sr it VOLUME XXII. LENOIR, N. C, TUESDAY, MAP" CJT i II n n Ml I If ?i 3fi. '68 N euoqdaox -eneq eq III II18 2tdoH 2aiq?AaB joj 30q ppq oq a.noQ "9Aq J9A9 noi WW jsdseqo SuiAuq jo xutioddo qi oiq noX enq eraoo op A pui Xpoqius 2ai!98jepun ui oabtt -oq bm, nq 'eaoiid ioiqx mo,. pio si ?qM ui eAsneq ,uop e Suiqi -Ant 9JJ UOp 05'li J J ItOHQrj m iq3noq aea Aq nol mt OO'Tt joj ipoo8 Bjora nol q ,uP e ji pa 'ae pn rto A9iieq i,uop oq ogoqx -uieqi esjsni oi jsoo ji nq; B9i taoud !j 3jooB m eAsq 8aiqXj9i9 lies oj uetu pu nooo jjeq &om dn ogi tnoij meqii uq PV no os airv "Sfi'e 86"8 .i S6T i 00"8 i sr ., ose i) SC'I OO'Z t 0fi6 . OS' I ft . 3i ii fiS'I OO'Tl ii fS'I tf ti S8 i. EZ'I , .. joj.suiiojbo mioji n niqs S9H aqx 'lat jsd og foj s'tnoJj spooS sjoBd no?oo 'o ?e aanBmBnr Jo 6ptiI nojoo og pub f Jtfanaaqg fi joj saSBoBi! 9 jo 'on 9Bo:) s.araW ' 0S1Y '8&SnI& 3HV 3S3HX isjnSg si qi jad ooc o oi tnoJj oagoo uaaao pnainw ns si 'Bawnou nil- mam raojj jssq 01 ubm -eaoijd aiaqj arawn aqi j.nop if ijm 'fa9 gnoXn nBiiJ jadBoqo ijma os Sanies eq esijaApB oqA asoqx J83joti8 eq eq him uvm Sat 3jom pjsq on edoq sa 3nq 'sierao -8iid jno Xjuo qoa swoons eq oq HIM 8i3iao38nD ino jo onon edoq om pns 'siaiions qoeo 03 3110 tutoiq? biib 'atnes eqj 'qSnoiq Xm eqj ijb 'em Bsoiid jbq 3fooq qtM noA qoaco o? qoedxe noqa pus eiitjq 5110 Aioiqa 30a op im jo eq oqM Monjf 83ii Pino eA '8n ijeaiepuu ubo ineqo -wm Ins j 'BaipiBQ qiJoj 0183 -sa ui ssnoq a"ub ncna qsso peaiea pq jtioA joj 8poo2 eiota Suiips mq 'BHBjd diqBpuauj jo diqipm no 899aiBnq Saiop "jou ei ejj ; 1 Sniop on oaB ieiix JI0U9 UI 81 ifpoqXue m.o9( bo An-X;aAii EssiijaApBoqii'on BJ8nt9I sioop jeq uiqiM aq oaii 8jatDO!9no jgq 9i 0 B?GBM agOBg J0X A4BJ qx . 90TIO Tha Keating at Miriah's Spsl. A vry gGCceegfnl raeeting wes clo?ed at lfaih'a Chapel, near El. .eke tov. e, Feb 28, condncted by Mr. Jam;8 R. Jones, of Guilford Allege N. C , aesistfd by Mi88 Ellen Woody. The field waa ready fcr harvest and, ss, onr brother to fajthfully held np Christ as the Savior of sinners, the Holy Ghost as the ear.ctifier of believers and the leader of his people, Christians bc-gan to seek for power, Backsliders eoon began to come home, and sin ners. to cry for pardon. The Lord has been very good nnto ns and in our weakness, and time of need be did not forsake us, but came to oar help and we had a great oat pouring cf the Holy Spirit made manifest in our hearts. The meetings wero all well attended, &nd the Lord was present in great blessing. We owe much charity to the dear Sister who helped in these meetings, and while many accepted her most anxious and ear nst invitations to come to Christ, we believe those who did not, have had a lasting impression made upon their hearts, by and through her earnest prayers for them. Surely the seed this dear brother and sister have sown since they have been with us dd not fall by the wayside but fell into good ground and will bring forth fruit to the glory and honor ot God. We are truly gratafnl to our Father in heaven that He ever sent His servants among us, and do most earnestly pray that the work of his hands may be established, not only here in our midst, but in every place whithersoever the Lord our God shall lead them. They ge from here to other fields of lobor leaving many hearts and homes here made glad by their labor in the name of the Lord. J. M. H. Blackstone N. C Entertainment at Hibritin Academy. When it is announced' that an en tertainment is to take place at Hi briten, under the management of Prof. Phillips, all know what to ex pect. So on the evening of the 5th, notwithstanding the abundance of the rain and mud, by dusk the house was packed. There were as many ladies as could be seated, and every foot of standing room was oc cupied by others. The exercises consisted of decla mations, dialogues, songs by the choir, etc , together with the best of instrumental music. So interest ing were the exercises that but