buried tomorrow with appropriate ceremonies. Two Hundred Passengers Lost. By Cable to the News and Observer. St. Petersburg, April 4 —lt is re ported here that a steamer bound from the Persian coast for Baku, in the Black sea, with two hundred passengers and a cargo of cotton, has been lost with all aboard It is said that the disaster was due to the fact that the steamer was great ly overloaded. A Bad Railroad Wreck. By Telegraph to the News and Observer. Cincinnati, April 4. A special from Charleston, W. Va., says : A freight train on the Cincinnati and and Ohio Railroad struck a high rock, which had fallen on the track near ltonceverte Sunday morning. A dozen freight cars were com pletely dtmolished, and the engine thrown into the river. Engineer Buchanan, Fireman Brown and Brakeman Clarkson are reported killed. Veath of B.