-? i $ LENOIR TOPIC. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1883; W: Vf. SCOTT, Jr., W. C ERVIS, a ftfitars. : Pnbllaltora' AnnonietBtnt. SUBSCRIPTION : In order to place Th Tov within the reach of every reading man ita price was roduoed soma yers ago to ONK DO LABperunm It hti recently beep orewedln eise without any increase In price. The terms given 1 below are invariably uh inmdtW . v - . ONE COPY, one year. - - . - V " six monihr, : -:' - - - - u - v f months. .iwwft. ADVERTI8IMKNT9aa an ad?erttala a iro.n, null a Ko 1" among the news-! greater than that of al . other f1 combined ; while tt has a large nd T creasing circulation In Bnrte. Atoxander, Wilkes and Alleghany and throughout the State. Advertisementa taserted ttlfir.iafsav ftW. to circulation. , f . JOB PRINTING :-Th Topm JOB PEINTTNO department is complete. iWitkgpr-sjJMd ItJge assortment of new and beautiful type, Job work of all kin da, pamphlets, circulars, posters, Segues, minutes, bluhd, letter heads, cards. ftc, &1, executed on short notice and at the lowest prices. ; REMITTANCES: Money may bi sent at our risk, by check, registered letter, r post office money ord t. Money sent otherwise Is at the risk of the sender. : ' ' ' t " i - v " tCommnnicaOons containing Items of local or general interest respectfully J? intended for publication must bewritten ononestde , Of the i .per, and accompanied by the name of the writer, as a guarantee ofgood faith. As will bo isea in the , Legislative report, a new railroad commission bill was under discussion Jast week. Last Saturday week Dr. Tf m. B. Wood, a prominent physician t Nt Orleans, and a nXtlTC of thia State, died. John W. Foster has been appoint ed by the President envoy extraordi nary aril minister plenipotentiary to Spain. At the last term of Forsyth Snpe rior Court one of the jurors was coa victed of some crime and sentenced to work on the railroad. There 'is a movement- among the Lutherans to collect fundi for the purpose of erecting a colossi - bronze statue of Martin Luther at Wash ington. Although Monday was fctho day appointed for the adjournment of the Legislature it will probably remain in session until the last of this weeki bj. which time all of its buslaess 1 will doubtless be transacted.. i Judge A. C. Haskell has been made President of the C. G, and C. C & A. Railroad, the two roads having been consolidated nnder one management. The latter road Is the one holding the C. & L. R. B. under lease. The new eighth Congressional Dis trict, it seems to us. is very happily constituted. Although the Raleigh News and Observer saidjthat one of the difficulties in the committee's way was a disinclination to break np the 'happy family" of the eld eighth, we must say, as far as Caldwell is con cerned, tbat we are much better satis tied with the new than with the s old district The Gastonia Gazette, speaki ing for the southern section , of the district, says "if there are any, objec tionable in the arrangement, features we fail toobserye them." On the 25th of February the city of Staunton, Va., was startled by the adnouoeement that five lunatics, liv ing at tte Insane Asylum at tbat place, had suddenly and simultane ously dropped dead that morning.. Investigation proved that the apothe cary of the establishment had filed np the doses of medicine for the ver rious patients and placed them on 'a' waiter in the hallway, where they remained an bonr before the wardens took them away.' 