JL'IHI 1-5 Lid ; 3, Gentlemen and friends : l'l s8 8 How me to express my heart f t thanks for your liberal patron .v:t as I an the originator of the Grand Old BACKET, which I, and I know the most of joo, are proud of to-day, because it 8 the place of honest dealing, and composed, I think, of honest men. Hoping to haY6 a contmasd pat ronage from our many friend, I am most truiy, T. E RACKET WEIGHT. To my many friends; I have been connected for 3 years with the Old New York Racket. In a7o foa nd them men of their word. I have placed so much con fidence in them that on last March I become one of the firm. Thank ing my many friends for their past patronage as a clerk and double pat. ronage since being united with the firm. All we ask is gire us a trial W. J. EAMSEUE Your Ear, Please ! IwUh to say to my friends of Cald well -nd adjoining counties that.my connexion with the New York Back et daring the year now coming to a clo36 hits fully confirmed my faith in a cash system. Our success is conclusive evidence that our people fully appreciate the advantages a cash store can give to its customers and our efforts to please have been crowned 'with success beyond or most sanguine expectation. We pledge our best efforts to merit an enlarged continuence of public favor for the coming year, which we hope to receivf, to the mutual benefit of i nreelves and the people. Respectfully, GEO. W. COCHRANE Being now engaged at the New York Racket, I will be pleased to have my friends and acquaintances to continue to allow me to deal out to them a hundred cents worth of goods for every dollar they pay me, and to those who have not given me trial, I want to. say. that it will take me only a short time to con vince them that it will be decidedly to their advantage to trade at the Backet forever in the future Gome and see. I shall always give you faithful attention and be glad to help you secure the bargains that I know cannot fail to satisfy, '.. Yours to please, G. P. JONES. I want my lady friends to remem ber that I am still at the New ork Ricket store and as anxious to please then as ever. Trade with me; it will make me Smile and giye you bargains. Men, you will always find aie ready to do you (Wright.) Boys, eld pards, come on, you know 39 As ever yours, GEO. WRIGHT. Allow me to gay to the numerous patrons of the New York Backet that if there is anything I can do ice them in the way of selling good goods Cheap, I will be pleased to do so. We can save you money and ycu know it, who bare tried us. We haye bargains for you. Gome and get them. Remember the store that buy and cells for spot cash always leads in prices. Yoflrs to please,' GEO. F. COCHRANE, AMDD We want to say right here, you kmw as well as we know that we We never been undersold in this place; and we know that we will not bi We will have now in a few diya all Kinds of Xmas Tricks, Nuta, Canditg, Baisini, and thous ands of everything ; all kinds of Tojs Everything bought right, and we are going to sell them right. buy your Toys and XHAS THICKS " until you see ouri. For we will have what you want. Come to see us " .' ' .-;:;;.v"v'.."7,Y '. Your old standby, THE HEW YORK RACKET. li tstwftt ttlL State vine Landmark. It gi3 out thai there will be to inaugural ceremonies and no ball (as has been the custom when Got eruora are inaugurated) on the oc casion of Got Rueaell'a inaugura tion next mot.th.: The Charlotte Observer i egrets that there it to be co bail It thinks there should be one ard that all of Judge Russell's supporters nd their wives and daughters should b invited to" at tead it. We think this is fair and just but it seems that right here is where the trouble lies A Repub lican tells the Raleigh News and Observer that Judge Russell and his friends are taking much unde served credit to themselves over the fact that by having no inaugural ceremonies and no ball the tax payers will be put to no cost on account of the inauguration, TJiis Republican, however, says they de serve no credit for their pretended patriotism; that they are anxious to have a display of pomp and ceremo ny but will not bacauss they know he colored people will insist on being prominent in the affair. To get clear of the colored people, therefore, they hare reluctantly pat aside the pomp and ceremony. This is very unkind to the colored people, by whose votes Bussell was elected, but it is the usual treatment accorded them by their white al lies. Speaking of inaugural balls, the Raleigh people say that the balls at Governor's inaugurations heretofore have never cost the people of the State a cent; that citizens of Raleigh have always paid for them. It is a pity the Raleigh psople couldn't have mentioned this fact earlier. The Democratic Legislature of 1893 appropriated 500 for the expenses incident to Gov. Carr's inaugura tion Notwithstanding some Re publicans and Populists voted for this appropriation, in the cam-aign of 1894 fusionist