Tiin LENOIR TOPIO H,s, eliie: Eior ani mittr EDQ1E A.P0E, Associate Editor. Babtcriptlon prlc. a. 00 WEDNESDAY, BEPT 20. 1809. Tuiraovi Oaxl Nujuiku 7. tUr4atlh$ Fost-offue at Lenoir oi cond-cUu mailer. The Profrewiye Farmer publis is thii week en address proper 3 1 bj a committee appointed at tho recent session of tho State Farmors A.ii anoe. It is addrossod to tho ' far mers and former members I tho Farmers' Alliance in North Caro lina." We understand it wua main ly gotten np by Maj. W. A. (J aharu of Lincoln county. It iH a inBor Ttive paper, and, aa wo have often said, if the Alliance could bo re or ganized on tho lines laid down in this address it could do a groat work for the farmers of tho State. We will publish tho address in fall in our next issue. Droyfus has been pardoned. This is something in the direction of jus tice for this ill treated citiz3n of a great country, but it does not wipe out the disgraoe to that citntry brought about by the maci.'ost in justice he has suffered. II a ac quittal by the court would have been far better and France would hare been looked upon in n f ar more favorable light by the civi lised nations of the earth. The whole affair shows up the military department of France to be a mass of corruption, and it should teach this country the great dun; -r of building up and maintain;- a vast standing army. Such aa ln Btution will be a standing menace to justice. Away with "lav rial ism." 1 Studird GiDgt. In the Yorkvillo Knquinr, re ceived to-day, we find same 'iter esting news about tho N .rrow Gauge railroad. It will bo i,'-ticed that the Enquirer eeonis to nink that these facts can be relied upon. In connection with this, we ouid say tbst it has just been nU t in the papers that tho bou fur Kailroad has bought tho Cm road, This would seem to in i . i that the Southern is in tin iUr.1, and that it may not nurpr.fi any one to see our road in the hu is of that corporation in a short i lnlc. Much of the business ul the line will be benefitted by a c iinge of this kind, but Lenoir may it be so mnch benefitted. Her' ,j the news the Enquirer brings ut: "Tek Envjikkr has coufirma tioD of the Columbia Site's tory of tho proposed change of tho Car olina and North-Western railroad into a standard gaugo. It m not permitted to give the sourc if its information. Tho State's 'ate ment correctly outlino i tho p escnt plans of the owners of the op t tj They Lave gone into tk t-r t-'pnuo pnrr'yas a matter of i j ' u I rt t i u ri ; but iteie seems to bo no dc.uU of their ability to do all that tin y bavo in sight- This includes a te coal route from Tennessee to tho Vhn tio coaat. The primary ol'j. -t of the promoters is to sell, ar t it, ia their intenon to promote ih- en terprise to tho point whore it ...r ell to the bost advantage. It may be necessary for them to bu.l-1 all the way to tho coast, or th-y m-y find a purchaser in eithor tl.-j Set board or the Southern before 'hey reach Camden. At aDy rute tho work of broadening the guage .8 to commenoe without a great deal of delay. The beginning is t be nude on the npper end of tl . end, in Tenneuee, and tho won of broadening the gauge is to to c m menoed between Hickory a -.a U noir. oomini down this way . it iB BOW thoaght that the entire work Will be completed within 18 mouths The promoter! aleo figure that the vndertaking ii a perfect ea'e one; that eten if they do not sell they Will get good dividends on the r in TMtaent" . PILES CURED. If taJtatwM will tse. Banner iIv or latoeMUapolUvtwniwr te.uitin worst cua. aaeraaUe. tta. DREYFUS MADE FREE His Pardon SiOCi If Loutjet. Picsidcnt LEAVES RENNES QUIETLY. The Publlo Not Apprised of His Destination Some Paris Papers Froth at Mouth Over the Par don While Others Commend Favorably Upon It -A Champion of Dreyfus Dies In the Hour of Triumph. I'aris, Sept. 1!'