'As the patients' who died staid In separate wards and were attended by different wardens, , it is supposed that Ihe poison, prusi' sic acid, was placed In the doses dun - ing the interval of an hour by some lunatic or a sane person possessed of ' the devil. .The whole affair is a mys tery and is being worked up. On Saturday of last .week, ex , Judge John M. , Cloud,, who was re turning from a trip to his Florida plantation, died on boar J a passeager r coach'of the p. p. railroad , en route to Charlotte just a short while before the train "reached the latter , f place. lie died from u' a stroke., of ' apoplexy. Jadge Cloud was bora, in i ; Stokes county about the year 1 1807. t He practiced law fn Stokes and Sorry , ; i before the war, but - at , the close ?of . , uuiaiiiiu re;mqvea jioi .vvmston, i where be has" resided Vvir since. The carrer of'J.aageCtoaaon.becb: I Is fiUarto ! wiCQscanaing . rjls eccentricities, hie i hard, common sense and correct, ap, . ; - rigut cnaraccer maae a jast adge , jof i hi m, thoggh he wml assuredly u nfitted t . : by natnre and edocation to adorn, the - Judicial ermine, jiowever honest . bo may have been. Ha was 'la" zealous. . . republican arid a man, of strong, prti'. udices., He was & cousin of Judge ,:;r?Vi BynumVpf thhi $taeen4 o JSenafcor - aiampion, oi Oouu; UaroHna. , H ' leaves a' handsome estate which will - I: descend by Inheritance to relatives no V nearer than nephews. He was never. parnea. ' . "VJ " THBTlIllnols L-gistrfre U.consld' ering a bill providing for compulsory edocation or", all 'i children between does -tm I It U W SUC IU I necesjiTty icU law, ht ence iroveI t UtH :ere- l E ping cuiiureu airoj .Hwui it least, withoat a most daf reason, is criminal negligejice. To. provide eood schools is the first f doty f a commonweaUandafter - to - prorlds - for the attendance. Qpontthem i persona for, whom theywertfjns titntedj. f Id tJiis progreasiye agepeopiei1wpQlj , hsive.beep soTXufprtnnate; MA l an education apprecte.at jrhat die, dvanUgeitbef,f? .plfSiPi16!' aabnldeee to ti,.that.,cU. childrexi; have not tuJsi handicap,, of, ignoanc to pull them back annta i getting along ie Hthe,. worlds nPM? interest In" such maew .has . f aaa. oiuch, r more) to do with publia schoola aa. do the enactments of a Legislature. If! the people, demand a Jexibje eye- . tern . of .education, wl)iok they can,, bend to suit tbeif requirepaeots t, tbey ( are pretty sure to getit.fl:m -, r, ii . ' " ' ' - ' h lnt I . ft'- ' I I ; r OSTT'tfBTSNTH PAT.,N- f.w.i , I ', ?Olf . -1 Hf..r SENATE. Senate o'clock. called, j to rder Mi CALENDAR- Bill to authorize the county of Pen. der te issu bonds. ; 1 mil hiun ' Bill passed third. r4ding-yea.s 2$n nays 6. llS'j.H0 u.'