speakers and news papers charged that the Democrats had spent $500 of the people'a mon ey for a ball, and the Landmark had a controversy with a couple ef Fopnlist newspapers over' this very matter Of course everybody knew that all of the $500 had not been spent f er the ball, but we could not prove that the expemes of the ball had cot been paid out of it, and thus the charge that $500 bad been spent vf or a ball had sense effect. All that time we never heard a wprd from the Raleigh people about their paying for the ball. However, the Landmaik jrill agree right now not to print a word of criticism about the expenditure if the next Legislature will appro priate $500 for the expenses of Rus sell's inauguration, provided they will have a ball and will use no dis crimination in issuing invitations to Bussell's supporters. The Georgia legislature is wrest ling with an anti-trust bill, aimed principally at large manufacturers, who are in the babit of allowing larger commissions to dealers who will handle their -products exclu-, sively, than to dealers who also handle the products of rivals. The bill provides that any corporation wh'trt violates the terms, shall be denied the right to do business in the State, and the agents of euch corporations may be imprisoned. The hone has already passed the bill, aad it is now under -cpnsidera tion in the senate. Much interest is being manifested by representa tives of the cil, sugar, tobacco, iron, enuff and similar trusts. Statb of Ohio, City op Toledo, ) Lucas County, J Fbank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senoir partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney. & Co., ddng business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid ; and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catabbh Cure. -; FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence, this 6th m rt.tv A ll 1R9R- aa ui i7iiuiwi. --' - - - - . . . I Jx TV. jrAxuiA.wvj.i,- '' Notary Public. tt ill. li..U Pnva im laaTAn inter nally and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the yitcm Send for testimonials free. $m r F?J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, Ohio. :;.-.'- d Sold by Druggiste, 75o. Hall'a Family run are sue More Christmas J 5ifte way, expected coon. Todd Bhe.i. S mu muiti rat Morfastca H-rall. Rv. J, S- Cerpenfcg having bvsa caiieu to tie pstofte t. tee Bap tist churches at Marion, Old Fort ad Bridg'ewater, Dr. M. II. Lan drdsa'a former charge, haa aeceptd and entered up ia his duties. He will reside at Marion. The marriage of Mr- Last a el Coffey and Miss Cora Riddle was solemnizad at the residence of th bridea nacle, r, P. J. Sisa stent, in Morganton yesterday eTenicg at 1 :80 o'clock, , Rev Xelley If euck perforaaiBg the ceraoaoay. The happy pair left immediately for the groom'i home at HedsoB, paid well county. Both the bride and greooi have ben employed at the State Hospital for soma time. The bride's parents liye in Yancey county. We are glad to announce that Mr. A. O, Avery, jr., Who was se riously cut two weeks ago, is se far recovered that yesterday he was able to be removed from Dr. Lax ton's, where he has been cenfiaed since he was wounded, to his hoes. Mr. Avery has displayed wonderful nerve during his confinement. This, together with a strong consti tution, haa been greatly in his favor, and without which it ia not be lieved he could have gotten along so well. Rev. J. W. Jones, the presiding elder of the Morganton district, filled the pulpit of the Methodist, church in Morganton last Sunday morning and evening and there 'was a large attendance at both ser mons. Mr. Jones is an able preach er and all who heard him Sunday were well pleased. He is no stran ger, however, to many of our psopla, having attended Hutherfora Col lege for several years and having preached in this county on several occasions afterwards. Capt. S. D. Dunavant ratorned Tue3 lay night from West Virginia, where a contract was awarded him by the Chesapeake and Oaio Rail road Company to build a branch road of five miles in length leading out from Deep Water, West Va. Thia new road ia to be built for the purpese of gaining access to coal mines in that vicinity. Capt. Dunavant'a pontract will amount te about $75,000, and he will com mence the work the first of Janua ry. He will employ sevarel orer seers and probably other help from Burke. TJncie John Ervin and his wife, Mandy, colored, who run a restan : rant in the Pearaon building on Sterling street, ate some "hogheed cheese" yesterdey and immediately afterwards took violently siok. Dr Anderson was called in and gave them all the attantion possible. Ha prouonnced their condition serious. A hack waa sent for and Uncle John and Aunt Mandy ware taken to their home, , where they are still Terysicky It is believed that Uncle John and his wife were peisoned from eatin'a the "hog head cheese" and that the poison came from the ves sel in which