Aflf sVCt VOLUME XXV. LENOIR, N. 0., WEDNESDJLT, BEPTfMBrn 20, 1800. NTJMBEB t. ML V Edmund Jones, Lawyer, Linoiii N r . W. H. B0WStt ATTORNEY - A I - LAW. UtHOIH, M. W.I iiivlit in lhi oouru ol itldwnl) w4 wtjola In ConnUss. EDGAR ALLAN POE, ATTOMEY-AT-LAW, Lenoir, - NO J. M .Bpainhcmr, VI DO ITS SllTIM CM Unttl OOLLBS Dentist. LMOIR, BT. 0. Ilaa no tmsura malarial (or HI I In ( Is Work as low at good work nan be done. Ptlnt torn a 4 latino niay nld rt-la) bf ofortnlos him at wliatttm prxi ooaiiaj J, W. SUDDERTH Brick-Layor & Plasterer UtNuIR, N.C. -Heviiliii yaar (prlinc In the lualnK Contracts fur work ollrlta I , 4 IW'tl' narrtt'1 T RINITY COLLEGE. rortj-nfih yur 0iD W1iie day'rdth. largrat eudoomm of any Ooliegr In the outh. (tomplrtst Oyuiuanluui In the Ptale. Board 8.60to 110,00 r month. Loan BetolarstiljMt tnr worthv young ruon. Ynuns; womrn adin-ttea to all the claasea Ber.d (or Catao(u to PKBH'DKNT K1I.00, Corham, N. c. AND School of Business. BOON VILLE, N C. Ainst to furnish the maximum ef idvuitage at the minimum of cost to boy and girls preparing for Col lege, Busines, or Teaching. Aver age cost of bosrd and tuitior for fire month a, only 140 Brief courses in Book keeping, Shorthand, Type 'writing, and Telegraphy at $12 60 per ocma-. Special attention given to Teachers' Normal Course. 208 students representing three states in attendance laat year. Fall Term i!l open August 8, 1899. Splr-n did new buibim. wtll furnished. Lccaucn unnnllr'd Competent instructors We irvite crmparieou in method, crurs of instruction, earliest work, ohnnoter and success of pupil, oonifnrt and moral tone of eurronndidg. Write for cata logue. Address, R. B. Horn, Principal. Boonevi le, N. C. THE STATE MIAL AND INDUS TRIAL COLLEGE. CF NORTH CABPLIVA. 0r to young woinm. thorough literary, elaatcal,acleutlflo,anJ Induttrial education and sprclal p.dagoglcal training Annual fM to $1S0; ( r nn-resMnt o( the State 1S0. Faculty of thirty (0) members. More than four hundred (MO) regular students. Haa marticu'atod about 1,700 students, repre aentlni every county In the Htate eioopt one Practice and Observation School of about 150 pupils. To aecure board In dormitories, all free tuition application ahould be nnd hefore Augrilt 1. Correspondence Inylt id from ttaoaa desiring ompetent trained teachers Forratatogue and other Information' ad-4raM- PBK8IDBNT MclVKIt, QBIN9B0B0, 3. C, Oneolnlon Hinelhop, Founders c H3Co.ol3.lxi.loto. LINCOLNTON. N.C . Bnild Saw Mills, Engines, Banding Manbines, and other raaobinery. Oar Saw Mill is the latest improved, and we invito mspeotion. We build engines, 15 to 80 H. P. We apply oar improved Head Blocks to old mills. We make Urate Bars for wood or dust. We make beyel and spar Ge.xr Wheel.. We make cat gearing of all kind and varieties. We make Brass ani Iron oAstiogt of all kinds and shapes. We re -bora Engiae Cylinders, plane the Valves and Valve Seals, und nuke now rinK This otops jour engine from leaking steam and gives yon fall power. Take your Cylinders off and send to us. This i s our business. And we study It, and this is why we are doing more repair work tban ever before in our history. We dt all kinds of Pipe work. We oat piping to any length and furnish all kinds of ilttiuga. Write ui for what yon want tnd we will help yon. We hare saved the people money nuoy time, by a letter or a few minu'es talk. Do-not forget to writs ui for whit yon want. NUMBS 00IOCII BEI. ITU. Tm Jjj tki rklllpplm Cimmndor it Utterly IfiCoiiitiit. Ian Fra- el Hpsslat to Baltlwoi Hun, The offloeia of the 8ooth Dakota and Minn jS ita R gimeuts one and all cnndeui i the im nner in which MJ r (Jct.o.'i 1 0 -ts in bundling af fuii iu the Philip pi bos, bo i none ol them will spj.k f. r ual oitticn. " b. 7 will express their opimous, but on' with thu prjuiou that under no uoalderat on shll their DiDiei be used 1 luijr are still in thj Stryico and dru not criticise a superior officer Tree tf their nan or ere under nrrwi' for having been goilly of this breach of army rule a aid rega litiorjs. While in Manila Lieaten ant Ooloorl H over, Burgeon Major Warne and First Lientenanl Bata wrote letters to their friends in Da sn ft criiicismg General These b tters were given to toe newspaper! and pul 1 ehed and their arrest fol lowed. A grou p of a vi n t,fli jers stood oa the burriciue d tck of the Sherilun this afternoon, ana one of the cap trins Viiicd tbe sentimeut of tie others as foilowr: "Otn it all right in b s plac a chimney corner, with thr knifing uetdies and a ball of ysrn. IL does n t know his own mind for three oneeontive houii at a time. nd the recall is that the vol anteers were tossed about' from pillar to post uniil they were omplr'.. 