VOLUME XX. HAKE HAY MILE THE sun shines: in Opportunity That Comes Once in a Great While. R a cn vrrt that merchandtoe of ail kind. t.....rtvjjtUr.tMijUiue to the hlory of fe vit in U. ivunirj". rt ,v tt ! 17 extraordinary depw t 5,.tirlrt frequent, and hare an BBeiurohi. which my iBocin-ii-J yar uptrienc In bwlnwi, w. u. it no cn. Un in poon ' " en a to L-iLj cLaw to make a dollar. Tm lofi ' iituation Hh clear, "that he who rji uy rai. Wt tn-p'.j fan to aay that 'thla U the accepted Hj.; art in Ur.neat to make a auowa. of it, we oiWo( gemot to y ou. aa tiuuu.'elj Wholeaale bualiiaa ad rU bcyx capacity in txceaa of competitor, we inKutjTiLU which we have not felled to MMtcx4ut of, and intend thai our cnatomera aU Ut tt. full bent at of It. Ow K-U for the (all traaon La tow ready, and U r& to pro? a "bit winner, ai. iartniei.ta are loaded down with pew ul Jrairat le g..oda and many thlpga are p- M thee .st (.f j r.jduc tion. w rlaim to 1. ad the van In low prices, and A uVe yuu money on your piircM- hU Ik t . your interest lo InTeatlfffcU c" tfferii., ki e4r,y M poaalble. Voara truly, Wallace bros. C. 8. Tomlin, John S. McEorie. F. Bowles, L. B. Bristol and frermsu Wallace wjU present ! the roa4 ar-d Yisit M minj of eujtomerg m poglpJe. LOCAL NEWS. Democrats, Do your duty,. At the polls on the 6tb. uont forget the Senatorial ticket Odd Fellows meet next Monday nignt. Work for the Democratic coun ty ticket. The Topic will not be publish ed next week. Bower, Newland and Nelson are winning men. - The county canvass closes to day at King's Creek. Regular Masonic meating next Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. If you want to be on the win ning side vote the Democratic tick et. Let Caldwell Democrats strive to pile up a great majority all along the line. Mr. Hime Hoke is clerking m the furniture store of Bernhardt & & C. "Shut your eyes and grit your teeth" when you put in a confusion ticket. "Borrowed men" are not pop ular with the people of any party iQ Caldwell. The Republicans pull one way and the Populists another on prin ciples. Today (Thursday) the Dssao crats of Watauga county are having a grand rally. The entire wheat crop has been sown, and the acreage sown in Cald well is large. Solicitor Newland will speak at Collettsville next lion day, Nov. 5, at 12 o'clock. Vote for the mountain boy. Abner Boyd, if you want a straight, working sheriff. Don't forget to voto for the Democratic Judges and for State Treasurer Tate. Isn't it strange that the Popu lists will fuse with Republicans who call them f,'d n fools." Bower, Newland and Nelson are men whom the people delight to honor by their votes. "The boja are coming to town to vote for Boyd I for Boyd !" and the whole Democratic ticket. Mr. Lee Sherrill, who has been been in Clover, S. C, for a few months, has returned to Lenoir. The ladies and the children will be hero Saturday to see the drill of the Moant Holly Band. To work ! Domocrats. Let no grass grow under your feet from now until sundown next Tuesday. Married Sunday at Granite, by D. W. Yount, J. P., Miss Ella Payne to Mr. Oliver Mull, of Burke. "They can go to the dsvil after the election." That is what the Burke Republicans say of the Populists- The dity of every Democrat is for him to go to the polls early and stay late and work for the Demo cratic ticket. The Mount Holly Band-did you hear it play Wednesday even ing before it left for Boone f "She's a good 'nn." Boyd, McCall, Palmer and the rest of the Democratic nominees will be elected by -good majorities next Tueadav. How'doyou like the Democrat ic candidates for the different coun ty offices ? Are they not a splendid lot of fellows I The old men will ride in- the parade Saturday. There will be no running, and every one who desires to do so can ride. The Mount Holly Band pame to Ixmoir Wednesday and went right 00 to Boone. Itisa ''dandy. It will be here Saturday. Last Tuesday was a bad rainy day. It cleared up in the night, however, and Wednesday was a bright day and slightly qool. Watch eyery 'box, Pemocrati. Do not neglect -our Judges.. State Treasurer, Congressman Saitoh Legisiatira and other tioketa. Tomorrow (Saturday) ia Demo cratic day- Don't you wish you were one.' If you do come right along and join