ONE DOLLAR PAID-IN-AD VANCE GETS THIS PAPER TWICE A WEEK FOR A WHOLE YEAR. Volume XIV Lenoir, N.C., Tuesday, March 26, 1912 No. 41 NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Interesting Reading Matter cf Local and National Affairs, in Condensed Form. Honolulu, M 1 1 1 1 1 Jl In . i t -of t. hitter factional right III tin- Republican ranks waged Ix'twivn tin- follower of (lover nor Walter K Fivar and those of the delegate to ( 'ongress. Prince Kuhio. a solid and in i structed Talt delegation will go from Hawaii to the Republican! national conv cation i Norfolk, Ya., Maivli I1.' cruisers North Carolina and Hit mmgtiain, with the remains of those heroes of the battleship Maine which were recovered by 'he tloating of the wreck arriv ed at Hampton Roads this after IHHUl Thev will I Washington for burial in the Arlington national cemetery. Shaft and Nora llritt. the two Aslieville WOllienwho were recent Iv arrested in con ned ion with the death of Myrtle Hawkins at Hendersonville, had a preliminary hearing at Hen dersonville Monday. llond in the slim of STi, (HH) in the case of the Shaft woman and S,(HH) in the case of the 1 lit t woman was required lor their appearance at court ami both were sent to jail. Washington. March JO The House committee on State )e partment expenditures is inves tigating statements that Secre tary of State Knox uses as a private servant Archibald S. Pinkert, a negro carried on the State Department pay rools, and that Pinkert is accompany me; Mr. Knox as valet on the pro sent Central American tour. I'inkert is said to have been em ployed by Mr. Knox when tin later was in the I'nited States Senate Caldwell County Schools. The last, but one, of our rural schools close this Week", and there is some matter c n ei n mg them that should go to the people ahead of the Annual Re Hrt whish appears .July 1st All of our 7'i schools hive been in session, with an average term of about days; though a tew of the schools did not reach the supH)sed minimum of " days Of the later there were only three; two of these closed short of t months on account of low attendance caused by im T lie ' passable roads: t he other from i sickness m family of teacher, and too short a balance to pro ure another teacher We have more schools Miple tnenting there l months term this year than ever before Some J Political Pointers. M i.xton. N O . torn s a Sim IIiOlls 1 el!: k r :T ;c t ll 1. j Republicans ot (luilfon county will hold their conven jtion at Cireens'ioro. April Uh Vit Doings At Davenport. I ' Th-- I una N I f'T ( lav .til- at!. ei' tuat una Republicans instruct .1, . T, 111'!'. II ett the iel. e;,aes to U)e national convention for T.tft and th President will get the '' f Vote of that State annua! n-cept, s to t h- i r- I ll g ' P r ! 1 1 t' ' v.-icng lT 'A a 1st '.eautitui. Lis e ! t ml of Til.' .!' I.i .. n s M..: ibly . 1. -'.ir. r Woman Betterment Association. The Y .man's !.? 'a;."' A s .it ill h.-ld rir st r'g'tl l'.eeT::lr r h. '. ' C I! i 1 1 r 1. 1. S, I.Ool Au.i.Tor" We.!i-s.! COUNTY CORRESPONDENTS Items From Our Regular Corres pondents and Neighboring County Papers. t!T.'rr.iHi:i btis,ness t T:.e el . :1 .1 CoHrat 1011 !' 1 1, cm at 10;; s 'A e"e profuse nut so lieaut -fully ib-ii ! tied, and art ista ially arranged, that they presented a sight to at j once charm and pleas.- all those Commissioner 1 who had the pleasure of seeing b Franklin McNeill will not be a 1 them The cliajx'l was decorated candidate for relection and A. J.jin long strands of white pine. Maxwell. Clerk of the Coinmis tied together in many places by sion wants the job ! great streamers of light green t ... 1 ... 1. . . 1 . .1 . 1 . . 1 ,asorean..edaTaft:-um '' ye j (,(, j lego The halls Were hunt; m H Washburn. W". d M Hell and othei H ow the Democratic Contest Goes. I 1 , .M' I li. I . 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 A in. 1 Then- is c omparat i ely sinal progress to note in the -wini; o Democratic . aiupaign events Cham!' Clark is the only 1 audi ,.,t.. uli,. m.-T-iMsed Ills dcleeali '.lie ..... 