n VOLUME XXII. DAY Yea, to-day THE NEW YORK RA.CKET, stands fighting, as she has alwavs done, the Old- Rotten Credit System, for the Almighty Dollar, for repudiation and for the people' Not by favor, but by merit alone will the HEW YORK RACKET Maintain and Increaee its UNRIVALED REPUTATION. Big Prices W'll not do in these times when fiveu the rich cannot afford to waste tbe.r money and the poor require Double duty of every Dollar and every Penny Therefore the mer chants who expect to make a euc ceaa have got to do away with the OM Aristocratic way of conducting a business, and not buy goods on Long Time and pay Long Time Prices, mar them from 50 to 100 per cent,, set back on their dignity and expect the people to come in and boy .their goods at such so called "LIVE and LET LIVE PRICES." THOUSANDS Of Broad minded men and women will testify that Lenoir was one Qf the many towns that was Cursed and crushed down with just such merchants, who would not stop with celling their goods at such Outrageous Prices, Bat would combine against others who would come and sell goods ;rigbt. THE OLD NEW YORK Has pullesl through all their Combinations, , T(re Down all their Breast Works, And to-day stands Gigantic, ready for anything that can come against her. ISMS We do not claim to have done all this' alcne. We have had help. We have been BACKED UP by the people of our country who are Level-headed, Honest, Upright, and who do not want to - Throw away what they have worked for by pay ing Two prices For what they are compelled to buy, We don't hear any more such re ports as : 'They won't be here long." "They just run In and get what they can and they go to some oth er place." No, as we have always said, We are here to stay with you, And all we ask is You stick to us. Your Friend, TO THE HEW YORK RACKET. TBE UfSTLFTSE B0UE8- The mistletoe bough hung in the - castle hall, ThA holly branch Bhone on the old oak wall: And the barons retainers were blithe and gay, And keeping their Xmas holiday: The baron beheld with a father's pride, His beautiful child,yoaDg LvelUs bride; While she with her bright eyes seemed to be The, star of the goodily company. Oh the mistletoe bough, Oh the mistletoe bough! "I'm weary of dancing now," she cried; 'Here tarry a moment, I'll hide, I'll hide And Lovell, be sure thou'st the first to trace, The clue to my secret lurking place." Away she run and her friends be gan Each tower to search, and each nook to scan; And ycung Lovell cried, "Where dost thou hide ? I'm lonesome Without thee, own dear bride." Oh the mistletoe bongh, Oh the m.stletoe bough! They sought her that night and all the next day. Aiid they sought her in vain when a week passed away. In the highest, the lowest, the loneliest spot YouDg Lovell sought wildly bat found her not. And years flaw by, and their grief at last . Was told as a sorrowful tale long past; And when Lovell appeared the children cried See," the old man weeps for his fairy bride. Oh the mistletoe bough, Oh the mistletoe bough! At length an oak chest that had long lain hid Was found in the castle they opened the lid -And a skeleton form lay moulder ing there. In the bridal wreath of the lady fair. Oh sad was her fate in sportive jest She hid from her Lord in the old oak chest. It closed with a spring, and her bridal bloom Lay withering there in a living tomb. Oh the mistletoe bough. Oh the mistletoe bough! B, B. T. Judge Norwood Bight Imitate Judge La inlaw's Example, N. C. Prcsbjterian. Ex-Police Judge Alexander Laid law, of Oakland, Cal., died recent ly m San Francisco. While on the bench Judge Laidlaw'a bibulous es capades became the talk of the town. Onoday a newspaper had an editorial comment, referring to the peculiar position of a judge on the bench who was called upon to sentence men for drunkenness while he himself shoald be in the dock. The next morning after the cal endar in his court had been gone through. Judge Laidlaw looked at the clerk and said: "Yon will make this entry on jour calendar: 'Alexander Laidlaw, drunkenness.'" ''Yes," said the astonished clerk. "Arrested by himself," the judge went on, "Yes." "Alexander Laidlaw ia fined 150. Here is the money." At once the country rang with hiB fame, but from that time for ward Alexander Laidlaw drank no more -Baltimore Sun. We clip this to remark that such a course of action might be well followed by a judge in North Car olina, who doubtless finds himself occasionally, called upon to sentence men for crimes committed while under the influence of alooholio liquor, and who himself, is not in frequently in a state of "infirmity" while on the bench and elsewhere. If he will follow Judge Laidlaw's example and drink no more the paople in North Carolina will most heartily rejoice, but if not the prei of -the State with united voice shonld call for his prompt resigna tion, and failing in securing that ,they should demand bia impeachment. F03 SHiE.DIXC TIE PEOPLE FBOU BRYAN. Sacrilsgioas rditical Petition ia Wbicb toe Dock-Hooter Asks Pecpla to Join Washington, Nov. 4. The Pres ident to day iasned the following : "Thanksgiving Proclamation. By the President of the United States: "The people of the United States should never be unmindful of the gratitude they owe to -the God of nations for H3 watchful care which has shielded them from dire disaster and pointed out to them the way of peace and happineep. Nor should they ever refuse to acknowledge with contrite hearts their pronenesa to turn away from God's teachings to follow with signal prido their own devices. 