' t- ' .' '' 1 ' ' ' ujg f)I,UMK XXV LUNOIIl, N. 0 WEDNESDAY, Dl OEMBEH 0, 1800, NUMBBI1 13. mm m J " . 'ii J.. . Dyspepsia tJurt ltu ;k what yon oat. ltart'i.Miy,iiiiutri,.f,,,, tnfl Nf!ir' 'll lC'IIL(Mll'ljll"( I ' . . i iii'Unu t It. I dili iiifcl 'I i i i;iini. If if i hi; Inti-st ll hou. niiluud tunln Ni)lli"i (i u: run unprourh It In etllot stanlly rell t is uud nenu.im -i.tl I ,t""'lda, Indigestion, J' n.'luVioo, bour Stomach ' bici. ile4dkube,0aatralgla,(;n i u'l . ' ier results of ImtmtwX 1;kc . Prepored by C C. DeWItt Co.. r.Mc , Edintiud JoDfs L awyer, W. H B0WE - r o.iNKY - ai , a MHOili, a. 'i. "Vd iiim-i ' I Ik Ciirta nt I!I1,. .ixl .1 .w . WMnttn EDGAR ALAN P3E, ATTQRKEY-AT-UW, Lenoir, NO ' M Spfriu toni III ULTIM ! K. - I Dentlfiit nM no 'aipar nwtHi fur fl'nwii rit'(nt com dint. tic .u) h'r pryo wnj.'i J. W. SUDDERTH Brick-Layer & Plastorer LBNoIR, N. C. e8vantii yar eiperlenre in the business outret. f r wars sollnl'. and aa!!! Una rnsramee't T R1NITY COLLEGE. Forty-? t vnr itptnii W"1tv- t y ejii.-ro th rytfi1 Mllrtu 1111(1' f n M"'"OU ' M'JllflHt y - n-ln I. i f?e B '!. $0 i " un hi l Pirn 8cuoltrtb ph f w. n . by j ung lu'-n Y tiug women a1iu 1 1 to ftU thr Iiiii He 1 ' rhbt'itT ri ' 1'ltf Hu N1- School cf Busine ROONV'lLU A. I . - t f n t h II t n u . i. i mi .OH nllll girls lr") . 1 I i)(je, Bofeinpf, or !eaot. A npn cogi of hnnrr) tim In hv ftiii B, omv 140 B .. ' -p brx.k ke t'iDKi Mhorl ui ;, 1 1 '" writing ami 1 1-rr , v Hv 60 per ' n fi ei-vi i hU.'i s t- 'I . u . ' N ni!i ' -2(8 i. . u. L 3 n ui 'i li . ' in i. je-tr w ii 1 i - 8, 1899 liil ' i i. t w.l . ' I: I ' X. I. i, i. . ' i vVt. .iiTiiti i nip i in I ion. of Mi- U'tlOi.. eriK t , cn.irto nr hi i) . nor. tl i on in, ciiiiifi 1 1 nn1 om ,-i I ii'tn i ' Miir, . ,,',(' Wrilf I IV.lt R H Torn. I' . . Lmcolnlon Mine IEiod. Pounders cSc lUXnolalnloto, LINCOLNTON, N.C li ,1 s,i v Mills, ISnoi O ir Saw l j h v hu H n iri i a IB ,i I ilt -i l ills a ma'Tn 1 muke- bnve; aid nrilnr m a. i lid ii ar'M i V nit 'd VUn iala b , ad m c Hie) O n 6 1 '. i "-a ff an. I K " am and i m. I st ' y t, m- 'Miiw yww daing mora repair work it . er before lo our lusto y V? . do all kind! of Pipe wori:. eoi. i Dine to a'ny I ngth a d furnish alV gindsof fittings 'Vr.. a for whut. yon r.nt and we will hlp yos We hare aed rt!d po.ipltj mo ey m mv time by a letter or a fr otinnte Jk 0 not for e r, writ na for wht yro want. WAI MtlOUIO IV TMINMCM. j ftobbtra Lv Victim to k 0rmV 4 In t urnlng HtUM. Canton, Ohio, Dm, t-Jlurfini witM-4 4 th horn f t, H. Buwr, In Oox notion a)lf, during tb nlaut Hin family wat abaant and ba u .U In a ckalr. Tbajr bound and (arad blm. took 1 taal K had Ut frunt hla par of tha day batora and than Mt lira U th bouaa. Tha flra waa aiartad up atalra and waa Man by paaalng train roan, who topid thalr angina and want tu tha houaa. Thay found Boavar half daad from amoka. Tha Dapart mant aavad tha building from total con. aumptlon. Bowar had mada a haorlu truf (la to fraa hlmarlf. but ao aaouraly waa ht tlad that hla afforta wara all In vain. Tha gag aUll ramalnad In hla mouth and ha could aa tha fiamaa and hear tha orackla of tha burning wood, yat could not move, nu tortura almoat maddening. It la apparent that an organlacd gang of tblavta la at work here FRANCI PREPARING FOR WAR. Naval Counoll Conaldart Plana to Mo blllia Raaarva Plaot. Parla, Daa 4. Tha Suparlor Council of th- Navy htn i:onaldral meamirca nwaaaary for tha moblllEatlon of tha r.nrrve aquadrona for defema In tha Madlterranaan In oaaa uf a suddVn Anglo Itallara attack. A at n teaman ban aald that ha bellavd B:rtary Chamberlaln'a ape.tch wn exagRerated for th purpone of quirting Kna;IUh axaapratlun ovir I tin henvy Trannvaal lour, with a pic ere of tue aaoiira nmltlnn Kh' ha j..lnel ity tha promlaed Amcrlran-Uarman support. Thla atatcuman antlolpataa oiurly dli avnwla from Waaritnatnn anl Berlin which will put the mallei on Ha proper footing. Secretary Chamberlaln'a covert nii'n acea In hla anecch at Leicester h.ive thoroughly arouitert French Inillsnjlion. The Uberle aa1 Patrle ridicule the h-i. iluinonmde, and aay that If the atntci mnn'pi object waa to bow dli! i;olon and unlmoalty between tha two nu'iom ha ha thornuglily auoceeded. 