LENOIR TOPIC. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27. 1883. SCOTT & EEVDT, FUBLiSHEM. . " ""W.W. SCOTT, JTiT VMfr. Th , Pennsylvania 'Democratic convention is called forAogost 1. The Democrats of Onto have nomi nated Judge Hoadley for Governor. Last Friday Col. W. K Mebane, a prominent ' citizen of Rockingham, committed suicide by drowning. Fi nancial troubles. s The Wilmington & Weldon Bail road authorities are discussing the project of building" a road from Florence to WilaoiiV A nEATT wind and rain storm pre vailed on the C. C. & W. N. C. tail roads. A trestle was b washed away bctweea Alexanders and Warm Springs. ' ' Editoe Elam ' of the Richmond Whig, called editor Beirne, of the Rich mond State a liar." ' Duel to the death' at Hanover Waste-' Eave been on the cards but the were arrested Friday just on the eve ' of firing. It is ru mured that they will go oot ol Virginia and fight. At A late meeting of the trustees of Trinity College, Rer.r Marquis L. Wood was elected President. This selection for that important position eeems to be 'generally commended, as Mr. Wood is spoken of as a fit success or to the lamented Dr. Craven. ' Col. Julian S. Carr continues the ''scholar ship" medal formerly given by Dr. Craven. " 4 Th JNewbern Jeurnal ' having" insinuated that Hon. Daniel G. Fowle would be willing to lead a Mahonelzing scheme in North Caro lina, the Newt and Obsorver takes the responsibility of denying the state ment emphatically and we i do not doubt that Judge Fowle thanks the editor for the kindness. ' . , ' Toe commencement exercises at Davidson College this' year1 are said to have been full of interest. Manv distinguished, persons were present and the address by Gen. Bennett Young, of Kentucky, was a marked Success. Gen. Young Is President of an important railroad system in Ken tucky and came to North Carolina, by way of Asheville, in his own special car. He has created considerable reputation of late by having promol gated an order on his . roads,; forbid ding Ibe running of trains except in cases of absolute necessity. The massacre of the innocents at the Sunderland, England, theatre was apiece of wanton' carelessness that should be severely dealt with by' the authorities." Over 200 children had died, up to last accounts, because the managers of the binding did not give the infant audience the benefit of -all the means of exit which' the house afforded. It was an act of criminality in the management to make thousands , of children,' who are rxnch more liable to panic than grown persons, squeeze; through a narrow aperture when 'they might have walked through j;a wide doorway. "4 In New England, we observe, there are conflicting opinions as to the sue ceBsfal working of the prohibition Jaws. -Neal Dow and bis followers say that the law Is a blessinW to the community even' thoagb7' liquors :i are' brought into the States in' a' contra ..bawd wayls On' the other hand the opponents of the measure allege that its effect is to weaken the respect of the people for law when they"- see an Illicit trade in spirits carried 'on; ' It is certain that there Is less unanimity than formerly in that section In favor , or prohibition. 'I Oct the other hand the Maryland prohibitionists are pre-? paring for a-'warm canvass of t?at State and are trying 10 get both : pari ties to show their hands. This they find a difficult matter. It Is certainly as important question and one the eolation to which we ) look for with anxiety, for the curse of whiskey is great evil and, we fear, a' growing 0 evil in this country. J r .1 ;.,isweI1 enough probably , to, din cussAttie Presidential question thia early so thai when Una , trying time, comes tbe best man may be selected., It has 4 generally, :resolted Vthat f the geptjemen. whose names are broached j tbulfe4rtyi pn, the, .campaign fall throagli and a "dark horse' carries ofTa the honor8.;We see tlat Mr. Uarnnm, Chairman ofv tbe Democratic Commit., tee, , while., acknowledging; Uimsplf ss not persoaally jfricndly, tp Governor ' M9fi9Aj9t thaU , be Is very strong fin,iff wJEnglancLf We lliink that B iller'a 1 chances of tle 'Democratic nomination are decided! all m for whlB he may be Me to in ttf Mid I i F ' - . - : I and I yet t .it a mentioned as a candiJals also the old Ucket of Tilden and Hendricks. 