tfe proton. : -WiH the Bemocratio majority i0 Caldwell be JOOO f ltwill be if we work for it. Jf you want vb.g bit majority we must work for it The Democratic party in wa tauga ii looking forward to a great Tictl)ryonthe:6th. At told Wednesday Bower nld.t;iargeoteintcoun: ty on the 5th than fer before. LENOIR, Read Pattern's card. Logan Patton says no populist can afford to vote for Linney. The horseback narade. the riders carrying flags, will be " a beautiful sight. There will also be several large flags. In the light of Patton's card can any Democrat or populist vote for Linney and call himself consis tent or a man of principle ? - Spainhour, the independent candidate for solicitor, is losing ground every day, so a Watauga gentleman told us the other day. The effort to try to get the Reps and Pops to pull one way re minds us of two old oxen who are pulling for dear life Against each other. Are the people going to be led around by the nose by such men as Bntler, who has put aside his prin ciples in the hope that he may get to the Senate ? Sallie Benfield, aged 19, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Benfield," died Wednesday morning of con sumption. She was buried Thurs day at Collier's. Every Democrat in the county must go to the polls next Tuesday and vote the Democratic ticket from top to bottom, from the highest to the lowest officer. Two papers thia week. Tbis issue takes the place of tLe one next week. Don't be disappointed if you fail to get your Topic. We give you two tbis week. "The d n fool Populists." That is the way Burke Republicans talk about them. How many Re publicans in Caldwell talk about them in such a manner ? The committee on decorations will have the speakers' stand and many other places nicely decorated Saturday. It will do your eyes g .od to look at it. Everything will be done in style. Good speakers will be at tbe Grand Rally Saturday. Come and see the horseback parade, hear the music and then go home, and on Tuesday next go to the polls and voto the Democratic ticket. Never in the history of the world has a political "fusion" been successful. The cause is : Tha masses of the people of all parties are honest and yote from principle, and not bagauee of expediency. "We demand" thus and so i what the third party leaders two years ago sung. They have quit demanding and have fused with their old-time enemy, the Republi can party. What a change has come over them 1 Mr. H. M. Kent had a number of his fine game chickens at tha State Fair and he came back home with a number of blue ribbons and several prizes He has some very fine chickens and he takes great in terest in them. Tbe young man who put his arms around his friends neck, kit ing him, and stabbing bjw. under tbe fifth rib,, js ajuiost a parallel of the course taken by WakeQeld in attacking his friend, Will Newland, whom he 'loves" so well. Quarterly meeting for Lenoir Station will be held in the Metho dist church in Lenoir Saturday and Sunday, November 10 fnd' 11. This is the lastquarterly meeting of the year, as the annual conference meets at Stateaville on the 28th. The Democrats are going to win in the qom,lug election, and no mistake. Put that in your pipe and smote it." The only thing the Democrats differ about now ia the majority. Hut don't forget the fact that we are gqingtQ yiny P-Two solids cannot fuse and make a fupion. It takef mushy substance to do well in a fusion. Most of the Caldwell voters are sol id, straight men, one way or anoth er. They are not crooked nor mush that ia, very tew of them are. Wakefield seemed to Ije ra.tVe'4, last Saturday wheq gratuitously and without provocation be took occasion in bis speech to attaok So licitor Newland. Nelson gives him sufficient 'amusement - without hif going out q!' 'W tQ r"n or Solicitor and the legislature too. Next Tqesday ia the emotion, emocrats, be en tb.e ground early and do a hard day's work for the Democratic ticket, and when you bear that Caldwell coaqty an the State of orth Carolina has, gone Democratic by a large majority, you will' feel amply repaid for your day' work. N. C.. WEDNESDAT, NOVEMBER 7, 1894. -Logan Patton will vote for Bower. Read Patton's card, populist, and then ask yourself if you can af ford not to vote for Bower.