mt T5r''rtTniT'i!rfi9 V LUMK XXV. LENOIR, N. WEDNESDAY, NOViiMB, H 1. 1800. NUMBER 7. ! inilSlli Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itart!! .ally (HgeHta tho food and alda Nature In HtioiiKthcnlnr an') loeon fUuctl if i !m cxhaiiMofi I1ki'mM v.- nr t'Him. Ii la t ho lalem discovered (Iii," ulr lint and tonic No other prepaiai Inn cuii approach It In cfllrlr.ncy II. In re.llevca and ixiriimnciitly curca lyMM')la, Indlgeatlnn, Heart Inn n, Flatulence, Hour Ntomitch, N ie , Hick Hi;a(lacho,lutialnl:i,Orarii. -viiii.! all other rcMiltH of Imperfect dlKchi ion. Prepared by t C. DeWIU ft Co., Cljlcuao. Edmund Jones, Lawyer, I.KNOIK. N 0 W. H. B0WER ATTORNEY A I I.KNOIK, N. '. Wil ur -llo In III.. ri.llrl .if i:lilwll m1 litu t mini i EDGAR AL AN POE, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, Lenoir N C .li 1Z: IX t i.i.N'i: k, ': . ' i-iii... 'iii).iir,. uialrlic f..ffVliii 'ork ah low IIH gOO I W ".an be done I iM. ! I.I.1 ft mi ft .1 At st: ' .null tt Ii' 'i ' 'V "I') 1 J, W. SUDDERTH Brick-Layor te Plasterer. i.hMiiK. i'. tf vll 1 "Mil yrrt . I .- r I I'll. . II. II.' l unlUPKH ('mil rfti'ln (..r work ..;i.llfl 1 rt ' letft. I !.. )jiiriil"..l T RINITY COLLEGE. riii-ty-flf1 1' v -nr "' -ti"t 111 h. I ftr' HI ' 111 1 1. s ll ' li ' .111 1 l t -1 Sll.. B .t. .'. Ml I.' !' w li- 1. in .in 11 1' ' -I I lymfHHi inn In llif (1 (..T 11: iii li . Hi-ti. -Inriili t ! f.T w..rlli y. nun in' 11 V.iiiik won. i.i 1 I., ill Hi" l-i S- l ("' I'ftlft'.'KI. I'HK I'l'V I KM '.". I 'nrl iiiti. N.i AND School of Business. HOON VII.l I' N (' Aii8 to furnish the maximum "f jdventaire at the mitiimum of cc to boys and 'irls preparing i r t 'ol lege, Buninep, or Teaching Aver ago cost of board and tuitior foi five Oiontl 8, only t40 Brief coiiibc 111 Book keeping, Shorthand, T v t . writing, and Telrgraphy m Vl ,M pcroon'R". Special attention g'v " to Tt'acl.era' NjicmI (' u.fc -08 students represent 11 g liireo p':. ep in attendance but ycir. F : Term will open August 8, lh99. iSob o did new building, well furnipl d. Local 11 n um xci. I- d (lompi . 'it instructors. We invite o inp.-n ibcu ii mil hod, cours of instruction, e 1. net work, charflc'or and purcegg ( f pupilg, C 'liifoi t and moral tone cf fuirotindidgs Write lur cvita- lojitip. Aldrtf-i, I K. It I'oHN, l'""P (ill. I liCOIU'Vl le N ('. 1 Founders cc 2MEd.oli.ixi.lsts, LINCOLNTON, N.C. Bi Id St Mill.t, Kii(,in a, Binding Mac'iiucs, ami other mnohiuo y. Our Saw Mill is iln la pst i -i pr.iv, il. an I we invito irspec'ion Wo bu Kl onginiB, 15 h SO H I'. Wo apply onr impri veil head Blocka to ol I mills oimiVo (Irate Kara f.?r wood or tlubt. Wo make bevel and apir Geir Wheel j We tquke cut gearing of all kind .i':d rarie' oa vVo m tko Brass an I Iron casting) of all ninds and slia.Dg ro bort Kugiuo t'vliudors, piano thn Valy s aud VaUe ISoa'p, and iniko ne ring j Thia stops your O'igino from leiking aara and I'ivoi y n full power. Take yonr (!y inders f ffntid pen! to us. Thia is our business. And we study it, and th s is why wo are doing more repair work than ever before in our hiato y Wo d all kinds of Pipo work. We out p ping to any 1 ngth ar.d firnibh all kinds of fittiugs. Wr te ui for wba' yon wnt and we w 11 help you. We Lbto aaed t he p ople mo iey mny tiniai b a letter or a fer miou'e talk. Jo not fo'jiot i writu uaor wb it you want. ARP ON THE METEORS D-itaslo !te Cr'iin He Says Dc Knaws KotiiinjL. HAS UTTER FROM ARKANSAS Dgtorlblng a Phnomna Out lhtrt Last Month Melton Niver Hurt Anybody A fnei d living in Ark t rt inn iu.. 