little attention waa given to the thunder storm that raged outside. The best of order prevailed, and the exercises were such as elicited much praise, both for the pupils and teacher. All performed so well that so ' special mention need be made of anyone; and we feel sure no one regreted going even if it did rain so much. This was the close of the seventh year of Prof. Phillips's work at Hi briten Academy, and the large num ber of his pupil who have gone out and are making a success in teach ing, is sufficient evidence of the good work he has accomplished. Should the community around Hi briten be so careless of their own in terest as to let the school at this place languish, they will make a great mistake. Jeff. I i0f FOUND A pair of spectacles on West Main St. on Monday. The owner can get same by calling at Pulliam Bros.' store. G!iipp;r.s Frcm Branils. Rain ind mud in abundance row. Miss NViia Hartley is qiit- i!l with pufeutnonia. Mis John8ie Moore has returned from Chester, Mrs. Smith, of Chester, i-j visa ing her father, Mr. P. G. Moore. Mr. Jvey, tha Superintendent of the Cotton Mill, has resigned, and accepted a similar position Bpsee mer City. We are sorry to Iobc friend George. Miss Nora Rodgers. who assisted in the public school here, has re turned to her home at Enochville. Mr. Ivey Lanier, who is weli known m the Topic office, is in school at the Academy. The Eporth League elected the following officers at the last meet ing ; A. C. Sherrill, Prefident: J. A, Houck, 1st Vice Pre ; Mrs. J A. Houck, 2nd Vice Pes.; Mrs. S. M. Carter, 3d. Vice .Pres.; Miss Johnsie Moore, Sec ; and Miss Lule Russell, Treas. Rev. Mr. Pullman, who was to have preached at the Baptist church on tfee 4th Sunday in last month, was unable to get here, so the con gregation was disappointed. Mr. Seott. the photographer, war called home last week by the illness of his little boy. He expects to re turn in the future to do more work here Kebr Gill Granite Falls, 3-6ch, '97. Library Notes. Some time ago, thousands of letters were tent out to the public libraries all over Eagland requesting a list of the best books in the vari ous departments of fiction. The result, according to the general vote, is this list: The best historical novel, "Ivan hoe;" the best dramatic novel, ' The Count of Monte Christo"; the best domestic novel, "Tha Vicar of Wakefield"; the best sea story, "Jfidshipman Easy;" the best novel of rural life, 'Adam Bede;" the best political novel, "Lothair"; the best humorous novel, "Pickwick Papers;" the best Irish novel, "Charles OMalley"; the best Scotch novel, the Heart of Mid lothian"; the best English novel, "Vanity Fair"; the best Amer ican novel, "Scarlet Letter"; The best sensational novel, "Tha Wo man in White"; and the most pop ular novel of all, "Vanity Fair." All of these stories, except 'JidBhipman Easy" and "The Woman in White" are in the Pioneer Library. New books recieved last week: "Black Beauty;" "The Count of ifonte Cristo;" "The Path Finder;" "Dr. Jekyjl and Mr. Hyde;" "Adam Bede;" Titus;" and "The Wide, Wide World." Uulberry Hens. We are sorry to learn of the sad accident of Mr Joseph Dixon whose barn was destroyed by fire on the night of the 6th inst. Also three mules and a large amount of feed. They discovered the fire in lime to rescue the cattle. The origin of the fire is thought to be incendiary, MisseB Jennie and Beesia Moore, of Globe, were visiting friends here s few days ago. Mr. Aleek Woodie, of Watauga, passed through last week on his way to the Yadkin where he was going to Dehern some cattia. Mr. Bradshaw Moore of Globe, ty if525! to VEJ arJ t3? rZIU H Absolutely Pure. celpbrated fnr its grat IeveidTg strrugtb nd bai(jfu)nesi. AHure the food against alum an : all fcvmof adulteration common t the cheap bra i do. KOY.ALi BAKING POWDER cO . VivTobi and Miss Alley Put, of Mulber -went to Trade, Tenn., whure to were joined in the bonds o'wedlo.:. Were