70LUMK XXV. LENOIR, N.O., WEDNE3DZT, D OEMDEH 18, 1809, NUMDEIl 18. Kodo Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. ItarUllcially (llifeiitstho food iiru! ,i'd, K.ilurc In btruiiiHhiililiiK 'il r' n Ml liOl.llIK I lie exliiilb.led (IlKiHtlvo r "una. ll In I li" luteal discovered dl, ant itnrl ton In No other prcpar i can approach It In efllcleucy ll I' utant.ly relieve Hrid iteriiiuiienl lycun DyMpcimli, Indigestion, Hi riril i.n Kliitnlt.iine, Hour Stomach. Nm -MM- nala;h(!,OttitriilKla,Orarii)f- ii oilier resultcof Irnpe.rfectnMk'eHi. I rsparsd by t C. DeWIU A Co.. Cbica".. Edmund Jonen. Lawyer, M) W. H. B0WEa A I TOKNEY - At - M W, LINOIH, R. a Wil' prantl ia In th. cuurta nf ctaldwall and acljolo uk Oou&M. EDG!I ALAN Pi)E ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Lenoir, fi O J M B Ji8 'j rn:, UliUi A"f ITIM Oil Uentl I.rtNOIR. N . It., no 1 -uj..ir- m-Ifirlftl f-ir ft. -itf f Work hh low an good v in h" ilnri", " a it -.-mi ? ty ' W(, j -lcl i . '.rnil'i tn. t ' i- III. Ibr) toopna uomlDg. a J. W. SUDDBRTH Brick-flayer Sc Plasttner I-KLVOTK N.(I. "ftovont ywfcrs pip'-rliue In the tiuftlneB ontrartn (or work nollrtt 1 tod tlrf'-ii iiurr T RIN7TV COLLEGE. Forty-fifi li wnr npMm WMnc rtny Ht'itPin hrllh. I,r-hi Hii1omeut of any ("loll in the uutli '"nii.iVtnt Oyninnnttitn Id t H'nt R. u1 ' ,v. t.. tin,"" .fr month, I oan "rhotArHljii1 f"r wrrri liy jfcmiif men Y.iiPff women artim 1 1 1 t, nil the (Usses Mpd1 for a t it ngU' I o r iv ! : IK n t K! no. Durham, N. !lDlil VALLEY IMIfliTf AND School of Business. BOON VILLK M l. Aims tn 'nrnnh th mii'iiuo (1 Hnthe ut the min mail) f . i'- bov and girls prepari. v ' r I ege, Burnett, or Teaching A age coat of board and tui - t for (it months, only t4U Bru I irges Book keeping, Shorthand, Vy e writing, and Telegraphy m 112 50 pnr con s i. Speoial attcn giv . to Tti:wj! e-s' Normal Cours-1 20H studen ; reproaeriting thn atf e in attendance last year. l'V 1 un will open Anguet. 8, 1899. Spl did ntw bu 1 (i well t mm l.-'tii.n v l(ii Ind . "pt liiBLruoU!. 8 We invit (; n ." i- mrt.hdc i" ll"" of . ttn.c-a oi i , c -uoter ' mi; !. '"'.i, i - aba n o' BLirom.' Write c j Inn-rip di t MORN, r Boone v i Lincolnton Hine Shop, Founders cSc IVZcxolilxxlts9 LINCOLNTON, N.C Bo ol Haw Mills, Plniaps, Banding Machines, and other mnohinery. Our Saw M:il is the la rst improved, and we invito inspection. Wo ba ld engines, 15 ..o 30 H. P. We applj oar improved Head Blocks- to ol mills We make Urate Bars lor wood or dnst. We make bovel and a our Getr Wheels We make cat gearing of all kind and varieties We mae Brass and Iron oaatingl of all kinds and shapos. We re-boro Engine Cylinders, plane the Valv-s and Valve Seat, and make new rings. This itopi joux engine from leaking steam and gives yon foil power. Take your Cylini.rs off and send to us. This i s oar business. And we study it, and this is why we are doing more repair work than ever before in oar history. We do ull kinds of Pipe work. We out piping to any length and famish all kinds of fittings. Write ao for what yoa wtnt and we will help you We have aavod the people money raaor timet by a letter or a few minutes talk Do not forget to writ a iit or Lire A luuldcn Mt vltbla tb door And un m maaf tlmM bfor A maa to dally toll passed by, No lovo or plaaauro lit hla liut whan ha harl th marry aunf Ila wblatlad aa ha wnut along. A woman by tba win low wept For ona who In the nhurchyard atnpt, Hut when upon her hearing (ell That tune ahe knew ami loved ao well. The flood of burning Uara waa atayod. And eoon a long bar Upa aaaayed. Ilrr neighbor hitnrd the tender itreln. And softly Joined the aweet refrain. Tim, nil day long that one song bore, He Joyoumese from door to door. CLA It A J. DENTON. ALMYVS