-nzi- -- i'l- TOBACCO WEIGHERS. Mr. Cozart 4ntrpdoce6; e.eubflMtute for; his bill for the appointment of weigheie in. tobacco warehouses. The substitate leaves the appointment of the weighers to the warehousemen, on the petition of fifty farmers ; fixes ' a uniform price for weighing and only allows three per cent, on the gross, sales and ten cents a hundred . for weighing. riMjv ti:i ,?s Mr. Berry called the previous oue tlen, and the bijl passed its third read ' -' '' -i -iwn ': , : Bill to establish graded School, in. Lenoir township, ,.in Caldwell county passed third reading, yeas 36, nays 0. : BUI to require tbe commissienerf of McDowell, county,, to. compromiwu commute and .settle the county debt.; Passed second reading- ayes 36, nay none. . , , Resolution to furnish Superior Court jadges and .solicitors copies of, the acts of the General Assembly pf,4 this session. Passed its third read icg. ' . 'j -n.'- Bill- to amend the law hT regard to , sheriffs fees (requires the money on. all executions paid to the sheriff him.; self) passed third reading, j , .r; Bill to incorporate .the iPlatoaic Literary 6ciety, 7 of , Rutherford College. Passed its ,. third read- Bill to ; ,divide(?forth .Carolina inb., niae MDgrional o!jt:trictef,1 ' t , Mr Strayhonn ftke4kthatrt the.biU; be printed. ffJIe 'said thata-heiugt here right at t the end of ; the session; was the fault of he( committee ififcf wss anybodr'a',faolt,,nd he hoped would be printed. ju t'ni.l Mr.,et5on also was 4n favor., of giving the minority,, side the opportu nity to real the bill. The motion prevailed.,, T tm.Usto. - i, ; At 1 : 30 the Code came op as ape., cial order on third readieg.,,,. , u v Mr, CUrke ,moved that it be rend, The Reading Clerk opened the immense ? volume A ' and, began, t to. .The Clerk, went on with the raadlncr . of the immense ,,yolumevf at ? twelve f hundred pajges, j.r.teiM .i The chair soon stopped the .reading, and said s.t vWbeuever itlfjtWrrfeas ; ure of the Sen a tors, ip come Jo order and listen to the rea ling, the chair wl11 WW; rkcPF?cee(L7f (There was a . pause oome minutes; J til the Senators were seated and the 4 azz subsidedud .. fe chairj Jhen ..At 2 : 35 the reading wss enddt and the cbaii (Mr. Morehead in tbs MijaW :t:Shall,the;bilIJpW Jts .third reading, SenatorsJ those otjou, M ti vw or the blija Its .ea Ing wUl ; ftB'irereahoseoosed Bo! The roll was cUed.,, ha tB iMStrayhorn.ajndMr. llebane, lot tue Dill, but lr contained .xounty ;toU stood: !tj;?as KmhQ&h bill passed third readjpg, JK 5 .House. House met, with Speaker; Rose in the Chair , , , . , CONTESTED ELECTION t CASa : ,m- giving detailed evidence, the report, concludes with this resolution C Revi I. ,if a,;x-Baft, jl Parker was electa in th ii F'!PA Pi . I i DO 1 ! t Deri I l RrU. Peebles; and thtrtheiild Pel bles-was Vt eletd to the eoae. T.rlT. jd iked leave to inti lesiredlf er timo to get at the full acts. 1! After VerdifCurBion, and House granted lir. Simmons request, and the minority report will come np to morrow morning, v CALENDAR. , I jTaaraeiidbp 77. iJ&iMrjeajJje it; fltiftiJillriM To. amend chapter 'prJyete laws d I 9iti loewicwri!j.losaalic'iaii s Thjojipwing.ibhvafaenth r .eadis; FoT.tKeKer fforuiextcteoii itorf oXFayf te.tjllej t,lq ameRdphr.ter - ofjsheYilleia.0. wlJ J.n reg4 .toajkel honseolpngtoa:;, tolnpprporate. JaiepAcade. mivMQatavfba conntyeix ; .ir ehii jAcaderoy a Hickory, Catawba county tlJ Tot!lcorpoate4 vthe.Loftyf. Sm aad Laad Mwjgi,Compny,0 ih I 4ajaeniJif chapOJi, ; iawsr .ol . To if corpo, jate .Ihe Saljf buryWateif . ;Werie,,Cpy! 