V. Tim tnwoiu topic tttt Taasag?- r-si4 1 1 BLiia, ElltonaJ Wt bacr.pt'Oa nrlo t.OO IT KDNK8UAY, DK "' TiLBmoii Gall Numkum 7. t-- ; " ' XnUrtditlk I'Mt-offiot at Ur l toond-vltH rnutltr. Wk. It. B. VANCE DEAD. Ha Ptiiis AWay Altar a Lingering lllniu Tuitday Morning. .ClJ tO till "J I ll'NIH AaheviHe, N. C. Nov V8 Jm. aral Kubart H. Vbi.c- t I home tbil morning aflT .1 I i.ku :"K illnaaa. lie will Im b'lrml w,m Maaonio honors Thursday ufr noon, General Vance wai u liroi'i er of Hunutor Zibulon H.n d Vmico. In 1848 lie wn i Irchxl r U f he Oourt tf J'Ionh him! Omrt.r Sessions for Ituncoiubo uiinty. This poiltion ho lirlcl for -ij Mt years, then declinud r i - o I d on to enter thu murchautilo lusiiirn m Asheville. When the war broke out. lie run'd a oompany, Huncotulji.' Lifo (minils, aid waa elected captain of it. I'Lon whon ten (.ompHims were Hi uttered at Aslicvillo he w.m c lo t el colonel. This wi.h th" 1.".' h North Ch roll mi regiment ('nlmifl Vnnr.e ommuiiiled it ut the tuittle of JurfrocHboro and in ncvo.nl en gegumetitg of Camtirilaiid ('. Hiri horso was killrd no ler I: m nt Mnrfreenboro, and i rur !i mr i t ed for gd'lantty by (Ji'iitriil Mr.Cn-'. n In lHoli (Moriel V,re f.l Jl with fever aid h nyitiiin' wj sent to Mi8 ti ppi lie never com manded it again. Wnile ill with fever bo waa oomuiirai-nied Briga dier (J' rieral by IVt. i . ir live W hon B"Yern I in I b ' ! r ! i -turned to the gervr-t' b ' w .cfii. cd to duty lo Win torn V1;' . o lino, aud in January, 1S')4, e. i tared i n Cook c,uM. ' iigi'f, By the Federal tro - . 1 1 wa kept m prison the i i s' i.f . ,.r, first at Naeheville. then I.'i ' , Camp ('hag and I utly ht Fort Dealwiro General Yinre -cry.' ' .n r -s j continuously frm i S 7 v. ti Ihs2, At the Oongreegional ("mviMvii a; Asheville in 18 -4, he di'dirie u n1 nomination, withdrawing b mine. On April 11th, 188;,, th I'rm dent appointed Inm Assistant Cum tuiisioner of 1'atentg, which poti tian he held f r several yenre. He had gerved geveral tomiB l;ero n the Legislature the lust in 18'J l, ter thai he r t;; b i trpi .vnt(! I .fe nd has de?otrd himself to big farm and to his books General Vanbe was twiea e'ectid Grand Maet r of tho Maeous m North Cajolina, and bo bttB hIm been several times honored by n church tho M. E Church ISouth He has been many times a delegate to the Ganeral Oonferenon I:i 18 75 he was one of tho Capa May Commission that settled the t riper -tj question betwen tho M. K. Church and the M. E. (.'Lurch, South. The College of Bishops a I do appointed him a delegate to t! e Ecumenical Methodist Conference in London in 1881. amilsslflnar's Sale of lui. B. I'. MattaeHOii T8. Crfdlt I'oDder. Id obedleuce to. and l j au'Lcr.ly . f a I'nit mtaalun luueil tu iue l y lna ll. i J. W Bown.au ii'w rldi g mni lu ldiug rtairlH ot Ibe 1U Judlo. dutrU'l ef j c ai ( lera at Newt.D, h. C , ou .Nev '.'flli, kv, I will on MONDAY, JANUAHY ll, between the houra ot 10 a. iu. hikI 3 j,. ui. s.-U lo the highest Udder for fa.-l,, at ll.o Court Bouse dour in Lenoir, N ('. '1 lie foil jwIhk d crlbedland to wit: 1st. Tract uii the walem of ( nuiim (mk anailarpera In Gl te Townslnj.. Ji ,iie Iiik OD a Mapl.. IU (.ol.