THE MHOHL TOPIC, H. 1 BLliL Elitor M PiUIMer. YJBDNISDAY, DEO. 15, 1897. fbtisredat the PosUoffice at Lenoir 08 second-class matter Txlipkosb Call Numbeb 7 Cabieriptioa price, $ 1-0 O The Brevard Hustler sty it rumored that Judge Norwood has been "tanking up" again. If - this betrne, the Topic feels that it is proper for it to demand that Col. Luik send in that resignation, which it was understood was placed : in his hands when the impaach- ment resolution was pending last winter.' . ; Week before last "Sonny" Ryan, a worthless, drunken character, brutally murdered his wife and attempted to murder his daughter in Greensboro. He was arrested and taken to jail amid much ex citement, and many threats of lyn ching, placed in jail, and last wek was arraigned for trial before Judge Adams. He plead guilty, refusing ' the aid of counsel, and was sen tenced to be hung on the 23d Thursday of next week. What a sad Christmas for him and his un fortanate family. The President's message to Con gress lest week is too lengthy for our columns. The document, while well worded, has nothing in it en titling it to rank as ai able state paper. In some respects it is a dis appointment to his own party,&s well as the country. His reference to Cu ban question shows that he is as squarely against tke sentiment of the country on that question as Cleveland was notwithstanding his platform favored taking ad yanced action in favor of Cuba. On the civil' se vice, while in tbor ough harmony with the republican platform, he is very disappointing to the pie-hunters. i JneklM's lorica Stir- The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, . salt rheum, fryer sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c. per'box. For sale by Todd A Shell. A CORNER IN WHEAT. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 4 .It is reported here that the Peavey jFlevator companies have made a combine with the Pillibury compa. ny and secured control of not on ly the wheat in Minneapolis, but all the wheat stored in elevators throughout the northwest. Pills bury recently predicted that wheat would go to $1.50, aad this is con sistent with the rumor of jthe corner. f If the story is true Peavey and Pills bury can sit bck and let the price go where it will, They would be independent of any price specula tors might make. The tine for deliveries is surely coming, and grain men must get their wheat somewhere in' order to deliver it, and if controlled by the men named they will have te pay 'fancy prices for it. No figures as to the extent of the corner are given; but a grain man who is known to be on the inside says the story of a corner is cor rect. !''" ... i Col. J. D. Cameron died in Ashe Tille last week. He was Ions; con nected with the newspapers 'of the State and had few equals and no superiors as an editorial writer. He was ohief clerk of the House of Representatives for twenty years, andtlnew this S tate and her people from the mountains to the seashore. Col. Cameron was a brother of the late Mrs. Buxton, of Lenoir. Soir Stomifik Ohm. A lout time I ww a great sufferer from Llyer and Stomich troubles. I, bad a dul pain Id ray lolt aide under 107 heart, 'At times my aide became swollen end the pain acute. My stomach "was always sour and I would TOmlt Very time I feat. My newels .were vry Irregular, causing me pain and distress. 1 tried many things without any benefit. I read of your medicine and con cluded to try it, and am glad that X dtd. I felt better after the first dose. I continued to take Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pel lets until I was entirely oared. D. W.4:Pen lsni, ottoi Macon Co., X C, For sals by Todd Shell - . ... For a nice mild chew try Nickel Twist. : ; : We will pay one" cent each for Bine tin tags eft of Tennessee Leaf Tobacco. , Cloyd & Johnson. , : Wo-Tc-SJt c lor ST.ttj Cci. -Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak luen strong, bltcl pure. Mo, SI. All iruffffist FOUND DEAD BY THE ROADSIDE. An Awful Tragedy On the C. W. Turnpike. , Urs FirgBsu, of Fitn HI!!, Butt ffitl 1 Sssfsfti asi IwfBl Dull. - News was received here by tele phono from Patterson about 10 o'clock yesterday that a one horse wssron was found by the side of f the Turnpike and the dead body of a woman close by. The wagon bone and driver, it is inpposed, bad tumbled off the road in the darkness the nigrht before and the woman had been killed in the fall. The horse was not badly hurt and was still hitched by one trace when found. -! A Mrs. 