'ho recent fall of a I.... i I. ire borne, and cum ''inn .la i... hT rbMilf; gouio qur: i. H viiit. 1 i a n ,t answer. T ib i k ll Illnl' oi a.iil llieir lliyilt I fall i8 y ".D ui. .olved problem . ' In Hiie llii , vn "'at o i llm XGLIi of ! .at lonih, ii 8 o'o. ck in the morning, n- Id re ti- -. clear sky and not a i 1 iuiI to bo on, thnn- was a n rn.r "iu ii. ! of thn"der so :iii'i unnatural tha'. it as UriiiiuK. It was like tlic idling i i bc.avy truck b over an ni ven n.uifoiu. only iinoieiincly louder J i wan heard i.i h uf the ..eighbur ii.g io tfi.i, ai"' ; all teiegrupL d en Ii in!., r . k i .v ,f a nil! oad L.jt 1'i .iiiij. .. muuZi'ij exploded, S 111 Ii I O. 'Ill' Ml I ' H-nl II .''i- K r.l I If I li 1 i t c f r f ii i li ', .' IT ii . in in v i ii y ll ' i ,('. !"' O. '. BP'I I i h : e 1 1 in h lidd li' ar hy 8 bi uiight to town Vi nil" i 'i a i 1. ' u ! tu t It whh powder b1 Kuiied I - o n i li-, In, mmd. H8 a av 't h c i or ten J Ha Lujuclee r (Hie Ilk. ill .. 11 hi: ; HI VT X i' I du it. U ndiT th , h y i HPin lea cjuio'- - I. fn hi 10 fiom the Lit tliu ider ,. lie (X)iii8ion c imp, and the coins, of the 801111 ! wkb from -'.at tu wi-Bi I'lie e ' wiiP 80 unci I et to ! i.i.'l bi I.': the li.yihoi'y of .hi,!!1 o- loomiiS il rowii)g 8 burnt) '10 m Mt. )') mp.iri I br f. th white pc 'e weru "jH-libonnd, at d t:in ni (.".. g d 'clu 1 it a wan.i"g ana Hen1 ti' p: i.) r. ri. ll ,ers ii ,d astronomers : IP ) no' 1 ll ' 8P plit'iior ena a- , i-rd have not yet ,1 s h i'.i.' ion. The ar h,i b. ' r 'i 01 iU ' iif r.'. d t'p C I V.' H of ' . ; 'bin so 0 111 pi ro r."ooJ of i-xl . ,t. it', aor ' it a the fall liom ,'l()(l t (it'll yp.rn before til i"t I he li r t ' il Hi id tin e rt'co .d a I'tiiiib' r, m .1 ris'i t" and I)i genes , 1 d . nun '" I 11 ! in :i ru. S 1 I.ivt, Tin' uc1: a ' l'l:ny . hoy I ao li ! n in 1. 1 g 1 .itt the catii at el we gb! of the fragment! aftci ' le exploBi'.ii v. 8 SO, 0(10 f OUtiile, :d ' 1 e 1'gbi i1- a1' br lliaiit fg to p tie ti e fon by d )V and obarnrp the moon by night, There is now is the Ya'c co'legtt cabinet a fragment that we'gt.f l.CS.") pt v.ndg Ting camp fn m iiear the K'id river in Arkuiais. Many of the western g'atpB tave fnrn'Pcd 8pecicneti8 fo the mns ii'iiaof oollcgeg, and all of tl.em are tompoHed of the game mine-al ingredients principally iron and incluiU' copper, tin, enl plmr. tarbon and other metals known to our own Qar'.h. Nut a ping', . ew ptibstauco has ever Wen 'lacove c,1, and for this reason t' 0 ,h 'i.;y obtHined tb.ovn up from V. 1' h fill-11 ft 'C I ' at they fi ro u. oti: rok . .ops ' 'n watid r foJ a t mc 111 t 1. .1 ei at'nosnhtj.c of tho eii'1. a d to revolve v i t ' , thr earth lin thi'ory has long 1 ac be 1 ubuiidonti', for tin y s em to Lave an orb.t of