HQ LHNOIH TOPIC J. S. DEAL, ) Editors and. R. L. DOWNS, y - Publishers. R. H. HARSTIN, Associate Editor WEDNESDAY, DEO. 4, 1 895. Entered at the Post-office at Lenoir as second-class matter. Subscription price, $1.00 J3f Advertising rates reasonable Sr All bills for advertising pay able weekly. JfifJob printing a specialty. Gross X' Mark oHoina; the subscriber's name, written on the margin. Indicates that the subscriptlor: will expire within two (3) weeks. All papers will be discontinued when the subscription expire, unless renewals are made at once. , . r 7EIts of SuBiciirno s One year, one dol- ar half-year, half-dollar ; quartet-year, ouarter-dollar s on montb. one dimes two copies, cents ; one copy, cents. 7 WHE3T Grover Cleveland left; tb President's chair at the close of bu first term, be turned over to bis sue ceBsor Mr. .Harrison a treasurj containing a enrplui of many mil lion dollars. Tbe Republicans, com iDg into power at that time, boaster their intention to so far increase th expenditures of the government thai no surplus could possibly accnmu late in the future. They not onlj kept the boast they made, but iD addition raised tariff taxes highei than ever before. However, a I'em ocratic administration came in and tariff duties have been reduced and economy practiced in public expen ditures as far as practicable. But every indication points to the fact that the Republican Congress now assembled in Washington will pur sue the former policy of that party Speaking on this line the New York World says : "The utterances of Kepubl newspapers, freely quoted in Tribunet leave no dcubt that at cat thf its akc coming session Ucngresa will m the greatest raid upon tbe Treasury that has ever been attempted, j "The doctrine openly announced is that everybody who wanta Govern ment money is to hare it. All the Republicans interviewed by the World say that the tariff is to be so far increased as to provide all jtbe revenue needed, and it is obvious that the revenue needed is to be made as great as extravaganco can make it in order that tariff duties may be raised "to the limit" of pop ular endurance. "This is McKinleyiam over again. The first billion-dollar Congress pot only increased appropriations I in every possible direction, but made as much of the increase as it could a permanent charge upon tbe Treat ary lest Democracy should relieve the people af some of their burdens. It openly avowed its purpose to be so far to increase expenses that no re duction of tax burdens should be os eible. This was taxation for the sake cf taxation. It was a scheme to ccmpel the people to pay to the mo ropoliets all tbe tribute that co lid be squeezed out of them." Thia is a characteristic Republican idea increase expenditures in or iei to have an excuse to again foster on the country their pet theory of pro tection. It would be wiser, in our opinion, to try to reduce expenses o that the present revenues would be sufficient. Increasing taxes i i a poor way to brine prosperity to the country, j In another column we publish very interesting interview with COn gressman Linney at Washington. He says that nine tenths of the pfeo pie are far silver, but not for free and unlimited coinage at the ratio of 16 to 1. This sounds a little strange coming from a man who iras elected by Populist votes ; because we have! always understood tl at above every other declaration of the r platform the Populists desired the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. Hi ve the Populists changed f" We gauss ot. Mr Linney is either going back on them or was never with them on this question, lie also ei presses tbe opinion that fusion will continue knd says if it does North Carolina is about as certain to go Republican next year as Pennsylva nia. If this be true, then what will the Populists have gained by fusion? If t he election of a Republican pres ident and Congress will in any way help to bring about the .legislation desired by the Populists we fail to see it. Thb Gastonia Gazette has the fol lowing tolsay in regard to Congress man Linney'a choice of a priva ;e secretary j ! 