1 i-,l .11 l it w 111 cast Week' . I lie l all s-is I ),-iiioci-al ic Stale coin cut ion Hist ' in -led t he (eee-ai ion 1 1 0111 that State for him. and he now has sixty three promised voles. Half the klahoma delegation has been instructed for Clark, the other half bein' lor Wilson. This, with the Missouri delega tion, tfives Clark sixtythrec. as against ten for the New .lersey (lovernor. The selection of dele fates to the Haltimore conven lion has hardly made a start. inii-..i-1'i' it heir 1 ns to look as thuli I'nderwood of Alabama will show a very impaessive first balot strength when the con . -,.,111011 assembles. As to who will be nominated as the Demo crutic standard bearer is a (pies t ion which lb'' very wisest anions the Democratic prophets is rii;ht now just as mm dark about as is y.nir.ibar Three delegates will conn ed. and it wi custom, be reip eessful as.irant to score : thirds vote of the convention to win. It is KoinK 1m 11 V(l'.v pretty titfht when Hk national Democracy Kts into session at Haltimore and no mistake. There's nothing a woman can Ikj so lushamed of u woaing clothes at a hi dinnor that cover hor up. N. Y. Pre. taken to ,,f thein will have as much a months. The funds for increas ed terms are jfenerally raised by subscription and liox suppers All private donations thus far reported ainont to Sti:',l '.s This Iocs not include work on school louses and frounus. Kiirollmeiit of pupils has been is i;miii as any previous eai. but the ;reat amount of snow ind rain together with the lost impassable roads has de reased the average aneutiauce it least la per cent. anv ot our teachers this 1 .1 I A t year have taKeii a deep imeresi in iniprov ine; the general invir oiunent ol t he schools. I Hey uive shown a hieher aim than amiilv conduct intr successful recitations ;uwl keepini; ooi order; thev have endeavored ti teach the children better way? of living, and to fet the effect of t his teaching into the hoim Our teachers have especially shown ereat interest 111 Hoy': Corn Club and Kami Deinonstra tit n work. Another year Mr (lolorlh, as our special Demon strator. will ti ml them tirm cooperators in the work l-'ollow ine is a list ot Corn Club Hoys to date; ( hven Hush. I ienoir. Koiite Stanley Hush. Dwitrht Clark. hain'ence ('00k. Hudson (Quince ('raie, I ait her ( 'rouch. I .emu 1 J Koss h'ox. Karl llass. I irooks I ,ut .. ( ra n lie Ca I Is llei-1 Smith. Whilnell. Krvin Smith. Oranite Kails. J Talmaire Sunt h. I jcnoir. Henry Steele, l-'loyd West. This list must be increased to al least :0. As to prizes, the State eives a free trip to Washington. D. C. to the boy making the greatest yield at the smallest cost. Theae are a District prizes for the sum of, SI a. (K), SIl'.T.O. SID. (K), sri.(K). and S-.aO. Surry Alle ghany. Wilkes, Alexander. Ashe Watauga. Caldwell. Hurke, Mc Dowell, Mitchell. Yancey, and Avery constitue the eighth dis trict. There are live short but iniporlant rules to be observed Full particulars are given by Dr . (). Schaui). West ualeign. N. C All unpaid school claims will be settled as soon as the Stale A pportiannicnl from the I'nd SHH),tHK).(H) conies in It is long past. due. Kespect fully, Y. I). Mookk, Co Sii't. ( 'harlotte Club with Harper. A U. Henry, prominent I be i s M,- I ger iiisiness men as mem jee is general inana 1 rinsi Mt ll.iry, former As sistant Secretarv ol ( oininerce ind Labor, who organized the Southern States for President Fa ft four years ago. has taken large of Col Koosevelt's con tests in Southern States. Lexington. N. ('.. has the dis tinction ot being 1 he State Re publican headipiarters for Col. Roosevelt, with Mr. Zeb Vance Wilson, manager and also State Democratic headquarters for I'nderwood. with editor H. H Vainer, manager. The campaign for the State senate 111 ( atauba is interesting. The Disnnct is conqiosed of Catawba and Kicoln counties. Mr. .1. 1) Klholt. of Hickory, is a candidate, and Mr. .). U. Kong, of Catauba, has also entered the Held and the friends of K. K. Shuford, of Hickory, are taving to get him to run. I'KKSI llKN'l l.K iia,ia;.'i'Ks. Total number of delegati arv lor a nomina 111 in 1 he I he Sultan of oil i t lis of t he iminst ruct - according to ite for the sue a two- Th. Old Man W Wiling the I told your father T could not. livp without you. Sho And what did ho say? He Oh, ho offered to pay my funoral oxponaos. ldTti; neci tion. ."kI'.i. Republican: Thus far structed for Tall : Alabama Dist. of Columbia. Florida. 1 (ieorgia. I'D; Iowa, li; Michigan 2. Oklahoma, i": Philippines. 1' S. I 'arolma. I I ; Tennessee. 