LENOIR TOPIC. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19, 188S. SCOTT & EUVTJf, PUBLISHEES. W. W. SCOIT.Jr E41IP. AsmnmxE hal.f25J000 fire lttt Thursday night The tral of Thomas "ITSbielda In: Charlotte for killing Joaeph Sitten, the allegded sedacer of LlVsister. was in progress, last week. On the 1 3th at Wittemberg, Ger many, began the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Martin Luther's birth. 50,000 risitors were present. The Chronicle, in getting up its opinions from the counties, says that "Watauga Is for " Gen. Vance, first choice for Governor, and Coke, second choice. A big rain and wind storm pre vailed in the east and on the coast faring the first part of last week. Considerable damage was done to shipping. A special from Rileigh to the Greensboro Patriot says that 'a care ful canva93 of the counties of the State shows that the choice for . can didate for Governor stands, as be tween the two leading candidates, Scales 29, Coke 12. - Tbe Winston Republican brings oat Prtrick H. Winston, Jr. as tbe Republican candidate for Governor. The Leader thinks he has his eye on the district attorneyship, while the Charlotte Jeurnal,Observer is of opini ion that he wants to go -o Congress from the seventh district. - AIecklexburg court adjourned last Saturday. A negro named was con victed of rape and sentenced to be hanged Oct. 29, . and Thomas L. Shields was bonvicted of murder in killing Jos. G. Sittoo, and sentenced to be hanged Oct. 12 An appeal to the Supreme court was taken. Tnis summer two steamers, the Yantic and the Proteus), were sent oat to bring home. Lieut, Greeley who was in command of a party of arctic, observers stationed at Discovery Harbor in the Arctic Sea. Tje Pruteus was lo3t and the Yantic his returned with both crews but with no cews from Greeley and his party. The meeting of tbe Stockholders in tbe Richmond & Danville held on the 12th resulted in putting in Messrs. H. C. Fahrenstock, Samoel Thomas and Jj'ju A. McAnnery on the board of directors. The Seney Syndicate has intimated that they will build a road, estimated to cost $1,000,000 from GiUlsboro to Norfolk if Norfolk will take onefourth of tbe stock. At a meeting of the Cotton Exchange in Norfolk, last week, at which all the prominent Norfolk capitalists were preseut. it was decided to accept the proposition. This is important. VOLCME NIKE. V It is a custom, probably more honored in the. breach than in the beeryance, for newspapers to review each ended volume on tho commence ment of a new one. This week The Topic enters upon the ninth year of its existence. With varying fortunes, such as follow after every human enterprise, it has buffeted with tbe waves which so often engnlph ven tures upon the journalistic sea. The tight old craft leaves, port. today upon its ninth voyage with bran new sails, with ,allit belongipga pfck.,and span, and with , the choicest and Wit valuable cargo that - it has ever been its good fortune to carry, viz, nearly 1200 good paying 'passengers. And' as ye ancient mariner raises bis glass to his eye and. takes a prospect of tbe track before him be sees no clouds nor fogs. Here's fair weather and clean sailing to the , good ship Tone. A Dane of Dath- A rustic dance to tbe lower part of Pierce county, Ga,, was the scene of a sanguinary encounter between two country lasses Friday night,. Miss liable Smith and her t niece, Miss Roxy Wilson,' both daughters : of respectable farmers, and belles of tbe evening, were rivals for the band of. a country swain, wbose personal attrac tions were enhanced in tbe eyes ef the maiden by a $10,000 estate, to which he is the only heir, His prefi erences for Miss Smith's company was remarked and Miss Wilson became infuriated, with jealousy. - At 11 o'clock - she was la maddened that she made open threats that she would kill both v her rival and her lover. Her