- "Anything to beat the Demo crats" is the platform upon which the fusion candidate for the Legis lature in Caldwell is running. The great reformer has thrown his prin ciples aside for the hope of getting a seat in the Legislature The peo pie of Caldwell will not support such a man. Two years ago the Populists were abusing the Republican party for all the evils of which they now complain. Now they have fused with the Republican ' party.. Wnat meaneth this ? Can some one tell f Is it not done in the. hope that one or two men may be eieeted to an office ? Advices received from Raleigh and all along the"line indicate' a great awakening among the Demo crats of the State. They see -that the safety of the State, that has been well and economically govern ed, would be in danger if their par ty should be defeated and they are arousing. "I wish I had not heard a sin gle speech this campaign," is what a populist is reported to have said after hearing Nelson and Wakefield last Saturday. He didn't say why, but it was inferred that his faith in populistic doctrine had weakened. It is bound to weaken in the faca of Democratic truth. We have it from Mr. James Bryan, who came from Boone Wed nesday, that the Republicans have actually gotten out a judicial ticket in Watauga with Green's name on it. It 'ill be the only county in tho State where his name will be on any tickets and it is done to fool the people of Watauga. The Mes3rs. Tilley, of Burke, were in Lenoir Wednesday and told us that the success of the Demo cratic ticket in that county is aa sured. The oounty canvass of the last ten days has stirred up the peo pie and they have gone to work. Julius Huffman says the whole tick et is safe by a good majority The reports from every town ship, from every precinct, are jubi lant and inspiring, promising a greater victory in Caldwell than we gained two years ago. Butt the. spirit for Democrats to enter this fight, from now till election day, ?s to be as if tboy worp scored of got tin? beat. Make, it a thousand I t.'1 was a Popul'at, but when it went over, head and ears, into the Republican party, I quit it." That is what a man told u? Wednesday. He added : "I am going to work hard for the success of the Demo cratic nominees." He was an bqn e6t man and would ofc be, Viid out by the leaders the two parties. The populist voters, belifiyipg in principle, openly say ibey aie. not Republicans and Are nut yoing to support Repu,hlioan policies nor vote for Republioan candidates who will put those policies into effect if elect ed. The Republicans say nothing, but say they are Republicans.. Nei ther eid.fi is feeing " to stujtify and compromise itself. ' ? Wonder if there a,re jnf Re publican? iu Jorth Carolina who have as pleasant (?) words to say about the Populists, as. the Burke Jepubiicacs said about them at the fair, and printed iu-ur regular is sue this week ? The words were something like these : "We htve got the d n fool Populists where we want them notw. After the eleo tiou they can go to the dvil," etc. The Republican and populists in the audience in the court house, last Saturday, deserve great praise for the fairness, honesty ant inde pendence iu treating with contempt the efforts of the nondescript najU aan who tried tQ te.d tham. oqt of r the eourt house when Nelaou be gan to speak. Some of the severest condemnation we have heard jhim receive was from the lips of Repub licans and popuMst, ' ; A fusion that does not fuse it more of a fusee than a fusion. A political fusion of two .parties haa never resulted in success. To fuse fro parties you have to melt both and let them run ; toeter, Jn melting each,' osasj its, pwn character and consistency and both . lose9 in, Ibulk and weight. It wa,s. evr successful poitjaally. The Know othiuga and Abolitionists are' the latest example of failure to fuse. Saturday's rally will not be made up of "borrowed" men. Thelsinging will be splendid at the Rally Saturday. In fact, every thing in connection with the . Rally will be done in good style. lien, weaver said some titue ago tfctat populists should do all in their power again3t the Republican party, which wa3 responsible for all the bad legislation of which the peo ple complain. The Caldwell popu lists