II ... - J. - VOLUME XXII. LENOIR, N. O.. TUESDAT, JUNE 22, 1807. NUMBER 38. M- MIS I SPECIAL dirt-Week PRICES Be Sure to Call. W e have made special low cut j i ices for court week only, us we can not afford to keep ji -up long. So don't fail to . all while court is in session i ;r you can then buy more for 1 .00 tha you can for $1 50 after court. We Have a Big Stock uLi plenty to select from and we will make it to your inter est to buy all you will jieed this season. It is our busi mss to sell and we will make ' our business to buy. to see us and if you find . i ll we are not doing what say don't buy a thing. : ) thing you buy from us ill a don't suit 'bring it back a Lil get your meney. We Guarantee l e thing we gell to be worth w ii it you pay or your money wll be refunded. Come ev trbody and see U8, J ours Very Truly, The New York Racket. 5 M 9 G & Pi p I M868 Ihe Apples, peaches and Berrieg are tanging thick on the trees and bntra They will be very sweet and Plr before long. 0et your pins ieadj The Lighting are the best and Mason's the cheapest at the Charter Oak 1 Tftitfe It J I I. gd" P GOVFHJiOB BOB. Bakes ens of His CbiraeUristic Speeches oo TaccesseB Day Following is Gov. Taylor's speech oa Tennesseo l ay at the Centennial: 'Thin is the natal day of Tennes see This day 100 years fgo the sixteenth child of the Union wae bora No flag ever floated r.ver a fairer land. History decs not record the deeds of brayer men, and poets have never anng of women more beautiful Whtn I am in the North I sigh for the warmer sunshine and sweeter flowers o Tennessee. When I am in the far South I sigh to rest again in the cool shades of my native Tennessee mountains, where the balmy traczes blow, and whero bright streams fall from lofty heights and sing oa to the rivers and the rivers sing on to the sea. "Tennessee lies in the happiest lines of latitude and longitude that girdle the globe. It lies on the dividing line between the North and South, and it combines the climate and products of both. I sometimes think that when the Lord God banished Adam and Eve from Paradise, loath to des troy its glories and its beauties, he transferred them all to Tennessee, and here amid its lucious fruits and gorgeous fbwers, I greet this happy throng and give them a hearty welcome to the birthday party of the fairest queen in all the royal sisterhood of states. "I would not wound too heart of any other state, but this is Tennessee day, and I am a Ten nessean I believe in local pat riotism which loves home better than any other spot on earth. I love Tennessee' better than any other stato in the Union, because it is my home. "But I must not forget my de lightful duty. I must not forget the pleasing proprieties of this glorious occasion. My duty is in the name of Tennessee, to welcome our guests with open arms, es pecially the ladies. The proprieties of the occasion are, that while mb pay tribute to Tennessee, we must give honor and praise and glory to the great commonwealths, whose distinguished sons and daughters have come to join us in our jubilee. Although the first moDth of our great Exp. sitiop, like the first happy hour at the banquet has paesed awy, the festivities have only begun. Qaly the first course ben 8ei ved. The vLnds and del cious herbs, and rapturcus wines and kisses and cakes and cream all come to day For Noith Carolina, cakes and cm m and ksae; for South Carolina, 'cream an! kisses and cakes, snd for all the other states represented here to day kisses and cakes and cretm and kisses and, kisses and kissas and kisses and for each and eur one, old and young, big and little lUh end poor alike, a genuine, tld fashioned Tennessee welcome. "Tne pist with all its discoveries and all its glorious a. Movements, lies spread tut here before us in epitope Who can tell what an other century wdl unfold. I think I see a vision of tna future opening before me I see triumphs in art and achievements in science un dreamed of by tha artisans acd pYib S"phers of the past. I see the sun darkaaal by cloada of msn and women fly ng in the air. J a e tnroiiga of pissengeri tu t ring ei ctric tubes in Now York ard San Fran iic two hours before tbey started I see the glove 1 and umbrellacd baieri of the Populist party fitting' in their horaes carriages and s'ng ng the ha.vtst