SETTING OUT Thr engnrment was announced the afternoon of the sewing at Rachel WrlKht'a. A doien early arrivals were having a perfectly delectable hulf hour dlsRUHKlng their vnrloua ailments when Mn. Whooler entered almoat breath'.cta ami exclaimed: "Almy Tlmmlna Is en gaRed!" The Internet In patent medlclnee nd il I la at once died oat, and the nvi bearer wai beeelged with question! aa to who, how, where and when. "I don't know nothing about It, on ly Almy met me at he gate a 1 c ine by and told mo, itnd ho'a a Uvlng iioine where In the west." waa the reply. " 'Par to me," said Grandma Wilirht, "lh.it the sewlngM! have to work harder than It (lid last year If thn t a no. There'll be eomethln? .nuru to do than Just to make things fur Uie fair." "How eoT" lnrjulred Jane Cox "Why," nald grandma, "we pniMilMed If A I tt i y Kot married we'd make h'T net l In' -mit, art I gieee we ain't gum back i n our word. lear! diur! lion't I remen.her It well! Must have lnn 1 years ago. 'Twib a leap year, and we hod the dewing down to Aliny'e Aunt Mui Ins. lui hh h 1 if' 1 1 rememlier well enough. Almy was 2UorHO,and e run ning her 'bout nut tn ln married I could eo ehe didn't like It, but Bhe wasn't Hpry-tonisued enough to get in hi l annwi re, so she kep' still. Blmeliy we li t he r alone, and someone was ray In' that It wbf perfectly shameless the way two or three of the girls was throw In' themselves at the new minis ter. Then Almy spoke up quick like : 'I don't know why they shouldn't try for him If they want him Girls aln t treated fair They're laughed at when they don't man y, and laughed at when thi v try to. 8cems to me If they'd ought to h ive liuf bands they ought to do all th"y kin to hurry and y : em "V all Just roared, and said, "Good for you, Auny ro and gei yours It's leap year ;.nd we'll make your Beun' out.' "And she said, short and sharp-like, 'Mebbe 1 v '!1,' and I knew "by the set of her lips and the lift of her eliln :he meant to try " "And try she did," paid Mrs Torrey; "not a young feller around that hadn't the refusal of her " "Mi.vbe she didn't," put In Jane Cox, rhnrltably. "Maybe not ," sniffed Mrs. Torrey, In reply. "I d n't know only about my Pnnny, and him I'm sure of, 'caupe Bhe rame to me and asked permission to ask him first " "Well, well," snl 1 Grandma Wright, kindly, "Almy's a g " d girl and uil! make a good, thrifty wife fur any ni'n, even If she ain't right wise In some things. Ain't bad looking, nuther." "Wonderful plain, I call her," put In Millie Weaver, with a toss of her own prctts head "I dunno," said Mrs Torrey, thought fully, "you'll 'low she'B got style." "Style," replied Millie, scornfully: "yrs. I'll 'low any one that's took the fashion papers for years and practiced the pictures before the glass Is bound to have some sort of style " "Well, she rildn't have a mother's brlnglng-up and I'm glad she a got him, and'll have a home of her own." put In Grandma Wright again, "but I wonder who he Ib and how she got him." nut the latter question wasn't an swered even when Almy and Aunt Ma ria Tlmmlns themselves appeared, though there waa not lacking those who couM put two and two together when they heard that Joshua Curtain had been thrashing up to Timmlnses and had mentioned that a recent letter from a cousin with whom he had been brought up, but who had lived In the west for over 20 years, had told his trials as a widower with a young and growing family. A month from that day Almy had announced herself en gaped to the western cousin. The aewltiR society held nobly to Its promise of making thesettlng-out, and To Cure a Cold in a Day. Tke l.nuili. Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ill I'mikkIM" refund the momey If It (alls to ns lor whei.jjroa want, as It gave Ila iliilnnrs, handiwork and Almy wsa bound to spare no eiperiM, It was ui:h a one u hud never before been seen In that neighborhood. Kven ('apt. King's daughter, who murrlnd the young rmm In the groc ery busliiiiu down In York, ntnm die um-d of aui h splendor. In v. In did the Interested frlaiuls uhiiic hei Hint on an out-of-the-way farm she wouldn't have any need of such c'oililni' mi l when wash day came round ahe would bn find of something plain Almy replied thni she was going to get a good husband, and she was going to him ut her best Hlie was old enough to do us she llkeil i.nd She was spending the money "helred" from a matcrnul grandfather, thn hoarded savings of a lifetime. Her clothing was the talk of the town and tho fame of It spread even us fur as the West Hills, and th- folk Irom there fell Into the hahlt of dropping In of a Hunduy U; Inspect the t hi ugh ,J.,t that these pious people would have dreamed of deliberately planning so worldly a pleasure on the Hahhntli, hut Tlinmlns always bad been a bundy wa tering place for the hones on the WKy horn from church and while thi men were employed with the "crUer," it was ii.l e easy and natural f ,, the women folk to step Into the front oom for a little visit and, with the clothing spread out around th" spate chamber Just adjoining, It wusn't in human na ture) to reelst. Itut the glory of tbe entire outfit was the black silk drrsH Not even her hi mI al gray received the same attention I' was tike creation of a city tailor, madi In a atyle so recent that to the Initiated It appealed out of IWahl n The reason for Its ejclftteuoe wis . uuiuied flint to Millie Weaver and l L 1 out one morning when she 'ind Mrs. Torrey met at the corner Th. e.-fc counted out the agga and weighed the butter In the latter'B basket. "Dollar ten, yy come to, Mrs Tor rey. What'll you have?" And as he filled out the grocery order In eichange he chatted on. "That reminds me Almy Timmlns Is a saving creature. Came In an hour or so ago with an egg to post a letter. Told her 1 waa sorry, but Uncle Ham didn't take eggs. Bhe said It was a good fresh Leghorn and I oufcht to be glad to get it. Sorry.' I says, 'but Just had advices from WuHhlngton that they I wusn i going 10 set any more uens iuis j year " "Then she got huffy, bo I lent her two cents to post the letter and off she went with the egg. Got to keep pout'if- flre acounts straight, you know." 'Well, she ain't sparing nothln' on her settln' out." suld Mrs. Torrey. Two grand silk dresses. Whatever did she want of that black silk, now, I wonder?" "Ain't she told you?" aBked Millie, In Btirprlse. Why, she's going to get her picture taken In It to send to him. May be she t.dd me first a she wants It to be a regular stui.tu 1 " "H'm." grunted Mrs Torrey; "ain't he goln' to get her soon enough without that?" Millie answered with a shrug. "Rays she wants him to see what a fine, sty lish woman he's going to get Anyway, he'll need It to know her by. He hasn't seen her since she was ten years old, and thirty years do change a person some. She s gh en up the fashion paper pictures, and got a lot of actresses' photographs and Is practicing them. She's made up her mind which she wants to look like now, and to morrow her picture's going to be taken " It was on exhibition two weeks later at a goodbye tea which Aunt Maria gave, and was duly admired by the neigh bors. "Y' U see, he don't know much about me and I want him to see what he's getting," explained Almy. "I think It's a wonderful good picture, and I'm sure it will surprise him." And It did. Almy had made most of her farewell calls, her packing was progressing nnd she was eagerly awaiting his letter of final arrangements when she received the follov It u "Dear Madam Your picture has fair ly staggered me. When I promised to marry you I was looking for a help meet for myself and a mother for my children. I thought I saw In you a way out of my troubles, but I'm In no posi tion to t ike upon myself the support of such a stylish woman; so there's noth ing to clo but bark out. Hope you'll pardon me No deceit Intended I've broken up ivy home, put the children to hoard, and I'm going to be a sheep drover In the far west. That's all. Kti'iti yours respectfully. "JOHN CURTAIN " Chicago News. The Philippines War. Manila. 