1 ". i ie .5 V- ... 4 ft .1 l ! .1- i ill! . - - . . . MAY .,.'.".877. JV, C. MESS ASSOCIATION. The fifth annual meotlng of the North Carolina Tress Association, held lo Charlotte lant week, was a ohiph)te DnocBS. This was our first prlfllege to toet, In a Uxly, the news paper men of m suluiikd SUU. Tbe AHoclltUn convened at 12 o'clock M. Tusmlay. '1'ho 1'pMtident Dr. II. K. T. Manning, f the Mary land Midicul Journal, and the Secre tary, It, T. Kulghuin, of lialeigh, were present. Twenty ono newspapers of tho State were represented. On behalf f ihc ity Tress and cltiteni of Charlotte, F. Itrcvard Mc Dowell, Ksq., of tho Charlotte 06-Ti--r, delivered a beautiful and ap propriate addres of welcome at the conclusion of which the Tresident made an able resjxjnso. After which the business of the meeting waH gone through with. In the afternoon, by imitation of Major Yates, tho able editor of that popular journal, the Charlotte Demo crat, we were one of a party privileged to enjoy the pleasure of ucoompanying him cwi a tour tUrottgh and around the ... it v- In a literal sense, this was our . i .. i introduction to Charlotte, and we were , , . , , . , pleased to make her acquaintance, .,, , .. . , ..P , , Charlotte is a beautiful and prosper- .. , . , . . ous city, and boa many places of in- . . . . . ., terest to a stranger. Among other , ... places or ink-rest, we visited Kudmll ..... ,. ... , . . , , Hill Cold Mines, which presented a . tmr appearance. (u our retain Im . ," . .. , . ... , the city we visited the lienutiful resi- , . x, . , . uence of .Major l ., on Iyron street, , , t . , . where we were entertained m a most . pleasant and hospitable manner. . ... ... The Association re-assembled on Wednesday morning, and among other important business, the following offi cers were elected for the ensuing year : President Col. Wiu. L. Saunders, -of Raleigh. Vice-Presidents Col. Charles H. Jones, of Charlotte ; Dossey Hattle, of Tarboro, and J. S. Tomlinson, of Hickory. Recording and Corresponding Sec retary W. A. Davis, of Oxford, Treasurer P. F. Duhy, of Greens boro. Executive Committee W. J. Yates, of Charlotte ; It. M. Fusnu, i Aslie ville ; R. T. Fulghum, pf Raleigh ; T. K. Bruner, of Salisbury. nd J. T. Caldwell, of Raleigh. In the afternpon it was the pleasure of the Assoeiation to visit, by invita tion, the handsome and hospitable , residence of Colonel Win. Johnson, ; the popular Mayor of Charlotte, wfycrc , we aet with a kind, hearty reception. . After ivhich we visited the United States Mint, where it was our pleasure : to meet Colonel Cowles. who is well- , known to many of our citizens. Later in the afternoon we availed : ourselves of an invitation from Col. Thomas to visit Carolina Military In stitute an institution which net only Charlotte, but the whole State should be proud of. Here we were entertain ed in a most pleasant and agreeable manner. On our return we. were once more fc'Ppi d IOijisiana need a recon invited to the hospitable home of structlon of their credit, and to effect Major Yates, where we were regaled u should now be the first care qf every in that pleasant mannor characteristic good citizen of those States. Kadi of our genial host. j of them could readily provide for the At eight o'clock wo repaired to the interest and gradual payment of such Opera Hotwe, where was assembled ! amount of debt as they have received an audience representing the elite, 1 any just consideration for ; but they beauty and intelligence of the city. cannot take a stand, in all classes, Colonel E. S. Gregory, the orator, ; on the ground that their bonds were was Introduced by the President, and 1 squandered by thieving officials, and for an hour and ten minutes