TH2 IiEIMOIH. TOPIC. H. S. BLAIR, Editor and Pttlistar. TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1897. Entered at the Post-office at Lenoir as second-class matter. Telephone Call Numbeb 7. Subscription price, $1.00 The Topic stands squarely upon the Chicago platform. Tnat is the Democratic creed, Its follow er! are the party, and any who haye heretofore affilated with other par ties will be welcomed into the ranks of the giat organ:zation, but the Topic stands just whee it always stood in favor of fighting for governmental reforms in the old ship of DemOcracy, putting no one at the helm who has ever wa vered in his devotion to the stand ard, and it is idle to talk of fol lowing any ones leadership who has cast out the name of Democra cy as evil. The State government has been turned over to bad and incompe tent men, and now we have the spectacle of seeing the very man who was instrumental in destroy ing good government going over the State and asking the people to follow him again. Does he think the people are fools? He has lei them astray onco. They wili hard ly listen to him sgain. In de nouncing the present political sit uation he arraigns himself and repudiates the workmanship of his own hands. He charges the Railroad Commission with having sold out to the Southern railroad. And pray, who is this Railroad Commission? Two-thirds of it is Butler's own dear crowd, Otho Wilson and D. H. Abbott, legiti mate children of "Fusion." twin brothers of Butler himself. He is a nice gentleman now to go howl, ing over the State talking of ths "Reform movement." Denouncing Fritchard Populists, as if ho him self was not the author and fin isher of all such. Who but he made the damnable political deal by which these hated Pritchard Populists secured their seat3 in the last Legislature? But he ;s dis appointed because these men were not as treacherous as himseif, and after promising their Republican supporters to vote for Pritchard, turn their backs upon him after securing their seats. There is such a thing as ''honor among thieves" and all honorable men despise the wretch who adds treach ery to hia diabenestyi ueh a person net cniy loses the respect of honest people but is loathed ard despised by hia SEEccia'tes ia vil lainy. Yes, Butler defervt a even less respect than a j 'Piiichard Populist." i La3t week's Caucasian, in a lengthly editorial in anawW to an expression (a very true j staient) of the Charlotte Observer thatN "if it had not been for tho AlliAnco Butler never would havojbeen heard of," goes on to enumerate a great many things vhieh were caused I j the Alliance. This ic, rather significant. Tte Alliance did accomplish wonders atone time, but it had 110,000 members then, and had cot bren Butlerized. In the making of Butler it destroyed itself it was a case of destruction of the moth ter in giving birth to a monstrosity. She locked upon her effeprirg it&d turned away in disgust shocked and mortified at the political var mint of whip":: she had been de livered. The result is a once pow erful organizaticn, able to dicttts the policy of the State has been reduced to a mere handf ull and, oa account of the disgraceful political alliances of seme of its leading officials, has become a st'erseh in the nostrils of honest men. The commissioner of agriculture says all the crop returns which come in are remarkably favorable. In fact the excellence of the crops is simply wonderful. The retuna for August are rapidly arriving from correspondents. None of th?sa put cotton below 100 per cent. aDd soieq put it as high as 120, compared with average years. There is a large in crease in acreage. The report a3 to corn is the best ever received by the department. It ia a remark that 1897 may well be termed "a year of plenty." Mr. Vf. J. Bryan's friends at Fitzgerald, 6a., have shipped him a watermelon weighing 81 J pounds, going two or three pounds better than the one tho McKmley boys sent their man. ' Young Chickens and Eggs wanted by 1 J. L. Nelson & Co. A VICIOUS ATTACK. BY SEMT08 BUTLER ON THE RAILWAY COUUISSION. Raleigh, N, C, August 10. Sen ator Butler in his paper this week declares editorially that it seems the Southern railway has a prior lien on the North Carolina railway comis sion; that the commission has not done its duty as to rates or assess ments; that the people must elect a legislature to do what the commis sion refused to do; that it must elect another legislature like the alliance legislature of 1891 one that can not be bought after it gets to Raleigh; that every candidaie for the legisla ture must be