. Droyfus was pardoned this morning. Ho loaves Ktnne.' to-day, but his destination is not kcofii. It is reported that Dreyfus will abandon his appeal for revision of the sentence of tbo court initial in consequence of his pardon. Tho Bunouncoment of Drojfus' liberation will not bo made until after his departure for England, The story of Muio. Droyfus' visit to Folkestone, England, with La bori is contradicted, fijme. Drey fus is Btill at RenneS; AMI AT J'AHKs I'Al'KKS SAY, Paris, Sept. 1!). Afternoon newspapers variously comment on the pardon. 1'he l'atri says it reserves its opin ion for the present. The Paris expresses delight at tho action of the government. The Gazette de France decla:cs that the pardon tears up the judge ment of the court-martial, although Loubet solemnly promisod that it would be rospected. The Droits de L'LIomme declares that the decision honors the gov ernment, which restores the martyr to his family. It adds that tho cabinet recoguizas Dreyfus' inno cence, which was already patent to ihe whole world. Tho Cote de Lbonrse prai.-CB M. Scheurer-Kestner, who died on tbo day of his triumph. It suggests that a statue beere-ted in his honor. The Croii ayers that the pardon is a slap in the face for ti couri martial and an insult to tn: army. It declares that it is the final act of a moribund government The Preeso declares that the par. don is Prime J.iiister Wtddeck Rousseau's Revenge for tho defeat he received at Rcnnes. The K"uU le F'ancaieo ei yx ti.e e.jrolhry ol the jurdt.n mus U the f upi'T' eBion of attaeks spi:tt the n'tny; o'horw e tb whole ''nun try will nso fl tii.E' tho goyorii ment. Trie, t ; 1 a thai Dreyfus wia to bo so t at libcr-y created no commotion here "Tbey arc simply p--i f ct," writ' 6 Robt. Moore, of Li F.iyaMp, Ir d , of I) ) Witt's Little 1-lirly lu . rs. the ''fcmouB little pillo" lor enstipa tion and all liyor admen's Nc.ur gripe. Ti ii 1 &. Bhell. Dsath of Mrs McGhee On the 14 nst Lucinda, wfe of Rev. (Jeorgo Mcdhee died at hei home in Kings Creek townsbip. She had been Bufferi';g for eigh teen years from a cancer which ate out her left cje entirely and ail the fleshy part of her ace surrounding her eye and imst rf the rcof of i,or mouth. She had been unable to w rk for C vo years and had suff r.'d al tba hrrrible tortares of having fcir I fo gradually eaten up. Sho passed away almost without a struggle knowmgthat a home had been prepared for ber where thoie will bo no more suffering and pain and whore sorrow never comes. May she rost in peace in tbo arms of the Savior whom she had trusted and worshiped as her only lV.sician who could give her comphte peace and happiness, A. B. 0. Meadow Hill, N, C. Sept. 14, '99 Tho great tuccoas of Chumbe' hiij'u Celic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the treatment of bowel complaints liai mado it standard over the (aatrr pirt of tbo civil jz d world. For sale it Dr. Kent. Drug Htrr, Goid stok of t-c hool Bocka tneb as aro mod H uir county school at- M, M. Ccu troy. All kind of C intry P;odue vn',t:d at high 'st market prin a nt, M. M. Courtney. Hrlldila ncrHiui uf m-r