1 I.lberta declare, (hat auch prnvo cntlon almost Juiitlfles any cailcm urea, l.e Tempa reproduces the pet h with out comment. After tha Policemen Now. rtrooktyn, N. Y., rc 2 A patrol wcon. runtxilning two police-men and a large box. drove up to Police Hen 1 quartera Friday evening, and the box waa curried to the room of President York The wagon waa from the Ver non avenue station and contained tha books and papers of the Miller Frank lin Syndicate business. President York and Commissioner Abell passed con siderable time In examining the con tents of the box, but refused to tell what they discovered. It Is raid the Commissioners are anxious to find out how many members of the Pol I re De partment are Involved and to what ex tent. New Consul to Pretoria. Washington, Dec. I. Mr. Macrnm, the United States consul at Pretoria, Is renewing his appeals to the State Department to be allowed to le'ave his post. The department, realising the pressing necessity of having some ener fWc and willing representative of the United States at Pretoria to look after the Import mt American Interest In the Transvaal, as well as to carry out our obligations to care for the welfaro of British citizens therein, Is striving to find Some consular officer near Pre toria who will undertake to relieve Mr. Macrum. Probably Mr. Bellls, United Rtates consul at Lorento Marques, will be asked to undertake the charge. Boya-Try to Wreck a Train. Amsterdam, N. Y., Dec. 1 Three boys, aged twelve and thirteen years, attempted to wreck a West Shore fast express train In a rock cut between Mlndehvllle and Indian Castle by pisc ina: railroad ties upon the track. Tha train was atopped before any serious damage resulted. Two of the boys es caped, but the third one, Charles W. Lasher, thirteen year old, was arrested and la now in the Montgomery County Jail. Officers are in search of the boya wanted, and it is supposed they are hiding somewhere In the country. Senator Hanna la to Retire. Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 2. Concerning the reports which have been In circula tion for several weeks past to the ef fect that Senator Hanna would not succeed himself aa Chairman of the National Republican Committee, It can be stated on the authority of Mr. Ban na's most Intimate frlenda that he has no desire to manage another campaign, and that unless very strong pressure Is brought to bear upon him he will, in all probability, decline to do ao. To Cure a Cold In a Day. fake I,ntive Urcmo Quinine Tablets, all irnnwtm refund ihe mooter If It fall to r . H tn.dhg MftoMoes, md other maohinery. n est im t ied ami we invite inspection. i 80 H V up.iW oar iuiDrored Head (Jr.ite Bars for wod or dtist. Vhwl- 'e make rut gearing of . Brans .n I Iron oastintri of all r Eagi e ujlindera, plane the .Ke rjw r:nr?s. Thin itops loar Jrei y m fall power. Tke yonr This s oar hnilntu i limy ina j 1 1 m. ' i mh ! Great Britain Disturbed Over Recent Battles NEWS EAGERLY SOUGHT. Pull List of tha Leas Will Be Appall ingTan Thousand Troop toon to Leave for the Transvaal The Cen sor Is Holding lack News Latest Prom the Couth Afrloan War. London, Dec. t.