he highly , therefore they must not be paid, entertained his hearers, in an elegant i More than half the whole addition to addreaa, abounding with useful and the debt of the States we have named practical advice, and well interspersed ' created during the last ten years, waa with wit nnd humor. Col. G.'s ad- j literally stolen and was expended to dress waa Well received. After the address of Colonel Greg- prosperity of the people ; but the sound ory we Teturned to the Central Iktel j est discrimination should be exer to partake of a magnificent banquet 1 cised in dealing with the issue, to tendered by the Tress and several ' as.nre the respect and faith that a leading citizens of Charlotte. The ! Commonwealth must inspire if it banquet was a grand success. The tables were well loaded with substan tials and all manner of delicacies, and the "champagne cannonading" was kept op during the evening. In response to. toasts speeches were mad by . Col. Wa Johnston, E. S. GTegory,.Esq., Col. J. P.. Thomas, Dr. Hf "E; T. Manning, P., F. Duffy, Esq., CoL IIud. C. Jones, F. B. McDowell, ESfV Dossey Battle, Esq., Sam'l P. Wh, Esq- Maj. J. A. Englehard, Dr;X T. Moore wd Col. L. L. Polk- Atsotittlon adjourned on Tfce 77 i . , . t4i r k. i . .. . ft-JlrUt.o;io'An orator, It to bo dou'dod ty tba iixeontl ve , Com. miitoe. . SOUTHERN 1STATE CREDIT, From thfl ftltadelphia Tiw.t we take the following ctttlng, showing the northern sentiment In rgard to the fraudulent debts of the southern States JNow that Uie protraotoil H)litloal turbnluuoo oftho roooxtttfrwi, 0l SlnUlS HOtilll l)OUt to OD(I ItH CUTHC, and government, law and thrift may revlvo throughout tli South, the quos lion of an honorable rvlJuHtmont of the practically njiudiated Indobtod iu'Hn of coin inon wealths which have boon the prey oftlio political adventure Hhould command prompt attention. No Stat n can afford to JiiHtify the charge of r pudiation, and yet there is law, justice or Hound public policy to require the nnyincnt of intended indebtcdueuH Uiat nu created by fraud, of which the world had reason able notice. In Home few instances it would be actually imxjsbible for Southern Mateo to pay the millions of debt piled upon them by plunderers I without even the shadow of compen- ' s.'itiou, and in other cases the equities i.i i .., ii... tti,,a 1 1,,.;-......lit,.-,, ' are mich that a compromise on a per- 1 1 'centiitre of the outstanding lionds . would leave no sUiu upon the joo1 j ' p name of the Commonwealth. It would lie idle to talk alnt North Carolina i attempting to pay the millions of ( i , Uuidi literally plundered from the t ' . Decide by (iovernor Holden and mich ' J 1 nleji as Littleton and Swenson. Some j thirteen millions were handed over to corrupt contractors by a corrupt Kx- ' - 1 ' ecutive witliout any attempt to pro- ; , 1 tect the State or to have some pretence ; of consideration therefor, "' t'"1 ( ,PurdjaScrS 01 8UC'1 cuntiCg could noi uave oeen wiioiiy ignorant of the fraud that attached to them. We do not assume that there was such tech- nioal legal notice of conspiracy and fraud as wfmld defeat recor ery by an ' innocent holder against an individual , but there was such a notorious (Viod of debauchery and venality sweeping around the Ilolden adminls- tration, and such open admonitions from the press and the people of the State that every purchaser of a North Carolina bond took it with his eyes open and calculated the chances of getting double Dr treble his money back or of losing the whole of it Had such securities been created without public question, and the im provements been prosecuted for which they were ostensibly issued, every consideration of law, justice and honor would require the