the cheese was -made. The residence of Mr. A. C. Gun ter at Rutherford College, tan miles east of Morganton, waa de stroyed by fire about five o'clock Monday morning. Mr- Gunter's business at Asheville requires a great deal of hts tima there and h6 'vaa in Asheville at the time of the fire Miss Ola Gnntr and her little auter, daughters of Mr. A. C Gun ter, were the only occupants of the house Sunday, night,' and we learn they say that they had had no fire in the kpnsa in twenty-four hoars It is belityed that the fire waa of incendiary origin . We did not learn how much of the contents, waa saved, if any, car whather thera was any insurance on the fccuse or hot. , ' . Old Pupil. Old people who re quire medicine to regulate the bowels " and kidneys 'will find the true reaaeiy in Elec tric B ttars. Tnii medicine does not stimulate and contains no whis key nor other intoxicant, but aota as a touio aei alterative. It acta mildly ot the sto caeca and bowels, adding atrugta.aa44 giving tone te the brgsna.thTeyi aeing Nature ia the performance mi the functieas. Electrio Bitters ia an excellent ap petiztr an! eids dueation. Old People find it jut axactiy what Itey need.. Price fifty ceacs ;aad $l 00 per bottle at Told A Saall's Drug BWrei UpNOIR, N. C TTJBSDAT DEOEIilBEIi S9. 1806. ifiltlisil fisoslssltitrs. aUtearliULudau-k. Qaitt . cu W of couttie !n the State are taking advaaiage of the provision, of s t ne county geTernntent lav, which allewe the defeated party ia va eounty ipre aaatatiea on the -board ofcemmia aienera upon a preper ptition being piteemted, to ike jreeident and pre siding judge er the Superior Court. The Lead mark, hae at right to ad vise and doeane attempt to advise the Demecreta ff other .ceuntiee as to tha'r aotien ia ti pristiaas, but we think it would be better te go alow abeat it. Tht la was ade by the fuaioniats, but where they have elected tha ceasausiensrs . we think they shenld, in meat caseabe allowed to assume the full responsi bility and be held to account accor dingly Of course where it is known or believed that the cemseissiencra elected are inpmpataa jlr.cerrupU it may be necessary, for self-protect tion, to take advUjra of the lew. Bnt if Daasocrata allow partisan feeling or other raiont io influence them to aek for additional commia aionera the act will almost certainly redound to their political disadvan tage hereafter, and it will also incite their political enaraies to 'retaliate in counties wheia tfca Damocrate haye elected the commissioners, thus engendering bad feeling and making unnecessary txpenses for the tax payer. , The Landmark not only believes in fair play, but believes it would be. -good politics in the counties where the fusionists have elected the commissioners to let; them have full swing ualsss the. interests pf the coauty are casiiered in too great danger. This is car feeling about the matter an4 ".? should so, express it if Iredali b.. elected a fuaicu iQtad ef a Dsmocratio beard. The aulun cf To it; sj saia to b conaidrbly miffed at whatPrtS ident Cl4V!aod had ia sav in his message ia regard ten iae treatment of the Armenians. lUitapha Bay, the Turkish asinistar at Washing toa, haa called npon 8ecretaryi Oj miy ahent the matter. The com plaint ef the Turk is that the pres ident has referred te only one side of the matter. Hevid ss net deoj that the Armenians are receiving .pretty harsh treatment: but he claim! that they have themselves alone to blame, and he wants the president to explain . the matter to the American peeple. It is not customary, however, for the presi dent to held hinuelf raipoisible to any foreign govsranant for any thing he might say to eeng resa. iiitlir Sililii Im ti lis crtfi. i At Rocky Valley, is adjoins ceunty, there waa euriid last week a prominent man who eaight be yet an ornament te sociaty, had he not neglected the advice ef bis friends, to such an extent, that ke can be said to have died by bi ewn wish.' Mr. Jones had at fit a slight cold,' neglected, it became serious. Hie friend a adviaed the geat Cough. Remedy, Sympkvx He refused every sepaal by his f iinda. As a natural mult he giev rse and; died. Ye that are. suffering with ceughs and colds beware that you! do not lay yourself liable to the same ' charge and fill a premature , grave, but take Symphyx at once and live. Columbia State. The final tabu lation of the popular vote by the United-Associate Presses more than confirms the estimates we havofrora time to tima published, The vote OASt lacked puly 75.000 of reaching the 14,000,000 mark, the increase Ofer the last proceeding election be iig 1,813,000, an enersacua gir-. McKtnley'e plurality, t stead of being 1,500,000, aa the goldites long churned, waa 600,000. Bryan received ,508.000 l vott. agaicat 4,554,000 for ClavelanJ in 1892, an increase of 954,000. - Paleser and Buckner were given only 132.000, or one-fiftieth as many as Bryap, and less than one per cent