-A special dispatch received hare from Kiere, dated Tues dsy, Nov. 21, saya tlial while attempting- to biiiw up a 600 f((t bridge uvi-r tha liver at Colenao. tha Boora wera driven back by IirltUh artillery and mounted Infantry. While the rumora of the reMef of Klinherley current on theetto-k Kx chunge may be premature In their literal fenae, there seems no doubt thst the prnuit on the fuirlson h r been much lightened by Urn Methuen'e auc ceaaea, and the artuul relief of the place must, seemingly, be a fu t very shortly. A clue to the urgency reaaons whlih dictated len. Meth'ien's hurried man h nuiy b found In Uov Mllnui'n hl'.i the Relief Commit lee ut Cspe Town to prepare for the reception of 10.000 ref li tres. Indicating that Ihc g:mlon nunt fvjiave had I canon to (rji the redu tl'.n or Klmb rley by tainrl,n and dis ease. Everybody It Anxious. London. Dec 4 -Anxiety over the Ilrltii.h l.'HHeH In I ." uait e of M dder It, er devcilbeil by (Jenrral Ird M-th-. n as ' oiii' of Mie hurdeHt In the ftn n.ile of tile HrlUih army," has run so Inch IhHt very p.s"th!e avenue of In f.u lit:, tlon Is belntc besieged by hjn dreds of eHKer In.juiiers No fuithcr refx.rls hive ben re cclved fom the front, hut It Is fc . : eil that when the full report does conic In it will be the most ai.palllnK of tho war. Fr..m (he fragments already received 11 Is Niwn Ihut one Colonel, North cott. of Iord Methuen's si .IT, and om Lieutenant Colonel, Hlopford, of t lie Coldntrenm Cuards, were killed, while the wounded wen' Major Count Oiru h en, Lleuteniint X'lscuunt Acheson. sm of the L:irl of (. .sford. 1.1 -utenant the Hon. E. H Lvgon. brother .f lOarl Beauchamp and thai nnblniao H h Ir presumptive. General Methuen Mmseif waa wound ed In the thlifh and I' In feared thhi ha will be uniibie to continue In rnmniund. Hl wound preventa his beina In the saddle Major General Col llle, commanding the Guards' HrlKau. . Is his next In command, and he hs a reputation as an excellent officer. It la very likely that another obsti nate battle will have to be fought be fore Klmberley Is reached. Refore Lord Methuen's advunce can be continued the Modder Hlver will have to be bildged, :.a parsing f-ips across pon toons will necessarily consume much time. Military experts say that more men are clearly needed In all directions. Genral Methuen's column Is still very weak, and the enemv may by this time have been able to li. lng up fresh oin nllMidoes. Ixrd Wolseley has announced that the War Office has con e to the decision to call out another division "f 'en thousand men of all arms for South Af rica. This will make the seventh divi sion mobilized since the war began Ladysmlth Is reported to be all right and the British Relief force Is now con centrated at Frere The Boers are In full retreat toward Colenso. The ereat Boer stand will undoubtedly be made at the Tugula River. The available British force Is about 18,000 men. and the Bners may be able to put CO.000 men In line. Klmberley Walta and Watches. Klmberley, Nov. J7. There were a few rifle shots early to-day from the direction of Wright's Farm, but this was res-arded as merely one of the numerous Ber tricks to draw men out by Inducing us to believe that the re lieving forces are drawing near. This afternoon the Boers blew up two largre culverts near the rifle butts on the rail way line toward Spytfonteln. The news of the proximity of the re lieving forces greatly cheers the gr pri son and the Inhabitants. A few Boom were seen to-day, but It Is believed that the enemy Is In only small bnds around Klmberley, lots of fifty or so, the greater part havlnsr Rone to Spyt fonteln, where firing Is be'ieved to have been heard about noon. From Kaffir sources comes a report that there are two large Boer laagers at Ollfant's Dam, with 150 wagons for water supply. The Boers have cut the existing dam, three mtlea distant, al lowing the water to run down toward their laagers Into an old dry dam on the farm. This Is believed to be the Free State base of operations on the western border. The official estimate places the num ber of Boer shells fired during the bom bardmrnt of Klmberley at about one thousand, and ours at no fewer than six hundred. As the enemy's shells so frequently hit soft, sandy ground, the explosive effect Is greatly neutralised. All our wounded are In a very satis factory condition. An armored train proceeded toward Dronfleld to recon noitre, but this Immediately roused the nemy's cordite gun, and the train re- irned after the fifth shell had Ken ted. The Boers are now firing on the -rvolr fort from Wimbledon. Paper Prices to Advance. Cincinnati, Dec. 2.