State to pay them, no matter how unwisely they had been disposed of; but when the stench of fraud was attached to every bond, and public notice of repudiation came from ery fearless newspaper and honest tax-payer of the State, the holders cannot plead that they were innocent purchasers. Whether tho technical ities of the law would so regard them or not. the laws of honesty and common sense must decide against the in. North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Missis- debauch the authority and destroy the would mini i: s sacrea ana responsible mission to its citizens. And there is no fixed rule that could be applied to all the States, and probably none that would justly apply to any two of them. The originality and fertility of inven tion which fraud displayed In author izing and hisulng State bonds defy all accepted laws in the effort to attain equity. In some cases, such as North Carolina, it is not difficult to define certain pretended obligations which should be paid ; but the dividing lino Is net clear in mot. oth;r Set, be- m - .M.J .tit PI CI V" -i i y ' .utlia wbo1wlV9MiUiiu,j and ;' i.i-.i.. t .on which glvfta til lldeiiori or lonji orjulty Agnlagt tli 8Ut4" No Htato can stala 1U sumttiheon with repudiation nnt coi-mnand the I roapoot of either th world or of Its own people. 4 njroqmmon wealth may ' ty rtiMupot, what the oonildorato Judgment of mankind could approvoai net Mtween man and ttttn; but tjmploymtiutof the trloksxy of tho domagtijrne to csoapo State oUllgatlonn will rank cecond only In public repro batlon with the fruudn whloh created such debta. lUldtfb Now. j We print elsewhero this morning tho history of one of tho bloodiest of tho revenue outrages committed in the western part of tho State. It was tho killing of Johnson Snider and his on, by Rcvcnuo officers, in Ashe county. The statement was prepared for Hi AW Ivy a Republican who lives in the adjoining county of John son, Tennessee, and who la'jfally ac quainted with all tho details of fhc case. The tJe of blood h ho long that it is necessarily condensed, but enough is presented to show what lawless ruffians execute the Federal law in the moun tain country. Snider was o ioa res pectable and inoffeuflivo old man, seventy years of age. When the arrests were attempted no warrants were exhibited by the Revenue officers ' or pretended to be in their hands and noithcr the old man nor his son ! were connected with illicit distilling. ' The grand jury of Ashe Superior P,,ir4 l..o, I. r . i :n i . ' v "u,,M.-nCuiuuii1irueimii''ain8l all the parties of murder; and capiases were .ssued for the accused, with what result IB not vet known. We hone the offenders wero caught and tried - before Judge Schenk, who evinces 1 , ; such a commendable determination ! -.-ate the majesty of North Carolina la aw and Drotcct .North Carolina citizens from assassination by men clothed in Federal authority, 1 but overstepping the duty imposed upon them by Federal law. ' J , " i in: history or a rkve- Nl'E OUTRAGE. rur. Kn.Li.v; -, jnusn. sxrwj: aw ms so iiAMii.ro.s nr iievkm k orn IEHS ISA SHK COCXTY-DKTAILS OF THE E.iTAL ASSAULT. To A aim 1 4 ii i -ti is Ashe county last week true bi s ' i were found against Ed. Ray, R. O. Tak-' terson, -Wilson, and others, reve- nue officers, who killed Jhnsop I Snider, a respectable citizen of Ashe county and his son Hamilton, on the 10th day of la-St month, and Capiases I i r ., , ,, ,, issued Cor t he accuser!. The following j is the bloody story ()f the mnrder, as ! i e ii r i ii I made up for the Nnrs by a gentleman who lives in the adjoining county of Johnson. Tenn., and whose son was so unfortunate as to be a witness to the horrible tmgedy. Additional weight will be