1 vo. 11 The expectation of rati hing a-ulnaldn In th. north has been abnnilor.ed practically and the probability now Is that he will turn uthward. If he is not i.lrc cdy there, With his destination Cavlto Province, his home, whet.' the Insurrection be gan and where ii still has Its greatest suength. The Filipino soldiers in that province recently have been showing Increased enthusiasm and boldness, and captured nntives say (hat Agutnaldo la coming to Join them with a large army. The same belief prevails among the na tives In Manlln and elsewhere that Anulnaltlo Intern's to make his head quarters In Cavltc Province. NEW YORK MARKETS. Cash prices for staples. Wheat. No. 2 red. .72. Corn, No. 2 mixed, .39H Oats, No. 2 mixed, .30. Flour, Minnesota patents, $3,90. Cotton, middling. 7 13-14. CotTee, No. 7 Ulo, .Ofi7ji. Pugar, granulated, 6.18. Molasses. O. K. prime, .3. lleef, family, 12.7S. Peef hams, 24 00 Tallow, prime. .04. Pork, mess, ! 2!i. Hoes, dressed. 10 lb.. 0r. Lard, prime. 5.".7. Iron. Northern. No 1 foundry, 28.00. Butter. Western nenmery, 27. Clieeae. State, full cream, small, Beptember, f-mcy. per lb.. 12alie.; do., small. October, finest. 12a 12540.; do., good to choleo, liu,anc. Mr. J. Sheer, Sadalit, Mo., sav ed his ohild's life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors had ien her np to die with oroup. It's an infallible oare for ooughs, oolds, grippe, pneumonia, bronohitii and throat and lusg troubles. Relieves at once Todd & Shell. ill I Kill III Methuen's Forces f iercely At tacked By LJocrs. WIRES AND RAILWAY CUT Tha Result Is Not Yst Known Hard Work Ahead for Buliar He Will Mast With Realstance a Any Point Ha Mjy Attack Tha Boers Are Stubborn Gist of All the Newt. London, Dec. 11 General Methuen baa been Isolated. A Hying column of liorra Mm cut the ie!"gtaph und mil wuy near Grass 1'iin. Another simultaneously ultiiked Mi tnuen s re ar J lie War Oltlc has i Issued the following bulletin rei Ived at Cape Town from Grunge lU-er "The railway culvert waa blown up this morning near Grass I 'an. The telegraph line was also , ut. It Ii n ported thut there la heavy llrlug of guns to the north." l esperate lighting Is now proceeding. The Ilrst news of th buttle came in a dispatch from Pretoria reocKed le re F.b'ay evening, which says it Is te porte l there that fighting was i.-s. m -d at the Modeler Itlver Thursday ll was confirmed by later dispatches f.om Cupe Town. Ladysmlth 8helled Again. Pretoria, Dec. 11 (delayed In t rar.s mlsslon) -The following despatch d .t ed Friday, hus been received from i,,e head laager, near l.adysmlth "The L'rltlsh arc advatu lug un f ., lenso, but last night pusued u ;. , an attack. There was a desultory ...n r.onade this morning, the naval gun., in Ladysmlth replying ilgor. MlHly l'j mil Arc." The Fighting Is On. London. Dec. 11. Gen Lord Methuen must have l,.-un his a.Uun. i berley. , cording ... the I'i. lot i s patch saying tiyh'mg Is now ,,u He has fully li.iM() men, it Is believe.: tu re The Loers ar. Htongiy Intreruh. ' at Spytfont.-ln. hetv. n Mo.ld. r Kiver and Kin bi-rlev. wl h 11 UMi n -n Pretoria, 1 cc S ' lene. il Bui ' gone to Ft er e, w h. r G' li ; alt'lcr ii -u preceded him by hree ,, s With i lie commander in clu In the i an, - ' he relief culun n It t -iiiv to b.. ,h founded supposl'ic r. . I tu. ;.re iimlnarles have I - :, aitaiig. 