brother, who was present, r shared his sister's anger, and, while they were all dancing In the same set About midnight, secretly put an open mmmmammmmtmmtmmmmmtmmi' . ,L .., . ..n. . ' -. - --'f i : ......... , . . .... - - ; knife In bis sister's baud and went on with the dance. . ! Sudden raising " the k n i fc above her 'bead the,' infuriated : woman sprang upon, her aunt, tnd at the first. kko ft3mbsU2disemboweleci her. Before the horrified spectators could recover from their astonishoaeut she raised the knife again and plunged it to the hilt in the youog woman's breast; j catting"8 gash which laid open her dress and exposed the bleeding wound to the view of every body around. Without waiting to see the effect of the wound tbe mnr deress 1 sprang like a tigress toward the throat of her aunt's lever, but was seized and disarmed before she could accomplish her purpose. The young woman's brother male no at tempt to interfere while the tragedy was being enacted, and after it was over calmly walked away, and has not been seen sincei Tbe murderess, who is an uncommonly handsome country girl of 19 years, is under ar rest. Her father is said to be worth $25,000. NKTCS OF THE WEEK. The Bolivian Congress has declared nail tbe last election of Senators. The statue of ex President Zachary Taylor at Louisville, Ky.. will be un veiled on September 30. Mrs. Jackson, widow of "Stonewall" Jackson, is in Boston, where she and her daughter are the guests cf Gov. Butler. With ninety-eight counties to hear from, tbe assessment fa Texas shows an increase of ' $38,000 over that oi last year. John Wanamaket has given to the Young Men's Christian Association of Philadelphia $50,000 to pay off its floating debt. Memphis baa expended $2,700 000 in new buildings since September, 1882, and more than doubled her manufacturing capital. An election will be held November 20 in the first Congressional district of this State to fill tbe vacancy caused by the death oi Hon, Walter F, Poole, Tie new postal notes are deemed a failure in Chicago.. The bonks have refused to accept them as checks or drafts on account of the mistakes of the postmasters sending them. P. H. Winston's withdrawal from the Democratic party has been followed by tbe greatest gale ever known on lake JL'iongan, and a terrible tempest along the Atlantic coast. Messrs Moody, McGranahan and Whittle, the evargelists, leave Ameri ca on Octebtr 2 for Ireland, where they contemplate carrying on an ac tive missionary campaign in the south of the Island. Tbe annual statement of the lumber business of Wilmington, N. C, shows that for the year ended August 31 tbe exports amounted to 33.000,000 feet, of which 22.000,000 weut to domestic and 10,000.000 feet to foreign ports. Arose farm is a new Georgia in dustry. Two gardeners in tbe vicinity of Savannah planted three acres in rose trees. This year tbey sold 22, 000 trees to parties in the Nortb, and bad orders for 50,000. which tbey could not fill. Mrs. Fbilip Sneed, of Louisville, a daughter of George Keats and a niece of John Keats, the poet, died at Co bourg, Canada, yesterday. John Gil mer Speed, until recently managing editor of tbe New York Word, is her son.5 Postmaster Humphreys, of Perm cola, Fla., reports to tbe Poctofllce Department that a malignant type of disease prevails at the navy yard and is crowing worse. Mail from that point is taken out of tbe sacks at Pen sacola and fumigated. -"; Tbe Czar is not afraid to travel In -bis own dominions. He lately bad the hardihood to visit Copenhagen, the home of his wife, who Is the daughter of Christian IX, King of Denmaik. His reception by the people of Copen. hagen was all bat the Emperor of all the Rassias could desire. ' Reliable reports at the office of the Uis8l8sippi commissioner of agricul ture show that the cotton and corn crops of Mississippi are much injured by the