given to the story when it is known that the writer is himse'.f a Republican. Tilt IlISTOItY OF THK CASE. About the 10th of April, 1877, in the county of Ashe, Ed. Ray, R. ( ). Tatterson, Wilson, and others, whose names I do not know, to the number of ter. apparently consider- ably intoxicated came to Johnson 1 Snider's house on the head waters of the North Fork and New river, in a0i. f .i Ashe county, near the Tennessee line, and asked if Johnson Snider lived thepe, find a man by the name of Amnion, who was there, and he (Ammon) went to the gate with a small pocket knife in his band cutting n stick or whittling. Ray spoke to him and demanded his surrender and that he give up his knife. Ammon asked Ray "what have you got to do with my knife?" at which instant Ray knocked him down with his pistol. Alex. Sni der, a nephew of Johnson Snider was present and came with Amnion to his uncle's. When Ammon was knocked down Alex, seized a maul lying near the gate, which was taken from him by Franklin1 Qrayspn, who was present, who informed Sender and Ammon that Ray was a revenue officer and told them to have no difficulty. These two were from Tennessee. Amnion was an artist collecting some claims. A moment after that Ray fi red his pistol twice1 In the air. Ten or twenty seconds afterwards, horses were heard approaching rapidly, bringing nine others to the place, some armed with guns, others with pistols. Then the whole party rushed to the house, some surrounding, others penetrating. A short time after that old roan Johnson Snider, aged about seventy years, was seen in the custody of two of the reve- ime party, who brought him from his I flwrton tfiyond the l.ouno to the .Kirch. Next tbln neon Jiio wm Rilnbought . to tb parch la ouitody of (jut mum nartv. Town load wearing Mid boiateipai laughing wa mod at the bonne, wlen old mm. Bnldor ordered them to got out of hi house. About that time ho took hold of a chair which was In the 'porch and raised it a rout or so from the when the revenue party ' eoinmenoed firing. One ball took effect In iiifi Head, one in Ills neck and one in his hUd, oanming almost Inutant I di nth, as he reeled and full as mood as struck. At this time a portion of the parly was operating in the house. Noon after the old man fell rapid firing was heard in tho house, as was stated by tho , witnesses who were outside. Ray, lia ing gone in there us soon as Snider fell, commanded young Ham Snider, aged 22, to come down from Uio loft, and Snider came down. Some of the revenue officers demanded a surrender and Snider said : "I have surrender ed." One of tho party said : "You are a d d liar; yon haint ;" at the same time he (naid to bo Wilson) Urcd a pistol at him. Snider knocked the pistol up mikI the ball took effect in the loft of tho house. Hamilton had no weapon of defence ; then he was seized by some of tho party by the arms and legs aud one of tire party carrying him called for a man by the naino of Wilson aud said: "Ci d d n him, Bhoot him." A pistol was placed against his side by one of-them, near the hip, and fired, ,i ,.i,..i. a tm....... ,et him down ftncl ,eftj tftk, with ;tliemAmmonan(l prisoners. The whole transaction lasted some tfn (ir (lfllipn minnfm rrrm Vi ...... i, v uvui vuc lllliu Tnv ,., til, n un ay came till tnev all left. Hamilton iSuillor , , ... flnf t-i r .x.. . i nese Unas were c-icneu irom me winesses with whom , have converse(1 freelj am, fuly alx)ut the maUer j (lt) not hayo fccll in tm8 , , ... . , ... but make this statement at the request of friends. G. A 0.lt:it-WUIllil.G REMEDY. No remedial gont hn cvrr bwn offonxl to the nick nnd debilitated at all cnmparalile to Iloatcttcr'i Ktmnath Blttrrn, in caiui of rrniitu iit and