1; worn ont and wholo enmpttok's were i'i the hospitrh 'Tke the 8n Ftruai.'tc rcio-ni f ir instance. That is an iua' ' town a 'i ua inpoitaot Vt e ere forced to from a te.doi' found it, ..h i? stmct no to fi 'i a shot with ut ,41 eat p ovoobtuw 'I bo null os had been d ivjn m'o be monrtains, bu as oon at ibev ebvv e were ilcit.g nothing 11 oy re turncii kiid surron ided ' a "If Uenorsl Otis is to uianoge the next campaigr, we will not make an impression on the insu -rrction with 160,000 men. Presi dent McKiuley had better keep the regiments at home and abandon the Philippines." k IQ8DERFUL CUBE OF DI1BRH0E1. I PFOMIIEIT VIRGIII1 EDITOI Hsd llffioit Elm Up. kit Its Bakt Buk t. Pirtict RulikkiCkiEkirlilii C.tic. Ckilin ud Diirrkiii lind REID BIS FDITBBIAL, Krom the Times, BllbtUe, Va. 1 suffered with diarrhoea for a long time and thought I was past bemg cored. 1 bai spent much time and o o ley and suffered so much misery that I bad almost de ciJed to give up all hopes of recov trj np await the r salt, bnt notic ing the advertisement of Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Uerrrdj and also some testimonials stating how some wonderful cures had been wrought by this remedy, I decided try it After taking a few doses I was entirely well of that tumble, and I was entirely well of that tronble, and I wish to say fur ther to may readers and fellow-sufferers that I am a hale and hearty man to-day and feel as well as I tver did in my life. 0, R. iooRi, 8j1J at Dr. Kent's Drag Store. '. L ... ... iA Keliaoie pernio. UI ll uninniw vriHw.i;mi'j deilrlnc a trip to the Paris Exposition, with som alary and espenaei paid, ihould write Dull if In. Iintkirtlll. rot Tba Unolr tone. Mrs. Mary Sherrill (Maiden name Coffey) wes born Fejjt 1848 and died t ug. 80, 1899, aged 51 years. She united wita Lower Creek Baptist cl.nrob, Oct. 1866. of whioh ' he was a m rubor at the nine of her death Mrs, Sherrill wjs not s ck a great while, Lot boro bar sicknuis with patience, meekness and tengnation. She was a gooo wife, a geod neighbor and good to ti e worthy poor. She was a den ted, consistent and upright m-mber of the ohuroh. Bbe will be grea'ly missed as a neighbor, a friend and member of tbe obarch, but by none so sorely as by her dear husband (A. C Sber rill). II is many friends extend to him their warmest sympathy in hit sad bereavement. Mrs. Sherrill wanted te live but was willing to die. Bbe had no fear at to her future. She was laid to rest in the family burying ground near S. J. Shirnl's in the presence of a large criucourse of poople. The funeral atrvicts were conducted by Rov. I. W Thomas. A Friend. Bibkid Tki fi ui A etirtling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver ol Philadelphia, wss he subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a meet dread ful condition. My skin was almost yello-, eje8 sunken, tongue coated, nan o.ntmually in back and siVs no appetite gradually graving wetkor day by day. Three physic ians qad givau me up. Pr'anate lv, " friend advised sryinp Blectrio Bifrrr;' and to my great j y and surprise, He firs , made a de oided improvement. I tontinucd their are for three weeks, and am now a well map. I know they saved my life, and robbap the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them Only 50 "its , guaranteed, at Todd & She'l'a Drug Store. PIBSIIAL Mr. W. D. Jones, jr , of Roinoko Rapid hit pareou a fljm. Deputy sheriff, Oicar Jones, of Biackstone. was here Saturdav. Capt W I). Joue3 and h a daugn ter, Miss L Hie, of I'aterson, were here Saturday Mr. W. 0. Newland went to Bal eigb Saturday to atten-i a meeting of the Executive Board of the Peni tentiary. Attorney J. B Connelly, of Satea villo, passed throng Lenoir Satur day en route home from Ashe conn 1 Thousand Toigou Could not express the rapture of Annie E Spinger, ef 1124 Howard st-, Piladelphia, Pa , when the found that Dr King's New Discov eiT for Consumption hat completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made lif a bur den. All other remediea and doo- tort coul give her no help, bat she says of this Royal Cure-"it toon removed the pain in my cheat and I can now sleep soundly, like sound icg its praises throghont the Uni verse" So will every one who Dr. King's New Dircovery for any trouble of the Troat, Chest or Langs. Price 60o and il.OO, Trial bottles free at Todd & Shell s Drug Sturc every bottle guaranteed. Mr V. E Teagne, of Gun piwdev, invited