I THE N2WS THE NEWS v& Twice a Week gives J all the news while it ia . fresh. s)l.OO Pr Yar. fie the leading paper ir this part of the State Issued Tuesday and X Friday. Try it. I. O. MARTIN, Editor, and Prop. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. PRICE 81.00 THE YEAR. VOLUME IX. LENOIR, 1ST. C, MARCH 1, 1907. 1STO. G2 Mi i i i i -v i a ) - 10, 000 000 Are Starving. , ; Unless immediate succor be sent to the Chinese famine sufferesr in the district north of the Yenytse river the lives of 10,000,000 starv ing Chinese farmers will besnuffed -out within a few weeks. A communication to this effect was received in New Ydrk by E. E. Johnson, of the Christian Her- Boone Items. N The Boone baseball , team will cross bats with Gordon today. The term students of A. T.S. gave a team song at Chapel Thurs day morning. - We gather this from A. T. 8. There are 195 enrolled in the ad- Trees Mine From Missouri River Wilkes Men Scrap. B2nK. Ralegh, Feb. 26. This afernoon A new industry and a thriving while the House committee on onen mining timber from the Clues and towns -were hearing a banks of the Missouri river; Bev- discussion on a bill providing for eral men who have engaged in the a bridge across the Yadkin river in work say it is very profitble. Wilkes county, which Congress- With each spaihg flood the Mis- man-elect R. N. Hackett, of the souri uproots hundreds of cotton- eighth district was pressing and wood trees and after carrying them Kepresenative Bryan of Wilkes was alone for ten or twenty miles leaves opposing, the latter stated that O.W.F. HARPER, Prei. J.H. BEAU, Culler. WJL SHELL, A-Cashler. C.E. RABB, Teller. vanced grades and forty in the aid last week from a prominent preparatory .civic society in China which Jias l Kev. J. M. Parsons, of Altamont, them on the banks half buried in Mr. Hackett had been inaccurate - Vbeen soliciting aid for the famine Mitchell county, has secured the sand and mud. in his presentation of the facts Sufferers from the nations of the twenty-five names as charter mem- Perhaps a year or two later an- Hackett asked Bryant if he meant world. Immediate steps will be bers of the Jr. Lodge. He will other flood will washout these to call him a liar. The latter not taken by charitable institutions of return soon to organize the lodge, trees and rivermen quickly fish directly disclaiming such an impu this city to send relief to the suf ferers. The famine in North China is the There are three good schools in Cove Creek township; Walnut Grove Institute. Cove Creek Aca i. A. !L1. iU - r I must icmuie m uie msun j 01 d Mas(. I J .1 lf T 1 VnJ- I school teaches as high as the eigh- them out and haul them to the tation, Hackett proceeded to pum mills. Frequently it pays to go mel him, striking him several world. -said Mr. Johnson. Not even the famines of India can com pare with it. It covers an area of more than 40,000 square miles, with a population of 10,000,000. It is inevitable that this whole pop ulation will be wiped out unless relief be sent at once th grade. People seem to be very much in terested in the Appalachian Park, but know very little about it. We understand that Hon. R. Z. Lin- to the trouble of excavating a buried tree. ihe lumber cut lrom the logs is seasoned and finds a ready sale of a higher price than ordinary green will timber. Occasionally the men find a walnut tree worth as n as 40. blows, the two clinching, and be ing seperated by members of the committee. . Later, as Dr. Bryant went a- round towards where Hackett was standing Hackett made another as- How many people keep valuable papers in unsafe plaeest How many go away from home for a few days leaving valuables hidden in their houses! How much valuable property is destroyed or stolen each year on account of such careless practice? Does it pay to take such risks when to $2.50 to $4.00 will entitle you to the use of one of our Safe Deposit Boxes for a year! These lx)xt are of the latest style and the best made. They are in A lire and bnrgular proof vault. Whatever is placed in one of these boxes rests in absolute security un til taken out by the owner no one elsecan open the box. We will be glad to show yoy our Safe Deposit Boxes and have you make use of them. We want your general banking business too, and in return offer you every facility of modern banking and courteous treatment. 