PIC. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28, 1883. SCOTT & ESVIN, PUBLISHERS. W. W. SCOfT, Jr., Edllor. rnUishcrti' Announcement. SUBSCRIPTION : Tn order to place The Topic within tUa roach of every reading man and woman its price was reducad some years ago to 0E DOL IAU por auua-.u. Ii nas reccatiy been increased m Bizo v itliout any increase in price. The terms given below are invariably caah in adcanfe : ONE COPY, on? year, fl.W ' six. momU, " Wf3 " " (hreemontbs. - - L 40o -ADVERTISEMENTS: As an advertising me dUiw. The Tone ran'ts "A No 1" among the news prwrsof Wertern North Carolina In the counties of Caldwell, Y;:taiwa and Ashe its circulation is Greater than that of uli other secular newspapers rombined ; while it 1m. a large and constantly In creasing circulation in Bnrke, Alexander, Mitchell. WilUc-s and 'Alleghany and throughout the fetate. Advertisements inserted at low rates in proportion t, cuvnlation. OOU PRINTING : The Tono JOB PRINTING departmeut is complete.' With good presses and a iarW assortment of new and beautiful type, job work of all kinds, pamphlet, circulars, posters, cat -iIotuos, mil utes, bill heads, letter heads, cards, &c, &c., exec -ueu on short notico ad at the lowest prices. REMITTANCES : Mo ey may be sent at our risk, by check, i-egiste ed letter, or post office money o -der. Mone.v Bei . otherwise is at the risk of the c. der. HrCcmirmnlcations containing items of local oi ceneral inter, st respectf uUy solicited. Manuscripts intended for publication must be written on oueside of the paper, had accompanied by the name of the writer, an a ;uaran;.--e of good faith. We extend to Catt E, J. Hale, editor of the FayetteyUle Observer, cur sincrrest condolence in his deep r Miction at the loss by death oti the fUli instant of bis son, Joseph II. II c.l 20. Our acquaintance ,Titb tlii ; promising young man was slight, fis we had met him only once cr twice, but we had a circle of luutual irier.ds and we are very much iEprc-;si-.l now riih tliA mpninrr oi ion prater' ained in that circle !Iu!e, as they loved to ca.ll i'or 'Jo" him. Tin: Supremo Court has lately de cide.1 wiy important point in the land entry i-u iuess and one in which the ciLizjt.s f this sectiou are deply iutercste.!. The Attorney General a.cd Secretary i Slate Lad decided that, aider tuo new C kU all lands cleared oul of the Secretary of State's niter Nov. 1, 1833, without re gard to the- caie of entry were subject to ecs of '2'j cocts per acre for every -100 acre tr less and 50 cents for every Uviviilienal acre. Mr.; George It. Coaucdl. of Watauga, appealed from this decision, taking a test case to the -Siipreuie Court, and the decis i a is iliHi ail entries made prior to Iv.v, 1, C'bo, uv:.y b cleared out at MiV Uuj ilicreafier under the -old law at, l-2Vt;i)lc per acre for 100 acres or loss i.i; 1 15 cents for every additional acre. Oi course the cu9tomary fee bill h altered. The q i 1 1-.-t L n o f t h ene'it Prcs id e n cy to!ii:ijes lu be discussed but no definite coAciusion seems 16 be arrived :r. Tae ,M ticket of Tilden and Hendricks is i.l this lime, more pop uhr than any other combination on th D-mccra'i - sid . The only objec t u.i VrouhL forward against this ticket id the old a-e of Mr. Tildeu who is fcorr.ev.Lcre near 70 years of age. This should be no disqualifies tion of Lis candidacy for he is still vigorous, has, according the law of chances, a probability or at least a possibility of several years' lease upon life. Old or young, stalwart or de crepit Samuel J. Tildeu has a stronger hold upon the popular affections than &ny other maj in America. More individuals, the Unicn over, know his name than know the name of any other two men of the age and that rime carries with it a significant meaning. It denominates the vie-, tim of a great wrong, it voices a pent up indignation against a high handed reversal of the peoples verdict. If lWen and Hendricks should be the candidates of the Berrocrccy the victory is sure. Bat in case that ticket is not put out the eyes of the country are turned toward the next strongest man "on the Democratic side, that great statesman, Allen Granbcrry Thurman, of Ohio. Thur ruan could be elected even against heavy odJs. Blaine seems to be the most popular man with the Hepnbli. can. Tiiee is a manifest disposition on the part of the Republican leaders, since the Virginia election and the Civil Rights decision, to sby from the issues being made up between the t.vo parties and to lug back the bioody spirit and the negro into politic. This is a bign of their dsepondency Vnd a clear