-The paper trado Is In a serious condition, according to Albert Diem, one of the largest manu fnoturers In Cincinnati or the West Mr. Diem says that " Ithln a fortnight h trut will raise prices from 20 to "S per cent. This condition Is di;e not so much to n desire to make profits aa to an actual scarcity of th? commodity. Schooler Has Been Acquitted. Lexington, Ky., Dec. t. John W. Schooler, tha colored attorney and leader of the colored Democrats of Lex ington, has been acquitted by Commis sioner Hill of the charge of bribery at the recent election preferred by John La It . -in aswHnvw) iolu sou'1", ppv 'J t Filipinos Flee From the Prov ince of lloilo. NATIVES MAUD PUSHED. General Hughes Suocesda In Badly, Scattering Agulnaldo'a Followers The Entire Island of Pansy Is to be Cleared at Once Eight Hundrsd , Filipinos Surrender. Manila, Dec. i. General Conoti has urn tub red H00 officers and men Willi rlflni, Heveral American and 70 Span lab prisoners and the garrison ai Ha yonbong. Province of Nueva VUcaya. to Lluutenanl Monroe with 10 m-u ot the Fourth cavalry. Scattering the Filipinos. Manila, Deo. 4. General Hugb-i r ports tha province of Hollo clcnr of natives. Ha has been chasing the en emy hard, forcing a fight at t'aaal. The Filipinos were scattered and the Americans captured ten cannon four of them hreech-loudcra. Tho iroop ur now proceeding to Capls. The '.:in Volunteer Infantry Is garrleonlnK w eral towna. It Is expected that tb" en tire Island of Panay will aoun b clear of Filipinos. Washington. Dec. 2.-Offlclal onllr in, it I on of the presa despatches that the Island of Illo'o la qompletely paci fied has been received at the W.. i l partment In the followlnx despst h "Manila, Dec t. " Adjutant -General, Waahlngton: "Hughes reports from central I " i n . y that lloilo piovli.'e, one third I mi l, cleared of native by forced m i i . lies with two battalion from Lainbui.no by way of Collnog; he obliged enemy to fight at Passl on 2Cth Inst, and .'roe them with loss to the mountulns In de tacned bodies, . .ptuilng ten field pieces, of which two breech-loaders, also nine rifles and several th. u and rounds small ammunition: Huel cs s casualties, Capt Warwick, 18th Infan try, and Private Itanlel W. Humphreys, K. 18th Infantry, killed. He reports his troops In excellent health la now con verting wheel Into riack transportation for purpose of ent'lng mountain;' c. pecfed that he will pass on to Cils, northern coast of Island "Decpatches from Lnwton In Mots B;.yombong captir ! ? h Inst. Ho'h trails over mountt; s ImpiactlcaMe for wheel transportal' n of any kin ' the troops have subsisted on rice and reant supply of that. MacArthur's troops have had several minor engagements, capturing men ani rifles. Bell's rap ture in mountains Includes fourteen modern guns, all In good condition. Over fifty pieces of artillery captured by troops of corps In last three weeks. Oregon brought In 106 Spanish pi lson ers from Vlgan yesterday; ninety -four received by rail previous evening. Gen, Young with three troops cavalry and March's battalion 33rd lnfan'ry should have reached Vlgan yesterday. OTI:V This despatch was also received: "Manila. Dec J. "Adjutint-General. Washington: "Con'illona Zatr.boango satisfactory; additional ordnsnce surrendered con sisting four field pieces, seventeen rifles, quantity ammunition; natives adjoining towns visiting city ani na tive military bands serenading troops. Thirty-first Infantry leaves Manila I his evening to garrison several stations Mindanao coast; no difficulties antici pated. OTIS." The War Department furnlshea the following biography of Capt. Ollvrr B. Warwick. ISth Infantry, who was kill ed In the Island of Panay: "Born In Alabi ma, Nov. 17, 1850. Cadet In the Unl'e.1 States Military Academy, Sept. 1. ISfig, to Feb. 8, 1873; td Lieut. 