-. x irl 1i of Hua Bam '8 Worth WtCt voiuer of v.ra;,1 N-i. f-j't nnd i n n. lug Morlli oOuiwies lo fnki- .in- h nl jf the Hortbeaat comer of the f "h uj i ''r, . k t iac t, then East HO jnlea to the county line i,. i rrll Burke and Caldwell. Ilo'u with eaid nnr tu the loii of the O i and Mother llldKc t,lra to a White Vine ou a uole.Oorm i of (.rant Io. tXW same mum w.th tin aa i e r .le In.i polaito a Stake in the line of D .las lnle oak woods tract, thru east lth It tiu j.ol.-n to a tak. then Bouth 4t,ti voles t wi if pine trabrwDch ftouthweit corner of Grant BK3 tame councils poloa tu a stake Iu the line of Grant MO. 9M, then went wlili the ,lne-of Grant UTi, 70poleito a Whin, oak Northwest corner o! Qraul No 0171 tneu North wi n the line of Grant No 0(74, 40 jjole tea least iu the Una of Horton plac? SO poles Went of the BoutUeaat oornoe (SourwoodJ then we t with th Un of that tract, and Barrier, cio-kIhk lilt road 64 polealo a male, .NurtLun i or. ner'of fraul (474 Ibeu Botun IS uoleg cio Ing aAraln to double maple the Norilicam seiner Of Buaan Barriers grant No rtu, thtn Wi.H wltttuallneof It K poles toe .stake, Norlli wrt corner oe It, then North 1. poles u tlic keflnniDf, oontalnlng 400 acres more or lees. BlOvPttBf part of a tract owned l.y Aldrlrh, kmowa aa tb Scotchman place. nd tract, Bought of Bailey Kirhy, begin mlBf oa a chestnut oak on the top of ur.rn HoOAUla, Jamas K. Hollers Hue and running With add Ua Boutn Si West II poles to a pout ak Jam X. Holders corner, In the late K W. 'oDS'iUds thsnBoutn with his line 100 XlM to a Ittaa, then Bait with Palmer's line at pal toaamtji hrtaut oak on top fall ItdgwtliW straight to the beginning, con'aln. baJas era TM Irtnt aaa Ming In Lower aei lowi, anlf i& said COh antts. Thiso. , is fi I. , wtDBl.' trbmtoUioae, County, Inhibit. Annusl 6'tmiot of CUU Ckooly, w, C, ibnwlpg Goontf Ki pariditorei, or Ki pauses, nodar Ibt various baadings from Da 5tb, fit8, to I)o.4tb, I8tl), ts auJiltxl bj the Hoard of County Co rum Is loners, and uuinberad on County Claim Hook, to wild Allowed Pauper oulaida Horn Aged and Infirm, 1880 00 11 lloinfl'AiH H Inflrfii, 174 71 J'or Uyii.g off I'ul I o It m l- ' Fni Dynamitn ug. d n ren U " Kur llu'lding. Hndgtts " llriilife ll niber (M 60 (14 UU .186 ril 80.70 " J II Dafis f r work o.l Ka,l ( lug. " ' road i!am ago 20.00 ' Jail ftf t bouie 454.86 ' " " Simon Gregg, at lioonn ,;6 l(agn!rars of Election 1 5 tK) Tin Listers 1897 22 60 ' 1RUU ' Hmallpoi quarantine guard i furs 227 25 132.'i7 6 09 3 40 " Work on IVat A Dt'n turn buute i ftas ' Ha-illng luralxtr " Hmallpoi Inspector oce bail fees " Hteve for Test bonae " Vat e nai ion twit 4 00 3.75 10.16 " f'uppliti for (puarantine 180 40 lluildirg, Billie Dula's -heose ' I -urn be-, Ps'. 4 De i Ik n booteg La'f fe ' Bedding dfstroed, sewirg tc half fets 7 .10 8 00 7 33 " Joe Steele, house aud con tenls destroyed half fee 35 00 " For binding Hupreme Court lieports 7 50 " For Stationery furnish ed County 131.79 " For making county eihib. 