4 tj-.i yJj To prov.ijde, fr, the alternate keeping in repajrpf county roads,:ij t(. :ti , sFOBTTIGnTnpAir, , Senate. Senate t, was: scalled : to ordet at 40 ieoloohv-df I" ! an r, ? . biixs.'''; J jv Md Lovill to establish a new. town-' ship Jn the county.ofjAsheV.. V- nn' i ! f.fra ' , CALENDAR.' t to tiU BUI to empower the - board of oom missloneiS 'cf MoDowel) Kiounfy! to compromise, commnte and settle the coanty debt' passed Wthitrl reading yeas 86V nays 0,1 'i-Ul uf! v Bill to establish a tuswitowUship in tbe county of Ashei passed third read Jog. .l,1j)T iWff Hy -vm ' , .-nn'i:'. Bill to;: provide for the levying and collection n of inxea't be" macai aery 1 act. b Mr Alexander q said the j most matcriaLi changes were that it made three assessors ' instead of one',' and prevented" the usee of public money for pritate purposes. j ;vnki r 5, The ra finance I? committee offered junendments preventing the f.eberlffs jand county treasurers t from uieg4be public money forrivate purposai.i v Mr.iPinnix suggested to; consider .the amendments r,,Seriatim." ; This wee done, the Senate amendments,! , more or less,: all applied, to the sheriffs .and the cnnty ; treasurers, Another amendment ' provides to ; indict, that clafts of r able .bodied persons able tat work but won't and ..who won't pay .their taxes, making it a misdemeanor, to Jbefiacd 4oub)a (bfir Uxeetai.d allowing them to worMK uit ,on the -; roads if.tbsy.faU .Tor six months after they are returned on-the Insolvent, .lists, aid ah amendment from Mr. omack toil this, : makings the xbaiM mM of the board of, the -county com-, missloner s a prosecutor t before.: the justice of the, peaeeitThesai amiqd jxaentai. excitedn . m'ich7r diiculslon, - etsr.cLtaur and, WaUen advocat i ingithem, audiHeasrs, McLean,rPini filxi BUck'ant Rich ardsbn opposing' : Jt?r. 2IeLean . aaked. the ayet -add : noes Joa rtlwmi Ordered- ay ea 20, noes $Vli so, the amendments i were ,adopted tTbe . bill then passed v its .third reading, m-tUid m, H A : Bill to amend section : chapter' 232, laws 1879r passed Us third read .t . .Bill . (suthotize Ibe chairaan ot - ihe finapce;M committee to - administer 1 sOathspflssedithird readiasf li k.vKesolutlon from Mr. Dortcb begin-, injng night, eesion of ! the Senate waa adoptedj-Kr J.rre . vf. I Bf"LH i.appropriatlbni for the -Insane, Aiyjumsj hlt,m il- Hi ?wWtpuaioffered amemendin Wfcejout eeptionfi. being, the approprianpn to thf Western Aty lam iAMorgapton,; Ap, , an , amendment . to putv- $58J)C6 9 and, iusert ivwM'ttrU.MHmgH Ahf, firsl amend? y jmtut ongut not to prevail buK thut ttht McbnhpulCi efii M ri'i.u'J?" i.mt-,0.111, toe bill waa 4 mde DecWrArde?r8ttolock, to. t SoboorDasse thirdad,io&,,naf,i? -otDppropationtq thv .Josane asylums came np. and was .fll Mpngth hAa amendment? to reclaceiheriroieanloB the (obmple .tion the,aeyam amoreixiton'ftomJ I JiWilPH JWsAP 125,00a watidlin fjsssd by Messrt. PembjjfteaBoykia s?1 jWoney, liattetfai Paynes t91arkeTebU.y JVomjick, .Pinnix rflt iwae loaLrf T.hRlljheAoafSed-i-reaa Ma ? A . . -. - - J 'of st1? r5 (.'PW TPfffcred u -Bendraeat edacicjftha apprpprhUoct JCar Uh. rVtep. Rtesjl9Cl(58l00f toj -t5"0,000. Pending- argument, 7tbe Senate adjourned. I -T'v3XE!Ioa92lV?6V to 'brdeK-T Sp :eri: 