A' - A .A. . i . . . VOLUME XXII. ; " " L3BNOIK, IT. O., TUESDAY, NOYEBIBKR 17 1896. . ' reTTf!" 1U VKY Yr?, to-day THE NEW YORK RAC KET stands fighting, as she haa .! vaya done, the Old Rotten i Cr 3- System, for the Almighty i)vU', for repudiation and for the. peoplV Not by fayor, bnt by mir i alono will the NEW YORK RACKET Maintain and Increase its UNRIVALED REPUTATION. Big Prices Will not do in these times when pvei the rich cannot afford to waste their money and the poor require Double duty of every Dollar and every Penny Therefore the mer chants who expect to make a sue ceti have got to do away with the Old Aristocratic way of conducting a business, and not buy goods on Loner Time and pay Long Time Priced, mark them from 50 to 100 poi c. at., set back on their dignity &n 1 expect the people to come in &ni tmy their goods at such so- called "LIVE and LET LIVE PRIUKS " THOHJSAINS J Of Broad minded men and women will testify that Lenoir was one of the many towns that wag Cursed and crushed down with just such merchants, who would not stop with selling their goods at such Outrageous Prices, But would combine against others who would come ana sell goods right. THE OLD NEW YORK Has pulled through all their Combinations, Tcre Down all their Breast Works, Anrl t.n-1ftv Rt&ntia Gicantic. ready for anything that can come against her. if! We do not claim to have done all this alcne. We have vhad help. We have heen BACKED" UP by the people of our country wiio are Level-headed, Honest, uprignt, ani who do not want to , Throw away what they have worked for by pay ing Two prices For what they are compelled to buy. We don't hear any more such re ports as : 'They won't be here long." "They just run In and cet what they can and they go to some oth er place." No, as we Lave always said, We are here to stay with you, And all we ask is You stick to us. Your Friend j THE HEW YORK RACKET. -J52 Charlotte Obaerrer, A leary peace, an awful silence, A breathless peace, a sombre silence. -nmuracing darkness ere its flight. Tier and tier, each above the other, Rise the mountains, nature's lover: -car awav in tna woof: Allure, lover, ootn at rest. The seeming mystic clouds below me. Far down the chasms nf thor.v,f Seem waiting, watching, for the uiurumg, Waiting for the coming light. Tis as a veil of sinful darkness Wreathing ClOSa ft wnrlrl rf Bin Wreathing man in all his weakne'ssJ Man ana weakness all within. But now the lord of light, of glory, tug messenger is BDagdinc faah To bring the news, to tell the storv vi gooaness, peace on earth at - - j last. For Eos in her chariot golden Is mounting far into the sky; A thousand million tints baholdan Upon this sinful mist to lie Lighter yet, and yet Btill lighter, nil above tho eastern brink. Bright as God, and yet still bright er, For this we see of Go 3 wa only think. Phoebus arrayed in morning bright ness, Arrayed in goodness peaco and right. Vicegerent great of God, of pure- ness. Discloses to mankind life-giving . light. But yet not so; this veil of darkness Still hangs above the vale of life, Blinding man, excluding kindness, Promoting sin and doubt and strife. But see how Phoebus' countenance brightens, Eafffr to disiael thiB mist. But look I his all-pervading spirit bin itself cannot resist. For through this mighty sea of trouble A quiver seems to stir to start. It trembles, heaves, moves and arises, 0 heaven, 0 earth, how grand thou art! Now all the world to earth by vision nianlnvAfl is: and far and near. Leagues upon leagues of land, of mountains, All nature's belf to men appear. Is not this God ? His physical nature; This mist, this dark-spelling nnwflr. Deluding man by nomenclature Ui sun, oi mountains, space aim hour ? And as this physical nature bright ens Tho rVivip.al narf of man. of life. The soul of nature strengthens, heightens, Man's soul, dispelling sin and srife. His light, His spirit, when sought, when wanted, Shines down upon our sinful veil, It shifts, it moves, it parts, is daunted, Disclosing Heaven, the blissful dale. Pantheist. There is much truth in the follow ing which we find in Websters Weekly: I want my children to be respect ed as much as anybody,s children," giid a colored man in a speatfi la3l week. He continued in tbs same strain that he wanted them to ba honest, religious, and have race pride. Sensible talk. Another colori man said that from hence forth others could run tno pontics of the country and he would look after his own business. He had the whole State to make a living in and that was office enough for bim. rhe liirht is gradually dawning up on colored men that there is nothing ; nni;iirfl for them. Democrats ro nandid enouffh to tell them so, while Republicans hold out bright fcnna to them which cannot Da rea HzBd The man who tells another the truth is his best friend. The Manx hRTe thier destiny in their The tireacher and aohoolmaater, not the political heel er, is their hope. MARRY THIS GIBL QUICK. 