'To the end that these thoughts may be quickened it is fitting tbat on a day especially appointed we should join together in approaching the Throne of Gfsco with praise and supplication. "Therefore, J, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, do hereby designate and set apart Thursday, the 26th day of the pres ent month of November, to be kept and observed as a day of thanksgiv ing and prayer throughout the laud- "On that day let tho people fore go their uaualj work aud occupation and assemble in their accustomed places of worship; let them ith one accord render thanks to the Ruler of the universe for our preservation as a nation and our deliverance from every threatened danger; for the peace that has dwelt within our boundaries; for our defense against diseases and pestilence duriag the year that has passed; for the plente ous rewards that have followed the labors aa our husbandmen, and for all the other favors that have been vouchsafed "And let us, through the media tion of Him who has taught us how to pray, implore forgiveness of cur sins and continuation of heavenly blessings. "Let us not forget on this day of thanksgiving the poor and needy; and by deeds of charity let our of ferings of praise be made more ac ceptable in the sight of the Lord. "Witness my hand and the seal of the United States, which I have caused to be hereto affixed. "Done in the city of Washington, this, fourth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-six, aud of the Independence of the United States ot America the one hundred and twenty-first (Saal) "By tho Pr-d lent. "Geover Cleveland." "Richard Olnet, "Secretary o f. State " bryan to Mckinley. Handsomely Congratulates His Opponent, Saying toe Peoples Will is Law Lincoln, Neb , Nov. 5. Mr. Bry an has sent the following telegram to Maj. McKinley : "Senator JoneB has jagfc informed me that the returns indicate jour election and I hasten to extend my congratulations. Wo have submit ted tho issue to the American peo ple and their will is law." According to a celebrated anatom ist there are upwards of 5,000,000 little glands in the human stomach These glands pour cut the digestive juice which devolves or digests the food Indigestion is want of ju'ce, weakness of glands, need ot help to restore the health of these organs. The best and most natural help is that given by Shaker Digestive Cor dial. Natural, because it supplies the material needed by the glands to prepare the digestive juices. i Be cause it strengthens and invigorates the glands and the stomach, until they are able to do their wcrt alone. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures in digestion certainly and permanently It dres so by natural means, therein lies the secret of its wonderful and unvaried success At druggists, pries 10 .cents to $100 per "bottle. During the campaign Mr. W. O. Benton, Republican candidate for the House, asserted in almost every speech bo made, that he was out "to beat the devil aud the Democrats." Tne returns show that he didn't beat the Dmocraia. We have no returns as to the result of his bout with the devil. StaUsvillo landmark, LENOIR, Nj C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 1896. PalBtrtad Beckser, When, Some weeks ago, John M. Palmer and Hon. Simon Boliver Buckner were nominated for Pres ident and Vice-President, respect ively by the "bolting Democrats at Indianapolis, we ventured the pre diction that by the close of the campaign they would be objects of almost universal contempt and rid icule. We think we may say this morning that our prophesy has been fulfilled. At no time during the contest have they been seriously considered for the places to which they pretend to aspire. It has been understood on all sides that their candidacy was absurd; that they never would have been considered for the frac tion of an instant by any conven tion representing a real party; that they were performing simply as de coys to trap timid and nnwary Democrats and deliver them to Mr. Hanna to swell the triumphal pro cession of McKinley. Nobody has regarded them with respect. No one has contributed to their fund except as a means of promoting the Republican cause Nobody wanted to elect them. Nobody has offered them the poor travesty of reverence and honor- They have gone through the country, a conple of transparent mountebanks and mummers. Robert Macaire and Sacques Strop themselves were not more impudent impostors. It seems incredible that they conld have ex pected more than half contemptu ous