Inter mittent fovora, ooniitliatlon, uorvona aUmnta, rhcumatifini, and dimirderH Involving constitutional weaknow or phi nioal decay. It Utflrally "w . ,.,.,, , ,, , ,., K wourtera." Hip botanic Ingredient which works ildera." Hip )oUnic Ingrnlirntx which Id fpirJtuiJi noida in aoimtmi, like a cuanu T " ,Umimch' nilthron,,h Hton'b u"n la Dothlng In It ootnpoaltlon that in not aalnbrioua. It contain' aom of the moat potrat tonic of thn vegetable kingdom and the Julcea of the bent aperi ent and anti-billo'ia roula and herbn, combined -with Prfctll' Pllr stimulating element. The bitten are peculiarly adapted to tboae cngagd In exhauat- lDg r mhnnby b, lu u ttimgill nliid nd the ability of the ayatoa to reaiat atmoauherlc aud oUior influence prejudicial to 11,,,tnP1((tl). llK.,Me(, DAVENPORT COLLEGE. "We appeal to our friends throughout the county who in tend to help us in the work of rebuilding Davenport College, but have not yet subscribed or contributed, to come forward and lend a helping hand. Some of our most prominent citizens have not been approached per- 80naHy on tue Subject, for the ... u i- i j reason that we believed in due . timft the7 WOuld d tbeirduty- This is our timo of need, and we beg every man that caD contribute anything to come forward, promptly and let us have the benefit of all that he caa do. The day will come when every man that has put a dollar into this College, will be glad that he did it. W. M. Robet. 7 Western Hotel, ITtoxobt, N. 0. MOUNTAIN HUMMER RESORT. Thla Hotel, no well known to Ita patron M a first clM houae, la jrt open for the accommodation of tb p public. The table will lx- mippllcd with every luxury and Vurfantial Of thfl SfMtOn. A. W. MAJinnAUj. iropneror. The Pioneer Library, LENOIR, N. 0. A Circulating Library of atandard mlnemannoua book. Rich itorei of oaoful knowledge and entor talnlnc reading within the reach of all. TCM Or MCMIIEMlllP. life member, $36 J for one year, $1 ; tit month. 11 . All money received for membenhlp, or from dona tion, la applied to the purchaae of new book. U ' v o. A. CILLEV, President. O. W. F. HArB, Treasurer. VANCE PORTRAIT. k rery fine LTTHOMUPit PORTRAIT, 14x18 Inch, of Oov. Vde bearing hla own autograph, framed neatly In lncn wal .ni nnniillna. Jiwadv to bna m Mrlort ent by ex- urea for 11.50. The picture, wltbout frame, eent to anyaddrea by maU, free o Uue for only 00 ow. TU 1 pronounced by all to be an exoellent llkeneaa af our worthy OovernV and It ahould be In the home of every trw rttlien of the "Old North State." A wide-awake atat, gentlcnwn or ldy, 1 wanted in eVerTown-hlp. J- S. TOMLINSON, "PirnMOKT Pia. Hlrkory. N. 0. ORIGINAL Goody'eur'i Rubber Gooi. Tuloaulaad iWblMr tat Mary Oonwlvibl Tvitu, A0ayto4 tv DuharwU V. MT Any arUol attdar fovr pnnnda wclfht oan U mti by maU. Wind and Water Troof fiarmmta a upeulalty. Our (Holli aurfaoa Coat emu. iIiim (tfw irttirtf in urw. Kor at4inny wtiatlitir, II la a ffrftrl Waitr iV, auil lu dry areailKir, a Neat and Tidy Overcoat. II) a peculiar pMoeaa, the rlililier la pill Wlweeti lh two olotil auifaiiea, whli'U pmvntU Smtltlng or Sttrkutfi, mnn lii tlm tintlft rilmalt. They ar uiaiti' In Uirmoilura - llluc, Ula.-k aud llrowu. ARE I.IOHT, ItiRTAMA, tmtOI-U and DI'UAUI.K Wo irr now ofTrrlno ltitn M Hi fiilntian hn prlim f I KN OOl.l.AltH wch. Boat ml-U to ny KldrnM uiion rfort,H of prion. When nnlrring, tUU ntvi ftruuud oht, ovr vvisit. Itrttalilr partir 1rlrliK Ui nurtfiKKU, un aruil for our TrmJA Journal, Klvlug dfworlirUuo ot uur Itxulhig artli5l. U anrfi and gH Uia Origni Uowiytc.r't Sttum ruiYfirttftM fabrti. If'HvD'l for Illuatralwl prlrf-lUt of oiRr CiUbratui lxkft HymtutKiuw. AddroM carefully, Goodyear'a Rubber Curler Co., f.n IIHDADHAV, New York City. I'. O. 11.ii M.VI. uih atl-flui y!