18th Infantry, Oct. 1, 187.1. 1st Lieut., Feb. 20, 18S2; captain. Nov. 30, 18S3. "Served with his regiment in the Southern States November, 1873 to March, 1879: In Montana to May. 1885; (n the Indian Territory and Kansas to January, 1890, and In Texas May, 1892; on recruiting service, September, 1892, to December, 189C ; with regiment In Texas to April, 189S; at New Orleans to May, 1898; and en route to and In the Phl'lpplnes to Nov. 26. when killed In action with the Filipinos In central Pnnay, P. I. "By his death tfiB servl -e lost a moit amiable, sentous and faithful officer." Made His Mouth a Cash Register. Reading, Pa., P; r. 3. --Solomon Wat. son, of this city, has kept a silver quar. ter of a dollar In bis mouth since Sept, 4, as the result of a bet of $10 thm he could not keep It there for a ear. v.'ut son says he agree.! to eat, sleep and drink with the quarter In his mouth, and he means to do It. He hold- tho coin In his left cheek, resting nt his teeth. He say It was dlfftct I' at first, but the task soon became more easy, and now he minds It very 'litK A number of side bets were made 'hat he would not keep tfie quarter In h a mouth until Thanksgiving, and these have been paid. Head Beaten to Pulp By Robbers. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 2 A few cards bearing the name William Henry Reynolds were found by the body of a dead white man near the Junctl n of three railroads five miles no th of Jack, sonvllle. The body was In a perfectly nude state. A huge cypress fdlr-k, stained with human blood, was found near the body. The stick was four ijet long and eight Inches in diameter. The man's head had b, en beaten with the terrible cudgel till his brains were scat tered on the ground. There were other signs of violence found on the body. Miller, tha Hero Engineer Dead. Cophooton, Ohio, Dec. 1. Waldo M. Miller, the engineer of the Morgan Run special In last Saturday's collision on the Wheeling and Lake Erie, has died from his Injuries. Miller remained up on his engine, although he could have escaped Injury by jumping. HI. ef forts to stop his train minimised the shock, and no doubt saved many lives. Wants Divorce From Fourth Husband Ohio Falls. Ind., Dec. 2. Mis. Mary Conway, aged 85, has sued her hi's'-vi.i, Albert Conway, for a divorce. T lai . ter la the plalntlfi's fourth lu.ub n!. He waa In the BpsMlsh-mrlcsn Wor. CT"flubtoribe for the Tons. A Summary of llappenii.iji at home and Abroad. THE NEWS CONDENSED A Rfview o( What lla Trairpired of Public nlercif. New Yoik. Nov. 10 - Tho I mind Hlalea trnnspoit Huinaldr, from Ma tanma, CienfuegoH and lluv.ina, uliKh has Just arrived, la held In . uui i ot Inn owing to the picurii' e of 01,0 . i of yellow fever among tu dlschaig d ol dlers New York, Nov 20 - In a fire which destroyed the tenement house il 104 Kast Houston slrert Ut Tuesd.iy af trrnoon. John Helmholdt and hl wife Msry, were uffoial.-d and Geoi,;.. W, Leonard and Kdvv.ml Hurg were f;itully injured by Jumping fiom windows Muni le. Ind . Nov. .10 -Typhoid fe ver has claimed a niiml t of vl il.ns In this lx all t recently, being due, It ( ul I. to tho drlnklm; water. Many veils have ieen orden-d abandone 1 by the healih ul hoi II lei Hemy l.lrid v ood, of KM el. in I, hiiM lost six bll dicn In two month", and his wife a ill at the prehent time. Columbu:.. Ohio Nov 30 Th- sale of the Columbus On' al Street rail way, In whl h '.m- ' Im lnnatl parties weie Interested, ns dually app, ,ved. Commissioner M -r 1 1 . k hus 1.10C ) of the proceeds of the sale In his p slon of whl'h jr.OHOO will 1- r- me dl.itely dlst r ibui ed, ihe I'ourt li.ving ord.T'-d him to return Jt,ij.00'J f- i out llMnding ' lalmB, &c. Chbago 111. Nov 30 - The llv story bilk .1 rehouse i.l I ML" hlrm- -....t, occui.led by Hie Morse, Johnson I r otn. Corn Storage I'ompuny, h;is bt - n de stroyed by tire The damage to the building and sum k amounts to ..bout tl''r,.000. Fire has a!o .lest rove 1 ihe four story building o rupl.