unfavorable weather. The de crease in the cotton crop as compared with last year amounts to 25 per cent, and in the corn crop to 15 per cent. , j London, September l: 11. A dis -patch from Hong Kong states that a Chinese mob at Canton burned the - houses of several European merchants and also their wharves, causing great consternation, among tbe foreign re si dents, tbe most of whom sought ref uge on board tbe vessels in the river. No violeuce was offered to tbe per sons, and a force of Chinese troops was called out which quickly; .dispersl ed the rioters. ...The building 'of the Kimbirbouse ; at Atlanta seems to be conditioned npon the citizens of Atlanta raising' $150,000. So far $70,000 has been subscribed, leaving $80,000 jet lo come. Unless this sum be guaran teed within tbe present week tbe project will be abandoned. A prettry Irish girl's f jkiss may be sweet but it is costly, John Kennedy,, of Lockport, New York, kissed pf et ty Mary McCarthey, of - that town, with her consent. She construed it as an engagement, and when be mar ried another girl she sued bim for breach of promise and the jury award ed her $100. Tbe official statement of the cotton crop of tbe United States for tbe ysar ended August 31, 1883, issued by the National Cotton Exchange,1 of New Orleans, shows a total crop of 6.949, 956 bales, including receipst at ship, ping ports of 6,009.612 bales, and shipments by rail routes overland to Northern spinners direct from produ cers of 641,301 bales. The report shews that the Southern mills con sum ed 313,393 bales, aa increase over last season of 26,439 bales. The increase in tbe total crop compared with tbe previous year was 1,493.708 bales. The takings of United States spinners for the year were 2.073.099 bales, an increase of 108.561 bales. Krtb lrolla at Bta. Boston Herald. The North Carolina exhibit, besides being tbe most conspicuous in tbe great ball, is simply immense in its compreheaslveness.and shows a whole souled enterprise onthe part of enter prising citizens and public officials of that State which cannot fail to give a A most favorable impress .on to all who view it of the yariety, extent and ex cellence of tbe resources of that State, A Kw Paper. Wilmington Review. Messrs. George Dyer J and E. S. Warrock have made arrangements for the publication of the Sunday Morn ing Mail) to begin in this city about tbe first of November. We see no reason why a paper of the diss they propose may net be made to pay well here, and we are satified that if there arc auy two people in Wilmington who can make a success Messrs. Dyer and Warrock are tbe men. A New Enterprise. Greensboro Patriot, W. C. Petty & Co.. of Bush Hill, have in successful operation a shuttle block factory, and they are da'.ly shipping shuttles to various points, both North and South. For some lime blocks for shuttles have been gotten out in this Mate from dogwood and persimmon, and shipped North to be made into shuttles, but we be lieve this is the first factory that has undertaken the manufacture of the shuttle. They leave tlrs factory ready for the loom. The specimens exhib ited are as pretty as any made any where. The Work of Incendiaries. Nobfolk, Va., September! 10 Twenty-three bouses were burned in village of Deep Creek ou the canal ot the Dismal Swamp, 10 miles below this city yesterday morning. The Are was the woik of an ; organized band of incendiaries who have tried to burn a number of villages in this vicinity recently. Their object is robbery. Tbe residents or tbe village who have been rendered houseless by tbe flames are in the greatest distress, several people were injured by.falling timber, some fatally. . The damage will exceed $75,000. CASE OF JEALOUSY. Marion Lamp Post, Saturday Mr. Isaac Gner, who has been carrying the mail from Marion to the Srlllespie Gap on the Bakers ville route, was fired upon by a man concealed