1 and that tiie advance c raise the sic of Ladysmlth will bi-in soon, i: I, is not now actual I und -r wa The !! ltlh will not match mm f ir in fore finding the Uoers in tlcir fruit Fven If a Hank movement shoui I lie made th'- Transvtt i leaders h.v.- t'c entire region of the Tug-da and Little Tugela livers covered by their alert and swift moving looming parties. General Kuller an count on having his crossing or furttier advance stub bornly contested The Boers have moved prt of their main force frim Grohler's Kloof to near ( inderl - .ok Bprult. Four thousand Free Stater - are fortified ..n the slopes of the lila. k Mountains, ten mi'es west of Colenso. while reconnolsant cj from Frete h ve developed the rxl temc of fortified camps below the ridges along the northern bank of the Tugi da east of Colenso. Wherever Puller feints or act u lly crorses he will find the Iloers waiting for him. The n-iers have some heavy guns mounted to defend the approach to Ladysmlth. but General BuKer. it Is known, hus greatly strengthened this Important arm of his column The Roers are said to be at Spytf n ten. wl'h 11,000 men well intrenc' H, and rupported by powerful artillery, with all the ranges measured It appears that all 'hree of the lie leagurcd towns are still safe, that ' o. onel Raden-Powell, Colonel Keke.ich and General White all agree In the confident assertion that they are i roof agnlnst all and every assault, and hat decisive battles In both Natal and on the western frontier of the Free State are near at hand. Communication Re-opened. London. Dec. 11 General Forculer Walker has sent the following 'is patch, duted at 8 o'cl ck Frh'tv e-- n Ing. to the War OffVre from Cape Town : "Telegraph and railway cnminun! i tlon to Modder River has been reop. n ed. A battery of field artillery an a battalion of Infantry v ere dispatched from Modder Klver against Commajid ant Prins Loo's force of 1.000 P os. with one gun, who had destroy- ' hr railway. Our losses were fout teen wounded." Reported Distentions. Modder River, Dec. 11. Communs a tlon with Kimberley by means of searchlight was established last night. The town waa reported all well, with ample Btores of provisions and forage for present and probable needs The Doers have not been shelling the t..wn since November 25. It Is reported that serious dissensions have broken out In the Uoer camp be tween the Transvaalers and the Free Staters. General Cronje Insists upon putting Transvaal officers In command of the Free State forces and says that the latter will not fight. Troopa for South Africa. London, Dec. 11 Mr. J Powell Wil liams, Financial Se. tetary of tbe War Ofllce, In the course of a speech at Queensbury. said that when nil the troops arrived In South Africa, the to tal, Including the colonial and naval contingents, would be 105,770. The Daily News says It Is Intruded, as soon us the sixth army division Is embarked, to prepare to moblllie the seventh in case it should be needed. Operations Around Mafeklng. Mngalapye, Beehuanaland, Dec. 11 Preparations have been completed fur an advance In force to repair the rail way line and endeavor to restore com munication with Mafeklng The it iera are reported In force near Gahrones. In a strong natural position, with a seven-pounder and a Maxim commanding the line. Miss Josle Kelly, of Flshklll Land. Ing, N. Y., waa waylaid and robbed of $50 by a tramp. tlw Ar inr KMufi Ir Hobba' Br-srami Will cure all Wnr Ma. Satin. AM.tiUsBUU.Cklocgf N.T. CHOICE Vegetables will always find a ready market but only that farmer can raise them who has studied the preat secret how to ob tain both quality and quantity by the judicious use of well balanced fertilizers. No fertil izer for Vegetables can produce a large yield unless it contains at least 8 Potash. Sent 1 for our books, which furnish lull information. We send them free of charge. GERMAN KAI.I WORKS, V) Nmu St , Nt Yorti. BURNED AT THE STAKE. An Angry Mob's Awful Vengeance on a Negro Murderer. Maysvllle, ky., Dec 8. link ''.de man, the negro murderer of Mrs. I.i h brook, was taken from the olllceis by a mob of 1,000 men Wednesday -ml I. 