4 "Those of us who remember what a piercing! yell Mr. Linney emitted during the campaign about Con gressman Bower's private secretary will be astonished to know that the 'patriot' has actually gone and ap pointed one for himself 1 And the populists who elected Mr. Lirmrtv will have the privilege of congratu lating Mr.1 E. Spencer Blackburn; k thick and thin Republican, on gstf iii uu liih snnninrmant m "r'W.V.W. Thk cotton mill edition of the Raleigh News and Observer, issued lan week, is a splendid publication in every way. It contains 36 pages and is prolusely illustrated with cuts of cotton mills, mill men, operatives Ac. It is a valuable and interesting write-up of onr cotton manufactur ing interests and does credit to the enterprise and ability of the News and Observer. Congress meets ont for good times. today. Look Talk of Rortl Carolinians.. Charlotte Observer. Washington, Nov. 29. Senator Pritchard thinks the Republicans should and will re-organiza the San ale. Any other course would giye the Democrats a chance to accuse them of cowardice Ra-orgaaizi tion may be postponed a little but he says a test will be presented at the yery start on the question of electing a President pro tern, lie says tbe organization by silver-Sena tors of both parties is not practi cable. There was a report this afternoon that the-little Populist Senatorial group wonld confer tonight. Senator Pritchard will introduce at. the beginning of the session a bill to enable Federal soldiers who had previously served in the Confederate army to diaw a pension if otherwise entitled to it. He says that the measure must be broad enough to coverall cases without regard to whether the man was drafted by the Confederates or not. He will also introduce a bill to give exclus ive jurisdiction in minor cases to United States commissioners in of fences against the internal revenue laws- The bill will include a fee ture forbidding arbitrary assess ments. He proposes to push these measures from the start. Representatives Shaw and Shu ford are at the Metropolitan, the former occupying Captain, Alexan der's old room. Mr; Shaw will in troduce, if it is not introduced in the Senate, a bill to pay the Cape Fear Steamboat Company 136,000 a measure which has been before Congress many years. He says a North Carolina Representative will f ffer a joint resolution to amend the constitution so as to divest the Pres ident of the right of veto. This squints towards handicapping an aati-silver executive if there should ever be another free silver Con gress. Representative Shuford will in troduce bills to abolish storekeepers and guagers and to provide for the free coinage of silver. Senator Pritchard, Representa tives Shuford and Shaw and Mr. Charles N. Vance say the recent elections did not giye silver a set back. The Senator, Representative Shaw and Mr. Vance say they are for free silver, to be secured inside their respective parties. Mr. Shn -ford is doubtless accordant. The lattter favors protection as strongly as the Senator. He wants to control railroads and telegraphs more than at present but fears goveznment ownership might lead to centrali zation. The Trained Nnrsi. B blical Recorder. We cordially add our commenda tion to that of a number of our con temporaries with regard to the es tablisbmeut of a plan for training nurses at the State Hospital at Mor ganton. A trained nurse in the av erage sick room is as good as a doc tor and sometimes better. . It is as tonishing how many people suffer and die, not for want of medical at tention, but by reason of improper nursing. We have heard physicians say that good nurses are just as useful as good physicians, and in some diseases more necessary. Be tween medicine and nursing, the latter is usually to be preferred. ; It is a high privilege to be able to serve God in our work. Many have given that over to ministers, but- it is a bad idea. Of all people not in ioremo8t in opportunity to live for God. The school teaoher may, the editor may, and others, too j but if a trained nurse is anything, she is a eervant of God. As a profession for Christian women, it is not by any means to be despised. It means de privation, it means unselfishness, but it also means high and holy ser vice. From a business point of view, t is also to be commended; for nurses are given good incomes. The training school at Morgauton means a new era in our State in the matter of treatment. Fighting is Cobl Madbid, Nov. 27. A dispatch from Havana to the Correspondent says the insurgents have captured the fort at Guinez Myranda, which was defended by forty Spanish sol diers. . . 1 Nivr York, November 27. A cipher dispatch was received at the Cuban headquarters in this city yes terday from Medialuma, Cuba. It is stated that on the 18th inst. Lieut. Col. Rios with' ? 