'eiathechr'i -j 1 r ut iish'ei bus! sa f'cf lasf nif V al lionf ws ;t4 : it2,being Xlhl .JvidinlfW working- the m ;trn sin the chi i - roods by taxation. It passed second reading,..:; '-'.. teo.oCthewhoU forihe-oonslderatiea nTe!,bTB,ctiona.t t jAondmen,Ki wasl made .to, section bjetrklng out anb!; Inserting JtiflMlW0 12 and 4ns.er f 150., n4,iby fading, the r, word ,4i4 medical pracjitionera " ;1 , rr PfWfi?.. CrtUtlnjghamet. cbqtstax) produced ma en aeoate f several ;,auiendmentan thereto j. being llfr. fnair favairsMl the section M ' rTr'rTTr Tins T" " r T rT. .lijji. J . . rl DUrng tlw dlscussioi K tie. hour of .adjournment was aanouncea : , we rcommitte'e . ,arose . and reportea pro T,?-,..!'j-u 't j : : '.:;.-.f;r ixu: . . , NIGHT 8ESSION. ...;-..' .. The ; , special . order, s the ( Parken Peebles election case, was Uken . op, and disensse'd by , Messrs, McLoud, , Simmons and Peebles. 4l Tote was not had ontU nearly midnight, ;1 t ? On, tbt refoiutloo pf majority, that Parker . wae Jentitled to the aeat, tbe'. vote, was Yeas 88, nay s ,14" " f Hr Parker came forward, qualified a n il teolc his seat. .j.,,' . JTORTTJflNTH DAT., . , - , Senate. The Senata was called to korder.at 10 o'clock, mi , . - -w lK 1 'tTHI .INSANE ASYLUMS. Bill making appopriatians to the insane asylums of the State came up as unfinished business of last night. :f,y The bill passed its third reading. . , .. Bill to authorize; the establishment of graded schools In the State. ; ,.;-Mr.' Pembertoa explaine. the object e of , this bill, say ing it wtt .intended, to meet the wants of the cities antl towns that had no graded schools. ,; The bill providte that 100 tax paying citizens, oneirorlh of whom ahallbe freeholders, may petition the board, ; or commUsioners, who .may order, eltotloa. It ,providee for elec tion of trustees of such schools, and , limits r special assessments to one fourth of one per ceat. and seventy five cents on poll. . ,,-J The bill passed i. thjrd readiug. Xeas 28, nays none. ;t ; , NINE CONORESSIONAL DISTRICTS, f , The President announced that the hour of 11 a. m, for the special order had arrived, it being the bill to divide he State IpU) nine CJongresslonaj 4sjrioUr,Peied Us third reading. I; 14 VWVN..-C. B. B .m ::; Bill for the sale ef the State's Inter est in the Western t North Carolina Railroad., t .r.tiyy,.:i (, Mr, Morehead said said he saw no pb,anoe for adjourning next 2ondsy ; that thi was a very important bill, and moved it be printed. Including the report of the committee. So order. id! w.w 'i-'(r:- ' I .'al.nVi.' V. ii CONTEDXRATE SOLDIERS ' ! .U ,jMr, Loftin's bill, entitling Confed erate aoldlere to the benefit of the act tpessed,' firing those of tkein who bad lost eyes, hand or feet,- $5 a month' from the 'date the act was ratified in 1879, passed third reading; ; ,f -BiU sopplemental to act at present session making February and August ftorqw exclusively for trial of civil pauses -allowing jail deliveries at those terras,, passed third i reading. m ,.a f-.Jf.(tTOR STATE QUARli.7 Bill foe the encouragement and enpi por of the Stata Giard, i Mr pprtch'e bilL f. Authorizes, the Gov. ernpr topay 150 ayear to each active compiny i not to exceed 25 coKpaniee J the State a the oritaLintf inr.l . ' . -n'i In.tr.'t-v'-,,,; ii Dioxa , at. v -1 V- ':t;ivti A Itl .'thr.i.l .Ox-t -t.':;il hit 1 iX l -;.ir.K) f(j -XXXP-ALWAYS-C-HAJID-J . fftlf.'f f W J r li. pSA C0HPLETE STCClir CP r . . . . 