'lin ed at the stake. Th mob, led by th- husband . r the negro's victim, dragged the shrieking criminal through the principal streets of the town, bound hlru to a small tree, set fire to the brush und stood guard until he was dead. t'olemari arrived und. r a si guard of deputies sworn in b Rc-rifT. Including Detective l"H lal i he aid. Constable Dawson, chief of i . i. Donovan, all the poli. - f..ne aril two deputy sherllTs When they arrived at the court ' o e th-y were met by a mob of fullv 1 o'tO I pl. headed by Janc-H I.ashl r ..k, tin- hush. md of the riiunl. iel w-u : m. The oflloers wote cornj.-Il. d t de liver their prisoner, aid the mob . etit imii .liat--ly up Second s'r.-t tin --..gh th- Central portion of i he city, f.d'c.v- ed bv fully five thousand of tic zens of the town and county No attempt at disguNe u is ru.i the members of the mob They itl- - by .rk- -d In grim silence, s. ipeiv a rd being spoken tievond the curt com mands of their lead.-! s A dozen men dragg--1 Coleman ft tu the grasp of his guar is and. tlr.vv tng a rope over his h.-.id, drape-, tutti li.tough the streets Th" wretch sitl Ic ed constantly for tn-Tcy, plcadn i 'r his life at every step Th- moh carried ('..l. -nan to a sread hollow near th" ral'r. a 1. wlc ; 'h y bound him tightly to ,i voting sepdrig Tie n th- v heap--. I a huge pile of I. ish wood and timber about him and fired the stack, while he continued his cries for help Some one cut out his eyes, ti ri 1 in a moment his head rnlled around an 1 h" was be'leved to b- dead A '. n torches were ap; led slmuit.iri. : ly and huge toneu-s of flame swop' u;. and around th" sins-. less !....! As the flani'-s hurst forth th-- ! i uonse crowd broke ln'n - he. is, v P. h continued as long as the fr" lorn-d Tiefore the toasting began ( 'ol.-rn.'i ri w is almost dead Itefore Colem'n was luirne 1 b'ue v ! rlol and cayenne p-pp. r w.t-. th- n Into his eyes and his face was mii.i led In with a chunk of wood Many women were present during the burning. Just before Coleman dl. I he raised his head and Is reported to Pave said: ' If you take the ft i-n s avv.iv I want to sav something. ' tiun he s.m' b.i.k and died Judge liar' - rson wi'l call a s- . clal grand jury at on- e to . oris! i. r ch i: g-'S against the loaders of the n, .b Coleman had been kept in the j il at Covington since his arrest he. aico. of his fear of mob violence at May vi e Coleman was in mortal terror when he was handcuffed to be placed In the train He begge 1 plt -ously to be al lowed to stay in Covington until ..Tier the trial was ended. After the lynching was over. J invs Lashbrook, husband of the woman w hom Coleman crltiui. illy assaulted and murdered last August, said: "I touched the match to the tire that sent Coleman to his doom I did as I thought right. I will stand for all that may follow." ROBERTS TO THE PUBLIC. Denounces the Methods Used to Carr Him From Congress. Washington. Dec. 9 Hrlgham II. Roberts of Utah, who was not al'ovv.d to take the oath as a Representative In Congress, has Issued an uddress to the American people. H contains mu h that was said by Roberts on the " ior of th" House, and by Mr. RIchar "n. the Democratic leader, who opposed the resolution of Mr