(jOO Can't m made liy rry aKenl errey month T "T7 in Hi,. Iiiialiirmi we flinil)l, butlhoM wllllim Wi work ran eil) earn a doicn dollar a day rln hi In their own liKalltlm. Have no room to eiplalu hem. llualuea plianant and honorable. Woinrn and Imja ami tflrla do aa well aa men. We will fuiniah you a complete Outfit free. Tke biuli)ie ln In Iter tlian anything elan. We will bear eiueiuM of nlartlug you. ParUauIara free. W rite and eeo. lariurra aud inechanloa, Uielr noiia and daughter, anil all claeae 1b need of paying work at liuni! tliould write to ua and learn all about tba woi V i oimo. Now la the time. Don't delaj. Addnm T(X K ft Co., Auguata, Maine. tux Tone OFFICE Leading Job Printing Office Is thla taction of Ua t 'a Our Presses and Type are New. Our Workmen are First-Class. Printing of every deaorlptlon ienud In Tut Best Manner The Lowest Rates. W print anything from t Visiting Card uaJSoVth Foster. Blanks of every description. We will dnplloai any order for Job Prlatrsff. Bend on your order, end eenn I Hit money with llum. m rami AVv Mvrrtlmrtohti. K0TIC&, Aa UJUrilOM will U UU4llMilf-atr-statu la Oaldwall eotial;, 14 (jt Tailrxlir la Jwm, im, for U purpoM u( aawarUlnliii tkt wiu of tk lewpU In rgtd to levy hi i loioot. Til arftalenl to Mrry on ' rflKB SCHOOL fuf fur numtli In'MMh anltool dUtrlut. f rTliiiMi lu favor of lb Ul will -4 "FOn TIIR TAX," tlloae oppowxl will ViHa "NO TAX," lly order of lha Hoard of (VnnhilMlmtara. N. M.OURIK, Mk We want oaah euaiuOMia (or our HOItOO Oil St'OAM Cane Mills aud Evapomtoirt, PoUun Clin and Thrakar ENGINES, Abaolulfly aaf from fir by aparki Tim only r.na-tne no,,, and ealtaUa for nianlnn (- ilUm (Una, Thraaher, Ac. n.ng Wo ran fiirnlab at hu i,rUt, the beat Plow c'ultt xalor. Tbre.her, Kan alllla, Wa,a, or an, rt,nr kink of Improved Implement., Machinery or Tl.ld ed.. "(.IKHU AN" or "OOLOHN" UVlltT Zrl and gemiln. Houd rtnp fT nHoe Itet and otro.i. lar. A.tdre T. lOONE A OO ' - NariivUU.Teiu Tur. healtht of tu are HabU to ob.lruaioo.- r, the bowel.. Doul ncji, Ihwn, n Dot Ui outrage the palaU with aauoua drug In urh ra. The moa effective lautiv known la Tar rant a EfTerveaorat blur Apwleot, and U I alao Uie moat tgreMbla. IU opumlloa U aooUujiv ouol lng, inJea. Bold by all dru.i(U. U 7 ,, " , "WB wwn- lf M H outfit ... uaioj.1 1 uo., Portland, Maine. A GREAT OFFER ! ! w,,;iidua time dlp.e of 100 I'lanoa aud Organ., new and Moond hand, of Brat-claw maker., Including W eten' at low prim a fur ch or InrtaJluienta, or to let uulii paid for, than ever before offered. Walora' Oram! Hquare and Upright Ptanoa and Organ (tnoludlug their new Souvenir and Boudoir) are the beat made 7 Octave Piano 1.80. 7 1-J do. ll.W, not ned a year. "J" Mlon Offfnn 150. 4 BtupaSM. 7 Htop. t. Mope 7B. 10 Htopa 88. 13 Btopa 1IM oaah. not uand a year, lu perfect order and warranted. Local and travelling ag.nl wanted. Illuartd catalogue mailed. A liberal difoount to tKuhm. uilnlatera, church, etc When uiuelc at half prioe. HOIIACK WATERS k ON", Manufacturer and Dealt, 40 Kaal ltlh atroot, Uulon .tvare, New York." O 477 Wee k to Agent. llOoutflt free, H 3 ' P- O. VifrT, Adnata, MaJn A DAY a' StP- AgenUwnt4, Ontatan ternu fro. CO Aurata, aUiaa.d CBORCO PACE ft CO. W- . w inmnMI l lfrUftW VD lStnt PortavkU aualtoautr Eatlne nil vireiu". rwaw mii. .OiUMr, Holer k HtHdi MUU. uri.l A n.n M Ilia. Matfr f( Wheel., anlifft narrti 1 ' :.H J WWWrlll nHUI.IT, fi9W Tnll Fnaery WblavnJ THE ULACK HILLS, By II. N. Magubri, who ha apent 1 year In thla relon. I.tcst acoonnt of Qold and Silver proa 1U. Agrtcultnnl add O raxing reaouron, ClUnate, Hunting, Fuihing, Indiana, and Bottler' adventur with them, Mining and