indication that Ihey tlcspair of making a winuing fight upon a fair gage of battle upon- the tariff and ther cebnomic questions Senator Mahone's bitter address, K'which makes grower and falser charges than ever were made in the bloody shirt days, and the return of the. New York Times and Ute other " leading journals of that party to the worn aut theme of Southern injustice J to the negro plainly demonstrate Mhe fact that if it is possible. lo.;aUr...np the people of the Norta to another Bee; tional campaign it will be dome. We still haye our dbta s to tbeeteat of their bf injj successfnl this nefa LENOIR rious design, but, a we' have had 6c casion to remark before, it is danger ous to coilnt too certainly upon what vfcufc.i people)" of the.. North cau be wrogbt upl to" fcy deiSlgn ing. pol it ciansj We would not do the-Republicans the injustice to think that they hare' already had their secret agents at work in the South for the purpose of whispering seel ,ti on into the negroes cars in order to raise tumults and 4.ha3-rouse the popular . prejudice of the North. But this practice has been so usual with them heretofore that, by the light of history, we may still hold ourselves prepared to meet just such bushwhacking methods. A word to the wise is sufficient. Congress will meet the fust of next month and the following from the Charlotte Observer is of interest as indicating which way our re pre eentatives will vote on the Speaker ship : There are now three recognized candidates on the Democratic side for the Spca' ership of the House f Representatives : Messrs. Randall, Cox, and Carlisle, and the position of representatives from North Carliia U of some interest to our readers. Of the seven recognized Democrats from the State we feel authorized to say : Bennett and Skinner will vote for Carlisle of Kentucky. Dawd, Greene, and Cox. will vote for Cox, of No v York. R. B. Vauce, and Scales will vote for Randall. York, Liberal, who has always claimed to be a Democrat, will proba bly vote for Carlisle, and O'Ha-a, Republican csucus and vote for the regular nominee of that party. The time has come when the peo ple need no other arguments but those suggested by logic and reason. Tartizausbip is dls-usiing. It was becoming the fashion to believe that sectionalism bad diet! away when Southerners, and No-t.ii Carol imans especially, went to Bo-ton and frater nized with their kinsmen of the old Bay State. We still think th:l such a scmi-milleniuai is at baud. But what censure is too great to be visi ted upon so groat an enemy to his country's good as ne who i would place a stumbling block in the way of a reconci'iaton between the sections. It is not unj'.ist to say that such a man is no belter tbau a traitor. Mr. William' Mahone, of Virgir ia, has committed this crime, lie has issued an address to the country in which he frmiUr oion.w the State that bos done nothing but confer benctits upon him. Heemplojs the most intemperate language and indulge? in the most insulting epithets. He accuses the Democrats of committing wholesale murder and slaughter upon the ne. groes togaiu their victory over read justerism, declares "war to the knile" and closes by appealing to the'Federal government lor protection for the ne grces. He attmpts to resuscitate . resuscitate the dying embers of paU stctional hatred and makes a stren nos endeavor to arouse the prejudice of the North against the South as in the unhappy past. This is a most impious scheme of Mr. William Ma. hone's and should earn for bin the undivided execration of a re united people. One bright feature of th'u business is the strong current of coi demnation setting in against him even on the part of the ultra Republican papers of the North. The Southerners are just to the negroes and do aot hate the North, we would have our Northern friends know, despite the gros3 calumnies of desperate dema gogues. SKI.N'XEIl EHHTEI It Y JORITY. 1,0 00 MA- Elizabeth Citv, N. C, Noy. 21, The Falcon has received returns from the district as follows: For Pool Pasquotank, 568 majority; Pcrqircans 94; Cowan. Chowaj 101; Mutin, 185 ; Washington, 378. For Skinner Camden, 103; Pitt, 450; Baaufort, 300; Pamlico, Gl ; Carterott, GOO. Judge Pool concede Skitmei'g elec tion by from 800 to 1.000. The Democrots are jubilant. 'I he I.nt ofTliree Mm tlortr. Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 22. Andy Taylor, the last living of three brothers, who murdered two sheriffs and captured a railroad train with one hundred passengers aboard, compel ling the engineer to carry them twenty miles, at a dangerously high speed about a year ago, is to be hanged to morrow at Loudon, Tenn. Today while being taken from Knoxville to Loudon, he slipped a revolver out of t he pocket of one of toe guards, and though heavily manacled, managed to get the muzz'eoi the pistol within a few inches of the head of Sheriff Foute, of Loudon, but owing to the fact that raylor thought it a selfcocker, he was knocked down before be could raise the hammer of the pistol. He remark ed, ;If I had nt mistaken th i.i.tni for a siolfcockertyou would have gone to hell several hours before me.' T4y tlor is buUwentv HOBTH CABOUBTA As aen thfouffU lh glasses orths Bal clcb, Cbarlotte, Grensbro d Wllmlng-ton DaillVH and of th !! ing WMklUt In lh SUI. Ballg;b. Dr. Skinner, who has returned from the State Baptist convention, says it was the largest and most successful ever held. In a few days the committee of twenty -one, appointed to make certain arrangements with regard to the State exposition, will report, it isjtbought, and then the beginning of regular measures will come. The interest in the affair does not abate, but in creases. We are informed by a gentleman, who says that he knows whereof he speaks, that within the past 6 weeks seven happy fathers in this "City of Oaks" have each been presented with twins. Charlotte. Col. H. C. Jones tells us that the appeal of Thos. L. Shields goes over to the spring term of the Supremo court and will be heard about next May. Should the rinding of the Superior court be affirmed. Shields will have to remain in jail until after the fall term of Mecklenburg Superior court in 1884, when the aeutence of the law will be passed upon him. Taking into consideration the past record of our jail as a prisoner killer, it is a matter of exceeding doubt whether or not the unfortunate Shields will ever live to see the .end of his case in the courts. We have heard, a good deal said about the sagacity of animals, but old Baldy's blacks did soiuethig yester day that proves that animals have Bense. For years the afternoon train for Richmond has been leaving, here at 4 oclock in the afternoon, but Sunday a change went into effect, the train going out several hours later. Yesterday the usual hour for hitching up the blacks to the 'bus at Wads' worth's stables arriving, and old Baldy not appearing, the four horses left their stalls one after the other and took their places at the 'bus, two at the sides of the tongue and two in the lead, ready to be hitched up. Nobody appearing to hitch them, they waited about fifteen minutes, and then started by themselves for the hotel, the same as if they were hitched to the 'bus and old Baldy had ho'.d of the lines, The horses had nearly reached the Charlotte Hotel before lUey Weie unugUb and brougbt baolf. When old Baldy heard of this smart trick in the horses, be went into their stalls and hugged each one. Considerable excitement was ere ated at Company Shops, last week by the arrest and carrying to Salisbury of Capt. Jim Murphy an old. respect ed engineer of the North Carolina road, on the charge passing a forged order for $9.80 on Mr. Cbas, Traylor, of Salisbury. It turned out to be another Murphy. Capt. E, M. Hayes, of the United States Army, arrived in the city yesterday for the purpose of establish ing a recruiting office in Charlotte for the army, and his rented offices in the iron banistercd building on Trade street, fVllmliiirtou. We learn that there was an old gentleman, G8 years of ae, in attendi ance upon the late S ynod as a lay delegate, who had never seen a steam boat or vessel of any sort previous to his visit here. He went on board of the New York steamer, and was greatly surprised at her dimensions and the manner in which, she was fitted up. He was from the western part of the State. AktaTllU. Sheriff Tweed informs us that Mr. W, R. Shelton, a successful merchant onShelton Laurel, Madison county, keeps the larger part of his stock of goods on his front porch, never under a lock and key, and, though he has been doing this for years, never had anything stolen. This shows what a splendid country Mr. Shelton lives in. Ashevllle's water works are in pro cess of completion. This enterprise is a feather in Asbeville's cap. Morg-auton. The negro, Bart Ellis, who was tried in Cleveland last week for the mnrder of old Mr. Logan, was found guilty and sentenced bj Judge Gib mer to be banged on December 14.. The jury agreed upon the verdict im mediately after leaving the box. Bukned to Death. A distrosiln accident took place In Icard township in this county,' near the residence of Mr. Warlick last Thursday nigfit. A man named Mike Chne and his wife went to the woods for shingle blocks leaving a httle four year old girt and a child still younger at komi to take care ef the house. On their return they were horrified to find their little girl iu the yard dead, ber clothing consumed and her body burned to a crisp. lz "v. 