18 1 Chamberlain's Couirh Remedy Both Agreeable and Effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior lor coughs, colds and ney greatly opposes it while many 1 1.1J 11 Last October and November it uPie usue B 1U "sp rained in the district for 40 days The "Old Maids Convention" without cessation. Every crop given by the Euterpean Literary croup, and the fact that it is pleasaDt wns ntterW rninwl. The Chinese Snrietv of A . T. S. on the eveninff to take and contains nothing In any of that section rely for food entire ly upon what they raise. They are quite a success. A large crowd Sfc ShZi mostly small lancuoras or tenants, was m attendance anu every one oeaiain's Jough Remedy has been The whole country was covered present seemed to enjoy the play much sault, but his blow was a glancing one. Bryant claimed he was only going after his hat, which had been knocked off in the first assault. There was much excitement in the hall of the House, but neither the congressman or legislator were ar rested. B. G. with water, and, as there were no crops, there was no seed for a new planting. In December 1,000,000 of the 10,000,000 inhabitants were destitute and thousands had died. By February 1, the whole popula tion was starving and the suffering was terrible. Men stripped trees of their bark for food. Women threw their children into the river ratheY than see them starve. Sui cides were counted by the thou- Miss Zora Bush, who has been sand. visiting her sister, Mrs. J. G. Sher- Mothers sold their bovs and rill, of this place, returned home girls for a dollar apiece, used the Monday. money thus obtained to provide ist remedy for all throat For Catarrh, let me send you free, iust to prove merit, a Trial size box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow wulte, creamy, healing an tiseptic balm that gives instant re lief to Catarrh of the nose and throat Make the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by J. E. Shell. Granite Items. to Mr. T. H. Vaderford, chairman of the Democratic executive com Mr. Horace Bush, who has been mittee of this district, and did able very sick with pneumonia, is im- service. Mr. Horah's appoinment proving at this writing. will not mecessitate his going to The News No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if all Cough Oures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is and has been for 20 years. Ihe National Law now re quires that if any poisons enter into a cough mixture, it must be printed on the label or package. For this reason mothers, and others, should insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. No poison-marks on Dr. Shoop's labels and none in the me dicine, else it must by law be on the label. Aud it's not only safe, but it is said to be by those that know it best, a truly remarkable cough rem edy. Take no chance, particularly Insist on hay- i t a i ' 1. ri 1 1 I- u ir 1. f iuk ur.oMuuumjuu Vure. vuui- u ymuucu o-iuca xi. m the Dr. Shoop package this city, his private secretary. The with others and see. No poison marks . . v.. ; - mere: xou can always oe on tne UUUU1 "u,c u""" " gafe 8ide by demanding Dr. Shoop's iust one. Mr. Horah was secretary Cough Cure. Simply refuse to ao- boiu oy j. &. sneu my leadins troubles. It is especially succesful in cases of croup. Children like it I and my customers who have used it will not take any other." For sale by J. E. 8hell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Mr. Horah. Will be Congressman Hackett's Private Secretary. Salisbury Dispatch. Congressman Richard N. Hackett with your children. cept any other. Elkins. W. Va.. 19. Because A new industry for our town- Washington or W llktsboro, and h . , , . f th v . . . The Granite Cordage Co.