Taylor of Ohio in the address Mr. Roberts says that H e committee Is made up entirely of hose hostile to his cause all of whom vet d against the Utah member taking Ms scat. He argues that he is being un fairly treated and asks the Ante i .in people to look upon the matter in '.hit light. The Roberts Committee Meet. Washington. Dec. 9 An initial meet ing of the committee appointed to in vestlgate the charges against Ilrlgh un H. Roberts, the member-elect from i Utah, on which the aeoussed Is barred from taking his seat in the fifty-sixth Congress, has been held to dec ide up on a plan of procedure by which the matter can be finally disposed of at as I early ,i date as possible. The proof" 1 , lugs of the committee were not ul'o gether of a pun. I.- character, but enough hap been learned of what tran spired to warrant the statement that Mr. Roberts will be granted th" privi lege of making R personal plea b- fore the committee and he will also be al lowed counsel at the committee he:. ring of his case llvaata with yoa whather yon ronllnaa thy -wia iwT-imiittocT..iiMt. T-aij)TiI rmoTM t dMira for tobaoeo, "tlhaTY mk 3 ulaarvoadUtrM. ailliBiiSKB .ill I tfT Una. purtflM tha blood, Tal I k mLJr" atoraa laat majiaooa.ajTavl B p.jBoijo boif-a Bwkaa too ilnm jji 1 1 1 1 V0"1 400.000 Stalls, asnawI a UlWIB'cataaaurrU " WS poekatcajfyl 1 m Slievro-B AC Croat took, i sjf JVa"nroar ova amcalVta "JWSjlaCul,fM'''r'-,l''ll M Rfs-wai.pMMllly,prtUt.entty Ona f 1 boa, SI. anally aaraai I boiaa, St W, I JaVaranocatefiiT. arwrc-fand mona. la, aWStata a tt Ca.. CtHasa, aaaattl, Saw Itai , UDKUA I USIIIU'A 770 V Wbuii ll.ti Democratic incumbents wlio hud Leon legislated out of of ll"o by the Puronitts, began suits to hold on to tbe places, we tUuKht it wa thu b ginrjing of a poliuca) evil in the Mate. The reoeni tie c s on of tbi Bupremo Court 11 bat another bol l step in tbe samo t'l-ftc. t tin. It. is a (Ufhnce of the cf i da ui'Ojj'e ai:d niurpation, bj the Jik i tta! (lep-r. inent of the jforti iiicr t, cf ti e tigh's cf the Let sla' u'h I 'i t( e able din ntine nu n ion filtl b Judge Clark, the f loM-rg pointi, an iaoimariz.il by M.e Nt-wj & Obstrver. are well tat tained: 1 Tt'at the onititution confers npon the Supreme Court no power to nullify or set aside an aot of the Iegnlatnje, but that on the con trary it eipreuily forbids its unt of any uch powar. 3 That tbe decision of the c art bused upon the clause of the Fed e al coua itution whioh forbida a'iy htate to pans a law "impairing the obligation of a coatraot ." :t. That the Hupreme Coor' of tbe United States has repeatedly be 1 1 that the tenure of an office is not a contract with the State, that the Legialalure may ubolob or chargu an office at will or remove be iT."umb"r.t onlesa eipreetly pro hibited by the State cous'i'uiion; and therefore that the Sop-eme (ourt of state in holding to the cor rory rpfogint' to accept a tn iorr Of the United States Court rs to if in'e-pretation of the Ua;ted S'ts constitution 4 That the rnlinf of the court -s dmi'tpdly btgd on Hoke v. Llen 'erejri, which wag decided seven e n y ars be'ore the Unitrd State" npreme Court hi Id tbat tenure of fti ib nit a contract and that to ibol ah an t ffidf t r remove tbe i coniber.t ib t ot to "impair the Ii- hiion of a contract." 