pledged on every stnmp; that tbe Southern railway captured the last legislature by a majority of one in each house. He declares that the great reforms, for which the true populists in the last legislature stood like a stone wall, are issues on which the next legislature must be elected, and that those forty populists, after sub jection to the greatest temptation ever known, proved as true as steel. He says the populist party will join hands with any party cr fraction of a party which will fight for these reforms. If no party will join hands then the populists will fight in the middle-of-the-road. In another editorial he declares the railway commission has cot done its duty and that the people must elect a railway commission, The Railroad Commission has not done its duty, neither on the ques tion of rates nor on tho assessment of railroad property. The people must elect a legislature to do what they refuse to do. They must elect another legislature of 1891 a legis lature that is right and one that can not be bought after it gets to Ralr eigh. The pecple must pledge every candidate for the legislature on every stump. The Peoples Party will see to it that there is an honest and true candidate in every county and district in the State. The voters must defeat any candidate who is wrong or about whose position and courage there is the least doubt. The Caucasain. There is a very simple way to right all these matters. We had respectable legislatures till, in an evil moment, the people listened to the man who penned the above lines. The thing to do is to leave Butler and his fusion crowd, high and dry, and place the State in the hands of the Democratic party which gate ua clean government for twenty years. We hear a great deal of "Capt. Ashe's plan;' for educating the vo ter into a reader. Capt. Ashu ha3 plenty of honors to hia credit, but we don't believe this is ona of them. It 12 Tom Dixcn'a plsn. Years ago when a senior at Wake Forest col lege, he wrote a thesis to be submit ted at Johns Hopkins promulgating thj idea now known as Capt. Aahe's plan. The News and Observer wa3 furnished with a copy of it, and, if our memory be not at fault, that paper contsined from Capt. Ashe's pen an editorial critique of tho young college man's essay.-Gaatonia Gazette. The Morganton Htrald says: "For six years Mr. S. W. Happoldt was clerk of the court and after the expiration of his office he came cut with clean hands and a clear con science More recently he was tax collector for Morganton and in a settlement this week with the now board of commissioners he had not only properly accounted for every cent, but it was found that there wa3 a small sum due him." Did you say you were nervous? Well you need OXIEN "tho won derful food for the nerves, " It ney er fails to do vou good. Price 35s and $100 per box. Paul O. Grist, Agt., Lenoir, N. C. . tm NcticB to Contractors Until Aug. 25th 1897, sealed bids will be received by the Building com., for making some improve ments to the Methodist church at Lenoir. These improvements will consiat in the main in the erection of an octagonal annex 26x28 feet and a tower, putting on new roof, cnanginz the windows &c &o. Bids are wanted for the complete job and for the brick work alone. ri he right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Plans and specifications can be seen at the store of J. L. Nelson & Co. Try our granulated sugar-the very sweetest-18 lbs for a dollar. J. L. Nelson. & Co. Steel rods for making Rake teeth at Berndardt Hdw & Furniture Co. Educate Your Boweu With Cascarets. ira.iy S ohrMC;ouUr.? constipation forever XOc S5c. Ii C C. C. fall, druisisu refund money. GUTHRIE'S PLAIH TALK. WIT EE DID MT ITTEHD TBE POPULIST EX. m. MEETJMS. ' Eroployad Hew by a Firm That Keep Their Precise?, Dsn't Tell Lies far Prsicsdto Bs!i8T3 Gsa Thing zU da Another, Durham, N. C, Aug. 12 (Spe cial.) A Nevrs and Observer re porter being in Durham, called at the tbe office of sthr:e & Guthrie, and finding th Mhjor at hia deek the foilo-ving interview occurred: Reporter: "Mp.jor Guthrie I see you are lie: a tiding the meeting of the State Populist Executive committee nop Lcir.g held at Ri' e'gh." Major Grahri:-: "No, I am not a member of tho committee myself, and 1 thought under existing cir cums.aiiCL3 I Lai bettor stay at home. You ltinember perhaps that the State Populist committee in the last eampgn got eo ''fused" and mixed up with the Republican Stato corniti: tteo th.U it was hard to tell wi w. v. tho Liig belonged to, aml'I foar.u an toll puling one way and thej .vre pulling accther way befoie tiio ekcticn came on I thought i would just wait awhile nor aud irt Cud out "where they aru ;.u ' , . . iaet ia, I am now p; ulu.i1j employed t by Guthrie & Gi-ib.k, attorneys, and attend ii ,-; to tui'c business exclu sively, . ..d I r like my em ployment, : they keep their promise; ti ; : and don't tell me any 1:- eh: .:, nor pretend to believe d o .: : t.nd do another." The B'u:u ...uditcr says that if the newly-C: ar i ISiate Board of Tax Eqiui.r; .v.u is to do nothing he does r.c: the r i". luk it should use specially made. .