fif th total Tote, pripartioas we hal ch pleasure . of predicting . before the election. McKialey's saajtrity ever all is less than 309,000. " Executor's Notice. Th madeljrne karlnr aallSd a axata tor mt tha aatata efBlaaar Deal. deaad. beret77 8ivtaitotUateaUpa'tiao!Dr aald aetata to coma forward and maka aef ltnnt. and all partle holdloc claim rtlat al t astata ara raialrad to praatat th-a w lib la twtlra taontka or taiaaUc wi 1 b - pladef In narot their raajrarj. Thl Decita. UH. i.T, BLAta, Xxeamtor. ! "tit t Clsck lit. They laughed r.ght merrily at bira : "And eo," said they, sh prom ised to be your wife if' Bryan was elected?"' The rws of the bet h-.d jastcome tothem. "It is true," he replied. "Poor fool V thej continued. "She was jaet bating fun with you." 'Perhaps," he answered; but yon 'haven't noticed me weeping any very bitter tears, have you? I'm satisfied." You didn't weather, then." "Well, I'm satined that she should win the fcet." What does she win?" they in-quired- .... Me " he answered, with consid erable satisfaction. "I waa to be her husband if McXinley won,, and she was to be my wife if Bryan proved victorious. Perhaps some of you gentlemen can five me les sons in the art of betting, but I don't believe if" And there waa a general disposi tion to agree with him. SCRIBHER'S MAGAZINE A RED LETTER YEAR 187. FOR HPHE ENTIRE NOVELTY of : many of the plans for 1897 is noticeable. For instance, the series devoted to "London as seen by Charles Dana Gibson." Mr Gibson has not be fore appeared as a writer. He vis ited London lest summer for Sc&ib neb's Magazine, ;for the purpose of depicting with pen and pencil those scents and types which the hufe metropolis presents in end less variety. Of like novelty is the first con siderable Novel by Richard Hardin? Davis, "Soldiers of Fortune." Tbe hero is one of the most vigorous men that Mr. Davis has drawn. Illustrated by a D. Gibson. "The Conduct of Great Business es. " A beautifully illustrated se ries of articles of which the fol lowing are already completed ; "The Great Department Store "The Management of a Great Hotel." . "The Working of the Bank." "A Great Manufactory. "Undergraduate Life in Ameri can Collages." A series of ar tides touching upon the life of our older universities as represented by the doings of the students themselves. Judge Henry E. Howland writes on "Undergraduate Life at Yale." Mr. James Alexander on "Prince ton," and Robert Grant and Ed ward S. Martin on "Harvard." "Japan and China since the War" will be a most interesting group of articles richly illustrated. "The Unquiet Sex." Under the title of "The Unquiet Sex," Mrs., Helen Watterson Moody will write a series of articles: "Woman and Reforms " "The College Bred Wom- an,'f "Woman's Clubs," and "The' Case of Maria" (a paper on domes tic service. )" W. D. Howells's "Story of a Play." In tMs Mr. Hoaells gives us the best novel he has ever pro dnced in his delightful vein of light c medy. Hor to Travel Wisely with a minioann of w ar and tear must be regarded, a n art little understood Mr.; Levi Morris Iddings, ia two articles, will effar a variety of use ful suggestion 8 and data on "Ocean and land travel " . This will be hap pi!y rounded out by an article from Mr. Richard Harding Davis on Travellers One Meeta; Their Ways and Methods." The illustrations by American and foreign artists will be highly pertinent. It is impossible in a small space to even mention the many attractive features ibr 1897. A beautiful illustrated booklet has been prepared, which will be sent, postage paid, on request Scribnee's Magazine $3.00 s jr., J - ' 25 cts. a copy. . '. CHARLES SORIBNER'S SONS, 153-157 Fifth Avenue. N. Y. TjH lJTh nut all" ItsI MlAS. Uou&n byrup. Tames la time. (Sold by ore 1331 i i Z ea ,i.lsa 1 "r.'ia. J w m . ww w Absolutely Pure. odebrmted for ita gnat leaTenlng remgth aad healtaolaM. Amm tha food agaisat almm and aU forma of adulteration oommoa to tho cheap brand. BOYAL BAKISO PQWDEB oO. XxwToSK. The battleship Texas haa come in for a great deal of discustan in na val and shipbuilding circles lately. Most of the naval officers, and most of the shipbuilders, have expressed opinion that the big ship ia com paratively worthless. There his been a strong suspicion, however, that the principal objection to the Texas lay in the fact that she waa built in a southern ship-yard. Pre vious to the building of the Texas, all the naval vessels had been con stucted in northern ship-yards. The Texas'was built at Norfolk, Va. But now it would seem that the controversy should come to an end. Secretary Herbert, of the navy, has announced the result of a carefnl official .investigation, and clainT that the Texas is all right aa goot', in every respect, as any other ship ever built in America. A DANDY THING) TO SELL. I have been doing so well thia summer sel ling combination dippers that I think it ia mj duty to tell others about it. I have