Dior own fiom ttnt to eiHt' Then came it tlrio't t! at they ch'tm) from Hi" moon ari l won; f volciihio oripr, n i weo I'i'own out with such urrilli! foroi a to pet beyond the moon's j B'l l witliin that of our ninth. Hut i thm wan brcaiiHA tliuio friiriHiiia huy: l-i w: falling, no doubt, fof thoiiaiiii 'k of jn rd on tiie laml ai.d on the bi'ii.and on ail tin. ooumriea, anil would have by tin1! tuna nnturial'7 liimirilahud lIhi bizj and wn li t of tim 11:0011. La i'lace and ll.iinlolt fi.vortd thin niton theory 'or a time. H it our m dim an' ron' ui r'. t.iivli an l'i' f bboth Arao urn! A ninti id and l!ow!itrh d 1 1'.l 111 1) llr.i, m 1-lei r ri aro Hunply ) . u I aie n bii.iino of iiieUorir. plariuU that linvii a motion anil orbit of their own, mid lnat orbit f-orni -liuii'H i .imi'H within ni'e of the earths hii I pinducoa a commotion -a (1 atuilmncc Unit chubi'H the lull of omeoftii(ir i.wn iicliuliu riome of lh cbiliiren gti too fr uwuy from tin 1 r mo' 1.1 r I m kon Kiiini 1 in. a meteors are a 1 111 1! v linn iiom a ! 1: 11 v 1 : 111 lm:l y to ex - ' .1 ir H' ' .ke :i' 1 11 1 'I ' In Hi) i It'- .' pi I ,' in-; . 1 . ' t r' . - 'it'll )l'.rd I III C...1. , li nil .will H Hi' irk r 1 ii' v ., -, 1 ?i ', full m 1 1. iv ' ' 1 11 I v fei t ol the .'In. 1 ft Mi;. 1 il'i-l 1 d, I In y 'i il in .'.''.1 1.-. ail w h vii 1 1, i v 1 en Iih in 1 r r 1 ar at) 11. tl- 10: 1, o d enough to I I i.d 1KU7. ' acb 111 11 fif November 1 em ni nor 1! itj.liiyH 1 t. 1 van lo.erallv of Au''ii8t. I am rt no mber wi 1 '. he "falln'K i f the Bturb'' ,n 18:iH Mv (a'::P' held nit' 1;, Lis urira as be tloo t ho poi t '..0, 01 1 waB Beat i d . Orr old 1 .1 xro, ' nn .1 -i was praying n t .t ! 1 .. ' 1 g e, , 1! h". ed -ll ( f us re. I .ei' i .m irjfti y. ter lived on ' I 1 cpi-e '" him p' 1 1 i t, h ' 11,1,1 ..ei J.f .' . r arms. .-i;ne'.' in. h ill 1 i I he wn il 8r lilt 1 r dayB I wi u ii timo fnen.'R I ir t with my o'd l.m A 1" x 1 . 'cr or hz brc . r I . :d, or ()"orge Adar, oiiil wi . old I of.kt . f tic wtrci f, 1 era 111 w .ich we b d I veil, hikI the ad vt l.1 cf teamt)0rtt8 and rai'.ro,, Is a'i 1 cotton g'tip, and tewieg ma chinep, and telegriipbp, and v. e nev tr iieg'ectti! to fuv, "a'"1 ve pi.w tbe ettirs fall in 1 h.'t.V D.-wev to ver eaw a night 1 kp iln.t - but 1 r. ckon to p 10 .1 la i M .ti 1 1 thongtit th y d I on the Is' of M.iy liut th p h e;i. tib ati mt the nic tiors. lo ulhiM".:'. or .Wu'i . cbauRic, liiudeiip :. tvg fnke a lew yuir ago while I waa m Texas an. telegraphed Me f 11 cf a meteu' near Brownwiod ti '.t wan us big as a mce'ii'g 1 : ip u:.d h-id buried itself thirty feet in the earth I was at l'rownwooi! a few days after and f ho pestmaater was aa mad a horntt vitn die, for t.-lpgrama einie to him from all over the I' ited iStateB aud KngKind wanting to know about it and wai ting to buy it at any post. Joe hai to leave there and hidp out for a month or two. The poHtmastt r answered a few and then swore eff '1 here is one good thing about meteors. They never hurt anybody. The books gay it is remarkable and pjrlups proviiLntial that in ad tb earth there is no re cord cf ,'iie having fallen on any body cr destroyed a habitation. Tetresti al 1'ghtning g S cs potne tinus, but reles'ial 1. 