believed and sworo-by Weaver two years ago, but the leaders haye fused with the Republican party. The many friends in Lenoir of David M'. Vance will regret to learH of his death, which occurred at the Hospital at Morgan ton on the 24th of October. Mr. Vance read law under Col. Folk in Lenoir several years ago, and was considered a very bright young man. The latter part of his life wat spent ins jour nalism. Read the card of A. D. Cowles, of State'sville, late Chairman of the Republican Executive Committee of Iredell oounty and Postmaster at Statesville under Harrison. Our people all know him as one of the firmest Republicans in the State. His action is an indication of what all the straight Republicans in the State will do. A Caldwell Republican told us last week that he hated and despised Populist principles worse than he did Democratic principles and that everything he is doing in this cam paign is with a view to making Re publicanism rule in North Carolina. Even the leaders do not trust one another. The voters of the two partiss will not tamely fold ,their arms to be bound and open their mpuths to he gagged by the bo3sea and candidates, The Republicans or fusionists or populists or Ropublico- fusio-populists in this district have got them selves in a pretty muddle over their candidate for Judge. Greene is ori tickets that are circulated, in Wa- 1 j 1 . . 1 ' inugn aau we naye seen nis name, on tickets that have been $ho.wn around iu this conntj. Yet all the papers, iaeiiing thit truly good and pious liar, the HioUory Mercury, print Bowman a the oaadid.ia. Now, who is tha candiuUta, Green or Bow man ? Nelson has been known among our people only $3 a quiet, conser vativej sensible business man and th$ great political campaign he ii making took thara hy surprise Perhaps no mm in tha county is more astonished than his opponent. When Wakefield soars among the clouds, Nelson takes hold of the string and jsrks him to th arth, when he tae the, buck ague and dodges a ff after Newland, evidently thinking he is ruaning fQ Solici tor, -Caldwell is the best county in the State and has the best people in the State. Our candidates have spoken at fourteen appointments in the county, and at eyery one of them the best o order has prevailed and our honest citizens of all parties have paid strict attention to, all the speeches and ba been fair and honest to all. sides. There have been large turnouts of the people and 8pleu,dJ4 weather except at Petra Mills Tuesday. At that point there was a "good crowd in spite of the rain, and the people were all fair and attentive. This county canvass has been a glorioui thing for Demcracy- It began auspiciously last wee, and has been getting better and better all the time. Nelson and our candidates havft gained votes at every appoint ment Nelson is making a uperb campaign. He is talking- sense to the people and they listen to him joyfully. He has his opponent on the run and has worsted him at ev ery point. At no appointment has Nelson failed to carry the people with him. Wakefield seems to have got rattled and to have lq hi head and raves icsd 4 debating. It Hculd do. po good for Ts Tq?io to describe the canvas thus if it wq?b not true. They have spoken at fourteen appointments and the people can judge for themselves. - Herb Greene sjgftVM nine yeara ago !g avion Bo tier swore to, a, libel, lyill the populists of Caldwell cfun ty he dictate tq fey such a man ? tbjnfcf? we oan heaip ? them i say no. in thunder tones. They see that Butler is only after office and don't caraYfijj for the people and they axe no lenge? 'going to. fo"'aw them. PATTOX FOB BOWEBi Tbe Populist Congressional Ctndiditi of 1892 Gives Bis Baasons fsr Op posing Lianej-Ha tutises all Populists to Voto: Witt Bia For j Bowor. To the Editor of the Herald : As between Bower and Linney, I am compelled from principle to yote for Bower In the campaign two. years ago Bower said he was for all the prin ciplea demanded in the Omaha platform, except the Rail Road plank. I have watched Congress. He has his course in dQne tohat he promised. Ho has stood for : A low tariff, An income tax, Against the federal election law, and, Even in the face of our Pres ident, For free silver. ( He said here a few weeks ago