niM-.i' -ill v.rx KT rljJfoi baa -, .wia-iiiY a-irjCtK j -'---:-. . : f. ';;v. Ir, h ;,uj ?itu-fiil r If ! .11 ..IX '(MKlJLl f .1 , 1. id bmv.v ro fa I j vj-w sj nj u7 . r n '?. iHVTf!;iT ! f?dd!J mi.ill ill. .WjiHjtrss ' i . ..M-' wVArTtv4 i.' 4.qok! . i ....... . ti. .:; :t I .lliH'r f.i(,Ui I f. .'(;. Uljt i. " :J w m ' f - i ill i r-l ' Ii Wallace state; VILLE, N. C. Wholesale ' Dealers General " 'ITeMandise. to and best facili- ties for han- T5 cflo Dried-Rrtutr-Ber- i the State. RESPECTFULLY Wallace " ; 1 . r v.-:;-:! j ; ; -. jbzsiUoO. O 6 ot 6 & J. II. SPAMODR, Dentist. ZLaoza.0 0 Vies mo Inpure XIaterial for T7oik can be Done. ?tticat9 frea ft disUnoeoij Ttid dtltr by informing kin tt vat tine thej P. LEOijINE, 1 TORHET - IT - IlffJ 5zr IfTORHIT i iTLAm si a. .?i.r777 tox n .nwioirM CILLEY 5b NEWL. AND J Til ' ' fjriK TT-r- fcs 1 v - I--- y . ii , - - i There seems to be a considerable amOj now : among ng a number oi writers u in thei State conccruing a much needed; appropriaffonl fo "ih beiient of the University. It is proposed that an ; uppxopriaUon be made, sqfficiefi to enable the Uniyersity to give in-i etruction &g&fij l2rgP to all who; irilL attend and thus raise ouri Bt3lrl6i! hoJarkhljio OStiait! may comjuire Jatorably with other j Universities?11 aPiV , rujtijre 10 Eee inis inswtuiion wnicn; has giwS ejJtiteatioiiJtccBO !ahy use- j ful citizens and emiuent statesmen, ' Every one would be proud if all the youth of the tate liad an opportu- i nity of receitirig ; afine education ; free of tuition. . Lqt .let us j reflect" a 4uoneatt. Istheranot another T3e6"B)nt6 -attentiort V. H6r about ; Is it not first the paramount duty! of . the State to provide means for, inipV&g til great jwtb depend pocketi i irioat ioI ithe .taoneyi 'must ; come, should have an opportunity j of giving their children a little edu cation freef4tiition, before the few, who may be abfe topay their other' expenses at the University, should be eriven a finished educatidn at the l,tJtkl K 'tw t t ) feg-" mt 1 milI turn ' Wttlfi f . v.' :..jnn Yftsf i Mny JhiWreuy-n6w 'gtvtritig 'up in portunityJ of acquiring a practical; education, grow to be useful, an or ¬ nament to society,: awi a-blessing to the country. It m umversally ad-: Ofltsit3tDoJfJ&tf toH?uJHc dtoeote-rtrrniih thThat8t'if ''-rot poor and tbriekvamybttn that1 education necessary for the peace of' society and the welfare of the State, j The terms of wft schools are too short, and the teachers are ineffi-:; r.ient. . Those who are canable of lAfgyo4mlbkilcP"2?o. VMttf loro 'To'soeirv thr, ed. Will .ilm x yegialature ao something in this direction ? Both houses of Congress reassem- bled Jan. 5. In .-the Senate Mr. Beck introdlit5ed' ill to create a' revenue commission. Senators Wil- son and Sewijll spoke on the inter-; Stave uouimeruq uiu. xu nio uuuoe,: a motion to suspend the rules and .pass a bill, to repeal certain internal revenue, laws w iui, ncicioui motions to concur in Senate "amend -J ieftti 16 the Meiicaft pnsloTr"Wll tiint if Ediafie 1 festablfsll a uniiorm system oi DanKrupicy. TEE MLEMOAH. : Tli Vutkir, Pro&ibls and laprchtls. This iTthe day for? planting good idiutit AaMsA lJwJrtf 4ViSa! rCDOt-M It? rhj DUtH I uvvwva vu.s yield small. ; Iany amiable, personsj will turn awtfrdl Cierflkl-inwia, habit of sweariigI30KPW8 f da s"' ' , n4f&ieM4iat,little cooler. ,Look after your stove pipes, xne. fallen on eitner oi tnese aays wi "j manr cases cause you to dig. up. your whole grMWgUfiT9fy& t90 resolutions. .'"