5i. V-J Mtl Tin Lampwlck. I or: l""dB" llmvU an went to work ana tne 5er?Lb TOrtSd Sio. the second week I n.rat k. j oect to run ap to 8" we k cleared $15- I ?P V- tiTT Perfection Metal in the near foture, M the Periecx e 3llP$"ir chimneys nd bad .07 Jena u two cent stamps tols sWl M Frlti, Station aj : Lou. Mo he will send you stmplo outfit, this ! oVwajio "ake'money .rounOo MR. BRYAN SPEAKS Ringing Words From of the People's Cause Bimetallism is Not Vanquished But Almost Tri umphed in it's First Great Struggle. - Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 5. Mr. Bryan to-day gave out the following: "To the Bimetalli8ts of the United States: "Conscious that Millions of loyal hearts are saddened by the tempo rary defeat, I beg to offer a word of hope and encouragement. No cause ever had supporters moro brave, earneat and devoted than those who have espousad the cause of bimetallism. They have fought from con viction and have fought with all the zeal which conviction inspires. Events will prove whether they are right or wrong. Having done their duty as they saw it, they have nothing to rgret. The Republican Can dida to has geen heralded as the advance agent of prosperity. If his policies bring real prosperity, those who opposed him will share m that prosperity. If, on the other hand, his policies prove an injury to the people generally, those of his supporters, who do not belong to the of fice holding class or the privileged classess, will suffer in common with those who opposed him. The friends of bimetallism have not been vanquished, they have simply been gold standard is a conspiricy of the money changers against the welfare of the human race, and until convinced of their error, they will continue the ware faro against it. "The contest has been waged this and against great odds For the first time during this generation pub lic attention has baen cantsrod upon the money question as the para mount issue, and this has been done part of our opponents to prevent it. out the delueive hope of international leaders labored secretly for gold monometallism. Gold standard Dem ocrats have publicly advocated the election of the Indianapolis ticket, while they labored secretly for the The trusts and corporations have tried while they have been defying the law, and American financiers have boasted that they wure the custodians of national honor, whilo they were secretly bartering away the nation's financial independence. Bnt in spite of the efforts of the administration and its supporters; in spite of the threats of money loaners at home and abroad; ia spite of the co ercion practiced by corporations and syndicates; in spite of the fenormoua in spite of a hostile daily press, bimetallism has almost triumphed in its first great fight. The loss of a few majority, has defeated bi metallism "I desire to commend the work which have joined in the management of this campaign. Co operation between two distinct political organizations is always difficult, but it has been less eo this year than usual. importance has reduced friction to a personal gratitude to the individual officers of the national committee of ver parties for their efficient, untiring laid the foundation for future success neers when victory is at last secured. "No personal or political friend My ambition has been to secure immediate legislation rather than enjoy the honors of offioa. Therefore, defeat brings to me no feeling of per sonal loss. Speaking for the wife who has shared mv labors as well as myself, I desire to say that we have have done. "In love of millions of our fellow knowledge gained by personal contact with the people and ia broadened sympathies, we find full compensation for whatever efforts we have put forth. Our hearts have been touched our lives shall prove our appreciation the richest reward which this campaign has brought. "In the faca of an enemy rejoicing in its victory, let the roll be Cilled for tho engagement and urge their allegiance to the causa. If we shall yet triumph, until convinced bimetallism continue the work. Let ization, hold regular meetings and hare succeeded in this campaign and Instead of talking about 'sound money' and 'an honest dollar they must elaborate and defend a financial system. Every step taken by them should be publicly considered by these silver clubs. Our cause has prospered most where the money cussed among the people During all oyer this nation, even more than it has been studied; "The year 1900 is not far away. Before that year arrives interna tlonal bimetallism will cease to deceive; before that year arrives those who have called themselves gold standard Democrats will become bimetallista and be with ua or they open enemies; before that year arrives trusts will have convinoed still more people that a trust ia a menace to privite welfare and to public safety; before that year arrives the evils of a gold standard will be even more evident ttpn they are now and demand an