08 aro not dan;eroii8 And now the mi; r-piry is from h y 1.' g tarnni who wants to know if it is sj'f'd f. liming to fellow grain with grain. II- do. s not gay what k 'iid i f grain, I tit I will tell him that fifttk'i: yeirs ago Tho Conner J mrnal of Kcntuckv, effered a priao of 11,000 for tho lies', essai on practical agrtcnlturo. Over 200 were contrbute 1 nr.d tho essay that got t he prize detailed tho writer's plan of fa:ming in Kentucky. It was Liiot, very brief. Ho Ui . rd his com rows spvui feet apart, driL lod his corn eightnon inches apart, oul'ivated tho grend thcrorgaly ard harrowod it; Bowed wheat early and harrowed it in. W'hon the corn waa ready to gather he drove to" vragvi in every sixth ro v and loaded fioru ihroo ro"s each aide. Afier the oarn waa all githcrdd h went orer the cornstalks enssways with a heavy roller and rolled it all down Jt on tho whoat. Too stocks and tho bin lei c ivorod it like blanket. Whon tho first good mow fell ho sowed clover on tte mow. When it rained or thawed th oloTer seed fell into the ground and tiol loot, and 10 li had corn and wheat 1 ml clover f How ng in rotation ai.d Hindu a 11 0 op of each. Hut ii tl, a region our fu meri have Ii iirucd the value of pimi ai a fertilizer and stock foo 1, and the harvest of hay this year will no doubt double all previous recorda. One of 11 y fnetds l as a iriia'l farm near town and lull year harvested a fair crop of wheut frtm u twenty acre fb Id. After the wheal was off he ie, win! ten ticres uf the ( r ir;d in cow pe s Lust fall he pov d it all down in wheal and thia .firing yon could tell jus', where the line of peaii camo to There, was no diffon oce in ihe rpulity of the land. It was a'l level 1 nd all alike and yet be liaivigtkd thiy ye r 'en bnihela ptracinon one-half and ei nteen on the oilier. Now, what caused this great difference? It waa th shade of the pea vines, the shade that p'o'u'as 11 trogen, aud nitro gen is I he best of all pUnt food. Th'" domir the shade tho more ni- tiogon goes down into the so.l A I caiitbriikj, a br 1 r patch, a ('over veering, an eld '.ouse in a li- .1 I it-move it and pliui the ground 'hat A.ig ueili r it and see how lui i a'it vtgeiu.'i.n growg Plant a u'-- I Viii" t e .r your n-uae anu me ro a ' will u.l 1 tin ut 1! r the I o we to ' i d I o f. e I et; ii.trogin. .Wy w fo I .aa a wntivr vi e a', the 1 i,d fThe veranda, and in trine vais time its joHp had t'av, b ii undeii.ealb the fl j i-and s"tr-ap sprouts "ven ty feel f . an 1 for a tioio we did noti'i.o.v v re tl.ey came f oin. A good f.n tr will shade every thing be can H.' will cover the thin tin' pallid piots in his field with w 1. eat etraw. '1 here is no vir tiij iii w'.et st aw, but it .1 kea a! adr, ami tb n.Mkig nr. Th.'ie iii t o v r tie i . aglotie or in p. eke, bu' '..''