60 mounted men overtook and surrounded Col. Leolo Benitze andjiis band of Span ish guerrillas, numbering in all 150 men. These men, it was asserted, had been committing atrocities north of Manzanillo, and Rios ; had been instructed' to find and exterminate them. After surrounding the band Rios ordered a machete charge and the cavalry rode down on the doom ed men with cries of ; vengeance Scarcely a third -. of .- the - guerrillas escaped alive. One i hundred aad six were killed -with machetes. STATE TOPICS. The BaDtist State Convention meets in Greensboro next Thursday night, .December dtn. The Caucasian, Butler's newspa per, is prospering despite tbe nara times. It is putting in a 14,000 press. : Baxter Shelton has been acquitted of tbe killing of Boas Stanton in Madison county, the home of mur derers. Mr. Chas. Overman, long is resi debt of Cbaalotte, died at the resi dence of his son in Reidsville No vember 25th. The Mount Airy Woolen Mill, which were destroyed by fire last summer, will be rebuilt, says the Mount Airy A ems. At Marshall Nov. 24th. a team driven bv John Masse v backed off the embankment at a bridge and fell 25 feet.' Massey was instantly killed The Western North Carolina Methodist Conference met at Reids ville, November 27ih, Bishop W." W. Duncan presiding The at tendance is large. Mrs. Osborne Berry was thrown from a buggy near the Piedmont Wagon Works at Hickory, Noyem ber 27, and so badly injured that she died the next day. . A Winston special to the Char- lotte Observer says it is reported that Henry Baker, of Davidson county, beat his wife to death Sat nrday night week. He was a drink ing character. The Armour Packing Company was fined $50 and costs in Justice Deaver's court in Asheville for Bell iog oleomargerine without placing on tbe buckets labels giving the in gredients of the articles. Mr. Ham my Critcher, living near Boolo, Watauga county, was work ing with a gun when it was acci dently discharged. The ball enter ed his mouth and passed up ward through his brain killing him Two colored children were burned to death five miles east of Concord Wednesday morning of last week. They were alone in the house, in a cradle before the fire, and it is sup posed the clothing of the cradle caught fire. Col. James W. Long died at his home in Concord Nov. S3, aged 73. He lived alone, his wife having died in 1884. In 1880 he was elected to the Legislature from Cabarrus. His candidacy was a joke but his elec tion was not. He served only one term. He was court crier, auction eer, etc., about Concord and was a kindly old man. The handsome residence of Mrs. M. E Carter, on French Broad Avenue, Asheville, was destroyed by fire Novembe r 29th about 3 o'clock in tbe morning. Mrs. Carter and her seven children, her brother, C. T. Raw Is and two servants were sleeping in the house when the fire broke out. They had only time to make their escape. The loss is about $4,000 above insurance. In Raleigh last week Chairman Holton, of the Republican State Committee, said he is getting infor mation from members of his party regarding fusion on the electoral ticket, and finds nearly all opposed to it Senator Prit&hard at one time warmly favored it It now appears that he has changed bia views on this question. Holton says the Re publicans favor fusion on the State ticket. TIMELY TOPICS. A Mexican paper states that Min ister Ransom expects to visit his family by Christmas. Alexandre Dumas died at his home in Paris, France, Wednesday evening shortly after 7 o'clock. Dr. Samaon Pope, of South Caro lina, defeated candidate for Govern or in the last election, has joined the Republicans. The Trans-Mississippi Congress at its recent session at Omaha pass ed resolutions declaring for the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. Gov. Oates, of Alabama, announ ces that he will not be a candidate for renomination but will be a can didate for. the United States Senate to succeed Senator Pugh. A Christian Endeavor Society, in Cleveland, Ohio, held a special meeting on Thanksgiving Day to pray for the conversion of the great infidel. Cel Robert G. Ingersoll. The largest battle of the Cuban revolution took place at an interior town, Taguasco, on the 19th inst. The Spanish had 10,000 men and the rebels had but 4,000. The reb els routed the Spanish troops after 36 hours fighting