the editor of tte Tono to assemble himeelf into d eriff Boyd'i office 8turiiaj to kain oat a r !tttnd wktermeli-::. lie taid ui.s was the las' from nia atch 1 Wirdti litkin. Mothers of children affeoted with orour t a severe cold need not hes itate to administer Cbamberlai'a Couth Remedy. It contains no ooiaie nor narcotic in any from and ST my be given as confidently to tbe bne at to au adult. The great boo otet that hat attended ita use in the treatment of oslds and oroup has won for it the approval and praise it has received throng hout the Um ted Btatt and in many foreiyn J v . r tr.. a. rt... .. lannt. rorta.tov vr. ixt uas ii;ub Store, BY A TAR KEEL GIRL Will th Torpedo Boat Shubrlek Bs Chrlitintd. Ita sign Post. The difficulties whioh hare pres ented themselves to those having the matter in charge at Richmond, Va., aneot tbe select'on of a propsr sponsor for tbe ne government torpado boat Bhubihk, built by the Trigg Company of Richmond, ap pear to he settled at last, by the se leotion of t North Carolina miss- Carrie 8 Shubrick of R olcy Mount aged ten jeart. a lineal descendant of the illustrious old "sea-dog ' for wbom tbe yessel it named The following facts, taken from the Ricnmond Dispatch, in this connection will prove of interest to all North Carolinians. "From private information re ceived here, there seems to be no doubt that tbe torpedo-boat 8bu brick will be lnunchod with Mist CarrieS Shubrick of Rocky Mount N C , s its spooser. "Tbe Shub'ick family have prao tically decided upon her, and it is unders'ocd that, Judge Advocati- General Ljmly, of the Navy De pfcrti rfut, is willing to accept her as the representative of tbe Shu brick inmily. By virtue of her des cent from tbe old naval officer for whom trie torpedc-boat it named, it it cor sidero i eminently appro priate that she should break the bottle of wine over the ship's prow. Rqi'i Tkb? ne ciur U:ie Hundred uoiiars Reward fjr any ctsa of Catarrh that cannot be cart d by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J CHENEY A CO, Props., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cbenby for tbe last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all btsiness t ansaotions, and fin anc ally oble to carry out any obli gation male by their firm. West t Truai, Wholesale Drug gie's, Toledo, 0, Waldihg, Kinnan Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hali's Catarrh Cure is taken in terna 1, acting directly upon the blood and maoons surfaces of the system Piice 75j. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials fren Hall's family Pills are tbe beet. TIE R1IB0I 6IUBF. Tki Soilken ud S A L- nt ll it-- flllBilni Stiidird Bi. The Columbia State learns from an unquestionable source that the rumors connecting the Seaboard Air Line and Southern with tbe pur chase of the C & N W aro unfoond ed in faot, and that the new owners of the roid are not connected with either of thete systems. Ibey sure men of ample means who have a definite plan of development to car ry ont. They propes to change the road to standard gauge and are already making preparations to tbat end. They wili extend it from Lenoir, N. C, ita present terminus, to Klisa bethtou, Tenn., a point about 15 miles sooth of Bristol, with which point it is already connected by rail. This extension will p&fs throagh extensive coal and iron properties. It is also intended to extend the line south from Chester a distance of about 50 miles to Camden, where connection will be made with the three leading rail road systems of this stotion. A road from hester to Camden will past by the great water power on tho Catawba river. The main purpose of the capital ists behind the project it to supply thit section with coal from the ex tensive Tennessee fields. This they will be able to do at rates probably below all rivalry from other sources and at cheap coal wili be a blotting to South Carolina it follows that thit development will be of great valoe and importance to the Sta'.e. A oorpt of turveyort it about to be pot in the field to ran the line be tween Chester and Camden. At Camden the com potion between the Seaboard, Southern Atlantio Ooatt Line system is oonnted on to fur I nith ample distributive facilities. ARP ON DIVORCES Says the Inra3 from Tear to Year in Hci is Alarms;. WAS DIFFERENT YEARS .AGO. Bill Says He Dots Not Know What tho Poor Girls Will Do If Mat ters Do Nit Mind. Who are tbe mtrriageable girls goidg to marry P This generation cannot judge the future by the paat, for the paat does cot interest them. The present it treir cbief concern. Only