1 af.ini f- ii!l or TflUY cAa bevinduced ta tdl parties whbpaydOTfn; V i-'iii'-i ? t i.l'J. 'jt-,t? if iTii ' , "... r be appointed y the Governor ; ana givea him a ialsrMfixnndred ?--ilw-.- i h f iTT? : so the bill bi yitseecoid ldinj?nd H 111,11 xu..v. -- ' ttM337, law.-of 1879Tledifies . thlaw relative j to freights. Passed third iiliiii&.ii.. fiiii i9 to conditional aales, requip Bilk to -throw Dtltedfeata elands dotal ft BUI to secure 'creators a jusjr"aivi' ion, of the veseatG!i Jof debtor r Wbatf. - tote from' the Consmraee'aaoieo, na the' bill' p-e3 thTri ea'dif?gl:?r"1 ''1 r ' AoiNiJi!fesEs.iaA !- . -j i -t. T Mr:?Dortcn'vbiltgafhst klldwln free pksse's'came'1 M4n SehaWre notified ' thTCBalr'of i mennrti Diicussiou oYrilB?llaH BflP against free passef w"Himdtnd. tyThe q'uestioreciJfretf on the V-n aage fef the" otfgllfal bW. tfJTUerwaif allivelv time? ill e3f6lIixation'bfHoIei,: &o; The' voteVtootrt'eal 3if najB 12 : so. the bill pasjed-ltar. second read Ingj .la !-IKi vtf-smyil jj-joq-i it i Mr. Lenoir, iq ald Id' the -con struct- tion of a road in Watauga ctfunty ; H m. '"! t BAILROAP C:OaCJtlSSlON.l1?il ,ff'i; ' Bill to establish a railroad coinra's. aioq came upYltfr? Tate' dffereof 1 a substitute! ' prdtiding. il To' make, iV unlawful for any. railroad ia the Slate to Charge for ticket! more than - 8 cents pjer,mile.r-. f;To make, it unlaw ful for any pompany,, to discriminate against any town br sectjciir '3, Oom missiohers to cb'nsult Willi iailrWU authorities and, 'agree upon just and uniform freight rates. -4, 5 and 6.' To spoolnt , three commissionera and a elerkt with salary of 'commisiopera 12,100, and of clerk' l200,"aiHV. f 66o for rent and expenses; Ibo same to' be provided by a tax on ! railroad I'of one mill "for every passenger trnesported; Pending. discussion- djqur.nd, & ir j f, ; SAtB BY U, S. JLittSHAL. u BT VTHTUE of aa exeeitlaii 1 fator al lh tJ-' Sited State againat J. M. Webb, itumabU to tha VnlUd States titrct Oonrt, Bprjnff Tarm- fsaj. at StatearUle, N. On I wlU aaU far OkHSL to nRtmt at Lnoir 1 Caldwell Oouaty, N. C." an Monday. Um 2ad dar of Anril imh h tea abova-ttauted defenaat ia aad to the foUowInjr ia LAJU wheta ho aow h, adjolnln tie K a others, lying oa Wil-, Oraektad eontaiuuiK 450 acres, mre er leaa DEED4 mada at fcbe cost sf the psraUaasr. 4 - ' '- ' 1C M. Doculab, ! .IT. a Marshal, Westora District N. C. t By H. O. Stkkxjc, D". S. Depcuy Marshal. " BOY WSTj v ; VlT 609. abont 15 rears old. hum kwn aarsral weeks. Ha has d h(r mn . t.i. plaxisB. All porsons are hereby forbidden to sat- yvj mxiu. any lniormauoa ooncernlng hum. Will b thankfully reotived. ,. " j V- ' ' Tnoif a H. Akdebsoit, ; U. i f. ,, Yellow Hill, WUkss County, .q THE OWOOHOSI eOHPAHL,. fit .oil AnaeiaVHESTIftTT sTPIIILA- ' ' DDI.rMlA,'.1AttlU -,ot -lflod.COO?