American financial policy join With us in the immediate reatorarion of the free and unlimited ceinsge of gold and silver, at the waiting for the aid or consent of any " the Defeated Champion overwhelmed. They believe that the year under great embarrassments in spite of all attempts on the The Republican convention held bimetallism, while Republican election of the Republican ticket. to excite a fear of lawlessness, employers; in spite of trusts and Republican campaign fund: and States, and that, too, by a very small for the present. of the three national committees Interest in a common oause of great minimum I hereby express my members, as well as the executive the Democratic, Populist and Sil and unselfish labors. They have and will be remembered as pio need grieve because of my defeat. been amply repaid for all that we citizens, so kindly expressed. In by the devotion of friends and of the affection which we prize as all friends of bimetallism to renew are right, as we believe" we are, we of his error Jet each advocate of all silver clubs retain their organ circulate literature Oar opponents must now put theories to the test. question has been longest dis the next four years it will be studied will become Republicans and thus the people will taen-ba raidy to for the American people, and will preaeut legal ratio of 16 tl. without other nation." - . "WIL J, BRYAN. STATE TOPICS, Twentj-fiva negro magistrates were elected in Wilmington. Eighteen negro magistrates were elected in Halifax county. Otho Wilson is a candidate for the United States Senate. He ought to be in the Penitentiary. The Democratic candidate for the Legislature in Transylvania was defeated by a majority of only 27 votes. Mr. M. L, Mott, of Wilkesboro. is a candidate for the next United States district attorney for the dis trict of Western North Carolina, Fusionists captured everything in Oatawba except the Register of Deeds, J. F. Herman, Democrat, was elected to that office beating his opponent 108 votes. The Western North Carolina Con ference meets at Salisbury on the 18th. Presiding Elder Rowe, of this district, we understand, prefers to go back into the ranks. The Republicans of Alexander had a torch light parade in Taylors ville on Saturday night after the election. Congressman Linney made a vulgar speech abusing the Democrats as usual Under the leadership of Walter Henry, the fusionists of Mecklen burg county tried to throw out Pineville precinct in that county. The case was carried before Associ ate Justice Farches, but he decided against throwing it out. Sheriff Watts, of Alexander, hav ing been elected to the Legislature, resigned his office of Sheriff last week, and the County Commission ers have appointed J. Y. Williams, the Sheriff-elect, to fill out the term. Cards are out announcing the marriage of miss Mollie Suther, of Lexington, to Mr. F. W. Richard, of Lenoir. The event is to take place at the residence of Mr. Jno. Harkey, on Main street, next Tues day evening, Nov. 1 7th . We extend congratulations and wish the vouDg couple much happiness. Lexington Dispatch. The tickets in the county box at one of the precincts in Carteret county were accidently burned on the night of the election, and the judges, four Republicans aud two Democrats substituted others in their place guessing, as beat they could, at the number given the different candidates. Throwing this precinct out, the Democratic ticket in the county is elected. The Statesville Landmark saya Falls Cloer, of that county, came into Statesville a few days after the election anxiously inquiring after Sheriff elect Wycoff. It was sup posed he wanted to be made keeper of the jail, but simply asked the Sheriff to recognize him as a citizen by occasionally calling him on the i i- jury. We commend nis example to the neglected citizens of Caldwell that Harshaw pled so eloquently for during the campa ign , Hickory, Nov. 9 Charles Rowe living near he'e, suffered the death of his little 4 year-old daughter, Kansas, on Saturday evening last, at 5;n'clock, under peculiar distress ing circumstances. A young man named Yount had exchanged guns with Mr. Rowe. and was mounted on his horse in the jard, having the loaded shot gun in his hand. Ine horse being somewhat unruly, he let the gun fall, causing it to fire, the shot taking effect in the grioa and side of littb Kansas, who wss playing in the yard and was run ning to keep out of the way ot tne prancing horse. She lived 24 hours and her burial took plaoa here yes terday, A WIFK KQUA.L TO A GOLD MINE, wm .oma of vonr readers nWe me a good recipe for making a odd starch? I am selling ae!f-heat-h.anuul iron a little at every house and hare to use some starch every place and want to know how to make a good cold warcn. band was to debt and I being anxious to help him thought I would seU self heating flatirons and I am doing splendidly. A cent's worth of fuel will heat the Iron for 8 hours, so you haye a perfectly