-was or- m wntinue his practice of law in who waa nQt would iranW recently, with a capital of "uuour3r- xie wm nave an iro to hell, the Rev. S. M. West. 125,000, they will make sash, cord ant who w'm with Mr- Hacbett pastor of the Chrastian Church at and braided rope, and will employ wh,n he isin MaWilkesboro home WmJ. Wetzd wto ftt thft about 15 to 20 hands. or in Washington. conclusion of services last Sunday Th wnrknnth. Dndlv Bhod-L. S".,"" ? '."TT badly ed up by the mmben of the children with food, and - then kill themselves. Older children wam ur1s fnf ilavaMr nn1 iwwan nuv oviu Atiw oa f vi J a uva. w v rrvj so that the money they brought might be used to feed their little brothers and Bisters. To make matters worse, smallpox aud typhoid fever broke out in the' famine camps and thousands died! of this diseases. The cities were, -. m I A X ... Ill f 1 surrounuea Dy tnousanas oi coram mm is progressing "i bury man would fall heir to this shadow-like men and women from they are building two dams across plaoe The startling fact in tne a. tne country districts, l hey were wwe xwver anu win msuw a wm- ifi that the luck man didn,t almost starved to death and many plete electrical plant ana run tneir ask for thft job of them could hardly walk. Death Mill by electricity camps were instituted, to which the dying crawled to breathe their last. Every possible effort is being to have h.Uahd his family Correlation Whips Hell-Fire Preacher. made by the Chinese Government to relieve the suffering. Food is being brought from the southern cities and from other countries Mr. C. C. Musgrave, who recent ly moved ihere from Lenoir, has j opened up a first-class hotel here, and is doCg: ai hiee' business. Glad his family with us. Do Not Crowd the Season. The first warm days of spring bring with them a desire to get out and en joy the exhilirating air and sunshine. Cliiiuren tnat nave oeeu nouseu up th iiulictment for fortveight mem oil uMtittii u re hrniitrnt. nt nnn van I K A VSIV' V fmtM V IIUU TVU wonder where they all come from. his congregation. Mrs Abby Post- lethwaite, whose deceased brother had not been baptir.ed, confronted the pastor as he left the church and slapped him in the face a nam ber of times. Other memlers also attacted the minister. The Kev. Mr. West appeared be fore th grand jury and proeuretl 5 - Little fldCules of sunshine that Th T?.wl Crivta HnniptT hns rsnond- drive tho4jlouds away. DeWitt' , , ... . . Z Little Early Rleera will scatter the ea W) tne cry 01 tne lamme sunerers iOOUi of eick-headache and bilious and is conveying money and pro ness. They do not gripe or sioRen . Recommended and sold by J. E. Shell Visions 10 Unina. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Dr. Lewis Klopsch, of the Chris j t W a A. fi nan tieraia, nas aireaay sent wo,- Men whose work them uw to tne sunerers ana nas prom- to the m. to work in a - ""n" weu w seiiu fou,ww a uiuuw iur every now and then 4llA M .V MMtlhd n fl r 1 0 1 I . ... a i . wituciMuui uiuiniw, viiBuvu.1 m.vhawn sTTAIfrtlUnlnor cnAm-1 1 x i nn.J .;. 1 v o o 1 a iruiL n learner wuium wiwi fitAm A tMAMAan till oarA Antt I 1 I , , JZ! : , selves uptoitmga wngaeep oreatu French cruiser Kleber in llr talk flklnB VM A MVAlp AM i I 1 lAn 1 . .... ' ' iuwvmuiwrwCT. I nt ii it anrl InWtncr nn toward the j i j ... r x-. i o r i misHiseuppt itrer in uvuu wi non niuiuiriBuuucvD-. skies. Thus their bodies are prea- nMa wnMaW nt,ht n erved in health and in erectness in 8unk Eieht Persons on the steamer, noaoi aieests wnai you eat ana anlfonf thPir wort. if. however n 1 a .1 nnlnk1voYnmslndiirestlon. which T . . ".. nu Bmpiuyw, weiv uiywum ii a forerunner of Dyspepsia. It ! they never straighten up, they soon 1 r t nA olv Are vou tired, faarirea out, nervous. iKy m I. L. The heavy winterclothinir is thrown abide and many shed their flannels. Then a cold wave comes and people say that grip is epidemic. Colds at this season are even more dangerous than 111 mid-winter, as there is much more danger of pneumonia. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, how ever, and you will have nothing to fear. It always cures, and we have never known a cold to result In pneu monia when it was used, it is pleas ant and safe to take. Children like it. For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent X ASSETS AND RESPONSIBILITY OVER $300,000. Most every day we are receiving our Spring and Summer Goods. We will name a few. White Waist Goods, 8 1 II to 3fc the yard. Lots of Patterns in Madras 15 to 25c the yard. Our line of All Linen Goods is very strong. All Linen White, great for waist 20 to 50c the yd. All Linen, Brown 12 12 to 25cente the yard. 5H) iuch All Linen Sheeting 85 to 1 .00 the yd. 4000 yards good Ginghams tc the yard. 500 yards good Ginghams, 12c grade, 10c the yard. 600 yards good Ginghams, strictly 12 l-2c the yard. 36 inch China Silks 50c the yard. 36 inch Fancy Silks 00 the yard. A strong line of Black Silks 75c to l.lNAfee yard. Long Silk Gloves, the very latest. Looking for a fine line of Muslin Underwer, wait for it. Lots of beautiful Spring Goods no mentioned. Come Early. Very truly yours, J. W. SELF, Cheapest Store in Lenoir.- bers of the congregation . The judge of the Circuit Court fined a nnm ber of them ?25 each and sent them to jail for one hour. 4'ou should be very careful of your bowels when you have a cold. Near ly all other cough syrups are consti pating, especially those containing opiates. Kennedy's Laxative Cough (syrup moves tne bowels contains no opiates. . Conforms to National Pure Food and Drug iaw. tseart the endorsement Of mothers every where. Children like Its pleasant taste. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. r r" c a r? rx u ... 4 t.. vampvcii. . r. iicMcr, vj. tu nainuy Campbell, Hester & Co. Contractors and Builders. All kinds ot Brick and Wood Contract Work given prompt attention. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Plumb ing and Repairing specialties. t3f Office in Harshaw Building Mulberry Street. iff la aold on a aruarantee relief plan Sold by J. E. Shell. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. ' Next to the wlte beater comes the horse beater and it is to be re gretted that we have one or two in this community. A horse is the most noble and faithful of animals and the man who would abuse his d i i m x .U 1.1 I it i ii . i. toil or hnrden. men should train "T ??n5"n . . 'i,""'? noree nas sometning lacking in nis Price Harness 1 'Call a spade, M advises Plutarch Itdosesn'tgot off that easy when of heaven's puro sweet air Thus ... I fVinw will Iroon tfiAir annla ororf nn. one is caught to a heart flush. nerves, aids diarestion. brintrs refresh- themselves to look often upward, ins sleeD. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets at to stand erect and get a glimpse of cent's ana uramte ans irug th stv nf Gnd'a lnv. and a breath manhood. Ex. they will keep their souls erect un der the heaviest load of work dr care. Concord Tims. Next to Kansas North Carolina The winds of March have no terror to the user of DeWitt'i Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It quiokly heals ehapped and cracked skin. Good too, for bolls and burns, and undoubt - edlv the best relief for Piles. Sold by j. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Fall! Drug Co. ; Faster and faster the pace Is set, By people of action, vim and get, So if at the finish you would be Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Sold by Dr. Kentnd Gran ite Falls Drug co. ' Does Coffee disagree with youT Probably it does! Then try Dr. 8hoop Health Coffee. "Health Onfffw" is a nlnver combination of has more laws than any state. I parched cereals and nuts. Not a gram or real Coffee, remember, inw, Snoop's Health Coffee, yet its flavor Mary Dark oiroles under the eyes and taste matches old Java and Indlnata a ultiffeinh circulation, tor- Mocha Coffee. If your stomach, nld liver and kidnevs. Exercise and I heart, or kidneys can't stand Coffee Hollister's Rockv Mountain Tea Will drlnkW. try Health Coffee. - It is e von well and 'beautiful. 85 1 wholesome, nourishing, ana satisfy cents, Tea or Tablet! at Dr. Kent's Ing. It's nloe even for the youngest I and Granite f ails Drug co. cnna. csoia oy narrison uo. We have bought the Tannery of Mr. P. E. Cline. This enables us to ship Collars and Harness to all markets of the world. From "Calf to Collar" meets all competi tion. When in Doubt Buy of Price. Price Harness Co. 1 v i

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