-d by I" idp Rlnn Co 's planln;; mill. Iivls. ., and Crosby slreits. Loss about $17". ' J. West ('hi-sicr. Pa . Nov. :!u ftcr suffering awful ngoriv for two ''ays. Joseph Cdhbs, aped thirty t-vo ;,rs. of Willow d:-le, h-tr 1..-"- has d I in the Cheste County Home foi I , ro phobla pati.-nts His wife la al .1 i-d with the same rtt-ue at hei f me. Glhbs and 1,1s wife were hi, 'en v a rabid dog about I v o months The man was si nt to n,:w York, l: r- lie recei ed t he ruFt.ur tr. -i t me. t it ;. .is supposed that he w;is cur. ! I .; on Sunda another att . k of t:,c ,' developed. New Brunswhk, N I , Dec 2.- Win fleld S. Anness, father in law of :.-orge Valentine, the Perth Atnhoy Lank wrecker, has Just committed i ride here. Mr. Anneps never recovere I I om the shock of the disgtace b'ought upon the family. Sag Harbor. N Y . Dec 2 -Dr. IMnr Mlle, one of I he best known pia. ti-i.g physicians in Stiff. IK ''ounty, i . . at his home here Thur'i'av lie a -ev-enty-flve years old and hid pract -. d in Sag Harbor and irlr.lt v for fiftv live years. He was the fath-r of Ch i.n.e C. Miles, Coroner of Suffolk Count v Toronto, Dec. 2 So much I mber was-exported to Bugaio durlm; the last "eason that there is a scarcity of It In Canada. Already the box lumber men ha'e put up their rates p. i per cent higher than they were at i . or respondlng time last vear. and to meet that the box manufacturers of T. mnto will advance prices "'i per cent. Chicago. 111.. Dec. 2-S E. M. c:el land, traveling salesman for the Moore & Schaefer Clothing Company of New York City, lost his pocketbood. con taining J2.000. and his diamond t'ld, worth 1500. He thinks he lost them while watching the newsboys t a Thanksgiving dinner In Wolfs store. Florence, Ala., Dec. 2. General Joe Wheeler, In a letter to W. M. Bun'lng, editor of a local paper, says: Will you please state In your valuable pa per that letters addressed to me at Washington about matters of Congres sional business will be attended to, as 1 expect to be there very soon." Paris, Dec. 2 The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows th. fol lowing changes: Notes In circulation Increased 152.875,000 francs; treasury accounts current incieased 19.801,000 francs; gold In hand decrease! 4,4.'.",OO0 francs; bills discounted increased ;94, 275,000 francs; sliver In hand decreased 1,200,000 francs. Washington, Dec. 2. Thanksgiving Day was closely observed at the na tional capital. All the executive de partments, district offices and business houses were closed. At the White House the President and his household spent the day in the usual quiet way. Mr. and Mrs. Abner McKlnley came over from New York to dine; at tho White House, and accompanied the Boston, Dec. 4 Charles G. West, of Hoxbury. has been arrested here for an , nuegeu bbshuii upon inree persons witn an axe. The victims are Emma It Sa nalne. John Balrnard and Lillian M. Jennings. It is feared that the Sanaine woman and Balrnard are fatally in jured. The third victim, also, was seriously wounded, but It Is thought she may recover. The affair Is be'iev ed to have resulted from a quarrel over money matters. Balrnard Is seventy nlne years old. lciici, vol., i t-v;. i.