song while the self ad i sting an tomstic reapers sweep unamended through the fialds ousting aad bind io and shocking the golden grain j see swarms of foreign pauper dukes and counts kissing American millionaire girls across the ocean through the kissiphon . I see the women marching in bloomers to the ballot box and the men at home singing lullabies to the Equalling children. I sae erery Republican in America drawing a pension, and every Ifcmocrat holding an office, and every 'cullud pussm' riding on a free pass, and then I thick the millennium will be near at hand. Pur I am sgiin about to forget my duty. I am again about to forget the proprieties of the occa sion. My duty is to welcome our distinguished guests, and the pro prieties of the occasion are to make them happy. "South Carolina, the land of the brave and the trne 1 God pours out bis floods of sunshine upan her hills and fields In her shady coves the mockingbird sings his sweet song, the bright waters ripple in eternal melody, and tne milky way is only the picture on the sky of the rica and cotton fields of South Carolina. "But who will chide me if I speak tenderly of North Carolinathe mother of Tennessee? We love her for the history she has made. We love her for the statesmen she has pro duced. We love her for her heroes whose name shall live forever in song and story. We love her for the sake of her orato 8 and poets who have enriched the literature of the world. We love her because our people are bound by the sacred ties of blood, and because her sons and the sons of Tennessee have suffered and died together on many a battlefield. A Fata! Affrif Occurred recently between a dose of Mrs. Winslow's Vermifuge and a stomach full, more or less, of worms The slaughter was im mense, but as was to be expected, the Vermifuge came out victorious. It always does, and may be relied upon in all cases of worms. We advise our readers, if they think their children are troubled with worms, to use Mrs, Winslow's Vegetable Vermifuge. If no worms are there, no harm will be done, and if they are .n the sjBtem, Winslow'a Vermifuge will expel them. The Raleigh correspondent of tte Charlo.te Observer writing under date of June 15th, siys: "Bailey, of North Carolina, s.roDgly antt-Russell, came out on top last night at the meeting of the board of trustees of the blind insti tution. He was elected chairman, vice B. F. Montague. The bqard was in session t ntil after 1Q o'clock this morning. It re-elected John . Wray superintendent, and drop ped W. J. Young as assistant super intendent. It elected J. Rowan Rogers, ex-sheriff of Wake county, steward. Rogers is also a direotor of the insane asylum here, He is a Republican. The board ousted ev ery Democratic employee. It dropped two of the teachers'. Jt is also the board of trustees for the Colored Deaf-Mute and Blind In stitution, and in the personnel of the latter, made many changes also." "The Board of Agri culture met at 4 p m,J. D Mault by, presiding; J. L. Ramsay, eecre ttiy R. O Barton and J E, Shepherd appeared as attorneys' for J. H. Gilmer, cf the fifth district, J. R McLelland, of the seventh, and R. Aiken, of the ninth, and demanded that they be received as members of the board and be per mitted to take their seats and serve as such until the expiration of their term. The matter goes over until to morrow. Their claim is under the So pre me Court's decision in the asylum cases, which are claimed to cover this place precisely. Under the acylam decision, W. R. Cape hart is also on titled to retain his seat, but he does not make claim to it Dr. iflg's Nsifcj DiseMiry for Consymptiao This is the best medicine in the woili for all forms of Coughs nd Cold? and for Consumption Every bottle is guaranteed. Jt will cure and cot disappoint, has no equal for Whoopiug Tough. Asthma Hy Feyer, Pneumonia, Bron hitia, La Grippe, Cold in the Hjad ud for Consumption. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to Uke; aqd, above al, a Sure cure. It is always well to take Dr. King's New Life Pills in con nection with Dr. King's New Dis covery, as they regulate and tone the stomach and bowels. We guar antee perfect satisfaction or return money. Free trial bottles at Todd & Shell's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents asd $1,00 UUKtS wntHfc Ait list .ii, .. . j-i'dll i-. RakI (Vtncrh fimin TiatM in time, eoia dt arotnntm. Educate Toot IloweU With Taacareta. Candy Cathartic, care constipation fore vet. 100,85c. c c. C.faU, druffgistrexwkl wuej A PEI PICTURE . Bcw ur lalgiBor's Look Qaltman (Vlias.,) Quill. Feeling quite an interest in a semi-Weekly newspaper established recently, in our native town in "the land of the tar heels," we wrote to Pine Burr, a correspond ent of the paper, making some in quiries as to the personel of its edi tors, to which we received the fol lowing answer: "Editor Quitman. Quill:" You write enquiring a bout the editors of the V ."" My acquaintance with them is of recent date. E, A. P , was namrd after the great poet, Edgar Allen Poe. I don't know how long he was named aftar him, for I can't say how old he is, but he is some where between 15 and 60, of French descent. To look at him yom would be reminded of Timothy Clay pole in "Oliver Twist," orMaj, Babstocks in "Dombey and Son." He has the appearance of being young, for I notice he has left a small space between his nose and mouth on which I think he intends raising a mustache, though the cold, late Spring will cause it not to mature before next Summer, sometime. He doesn't write poetry, but is taking singing lessons under a patent medicine vender who sings in the streets in L - . and is making good headway, and would make a good singer, but when he gets under way the tune will take its own cou se, J, S. D , is direct from the German a descendent of Van Tromp, who shook the seas." He claims affinity with "black" and "red" Dutch. I believe he is right, for his complexion is red, and his hair black. At lean it looks so to me As he wears his hat, I can't see the hair on his head, but notice Dme few scattered over his face, with both ends growing fast in the skin and they are black. He differs from P in that he oan't sing; don't know one tune from an other. PtiTB Bu$. A YiImdIb Frescriptloi- Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind., "Sun," writes: "You have a valuable prescripts n in Electric Bitters, and I can cheerfslly recom mend it for Constipation and Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic it has no equal." Mrs. Jennie Stshle, 2625, Cottage Gtrove Ave., Chicago, was all run down, ceuld nett eat are digest food, had a back ache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of Electric Bitters restored her health and renewed her strength. Prices 53 cents and $1 00, Get a Bottle at Todd &J3hell's Drug Store. Z ke Bilkjns, of the progressive Farmer writes about the meeting of the Press Association as follows: I've jest cum in frum Morehead City, N. C, where I attended the State Medical Society an' the State Press Association, You see a fel ler what is ruonin fer ofns awlways wants ter git solid with the editors an' doctors. So I wus ttar thakin' 1 andi with them. They are a o.'ever set ov boys, I. think. The new Pre ser dent, Mr. W hi taker, ov the Winston Sentinel, iz purty gudeloekin'. He reminds me ov Alexander the grate. John Beau regtri Sfcerrill, the Secretary, is a second Ifapoleqn. He iz little butloufl. Robert Annanias Deal, of the Wilkesboro Chronicle, with h 8 long fbwiDg locks an' burnin' eloquence iz bout d rt gamble De ni03thene8e, ttou,gh I mn old ennff a: n member tlat distinguished sit Z2n ClaudicuT Romulous Hoey p ! the Cleyt land Sia , awlso haz long flowin' loks, and I think he looj like most ov the cd PaU erarebf. "Anyone who has had a public school education can win a prize if he or she will only be careful enough." This is what The Century Company, of New York, publishers of the Century Magazine, says about a competition they have organized, and as the largest priza is $500 and 'he smallest f 10 we in, dine to vhink a considerable num ber of public school graduates will reveal large' bumps of carefulness. The Century people seem to think that the easiest: questions in their examination papers are likely to prove the most insidious, because the competitors will try to answer them off hand. They distribute the questions, without ' charge, ' to tPPKca&ta who writa for thesi. 