'Witn regard to this last combination quickly brought up as an objection by the politicians, though we really be lieve that with the great mass of the people, provided the old age and lnt firtnities of the head of the ticjset were not. an objection, Tilden and Hendricks is a popular combination. On another page we print from the columns of an esteemed contemporary a resume of the star route case. That the conspirators, who stood convicted before the country and were cleared by the jury, even though the Govern ment did make every effort for their conviction, is a certain indication that there is something radically wrong la our methods. And here lies the wrong. Since 1861 the Republican party has be2n in power and in all that time every rat hole and intricacy iu the whole government machinery has become perfectly familiar to the men who' nave held 1 the offices. Ar Vnur may have gone to work deter mined to reform the public service and yet be could not do it He is not absolute in his own party ; there are powers behind the throne that the public knows not of. It requires a clean sweep and a thorough cleansing of the Aegean stable iu order to get rid of the chronic corruption that is eating away the life and elasticity of our public service. Tilden would have overturned the tables or tue money changers, while Hayes and the mock reformers wh,ohSve succeed ed him have only been able to puh them back into the alcoves and dark corners of the temple. A democratic President and administration would have bucceeded In convicting the guilty star routers. KKWS OF THE WEEK On Sunday night at Versailles, Ky two brothers named Brown shot and killed the town marshal. Geo. Free man, while be was trying to arrest them. There were no new developments in McGeoch's ! failure at Chicago yesterday. The estimated lessee by the collapse of the 'corner" in lard are $2.5:0.000. The gigantic floating fish cannery built at Victoria,' B. C, went to sea on Sunday night. It will follow the runs of fish from river to river, and all the .work will be done on boar j. The steamer Sophia, with Prof. Nordenskjold and his Arctic explor mg expedition, arrived at Reykjayik, Iceland, on June 6, The party' in " tended to start for Greenland on the 10th instant; - It is stated that twenty-one suits so far Lave been commenced against the trustees of the Brooklyn bridge by relatives of the victims of the disaster of Decoration Day. Tne damages claimed aggregate abouV $50,000. The steamer Arabic, ' which arrived at San Francisco on Sunday, brought 700 cases of opium, .valued at $500, 000, and on which the duties amount' ed to $250,000. It is estimated that before July 1st there will be $3 000, 000 worth of opium in San Fran Ci8CO. . , ' -.:,? . . ; . - - -1 'Fayette; Mo., June 20. E L. Stewart, aeronaut.-made an ascension here" pn Monday in on old 1 hot air balloon ' which burst ; when it had attained the height of about 2 000 feet, The balloon and aeronaut came down witb-J a rssb and both plunged into Bonne Jemme Creek. Stewards body was recovered. ' ;- ' ! ' . While a public sale waa in progress near Ravanaa, Mo., last Saturday, a heavy ) thunderstorm came Tup, and about thirty men took tefuge in a large barn. The building was struck by lightning, and John Bowers, James Berry fnd George Wyatt were killed and 'two or' three 'others were in jured. vs-d;- i .:,-? The Milton Hydraulic Mining Cora ' pany's seservolr,' near ' Smarlsvllle, .Cal.,1 containing C50,000,000 cubic feet of water, burst 00 Monday sfter noonX ThVrash of water was irra' slstible and 1 swept everything r in Its path. It raised the Middle Yuba river 1 00 ' feet and . carried away all tho bridges. Several lives are report ed to have been lost' 5 " " ' ! An order of arrest was granted in New3 York yesterday; Jby Judge! Lawrence .against Wong . Ching Foo, editor of the Chinese American, who is defendant in a libel suit broaght against him by Chan Pond Tipp. Plaintiff says he was referred to in Foo's paper as a criminal and thief, and he t asked $25,000 ' damtges. Wong Ching Foo. was locked op in default of $2,000 bail . South- lassie hfrcrf?sDc5cnt8 of the Kansts . I Board j :f grBaltar report tbat fallbouzfc tLe acreage is abort of last. acreage II year. h yield per acre will be above Hbe avera; for the past five years. .The afeapf corn is greater than ever befcre, and although backward in some localities, the State " has never had such a bright prospect for a big corn crop. v An encounter . took place at Mor rope, Peru, on Maw 30, between 200 prefectional treops and .300 Monton eros, a large number . of whom were unarmed. The prefeclional troops were victorious. The Moutoneros lost two officers and 25 men. On the prefectoril side there were 14 killed, including Major Correa. The Mon toneros are being pursued. Miss Mary Alice Almont Livings ton who recovered a verdict for $75, 000 in one of the New York courts against Henry Flemmlng for breach of promise of marriage and seduct'.on, has compromised the case with the defendant on payment of $15,000. Her counsel, M. E. Sawyer, has rofus ed to accept her tender of $2,500 as his fee, aud has brought suit for $5,000. London, Jure 20. A dispatch from Mataram, Java states that a Dutch schooner, which went ashore at Prata Island, while on a voyage from Hong Kong, was boarded by Chinese fisherman, who robbed the vessel of all the valuables on board, and threatened the crew with spears and daggers. One boat has reached Hong Kong for assistance, and the British gunboat . Swift has been ordered to the scene.. , dXRmnrsr BrTLVu-Willium H. Barnum, ol Connecticut, chairman of the democratic national committee, said to a Cleveland reporter on Satur day : "Personally, 1 am not a very strong Butler man; still the fact cannot be disguised that he is a very strong candidate. Down in the New England States it is r a foregone con elusion that Ben. Butler will be the next president of the United States. This State administration is popular among the people. He would carry all of the New England States, except Vermont and Rhode Island." Where the Oi itra Comes Fkom An Yang Miner, the new Chinese consul at New York, In a recent con versation with a representative of the Herald, after expressing his willing' ness to assist the authorities in the suppression of the opium dens in that city, called attention to the fact that the opium which is brought to Ameri ca does not come from China, but from English possessions. The trea ty "between tha United States and Chlja, be said, prohibits Chinese from sending the drug into America i and Americans from sending it into China. All tfcat comes to America is imported by Caucasians from the English, j and then sold to Chinese subjects here. The revenue which the English government derived from the licenses to manufacture opium in Hong Kong last year was more than $150,000. DEATH OF UBS. W1IABTOK J. GREEK. Xewa and ObttiTer. ; The wife of Col. Wharton J. Green, Congressman from the third district, died - at his "home at Tokay, near Fayetteville, '' &atarday ' afternoon, aged about 44 years. For years she had been an Invalid, but within tie past three months her illness bad assumed a more dangerous form, Mrs. Green was a Miss Ellery, and was born In Massachusetts. She had a very large circle ol acquaintances In this State. i A DUEL AT flAVBISBVna. BewrpU combat Bttwn Two Tons Umm, 4 All for lov-.A Flsht thai lasts Slsteaw IffnfftM-IIow thHMllaM Ariaug4 ad Wfrmt ltwaaAbont. Charlotte Jottraal-Obaerrer. ' ; ,N Last Monday roornlrg an extraordi narjr encouater M ween two young men took place afcHarrisburg, a short distance from this elty, on lb jich mond and Danville Railroad, and the presence in the city yesterday, ofone ol the combatants with his second. Is bow the particulars of the affair of honor" leaked out. The meeting at Harrlsburg of the two young bibs was premediated and I he parties bad come to an agreement as U the time and place of oaeeUog, by Correspondence. One of tlie rpartles'was Mr MesresV i.Wilmiogtoa. this Slate, and other a Mr, Hoffman, 'of Sooth Cerojinabut who has been going to sohool at Elag'e Mountain?; tbtTcinzi of he difficulty is simply .that both' the young ciJ? were In love with the- same young lady, and the green eyed monster got Wswprk on. them, , They; cut at each otheYme and finally their en mity became rjcreat that they dtctdei to Oght it ooaccordiog to the code. , No. weapon sSjto. bo sed, according to the agree nt, but tbey were to have a simple, fut genu.. ine slugging match, such as the iron fisted gladiators of, old Indulged in to Line delight ottSeRomans,7 The twcH young csn, acoompaniea djt uieir friends, cr-secoadsi met a Harrlsburg proJiptJiy jy upon," and prepared' for the frayC They were placed in position and at the word, fell upon each other with all the fierceness born of madness. They pummeled each other soundly for about rive minutes when the North Carolinian was knocked to the ground but got up and resumed the fight. They fonght for exactly sixteen min 1 ntes by the watch, when bothglaiia tors, bloody and bruised fell to the ground. The seconds rushed to the aide of each of the fallen "slugs" and endeavored to raise them for a renew al of the contest, but without success. Both were finished and each one unmindful of the celebrated McDufTs Invocation, xcried, . enough." The seconds insisted on the fight proceed mg. but each combat ast declared him self satisfied. Tbey were assisted fo rise and then, in the presence of tie second?, they shook bands anddeclar ed the matter settled. The com batants were washed and cleaned up. when they took the train fer their homes, Mr. Hoffman coming throngh Charlotte and spending a day here. THE '0EItNOR'g BIAMKION. News and Observer. The work of the excavating for the foundations, &c of the Governor's martion began yesterday. The building stands on Blount street, near the epot where stands the old ' Love joj' academy which has been for half n Leiitury ol more a landmark in the city. Around the ld school old associations cluster thick, for people of all ages have studied lessons and been well 'birched" there in dajs past or present. But the old and inconvenient bqilding, by no means suitable for a school house, gives way to the march of improvement, and tbe new mansion will adorn the grove of oaks, which, too, are passing away, and must soon be replaced by other treas. " ' Jt may not be amiss to give some sort of a description ot the mansion. It will be of brick, faced with brown sandstone of fine c lor and texture, from Anson county. It will Lava a basement, two full stories and nn attic story. The roof is of slate. The building is in modern style aid is spacious and oouafurtabje as to interi or arrangement, both of rooms and hallways, It is not, we are informed, expected or desired to be completed in time for occupancy by tbe present Governor, but every effort will be made to have it ready to torn over to the next Incumbent ot the executive chair. The building will be hand some, pne of tbe handsomest, in fact, in the oity or State, THE MASONIC CELEBRATION. Last Saturday, tho 23rd. was a beautiful day fuU of bright auspices for the Masonic Celebration at Boone, which had been locked forward to by tha good people of Watauga for weeks. Early in tlm day the crowds began flocking into town in large numbers from all parts of the count' and by 10 o'clock, it s estimated, there were, nearly 2,000 people in Boone. At that hour Watauga, Snow and Elk Lodges and Eastern Star (ti ope No. 1) Chapter met in Masonic Hall and formed in line of march. The ladies composing the Eastern Star Chapter were in front, followed in order bj ; the members of Watauga, Snow and Elk fudges, and nndcr the guidance ot Chief Marshal, Joseph B. Clarke, the , procession marched dowu Main Street, through the vast concourse of spectators, to the beautiful grove on the outskirts ol town upon which Mr. John F. Hardio' handsome new" bouse is built. There were between 150 and 200 Masons in line. As viewed by us, standing P a promi nent place, the procession was an imposing spectacle. ; In perfect order the audience be came seated In a semi circle beneath the "shady oaks and the exercises were opened wjtty singing and prayer by the Ey. ifr Wiggins. At the conclusion of tho prayer the orator of the occasion', Hon. Robert B. Vance, ofj Asheville, was introduced. Hay