-uci r. v ; ir, -'... Tl-- 1 T 1 T-, . - . ' , . law-pariner ui ieiiauir vvoicou, tti'iig nantly denies the report which link the Senator's name with that of Mrs. Maud, who is now suing her husband, W. De S. Maud, In Akron, Ohio, for di vorce. He says: "There Is about ns much truth In the report as there was in the story of the Dewey breach " promise suit. You may say posit l that, when either the Senator of Wolcott desires to apply for dlvnri -or she will do so here in Denver. 1 not think It Is proper or decent to I the Senator's name with that of i -other woman, as la being done In thl instance." To Core Ovaatlpatlon 1 oraver. Take Caaoareta Candy Cathartic lOo or !8o It C U. 0. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Jlavor and firmness to all fruits. can be Potash. No good fruit raised without Fertilizers containing at l-ast X to io of 1'otash will j;ivc b-st results on all fruits. Write for our pamphlets, which ou;jht to be in every farmer's library. They are sent free. GERMAN KALI WORKS, n)ltHili,Nn Vh. WHOLE FAMILY WIPED OUT. Father, Mother and Two Children Killed In Paterson Wreck. Pateison, N. J, Dec. 2 One more victim Is certain to be added to the ls killed In the wreck on tha Delaware, Lackawanna at Western road, i,hyl clans at 8L Joseph's Hospltul pro nouncing the case of George 11 White, of Ithaca, hopeless. Of the Injured at Bt Joseph's Hos pital. J. Hterllng Smith, a nephew of General Joe Wheeler, is In the worst condition, next to White. Smith s left leg has been amputated at the hospital. He worried much over the loss of a portfolio containing valuable papers until he was shown the receipt f r the pai. ,y one of the Sisters of Charity. I )av Id I!. e was Informed of his w Ife'S death by one of the Sisters some h lurs aft'-r the accident. He was In a very weak condition and ron'lnually moaned for his wife He sai l he was sure she had been Hll.-d by his side In the second from the last co. -h At first the hospital nurs. told him his wife was not hurt When finally told of her death he beg n to rave and his shrieks could be heard in the hopltal grounds. It Is expe 'ed that he will recover unless he sustain ed Internal Injuries. The i !!( lals of the road exl-rt 'ed every facility to relatives and fil.-uls of the Injured and the newspapei r,en in the obtaining of Information Gen era! Superintendent E. G. Russell ..nd Division Superintendent R. Do I'uy v. i - In Paterson the greater patt of the day Thursday, personally attending to ihose who came to Inquire after the vii ti.ns of the disaster in St. Joseph's Hospital. "I do not believe In a policy of sup pi. ssing Ihe facts in a case of this kind. ' raid Mr. Russell. "The f. I nds Of those Injured in a railroad accident sir entitled to the fullest Information, end so Is the public That Is whv every opportunity is afforded the reporters to g. the Information they seek That has always been my p .Hey, and always will be, although I hope It will be a very long time before there shall b a rep.tir .n nf Wednesday night's fatal arc I, lei I." 1 t" list of the dead given out on Wednesday night was lar-rely inconect. The corrected list Is as follows: A'ejander Cralg Scranton, Pa . busi ness manager of th Scranton Tribune; Mrs K ther S Craig, his wife. Mlsg lther ."rale. 15 years old, their "argh tet Miss Jessie Craig. 11 years old. '.n other dhughter; Mrs. May B. Roe. wife of David Hoc of Ithaca; Walter Jacob !!.. k. 19 years old, a Cornell student of No 899 West Fnd avenue. New York . Ity It vvps not until Thursday thrt Ihe Identification of the two children kill ed was made posit! e Passengers had siid thev were with Mr. and Mrs rtoe, but relatives of the Craig family ra me h re from Brooklyn and identified them as th se of the Craigf The accl lent wiped out the whole family. They were on their way to spend Thanksgiv ing with relatives In Brooklyn. Trying to Place the Blame. N w York, Dec 2 Genral Superin ten ' nt K C, Russell, of the Del.i ware. La. I, a wanna and Western Railway, has civen out the following nf!" lal statement In regard to the wre k of