in the bvshes, about half way up tbe mountain. The ball passed through the sleeve p( his coat and shirt above tbe elbow, blackening tbe skin. Mr., Grier bad been-cau tioned that threats were out , against him, but not thinking iLey mould be executed, continued to carry tbe .mail, but provided himself with a pistol, which he discharged at the rp an twipe as be ran. down off down the moun ta'n. Mr. Grier says the ropking of tbe buggy, over the, very rough place alone prevented bim from being shot in tbe centre ot the back na y the party did not fire until he passed. There could be no cause for Ufi attempt at his life, Mr. Grier thiokrexcept that h has Jbe Inside track witbt a very pretty girl in that n'ejgLborhoodand t ss he k. wants to. live to. see jnore of her he has decided to quit carry icg the mail on that route until the girl townsman V?e hopia heiUn ...it. - . - L A Bail ! fe Bollt aa Operated fry :" r'' i - -i - 'A colored man named C. F. Martin arrived in the city Sunday from Wil mingtoB to work up Charlotte in the interests of the proposed Wilmington, Wrightsviile and Onslow Railroad, of which be is the general Superintend ent. X Martin Is an bid slave of ' Gen. f John B. Gordon, of Georgia, and got bis ideas of railroading from his old master; ' His plan is to form local companies in all th6 towns of the State eocb party subscribing to so many shares in the proposed railroad. He has visited a number of towns, and las enrolled thousands of sharehol ders. He has already grabed six miles of bis road from Wilmington to Wrightsviile sound, and says be will succeed beyond the shadow of adoubt n completing the road. It is propos ed to run the road to Wrightsviile first thence to Jacksonville, alosg the coast in Onslow county. He talks railroad with surprising intelligence, and says that within the course of three years Wrightsviile sound will be a port of entry, with as fine a breakwater as the Delaware. The country along tbe line of this road is low and flat, and from Wrightsviile to Jacksonville, there will not be a cut over five feet deep. It is exclusively the colored people's enter prise. Rev. J. C. Paice is President of the company and all tbe officers and directors are colored. Martin showed us a map of bis railroad drawn by a colored draughtsman, and which was excellently executed. He has been working on this project for a long time and has so well succeeded that there is uo.coubt of bis ultimate suc cess. He met with considerable encour agement in Charlotte, we learn. A mong bis list of stockholders are a number of white people. TUB ORIOLE. Featnree of the Festival. Baltimore Sun. For the third time Baltimore has prepared fot tbe entertainment of the thousands who vUit her Oriole festi ycl a psgeant which at night will emerge from the rude workshops on the suburbs like a butterfly from a chrysalis and come down through the main thoroughfares of the city, The Order of the Oriola promised that their efforts this year would eclipse ail past processions ot a like charac ter, and the word has been kept. The subjects this year are rich ones, and forty floats are required to illustrate them. The Lost. Continent and the Spanish Conquest of Grenada form tbe motives for the tableaux. In 18gl the subject was "The March of Ages," and the endeavor was to make a tableau of every momentnus event in the world's history. Last year the subjects were "Illustrious Women" and the "Ra may ana," a leg end of the East. The subjects chosen for this year's parade are ''The Lost Continent" and The Lost Kingdom." Both of them abound in oppotcoities for rich, fan ciful treatment, and the work done is believed to be the finest in the way of street pageantry ever accomplished. dazed by Jealoany. Rockv Mount, N. C. Sept. 10. Rush Hall, a young man living near here, on Wedeesday last parted from iss Alhnie Hopkins, n beautiful