881111 Absolutely Pure. celebrated for its great leavening sstrength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKING POWBEB CO., Sew Yqbk. Salaries Then and Now. In view of Gov. Taylor's stated intention of resigning his high office for the alleged reason that the sal ary is insufficient, it may be inter esting to know what the old time officials of the shortlived state of Franklin received. Gen. John Sevier, afterward Temnessee's first governor, was allowed, per annum 1,000 deer skins. The other officials were rewarded as follows, according to regular leg islative enactment His Honor, the Chief Justice, 500 deerskins. The Secretary of his Excellency, the Governor, 500 raccoon skins. Each County Clerk, 300 beaver eiins Clerk of the House of Commons, 200 raccoon skins. Member of the Assembly, per diem, 2 raccoon skins. Justice's fee for signing a war rant, 1 muskrat skin. To Constable, for serving a war rant, 1 mink skin. Gov, Taylor's ealary ia fixed at 14,000 per annum, at a time when the purchasing price of a dollar is considerably more thai it ever has been before in times of peace John Sevier, however, lived amidst very diflerent conditions and at a tign when patriotism sought no money reward and fame was a sufficient guerdon for any citizen's Btrivi ng. Nashville Sun. Undertaker Bartholomew Flynn of Watertown, N. Y,, tells a start ling story of the earthquake shock last week. A middle aged man, whose name is not given, for pro fessional reiEor s, . had been seriously ill for some time, and about 9 o'clock Thursday night he gasped once ar twice, and then to all appearances died. Flynn was summoned and laid out the body. He had just finished bis work when a rppauliog ea of a heavy wagon over a rough pavement was heard. The house shook and trembled to its foundation, and the windows and doors shook and rat tled. This vibration las.ed perhaps 20 seconds, and as it died away a tremor passed through the limbs of the "supposed corpse, and the man slowly raised himself to a sitting position. He is now alive and is recovering. Ta's is the kind of men fusionist rule is putting at the head of insti tutions in this State in place of com petent and honorable men. Here is a picture drawn by the News & Observer one day la3 week: In vo ume 74, paga 459, North Carolina Supreme Court Reports will be fcuf.d tone interesting reading thjai d iya It- i3 the cise of R. 1 Caipp ll nl wif3 vj Edward G. Vatler Is charges the defendant Bi'ler wnh fraud in in settling u the est e of a rd tive. The court Gran He civ 1 terra, 1&75, Jadge M o founi guilty and, oa app vl 6 the Suprn me Cou't, the decis on a su?iai i ed. This Edward Q. Butler is the same man as the E G Butler, of Vance county, who was Thursday night elected a professor in the A and M College by the looterr," Bssklss's Arnica Siln The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tcrer sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to giye; satisfaction, or money refunded, Price 25c. per box For sale by Todd & Shell. , ob num. Joseph M Moore was bcrn in Burke county the 16th day of July, 1320; and departed this life at his home near the place of his birth May the 20th, 1897. Aged 76 years, 10 months and 14 days. Brother Moore was converted in early life and soon after his eon version he connected himself with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and lived a consistent mem ber of the same until the day of his death. Hd was one of our best men, quiet and unassuming. I am told by one who was intimately acquainted with him, having known him for years, that he was never heard to speak an unkind word of any one. When his neighbors were sick or in trouble he was always ready to do what he could for their relief. He loved his church and was always present at its services un less providentially hindered. He was a liberal supporter of the gos pel and all the claims of the church. His good wife preceeded him to the better land a little more than two years ago. He leaves a fam. ily of five sons and four daughters and a host of friejnds to mourn their loss, but they' mourn not as those who have no hope. As he lived so he died, in the triumphs of faith. We laid him to rest by the side of his wife in the old family grave yard in the presence of a large and sorrowing congregation. The fu neral services were conducted by the writer. May the God of all race comfort and eustiin the bereaved ones. L. L. Smith. A negro was put upon the chain gang in Union county