not made aa much money as some I read about, but I never make less than S3, and often as a day; the dipper can be used as a fruit Jar filler; a plain dipper; a fine strainer; a funnel; a strainer funnel, a sick room warming; pan. and a pint measure, These eiht different uses makes the dipper such, a necessary article that it sells at nearly every house, aa it is so cheap. You can get a samp e ty sending, as I did, 18 two cent stamps to pay postage, etc., to W H. Balrd 4 Co., Station A. fittsburg, Pa and they will mall you a dip per, and you can go right to work- Any one can make S3 or a a day anywhere. A Reader. A cablegram from Caracas indi cates quite a serious state of affairs throughout Venezuela. Although President Crespo is inclined to ac , cept the terms4 of the treaty recently negotiated between the United States and Great Britian, the pee ple are not disposed to be so sub missive. There is talk of revolution This talk has become so serious in fact, that the president has fonnd it necessary to issue a decree order ing all private citizens owning arnu and ammunition to deposit them with the ministry of the interior. The time set for the expiration o the decree is set on the day that cengiesa conyenes. At present there seems to be every reason to believe that there is going to be some trouble. ACHAKCX TO MAKX MOXXY, I read how one of your rabecribera mad matey aelllng Diabwaahera; I ordered one; and my lady friends were charmed, aa they hat dlah washing My brother and I commenced selling them, aad, have made (1.700 after paying all expanses. M a dont canvass any. Oar safes ara all made at born; People oome or send for them, The Mound Cltr Dlah Washer is the beat Dlah waaher on tbe mart at Cor basiness is increasing, and we ara going to; keep iiht on, until we make ten thousand dollars I We sell from 5 to 15 machines every day, and soma days more. The Dishwasher la lovely, every; housekeeper wants one. There U no excuse to be; po r when so mock money can be -made aallug, DUh Washers. Tor FnU particulars, address the Mound City Dish Waaher eo., Bt. Lonla,. Mo. They will start you on the road, to saceesa. A aeadsr. attuliji Siw Mill alfij nd ' Tlabif Und QwBirsI Any one having stum page, or timber land for sale will do well to call at the office of the Wilson Lum ber and Milling Co. WHAT A WOMAN CAN DO. last week I cleared, after paying aU my expenses, $355 85, the month previous I JO and have at the same time attended to oter duties. IbeUeve any energetic person i n do equally as welL as I have had very Uttli experience. The Disk Washer is Just love'y and every family van's one, which makes selling very easy. I do no canvassing. Peo ple hear about the Dish Washer and eome cr send for one It is strange that a good, cheap Dish Waaher haaaever before been put on the market. The Mound City Dish Washer fills this bill, with- It you can wash ana dry the dishes for a family of ten in two minutes Without wetting your hands. As soon as peopla seethe washer work they want one. You can make more money and make it oulcker than with any house hold article on the market. I feel convinced that any lady or gentleman can make from til to SMper day around home. You can get f uU particu lars by addressing Th Monro Cirr Digs Wabhzk Co., 8. Louis, Mo. They hlp you J ret started, then you ean make money awfil aat. A. L.C. Tki fcf ink Jpisa Frii tiljL I read from the Christian Standard tha Miss A. M' Fritz. Station A St. Loafs, Mo. would give an elegant plated book spoon to anyone aending her ten S-eent stamps. I sent for one and found it as useful that 1 showed it to my friends, and made ii&ftQ In two hours taking orders for the spoon. The hook spoon Is a household necessity. It cannot s ip Into the dish or cooking vessel, bring held in the place by a hook ou the bark The spoon la something that housekeepers have edl 'ever since spoons wre first invented, taj one can get a samples spoon bv aending tea-cent stamps to Miss Fritz. This la a splen did way to make money aU around, Yerytruly, annetteB. NXTME2R 13 Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by thej occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS URESES. OF- JQ. W. F. HARPER, President. G. L. BERNHARDT, Vice-Prea't. J. H. BEALL, Cashier ilooom-! We Are Ready To accommodate the tratel ing public both day and night When yon want to 4 'git there" just ask for one of our fast horses. Lirery, Feed and Sale Stable Buggies, Wagons and) Harnisi. We will, enlarge our business -so as to meet all demands. Just tell us what you want and we will cheer fully senre yon at Beason- - 1 apier Bates. A. 8. ABBRNBTHY.& SON, Lenoir. N. 0. A HORSE I A HORSE Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Buggies and WagontT) A bis: lot of Harness. ' ' . . . - Saddles, Bridles, Collars, and Everything In Har- ness Une. DONT FAIL TO BUY NOW 1 lenoib, N..a;

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