ing .heard General Vance frequently before, jye consider this address one of his happiest efforts, JJe spoke extemporaneously, without any notes, and we. regret that we are unable to give even s brief resume, of his re' inarks. .To sum up, it was an inter jesting addcesi and was much appre-, dated by . jtha fiudience At -the '.conctQsioi of Gen. , VQWf speech; speech lnrelation to Eastern Star Chapter, which Is the only one In the State, and Rev, I, W. - Thomas also spoke; briefly. ' .. ; . Now comes the difficult task. a How to describe the Jolly time we bad at dinner!' On the' long tables stretched oat la the grove lay hampers and J baskets full efthevbest?f good things to eat, and thaYpeat crowd of thousands, feasted and was-satisfied and thera was plenty le"U Toe much credit, car) cot be given la the skillful managers of the affaltkand .to tho good JadleSL whaoTalfurrdantly proi vided for the neoessilies orte vast coneourse. The day continued bright, not a drop of rain fell and the cere mocies, were concluded without a hitch or 'a false step. The address was to hare been made in theMetbo dist church, but as soon as it ,was filled and the crowwair, dotyfsibljf ' diminished, the managers wiseljad journed to the grbveVjlAfterthe speaking a collection was made Jn behalf ut the Oxford Orpha'rt Asylum and a handsome sum wasHhe) result. The CelebrationXfwasoecided success and the Mason 3 "and citizens of Watauga won ' from the "visitors hearty plaudits for their open handed, hospitality anJ courteous attention. The Topic lifts its beaver and returns thanks for many favors shown and is as proud as can be that its predictions concerning the result were so well fulfilled. When the Masons of Watauga turn out again, may we be there to see. YADKIN VALLEY LAND FOR SALE! I OFFER- for sale my Farm of 830 acres, more or leiw, on the Yadkin Biver in Wilkes .county, N. C THERE are about 00 acres of good Biver Bottom 10 acres of which is fine Timothy and Bed Top Mea dow. - . .. ... -r BALANCE in Heavy Timber. THI3 Valuable Property will be sold &t private sale on easy terms. APPLY to JAMES C, HOBTOJT,j either at Patter; son, Caldwell County, N. a., or at ElkvlUe, WUkfcs County, N. C. tub.21-tf NOTICE. I hereby notify all sitors and witnesses in' ibe Superior Goal t of Watauga, th t Gov. Jarvis has ordered a special term of C Jurt to try and deter mine all civil ranges now pending fn the Superior Coui-t of said county, to convene on the 16th day of July, 1883, acd to continue until all civil cases are disposed of in said Court. Parties having suits now pending in the Superior Court of Watauga county, are efeoially notified to hive their cases in readi ness foi trial at this special term as the Court is called for the purpose of trying your cases. Be sure and have all your witnesses ready, notify your attys, and do all things necessary for your trial of issue. D. B. DOUGHEBTY.Ch. B'd Com. June 22, 1883, 2t SUMMONS A. E. Haigk-F Plaintiff, against William Howard, John Brown and wi e Prudence, Samuel, Eli and Laura Howard, John, Peter and Sarah Howard, Matthew, Ha j wood and Martha Howard, Defendants. STATEOF NORTH CAROLINA. To the Sheriff of Caldwell County Gbeetin a: You are hereby commanded to summon fie defen dants above named, if to be found within your County, to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Caldwf 11 within 20 days after the service of this Summons oa them, exclusive of the day of such service, and answer the Complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in tha office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, within ten days from the dato of thi Sum mo4S, and let them, take notice that if they fail to f uswer the said complaint within that time the Plaintiff will tak judgment against them for the re lief demanded iu sai 1 complaint, viz.: the sale for p rtiticn of the land in said county belonging to the he Irs 1 1 law of ( ornelius Howard. Herein fell not, and of this summons make due return. Given tinder my hand and tha saal of the Court, this 231 day of May, 1883. M. E, SHELL, C. 8. Q. Caldwell Ccunty.. GLOBE BAPTIST ACADEMY, Globe, Caldwell County, N., C. , - ' . . " V Next term opens August C, 1833. "Board per month from $5 00 to $6.00. t ""ruitiou pev month, ?l 00. 