girl, his betrothed wife. The engagement, was broken from some trival cause. On Saturday evening as the 'ady and a young man were walking togblher they were seen by Hall, who, crazed by jealousy, slunk out of sight into tbe wood 8. He cut a heavy club and followed tbe couple. When they ar rived at Miss Hopkins' house, the young man left her near the gate. Suddtnly Hall rushed upon her and felled her to tbe ground with his club, fracturing her skull and otherwise injuring her. She begged ptteously fdr life, 'but her appeals seemed to In. furiate bim and he only ceased lo beat her when she was unable to cry any longer. She cannot live. Hall bas fled. Toe contract let Oat. Hiplcory Press, Cspt. D. S. Hassey an engineer of the Harrow Gauge is in town seeing after the work of tbe roadP He says tbattWilkins, Post & Co., of Atlanta, have received the contract for building the bridge across the Catawba river and, work will begin soon. A . force will begjn on leveling tbe old grade Afnnrinir a- -s r Railway eenselldatlen. BrUtol Oouelr. We have before us, in pamphlet form, the articles of consolidation of f'The Bristol & North Carolina Nar row Gauge Railway Cff wjtb ?Tbe North Carolina and Tenpessee Rail, road Co." forming f'Tbe Tennessee & North Carolina Railroad Co." John D. Imboden, Wm. B. Council! Tbos. J, : Coffey Robert Shearer, Jos. R. r4.nderfon; R C. 8mltbr and F. It InDodea compese the board of DUec- tors. At a meeting; of the Board at lizabethton,JulyVl8, Gen. J. D. Imbodea was elected President of tbe Company, and John Slack, Secretary and Treasurer, Jos. RAnderson and Wm. B. Councillwere appointed the Finance Coeami Ace. Sunday Xlant'a Storm. WiLiONQTOX, N. C, Sept. 10. Last night at 12 o'clock a terrific hur ricane centered along the coast near this place and a storm I amounting to. almost a cyclone prevailed at this place unceasingly until a late hour last night. No - damage is reported as having been done in the city, but it is feared there have been wrecks at sea, The sea came entirely over Wrightsviile sound, and the roar bf the breakers was distinctly heard here, a distance of eight miles. The hurricane started off the coast of Flor ida and moved northward. A Bloody Row at a Campmcetlng. Iiinooln Presx. One of the bloodiest campmeeting rows on record occurred at a negro campmeeting in Catawba county, near Ball's Creek, last Saturday, between the whites and blacks. . Whiskoy was the cause. Knives, pistols, rocks and sticks wcro the weapons used. . Qae negro will die, and four others were desperately wounded. Two whites, Doc Lockman and Bruce Brown were badly cut. I T. Lippard & Co, BOONE, . N. C, Have just reseivad a good assort ment of SCHOOL BOOKS, Also a new supply of GROCERIES, COXFECTIOAEK. IBS 'AND FAMILY MEDICINES. A FiXK LOT OF LEMOXS" Prices low and terms cash or barter. CALL AND EXAMINE THEIR STOCK AT THE POST OFFICE. XOKTH CAROLINA, AStfE COUNTY, 8UPEKIOK COURT, Aug. 81. 1SS3. KKBEO'-A r.OTEX v JOHN II HOT EN. ACTION KOHDIVOBCE. ' . IT APrEAKlSO to Uie natinfaction of the Oout that the defendant is a no:i tresident of thi State and cannot be curved witU ordiun ry process IT IH OKDEBED y the CJurtthat publication be made for bh bu!oc ve rec-ks in T IE TOPIC, a nevepaper publinhed iu the town of Lenoir In the county oi Caidvoll COMMANDING the said defendant to appear at the nut Ter. x of the SUI'EBIOB COUIIX to be held for tho county of Ah at the Court House i'l Jefferson on the wveuth Monday altar the fourth Monday in 8o,itnUer ISi'l, and answer the coui piaint of the p'aintia which will t)c tiled in the ofHee of the Clork of aid COl'KT during the Crirt three day of the Term, otherwise JI'IHMFNT will be taken according to the re lief demanded ia coiui-ltint. 'j. M. MCKSO$. O. b. C. Afhe ounty. Day and date ve written. 