1 1898 11.00 " HlnTe for Jail etc 13,65 ' County PI yicin 35 50 " Wood for County 3 00 " House rent for chain gang 1.75 For Supplies for chain gang 34.09 ' ' Register of Deeds 347.42 l( 14 (I I for 1MJK 21 57 " M.yor Mar- shall half fees 3.97 ' ' Cli rk Su rii ri -r Court 200.42 " Wittr gees wf.ol" f.'ee ()ragg rate j 1168 28 " Watauga Co Jo rors Grag ctse 142 35 " Eipert witDegg 26 15 " P'or taking efi denes 25.15 " Shff & I). 8. whole fees (iriirg esse J3K.20 ' Witnesses balf fees 255.63 ' For guarding Jil 191,10 " Officers to Court 64 2i " Allen blind child 20 00 " J. T, Montgom ery for sneveying Jail lot I 25 " Wtsley Craig for caro of Brown child 8 00 ' Dr. A. A Kent lor Drags for pan pers & chain gang 10 20 " W. C. Newland Coanly Atty 10 67 " For board of Jury 45 50 " Solicitors balf fees 39.30 " Jurors 526.t2 ' Oonnty Oomrnis sioners 21120 " Dr. W. P Ivey, Eiaminetiou of Insane pat;ent 2 00 " For conveying pauper to H A. I .75 " For printing for County 34.20 " L. J 8wanaoa for investigating death of Wiley EJmisten,' 1 00 ' A. H. Boyd for summoning Jur ors Ac, 79,98 " For Taies re funded 9,20 " Jnftioesof Peaoe half foes 12.22 ' A IJ. Boyd and other Sbffs half f s 65 t5 " For conveying, Im ii" 1.50 " T W. S;x-. for bed-.'.. f .Isruaic-d at death of W.le? Elniritn 2 00 " For Cfliis, Clothes and burul of pmpors 9,35 " For couveyin Piijonirs 20 23 Total for tbe year, Iiataar.i; For iuaai4 iUta tntut of lb f or agolug aaaoaati aa County ClalM bootr, flla ia Offloa of JUgistar of Dtada. BTATIatlsiT Hbowlug tba FtBiaaial ooadllloa of tba Oonoly of CaldwaJI for tba flsoal year anding Uao. 4tk 1891. CoaalTT FtJIl. Tba gross Coon ty tai for tba yetr lbUH was, 9803.62 Hy ami. oer paid ou tai of 1 H 7 .2,flS " ami (olltot ad and paid Cooiw tyTnaiurtr 0.89.68 " Hbffs Com missioria 814.97 " ami. loat from Errors eto. 87 8' 18782 31 iiy balanoo due from BbfT and uo oullrotod 2811 20 Ami bro't fwd, $9603 61 1960S 61 To Hal. doe from 8bff $1821.10 Tittaaurrrs statement showing the money received and diabnraed by him on County fond from Deo. 5th, 1998, to Deo. 4, 1899 Nov. 29, 1898 Iko'd of J. V. McCt.ll 0. 8 C. $10 00 Dec 6 " IUc'd of W. F. F PaJ mer, Keg, of Deeds, 6 00 Jan. 27,1899 Keo'd of A. II Boyd, Shff 8196 62 if-ay 18, "AH Boyd Sb'ff 1771.41 May 6 " W. L. Minieh. liitter of D.eds on sale of Li cons'-, 34.60 8ept. 23, 1899 Roc'd of A U Boyd Sb'ff 1247 12 Sep' 30 1899 Rec'd of A. II Boyd Sb'ff 500 00 Nov. 11, " Bx'd of W L Mimsh, at C. B'd Co. Corns. 2 20 No. 13, " Rc'd of W. L. Mmisn on ssle (f Mair.age Li- cens i 36 Nov. 18, ' Rec'd of A U Boyd Sh'ff 356 04 $8159 79 Hy paid during the year: Jurors $1003 41 Witnesses 864 31 Pauper outside H. A. I. 935 1 5 Panpers at H. A. I. 146.58 For clothe a A burial of Paupers 22.15 Connty Commis sioners, 184 20 " Pbysician 18.50 Smallpox claims 71 4 For Guarding chain gang 306 65 For making An nual Report 12.00 Work on bridges A lumber forum 604.64 Road damage 160.50 For laying off roads 96.60 For Dynamite used on roads 134 49 Fr County At torney 18.67 For Coroner 10 00 For Medical Eipert 30.00 For Ifedioal Examination 7,50 Repairi on Jail 2.20 For conveying Insane 11.16 P. E Rowe Jail Vs, Simon Gragg i Newton, 78.15 Jail fees at home 480.65 For Store for Jail Ac. 13.65 For clay for Brick 19.40 Allen blind ootid 30.00 For Stationary for O. 18.31 For Catting, I" a ling A packing In ruber 60.49 Canvassing Senatorial Vote 21.70 Registrars 20 $2 J. n. Davie for work on road 4.00 House real for chain t;.g 4.25 8 a ppliea for Chain gang 64 1.44 Examination of Inaane 15.00 Gnardiog Jail 191.10 J. V. MoOaU O. & 0. 