2 00 and $3 00. Special attention giv'en to debato and dec lamations. jfWFor Catalogue, address, . , Ocl B. L. PATXON, A. B. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR WE OFFER for le sis acres of laud at Game well, on the Morgvnton road four miles from LeBoiv upon which are a D-elling House, Sforo: House, barn and stable., blacksmith shop aad site for a tannery. i TERMS LIBERAL. APPLY to Mr. WILL C. NBWLAXD, Att'y at Law, Lenoir, N. C. mti28tr F.P.4J. C. OOFFEY. DR. A. F. HOICK, Offers hla services to the public, i Will do Cfllce aad General Practice. May bo found at Office, Clover Hill, . 2 miles East of Patterson, when not professionally engaged. Calls, both night pid day, promptly at' ended tf. . SBSBBBBSBaBBSEQCEBSaaaeBBBBSWi BEES! BEES!! ITALIAN QUEEN BEES FOR 8A.LE. 1 untested Queen $1.00 $1.60 $2 0) 1 warranted ' 1 tested " tVk tha above Queens will be raised from pure mothers, and safe arrival by mail guar anteed. Address H. A. DAVIS, Moretz Mills, Watauga County, N. C. CaMfellJfiirseries. CNDERDOWN JtBOLCII, PRO'S. Encourage Home Enterprise. Having increased our nurseries, we ! are now prepared to furnish fruit trees of tho best qualities and proved by experiment to do welt and flourish in this Beet ton of the country. - Address UNDERDO WN & BOLCH, . Jel3 ly Lenoic. N. C. VYV' people are always on tbe lookout for M YQ Ochances to increase their earnings, and Yl IoCin time become wealthy; those who do not irqprovethiir opportuniUesTemain iq poverty. We oner a great cnanue to make money. We want many men, women, boys and g'rls to woi k for up right in their own-localities. !Any one can do the work properly from the first start Xha business wdl pay more than ten times ordinary wages 1 Ex pensive outflt furnished free. No oae who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your square mo ments. EuU insormation and ail that ia needed sent fres. Address 8TINBON Co., Portland, Malue, Y ,uot, life is sweeping by, go and ' dare hJ QQTbefore you4iei somt thing ight and I rtJO L"ublune leave behind to conbuer time." x T T T$P6 I week la youf own towa." $5 outfit free. Ne risk. ' Every thtog new. Capital hot re quired.'' We will fonrisn you everj-thlug. - Many are making fortunes. 'Ladies make 'as much as-men, qd boys and girls make great psy. Reader, ff yaat business at which you can make great pay all the time, write for partioulara to H, ALLKTT ft Co., Portland, Maine. " - - - NEW BOOK ' LIFE Oil THJS MIS?snP,.Vl A M ia proving the grandest success of all the Twain series addrecs DOUGLASS BR03., 63 N. 7th St, Phii'a, Pa Decided opinions expressed In langnsge- that can be understood ; the promptest, t ullost and most ac curate intelligence of wjuuever kt the wide World Is yprth attention.' THatl whit atory body is sure to id la eaitlQn of THB BVX? ubseritjUou, DAILY (4 pages,) Bymafl45c. a month or AN year SUNDAY 8 paf tW. KNGLAND, p P year; WEEJUUX Pntilsher, tfe'w York Ciiy. TNYALIiy HOTEL, NEW YORK. Every - home f comfort and privacy. Oueata can consult aay H 9V York pbyilf an. -For cireulars. addrecs - Dli. r)IVOBOE.-No publicity: neldenta Of any gtatfl. U. Desertion, Noii,flnppo4. Auv.oe and applioa tiis for stamp. , W. ILLee, Att'y, 339 H'way, N. Y, , ewpaper AdverUain Bureau, 10 Spruce St, K, Mm on twam A. - t . j'a -J a vxjjy JV I I iWiiiii.nriQ. www. ir8Mi. w-.- cUansil. AinruVunmg: I 1Tiiddd tfloe v JO II T HERS i t ILaDdDlk ! have opened a (nice lot of IXext door to S. W. Hamilton, which I will sell for Cash or Barter YEXXY OEJE AP. OalJ mi examine before buying else where. I also have opened a tin shop and will do all kinds of TIN WORK both on new and old ware. All kinds sheet iron and Titt work solioited. J. S. P. HAMILTON. i S f 5 ' 2 ! f i A & , S : i I'hcrc will be on the next Which is conceded to be,by all who 0 have seen it, ' 1 THJ.BEST EVAPORAtOa ; y ; , i . ' - (jver patented. For simplicity and JT IHIsiive raxiD IEqiiinsiiI' i - .... and will be St You wijl lear V w A) 4 ' sii v.' la iyj iyj y MARKETS AT exhibition within 1 days a v liPiilfll ' w v7 sold at from from me again.