.' v in.K. niiade, a d no lice how pla:ag w.. g'o ner to rocks o" a r...;k wall. My lodg la merited friend, . Hirc .mvi, cold aie ma' ''reeks wer God's bb-p'ng t.. tbe bti.d," and he purchased ton acres cf v.Tf g'ony land for In Yneyaid and his fliwer garden It re j )ice mc to see how our middle Oeorg t farmorg are looming up on wheat cuiture. Forty buiaels to the a' re ten yesri ugo it mid huve t en dtclart 1 tmpc-Sle. This r- in. 1,1: mo oi aa oiJ Engl sb neighb; r, Jo n Alia-', who ssserted that h s father w8 never content in old Hei glued with K as than siity bushtla of wheat to tbe acre, and gometinn b he made seventy "Sow wheat 1 du6l and rye in mcar," was his motto. OjodnldJohi Al lan. I phot h is cow in my coinf.eld for it waa her third offjUBc, ai. ' the old man was gruved. He nevi git mad, but only s. il: 'I know me coow wonied ye, but but m. jor 1 woolden't have bhot your ctow. I love you too will for that," How true it is that "kind words takeaway wrath " B.ll Arp 1 tbe Atluuta Couatitutipn. Slorlois lift. Comes from Dr. D. B, Cargile, of Washita. I. T. He writee; "Four bottles of Eleotric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which bad caused her great suffer ing for years. Terrible sores would hreak out on her head and face and tho best doctois ccnld give no help; but her cure is complete and her health ia eicell. nt.1' This shows what thousands hhya proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's tho supreme remedy for ecsama, tetter, salt rhenm, ulcers, boils, and running sores. It st mutates liver, kidneys and bowila. expels poison, helpa di gestion t ,. 1 a up the strength. O i ly SOceuts. Sold by Todd & Shell Drnggiat. Guaranteed. News comes from Wilson that Wealey Taylor, on old negro i viog near there, wts found dead in his hog pen Saturday niorning, bii face niuub muti'.u'ed bv h i hogs. It. is thought whan be went to feed the bogs, he cithor fell over while sit ting on the udo, or fdl over wnile iusido tho pen. His face, eyja. ton gue and throat were all eaten off by tho bogs. IT HITS THE SPOT. When 8uBrlUK fiom a er ooltl and yonr throkt mt lniiK' fol or, Uk due ot Folito Honiy Aud Ttm when th tireiiosiiH will lio I I at ouie rrl ived, a witrtn grt full te. ling uil h(- lugr ot Ut irt- fftrd wltl 1 el- Vailcncd and you will iar; "It t'fliao kood. IT HITS th KfOT." It I guaraalMd. A DECLAE ATION OF WAR. TIE ILPUBLICll STATE LOMKITTEE- luuot ir Id drm Io tin Peop'i of tbi Xtiti Tki Inandniiit Udcpc'IIu tioDilind tha Eieclmn Un Void Will Tut tha Littir In thi Cour't HtalriTllln Lan.tiiitirk, 'I he Kepublican Hiitto committee bold a me. lihg in lln't-l I dell, Ntati'PVille, Tui h 'iy tvenii g. I nero were prcse'it A 10 Ho ton, hur maL; 8tarkey Ilae, (I -eeriii'ioro; C. U. Badey, Advtr.ce; J W ,1ul len, Cha-lotte K (', i unotn, Ral eigh; J. W. IJiig, Slii'i lie; ThoB. 8. K0II1118, Mamhall; II S Harking, Aaheville; K Z L nncy, Tayloiavilb ; Abe Middluton, color ed, Dnpliu. The folio 111 mem bers of the committit) were repre sented by proiy; J (J. Dancy, Tyre Glenn and C. T. Bailey. senator i'nt(b.trd, exCongreiiBman I'aaraon, Judge Adams and other jiromir.ent Republicans met with the commit tee, In tho absence of the secro lary, Mr. W. S. II- hn, Mr. 'I'. S. Roll 1 na act.