accowpa dd b Mr. Da; ,foore and M'.si Jern'e Brown They returned Wednesday. T'h rifr rxtords his Cf t Rratolatirv to tin happy ' uple. Mr Henry Miller of Watauga, passed through on his way hom with u drove of young cattle, f Mr Julius Dula and Finley Sher ril, of Lenoir, passed through or th?r wy o Mitchell. Mr Newton Moore went up to Marion to attend court week before last. He was a witness in a land euit. ifr Joesepa Blackbnrn, of oui vicinity, got run over with a wagon but was not seriously injured. Mr Jfonroe Green is building an addition to his dwelling. Walter. " Risden Jarch 12th 1897. From Taylorsviile. Owing to the recent heavy rains, preparatory work on farms has been retarded, Serious damage has been done to lands, bridges have been washed away, and the publio roads, in a great many places, are almost impassible. Mrs Cortland, of High Point, president of the State W. 0. T. U will lecture, in the Methodist church next Tuesday night, the 16th inst. Miss Marguret Richardson, of Lislesville, N. C , is here teaching a class in music. Miss Richardson spent the fall and winter at the New England Conservatory of Mu sic, Boston, and is well prepared to teach, both, vocal and instrumental music. She has many friends in the city, having had charge of the department of music in Taylors viile Collegiate Institute a few years since. Misies Lola Morrison and Duetto Moore, of Iredell county visited friends and relatives in the city this week. Congressman Linney, came home Monday night, and left Wednesday morning, to go back to Washington. Quite a short stay for the "Judge," when so many of his constitueats, were wanting to see him. It is rumored that the distin guished young attorney, Mr. J. H. Burke, will go to Mooresville to p&rctice law Mr. U. L. Alspaugh, has moved his stock of goods to his factory about six miles south of Taylorsyille. Representative Watts came home Wednesday morning, coming from Statcsvilie by private conveyance. Mesars R. L. Isbell, J. G. Dula, and William Blair, all of Caldwell county, are attending school here. Rev. J. J. Beach filled the ap- o' ;' t9p-.i3t church r Rv. J. H. Pr -a- or ' !- t r.i'eht. tor 8.x- t , t-o Topic, and its . 'v A. C. P. Mirch 12 J 897. TrircoYluioM BioteS Column Merchant, Lenoir, N. C. The trad Sullied -with W. 8. FORBES Co'8. MEATS AND LARD and J. 8. MOORE & 80N'S OftOOERIES. Offli;o at Ca.dwell Mercantile Store on East side North Main Street. A Great Bargaia I1M For the next 30 days. Where? At C. M. SIGMON's, North Main Street, five minutes walk from Court Home. -'or 'hd :.?.xl io Jays I will mak Photographs at leas tha half price. I have just fin ished Remodeling- my Gallery and Waiting and Dressing Rooms with all the accommodations per taining to a TIRST-CLASS GALLERY, . Bring your father, mother children and best friends before It Is too late, for life ia un certain. Kor thoae who are Eighty years "-Id .r mo-" I will make Photos Absolutely Fit&E. ?1! i i jjativp.1 preserved, impli cates can te had at reduced rates. THANKING the people of Lenoir and aur. rounding country for their patronage in the past, 1 respectfully solicit the same In the future If Photos fade you know where to find G. M. SIGMON PHONE No 33. We Are Ready To accommodate the travel ing public both day and night When you "want to "git there" just ask for one of our fast horses. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Buggies, Wagons and Harness. We will enlarge our business se as to meat all demands. Just tell us what you want and we will cheer fully serva you at Reason- a"ble- Rates. Telephone Call No. 12. A, S. ABERNETHY & SON, Lenoir, N. 0, A HORSE ! A HORSE I Liyervi Feed and Sale Stabla Buggies and Wagons. A big- lot of Harneis, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, and Everything: in Har ness Line. DON'T FAIL TO BUY NOW! Telephone No. 1. . CRAIG il GOMPANI LENOIR, N. O.

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