linli l or Invenilvn inlnil dclrliiKlrlptoth l-nrii KxpnulUun, wliligiHid x.lk l AlJUIil iUitOUU, UnlUaioro, Mil. STATE TOPICS, Mooki.illo ii to hare ft furniture factory. About 10,000 (f the capital stock has already been snb cribod and charter applied for. Mr W. N. Morrison and other oitieons of Lumberton are to ereot a hosiery mill thoro with a o ipaoity of 100 dozjn pairs of half Lose per day. Sherman Patbay, oolorcd, was killed by a Southern Hiilway triin at Durham Saturday tfurnoon. Patbay was attempting to ji at his way on tho train. Mr. JifTerson BoBt, of Crab Or chard. Mecklenburg, was gored by bull Thursday afternoon, rec jiving injuries from which ho du d early Friday morning. Mr. Bjst was 37 years old and his wife surv ivta him. A company was organized in Dor ham Saturday tftornoon for the erection of a $400,000 cjttou mill. T. B. Fuller is president; George W Watts, vioo presidont; J. S. Oarr, llufus L. Patterson and others di rectors Mr, W, M. Ilarvell fell from the roof of thtf Delgado cotton mill in Wilmington Friday morning and received injuries which caused his death Friday evening. Mi. Ilarvell was at work on the roof of the mill when tho accident occurred. Mr. Harry Tucker, of Wilmington who was soverely burned by the ex plosion of a lamp in his room at the Charlotte llotel, in Churlotte, Thursday night, died Friday night of h ia injuries. Dr. J. P. Strong, fcr many years editor of the Charlotte Democrat, at the home of his sister-in-law in Brattloboro, Vt.died Friday, Dr. Strong was a native of Vermont livod in Charlotte from 1876 until last July, whoa, being in very fee ble health, he returned to Vermont. Following in tbe wake of the other railroads, the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, nearly all of which is owned by the State, has obtained an injunction restraing the corpora' ion commissioners from in-ere.-s.ng tne arscamont over last yo'ir. A correspondent of lue L'kera Mirror tays that Wilson Ta)lor, a ycurg white boy, aUomptei to criminally assault the daughter of Jas. Wisim.'.n, r.rar Ingalls, n:ilch ell oonn y, on tv G,h, bjt tho girl i8i'.npw! from him. Taylor wb nr : did and id ill J ni. ' '-ji' I , v.ri'ty opened Monday w u. an a'' rsdaP' w!i-:h it m said hrrnk j id: r?: rls bjforo or Binco vrar. Four buii'ired en 1 17 s'.u -d! t? bad icgnte e l np to Sfurday a ga n of 82 ov.t l.s,t year Of t !,(!.. lt'T nr.' iii-w s'udenU, jepre-.-"t !. i ST : nii' -ri in thi l5:ae, -J v ii S t u i d dunin. . u r S , l.y 'f-t,'- week Bert He : m k ii i d J an ti ngg wit i mi aie. (i, p. P c n '.lid Beam qunr.e ed at t!i Ii i s house about the turn of i-!. i'i e eider G. igg, it is tUted e iih' up ai d threw a rock at B'am and 6'arttd toward him, hn 'e in hand. Beam was cutting wood near ins door and be struck Origg with l is axe. The laiter died in bilf an hour. Tr.o hearing before Judgo Simon ton at Asheville last week of the ndroad and telegraph assessment i ii j aKction canes and the fer il'zer retf! care, was concluded Saturday Judge Simontoijd decision will not be iol'1( red Lr fome time. In all the ca- h tl.'' attorneys havf the pmil'yc ,f filing ore's in thirty duys. arnl tr tend thogo, in adlition to tho affi liiMti", will take a consid erablo tiuic. W. R. KM if, elerk of Dvie Sopc r or Court died a few daya ago and there are live candidates to succeed him. They are A. T. Grant, James McUuiro, Jr , Geo. W. Shfok, of Mocksville; 0. M. Sheets, of Ad vance, and J. M. Furch "8, of Farm