-.3V d Jack Caand- A . 5. ' ler killed a iici'j nacied Bud Reeves at a a"iI-hn;,: Rockforu, Sur- days ago. Tho king and assaulted knu'e. The white negro's ekull with At the inquest the negro v,Uo c O handler v. it man cracked a large parh.'ii illiterate Republic::;! coroner was un able to read tho ozih in administer ing it to the "jviiuesses. Senator George, ct Mississippi, died at hi,; "Lome ia that State last Saturday U& wa3 one of our ablcit in public life and was scrying hio inuti term in the United Statcj H. . ii'u teini dees not expire ilil l'S'Ji li;L en account of failing h;(.it h h ed a i .: . : was cl o". ;.: ceed Lim . i ; heady deelm u II. I) Money . ;0 ao to buc- Thc to V i i ;-. greoiir..': wuo a ,! and u: brigLt ,.::-.': but who .,. Treasu.y i ton for ; visit ii; L.i around i. '.::. friends, v : ber to ' :. : ty. V c d.-. ; i :. tho h; .: but l:e cv .. With U3 i:' :;; is. IJo-s . O'.ivrver extends "!i"',u;:3 kindly - . : W . V. Scott. ... Lao;.- Topic -cc . iiugly :.' ii i paper of it, :(iio:i iu Vxa ' ., r.l ut Washing icuc year?, ia on a hvj:u3 and ii oing ; hunci3 with his act halted m nutn- : : ( :i'dvri:li COKn :c, . :: cf his being c. : ;. h ehorc time. . back aud livo d i.j.lioy that he The O .i: held a very disorderly su convention at Gelumb- ; :. l.h. They nomina ted J act- -.; o C.c? for governor. The no;:.iu. ic. . or middle-of the road t ru r.vf s everything. The disorder :;g and wide. Senator Briirr ray 3 tint ho would, 'awlc: ::;-'.rii;? nrcumstances, 'fuse" again no did in 1894. No orx2 doub :s If he were out of cfihs ;:.' cc-ad secure a good one by 'tJ'aair.;?i' with any crowd on earth, ho ecu'.! be relied en to doit. Lie virtually, admits that nothing h;3 bscu accomplished by tho political revolution except to give ua wcrse govcrnnent, jet he says ho would repast it. SS "SK Cane MiiLv CiJcr Mills end Gal vauizai iron chopper than elsewhere atBernhardfc Had?? & Furniture Co. ARE YOU UP 10 DATE? If you are not the KEwS & OBSERVER is Subscribe at once and it will keep you abreast of the times. You cannot afford fo be without It. All the news foreign! nation al, etate, local all the time. Daily News & Observer, $7 per yr. . t . $3:50 6 ZQos. Weekly North CaroUnlan, i per yr. f 1,50 6 mos. Address News & Observer, Raleigh, N. a BUTLER AT REWTOI Es Eid a Largs Crowd and Delhrsred Sub stantially His Spsscb at Wadssbsro Scored Democrats and Republicans AlikV Special to the Charlotte Observer. Newton, Aug. 14. Senator But ler arrived on the vestiblus Jsst night. He was accompanied by Congressman Shuford, returning from the meeting of the Populist State executive committee. This was Butler day in Newton. His coming had been well sdvertis ed in Catawbs and adjoining conn ties' Early the people began to come in, Populists in abundacca, and a great maDy Democrats and some Republicans. It being uncom fortable to crowd ia tho court house, tho speaking took place in the public Equara Tns Senator, although claiming to be unwell, epoke for about three hours, princi pally the eame as his Wadeoboro speech a3 outlined by'tho Observer correspondent. A portion of the crowd was enthusiastic He scored the Eepublicans, Democrats and bolting PopulistB, recognizing only forty true Populists m il his allu sions to tho comp. snion of the kafc Legislature Llo predicted that the Democra' 3 wcuid rctrrst from the reforms ad vocated List y-ar, and the reason he wfs cut & pea king at this time was to-warn tht people of the movemt-nts of tho politicim?. He also predicted that none o! tho Pop ulistg in tho hst Legislature turn ing traitors would ever again be elected to any office. To the ques tion what ho intended to do next year, he reviewed fu3icn iu the past, sajing that bo advocated fusion in 1894 and under the satao condi ions would do it egaio; that in 1896 fu sion was forced on t' e Populist3; that they eupported ftrjan faithful ly; that the State fusion tt tho Eauia time with tho Eepublicans was a litter pil), but they could do no bet ter. If this was to do over agm, he might