-4 J 'CHARTEBfTSB&TtJAE. CAPtl Aoto M fi'xeontor.' Admlnbtralnr. VulQiL WL' cTrQnardieaiy Attorney, Agsnt. Trnstoa -and uonimtttae. Tion or In eonnitinn with n irHvH alapolQtijfi -ts,;, -3iS?V i-TtT'M li'r;1 1e " oi every no,ucia J teusj an4 gsoy "faluawn to Ura Hwi t .' Sa)a for Bn( within Burglarfproot Vaults of the most approved construction. ' v"Win4 HP a iw and Burg-lar-proof Saf as wtthont oharra, Hlate. securities ana mil nth. iin.i.i cttraly kept at a moderate charg for sale re- 5 jTnufti and other xpprsYed' securities fo - "t Lr;U t-..tiim :. interest allowed on Money deposited for deflnlU ioda,orfdayotfc,irr';','. -a? , , , I 1 ,!S''14entrrtV ! ' . M AllWIN 8. STOfUiS. iTreaaurer., J ' XIUNCISBAOON. Bee' o'y and Trust Officer. W. 0. PATTERSON. Hf. HON. T. F BAYARD. 4 AMES fcOKO. nnw. Ar.r.Tflnw whtto . u. ."1 i",rJrJt o. V. l..GKO. W. KRILEJ D. & PATTERSON, .i . nstihctna, pan JOHN T. MONROE . HON? H. CLYMB ' JOS. I KsTBj? -r j Reading. PaYT', - . JTHOS. B. PATtQN, , HENBYBEcilKBTl T. 4. NEAP, - y. i t i, Beadingii: s AS. 8. M ARTTN, EDMUNfi IXJTY OB. D. HAYES AONEW, Mifflin town. Paj H. H. HOUSTON, HON. B. E. MONA.GHAN V,fUi?lPh"' Pm-i OEN. W. W. H. DAVIS. HON. T. . BAN DOLPH, j Doylestopn fi. T ' mwiimvwU a-i ay.. i u. t ..... AUontowa; Pa. ZHTrrfxs "LIEE OS THE MISSISSIPPI," t A rlehthsttsy aad tha richest, raciest olume' of alfi tha Twain aeries. Oharroteristio Ulustrations. I2.5U0 la eash prises to avesta. a nf ,v. i;-X ifiriIP.Q WAfEIMlutats now ready SI JTor U now ready l.For par. iiumi luwuiars address Douglass Bros.Pbila. Ps. uugiass oroB,rniia. 11 jsta :;iif al'ilti .i iy?fV .Hn til i if L.ih - 8H4S0iABLE CCODS, t'.-i. the Board of EdacaltOnTSo lhat lhT could sell them, passed. Itsjhird read 'House The House, was sailed to ordrVspeikoVyff " " 4 -WHICg.. ' r: vy . dsB Si. iAt anr time t'to refiTiortiMa iLft IViliMil 1 Jllfff Mf tit irotl The old year with its success and disappointments has gone.-and : as we enter upon the duties of the new year wo xwljmmm m 'niiiiiT Tiwrrr-T-r " t ; ' 1 '- v f c pvese$tloxLj' testwishes to our friends and cusiomers and as the Bamfetime return thanks for the liberal patrohaee civen n8 "Tn the'ast'and' which we .iope to merit in the future. Our patrona.Baau continue tohave, the benefit of our former motto rolitftttentionf-Bhort profits, 16 ounces to the pound and 3c n(mes(to; the yard." as for goods we shall keep an attractiv Ipjlgeneralmercha in PRICE, QUANTITY AMI iiJUALITi, to the wants of our market. To be brief, we in.'ceud I . ... : M -.1 j to; Keep srep to fne music oi me Inibusliiess i; ' kills i ' 1 ; XL1 Purchase rs visiting Lenoir Tsee us, r Wisning you, all a happy and r i i Yery truly yours, -it it 1 ,e e C 7 ,; I have opened a nice lot of m in Next door to S. W. Hamilton, which I will sell for Cash or Barter VERY CHEAP. Call and examine before buying else where. I also have opened a tin shop and will do all kinds of TIN WORK both on new and old ware. All kinds sheet iroa and Tin work solicited. J. S. P. HAMILTON. (.tt! I. i A V viriiiiir lLeniKonii0 Mo (D. Offers i Iiis well 1 .i i;'if I, 4: .not tr s-ljirvv'i., ; 1....; 'i ' - la r rf ! ipjLrtuu ana gives prices for . i ' 11 1,. , I times ana Jag oenma no one aro cordially invited to call and prosperous year, we remain, Cloyd & Nelson. ? airg,annii Ml J Vm I I U U U UmJ LZ3 mJ Li A ffllir(B!lii5ii'imtt selectee! Btoclk of dDCDDDS ' 7. best . , . . . , . v. - . . .. . . f - j ; ;

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