iujjton, Judge Starbuck, Republi can, ar.il the resident j'idge of the district, will mako the appointment. Grant has hold tho office before. He w&3 el. rk for 1G years. Furchei is brother of Jadga Furchoe, of States villo. Senator RLUjm, Col. Jul. Carr, and other gcod speakers nro ex p ctcd to be on band to addrm the fjteraiio. Backini Arnica Salve- Tho best Ralvo in the world for cuts, bruises, soros, ulcers, salt rheum, frwor sores, tetter, chapped bands, cbilbluino, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no p;y required. It is guaran teed to givo satisfaction, or money lofunded. Prico 25c. per boi. For tale by Todl & She". soma dovi ml. tnfarlnf ' from Eld- , IMtNl ' falrr4a'l ' but tdjr Iom of J trnitk and lut- 1 It. Titty ihould Ion ok tiin In trying rolvy'i KtdDty Can, a Ouaikiitaad Prcptntlon LUCY YOUXQ'S CA$L "Stricken" at the Mourner'e Benoh September I - Takes No Solid Food. i.hllleCllllD. The strange oase of Luoy Younp, tbe colored girl, who, the worship ers at ''Baby Z on" cburoh believe, was "stricken by tho 'ord" while at the moo mum' bo oh, continues in its mystery at tbe ebnieb, and the sessions of the protracted meet ing still in progress have full housei of the faithful. Luoy went to the altar on the night, of Soptember 1, and while in a devout attitude she suddenly fell over and a l efforts to aid her in 'coming to" failed. She wu re moved to a house near by, where he remained for a week in a state of semi- consciousness, and tt was then decided lo take her b ick to the ol urch aod "cirap" with her This was done and the girl's res ounding prayers at intervals aroused to the keenest pitch the emotions of tbe congregation!. Tbe girl lies on a pallet spread in a corner of the floor near the pulpit and she is closely covered with a quilt and the we gbt of a heavy uls ter. She has nut partaken of solid food since she wu stricken." Her enly tipressed deaire is for water. Attempts have been made to have her drink milk, but she turts from it, and, though some of the fluid hu been given her, the diet for 14 days has been almost entirely of water. A physician was called in by the watohers and his opinion was that the girl was all r ght and no medicine was given. "Biby Z on'' is a mission of Z on church on College street, and its membership is stirred to the depths over Lucy's "manifestations" and say tho case is a warning fer the people to "get right." 10 RELIEF I0F0I TIEITT YEAH I h i e bwn Iron I, led for the lut twenty y r. ih bronrhlil affection, and at tlmei ijuve n liedtaat. Have trhd a great main i- ugh remedies but foil ad no relief until I 'iled Fuly. Honey and Tar, I ran hgneatly n-cmuenrl Foley'. Houey and Tar a a qulk rellff, reliable, etnnt to take and anre core for dlN-as's oj the throat and langa, Minerva mlth,14 Washington Are Dulllelll Cant lo Brlil. Any kind of busitesj corrected with ii. e 1 quor traffij is a hrZrd one undertaking. A dispensary was recen'ly e3tab ished ia Gree. iboii.', and all who indulge must go there to get tbo Vthereaithal to quench their raging thirst, but they are not allowed to dnuk on tbe premU ti. A c i respondent of le Charlotte- 0 nt-rvor t' Ha how to enter prising c t sjr.s undojtoolt to ao coann odu'e the patiorg of the di-i-pensn y. ' Thiy m tel a room nearby tLe dispetiSory, ard an nounced that peis-cs trigtt como in and dripk tbeie, provided they left their bottlt i, for wh eb the d is pensary pms one cent apiece. Many patrons came und invuriably