-". fsth. 6th and 7thiideji.B4wi A fall nn the . frozen- irround has been HWitl totknBe an loosd frcmbejwhole catechism. t?1 SI ftld not attend to it 4 rm.n fVlXfiC3wT0CiSmB, 1815. .. t l wflvs in advance.', ; ' wAAdfier and IBe mostest of it. i9h. 13th and 14th it you nave w-- : r. v j -"WouIr ft'nitr te w!s,eryranri:etter tbi bad weather. Ke Emphatically Dsniaj Having Aspersed ,s Lee and Jacls. " - Bultimor Sun. i. Richmond, "VU., Jan. 4; The arrival liere yesterday of Mr. D. L. Moody, the distinguished evangelist, was looked- forward r with the deepest interest! by Itichmond .people. r This i elin "was , inten-', 8ined , by the 1 1 pubhsUed . , , state-: v men ts' that MrJMoody u hadV uiide ', charitabi allu04)lLt'6nCLett8V. tfte ! and Jackson in.,, a sermon ' delivere'd by him jti New Yof i iin 1876. The ! morning papers contained very eni-j phatfc denials' of this cka'rgV f Mm ; Mr. " Moody Many of those who! attended liis services 4 ihu A,, ex-; pectVd to ' hear flome refeVicel Wade j by the evangelist t6 the charges m.atle: against feira ,;b.ut jniAtion was madejof ihe matter Mr. Moody contenting hirnelf with' the "denials ! fi& had made throngh lhe 'press'.' t .Iix the,' afternoon' Ihe't evamjlit 'preached to the colored pe6jile from thel)tilpU of thetrBteoWwd'ftiB- j W&t! Churchy and(: hadf4;.irVT. large attendance, : After thatserTic and i 'MtfJUpt&f had diped,;h0 SunTCoi- respondent had f an interview with ' him in his room at the hotel. He! said in reply tbj a question that he was in Cincinnati C when the charge was made publicj.that he had Jrefer-i red to Gens. Lee and Jackson in a' disparaging manner in one of his i New York sermons. was notifi-j ed : However," said he, J.'bef pre. pnb- licatioii was made in'Richmorid that; it was forthcoming. ! nave never' mad? sucVati allusion .to thtjisp two distinguished Southern soldiers and Christians How could I, indeed, when. I had, always looked ' upon Widif nighSe typ t soldif and Cbrs.ian? JL-j endeavor ; to preach only what I feel, and I am feeling ia that k against these two ' QAthe yeixnigQliluejfr it is alleged that I delivered the taienarala.Lee and Jackson, f I left iy of two' such men js itjikelynat 'if woWd-have escaped the atlenfion oi lieoplof Hftat tityt fntne very heart of the'; South1? jl have preached since then in Florida,,. St. ; Lonli and Texas, and ho-"referfence1 has, to my knowledge, - ever ! been made to-the language attributed to me in my New York discourse. ' "Is it not possibteV Mr. Moody," 'askecT the iktn'sM correspondent, "Batjrou tight ' haje made iome Tetefeiicefes. Eee-tin3acfeon ith that iermon which might -have "been mistaken for1 'Unkind criti-; Csm. V'&n'tytt !-!;; it, '";'f '"1ft)"! ',' "I cannot think of anything that J . ever saidf j 'replied. Mr; 0 Mody, ; "that could have been. so I under stood, when, as I ieil you, l"have; alwayft tnieftained wtherhigheet ad-; mjxation, fQthose twQ,grea..wejiJ Yes," yoa can- say thai' j I-most etn-j jatyyiingyingi that could be regarded " as an asper- j siorupon GeniV itjee and'Jaekson. ; Yes., I knew the widow of Stonewall; "Jackson is in the city, as soon as I arrived here I sent a message to her. denying this report. Mr.: ioody said if he ' had ever. saidhaiiVattfut tolhi'm about1 Lee and ' Jackson ' he would jnost! cu aologfzSfCyifiPf ee of I"cAniond,Jand) bje.SoQth.11 Me , Wonjd, hesitate moment, ,k fee added, to take such a course, ;: . iA B1tliwf Bon. .fi.wi J lthe-beriiat&1,ccie:JAi ..