-d nn c i". :ary , The meeting of tun cTiimittee wag of curse a'c CM" and tho f ilbiw.tig has b : giv-n to t ,e press aa tho ofb ;i tl r , r: A th- p r 1 d 11. gp. l'o r. B..I11 .1 ;ib wire a. pled i.s folk wa: "Iii-solved. That the chainiMtiof tne committee be and is hereby au tl.or Zrti and empowered to in ploy counsel to bring suit Tor the pi.rpcao of tating the coi H'.itiona ity cf tbe tlection law paseed by tho laet liui: crul Asgemtily." " licmdved , That the ihai.ka e-f the Uepubl cana of the S a'o are dut the Hon Kichmcnl l'eart.11 f : hit" able and manly l.tter on thi : - posed coni'.itut oral ameni and the election la, ard thn committee endoiee the v;ewj 1 t 1 ti.e j in ( x preset d " The following addr as v 8 i-ai ! to the peojd 1 of the .S a'e: Tu the I'topk nt ,V..'i ' ' 1 ,(.'( 1 A crime is impending against y inr rights as fr or . Tne apsanlt has been made but not yet cot. sum mated. You were warm 1 in the last campaign of the Dcmccratic design againat your liber rs. 1 lie men who warned you were d.t o-in jed as liare by tbe Democrat or ganisitton You now know at the world not. knows, w! c'.ii. ' e Democratic leadira wi r telling tha truth, or the m n whom t lit y ! rtn ded as liars It is too lato no to bandy words alidiagois" has been thrown ff-the fil t if o ; Yon are c'.r .veil to mtkv' tb" la.' r an 1 for y mr liberties Y 11 tel ive'. that your rights fee securo, en trenched in the Feder:.l and State constitutions, fortifud by the acts of Congress, at.d protected In the solemn p'tdge of the iKmtr atic party. '1 hat party ia now t g to break down all tho safeguards, and impudently trample in the due', its own plighted word. Unices we mistake the temper of the people of Noth Carolina they wiil rebuke this most scandalous breach of faith, and stamp out 'his second attempt to nullify the nation al 0 rstitution. We hayo no fear if the verdict cf ti t peop'e a freo'y expressed, ar.d honestly retur-td. We know that thay will uever con sent that the subj.'ct on of 0.10 class of citisjns Ehall bo maJe perman ent in order that the j rivilers. ef another class my be ma le hereditary especially as our Bill of Rights du c'.ares, section 30, "No hered tiry emolument, privilegts or honors oaght to be granted or cm fern J in 'his State," The Republican party in the Slate of North Carolina does not, and has never, feared the submission of any question, to the popular will, provid ing there is an opportunity for a free and fair expression of that pop ular will at tho ballot box l'ho present election law pasted by tho last General Aseembly, if eufcrced in North Carolina, tt.inda as an in superable ban i?r to the boms'. 01 eroise of the elective franchiac iy the legal electors of tho state, Added to these obj?ctions we find another: The arraignment of all public abuses at tho bar of public reason is an aiiom of liberty tl at is the life of all froo republics. This cannot be without the existence of separate political organizations. This election law, and the prop 39 id cuiiatitiitional amendment, control-l-d solely by one political party, woi'ld destroy forevor the possibility cf fie i x stenco of more than one pel 1 iical party in the State of North (,'arolni, This necessarily resuRs from i.h'1 control of tbe election mnehii 'iry by one party. Wherever pneb Ihwh b ivo existed