'It seems that Mr. J. Lee Latta, of .crooked; check fame, has escaped from jail in Atlanta, Ga., and is now in Western Narth Carolina. Constable Perry received a telegram Monday, directing him to look for Latta on the west bound train and arrest him. Six U. S. Prisoners were brougtt down from Asheville to this place Monday night and lodged in Morgan ton jail. This makeU8 prisoners at Mr. Lane's "boarding house." lmllau Snuitnor. Cottimunioated. Like some fell destroyer, bleak winter with its chilling winds and its freezing breath, comes and blights the beautiful Indi in summer, and who dees not mourn the departure of this ever enchanting season, which to me is the most pleasing one of tbo year? In uature so pathetic, so en chanting, so peaceful, so brief 1 It is full of suggestive life lessons. And around it fond memories cluster, In my boy-hood days, with buoyant spirits and innocent sports. It was my delight to roam over hill and through dale during these beautiful, bright days. And the night.hw inlescribi bly beautiful! The deep blue vault of heaven decorated with myri ads of glittering stars striving as it were to vie with each other in dazzling splendor, and bounded with a horizon of a soft mellow hue incidental to the season is a scene worthy an angel' s pen to describe and engender pro found admiration of ths great Archi tect of such ineffable grandeur. Perhaps it was in these halcyon days, while tending his flocks by night, that the oriental shepherd gazing upon these sublime sccnep, caught the spirit of inspiration evinc ed in the following : "When I consider tho heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and stars, which thou hast ordained; what is mail? that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man, that thou visitest him." O. "Sun-burned, becutiful enchaa tress." iu-iny have al uirol thy charms. Would thou could'st tarry with us lony;. The Nj uoil f trlii Carolina. Wiliulugon HUr. The Stated Cleik presented the fllnwinr statistical report of the Synod of North Carolina to the Gen eral Assembly of the Presbyterian church of the Unitrd States: "The S3 nod of North Carolina respectfully reports to tbo General Assembly of tbo Presbyterian church in the Uui'cd Site, that it consists of five Presytcrio, and that tbes-e consist in whole, of 116 ministers and 234 churches having "mule; their care 4 licentiates and 20 candidates, viz: Orange Presbytery li) minister?, C4 chuiches, 1 licentiate and 7 can didateo. Concord Pieabytery 1U iniuistors, 38 churches and 1 licentiate. Foyctteille 'Presbytery 21 min isters, 1 churches and 4 candi dates. Wilmington Presbytery 15 minis ter?, 31 churches 2 licentiates and candidate. Mecklenburg Presbytery 31 min isters, 50 ebnrchea and 8 candidates. Total 11G ministers, 234 churches, 4 licentiates and 20 candidates. The Synod farther reports that its next stated meeting will be held in the Presbyterian church. Winston, N. C, on the 2nd day of October, 1884, at 7 30 o'clock, p. m. By order of the Synod. Wm. S. Lacy, Stated Clerk. Justice .tlcti'U out lu fornye. News and Observer. Winston, N. C-. Nov. 22. In the Superior court here today, Judge Shipp presiding, Albert Davis, Tom Lee and Abrara Watkii.s, all co?ored. were convicted of the murder ot An. derson McCallum, colored, and sen tenced to be hanged December 23th. Thye appea'ed to tho Supremo court A Nontlit 11 N)CAkr. Raleigh Chronicle. The latest net s from Washington that cau be trusted is that Mr. Car lisle's chances for election to the Speakership are very good indeed. In fact, the probability is that ho will ba elected. Mr. Cox is sanguine and has an enthusiastic following Mr. Randall's chance?, it is believed this week, are not a? great as the have hitherto seemed to be. AX KDITOB If NIGIf TED. Rewarded by the Pop for Taking a ' . Staud Ag-aiiint Dueling. Charleston, S. C, Nov. 22. A dispatch from Borne states that the Pope has created Mr. F. W . Dawson, editor of the. JSTews and Courier, 0; this city, a Knight of the Order or St. G60re for tllA at and ho hn fnlren ; n AH paper agalhajfc dneliBfr ' ; " TIMEIT TOPICS. The Durham j Plant says tbat Mr. Fred D. Fanni ng, the cashier of More- ? bead's Bank in Durham, died Sunday before last. . Week before last the Norfolk and Western depot at Norfolk wr burned; destroying 