do it, but he d d not know. If any party advoc&ted and pledged itself to the reforirt3 ho ad vocated to-day, ho would be with them; if not, he would be in the middle of the road, appsaliiig to the people to follow him. Anti-Civil Service J. Wiley Shook was in' town to-day, taking notes of Butler's speech. L O. Caldwell was here as wero also Andy Cowles and Dr J. J. Mott, all cor. earned about the policy Butter would pur-, sae. Fifth Sunday Heating. The following is tho program for the next fifth Sunday meeting to bo held with Fie mining's Chapel church, beginning on Friday before the fifth Sunduy it; August, at 11 a. m : Introductory sru on Bro. I, W. Thomas; Bro. I. Oxford, alternate. Qaeirics, 1 Do v.e us Baptists have '"thus eaycth the Lord" orall cur church work? Sid Suddcrih. 2. Are wo cs B-ipiie'.s following tho New Te3carii3i;i, ia nearly half our churches are served by pas tors of other apecci-t'.oua, while nearly half of our oidaiucd muiiiteis have no pastoral work? I Oxford. 3. la it scriptural for a chu ch to have a man ordained when the church would not be willing to have the man for pa3tor? --M. L. Clarke. 4. How can we beat develop our churches? I. W. Thomas. 5. Are we doing cur duty to and for our children? W. R. Bc&ch. 6. Are we doing our duty-toward tho temperarco cause? J. G. Pul liam. Tho importance cf revivals of re ligion. J. V. McCall. Sunday school experience meeting Sunday at 9.30 a. m., conducted by O. M. Beach. J. L Beach, S. H. Oxford, . M F. Bumgarner, Committee. Land for Sale. 14.0 acres of land in Burke county is offered for sale. There are about 50 acres in cultivation ballatice in timber. Good orchard of 200 bear ing .trees select variety of fruit. A good six room dwelling, good barn and outhouses; 2 tobacco barns, 1 packing barn. Ten to twelve acres of branch bottom. A wel1 of as fine water as can be found anywhere. A good school within i mile, which runs 10 months in the year. Adjoining the above tract is another of 45 acres 10 or 15 in cultivation the ballarce in timber No buildings, 3 to 4 acres of branch bottom. Both these tracts are good strong land. For further partic- ulars call oa or address 1 H. S. Blair I Lenoir, N. O. Ho-To-Bao for Fifty Cena. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c, (l. All druggists. Merchants can buy Octagon Soap, Gccd Luck Baking Powders, Gail and Ax Snuff at Jobbers, prices ana sive freight from J. L Nelson & Co SALEM Academy and College, for Girl9 and Young Women. Bset home care together with full College icstruc tion. Specialists in Music, Art, Elocution, Languages, Commercial and Industrial Studies. Institu tion founded in 1S02. The Regis ter shows 324 last year New term begins Thursday, September 2, 1897. Seed for Catalogue to Rev. J. H. CLEWELIj, Prfncipal, Salem, North Carolica New Firm. Geo. E . and Jno. iv. Mocre, under the name of Moore Bros have opened up in the New land building, Tuttle olel stand a new and complete stock of both STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES We will keep constantly on hanel every thing kept in a first class grocery store, and a ays at the right price. We will be pleaseel to have oar friends call and see us, and are convinced that this is the place to buy your goods. Yours truly Moore Bros. Notice. ii new Enterprise at Granite. After several years of hard practice, economic living, close observation and study, not only of Books but tho needs and wants of niy pa trons, I am now opening out a small but well selected stock of Pure Drugs & Medi cines. Thanking the people of my territory (or an extensive practice combined with grert hospitality. I respectfully ask them to call and exam ine my stock and bo agreeably surprised. News Stand Having a great reading peo ple, I will soon add a news stand .to my oflice Respectfully, Dr. Geo E. Flowers. Lenoir Boys' School. rIhe next session begins Sept &th, 1897, and continues forty week, with a short- recess at Christmas. For Terms etc , see the Priccipal. Rodes Massie, Principal. qpRlNITY COLLEGE. . . . J"ext Session Opens St i tember 8. Three fu 1 courses of study. Larg i number cf electives. Two full chair's in English. Women admitted to all classes. OSE HUNDRED ASO OKE THOUSAND DOL LARS add?d to endowment during the i res ent year. Only male literary college in North Carolina that la located in a city. The beat business course otfe ed iu Ihe State. Send for album and ratal'xruo Address JNO. O. K1LGO, Durham, N. C. Are worn, not as an ornament, but as a matter of necessity. Most cases of Hernia can be cured, and all can be made