843.28 M. E 8h.ll O. 8. C. 5.74 Tax Listen 128 50 Tax refunded 8.S7 Mayora A Marshall! half fee 5.72 Board of Jury 18.85 Jettiotaof tbrao 1100 Bjlioitriblf f es 79(1 W, r. IT.J'aliaarC, D. C. 71 it . . ing Tai bf oka 187 58 W L Miniah V, U U 04 79 Bheiiffi A lpty Hb'ffsbalf fa 129 48 Convey Ing pre i are 18 83 Cfllorre lo (Jouit 7110 Sb'ff wlolaf.es 859 11 luq ppj a 4 60 Kiab Commlsalontir 8 60 T. W. Hila-r for nam of Wili-y Elru alen 2 00 Mtxllu i.o f i .u era and I'auprre 10 96 Huiveyeis 7 40 1'ilut'riK for Co. 34 00 Convening ptupcrs t 11. A I 1) 60 $7932 19 By Co f reer, ooans: 321.81 A sot dua C Trs on aettlencent bad ''ay 12, '99 83 66 Amt bi'i fr'd $8159 79 $8287 56 Ami to ba'anre 127 77 $8187.60 By Hal dae flo. Traas. BeauuL ri D Th arose SoImx I fuaa lor lbs law was eeno.ii hj net ant cllotd by a. H. Bojrd Hht ao iialdUA.B. Oourteef Co Traas. " Hh'ffs OommlseloDa Auit lost from Sa mitloDS eud Krrure $127.77 MS 11 17 SI aaii.4i Hi 74 tU70.lt I 37i II " Amt te balano To amt tir"t fr-rl To Bal dua by Hb'ff tnw.74 rITOC'i Law Vcnu Tba (roa Rtnck Law Fund for tba year 1 KM -n, $411, w B amt uver paid on Tsi ofiatT " Treasurers receipts " Ixamptlona or Xr rore ' Hli S. CommlMlous 4ii. ai lo at S48IM Statement showing total Receipt and Da' buresmau's of A H I'ourtnej Co. Treasurer on atiok Law fund for tbe year end 'of Dec 4 1-01 To Roc'd or a. U. Bojd sh f am is Bj amt due Treasurer T4l of in n a " Paid for repairs on lenoe dorlD; tbe yeer l1M " Coanty Treaau rr Oommlasloaa a.H By amt to t.alanoe f TI To amt brt fwd SAU.13 till 13 To amt In Trees, baoda at, 77 Ramarks: Tbe outatandtna Claims axmJnst Oaidwell County not paid of oa Dee. 4, 1W are aa follows: Claims of ISM 111. S3 N " lase iL7 18M as w " larr m.n " " IS8B 890,41 " tm i8s. Total lndebUdness S44t8.90 RespeetfuUy Submitted W. L. Miaiaa Bectster of Deeds. The following ia a statement made to the director by the physi cians that hare been in attedance at the Normal: "November 28.h, 1899. "Gentlemen. After a careful ex amination of the records, and pa tient review of the history of the aickness at the State Normal and Industrial College sine Ootober 6'h we find that there have bten two diatinct epidemic. The first be ginning about Ootober 24th, purely malarial in character; the second, beginning m the second week of November, distinctly typhoid, though complicated in one-third of the ease with malaria. "There hare beln in all about one hundred cases. Of ttaeae 70 per cent ware primarily malarial and 60 per cent, malarial only, all recover ing in from fonr to ten days. "Of tbe remaining 40 per cent, 10 per cent , aftei having had m laria, were infeoted by tbe typhoid poiaon, while the remaining SO per cent seem to have bad primary ty phoid infection. In view of tba aeverity at the typhoid poisoo, it i anrpriring that so small a peroen tage of tha atadenta were infected. "ANNA M. GOVE. M. D., "W, P. BSALL, M. D., "W. J. RICHARDSON, M. D 0HA8. L