'Ferguson t had passed Patterson about 2 o'clock on the evening before, and it is thought dark overtook her before retching the top of the mountain and she had driven off the road. It is thought here that the unfortunate person is Mrs. Ferguson, of Petra Mills, widow of'the late Smith Fur. guson. . When the news reached here sheriff Boyd being away, deputy Ab. ernethy sent word to coroner Swan son and he passed through Lenoir at a about 2 o'clock on his way to the scene of the tragedy. Mrs. Fqi guson has a son living near Baton pott office and word was Bent to him yesterday evening. Lateb. " Mrs. Ferguson's sons, Msssrs. Will and Pomeroy, reached Leneir a little after dark last night. They felt sure that the woman who had met sach an awful fate was their mother. A little later the mail carrier from Blowing Bock arrived, and said there was no doubt about its being the Ferguson woman. Her boys procured a cof fin here, and proceeded on their sad mission. They will seenre the remains and .bring them back to the old home to-day and will bury at Dudley Shoals, near where she lived. When the mail carrier passed the scene of the accident, the corpse was still there. The wagon had turned over and the bed had caught the unfortunate victim across the neck, and in this position it still remained. No one was watching over it, A short distance this side, he met the coroner on his way to look after it. Mrs. Ferguson was a pensioner, her husband having been a soldier in the war of 1812, and her boys say she undoubtedly had some mon ey with her, as she had just received her last warrant the-first of the month. - coeokeb's tebdict. Just as wo go to press wo learn, by telephone from Patterson, that the Coroner reached the scene about 6 o'clock last nignt, held an inquest, and the verdict was "Death by accident." In the, fall her head had struck on a leg and then been struck by the wagon-bed. On her person $18.41 were fonnd. The body was taken up the raoun tain. Til GiQllf V8Q1I. who goes to the clnb while her husband tends the baby, as well as the good old-fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get run down in health. They will bo troubled with loss of appetite,' headaches, sleeplessness, fainting or dizzy spells. The most wonderful remedy for these, women is Electric Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from Lame Back and Weak Kidneys rise np and call it blessed. It is tho medicine far Women. VimAts Anmnlainl. m,A - . w w Nervous troubles of all kinds are soon relieved by tho nsa of Elec tric Bitters. Delicate women should keoB this ramadv AT) fl an A to buildup the system. Only 50c. per PQHiB. J-ogq g oneil. Wako county has 61 prisoners in its jail at Raleigh. - There was an incendiary fire at Mt, Airy last Friday morninar which destroyed 8 000 worth of property insurance to tho amount of about one-third cf the loss. Mr fl.-M" Dirnn . .11 vu, m mwig 1UUWU merchant of PUaaant p;a. Co , Pa., has a little girl who ii fro- onentlv threatenad with when the first symptoms appear, his wife gives her Chamberlain's Cough "uiuu uwiji moras oromnt relief. The 25 nA nn a.f sizes for sale at Dr, Kent's Drar Store. " nts rnthAiriii.r?Ari Cough SjTup. Tastes Good. wo. Cm I I . 'ts. -1 I lime, woia py arprgints. Qr&nitt Items. 4 ' Onr neiir Pastor. ( now to ns but he is tolerably old) ' arrived -bera Friday night, moving into tht PartoBaga Saturday. ' Ht filled .hit appointment at Collier's Sunday and attended the League Sunday night, making a very favorable im pression on all who v heard him He seems to be pleased with and thinks tho chansre made with him and Bro. Brower, is a good one and th best for both Pasters and peo ple. Onr people are glad to hear throusrh a letter to Mrs. F.) that Bro. Sherrill is located in hia for mer work and so far verv well pleased with all indications of fn tnro success. Bro. Sherrill has our best wishes. Mr. Wm. Fowler has tho eon tract to build a large and commo dioni Dwelling for Mr. J. M. Smith