they 1 ft li-il simehin' in tbeir bottle, which the landlords drank The r.snU aa that they became s'upidly dru' k ai d e it to sleep, and a regr 1 n'.ol al tbe bot ties bnd sold tberfl on b:s own sc count." Early to bed and early to rl. Mtnil your builn. ml tell no He. Pu't gft drunK or Hecelvayoar wItci I'.j yonr debt and adrortl... Shoes for both Ladies and Gentlemen Boys and Children, look over my stock before puying. My Prices are right to suit the times. I will hare a Hew Line ef good in a few days, here pome Special Bargsns, call end see me. ours Bee. B. H.Spainhour. ANY PERSON fflahinK to know lh truth In retard to tbair hellh ehonin noi ail w wno i t u new 04-paiie Bwilet whioh Will U ioiit FKKB forn.l.ort tlm to thoaa who mention thlapapur. linn Dooa w piiuimTOyi - r, . cliinn and apeolllt-Dr. JUthawny a. d (o. of m H. liroM Ht... Atlaitta, flfl whom yoo ibuold tddraaa. WiitoiMtafT' ' ' S. W. Shell, IPHYSICIAH AND' Lenoir, - - N. C. OfflM at raaldaao. on Waat Mala Straat AU mUt auawarad promtly day or night. B. Gr. Courtney's Business locals JoH reoieved a new supply of men's i nd youth's hats latest ttvlee and lowest prioes A new stock of shoes just in: call and see them. A new supply of Men's cheap Mackintoshes, goinp at grest bar gain pnoci. Just reooiyed a fresh stock of no tions and sohool supplies. Fine ailver drip syrup t-t thirty oints per grllon. Now in stock a fresh supply of fanoy and stiok candy, orackers, ard nes, salmon and potted bam. Fair Rio coffee 10 cents per lb Good ' "12J " " Arbuckle's coffee 12J " " ". Try our "R. J. R." a good mild cbewing tobacco Our Schanpps tobaooo ia the best for the price. Try onr silver star tea 5 cents per package. Now on hand a new stock of Misses Ladies and gentlemen Rub ber shoes, cheap. R G. Courtney. I. B. ROBERTSON, Machinist. East Hiokorv. N. C. 8outh Rid a 8outhern Railroad track, next to A. Y. Bigmon's Roller Mi)'. fllklndaof Engine repalrlDg auch aa reborlDC, fitting new ring, etc, dene and aatisfatlon guaranteed. Aaent (or the James Leffel a To. En gine and Bolleri. If you want a new en gine correepond with me or come and see me before baying. Bl-Tator ami ISaah weight, furnl.lied on ahort notce. (- There are Hats 'andl Hats. Fo- Style, Shape, F.t aud wearing qualities ITHE "LONOLEY" s nusurpass d. lhave them in zreat variety and ranging in prices to suit all buyers. (nil and 8e them Respeo! folly. H. T. Newland BENKEL Mi k COMPANY. Feed. Sale & Exchange Stables. LBSOIR AND BTATE8VILLF, N. 0. ....A Full Line gf.... Harness, Saddles, Bri dles, A General Horse Furnishing Goods. mi AL80, v A General Assortment of Vehicles all Styles. A BIG LOT OF Harness (Only been used Pat of one ma .1 At ery Low Prices. HEUt'L, CRAIQ & COMPANY PhonfjNo,i, . : - m FORTH'--CAROLINA C0LI ; , .of AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS, Term Begins Wednesday, ,Srtcnbcr Oth, OWaaaneitraorilua-yeiura. of Iti.truotl, n at an ri. .ordinarily l,w co.t tu the itadaut It not only aitaealea bu t prei.rra It. atutf.nu t , ,.:,.ine InlelllgMit rtlreH., of aarloolturaland inaohan'ral ei,liriii... Thorw ai' oomilete .peolal anil Hhort oourao. In lb. var'oun A jrloii t ira' In.liu trla', Mcbul !, Text le and Olvlo Aria. eto'enta will be allowed to. UnJ llio tranr,. examlntlon al l,r ,,01111 y ..at of theoonnttea In whloh thjr r IJu, Hi m en'liig tlm ci.,i,m.. "I a t rl. lo lu , Kh. Kntra'peeiauilnill.inwjll l e li.ld on the IVi.f Augunl, 11 the court liu,.', Und. r tha anpervlalonof rouuty Surerlnti nont. Ifor further lofnrinitli n oaUlogu-, etc , .iily lo PRESIDEN f GEO. T. WINSTuN, WIST RAUIGH, N. C. ' CeVAlVXiiaWEll.Iji -J- mam In. slaape to iyo our cus tomers trxe FLrUR FROM THEIR OWN WHEAT they desire it when Jy torine; a.s IVIuoli sm,& s 011.8l1.el8 a,t once. We are ffclso buying wheat for which we io,v the high est market price. L. H. Tuttle & Bro. THE DEMAND Will bo large for Dri!'