-Mta-J.MtM4 .1411 HMITfHAMMMm assume the governorship--The ex-l Ton.Tliajaday.irQia;Bai!alo'tt attend! pi fall toir'Prtsrde'nt irho" taifrt'a' erl- .i' tub i. row a .a ..... . ous view of the responsihweAi of r-his josition the" ex"Goreiuor"" does well to devcTjieOcJeks to elapse iwit if" 'ti c r.r t".9tfrmj mhw -r-va ihtt.tha nfe Erealdeiifi hfito, I jnajce ut$n and sweet. I-WJT .1 .'-.. - - T Aim OI II, , wilhsend to both hpusea of the New omrVS;rig9Sln THE IHTERMiL REVEHilL Vkit Ssnst cf the State Pipers 4avt to The effort .made : byrMr., "gLiscpcJk, (Kepublicanjirom JSew aork; to 'iflbolfkh'tlhe internal reventi'evon .to bacco, arid cigars and Jou spirits made ;i;or 4medjcinal or (ipecanical .pu'nKesj-rf bailed,; jKeyprj., 'bcIj j ef fort' will iail until ttm jurport .fluties Ipca thatf ' tWi i nfcrw 'are. "TKeremliVat of th''tkr on tfliis'key anu ioijcco woui(aff j rtuuuiie .revenue js to:rk;hej-ejtefttipn of high duties :ei5iirytjland itiis fa very safe1 prediction' tofnakep t"hat, removal jof thenter-nal, i;ryejjue, there i email dinnce-tO: remove it.1 wuaitaflUiv-n b- lec-.filt ,-,.t'i ; iio;w $ffi i46oop;ooO ! fntef I nal tax on tobacco anq; wftiqkey ; can be collected. bye.moratSj we do not expeci to hear such a general chorus ; iii,ortn .Carolina at)Qatf tne inter-) . nal Revenue system must, , go," , ;"In-1 telHgent readers will, remember that thiBl"'Stafv has for tw6fvearso!t)no8ed 1 ' thi blind, suicidal policylt will be j vAn m Knr.H that rha "Sror' hoo in. sistea tnai n was very j meet; ana; proper that the vices should he taxed j and ndt ; the necessaries of life. 1 It j wifl: be fenwnibered that' the. 'Star" ! na8i r,geq;jtnat a portion, oi; ,tne ,in 4tirnal tax--f rom, fifty, to seventy-five ; -millionatwa8 ceded to prevent a the;tax, retaining ; what : was', .jueeded; .fco icarryf. on .the Government, andj Chattgibg the wanner bfj collection. ) wjiirbeememWrjed' thatu tle. dred and forty-six mjyjqn oi jtaXjflUj the vicea'of ; the Country : rw as wiped ' out 1 that thfa '"would-TKJcfeflsitatea! t6hi fnuancVof f hepreent'jiglr fax! on jp,9,conumouiti;es vne necessaries oL life, uchiifl .heopinioni pt ?. tjie ; ablest; papers,: and ablest.. political economists in thecotfntr. The tax j oi? wnr8key;:b1er'&c.r,m AiWjsuea; soour (ij ver ana. jjougni not: to, be,, The tax . on cigara and cigarettes ought to betetained'hlrb, and ind'efinitely: The Democratize Coriverilion at ' Chicago f declared , in favor jof reta?umg h.x .until, the war debt was paid . andj t he Lasi peu sioner 'hS been satf ified; The tax j can now be ; cfojlectcd ' withoUt bp- ,?mvsw,w. an !rTtrtEia!UTBnt' 01- .4- Tki DinVniljslahiiifi! inl'ths Organ izatis&a -vi.t; ,iiji'!-i'i'iij i V: H nil ti- ''Tne cauchs this . morning of tne, Pemooratic inembera. of, the, Senate vchojse. r. Senafor;iJ5.;. T., i Boy km, .tOi twi-j i?;Mwi4 i?f, I New, Berne fox-Reading Clerk, i j 1 Exactly at 12 o'clpck'the Senate. : wai ;sealled order' fcy ' SecVVtaryj .rurmai , auu tueuu ui uijjuu wjwi yjpagq wuager, ...yir thej Senators except .iMeterji .WhU colored) of OfatenVn'and Johnsba f democrat i," oi nocKmgnam, , were j.SetojOndgerj,, 4nn.9QmbeJ l nominated Mrr Boykin, and Senator Witistoriifironv .ChrtovlUey' - seconded: and nomihktedP Mfil!Bok re- eeiTeaATyotes,. he himself.. Jiavinsr lenbnrgl' I-tj-rooao fir vl'iu ) j .tneJiieh and resDoneiLle .nosition ta VlfJjiottypuhaTe ajcaUl.raeAM iAP-f Pcerelyi thank yowilfowihe.ihojror. , I promise that r'-wmndei every effort for business." 