even heat. You can iron In tail tns mo anu u f aordhinff the clothes, as with -the old iron, and yoa can get tne most beautiful gloss, j aett at nearly eyery house, as tns iron saves much fuel everybody wants one. I make $1.60 on each Iron and hare not sold less thn ten any day X worked. Hy brother is doing well and I think anybody on make lots of money anywhere selling troM. F. OASXYk CO . St. Louis, Mo., will tart anyone In the business, as they did me. d you wiU address them. Mas. A. Bo-saix. The cheapest feed now ia at the Roller Mill. Chops 50c par hun dred. . Ai good as pure bran at twice the price. Roller MiIIf. : Liacala toil GaTiuor Tm There are numerous anecdotes connected with Lincoln which seem to have caught something of grace from that connection and which can well be reproduced in this place. One concerns his meeting with Governor Tod, of Ohio. Mr. Lin coln said to him at one time: "I nevor could understand how you came to spell your name with only one d. Now I nfarried a Todd and she spells her name with two d's, and I believe she knows how to spell. What is your authority for using only one?" "Well," drawled .Governor Tod, "my authority fox it is part the fact that God spslls His name with only one d, and it seems I should be sat isfied if He is." Lincoln often told this story and it amused him immensely. Some men have declared the whole incident was a matter of his own creation and that the talented Ohio an had never made the excellent reply accredited to him. Whether or not that is the case, the fact re- mains that the conception always seemed vastly entertaining to Lin coln. Chicago Times Herald. $100 Reward The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science baa been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is the only pos itive cure known to medical frater nity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any esse that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY A Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Mr. C. E. Hawthorne, while cut west, took a trip into Indian Territory. He said that was the only place free from politlcial goa sip. If the election had been two or three months off it would have been a great pleasure to travel over the Territory. Mr. Hawthorne says wherever railroads have been built, few Indians are found. They will not stay in the bounds of civiliza tion Mooresville. Record. B&cklsn's Arnica Salii. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required . It is guaran teed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c. per box. For hv W. W. Scott. It is sometimes objeced to Mason ry that many of its members are un worthy men, which is doubtless true. We make no apology for unworthy men in Masonry, or in the Church, or anyvhere else. It is too true that unworthy per sons are found in all good organiza tions, but it is one of the worst forma of wickedness to seek the nme and protection of that which i ood. Masonry owes all its oeau eifal aai sublima lessons to Chris tianity exceeds it as the sunshine exceeds the moonlight there is no conflict between them. The Chris tian man will be a better Mason be causa of his spiritual light, and the sincere Mason will soon see his need of the spiritual life to satisfy his gpnl. Rev. Smith Baker, East Boston, Mass. EXPECTANT We Offer You REMEDY Whfcn ' INSURES Safety of Life to Mother 1 MOTHERS, and Child. Situ i ncno FRIEND" Robs Confinemont of its Pain, Horror and Risk. v lr ,,01 m nTHV. RS' FKIITN'D L- .., i,;.th nf hoi first child, she did nOt suffer fromt'KA.ul'Sor PAIN-was quickly relieved at tne critical nour auucniig uu little sue liatl no paiua aiterwara uu ukw 'recovery was rapid. v. it.. 11 rt V.YnraRs- on receitt Of f rier, i.i per ixkuc. jow w - .r" mullet! Free. ' EUADFIELD KEGULATOB CO.. Atlanta, Ca. SOLD BY AIL DRUGGISTS. Tutt's Pilis Cure All Liver ills. AStronjr Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pflls, en absolute-cure for sick hejadache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaunjdice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. "The Fly-Wheel of Life" Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had a new ease of life. J.Fairleigh, PlatteCannon, Col. Tutt's Livjer Pills HCAEJIE. op- O. W. P. HARPER, (President. G. L. BERNHARDT, Vice-Pres't, J. H. BEALL, Cashier We Are 1 r ' Ready i To accommodate the travel ing public both day and night When you want to "git there" iust ask for one of our fast horses, i Livery, Feed anil Sale Stable 1 Buggies, Wagons land Harness. 1 j We will enlarge our business so as to meet all demands. Just tell ns what you want and we will cheer fully serve you at 1 Beason- alDle Rates. A. S. ABERNETHY.& SON, Lenoir, N. C. m mm A HORSE ! A HORSE i Livery, Feed and Sale Stable i' Buggies and "Wagonr. I A big: lot of Harness, f Saddles, Bridles, Collars, and Everything in Har- ness Line. DON'T FAIL TO BUY NOW ! ilE'i, CRMO COMPANY LENOIR, N. 0. Ail;. : "mmi