Wild Western Ltf, Um Water, falla, Boiling Oeyaura, noble Boenary. in in inn gorgt. etc. With 'Ji flue UluMntiona and new may. Prto ONLY lo CE.NTH. Sold by ail newtdealirt, or Mut pt-pald lor 12 rent by DONNELEY, LOYD A 00., Publiabere, Chicago, llllnoi. Of. Extra Fine Mixed Card, with ntme, Ueanta. -u poat-paid. L. J0NE8 A CO., Naao, H. T. $5 to$20f day at home, ftample worth S . HTiHaon A Co., Portland, Ma. rpHE MARYLAND EYE AND EAR INSTITUTE, 1 No. M North Charle. Street, Haliiinore. Inoorporsted April . IhtW. President, Uon. J. W. Dobbin, Judge Huporlor Court. The bovo Inatttutton offer all the comfort of a home to patient auffertng with eye or ear die. Skillful nunee are in attendance, and aa the aurgaou in charge rcldea In the houa with the family, pa tlcnle arc eocn by him everl t tinea during the day. Tor further information apply to th urgeoo la charge. Dr. OEOHOE BEULINO. CONFEDERATE Bill. Bonde, and Poetage Stamp Wanted. 10 for rarest bllle, $6 for rarest etampa. It will pay to aand imniedlately. Other C. 8. curloeiUeH, etc, AMEK10AN STAMP CO., Box 4048, New York. Unprecedented" Attraction ! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisiana State Lottery Co. ThI Institution win regularly Incorporated by the Legialature of the Sutn for Eluctional and Chari table porpoee In 118, with a capiui of 11,000,000, K which ft nae since added reaerve fnnd of $450,000 It Grand Single Number Drawing will take plao monthly. It never ecalee or pmtpone. Iook at the following acheme : GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take plooe the EXTRAOKDI N AR Y SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING, At New Orleana, Tueeday, June 6. Under 1A perronal eupenrlalon and management of General G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Loulauuu, and General JUBAX A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PHjia. 1100,000. txr-NOtlo Ticket are Tn Dollar Only. Haivea, ffi. Quarter, t3.60. Eighth, 11.30. list or Fitixu. 1 Capital Priae of $100,000 BC0.OO0 1 Grand Prix of 60,000 go 000 30,000 90i00o 3 Largo Prize of 4 Large Price of 30 Price of 60 PrUea of 10ft Prize of 300 Prtxeaof S00 Prize of 10,000 Prlxea of lo.wo J0,000 o.OOO 90,000 1,000 80,000 800 36,000 300 80,000 300 40,OCO 100 60,000 10 100.000 loo Approximation Priie of $3oo $ $0,000 o " " loo 10,000 "o " " 75 7,5oo 11,379 rrizoa, amounting to $523,500 Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of La.,1 Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Va., Ccmm Write for oiroular or (end to M. A. DAUPHIN, Poatoflloe Box 693, Nw Orloan. La THIRD GRAND DOLIJtt DRAWIN0, Tuoaday, .RUy 8. Capital Prine, $lo,ooo. TlckeU, $1 Men. TO THE WTORKIN'O CLAHfl-We ar. now prepared to fnmlhb all claiwu with onnxtant employment at homo, the whole of tho time, or for tholr ipare moment. Bualne 1 now, light and profttabl. Pereinu of cither Mxeuily earn from 50 oonta to $5 per evening, and a proportional um by devoting their whole tlwve to the bniine. Boy and girl earn nearly a much aa men. That all who aee thla notice may aend their addre, and teat the bnatneaa we make lhl unparalleled offer: To luoh aa are not well aatlnAod we will aend ono dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particular, aampjea worth Mveral dollar to oommenoa work on, and a copy of Home and Firealde, one of th largest and boat lllusterated Publloatlona, all aant fre by mall Reader, If you want permanent, profitable work addroaa, Gmoaoa STmaow A Co., Portland, Mala A DVERTI8ING 18 tAbE Ull OF TB AD E. BUS -INES8 men ahould. make their bnilneaakaown by advertiilng in the LENOIR TOPIC, which reach olaa of people who do not take anyether p Try and be convinced . APraOXIMATIOM PBIZra.