toleration, yet oftener than once they have resented it with a fury that made them only more ridiculous. They have, in fact, saddened us with the thought that out pf more than seventy millions of people they only have failed to realize the'r political predica ment. McKinley will be elected and he will administer the affairs of gov ernment as best he can under the conditions that beset him. Bryan will be defeated, and will return to private life, conscious of having made the most gallant and brilliant fight that man ever made against overwhelming and unconquerable odds. Both will be shrined in the affection, the confidence, and the respect of those who have followed them throughout. Both will be recognized by their' fellow-citizens as genuine gladiators in a genuine arena. But these poor puppets, these make-believe champions of a tinsel cause they will, along with their beggary retinue of allies, the Bynums, the Cockrana, and the eulking Hills, pass from the stage without one cheering word or pity ing tear, fortnnate beyond their best deserts if they be forgotten utterly. The world forgives the man who will not vote against his conscience. It never forgives and it is seldom able to forget the man who plays the huckster with his dignity. Washington Post. TIUELY TOPICS. Charles R. Crisp will probably fill the unexpired term of his father in Congress A riot occurred at jbl political meeting at Breedon, W. Va , in which several persons were injured. Four negroes were shot at from ambush in Monroe, county, Ala bama, the other day, became they were not wanted in that section AH but one was killed Among the candidates for Uuited States Senator from Georgia are Gov. Atkinson and Capt Evan P. Howell, editor of the Atlanta Con stitution. - ' It is given out that Governor Evans, of South Carolina, is soon to marry Miss Ellen Plume, a young lady of Waterbury, Conn. A cyclone swept over the city and province of Saville, Spain, on Wednesday, wrecking a great many houses and killing and injuring a number of the inhabitants A change for the better in the attitude of the Sultan of Turkey and his advisers toward the Ar menians is reported from Constantinople- The French and Russian ministers of war are reported to have effected a plan for the concentration of the troops of the two countries in time of war. BOV TIE ELECTORAL TOTE WILL BE CIST- McKiklet's Colwmn: Electoral rote. California 9 Connecticut 6 Delaware , 3 Illinois 24 Indiana 15 Iowa.. 13 Kansas 10 Kentucky 13 Maine 6 Maryland s Massachusetts 15 Michigan 14 Minnesota 9 New Hampshire 4 New Jersey. . .A.. 10 New York 36 North Dikota 4 Ohio 23 Oregon 4 Pennsylvania 32 Rhode Island 4 South Dakota 4 Vermont 4 West Virginia : 6 Wisconsin 12 Wyoming 1 . " 278 The following States cast their votes For Bryan: Alabama 11 Arkansas.... 8 Colorado 4 Florida . 4 Georgia 8 Idaho 3 Louisiana 8 Mississippi 9 Missouri It Montana 3 Nebraska 8 Nevada 3 North Carolina 11 South Carolina 9 Tennessee 12 Texas 1 Utah 3 Virginia 12 Washington 4 Wyoming 2 169 Walk lots U, Parior. Section 36, of the Election law passed by the last Legislature, says: "That any person who shall cor ruptly take the oath prescribed for voters, ahaU be guilty of perjury, and be fined not lees than fire hun dred dollar nor more than one thousand dollars, and be ia.pr sued at bard libor ia the penitentiary not leas than two cor morj than five years " Section 40. "That any person who shall treat, with either meat or drink, on any day of election, or on any day previous thereto, with an intent to influence the election, shall forfait and pay two hundred dolirp, the one half for the use of tLe coanty, and the other for the u-e of the person who shall sue for the same - Section 41 "That sny person who shall discharge from employ ment, withdraw pitrooago from, cr otherwise injure, threaten, cypress, or attempt to intimidate, any qual ified voter of this Srate, because of the vote such voter may or may not have cast in any election, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." Section 42 "That any person who shall,-at any time before or af ter the election, either directly or indirectly, give, or promise to give, any money, property, or reward to any elector, or to any county or district, in order to be elected, or to procure any other parson to be elected a member of the general assembly, or to any office under the laws of the State, ahall forfeit and pay four hundred dolUra to any person who will sua for tho - same, and shtli ba guilty of a caislemean or; and ary person who b hall receive oragrm to rfe.ve, -? fcuch bribe, aha!l a!aj hu -hy t u.;dmean or We hv8 ren-n to be'i ve tbat Eemo of ioaB" I hifr- b-tn ves ted in Caldweli coaritj, und if fcech has been the case there 13 a en: ce for some one to make some money. $100 HmrdSlOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that thefre is at least one dreadei dUtase that science has bean able lo core in all its stages, aad that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh v-ure is the