on Denble Shoali street, near If r, Tnrnmiros new bnilding. Glad te see Dr. Deanelly of Mt. City, with us again. David Bum earner is verv sick with Pneumonia. Miss Virgia Eitace who has been quite sick for a month is eonvalti- cing. J. E. F Dec. 13 '87 Deafness Cannot e Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the desired portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf aess, and that ii by con stitutional remedies. Deafness ii caused by an interned condition of the mucus lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tnbe gets inflamed yon haye a rnmbling lennd or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness ii the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken ont and this tnbe res tored to its normal condition, hear ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c, Hall's Family Pills are the best. Don't Neglect Your Urr. ' 1 Lirer troubles quickly result in serious complications, and the man who neglects his liver has little regard for health. A bottle of Browns' Iron Bitters taken now and then will keep the liver in perfect order. If the disease has developed, Browns' Iron Bitters will cure it permanently. Streinjth and vitality will always follow. ij use. Browns' Iron Bitters 1ft sold by all dealers. B very body Says 80. CascareU Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25. 50 cents. Bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. To Care Constipation Fororer. 'fiike Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or25e. IPC C. C. fail to cure. drugKifcts refund money Insurance .Agencies. North-cre st ein Mutual Life Insurance Co.. of Milwaukee. Wis. Haying all tho business charac teristics of terfect reliabilitw. Special privileges to none. Loyal to the interest of all. Most popu lar with its policy holders, who know the best to be the cheapest. ti iuo us iur laiurm&iion, . United States Company, of New York. Ac cident Insuaance. The rich man's Srivilege; the poor man's necessity, a this country every five minutes some one is killed by accident) at this moment 800,000 people in the united owes are unable to attend to their ordinary dntiea bw Masnn of accident. Don't trust to lnckl Fire Insurance. We ren- resent in the various counties of this section of North Carolina the best of fire insurance comnanien. The Southern Stock Mutual In surance Co. of Greensboro. N. CL. has uniformly paid its policy hol ders a dividend of 20 oer cent. (one fifth) of all primiuma taid in. and the 'policy holders are" non assessable. The St Paul Fire In surance Co., the Virginia Fire and Marine and other valuable ance interests, all strong, sure and successtui. - Giving our whole time and sitAn. tion to insurance, we are therfor prepared to render the best of ser- vice in any line, uitizens of Cataw ba, Caldwell, JBurke. McDowell Other counties will do well when. wanting Insurance of any kind to address J. G; HALL& BON. Home onicea Uickorv anl K.O. ' Lenoir Boys School. The next nABsinrk Kamn.' al. - - w.. uegiu HJVIl fctn, 1897, and continues forty weeks, with a short recess at Christmas. For Terms etc., see the Principal. - - juABUfi x tiuuipaj. : TO OSTERS. Parties wishing tc "post their landi will GnA . . -- www v,ra. 1 The squabble oyr the Piedmont Bank at Morganton continues. Judge Robinson hat appointed hie man, A. D. Coirlsi, of StatasTille, ptraane&t receirir, and Jade Green has appointed W. E. Walton, Butler need net try ta deny the foul ilinder is bit Rocky Mount speech. The people only have to look into the file of tho Caucasian ta find similar language printed in cold type. No doubt he feels now the fall force of the expression "Oh, that mine enemy would print a book." The Gancassian of Sept. 80th, 1897, in an editorial has this language: "This awful crime of rape, the condennatien of which should be Erompted by sincere motives and onest purposes, is used in a hypo critical manner for base and partisan ends, and all the time they are condemning the nature of the crime they are secretly longing for mere rapes that they may bet -. tor play upon the; prejudices of, the people." y After hearing rome friends con tinually nraising Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, Calif or nia purchased a battle of it for his own use and is now as enthusiastic over its wonderful work as anyone can be. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale at Dr Kent's Drug Store. Edacmte Your Bowels With Cancaretn. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation fore vet. 100, 86c. MC.C.C. fail, druggists refund money. WHEN THE- HERCDY DROPS Is the time to buy your Heaters and winter goobs. You can find the HOT STUFF "-j at the Charter Oak. Cook stoves to bake jour Christmas dinner on, Covered Dripping Pans fo roast yomr Christmas turkey in , Callandera-to strain out your cracklings with, cern pwppers for the boys,, Conklin heaters, j Stove bound pipe & elbows .for evrybody. For a J CHRISTMAS PRESENT buy your children some, useful article that will las t and gije permanent pleasure. This is sec eg. We Musical In strument, pocket knives, ham mers, little saws, glass dishes and drinkirg cups and very ooa ny things for tie girls and boys ; which are both BEAUTIFUL & USEFUL, and will make Xmas presents that will give lasting pleasure A full line oi Hardware always on hand. We still make our cash go as far as another man's credit, and can sell you these excellent goods as cheap as anybody, Byerbody WELCOME at the Charter oak. Mortgage Sale of Land. KOBTH CABOLINA, CALDW ILL CoUlfTY. By virtme of a Power of sale con tained in a mortgage deed executed to me by J. V. 8tirewalt ft . wife M. M. I will on Monday Deo. 20. 1897. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at Public auction, at the court house door in Lenoir, ft . C . the following described land, Ly ing ana being m Uaidwell Co , N 0.. Little River townahin. described as follows; to wit; Biginning on a Uaple, the west side of a branch; wesiey rirowi's Corner, and rurs 8. 88 E. 46 Doles to a Hickorv. nn the bank of another branch; thence N. 15 W. 504 Dolca to a Neirro Pine. on tho aide of King's Creek road : thence, with said road. &a follnwi: N. 55 E. 10 poles, N. 6. W, 20 poles to a small ooolar. N. 63 E. 10 boIm; N. 86 E. 26 poles; N. 45 E. 11 poles to two rest oaks; thence with Wm. renneua line 17. W. 14 poles to a dead white Pine. Thence N, 23 W. 7 4-5 th nolea to a chettnnt oak, thence K. 25 W 10 poles to a chestnut oak. thane N. 22 W. sn poles to a sako in Wesley Browu'a line; tnence witn nis line xi. 80 W. 23 poles to a Sonrwood, Brown's corner; thenee with his line 64 poles to a nne, Brown's corner; thence with Brown's new line of tha 51 acre traek S. 15 E. 134 poles to the bogining; containing 62 acres mora or less. Said land is sold to satiafv a debt of $125 and interest on same and cost. Said raortrare la -Rerii. tared in Register's office of Cald well Co. in Book- "J" Hortc. Page 37. This November 15, 1897. , , U dIj Mortgagee. Xtevu&d, atty. . ' COMING AGAIN. Positirely Last Call for ' . . .. Tuxes I will meet all who ha?e not paid their taxes for the year 1897 at the following times and : places: Baton, Monday, December tho 6. Hudson, Tnueaday, 'V " 7. " Granite Falli, Wed. " " 8. Petra, Thursday, " 9. Oxfords, Friday, " " 10. King's Creek, Sat. " "11. Piney Grove, Jbnday, " " 13. Buffalo Cove, Hawkins, w Tuesday, " "14. Richlandi, Wed. " " 15 Patterson, Thursday, " " 16. Careys Flat, Friday, " "17. Globe, Saturday, " " 18. Collettsville, Mou. " " 20. Gamewell, Tuesday, " 21. Lenoir, Wednesday 22. and Thursday, " 23 Pay your tax is the only way -to ayoid trouble. Respectfully. , Your Servant, r , Abxeb H. Bqtd, Sheriff. "THIS WEEK" We Call your attention to the fact that we have. , The Celebrated Elkin Blankets Wool Yarns from Elkin and Patterson. Chesapeake Stoves Call and examine them Our stock of Merchan dise well up in all lines CLOYD & JOHNSON. OF THE SEASON Will be mest gracefully con veyed if you select your present! from onr stock of HOLIDAY GOODS. We have a lot of nice things that will please the ones yon wish to please. Don't make the mistake of buying until you see them. BSAUTITUI. Sc CHEAP. We have the agency for Nuir n ally's Candy, and have re ceived a shipment by express Ilia the kind that people want for special occasions, and when I there is au earnest DESIRE TO PLEASE some body. It is sold only in sealed paakages-lovely, dainty boxes, packed in ib, 1 fc and 2 lb boxes-60 