5.000 bale3 of cotton yal ued at $250,000. Chatlotle had a big fire last week fcy which several houses were burned. The citizens of the Virginia second district had the biggest jollification ever known in the tide-water country at Norfolk of Tuesday of last week The occasion was the rejoicing for the victory over Mahoneism. The citi zens of Norfolk, Portsmenth and the surrounding counties paraded the "twin cites by the sea" at night in a grand cavalcade of horsemen followed by a vast concourse of pedestrians. The Are works and illuminated mot toes were gorgeou, lha speeches good and the enthusiasm unstinted. Newton bad a lire, Saturday week, which a couple of b.ickets of water happily extinguished. Charlotte is stirred 'up by the prom ised revelations of Adams the railroad peculator, and is standing'on tiptoe to hear who is implicated, Charlotte is in what was ono,e Pee Dee county. We will publish next week a rare discovery by Secretary of State Saundsrs of this whilom county. Turner' 2f. C. Almanac Tor 1S81. This popular A Imam? c, ' The old Reliable," which for forty six years nearly half h century has been paying its annual visits to the homes and firesides of oar people, has been received from the publisher, James II. Ennis3, Raleigh, N. C. As usual, it is full of important information, to all classed, and especially the farmer, gardener and housekeeper, to whom it is -invaluable. A very valuable feature of Turner' sV C. Almanac is its annual State record. :n which are recorded the most important events. The publisher proposes to print, free of charge, tho business card of all merchants who sell the Almanac, on the outside page. For icrms etc., address J. H. Esxiss, Raleigh, N. C J. T. Lippard & Co, BOONE, N. C. Have jusl rec jived a good assort ment of SCHOOL BOOKS, Also a new supply of GROCERIES, CONFECTIONER IES AND FAMILY MEDICINES. A FIX1-: LOT OF LEMONS. Prices low and term? cash or barter. CALL AND EXAMINE THEIR STOCK AT Tllli POST 0FFICJ. LAND SALE. liy irtu' ! ;i uiiirtiTiiii executed ti iVli:i Hryuu on tho -JTth of July 1ST"! by (K V. Thnniiou uia wife 1'hurlM to :oc:ir tli miui of $700 with thn m t u-ofit theroou, whioh mortgage i roistered in Deed Uook N'u. 4. J.i-tU-r 1). im page , 70, uud 71. of Alh'Khany ronuly, I will xell for cash on the preiuisM-H on tho lC.th rlny of Ft-braary A. l., 1SH4, a vi-' liable tract of land iu Alleghany I'.ouuty on Ulade Creek adjoining the lauds of FrauuiR liryau aud others, being the lands included in the mortgage above referred to t j which mortgage and registration thereof reference ii given for a more Hpccinc desoriu tion of the land. STEPHEN JOHNSON, Executor of CEI.1A JOHNSON formerly Ce'ia Bryan . Sparta, Alleghany Co., N. C, Nov. 2, 18SX FREE! FREE ! ! FREE ! ! ! Thin Seasou'x New Descriptive Catalogue ft price lint of Flays, Dramas, Farces, Guide. Books, Scenery, Paper, Speaker. Id. bio lian Dramas. Table ix Lights, Colored Fire, Pf a. -miime, ' Burnt Cork, W 78, Heard, &c., &c. Including many Novtlties! L-rgest Assortment in the World. In fact, everything for Amateur Theatricals. SAMUEL FKENCH & BON, 3 E. 14th St., N Y FOLDING THREE-S IDED 3 R ORS Enable of all sides of tho face at the same time The are the uicect goods for the toilet, especirlly for" ladles or for a shaving glass. A number of handsome styles art made for ornaments, forming a handsome picture when closed, or for the display of a statuette or piece of brio a brao. They are -also well adapted for a traveling mirror, and ar, there fore, suitable for wedding or birthaaT presents Ask your fancy goods dealer or principal 'drug gist o get them for you. . ' HALL, HICOLL, & SRANBEBT" Importerf of Artistic and Well-flniahed Fanay Soods of all kinds. K- ; - j Hos, 20 and 22 Join street. jvbw yorr; mm H i. And so are Our Mew Goods ! WE HAVE A SPLENDID STOCK OF FALL AXD WINTER GOODS WHIOH WE OFFER TO SELL AT BED ROCK PRICES. To secure bargains come and see us. We want all u(. CASH, wheat, corn, oats, rye, peas, beans, flour, eggs, butter Beeswax and all other marketable produce w can gt. HRed noticeih Local Column. DISSOLUTION! The firm heretofore existing as Echerd Bros iJ this U.iv dissolved by mutual consent. All persons iwiug haid fhm will please call and settle. Respectfully, J.-M. KCIIKKD. E. KCIIKRl). SVSEW FIRM ! . The undersigned have formed a co-parlneriMp under the name of Hamilton & Echerd. and would b ilinsed to see theirold friends and customers at the now stand. s. v. II A MILTON. ,J. M. KCIIKRD. vol d o g: where you ILsfairg' 9 IlllllR FiiSEI to will find a AssaDritiiimeniit ELDepai'itiiiiiieDD IBIIil