12-fit YADKIN VALLEY LAND F0U SALE! I QFFEJi fir pale my Kami of 33 acres, more or lean, on the Yadkin Kiver iu ViiUcs county. N. C. THERE are about CO acres of good Biver bottom 10 acres of which is One Timothy and Bed Top Mea dow. BALANCE iu Heavy Timber. THIS Valuable Property will bo sold at private aale on easy terni. APPLY to JAMES C. ITOKTON. either at Patte" ont Caldwell County, N. C, or at Elkville, Wilkes County, H. O. mh21-tf LAND FOR SALE. I have 85 acres of land right on top of tbe Blue Ridge, 3 miles weut of C. Jones Coffey a 20 acres of It improved Rood house, barn and out building;. It i s for sale and I ask persona interested to come and see it or write to me. J. A. OR AGO, Shnll's sM lis, N. C. A. I. 7t. DR. A. F. HOICK, vJifcrs hi a aervioes Jo (he public. Will do Cfflc and General P.sotice. May bo found at Office, Clover Hill, tuika East of Patterson, when not uroff&s.onuMy enacd. Calls, both ni rht and day, promptly arended it. SherliT'k Notice. Watauga county. I SHALL attend at tbe followtig times and places in the different townships of Watauga Coun ty for the purpose of collecting the Taxes for the year 1883: BLOWING ROCK L W Estes' Store, Monday, October 1. BLUE KIDGE Storie's School Houee, Tuesday, October Z ELK Eli Wolfe's Mills. Wednesday, October 3. 8T OT FORK Horton k Walsh's Store, Ihuro day, October 4. Sidney Elr'od's Store, Friday, Oc. 5 MEAT CAMP John lUgan's Store Monday Oct 8. BALD MOUNTAIN Elk X Roar's Tncsday Oct. 0. COVE CREEK Mouth of North" Fork of Cove Creek, Wednesday, October 10. BEATER DAM Bethel Church, Thursday, Oc tober 11. ' LAUREL CREEK J B Philips' School House, Friday, October 12 J V Reece'i (Store, Saturday, October 13. 8HAWNEEHAW Poga School House. Monday October 15 L M Banner's Stoje, Tnesday, Oct. 16. WATAUGB J C Shula 8tore, Wednesday, Oct. 17 Heary Taylor's 8tore, Thursday, October 18, BOON K Boone, Saturday, October 20. THIS lSih day of September, 181. D F. BAIRD, Phi riff. RACKS AND DORSES TO HIKE. Hit. Juries justice desires to inform the public that he is prepared to carry passengers te and from the rail load r id to go on excursions. JULIUS JUaTICE. Lwfoin, N. C, ANN0UNCENENT. LENOIR MARBLE WOi2KS. I will open, on or about Oct. 1, a complete stock of tnaible in Lenoir, and will be prepar ed to furnish all kinds of TOMBSTONES, MONUMENT FU11NITURRE MARBLE, &c. at the most reasonable torins, Having been connected for some time with the Statesville Marble Works, I feel confident I can fill the . wanta of all in need of marble work, Be sure to give me a call before buyiDg elsewhere. - CB. WEBB. Lenoir N. C, September, 19 We have Call and sue it and set a bargain. CLOYD-& Lenoir, N. 0., August 22, 1883. J. T. BELL, J. A. BOLCH, J. A.SEAB'33 HICKORY 3IARBLE YARD, I3ELL,' BOLCH & CO.. PropVs, HICKOUV. CATAWBA CO., N. C. AH kinds of Marble Work executed with neatness and dispatch. Country Produce taken in exchange for work- BORDERS SOLICITED. GLOBE IJAfTIST ACADEMY, Globe, Caldwell Count j, IT. 0. "Vest term opens August 6. l&i.i. Board ter month from $5 00 to $6.0.). W"Tnition pr monJi, $1.00. $2.0-) and $3.00. arSi)2cial attcu. o j given to debute and dec lamations. i Wf or Catalogue, address, Ocl K. L. PATlOX, A. B. olT WDSILIL III! MlSualle brought on a BUsiaD i (DUdDitDnnDD -NELSON. BEES! BEES 1 if ITALIAN QUEEN I tintetsted Queen $100 Xim unteanted i-5o 0 M 1 warrd X0 m i icsio tlTKU tbe above V Queens will be raised from pure mothers, and safe arrival by. n;ail eur antecd. Addns H. A DAVIS, Moretz Mills, WaUuga Countr, N. C. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. WE OFEEIt for sale six acres of land at Oik. well, on the Slorgrnton road fo ir luiles from "Stji upon which are a Dwelling Hu.use, f-tort tioup barn and stable-, blacksmith shop aad site ior tannery. TEUM.S LIBERAL. APPLY to Mrt WILL C. NEW LAND, Atfy a Law, Lenoir, X. C. mhwtf F. P. k J. C. COFFEY. the EKfWK FL fo)ffnrn Uuiy,uvj is 15 iu) Jjj lull Jislyilll