tie old people who married taalf a century ago can appreciate the con rast between now and then and the change for the worte is alarming. The marriage relation hrt lost conch of ill cericntness, its solemnity, its dignity, and conse quently sparatiors snd divorces inoereased far more rapidly than population. During the pist twen ty yean population bis increased 60 per c-nt, wbile divorcer have in- croasi 157 pt r cent. What a nc rl o' br ken vews aid tonjuga' misery Dr. Landrum, the eminent Baptut preacher of Atlanta, s&id in a re cent sermon, "Our homes are in peril The foundations of society are threatenrd. Marriega it too often a mockery. D.vcrces are rapidly mn'tiplying in our courts and rfomeit'c depravity prows apace." But lel divorces are bnt a small proportion of tbe number of separ ations and a smII smaller propor tion of unhapp" married paople wlo suffer and endure their conjugal miser rather than mortify their children or excite a public sandal. A notable lady of oar town declared recently that she knew of but two happy married ccupks in our whele community. Only two who are as loving and devoted as when they stood at tho marriage altar We all know mny who if not as happy as when g'st married, are as lovirg and kind to each other, and their happiness is only married by tl e anx e is incident to mimed life. St. Paul said. "The love of money it the root of all kvil," and Ben Franklin aid, "The lack of it is the cause of all misory." Neither of these assertions are altogether true, but they approximate the troth I was ruminating about the greed md selfishness of mankind, for I hav keen reading abiut these trusts so mncb of late thit liko the City of Siustna, I save became per pleued r.d don't know what is go ng to be the e id of it. In The Saturday Ksview of Sip-.eme-r 21 and 9lh, which is a ladies' j ureal of great t xoellent, published in At lant, there are vo aiticl s cn trusts, wr tt.n by Dr Alfred E Seddor; au Englishman, 1 bclivo, bnt now a cit i n of Atlanta, which for cogent and classic tbeugh en ites both admiration and alarm After setting forth tbe many evils that wi 1 fallow these gret comb ut ons of capital, he aks, "What is push ing on this mighty movement this great iceberg that is going counter to powefol currents and billows? Popnlar deencciatien, the presp, the enactments of congress and legislatu es are like "so many wavct tpending tneir impotent wrath in vain upon the monster. Trusts will continue to move on. They will grow in power aid will in time corral all the waltb, the transpor tion, the produce of our mines and fields. They will enlist in their service a yatt army of toliert whose dependence on them will be soui crnshing and absolute, and tbey will bar out another army of would be toilers, who will he ve no visible means of support and then wbatf To what goal are we hastenn gf Congress might as well try to pre vent the sun frrm setting on the west, er to s'op tte dewn rushing of In iagara, as to attempt by hw to arrest this nniversal trend of mod ern ronmrroe towrrds troat," Then Dr. Seddon writes of the new faotor in Amerioan sooiety the faotor of poverty - and aays that ita presence and itt power it not yet rea'iied, He quotes from the addreet of welcome by the Chicago Federation of Labor to tho trades assembly: "We bid you welcome in the names of a hundred moaop- olult and fifty thousand tramps. Here mammon holds bet carnival is palaces, while mothert are heart broken and children are star f ing and men look . in vain for work. We welcome you in tbe name ef a hundred thoussnrl idle men tonight we will show you hundreds of strong men lying on tbe rough stones in the corridors of this very bnilding -no home, ne food men able and willing to work, but fcr whom there it ne work." In New York city there were over 30,000 families turned ont latt year for unpaid rent. There were 250 tnicidet and one person in every ten who dies it bnried in the pot ter's field. Ob, the pity of it-the pityofitl When will the millen- ium come? Dr. 8eddon believet it became be knows that God is good and will not suffer tuch misery to be prolonged, send because He has promised that all the families of the earth shall be blessed. I cm almost afraid to read suoh things now. Such pictures of hu man misery bring sadness and a feeling of dispair. Long, long ago I wept over tbe "Lay of the I abor er," by Tom Hood, when it first appeared in London. Tbat same tad song has gotton over here on this side of the water and now onr own itrong men are singing: "Wherever nature needs, Wherever labor calls, No