the IhirTaio Express on the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Railway "Train No. W overtook No 6 at Dover and picked up a flagman, who had been sent back. It overtook No S again nt Lincoln Park, a few miles west of Paterson, and the No. 6 flag man returned to his train. Those in ch.iree of train No. 96 were fully cog nizant of the whereabouts of No t. Notwithstanding this. No. 96 seems to have entered Taterson at a careless rate of speed and to have run Into No. 6. which was doing her regular dis charging of passengers. I understand that the head of No. 6. wh'ih was a long train, was at the station. The cars telescoped were clay coaches, but the five ahead w..e a sleeper, two chair coaches, a baggage car and a smoker. Under the circum stances those in charge of No. 96 seem to be wholly culpable. All the crew have boon suspended and the fullest in vestigation w ill be made." Those most seriously Injured and who are being cared for at St. Joseph's and the General Hospital are: Samuel Mendelsohn, of No. 32 Nor'h Henkel street. Wllkesbarre, Pa., both legs broken; David Roe, of Ithaca, N. Y.. badly Injured about the leg. J. Sterling Smith. No. 173 Columbia Hclyhts. Brooklyn, nephew of General Joseph Wheeler, left leg broken and crushed, leg had to be amputated. F. H. White. Ithaca, N. Y.. legs crushed, hurt Internally, may die; H. John White, son of F. H. White, left leg broken, cut by flying glass and bruised; F. O. Affeld, of Chicago, legs broken. Injured Internally; Louis V. S, Hnrnn. Dover N. J . badly cut about the head and arm Injured. In all there were about twenty In jured and all. with the exception of F. H. White, of Ithaca. N. Y., are re ported to be doing well. -mm i mima 'nn, ami Ismail punjj jo auns p.iajJ 'M li 'Kiuo t '.CMjna Jiraiira M -Ma quail njejaa m n Pl-Ina wyt-'Ht mtlad ! , 'wtiiw mi nihb m uuau pT)TW-j.- jis-s . im-.j saanwie mt ss wu 17 iana'fiiiL- sLaTBa.x "av -meiiinsiLr'uii g ,iiiMi Ao ad t ir prints his ap. f to glfe bis patnns the P. w. nf the lef and for tba money there I. in it lis ) preeuinrxJ to kr, w of w..a i s writes and be g-narallv tloea W hen be writes as Le does in the I eider Oourier, Osceola Mills, I'a , without fee or bop of rewnl, iha' "Cbnm barlain'i CnuS Krm o mag ically, a'i'l we h.e 'on n qo"s bet ter in out hu If ju ktf9 a coogh, tr- it," it in- he ocepted as an hotiet.' 1 ,'s - by of cnx'c rv K .. Km 'a Dru Hi r t Dand VV i of maud, ho was bawl I 'j re - ranuah, Qa., more il ... a icai y while id the serv.io ..I tb.- U id t te, baa been gran nit a puis - 1 of 75 per month for to .1 mn-i', he haTUig la-n hi II .. h "ed v er sine h is t. i a , i i tbehigli.i ( . i . ' ij lae gOTi i con i, i. to a pnvae .o'd 'ir, Watangtt Ilem.'- ut, W n I., ird 0 Te bu est dl i i v t utile tbiigtha'. . . r wn in il- is lr. King's Ne I ife V I Kt ry pill -align -c 'veil gi. b ie f hiU , ibstCDtD.e o kimn u' . itrmgtb usilesabeM ii.to "p, b sin sg into met. ta! i. wu 1 h j're won derfnl in butld'ng np tte helt, Only 25c: pe b I M, : I hy T xld & So. II. TO lR E I. v it '( I ct'H . - T'. i DAYS Take I.n.nv i Un jemsi rr VI drugtKln rnfund 111- m y d it It. . ut num. tie I Ke. S.W. Shell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lenoir, - 1ST. C. Offle at residence on Wt Mtin Street, all eUs ao.wered prorullj dy r nlhp BELEHil M IVo. o. Sewing Iflacl.iiic Send f.r ic. I . s WHEELER & WlSOc; KF3. CO., We call a teation - W e !me nl o I: the tia.lo. W ; c Shoei bn h f i Men and Wa.u o, We an op i t I .-'ow COSt Ta.l eH U go 8'oo o' the h n vhen fitu & i e) 1 lx . I i I ii ,e oa t be f un i We have a run o,or 'i 3 "o we ar. off ri . r c .. i. Call .nd iKuii h ! f CLOYDA J0H,v;0N DR0PSY CtJUD with (table ilea. Havtenraa ITS l mm Mre-tairdf of all irmptam riaia i t Twt1aianiki.M,4TIS BATS treat iaas fraev, i. I J. (UU I aoia, Ba CAUaea4ia v Rotary loti'di ;H Shoes i 1