such has '. - h "10 rHult The State of Mis naaippi, which has 1,400,000 popu la'ir.n, .'0 per cent, of whom are white and which elects seven mem bers to Congress, does not cat as many votes for its entire delegation aiweiecaatm tho ninth cotigna p.ot al dis'.r.ct of Norlh Carolina n the last general election. Id S.;uth r'i o'i'ii, which has 1,131,149 in- ili't.mtp, aud elects seven mem bers, t Congress, a smaller votj is given then waa pol'ed at the last gen. ral election in tho State of South Dakota for twj members. In South Carolina 58,689 votes weie given in ail s ven congressional dis t'i' tp, and only 7,475 votes given for the Republican ticket. Trese figures show that there is practi cally only one political organiz ition in the Sttttja of South Carolina and Mil's ssippi. The possibility, there fore, of ihe arraignment of any j ulil 0 abuse at tbe bar of public re as in cannut bu here in North Cir i'l t ui l( r the proposed conditions 1 1 u 1 : ir to thoso which now ( nati in 1 ; S atta of South Carolina and dppi It can be establ shed by tes'.inonia'd that cannot be do me (that a political discuesion in ; tii State of Mississippi and S .ath Carolina has not been heard by even iti most intell'gent citiidna for I a iiumrnr of years. This is so be 1 1 aute of tho abience of any but the i 0110 organ izUion with 1 o .tire coatrol of the election ms ' 1 h inery i It is a iLatLT of public hia'ory, fjatbered from the public press of ;be Slate of Mississippi, that in the la;t campa go iu said State for the high erlice of ULited States Senator ho'uro tho Democratic primaries, that th" cam uigQ was nothing m re n r 1 'ji tiai a shimoful qiarrel ba tw en two of the most distinguished c.t zjna of that State, One distin girthed goatleman of the Sta'e, who wa3 caudi lute, charged the other with th" seling of the pardoning power while Governor. The answer t 1 , by the pariycharged, which was i -ii . 1 "ui in in effects on the pop uif, in, nd there of those interested wh- bv a'le log that ho inakiug this t'.L-;- was guilty of a far greater crime, to wi; the disruption of the Democratic party. Wj pro ciavir.od thit the pro- p 8.d amendment ia both un-fCa pary and ut conatitutional. We are convinced trat the new e'action Uw is utt-rly void, and that any p 1 ci cling under the same will ba n ;, i;y. We aro reaolved to teat the valid ty of these measures in vhe cents, and to fight them to the 11 ' moat at tho polls. T;i t great struggle rises ebeve p r'y au I reach' a the realm of con so e ice, ani we aro C3nfidnt of th) support of every ct'zin who obeys tho promptings of an honest con science, who respects the sanctity of an oath, at d the inviolabilty of hia party's public pledge. By order of tha State Rep. Ei. Committsa. A. E. Holton, W. S. Uyams, ChairmiD. Secretary. Statesville, N. C.. Oct. 18, 1899. The publishers, Wilmer Atkirson Co., wh(86card will be found in anothej column, tell us Biggie Cow Rook is moat elaborately and beau tifully illustrated in wood engrav irg, in half tone and color work; and tho type, press work and bind ing are 8 mp!y superb. Eight of tbe principal breeds are shown in colors true to life by