job I'll shirk of the hardest woik To shun the workhouse walls; No alms I ask, give me my task Here are the arm, the leg, The strength, the sinews of a man, To work and not to beg." BILL ARP, DEUIISII FISUBES Glgintti luklii Ciip.ii Bittii a Urji Traastctni. Winst'-n ipeclal to Rakish Post A big deal, which hat been pend ing for some time, was closed here to day The Winston Cigarette Machine Company has disposed of all foreign teriitory to a wealthy English company for about $ 1 50,- 000 Tbe Wintton company re serves the United States and Cana da, and machines for their trade in this territory will continue to be maLufactured in thit city. The deal was consummated in Londin tome t me ago by tbe preiident of the Winston company, Mr. J. L, Williams, of Fayetteville. Rep resontativej of the London company were in Winston to day and met the director! of the Winston com pany, when the finishing touches were put upon tbe b g deal. DeWiti's Little Eirly Risers pro mo)e good health by keeping liver ..r.ii bowels poperly regulated, Pleasant to tak never gripe, 'Bsi p 1 1 s made; we will use no ethers," says G. H. Applegate J. P . of Clarkbue. N. J. Todd k Shell Tiki Cart of Your Tools. K;oncmiza and tave uselais ex pense is the watchword of the hour. Farmers are generally very careless in regard to their farm implements. Often the plow it left in the field or hung up on the fence The reaper and mower we have often teen standing in the field, where they were left when latt used. The wa gon, unsheltered, is left to with t'and the sun's storm. It it a fact known to all farmert that exposure it more injurant than constant use. By tbe next spring the element will have dot-e their work. he rust will have eaten deeply into the tteel and much unpleasant work will be made, and patience almost exhausted before the plow will scour, when a little timely work would have sived all tronble. The bright moldboards, when the fall work is done, should h rubbed dry and coated wi h linseed oil, and next spring the plow will glide smoothly into the rioh soil, turning it over without any tronble, G ve shelter to your implements, and for the painte woodwork a good coating of crude petroleum will be found very beneficial. Hundreds or thou sands of dollars ere annually lost to the farmers by their tailing to provide shelter and give the propor attention te tnttr implements. list ns save the pennies, end the dollars wtu take care or tnemteives. A Pbettv FAsTCT.-When day be gins to go up to heirr-n at night, it dees not spread a pui - of wings and fly aloft like a bird. It just climbs softly up on a ladder. It rets its red sandal on the shrub you have watered these three days, lett it ihould perith with th rat; thn it steps on the trej we sit under, and thence to tbe ridge of the roof; from the roof to the chimney; and from the chi mney to the tall elm ; and from the elm to the tall cbnrch spire, and then to the tlr ahold of heaven; and thus yen cm see it go up as though it walked up red rotes. For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, tkin diseases and all irritating er uptions, nothing so soothing and bealmg as DeWiU'a Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs. Emma Bolles. Matron Englewood Nursery, Chicago, says of it- "When all else fails in heal ing our babies, it will cure.'' Todd & Shell. Edwin 0 Wood of Michigan, Secretiry of the Tamwerth Swine Breakers' Association, knows a good thing wacn he seas it. Writing the other day of the Biggie Swine Book, the latest apdition to The Biggie Books, he says, "Without exagger ation or fulsome praise it is the beat book which has come to my notice. I have carried it in my pocket two weekt, reading it in leisure mom ents, and following ita advice hat already taved me, as I believe, fifty dollars" This is big retnrns on an investment of 50 cents, which the publishers, Wilmar Atkinson Co., Philadelphia, Pa., ask for the book. Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver Ills. To those living in malarial districts Tutt's Pills are indispensible, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Scwinj: Machine Rotary Motiom li Ball kris Send for Circulars. WHEELER & WILSON MFB, CO., ATLANTA, GA. We call attention to this line. We have a nice line ato offer the trade. We also have Shoes both for Hen and Women, We axe opinio.,? at and Jbelow oost. There is not a large Stock of the latter bnt when fits &o are to be bad bargains can be found. We have some clothing too, we are offering very cheap. Call and exa-nine. Respectfully, GLOYD & JOHNSON. dM.aau.a, Shoes