9?nnoo fmit v.iit humoro,asJ y aieminatad Mr. Furman, ior Deojscary cainng nun a yenera-t ble antft3rljTIsaftit of the Blue "were unanimously, elecierin"0 M Ti'w ee.rjiq.i ij '. a f'w :siJ'.'r i lr-jTb'DenJCTtr eatrenof ? 1 the j-f&emberj w 41ie flou&e this aoTamg; npjft.3okT7 M. Holt," of Ala-; nxancevaaitsiipeaker j CoL Jno. D4 Othl'er'dnV tKei Asheville Citizen,' s hiei-Clerk j 2Xr. W. O. Burk- deficit fin1 the United States Treasury anaxliat the true w& . was to reduce Sampson, as the candidateifer-Pres- dentpronemif'ttMrFurmanj oithVAsKevW When he took the chair, he eaid ? Nati Mad;ttiinelf rneVe toide ai eenawrin4.oyj or- uumDenanaij .1 erOn.called tlie hon'se ib'.ord6r,tand the oath of ' office was administered ! 'byr. & Bttooi-;1 of .itarei-f I answered tblheir names. A quorum! f Demg1-presenV,J tW clerk announced j inai ine urst ousiness in oruer wasi tue eieuiiuii uj. u opeajier. : - ; . . , ( . 1-1- 11 . . i i . Mr. Busbee, of Wake, arose ;,ahd ; in u eloquent lutle speech placed j in nomination Coil'ThosV M. Holt, oi.yviamancp. f ; y jj!,.; Mr? Hussejr,1 Of uravehj ! placed in nomination Mi Geo. M. Bulla Jof Davidson, and fry Pritchanl, of Mis'6h;r-8iecbndeW'Mr: Bulk's nbm- ihation? ' 'Messrs. 1 J oiies1 of " Bun-! combe, Jand, Pinnix, pf oTadkipA we're j yapbinted to superirieri fcle battL4- I'he roll was called and "Mr. Holt reucifeu TOi-ea, Jir. uuiia iu, stir, t . The- Speaker tjlieii , declared the House ready for .business and stated .that nominations .for Chief Clerk were in order. ;Mri Glenn nominU edCpl.,! J. Cameron j of Buh conibe,; , The .rpll.was , called, ,1 08. votes ri ast, ttipoja riamAmn re ceiving the whole Rumbeiyjjewas atcjnee sworn in by( t the ! Speaker. Air. rou, 01 jonnston, nominatea Wjlliaa G. JJurkhead, .of for heading Clerlcf "MrJ il jllian)spn, .of Columbus, seconded Mr, Rurk-' ucau e uuuiiuuiiivii. vrii avail ui tiid. roll Burkhead received .' 110 votes, being all tfiat were past.' . MrJ '': I" 1 D. R. J ulian, of Rowan, was .then , eiectea principal aoor-iceeper. Mr. Tiroraac moved that a .message, " be . sent 10 tne senate, notiiyjg tnat body that the House of Representa-' tives was amy organizea Dy ine.eiec tion of a Speaker, principal clerk, ; Reading CleirVf andVprihcip'al dbor-.i keeper and was rea.for.i;lUings.. MrJ Stanford movedHnal'a'com.-i inittee 6t fiybappomted'on rules,! and tnaVunfji! thatdbmhlittee report the House be governed byne1 rules; ot last ' session. ' The ! rilofion'1 was 'adbted.,t;,.1"1',' H MVf$ n Atj 1.30 'bclocV, bn 'motibn of 'JTr.j ' Leazer jthe Hon se1 1 ' ad jcrurj?ed: 4 tt iitil ! : 1 1BlTEinrTBMll B0BBES3:(i 1 1 . ' " ; ; ..;; if ;i .a f ;i5. -;: " 1 Port ' t Erosif ; Md.,- Jah. 4.- William Tralnor'attd Leonor "Bud" urimtn, botn 01 wnom are about, 1 or 20 years ofTage, Tiaye been cbm-i mitted to court on the charge f of? treBbinit - passengers' 1 oi1 a railroad : tram near Rising Sun, Cecil county,; ; Md as ;satedX atu.rcjaf j Snp. They are looked upon as a.jpauipf callow coUntry3iitha Wthbee- Wreak? intellectaThalve' beejr rnisdjreptei by; dime-novel lliiejature,"- atfd '.'who thought; they yf ere going to mmor-i UlizethemselYei y . A' gaUantu Jex-j .;pleit.5 -F -f .11.11 S9P i.?!?reseff fe J(thoq whiph, are, usually Opposed , to . cfar-j acterizesknilarrrierfortnances infthe! tir WestV'The ttajn'bn whiohfthQ repisodeoccurred waktneaccbmmoda-i , .Railroad, running (between..