and captured much ammunition and arms. The killed and wounded were 600, 8o far 13,200 Armenian Chris tians are reported as having met death at the hands of the Turks during the recent massacres. There has been no armenian uprising as a provocation, save in one district. The Armenians are now facing a pitiless winter with no adequate means to carry them through it. Minister Terrell sanctions thma facts, as sent ontjfrom Constantino- pie. . Lost A pocket book. aomawfiArA between Collier's charch and Main tain Grove on Nov. 30th . Finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at The Topic office. RxDmox Fsizjuxr, Affairs la Tarlaj. Constantinople, Nov. 28 Des pite the assurances given, to Sir Phi' ip Uurrie, the British ambassador, by Tewfik Pasha, the Turkish Min ister, of Foreign Affairs, that each power would be permitted - to " send, an additional guardship to the Bo phorns, the Sultan has not yet grant-' ed the requisite, permits for their; entrance through the Dardanelles The hesitancy of the Sultan,; it is understood, is due to the fear -that the movement of the powers to in . crease the number of their guard ships in the Bospborus is merely de signed to mask an ulterior demon stration of the naval forces. It ia thought however, that the; Sultan will yield to the demands of the powers, in view of the unanimous pressure they -are bringing upon him. Otherwise, it is probable that the powers will send gunboats into the Bosphorue Without waiting any longer for the Saltan to issue fir mans permitting them to enter. V Mr. Nelidoff, tiie Russian ambas sador to Turkey, has had an au dience with the Saltan during which he warned him that if serious dis turbances should occur at Constan tinople the foreign fbeta would pec etrate the Dardanelles. The Sultan admitted to M. Nelidoff that the powers had a right to the admission of a second guarfship to the Bos phyrns, but renewed his request that they should not. insist upon that right. He urged that the promised reforms were progressing and that the approach of an era of reforms was shown by the appointment of nine inspecting judges, of which number fhree were Christians Des pite the assurances of the Sultan to the contrary, the trrest of Armen ians in Constantinople has been re newed, though there is no sign of any uprising or resistance to the laws on the part cf the Armenians in Constantinople. Thousands of them, however, are reported to have been frightened into ? conversion to Moslemism. LATER. Constantinople, Nov. 29. - Turkish troops en route to Zaitun have arriyad at Marash, where they have halted pending the result of negotiations with the Armenians, who are in possession of Zaitua. The conditions offered to the Arme nians include the surrender of their arms, as well as the leaders of the recent revolt at Z ;tun, to the Tur kish troops Trustworthy advices say that the rising of the Armenians at Zeitun followed an attempt on the part of the troops of the Tqrkish garrison to pillage the city. The Armenian survivors of the massacre at Arabirkir, Moosh and Harpoot, theaa a i vices say, have been offered thecboioe'of embracing l8lamiam or being put to the sword The Americans m Harpoot, Bitlii and Marash are virtually prisoners in their houses. It is not safe for Christians to go into the streets, and the escort which was provided for the American missionaries by order of the Porte upon application of Minister Terrell, are afraid to leave Harpoot on account of the dangers they are almost certain to encounter on the roods from murderous bands No mails have passed over the Bag dad route for three weeks. Uucfe to bs T&ankful For.,. Charlotte Observer. "What has the Democratic party to be thankful for, any way V aeks the Wilkeabarre, Pa , Record. "Long life, a tough constitution, and the friends and enemies it has made," responds the Philadelphia Record. Amen, and amen ! A Valuable Walnut Trsi North Wilkesl oro News. "Bunk" Bledsoe has the contract for delivering a valuable walnut tree at this place- It is of the curly va riety and was planted by Shade Cal loway 85 years ago at his home on New river, about 25 miles f otn this place. A man by i'ae name of Se yert purchased tbo tree from the Jalloways for $11 and sold it to a Northern firm for $125 Bledsoe gets $75 for delivering it here. IJtici to Saw Uill Usa. W. T. Wilson wishes to announce to saw mill men that he is prepared to do all kinds of