last week and refused to work. The super intendent gave him a light strap ping only eight strokes. Ha then pretenued to work the ballance of the day. Next day he refused to work again and was given tw: whippingsone of eight strokes and one of 20 In tha evening h drank too much water took cramp colic, and died. The corener was sent for and an investigation made. A white physician said the oolic was caused by drinking too much water. A colored one said the colio was caused by the whipping. The n6groes talked of doing the superintendent personal injury. The sad affair was regretted by the Superintendent but he did rot feel that he was to blame, ' 1 gwwsBSJBB'BiBs - We intended some tima ago to submit a few remarks on ahorrib e impending calamity to the humi race Perhaps it is not too late jr s. One of the honored guests at the it cent dental convention in this c y said that patent food preparations would haye the effect eventually ui preventing the necessity of chewirg and future centurie would there fore sea a raoa of toothless m. m "Medieus,'' one of our most ent: i taining correspondents, folio t-a with a story about hair, show i that the fature may possibly a c generations of baldheaded men an women. Won't mankind be prci' in the sweet bye and bye? Char lotte Observer. Near Harrisburg, on the Soui-b ern between Charlotte and C--i-cord, W. H. Smith was run over by a freight train Uat week i horribly mangled. The engineer knew nothing of the Occident ' i he reached Charlotte. Them : wa3 seen that something had n ran over. En'Defr Smith t - i it locked 'i0 reman fbab, uJ jus', then ho wa3 hande l a telep stating thV. ?t was h:8 father ' o had bien kille. Hon. Champ Claik delivered t address at Ronoake College 1 set week in place of Mr. Bailev, who was detained in Washington. Mr Clark said that if Andrew Jackeon were President, he would giva Weyler and his butcherers 48 boars in which to get out of Cuba, or would hang them as ruthlessly as he hanged Ambrister and Arbuthnot, in the wilds of Florida. In Richmond county a negro : i two white men .ere elected a bca?d of education. The negro and oce of the white men are said to be ig norant and without business capacity. When the looters : held a caucus to devisoways and means by which they conld ' capture the A & M College. Gov. Russell is reported to have said: "I will get control of the A & M. College if I have to call a special session of the Legislature to do it." J. W. Mowser, L. H. Shuford and R9ys J. A. ( Hoyle were elect ed a board of education for Cat awba county. lUtt S rills i j n v 4 Cure All'.' Liver Ills. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. i;or sick headache, malaria, bil ousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS A Great Bargain IN For the next 30 days. Where? At 0. M. SIGMON's, North Main Street, five minutes walk from Court Home. For the next 30 days I w"1 make Photographs at leas than half price. I have Just fin ished Remodeling my Gallery and Waiting and Dressing Booms with aU the accommodat ona per taining to ' a FIRST-CLASS GALLERY, ; Bring your father, mother children and best friends before it is too late, for life is nnt, certain. For those who are Eighty years old or more, I will make Photos Absolutely FREE. AU negatives preserved. Dupli cates can be had at reduced rates. THANKING the people of Lenoir and sur. rounding country for their patronage In the past, I respectfully solicit the same In the future. If Photos fade you know where to find C. H. SIGMON PHONE No. 33. We Are Ready 4 To accommodate the travel ing pubho both day and night When you want to "git there" just ask for one of our fast horses. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Buggiek, Wagons and Harness. We will enlarge our business so as to meet all demands. Just tell us what you want and we will cheer fully 8er?e you at Reason -atle Telephone Call No. 12. A. S. ABERNETHY & SON, Lenoir, N. C A HORSE ! A HORSE I Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Buggies and "Wagons. A big lot of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, and Everything in Har ness Line. DON'T FAIL TO BUYtN0Wf Telephone No. 1. V - i, CRAIG k C01IP0 ;LENOIB, m , 1 U i V : f ; -M . ' i 1 "i . i I i :' r t t: 5 A V

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