SOOTT, M. D " Dr. lfolrar haa alao giren out a statement aigned by a number of the relativee and friend of the sick girls. It ia aa follow: "Groenaboro, Not. 29, 1899. "We, tha undesigned, relative nd frienda of the patient who hare been and are now aiok at the State Normal atid Industrial Col lage, deaira to exprea our gratitude to the oollege authorities for the manner in which our loved ones hare bean cared for. "Having been here, aoma of u before tha college npnded, and other for a ihortar period of time, wa wih to uj that it aeame to us that all that oould be expected hra been dona by tbe college authorities faculty, phyaioian and tha none, and wa are alao daeply grateful to thoae ladiea of Groemboro who have tandaradandgiTatt thair Mrrioaa aa Doraoaof tbaaloki "W. II. Hatood, Waka Korei'j J. 0, Deri, 0 is.m Mil. 0. U miry, WlajtoDj Mrs. U, If. Cab Li tl, Newborni MU K U Btafford, DorllogtoD) Mr. T D. IUIley, JfookavUlai N. D. DaoltU, Ba)ter wblU T. fi. Bailey, UookiTllla.j U. A. Eller, Derlio) Jobo 0. Illoaat, M. I)., Waehingtoni Q. L. Hardi on, 1 barman j Jeania If. Bhaw, Hooklnghaui J. t. ifeore, Jonaa 0, Williams, Iusi, Warrau oounty; K. K. Bouobelle, Wllkosboroi sth liridgman, Waabiogton; Mr. A K. bides, Mt. Airy." Tb Farm Journal Is tbe boiled down, hit the nail on- tbe-baad pa par, out to fit the farmer and villag er who know what' wbat. Th Farm Journal for 6 year, (all of 1900, 1901, 1901, 1903 aud 1904) nd the Tub Limoib Tone one year, will both ba atnt to every naw ubaoriber to our papar, and to every old subscriber who pay 11. Wa'k r ght up to tb captain's of floe. StookhoTdir'alliatlnc. In oomplianoe with the requ-st of tbe Directors, a meeting of the stockholder of tbe Carolina and North-Western Railway Company is hereby called to meet at Qsetonia on Friday, 1 G,h, insi, at 1 o'clock P. M. Certificate of stock will piai only the bona fide itookhelder. Q. W. F. Harper, I'reaident. R. Q. CourtnevB Business locals Just reoieved a n-w supply of men's and youth's hats latest stylos and lowest prioea. A new stock of shoe, just in: call aud see them. A new supply of Men's cheap Mackintoshes, going at great bar gain prioci Just received a fresh ttook of n tions and school supplies. Fine ilver drip syrup st thirv oDta per grllon. Now in stack a fresh supply ef fancy and stick candy, crackers, sardine, salmon end potted ham. Fair Rio coffin 10 cents per lb. Good " "12f " " ". Arbuckle'sooffe 12, " " Try our "R. J. R." a good mild chewing tobacco. Oar Schanpps tobacoo is tbe best for the price. Try our silver star tea 6 oent per package. Now on hand rew stock of Misses Indies and gentlemen Rub ber shoes, cheap. R O. Courtney. There are Hats and Hats. For Style, Shape, Fit and wearing qualities. THE "L0NGLEY" is unsurpassed. I have them in great variety and ranging in prices to auit all buyers. Cell and See them. Reap c fill y. H. T. Newland. Feed, Sale & Exchange Stables. LBtOIRaND BTATB8V1LL', N. ....A Full Line of Harness, Saddles, Bri dles, & General Horse Furnishing Goods. .... ALSO .... A General Assortment of Vehicles all Styles. A BIG LOT OF Harness (Only been used Pat of one own .) At Very Low Prices. HE MM, CRAIQ &) COMPANY PaWQatNo.lt HMaTWte4lelrfireril,e aNin wult kiMuiiue uiiue luuuaiil im lit .,neOi. 4iH erne oiiuu I in an ihi4 r tn.i laure I rea a-miee wr CAM ahs.'I H In (he ta.nel Haaeli, la., tu4 aatar uua en lltiua te) eual iIisni. I em rlUe lut (mill SatlaM aud laal like a I'SSJ ti.kk. ' U ti. fcaua. Wil Jiwee kv, KUms Olir, la CANOV Slfataei, fataaakia. tM. Taela Oonil. IK) ... OUai CONSTIPATION. ... aatef mj ! , leinsi, a ml. " 1" io-Tii-iiirswivc:,: Firm Name Changed. A H. C. MAULEY has 3. n into the Fresh Meat bu m lu this place, the name cf '' e firm known as U. C. Marly A , Thos. Q ddings, 1'iot rielor. from this day, Nov. 13 Lh. w II be ohtnged and ooi dnotM 1 im der tbe nabie rf THE LOW PRIGE STORE. 60 YEARS' ?w tAHfcmtrii.r J' & .!. Tna-r. MAfin ' rrfW- Cor.YRK.HT9 4 A rirnnat Renl!M n k l unci rtwrlni b.n n qnlrkiy mr'rl'iln hiii oinniiin fre w i i lu-i 'i lnmtl'in In pMihatrilt; pi allr ' irntninl' H-'iiamrlclljrrtHHidftrittiil. Hiu.dlxkoh on I'nt. m t ant fr. tHdtut aufiiry f.-r mx-urui iU I'slanU Itvkun through Munn A t,. r. -Hr tpfciitinotiit, wlthnul .hnrvu. iu uh Scientific Hracrican A biamUontflj; lltnwtnUod wooklr. Lnrvpai r!r OQlaatlon f any tctentlOo ton n tail. Tnti, i a . I. , nnniks 01 hi. ilil 1 . 11 m.srailMluri QMIBraafcr., f fcVV TOTK Brannri mTlna. BfSUl -! m VI V ' V J FOLEY'S BANNER SALVE is a Healing Wonder. A:o yoa cc ing (o Break Your Stalk Lands with a ploW- a glow ioc as r ura n 1,'im' "stow. You 1'af do it quicker and better; nd hen. too you en ink. We have The Thomas and Buffalo-P tts Flexible Disc Harrows THE SUPfALO PITTS ALL'STSEL, aPSIHO- rLixitu, diso Hsenow. wk yiiTn eono IX lSHt OUTTINe Taey are cheep now b oute w ' n bt w'on tl.ey Verp low. Keit year will 8P6 much ht, hf rir n Tbii.L. abi nt tLin and le us ebow thesj Harrow to yru au ' pi to c.ir terms and Trices, Superior Drills Onr sale on Drill buve bei-r Hoe and 6 Diso or 8 Uoe 8nperlor. TELEPHONE CALL HO. 60 BERNHARDT j ardware and p" Special Redaction" This Week -IM - Shoes Let us show you Something real nice for Christmas. Nntf Ptaitih m, Tij lb ; H.,ep, l Cake for & H HO lis &, WlN'iKjW HIIADKH, llf. HUIC.iS - ,.j IMOTUHK ruA ":s. . bt p in a (l hi i) f - youramf . Yiiu ill 1 'iw find me In li e lis mi 1 ton huiMina; UceiM ot fully, R. H. Spainhoua". FOUNDRY & MACMm; silOI'r Khp Hirkon V. C .South Hide H'Ui-hern Hmlnnfi irnuk, next to Y. Hiri.cii' Itolle' Mill. Kl y Ikiinlnof Kiih in rflrliiK tinoh fc r- l.orlih' (111 un m w ring ftc, done md mtinf. rtl 11 KnarHitt d. (n- linvf ul Hi A 1"! of MHW roacblllfr w!l nrriarn to eiecule I ii on r Hun on ah 1 1 not U-fT '0 W- H"lh'l wi.. k, ami gnairiiitefi f act !'iu j W wfc.nl bgia 'al f tvl i kltida i- wl, ti u I 7 t. h.,(l)Ht cnh 9 I 4 hi val. n I" . i h w litn furnlalied L. ir: of those so prei all ad- who Ql i udiced n . : vertised remedies, or have become discour aged ot the failure of other medicines to help them, and who will succumb to the grim destroyer without knowing of, the won derful value of Foley's Honey and Tar for all Throat and Lung troub les. large I ut wi enn mip; ly yon yet 6 and 8 Dim Thu L w-Down and arniture Qompany

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