repairing on cir cular saws, such as hammering or gnming. All work entrusted to his care ia fully warranted. Call on or address W. T. Wilson, Lenoir, N. O. Dr. Wakefield, the Charlotte Oc ulist, will be in Lttaoir, at Jones House, on Saturday, Dec. 21st. Hi practice is limitel to Eye, Ear, Neo and Throat. Drop in and get a good meal at CHANCE'S' RESTAURANT for 25c. Police attention given all guests. Opposite Freight Depot, Hickory, N. C 10 30-12-1 ATLANTA EXPOSITION I All who expect to visit the Ernn. sition should join our parties and thereby save .money. Special ar rangements have been made with the best Boarding Houses of Atlan ta, where von can feel at homa At & very small expense - Baggage ; de livered ' free dituated convenient to Exposition srrounds. Partma Af ten or more personally conducted to Atlantaand shown your boarding All Parties Who antimrtAtlA trn'mrr West will get cheap tickets by com- .af -.1 . raumcaiing wiiu me before going. . . .J. Vf TODD, Traveling Pass. Agt. Chester & Lenoir R. B., Chester, a a , 10-19-124 Conk Staves. Box Stoves, Coal Stoves and King Heaters, prices M right - Bernhardt Hardware or niture Co. ' - - Do you want a horse ? .18 head to be sold. Eaay terms ana prices low. flail nn ft Ti. Bernhardt or L- P. Henkei - WantedA good milk cow. Ap ply to J-T. Grist. Thin wurfl in TAnetv " of useful and ornamental pieces Bernhardt Hardware & Furniture uo. If you are troubled to know what tn criTn a friend for a' Christmas present call on Bernhardt Hardware & Furniture Co. A good investment I This is yonr opportunity I Granite Falls Academy is for sale at Reasonable Terms- The people are anxious for a Good Jschool. For particulars, address J. W. HOKE-, : Granite Falls, N. O. CLARKE HOUSE, - LENOIR, N. C. First-Class Home-Like Accommodations. Conveniently Located on Main Street Near the Depot. SPIOIAL ATTENTION Given to Traveling Men and Hunting Parties. FOR SPJSCIAIi TERMS PER MONTH OR WEEK Address H. C. MARTIN. LENOIR, N. C. President Cleveland is a Gold Bug, But he wears Leather Such as we keep. We also keep a full line of Hardware Qaeensware, Tinware, Grq cones, and Dry GodSls, . Trunks, Candies and Xmas To., lilU A full line I RACKET PRIUES-TJNDFJt-SHIRTS AT 25 GENTS? Good overshirts at 40 cents to $1 25. They are going come AT ONOE ! SAVE YOUR MONEY. We buy Country Produce and Shingles. Davis and Singer sewing machine needels. 4 Gold watches given away Eevery one who vujm v eeuv cig" uu a cnance. RUSSELL & HICKMAN, Granite Falls, N, O. North Carolina, Caldwell County. In the office of Clerk of the Su perior Court.; Notice ia hereby given of the filing of artioles of incorporation of the Wilson .Lumber and Mining Company. That the names of the corporators are W. D. Hansen. M. P. Carter, Townsend Poore, T. F. Penman, i. 3. Williams, a 8. Weston, A. H. Shexs rera. j. v. Htooier, i;yrus L, Jones, H. A. Connell W L. Connell, Horsoe K Hand. Titos. E. Jones. J H. Atklnann K T. itVliurai nH T V u-.-., m..i h principal place of business is ia Caldwell coon- vt mM ia KwwH yurpuM ia u&uuugj luantt factoring and dealing in lands, timber trees, timber. lanuuix, vywmuvff inuuweys, e0. That the duration of the corporation is sixty years. Theoapital stook is $85,000 (with the privilege of increasing it to $150,000) divided into seventeen nuuureu snares or tne par value of f 50 00 eaoh. This Oct 11, 1895. J. Y.-MoOALL, Clerk Superior Court Caldwell County. MORTGAGE 8 ALE. By virtue of a power of sale contained in two and wife to the Hhuford Hardware Company, of Hickory, N. C, and duly reoorded in the office of Register of Tteeds for Caldwell county, N. O , Book . r- a uu inuiiu.T - January o. 1896, between the hours of 10 a m and 3 o'clock n m at the oourt house door In Lenoir, N. C, sell for vn?.. .uu uiiiBit uiuuer w louowing property, to-wit : One twenty horse power Liddell patent boiler, one twenty horse power Li il dell engine, one No. 8 iArgent saw KilL coir plete with belts for the -wuh. vuwaHw. . iso -iw aores of land described ss fololws : On the waters of Little Biver, beginning at a stake near a hickory road, runs South 60 poles to a Black Gum F. K. . eeww wMvm uoww JB wiUl TV MaOZl HIM 25 poles to a BUke, thenoe Bouth with Wateoa lint rVtlM th Qnnnial. tV VT n u:.b . emftk with TH&iv'si lina OK a . AAV. .sr Kne, Blair's northeast oorner, thence East with M. Deal's line 26 poles to a stake on the South side of Tnoir and