(yxiord Pa., and Rising Sun,1 Cecil, county; ''Md.'Oh'.iday night ' thtwb Ulinaand feoarde4 ., he ttrainwle left Hising eun at 73tf-ps -malice ;"iV1T'Jt:qi J-UVrtl "y' iMibw jVLjIa. I Ml?- A 1 1 I it- X T -L uiuigan, iook. up : tueir ne.euj.. Thire t i werb- 'yery dew a "pasaenjjers. ' Trnen:tne traltf.Was-abttit'brie ated ai the pagers. ,njra the two young jnOT wMsperrng'nd appar-j .ently.paxefcjly raryeying, father. .!occnpants oi the car.' Finally the .rsengers.wxoideiaandUigitett.nioMey: t'aii)d 'their 'wathe' and jewel ryij 1 trakemani Edward Tarririgj S onej f I tlis J9U awfo Eff Wf 1 Mi pistol end! told that iii Jbe 'jravo nyklatni rfTered )wry 1 resistance neSuiaffBe ribV'Atnesame: l ihb. passengerihlthQ ) ar, and col- Lp.Ati rf watch ht twb anai'Variotia hmairHmVfperqm t!bemj ,N?kttaeast.jStar,1nho waf on hiys jfay to Oxford Pajy rai; relieTedriof j.a fine od vatci. Mr. George P. "n'ead,a JKeadmg Clerk V'anft'jVf r.vlfc ? Vyonpns ougnt ticxeys a.iiing.pnn ; jorylinaribn, hV; PennsrlVanift 'traili' cofigfBtedvbi twoirs. 1 IThe ''vbnthhCered1 the rear! eakank? W 1 t smaller one-ui- tiio swoumpeu; up,' andJrfloisng. pistolJred 1 la .ambrirurer of 'tttie'k Eureka Fertilizer Co., aavedyhis .timepiece; f by .slipping' it ' into jhis ; lboot-ieg. Israel Hugg'iris, wtib ' 'gayjj up $34, j also saved his' gold watch 'and 'chain; by hiding .it in his boot-leg..',' He; ' says he ejected when t'&eLtwp lioysj got on thAtrain ' that ' tliey ; would raise a row, out urn not anbiuipaie ' robbery; ' The firs! person appi'oan ed was a colored man. He had one dollar' about liis person, whicn was : taken; the next man was Huggins aiid ' the ' third Mr;' Garey.'" 'These wqre the; only I robberies 'cbminitted so far as known. ' ... : ' Thinking their (time ' about up the , men , endeavored tp gi( je. the ' signal I 'by belt cord ftd stop'' the1 train at ouce out oaggage master, vvm. ay,i who was in his car, supposing it was the conductor's signal to stop at the; next station, repeated itJin that way j and the train srjedbtt. The robbers j "finding he traiii did riot .slack" up, i ahdTthat they were in danger of be- ing carried into Sylmar, juniped off j "wnile it was going at the rate of 25, miles per hour, and were some dis-' 'tance away before Conductor Gilli-t gan, who was in tne front part of njs train, .was notinea, 01 wnat naa; neftn trOinflr On: tin rpjuinintr thfi. f tjrst telegraph station a report wasj i'madei of tne affair to'Superintendent -Lbd'acV't0enirialD rila ll. lll.arMedia! Pa.,n who rar-! ranged ' immediately " and ' sent'; a; special train to the spot With detec-t Lives lu wurK. up tue case. . xue. train, ' Villi' Detectiyes' Ottey' andi Milled tbf hMelphia -armed! about 2 pclbck bh Saturday morn- , .... IV .4 . .. . " . ... I The1 detectives ! and1 local 'bfficerJ 'proceeded at rbhee tbV'8bourt the! neignDornooa JIariy' sup'pbsed" at; fi-so that the affair was the. work of i 1 the 'Al)e!B6zzardfgarigwliicn has sol Ibng ;i iertxHsed'' a ! ! pbrtieti 1 bf 1 Can J ! caster cburilPaibiy a 'few' niiles ' 'awaiy, blit ialerihdicatibn 'pointed to the two young men' WmV Trairiori and Ibn bTTlHlKTSriffitli. Thej detectives were 6pon en .their track.; . Thp tral led them' ; 1 towards hej home. p .both jTrainor ,an Griffith,! near Brick-, Jleeting , House, .Uecil county, Md. About- p.. r m. the, house of Griffith was .approached,: ; i- t :i f and ho las discovered fitting, y ie ure, r Metective vti-ey was piacea at ine oacK aoor.i uetective jmuer entered at the... front. , As . soon as Griffith hea.d; him coming he made 17,,., .I.,. .),.,,!..., ,.U .ti!'