. Mower u Die H tr Wk V. 1 We are well flicd on thiee, l u' mr. y Hs r' onl'1 nnl.r u . t- r:r minds ani gut iu Ihiir orlerBonlv. All mn:f. c :i erj a 0 beh'tK1, If y ,n w.iit la'o in th HTion you in i" Y- Vc bd- pi chasers etery season -)ou canrn ,". o The Superior Drill Bath Dig and IIo-, wlrcliha m b ' h h f v. Idc i o , d w il be our ltading Drill this no bo1 , a i ic'dl n- V ) w t i o'i f lhi't iijon ind will tp 1. (1 t i i ti w mi . . i i cm h v 1 t-ft tl folic r !o d cv r br; nj?ht t 1 n i . I i m a H ih o- ; t aie light We will coi.t nue to -il tho ' 'Imm , io M. w r, I bom as kakes bnd Buffa'o Pit's Fkxillo Dis: Harrow. Il will di you good to look cy. r all them and go'. o:ir pr on m d tiuis TELEPUONE CALL NO. 50 BERNHARDT ardware and ! aiDiture orapany. u mi Hickory Logs Wanted! I will be at Lecolr, N. 0. on tl.e T l-d Tuesday of each month durl ig the yrar t il l to receive Ulchury logs ai t'r 1 e following dim enslcn f. Tim I er must be fairly free of knuta, and bird pack! or win ahtkes White Hickory Ih waiilnd. hut a small per cm I of vopd aot)ud and Holld red heart will be taken. Cut lug either tl inches or 74 Ihches long clear of spur or chin and nt lea. ban 1 Inches tt small end. For I )ga of above requirement, 1 pay four to Bra dollars per cord delivered on aiding at Lsnolr, H. 0. J. HUKBUCKKR. Oonovar, H. 0. Aeadenjr and College, for 01 rls and lo in Wo men. Bssl home care, to ether with full Ol 1'ge lnitoctlon. Specialists In aiu.lc, art, Elocution, Languages, Oommerolal an 1 Indus trial Studies.' jWttatlo'n fouled In 1601. Bhs Beglstei shows BIB last year. New term Begins begins Weduesdoy, Sept. II, HD9. Huid for Catalogue to Rev. J. B. CLBWELL, rrluolpal Salem, North Carolina. UNIYERSItY OF NORTH CAROLINA. yldest patronaga and ful'ast equipment ft'lftjty. V'lty, ai Stif dents, 8 ar . ademle Coqrass; S kectiTe Courses; Profev slona) Sohoolsi la La, Medlplne and Ph.rmt f, law Balldlngs, W'ter Work., iplnilld Urai1es,tahotqre, Ctg. Advanced 01ms open to women, Tuition W. a yar; board f. a mouth. Ample oppor tunity for tail help. Scholarships and loans for tha seedy. Free tuition for teachers, gammer Sohool for Tssohers, It Instructors Ml Students. Total enrolment Ml. ror cat. alogue Address, rroi'dsnt ALDHMiji, Chapil mil, a. n. MILL So niaiipi imaaar.i av. r-"W- ' 'j H, C. MARLEY & CO, FINEST GOODS AT PROPER PRiCES. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Dry grodg, prov b o'i?, jvo'uee, notiois, acd fiuc eonftfetionmy Weekly Shipments of fresh Fruit "Received. We by Pi acb toad. OocdB delivr.d to all pails of ho tou, GRANITE HIGH SCHOOL, GRAN ITE FALLS. N. C. IJALLTEIW OPENS AUGUST 14, 1899. v Helthful I.oca' on, Tlu.ioDgh Imltuotiorj. Tuition from H.OO to 2 60 per Month. BiarJ from $G 00 to $8 00 per Monih. For forthr informa tion, AUrorg, A. ei BHfiRRILL. B.8., Piincipal Hands Wanteds t want two gocd to work on and drive teams, Also two or three gout hinds at sawmill. Apply at my firm lu LI lie Rlrsr towushlp. H, B. DLaig, J

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