comfortable, by the use of a proper truss. If you should be at all inter ested in Trusses, it will be to your interest to see our stock before buying. We have the Agency for this county for the only adjustable hard rubber and water pad Trusses made. We can fit any one. We carry them in stock. TODD & SHELL, DRUGGISTS. Phono 16. Briclc and TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS If you arc going to build, and want a goo : r;r -; will not crumbia and break in haalins:, wnro m ?1 FARMERS If you want to mako from 25 to 50 per ct:i:t r cieek and river bottoms, drain them vith tiY ;. done you will have no more trouble. You c i tile about as cheap as with pine pole?. JAMES BUTTRICK, M: 1 Office -Emma, N. O Harrison Fancy Groceries. Try our Country Lard and Country Vinegar. Wholesale dealers in Jfeats, Lard, Tobaccos and Cigarettes. OF- a 73 PER CE N June 30uh closos the first six months ol oar business f?r the year 1897. 73 PER CENT Represents tho increase in deposits? for July 1st, 1897, over deposits tor- July, 1896. laero must be reason for this. Our people are eithor more prosperous, or a larger number have learned tho convenience of us ing tho Ban If, and have become its customers. We attribute this re markable increase to both of the above mentionod causes. Offering every facility Consistent with Sound Banking. we invite your account. Respectfully, J. H. BEALL,Cash ier BANK OF LENOIR Notice. North Carolina, Oalpwe:i County In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. J. Willian Kherrill 1 Executor Joseph Sherrill deceased vs Notice Sarah A(iSherrillet al. ) Alice Sides, William Sides, Belle Sides, Susan Sides, and Laban Siaes, of the State of Texas, and Sherrill, of the State of Indiana; will take notice that they are made parties defendant to an action entitled as above commenced before the clerk of the Superior Court of Caldwell county to procure an order for the sale of a certain parcel of laud in Lovelady township in said county to rtiake assets to pay debts: and the said de fendant will further take uotice that they are required to appear before the clerk of said court on the 30th day of August, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. m: and answer the complaint filed In said cause, or the plaintiff will apply" to tho court foa the MieE demanded in raid complaint. J. V. McOALL, Clerk supjrior Court. Self snd Whitner Atty's for plaiutiff. NEW GOODS. R. G. COURTNEY Is now receiving many new goods, and is offering some rare bargains in, Shoes. Hats, Dress goods, Piece goods, Crockery. Glassware, Tinware, and Hardware. We cajry a full assortment of Groceries Consisting in part of Green and Roasted Coffees. Sugar, Rice, Crackers, Soda, Baking Pow der, Starch, Bacon, Lard, Corn MeaL Flour, Syrup, Molasses, Cigars and Tobacco, Plain and Fancy Candies, all of which will be sold at prices as Jow as the lowest, and which will meet all competition. Thanking my friends and pat rons for their patronage in the past would respectfully request a continuance of the same. Very truly, IB E1 i ffn tir m ii Ei R 6. Courtney Drain Til p. L'.itl Blue Grnea Ax -will run ii:t'fi- ,o Bernhardt Hd .; v Your Health, Ye u DKDEK-STAMj. -, Beware! wet feet may I make first class BOO is ami s. Shoes, too. I have a repair machin-., ai, i to do All sorts of repair w..i k shoe and harness line, Prices reasonable. CeII H.J PEAiisu:. Ko 5 Jouea House It w, W. .-: Sale of Ken! ! By virtue of a pot tainod in a mortgu by N C. Fleming a-id M lng to N. T. KeatoD. o;i the 22nd 1893, and rtg rj t ' tho Register's offic o or county, in book "G" of pages, 422 3-1, I v,j' 0r the 21st day of Au?;;.? tween the hours of lo oV and 2 p. m. at tho '.' door in Lenoir, N a debt of Fifty J.': and costs, ad; t. pub the higher biddvr est iu a trse f beh: m tho cou..' John's River tovc'i and designated j: Adjoining th J,v; derton. M. P. K :. . r and bounded m 4W ginning on a J3JachL , North 150 pc! Road, then Vc.::. 200 poles to a et k , 100 roits to a i t then Ei3t 200 r or. niug; containing 125 : lees N. T. Keaton. v R. L. SberrilJ, Atty. 6th 1897. 1 --'I jvHu) II u ISfWe will re-open Saturday, July 31s; We want all the Wheat AND Cor You have to c la r us Market if you do nvi v, Exchance for Hoar :i 1 t We will i-' Shingle Bloc August 1st Dv' want all you cm member we will h - izer for Wheat ard l ' Blocks in pafm ui for Cash and buy :-r all is based on tbe c u-n " MOORE & L'UL Always Brigi FOR '97 WILL NOT JAR OUT I ALL RIDL--S SAY j IT IS i TheBesl. For Sale Everyv. r BRIDGEPORT BRASS CO- Send for Circular. r5 v. --!:... 3US s