a first class artut. No eipense has been spired on these portraits, and they rnnst crtainly gratify and please. There are twenty. six chapters covering the whole ground of the dairy. Tiiose on Admonts and Remedies are worth tho whole prioe of the book to any on owning even a small da ry The villager with one oow will ti ;d the work a great help. Tne oteuaery chapter is up-to-dato a id wi'l cort inly interest nuny. It is au up-to date book, and should form part of the library of every p ogrt ssivo farmer and oow wear in tho Un.ted States. It contains 144 p,ai;c8 o' type matter, and one hun dred and thirty beautiful illuitra tions. It is handsomely bound in cloth. The prioe is 50 oents, free by mail; addrefs tho publishers, Wilmer Atkineoa Co. Philadelphia STATE TOPIC!. The late A. F. I'age, of Raleigh, waa worrth moro than a quarter of a million of dollars. By his will his children receive $200,000, his wife 150,000, his grandchildren 15,000 and tho Motl.0 Hat Orphansgo tho Academy of Muitic at Kaloigh, or 15,000. A special to the Raleigh News and Oosorver from Madison, Rock ingham county, eaya thai Will H, Opper and R.ley 1'ieram wen re moving timbi . from tbo ' w cot ton mill at A .i"'i, ' lay. when both were a:. 'i.;k ty a.i upright piece of timber, which killed Opper at once and f dfl'v w.m nlcd I'ior son. Pieraon is man.. I. A special to the Clu- lolto Obser ver says that Woo, Floy a and Hen ry Aldrige, white, were playing cards near Silver postoflictc south west of Albemarle, Sunday, when they quarrelal and foug it. Hoyd was atabbed by Aldride and diei from tb3 t il cts of his wounds. Al dridgc escaped. Fbyd wiu just off the Union ciuuty chain gang, to ( u " K I. V (. Itl l'i Tah I 111 s Hit KIN I A 1 HA S I.s . It I ' Ml M 1. y f ,' f 1 1 . I. , trari;. ..11 v r li'. I .$, drulHl r-f 11, a I ti .11 K. W Oa . t -IK" 1 1 ur.t Johnston May Succeed Birmingham 1 1 1, 1 . , ;ov. ernor r . 1 . 1 ri '.it n. on 1 Mating IcKialators h.i.s I a .am., I In the largest eouiily. nivin Mm (.-st blood In th" rare for Senator Morgan's st Victors Say; nt Fevers , Ii j n ,1 1;. 1 .isi. 1 itic elis- 1 . .11 if. .in 'l'i e ' 1 ." :n i'li of the ' :,!.' ii I ; ei ,1 1 T iwels. The Secret of health. I 't- liver i ;'.' 'jr .it ' ilriviiiir I: 1' tin i hanisin ot n it 1 , ( d;t 1 'i 1 riler, .fin in cum. s (le- ,ni v ii. the inj-cii atoi I 0 1 - th' 1 suit. Villi's Liver Pills Cure aii Lier Troubles. S. W. Shell, a PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lenoir, N. C. Offlc at rt -Hidnoe on West Main 8;reet- All eUs anwerf d i"-nmtly ttay . r nitf ht. WHEELER AND WILSON Vo.?i9. Sewing .llarliiac llolHiii arf I! ill d: i , Send for Circulars. WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO., ATLANTA, 6A. We call a te "i lion to this line. We have a nLo line .to offer the trade. We also have Shoes both for Men and Women, We are opening at and); below coat. There ia not a largo Stock of the latter bat when fits &s aro to be had bargains can be found. We have some clothing too, we are offering very cheap. Call and examine. Respectfully, CLOYD & JOHNSON. Shoes

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