publicly that he was a Jeffersonian Democrat. J Bia course 'in Con gress has shown his claim to be true. j I know where Bower "is at." But I cannot say so much for Mr. Linney. If he is not a deep dyed Republican, standing oa th National Republican platform, then I do not understand him. I do not see how any man who is a ropulist from principle can 1 ! support Linney. I ad visa all such to vote for Bower, aa I shall do next Tues day. R. L. PATTON. Morganton, N. C, Oct 31, 1894. ! ERiSO BULY PROeSMHL As soon as tho court house bell is rnng, which will be done sa soon after 10 a, m. as practicable, the township tjoops will form' at their respective pUces. L'jveladv wiU form on tho Hickory rod, with tne b.3;.d of its column at This Topc office -not crossing Spring street. 1 little River will form oa Spring strict, with tbe head of its column at. The Topic office. J King's Creek will form ba South Main Street- from the Bcalea back past Ahemtjthy'a livery stable, the head of the column resting at the scales Yadkin Valley will form on Spring Street, the head of the col umn resting at Ir. W C. Newland's house. Patterson will form on North Main Street, the hea4 of the column facing the puhlhi well. j John 'a River, -st ill form on South Main Street between the cou art house and the jail, the herid of the column facing from the court house. Globe wiH form iu rear of John's River. Lenoir will form on West Main Street, the head of the cojSnam fac ing the court house. , North Catawba will form in rear of Lenoir. Lower Creek will form on East Main street between tha court house and Henkel & Craig's livery stable, the head of the column facing from the court hon.s.0. Tho various companies will re main where they form until ordered to move by their captains, who will receive directions from tho Chief Marshal to advance to where the grand parade will form, j They will advance theav by townahipa. The grand column fcill he formed on Mulberry Street, on the Hickory road, the head resting at Henkel, Craig & Co s livery stable and fac ing North, ! J After the column has been formed the line of march will be taken up and a parade made through the principal streets of tha town, after which the troops will be disbanded and the speaking will begin. Tha People Ira Not Fools. Monroe Enquirer, . . From every quarter, comes the cheering reports, of Democratic gains. North Carolina is not going to prate false to the party which has done such a great work in the. past. The people ara not foole. Never have the champions of Dem. ocraoy putuoh faith in the eternal justice of their cause. They know they are in the right, and - - "Bight U right BJactOtti fa Ged, ' Aad right Uia day hum win." Thk Republicans say that tje tendency of the Populist party uto 'Ciiil War, not to peace." ' V v NUMBER 7. HEAQUAETBRS ? FOR - PHOTOGRAPHS ! C. M. S1GMON, North Main St., Lenoir. I am prepared to do Photographio work first-class work from f 2 t $4 4 dozen. j All kinds of good Country Pro duce taken in exchange for work at cash prices. Don't fail to call on me when you have work to do. Respectfully, C. M. SIGHON, Artist. At The Drag Store. 5- 1 Prof. Flint's Celebrated HorSo and Cattle Powdersjat the -Drug- Store Nerve and Bone Liniment 25c. at the Drug Store. Everybody's Pill, purely vegetable, at tbe i Drug Store. Evening Granule, for Habitna Constipation, at Drug Store. Pure Extracts of Lemon and Va nilla for flavoring at Drug Store. Concentrated Essence Jamaica Ginger at Drug Store. Oarnrici's Baby Food, an elegant preparation, at Drug Store. Pierce's medicines, Ayer's, Hood's, Warner's, in fact anything wanted in this line can always be procured at Drug Stors. 7 " ' j Fine Stationery, Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, Toilet Soaps, at Drug Store. ! Choice Cigars and Fine Chewing Tobacco : I . I can always be found at Drug Store. Everything mentioned above and hundreds of other things are being daily received and exchanged for CASH at the Drug Store:! Respectfully, 1 W. W. SCOTT. around and let me give you eome facts and figures concerning the NEW Combination Accident Policy, just issued by the FIDELITY and CASUALTY CO. I think X can Interest you. ! Tours for business KH0X W.HEKRtf UteuiUj, N, C., May 81, '0i. trtr