VOL. XXXIII. ON® ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, ounty, Monday, August 8. Rutherfordton. Rutherford county, Tuesday, August 9. Marion, McDowell county, Wednes day, August 10. The Hon J C Scarborough will ad dress the people at Lexington, David son county, Saturday. August 6th. Hons. Oct Coke, Democratic candidate for Secretary of State, and J C Scar borough, Democratic candidate for Su perintendent of Public Instruction, will address the people at Statesville, Iredell county, Tuesday, August 9th, and at Carthage, Moore county, Tuesday, Au gust 16th. Hon C B Aycock, Democratic candi date for elector,and Hon Oct Coke, Demo cratic candidate for Secretary of State, will address the people at Kenansville, Duplin county, Monday, August Ist, and at Giddensville, Sampson county, Tuesday, August 2d. Hon C B Aycock will address the people at Winton, Hertford county, Monday, August Bth* non R A Doughton, Democratic can didate for Lieutenant Governor, will ad dress the people at Taylorsville, Alex ander county, Tutsday August 2d and at Dobsons, Surry county, Monday Au gust 22. Hons R A Doughton and R B Glenn will address the people at Lovelace, Wilkes county, on Friday August 5, at East Bend, Yadkin county, Saturday August 6, and at Wentworth, Rocking ham county, Monday August 8. Hons R A Doughton and Thomas W Mason will address the people of Oxford, Granville county, on Monday July 25. Hon Oct Coke will address the peo ple at Dunn, Harnett county, August 4, Thursday, and Hons Oct Coke and Thos W Mason will speak at Lillington, Harnett county, Tuesday August 9. F. M. Simmons, Ch’m’n. R H Cowan, Sec’y. Democratic papers please copy. There was a young lady of Natchez, Who was covered with burns, b.tes and scratches, But she said “I don’t care, I’ll tomorrow be fair, For Pond’s Extract much more than their match is.” The greatest of faults is to be con scious of none. A Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of Burlington, 0., states that he had been under the care of two prominent physi cians, and used their treatment until he was not able to get around. They pro nounced his case to bo Consumption and incurable. He was persuaded to try Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, and at that time was not able to walk across the street without resting. He found, before lie had used half of a dollar bottle, that he was much better. He continued to use it and is today enjoying good health- If you have any Throat, Lung or Chest| Trouble try it. We guarantee satisf so c tion. Trial bottle free at J. Y. M a c- Rae’s drugstore. CHILDREN CRY FOR DKSTROYKD BY LAVA. The Eruption at Mount Etna Assuming Serious Proportions. Rome, July 22. —The eruptions of Mount -Etna are increasing in vio lence, especially on the western side of the mountain. Villages at the foot of the mountain r.re shaken al most continually by earthquakes. The inhabitants pass hours daily in prayer in tho open streets. The stream of lava approaching Nicolsi lost force last night, but this after noon again began flowing toward the town. The lava streams have already destroyed many mountain huts. King Humbert has sent 20,000 francs to be distributed among the poor who have lost their homes or have been driven from them by fires. A well known citizen of Buffalo made the following remark yester day : “I am a Republican, and shall vote for Harrison, but if all places are like Buffalo, Mr. Harri son is a ‘goner.’ There is a steady current here in favor of Mr. Cleve land. I see it every day of my life.” Testimony to the effect is heard on every hand.—Buffalo Cou rier, (Dem) PPH §§l |gy &AKIN c POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tarter Baking Pow der, Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Govern ment Food Report Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall Street, N. Y. civil engineering, Full Commercial Course. Practical Course in Telegraphy. Instruction in Music and Art. Cornet Band. Location famous for Beauty Rnd Health. For those not prepared for College Classes, there is a Complete Preparatory Department. Resident Surgeons. Preparatory Medical Department. No charge for medical atten tion. Low rates. For particulars, address DAVIS SCHOOL. Winston. N. C. BOWLINS CREEH ACADEMY. A chartered preparatory achool of the highest reputa tion and micros*. Health record perfect. Chargee low. Address John Hart.M. A.U. of Va. .Bowling Green, V. Fruit J ars Ice Cream Freezers. Porcelain Lined Preserving Kettles. Granite Iron Kettles. Baby Carriages. Croquet Sets. Beautiful Glassware. PA I N T IN SMALL CANS. Now is the time to use these goods. J'hos. 11. Briggs A Sons RALEIGH. N. O. SPECIAL: SALE OF LAWNS, CHALLIES and CALICOS On THURSDAY, JULY 21, we will sell a lot of Calicos Lawns anil Cli Hies —AT— -4 Cents PER YARD. This Sale will be well worth jour at tendance. Woollcott & Sons. 14 K PARK AVENUE. Fitwiekscastokia. NO. 15