cents per ft. , COmE TO GEE US and our goods. It will please you and us too. T0DDc& SHELL. bnuGaiGT. Notice. Worth Carolina, I Caldwell Co, . I - - By Tlrtue of a power ol sale contained In a mortgage deed executed to U C. Brook and assigned to me by A. L, Hawkins and : wife, 0. A, Hawkins, I will on Monday January tke , 1888, offer for sale to tke kickest bidder for eaah at patillo aactlon at the court koaae door In Lenoir, H. O. a certain piece of land In Hortk Catawba Townakld adjoining the lands of W. GUxebrook, Bert Brabskaw and others: Berlnnlng1 on a stone on tke West aide of the public road and runs east S3 v poles to a Spanish oak; tkenee south is poles to a Bpanlak oak; tkence east Si poles to a roat oak on tke bank of the road: thence north 0 degrees went, 4i poles, with said road to the beginnlnfr; containing 8 acres more or. less, ustd mortgage Is Registered In Reg ;.: (.GiIISDS;iri AS! ! WE BEE WOW PaSPflRB. , .. . j. -!f-L TO PilRMSSH - : . 1 ;CHR8STMfl8 D 1 n ?j E w : ' ...-", r . A full line of Heins's Sweet Chow-chow, etc. Iresh Crackers, Imported Macaroni ani Ne w York cream elites ny flakes, Oalimeal in packages atd Flake! onti ia barrdi T i - Duuham's-Shredtd i far ntr rrrA a other fancy goods. CAW We havo a fuU line, something nice for y c ur girl Chocolate. Try some of HeiLze's raiaro meat - t'uo ii st made. You will want soma Cranberry Sauce; wo bavj th; ries to make it. T3n cases cboisest Florida Orarges, Er nu's and Brazil Xuts ia larc quantities For tha little boys we have Toy Fistols, Firecrackers crackers, ttc We are Try a box of Country Gentleman only 25 in a box In Heavy Groceries cur stock islargaaJ comploto art.i supply yon witb anything kept ia a fiJs'i chss es.abl .sLujo.; and see us before mailing your f urcbases Wwh;cg you a merry Chr.V.mas and happy Xcv.- Y ; .v MOORE L HAYWARD, Watchmaker and Jeweler Lenoir N. C. AVL Kinds of Watch, Clock And Jewelry .Repa ring. Gold aid Silver Soldering. All Woric .Guaranteed. Come and give me a call No. 6 Jor es Row West Maia St. Silver Watch. States ville MarTjle works. I handle all kinds of Granite and Marble known to the trade a - the best Quality. BEST MATERIAL, FIRST-CLASS WORK and LOWEST VHl Write to 1 C. B YEB Statesville, N. C Nov IQ. 1897. ' J f I Stoves! Stoves ! Stoves! We make a study of Stove3. -The coastrnction, the woign-, the size, all the parts undergo a close scrutiny. Wo buy th; Beat, we pay the ca3h we sell for the cash. Oar L "n i? Wz, : and varied. Our work is largo and smooth we-nev-jr inl-83 s Sale. We haveauy kind and Siza You can always get lie pairs from ns wr any of the Stoves we sell. We have T No. 7 s, Good onos, at $7.50, . " - Then going up a Dollar, or a dollar and a half to our ' l ' s Hajestic Steel Range at $50 l This is tho kmj 3old f rorn' tao Wagon3 by paddlera a6 IGS Then in HEATERS wecan fix you. KING'S,. COLE'S, and WILSON'S We sold rear a Hualred last year, i'.on the presont outlook, our Bha this csaaou will eclipse this. Lc; show you. ' Lime, Cement.' Terra Ootta Finn Pipe (tho. safest flaea mad -a).1 I'v Sash, Glass, Locks Hinges, BARN DOOR HANQE K s (If you are building a birn see these), Railroad Paints which all our Painters pronounce the best, Wagon and Buggy Materia). : Tire, Hubs, Spokes, Wheels, Skeins, Bolts, Rods, Corner at; 1 Scropper Irons, Bed Irons. Brakes and Paints. WE ARE IN THE HARDWARE BUSINESS. XTo do We must lead and Price, What we say TELEPHONE CALL NO. 50. j ardware and (pDrniture wsaa axd Sour pickles, Sauci, tn stcck of bath Seeded and lio I A o - ..v i k k, imn i Cocoanut, Cocpaauts aid a fui! ; .. f .f - I from cheap s'ick to BlocV's Ua try a pacVago of Best Bo r ! , .! .1 -'HI' iiu:.. :i headquarters for FiNE CIG tfepecfully, BROTHEI 3 You Health, YesYou Defend. on s (j.x a UNDER-ST ANL'-'... Beware I wet feet may cau -; y I make first class BOOTS anl s.'i H Shoes, too I have a repair machine, ai.U hi.i to do All sorts of repair uk ;:, shoe aud harnets line, Prices reasonable. Ctll a.d s;c u. H.J PEARSON. Up Stair oveii Charter Oak Hir.l .v a ! I.HI... in Quality, Assortment Call and See we do we do do. RNHARDT ompany. mm ,uii liiMUB, Mortgages, Page 4T. - W. ii. Shits. HOT, S 17.

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