The Lenoir News. ( The News Printery t A TNYICE-A-WJUE k FAMILY SEWSPAPKR. THE VERY BKST ADVERTISING MEDI UM. READ BY EVEUIBUDY. ONLY 81 CO THEYKAR. SWJ T1 N u His! 7 lUl K JUo rKLMl.ili. AIJ. THE LATEST TYPEFACES USED. GIVE US A CALL. A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASIC i H. C. JLAJRTTN, EDITOR AND PROP. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AHfRIBAYS. PRICE SI .OO THE YEA I. VOIilZME X. LENOIR, ZS C, JAXUARY 24, 1908. NO. 22. A. 1 k Bured forty-Six Days. Raleigh Evening Titnea. Ely, Nevada, Jan. 19. After having been emtorabed forty-six days, one thousand feet below the surface in the Alpha shaft of the Giroux mine, A. I). Bailey P. J. Brown and Fred MeDouald were rescued last night. Whistles all over the camp blew loudly, while crowds cheered in Uie streets of Ely to the ringing of bells. "Ah,'' was the only word of Bailey, the first to reach the outer air. He tottered forward into the arms of comrades, who in a few minutes recuperated him. "Is that you, Arthurt" queried Fred McDonald, as his brother stepped forward and embraced him after nearly seven weeks of sep aration. "liy George, It certainly seems cood to be out of that hole,?' he said as he was was led away, tell ing his brother of his terrible ex perience. "Somebody give me a chew of tobacco," said Brown, with a laugh as he was led from the mine shaft to the change room of tne mine where the three men were made comfortable. CITIZEN'S GREET THK MEN. The news that rescue was near at hand reached Ely from the mine shortly after 11 o'clock yesterday and many citizens went to the mouth of the shaft to greet the men Many hours passed while the crowd waited and the entombed men and their rescuers dug vigorously to re move the earth that blocked the mouth of the 1,000 foot tunnel Finally the anxious crowd arouud the shaft heard the bell si "hoist away," and a loud cheer burst forth. The basket soon rose to the surface, bearing one of the rescuers Supporting' Bailey. Mrs Bailey was not present, as one of her children was sick. As soon as Bailey was provided with clean clothes he hurried home supported by friends. Another shout of joy greeted Fred McDonald, and when the last man, Peter Brown, came out the crowd became almost hysterical, realizing that the long entombment was ended. SHAFT CAVED IN. On the morning of December 4th McDonald, Brown and Bailey and two Greeks were working in the bottom of a shaft 8" feet below the surface. The shaft caved in, snap ping the shaft and hurling thous ands of tons of rock and timbers into the shaft. From the bottom of the compartment in which the men were working to the pumping station, a series of rickety ladders offered the only means of egress. With falling rocks and timber streaming down on them the 5 men struggled up these ladders. Half way up falling timbers knocked the two Greeksfrom the ladders, kill ingthem. Bailey, McDonald and Brown leached the pump station Its timbered roof with stood the rock and timber that came dow the shaft and offered them a safe prison where for a whole day the men crouched, while at intervals rocks and timbers kept crashing about them, threatening momenta rely to crush the deep tomb. Sl'HTAINKD HY A rH'K. At first it was thought on th surface that all live of the men had perished, but twenty-four hours after the accident the three buried men managed to make themselves heard by tapping on a sixinc water pipe that reached from th pumping station to the surface Communication was establishe w ith the world above and food and drink were plentcously loweret through the pipe. A large sup ply was sent down, as it was fear ed the pipe might be broken be fore the rescuers could reach the imprisoned men. But throughout the long weeks of imprisonment this pipe was daily used. A por table telephone was lowered and the men were able to talk with people above. This telephone car ried from friends news of the world and messages of cheer, and from the buried men reports of nether conditions. Clearing the debris was slow work, as timbers, rocks and earth were so twisted together that a new shaft had to le cut formost of the 1,000 feet. At no time did the entombed men suffer greatly ex cept for the distastefulness of their forced seclusion. It fills the arteries with rich, red blood, makes new flesh, and healthy uien. women and children. Nothing can take its place; no remedy has done so much good as Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 33c, Tea or TableU. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Takes a Dare and is Killed. Dan Gregory, a young man, 25 years of age, of near Davidson, this county, is in jail on the charge of killing his old father, Zeke Gregory, with an axe Thursday near Davi dson on the Christenbury place, where they lived together. Incarcarated iu jail with Ben Gregory is his wife, who was ar rested with him last nigh at Moore- ville. When seen in afternoon by News man, both of them denied knowing anything about the mat ter. They have not as yet em ployed a lawyer. Mrs. Gregory said that she left home early in the morning after hearing the old man Gregory am her husband quarreling. Said tiiat she went away from home bare footed, and that her husbam caught up with her after she had gone about a mile and a half. The killing occurred Thursday about 2 o'clock, and immediately Coroner Gresham was notified, and he left for the scene this morning to investigate the matter. It is alleged by some that after a brief quarrel, that Dan Grogory drew a line across the yard ana dared his father to cross it, and that when he did s the son struck him a fatal blow ni the head. 1 he news of tnp tragedy was heard by Town Marshal Johnson ofDavfdson, who went at once to the home of theold man, and found him apparently dead, and no one else at home. He soon found the man's wife down in a swamp wail ing, "they done it, they done it.' Marshall Johnson left at once on the trail of the fugitives. He found Dan Gregory and his wife at Moore sville, where they had gone after the killing, and he at once proceed ed to bring them to Charlotte and lodge them in iail, and notify the coroner. The finest Coffee Substitute ever made, has recently been produced by Dr. Shoon of Racine, Wis. You don't have to boil it twenty or thir tv minutes. ''Made in a minute says the doctor. "Health Coffee" 1 really the closest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced. Not a grain of real Coffee in It either Health Cof fee imitation w made from pure toasted cereals or grams, with malt nuts, etc. Really it would fool an expert were he to unknowingly drink it for Coffee. Harrison c Co Little River News. Mr. and Mi's. Thomas Cobb were at Mr. John McLeods visiting Sunday. Everybody has a word of praise for Miss Lizzie Carlton, the sehoo! teacher at I'nion. .11 r. and Mr. Granville JlcKary are nil smiles now. Another large Mr. Jacob Helton and family moved to Gi unite Cotton Factory to get employment for his children We all wish them well S Birds and Weather. Cleveland Leader. Wild creatures of the fields and forests can do so many things im- Hjssible to men and women, in seeing, hearing smelling, especially n finding their way home by the id, it appears, of some othersense or source of guidauee that it is easy to credit them with foreknowledge of nature which is wholly beyond human powers. The lielief that this soealled instinct of beasts and birds is sufficient to read the sec- ets of the seasons far in advance is quite common among men. It will lead many who hear that rob- bins and bluebirds have been seen in Northern Ohio in the last few days to cheerish confident hopes of a very mild winter throughout, an early spring. But the birds do not know what the weather is goiug to be. Over and over that has been proved in sea sons of abnormal warmth, chang ng later to intense cold. The song birds of early spring come far north in very open Januaries, only to be killed by blizzards in Febru ary or March. The birds follow the weather, instead of foretelling it. They move with the season or the seeming changes of the year. They go where there is food, where the weather is mild enough to per mit them to get enough to eat. In localities where there are special stores of cedar berries or animal life all winter, robbins sometimes remain through the fiercest cold 0j Maine or Canada. Many birds go south in the autumn not to es cape cold, but to find food. It depends upon the pill you take. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills known for constipation and sick headache. Hold by J. E. Shell, Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. As Regards Importation of Liq uor in States. Washington, I). C, Jan. 18. The Senate Committee eu Judiciary took up today the various prohi bition measures before it and heard Senator Tillman on his bill regulat ing the importation of liquor into one state from another. He argued that it was competent for Congress to take in hand this question and relegate it to the control of the states as nolice power. Senator Tillman begged thecom- mittee not to delay in reporting the bill. "Get it into the senate," he urged and let the senate deal with it." Asked to discuss the wisdom of the measure he declined, saying that "any student of human af lairs will tell vou that whiskey is the most potent as well as the most prolific cause of crime and misery in operation in this or any other country," and he believed it nec essary to invoke the power of fed eral government to perlect the re gulation of traffice in states which already have acted in that direc tion. Any Other Name Would Do as! Well. Everybody's, ; i A