- , a rush for the, rear,vand. was ..con--, frontel bV'Otteyl'''' Griffith' attempt- ed to draw his" pistol, but Ottey nin,,f 7.'- --'i'" :- va r cpvered him with his, revolver 'and; told nim thatliif , he drew it he wbuld shoot ,hinu Griffith, finding himself caii gti tl ,'subm ited . to f 'arrsi " and; P allowed the officers to place Ihim m irons, i Trainori was. found' a short , distance awav nelping a ' farmer, to lorn at the knees and his shoulder was covored with yellow clay, which , he had, received when he fell from the . trainT j The knuckles ; of pup haadj wer blv, skinned, , where. At is aaial ;6onau'cior Gilligan 'kicked ' nim 'as he jumped. He submitted uietl to arrest, and j thVtwo' fcul-r pnts; ironed together, were marched given a hearing before Justice Isaac Brakem; identified j Griffith fully; as the man whp .pre 1 ?.;U sented, the. pistol - to . his ; head , arid n Ka orom fro -m norpr I nv caused a good pit of amusement to the great crow.d assembled ' at , the enon oi tne,,cuipnts in .turn ana T.:i h iJiifl.-v-i tain crazing intently into their faces, an oraeai wnicn tney enuurea witnout using pun laenunea.tnem as nav mg bought tickets for Sylmarf the I .nightr JrforeVajfda.. stbrekeepeirj t msmg. oun testinea xo xraiuord .havmt? nnrchaaed cartridges for. a .navy, revolver from him the day oeiore, wnicn weaDjn wasjusea in te,-ui bntlejpa'nj (terwards found en TrorXpersonrwith all six chamberaioaded After all ihe0Ti4fJt"i9 ibaAln , heard, 1 Justice . Taylor committed Dotn to court, , ana tney w were rrouehf throuehLere' Wt' night . r train jxo. x P?res OMt ! r speeiai brain1 iromi litre w 'al&i.hi Lwhere heMere' lddge4 itt jaih At Se.Tery awjoft aiong ine rouj nmwda naa collected to petaHmBse L of .themT T ;they'-weVe 'greeted PeyefywheW itnsnoiitt ' of i4How pare you;.AD0iitti2ara rr -vneuo, Jesse Janes, "j ac. i an a4d Millerf'and 1sdt1W The Casl.TSSS SifuVtbal Cstlock. "-Thr Teplies received hj the ' New Yofk J World to a circular ' letter bf 1 ihttuiry sent? to vaf 'nn'moer ; of 1 preBi- dents of chambers !of 'comnierce : in ; various parts of the cotintry ; in;' re- gara io tne' uau8es, extent, remeujr 'and '' probable termination 'of the present depression' of tradd,'exhiblt little Agreement- bf view except as to th'proBability of !a revival of 'busi-' libss in the' near 'future.' ' Most s of tne replies' Assume that bottom ' pri-1 ces haye t)eenreachedi and some oi Jthem p'roitiiee V general ' improve- ment in the summed of 1 1885 "The cause of 'the fcresenbad times; 'is; '' ascribed -Vt stich of World's" tjortes-1 pondents'ai are hot 'affiicted ; j with the crookedn'esB of Vision that comes of 'a belief in I high: tariff -taxes to the overtrading Of 1880, which ied to' the building of' tbo many ' mills, fulnatjes'and factories ;' then a reac- J tiori from: this overtrading, attended by 1 liquidation andr slackened ' . de-j mand for erobds ifaext -'the