5 Tbat the ruling of the court a contrary to that of evtry other S'a'e court and to the highest legal sui dorit ei. Willi. ItlBS Old uncle Nathan Triplett, of Jobs Cabin, who wag reported ill laat week, ig dead. Thomas Sprk, of New Ctstls, was put in jail Friday by Jide Henieison. He s one of the .e' lowg that vent to Chap Curry'g dig tillery some lime ago and r iied 'm"rry cam " Mr. D P Yount, of Newton, waa here the first of the wek. He hat been acroea tbe mountain 1 M'k ing for a man who had embt z : od strop money frvm the Newtoa N'ur try, but did net find him. Rtv J. J Daech'a congregation at Moravian Falls overwhelmed him with a ponnding Thanksgiving night. Tbe house wag so crowded tl.at the "pounders" adjourned to 'he rhurco where they engaged in a nearty thanksgiving servioe. Mr Eli Absher, secretary of the stockholder of the Mulberry Gap turnpike, reaching frcm the foot of the mountain on this side to Gray in Allrghaay county, gives us a few encouraging faois as to goad roads Tbe atcckholders on this road began work on the 10th of July, and by Aufcn't tbe riad was ready for tray il and a toll gate put up. Tbe ci' aa about $1,000, The road for four montLj, ending Nov. 30th has paid $242 33, collected. Mr. Finley Whittington, of Un on townabip. was seriously buit aat Sttnrday afternoon. He was lauhng when the mule ran away. Lie was thrown or jumped from tbe vagon tbe result that his left thigh "aa broken, big ear aplit, some se oro gugttt'S cut on his head and thtr b n arg ii fl ctc)d. Drs White t it P, uirKon attended him at d ne t pelting a'oni; alright A week or o tijfo, the game mole ran away and ftlir hurt Mrs, Whittington, from he t (Tjcte of which she is still con fined. Th Ippititi it i Salt. la envied by all poor dyapep'.ica hose Stomach and Liver are out f order. A'. such should Iniw iat Dr. KinK't New Life Pills, the onderfol Stomaoh and Liver Kem r. gives a spleadid appstito, g. '.md digestion and a regular bodi abit that insures perfeot health and gteat energy. Only 25j. at Todd 4 Shell's drng store. An edit r pr titi hi japer to give his patn ns ihu iimt of the day and for the money there la in it He is presumed to know of what he writes and be generally does. When he writri u he deei in ti n Leader Courier, Osceo'a Milla, Pa , without fee or hope of reward, inat "Cham berlain's Cough Kerned ? o'a mag ically, and we have found none bet ter in our h ,n oi .old If ym hare a cough, try it," it uisj b. ccepled as an houtat 'ip esoOI)i orthy of credence. F,,r -. at l)r Ktnt's Drog Htc rd. Highly a i barn la if whiskey were seized by revenue (.filt ers at tht Southerr freight depot in Win gU.n Monday u.ght for mvc' ligation as to some irregularities. The whiskey was .hipped from Klkin by a Mr. Sprinkle Clarion. Ins Comos fnm Dr. D H. Jargile, of Wahiia, I. T He writest "Fon- b-'tl s of Elrcfic Bitters has cured Vi l Brewer of scrofula, whicli bad t snaed her j;reai suffer- lrg fcr yttra. Terrible sores would bn ak out on tier heid and face, aud tho best doctors could g've no help; but her euro ia con-pkte and her health is sxcellent." Thin shows what thcuaands have proved that Elect ic B tiers ig tbe bfkt bleed pur.fi-ir kn .Wl I "s 'he an pre me remtd for e. z i , er, salt rheum, ulcere, - ' -nnn'ig gor.e P. aiiinua : r aidneys and bowtle, upr-'i p-. irons helps diei'ion bu ld-i up the strength. Only 50 ctv 'i, Sold by P)dd 4 Shell Druggists Guaranteed. TO CUBE LA GRIPPE IN TWO DAT. 9 Take LiiiTivt Bain i viuiNiNl ' bl rs Al druglata refund t he mon-y if It full to cure. B. W. fls-wnlg-nture on t rjr bo S.W. Shell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lenoir, - N. C. Office at rf alliens on West Mln Rtreet. Ail fLU answered prom'lj day i r nlgfat- Sewing Hlftchine Rotary Mm ui k Pmi Send for Circulars. WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO., ATLANTA, 6A. We call a'tention to this line. We have a ni e line to offer the trade. Yv, alst have Shoes both for Men and Women. We are opening at and be.ow cost. There is not a large Stock of the latter hm when fits &o are to be had bargains can be found. We have some clothing too, we are offering very cheap. Call and examine. Respeotfully, GLOYD & JOHMSOH. ' , Shoes