Deal's mill road, thence with said road 100 poles to the beginning. - This sale being to sat- iaf-w .Ha mm tUKT .A . I l i This Kov. 22nd, 1896. mrm . S-UTirOKD HABDWABXOC. B. O. CEI8P, Attorney, North Carolina. Caldwell County. s By virtue of a trust deed executed to K. W Gilles pie by M. a. Hagrman. dated April 3rd, 1895. and roistered In Book UH," pages ilS, to, In Begister of&ce of Caldwell county, N. O., 1 wiU o'er for sals to the highest bidder for cash at the oourt house door In Lenoir. V, O , the following personal prop, erty, to-wit: Ons Prick Company, 14 horse power Portable engine, complete, No. 6429. Also one Prick Company Baw Mill. Saw mill omoplete, with the sawandallflaturesandsppurtenanoes thereto be. loturinir. 11a. 1 Jftt tr.v .i-u &r div, December 23rd. 1895. -Terms oh. This Hov. as, - m. w. aiLjLE&pix. Trustee. W. 0. K1WLAXD, Attorasyr 3L4 t - Sound Money and receive an orer- i whelming majority , while the Baltimore ' Bargain Store is gain- i ing daily by tbe great j bargains they offer. i NOW While the iron is hot is the j time to strike. i - COME NOW ! 1! 1 And yon will get a $15 j suit for $10; a $12 gait 1 for $8 ; a $10 suit for ; $6 90 ; a $5 suit for : $2.93. Big Bargains in Dry Goods, Linens, 1 Blankets, Qailts, For j nishing Goods -and i Hats. Look for the sign on p Wall Street, : in the Holifield Building. j Bespectf ally yoars, The BALTIMORE BARGAIN STORE, epstein bros., Prop's. HARRISON & CO. GROCERS. FRESH, JUST RECEIVED OA FLAKES. i CORN FLAKES. LARGE HOtflNY. SMALL CRACKERS AND PICKLED PIGS' FEET HARRISON & CO. ! I taka thia motVirtrl - s lUiUIUIlUK the citiznrts nf PM vall o u 1 1 ou uu ing otaies ana counties that T hnvn nnMh.uul . V. . rSrek MT - an the IV ae Ridee Bed Snrina Anri Vf0f,OB ... . o "imi, tO. It will hereafter hA rnn ww as THE BLUE RIDGE BED SPRING AND MATTRESS CO. I have added new machinery, hare guvu .orce oi nanaa and can fill orders on ihort notice. For nricea. fnll rat;ni.,. 1 isea of prmg and mattreaaea. nte to or call onN ; Ji R. TTT IDBY, Mitt ' E ! CRY - .!.. - -.. - Notice A Large Volume of business has been done by i,,r.n the past year ' '"ir;ng NotwithstandiDg the unusual stringency of the timP money matters nd f-aea IS Sharp Competition. We still manage to make our rnov a-, far as another man's credit auT as quentiy can sell goods as anybody i,I',nT;P: State, and when we can do a thh ,i j always modest euough to say so. ' A Simple List see as when you wish to huv' Hr'.iw w tnuL iu ixaia aavertisment. Villi will hav. .,.,;,. . .... , , or not: and your visit will .. ',u7 m. v " ua, BuicuLiuu wn finer y: ' liuy The following list embraces part of our ----- i'j-irri Seasonable Goods : Acid Phosphate, for composting, Wagon and Buggy Materia), Heating Moves and Fij ii; . Steam I'e and fitiiuKs. Emery Wheels, ci,t , Guage Glasses, Cant Hooks, Belting and Packing, 1 Lac leather, Upper leather, -Harness leather, Sole leather. Log chains, Fileii aiJl R Trace chains, 1 3l Breast chains, Coil chain, Well chain. Boom chain, Collars and Uauies, Spirits turpentine, Tanner's oil. norsesnoes and ua:l.i, Ox shoes ami nail) Harness oil, Spindle Oil, Cylinder oil, Machine oil, Engine oil, Linseed oil, Sewing machine oil, Paints, white and colors. Jaiau dryer, Dry paints, Kalsomiue, Varnishes, Carriage aints, Wood stains. Blacksmith's tools. Shoemaker's tools, Fine cutlerv. Brushes, Carpenter's tool. Builder's hardware, Powder, shot and sheels, Sewing machines, Sausage mills, Fuse, Drill steel, ftone hammers, Tinware, Laiy ps, Kitchen utensils, r"aier, Envelopes, Cards Tablets, Blank Books, And 1001 other articles at the Charter Oak. EVERYBODY WELCOME John M. Houck, M'ff r. BARGAINS BARGAINS Special Bargains ! Can now be secured at tbe store of R. G. C0URTXEY. I have great bargains to offer in all lines. Call and see and you will be con vinced. In addition to the full stock of General Merchandise, I have constantly on hand a full stock of Staple Grocerie. Con8iating of Corn Meal, Flour, Crn.Braiu Baon, Country Hams, Pure Leaf Lard, Su gar, Coffee, Rice, Oat Flake, Can dy Plain and Fan cy, &c. &c I extend a cordial invr.i-iou to one and all to call and get ) i rgams I . wane tney are going. Thanking all mv friends and pa trons for past favors, and requesting a continuance of their esteemed pat ronage. I remain, Tour friend, R. G. COURTNEY. LENOIR, - N,0

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