diguitied gentleman was try ing to read in a crowded railroad train. Among the passengers was a lady with a sprightly little blue eyed girl with golden hair and an inquisitive tongue. She asked the dignified gentleman numerous questiens, played with his watch chain and endeavored to determine by means of the buttons on his waistcoat whether he was rich man, poor, man, beggar man or thief. The mother fairly beamed upon him. He was becoming nervous and, turning to the lady, said: "Madam what do you call this little child!" "Ethel," replied the mother, with a mile. "Please call her, then." I --- iss &f4 k 'V i i Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indiges tion is the result of a scientific com binatton of natural digestants with vegetable acids and contains the same juices found In a healthy stoin ach. It is the beBt remedy known to day for dyspepsia Indigestion and all troubles arising from a disordered stomach. Take Kodol to day. It is pleasant, prompt and thorough. Sold by J. E. Shell, Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. In the town of Haschmann, Ger many, prizes are offered yearly for the men who will marry the ugliest and most crippled women. The money was left by a big financier, who, realizing that beauty is an at traction hard to over come, made a provision in his will that out of the income of the fund not less than i?5H) shall go with the ugliest girl in any year, and the cripple shall re ceive $(50. It doesn't matter what a majori ty of the membersof the Legislature may think of the idea, they are go ing to vote for State prohibtion with out submitting the question to the people. They will be swept off their feet by delegations, speeches and resolutions aud will be no more their own men than were the voters in the recent prohibition election at Asheville. 1 here will le no body there to speak for those who do not approve this arbitrary leg islation and it will be forgotten that there are any such at home But there are, and we apprehend that it will be ascertained later that some of these have long memo ries. Ex. Wonderfully Made. "What makes it fly so?" asked a little Boston maiden as her mother brushed her hair. "It is the electricity. Don't you know that there is electricity in your hairl" replied her mother "Well, mamma, aren't we won derfully made! Here 1 am with electricity in my hair and grandma has gas in her stomach." Marriage is the frequent occur rence with a man in Creglingen Germany. He has led eleven wives to the altar. His first three Avives died young, the next two were drowned, one committed sui ride, three died in succession, the tenth was gored to death by a bull and he has recently married the eleventh, who had a leg cut off by a railway train last year, so that the wedding had to le postponed till now. Keonsha, Mich., Jan. 17. Rev William Mcl'heters, formerly pas tor of a Washington, D. 0. church, has been dismissed by the Presbyterian Church ofthis village because he called the women of the church "a Hock of cackling parrots." That remark was the only direct cause of his departure, but his con gregation has been offended by many other criticisms contained in his sermons recently. Raleigh h, veiling Times. A telephone company in Indiana recently received a request to furn ish and set a telephone at the head of a grave in one of the local ceme teries. The woman who wante the instument is a strong believer in Spirituaism and holds frequent conversations with the departed relative. As she cannot talk with the dead, unless she is at the gray she conceived the plan which would relieve her of the necessity of making trips to the cemetery. Rrcat Britain consumes more but ter than any other nation. The average a head is thirteen pounds a year, as against eight pounds in Germany, four pounds in France and two pounds in Russia. I Have A Pleasant Parlor. Put comfortable furniture, nice pictures, etc., into it. Abandon the idea of nsing the parlor only for state occasions. Make it comfortable and homelike for your friends and guests. To do this you only have to see us. Our full line of furnishings and liberal terms will do the rest. BernhardtSeagle Hardware & Furniture Co. Special Silc Beginning January 2"th, 1 90S, we will begin a special 30 day Reduction Sale. We will offer special attractions in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Notions. Our stock is complete in every depart ment and we will see to it that no cus tomers goes away from our store dis satisfied. REMEMBER the Special thirty day Sale to reduce our big stock and come and get some of the bargains while they last. Respectfully, I.F.DCKM Patterson, N. C. A HOSPITAL for indisposed Harness. Lvave your patients (r patience with us. We will properly treat tlfem ;iml will charge but little. P1E-CLI HARNESS & TANNING COMPANY. f i i