only poa itite cure known to meiical frater nity. Catarrh bring a constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, i taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they cfkr One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fail to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall'i Family Pills are the best. STATE TOPICS. Mies Rena, daughter of Mis3 Jo seph Worth, of High Point,- has been elected a teacher in Brjn Mawr College, Pa. Bryan and Watson carriei Cataw ba. The Democrats lost everything else except Herman, Democrat, who was elected register of deeds. It is said that Senator Ransom cantribnted liberally to the State campaign fund this year. Two years ago he gave over half of all that was contributed. Miss Frances Wheat Shober, of Salisbury, and Mr. Isaac E. Havil and, of Toledo. O., will be married on the 18th, the ceremony to occur at St. Luke's church, Salisbury. John H. Winder, ex-general manager of the Searboard Air Line, is to bring suit against that road for $10,000 salary due. W. J. Ei ward?, ex-general storekeeper of the same system, sues for $975 damages, alleging he was discharged wrongfully and without cause. A man by the name' of Morgan, who lives in Hendersonville, N. C , was robbed of $165 on the streets of Greenville, S U., on the night of Nov. 3rd Four masked men met him on the streets at aboat 10 p. m. and committed the deed. Th police were called at once, but tht robbers escaped. Charlotte Observer: Miss John nie Rutledge, the young daughter of Mr. Robert Rutledge, put a gold ring in her rrouth yesterday morn ing. It slipped down her throat and became lodged. For a timo it locked like she would choke to death before she could get relief. After a great deal of pommeling and ehaking the ring rolled out of her mouth Louisburg Times: W. L. Gup ton, of Sindy Creek township, killed a lare agle one day this wesk which wsigked 14 pounds and meis urtnl sis feot and fie inches from tip to tip. When killed bo had caught a wild turkey gobbler and e.irrixi him to the top of a largo pine tre A, the crack of the gun the CHj'ie feli to the ground and the turkey Hjw to parts unknown to Mr. Gupton. There ft ere several fights in Win ston oo election day. "Deputy Sher iff Mai tin and Editor Ellis, of the Republican had a set-to. The edi tor etiuck the effiser with his cane, knocking him down. When Mar tin arose he koccked the editor do?n with his cane. In the sec file NUrcin's pistol was fired, the ball going through the lapels of the editor's coat and veat, Election mgbt Lawyers E B. Jones and J. E. Alexander got into a dispute ov r a point in the election law. Jones knocked Alexander down and was beating him when friends separated them Free Pills. Send your address to H E Buck Ion, & Co , Chicago, and get a free simple box of Dr. Kicg'd New Life Pill?. A trial will cenriace you of their merits. TbeBe pills are easy in action and are particularly effec tive in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they hve been proved invaluable They are guar anteed to be perfectly free from any deletarious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giv in tone to the stomach and bowf is greatly inrizorate the sys'em Reg ular s za 253. per box. Sold by Todd & Shs'l, Droggiits. The disclosure of the existence of an uHiancd between Germany t.d Ra3ia during the last ja vt Prince Bismark'8 chancelorship is causing a sensation in the capitals of Europe. EXPECTANT & Offer You , REMEDY Which MOTHERS, INSURES Safety of Life to Mother ' and Child. MOTHERS' FRIEND" fbbs Confinement of its Pain, Horror and Risk. Mt wife used MOTHERS' FB1END" le- fore'birtUof her iirst child, she did not suffer from t BAMPSer was quickly i; lirvecl at the critical hour suffering but . tittle sho iiad no pains alter ward ana ner r.H.-rtrr vr ;V3 rania. E. E. Johnston, Eufnula, Ala. "'T Mail or Express, on receipt ot , rt. -. ii.x per bottH. Book "To Mota- ' zn-.t i led Free. r.:i iriEi.D BEcrUToa CO., ittaau, c. SOLO BT AIX DRUGGISTS. NUMBER 6 Tutt's Pills Cure All! Liver Ills. To those living in malarial districts Tutt's Pills are indispensible, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills IB A KIEL 0- G. W. F. HARPER, President. G. L. BERNHARDT, Vice-Prea't, J. H. BE ALL, Cashier i We Are Ready To accommodate the travel ing public both day and night When you want to "git there" I'uat ask for one of our fast torses, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Buggies, Wagons and 'Harness. We will enlarge our business so as to meet all demands. Just tell us what you want and we will cheer fully serve you at Reason - at)le-f ; Rates. A. S. ABERNETHY.& SONj Lenoir, N. O. A HORSE ! A HORSE Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Buggies afid Wagons. A big lot of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, and Everything in Har- ! ness Line. . - i . - . ' . DOH'T FAIL TO BUY. NOW I , HE.NKEL, CRAIG k COiPA-i LENOIR, N. 0, OF ft" ii ! . a 3 !i

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