collapaei, ; of 'the'railroacl -and other stocks that Were manufactured' in- such 'large "uanties in 1881.' The distrust cre ated by ' othr circu mstancbs" was materially increased j by ' bank' fail- 1 ures,' thkt seieriied to teach the' moral 'that -unreliable men wereattheihedd 'of matiy'' of our: largest ' financial institutions. ' It is' noticeable - that in- abcronntld'gf for the 'absence Of !a 'demand 'for our manufactures' the want of a vigorous foreign commerce is almost oterlooked in the replies the World publishes. ' It is a little ; crdrious that there is but one letter ffpni ' the' niol-e Southern States; and tliat orie i8 very positive thatf there is at present -'no trade depression at all in the Bouthpetcept perhaps tp 1 isome Bmall'extent in cotton good a. wettwattr. :i :i;;.d viv vn;t-::UiJB?V.?- Christmas. passed off quietly. .The moaning .zephyrs brought rib grating sbund'bf "liprrid oaths from Bacchus, the king b; terror. Only now ' aiid ' i;hen was heard' a greatvi signal 1 'gun " detibting the approaching day which ushered iu and brought us around a .nje. Sunday ijchool, ; and , Christmas ,tree,wbicl eyerybpdy. enjoyed.,. '.,t'- I ,'Mrs. llary .McNeply departed this life today. V'. learn she(was a mem ber bf the'Baptist church and died at the ripe'age -bf lOT.yeas, so her two sons inf 6fmed me last .night, bbih of whom are now regarded' as old niei sbraethnitih' . .ras not so old:' tisitedv iier: iit J her last without i)iln. hhc v.'as one. Of whom inv friend, Old Hal, "doubt less did not kiiowVI" : 'J -: ; ,Mr.' F. 'D. Sliellj thedistmgiiished "chalr-makerj of Watmiga" county, is now following his t iade at Sherr ill's Mills. He informed me today that he had xnaofotfer the people of ,.Wa- Itauga; (county, . 15S5! chairs, AS-big and 12 flaxf wheels; and is just. now 'inhis primk i.. , f.i " if. One day last week Smith Triveti's ' wife, in'thei abfeentc pf hcijt'huyband hung: hetsplf , i . Out- of liw neighbors seeingrher in thwlafS'tnde ran. to her relief, land cut ' hir- down .She -reauscitatetl iu, about an hour.: -The cause.not jknown.4,i-'ht?y , live- just across thejine in -Tonn; . j.s;. w Our. friend,'. Enipjiy - Gruggi! has auatained a great losji . Iliq .d might ier, twiio had. to some extent lost her " rnind,--went to her aunt's in Mithell county. (After remaining. :. there some, ; time,, started ! for i home,' . lost her way and wandered into a ;, laurel thictet) and. froze, to i leath, vV Her father Mcominguneasy, t went in pursuit, and .after several days hunt, found hejr where she had been4ora month, still frozen,: but natural and p eonnd. - ' He buriedher decently in a wandering land and. returned with a sad heart. "v rit.Su t'H.iu-'ij.p'l I jl.VAt 1 Mr., Benjamin Greer's- seme three weeks Ago i there fell a shower of meat about 20 feet square. .Which resembled, the sbpuWer, meat of a , pg cn n small pie5es,u some say it looked like frog , meat . minced. ypur correspondent is informed j by relu)bljSprceshat, it iay plentiful 5:Vx:&e grpWl oneJece .ting Jones Oreer's wife while. .falling. . 59mq .suggest tt .biizzr, while passing Cpr threw t it put, tne partjes whpfiawt say,, wasjplear day and they looked kip but could notdjeflof er, ami aerial yojaBerj i If Qii&ti ybuaiid'my brother N., our. Sugar Groye corresporideriti a happy Nbwt Tear's greeting. I :dl3ist. ) ; JbXETSSJ

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