1 I Virginia. JO; Total. Ill lllsll'llcled for Rooselelt ( klahoina. H I 'll lllst l llcted New Mexico, s So ( 'arolma. I . X'irginia. '' tota I I Contests. (Ieorgia. J: Missour I . ( )klahoina, "J; Tennessee. -J N'irginia. ''; tolal. I. Press Association Will Meet at Morehead. Raleigh. March l't) Morehead City was selected as the place for the next annual meeting of the North Carolinr Press Asso ciat ion and Tuesday. Wednes day and Thursday, July l':!, iM and as the dates by the exe cutive comniittee of the associa tion, which assembled hereto day for that purpose. Mr. W. V. Croxton. general passenger agent of the Norfolk Southern Railroad, extended the invitation to visit Moreheai Ci1y, offering the editors altrac live special rates and a roya good time al the lauious resort People don't care how much money they earn; the thing they care about is what they get A man thinks fifty cents is a copper when he is spending it on himself and S10 when on his family. "H has nil kinds of money. "Rich, ehV No; coin collector." Texas Coyote. I the colors of the Junior class. which are purple and gold, ami the serving room in the Senior colors ol black and red. The re ceivmg line, coinK)sed ot Pies and Mrs J H. Craven. Mrs Nannie Craven, the entire faculty, and Seniors, stood in the chapel, and received the guests after t he .1 un lor class had greeted them at the entrance. They were show 11 to the punch room and served with punch, alter which they were escorted to the Senior room, where de lieious refreshments were served Miss Kstelle Miller and Miss Charity Nipper presided at the punch bowl, while the Misses iuth Secrest. Hallie (Iibbs. Kmil.y Fuller. Mabel ( berry. Nelle Mauney. and Faye Cun ninirhain did the honors ol the uncheon room. Among the many beautiful costumes worn, the tol lowing 1 t 1 i were noticeii. .ns. .lames iv Craven, Sprangled ( ream ( hit fon over light blue Messaline silk, with pink touches. Mrs. Nannie Craven, black silk, with jet trimmings and ornaments. Miss Fdna Holt.claw, blue silk with silver trimming. Mrs. Hebron tan voil over satin with lace trimming. Miss Wallace light blue crepe de chine with bands of lace. Miss Thelo pink Chiffon with fringe and lace t riniiuinrs, M iss Tonimie M rook's Haber. yellow messaline with guilt fringe trimming. Miss Iva Mcintosh, pink' silk wit h black velvet trimming. Miss Norwood, black silk marquisette einbroi dered. ov er red silk, elabrately trinuned in real lace and jet Miss -,di1h Kadlord. vv pile mes saline with prolusion of nine trimming. M iss ( lert rude Court ne.y, light blue inarquesetle. over blue satin trinuned in fringe Miss Virginia Patterson, cream marquisette over pink' messaline. Miss Lucy Jordan, white satin with baby irish and chrystal trimmings. Miss Rosalie Lackey yellow crepe de chine, over yel low silk, with fringe trimmings and touches of baby blue. Miss He lie Mauney. chrystal beaded tissue over pink satin, trinuned with crystal fringe and hand made roses. Miss Kate Shaw, Pink liiarouisette trimmed in satin, fringe, and hand niadt roses over pink". Miss Mania Miller, blue silk trimmed 111 sal m ribbon, and for get mo noUs Miss Hryte Hess, hand einbroi dered Pink voile Miss Mien vosrers. green silk trinuned in white fringe. Miss Mamie Ma brev. cream voile over green messaline. Miss Jewel woinble, marquisette over green messa line trinuned m rose buds and fringe to match. Miss Mary Hill Lent., while marquisette trim med in baby irish lace over yel low messaline. Miss Sara Cox. pink messaline with fringe trim ming. Miss Addie Mauney, yel low chiffon marquisette trimmed in gold fringe and hand made (I II sc ss I .r lialllls in Uillel 1 ni iiUI'l.a ties Mrs. Kdiuund Jo'i. s. Sr.. chairman of the er. Vrt tinm.-nt committee has arranged for a most delightful entertainment to be given the evening of April the rath. .Mrs. George HariH-r. chairman of library committee was given tin.' work of looking after the I hh k eases to he placed j 111 the different grades. The an 1 nual Spring cleaning was placed in the hands nf Mrs. J. L. N'el 1 son and Mrs A W Dula It was excellent .v managed last year, therefore, we are exect j nig great results this year j . , . , 1 , 1 I IHl'T Ule lieail ol lleW Ollsl ness a comuiitte was apHunted to v isit the ( 'ounty Home, to as sist and make any suggestions thai Will be helpful to the pal- ties in charge. l lie meeting ait journed to meet the third Wed nesday in April at '' o'clock. tors v Pryer Week Service!. A series of union services have been arranged for next week beginning on Sunday night at the Methodist church and continuing through the week. Sunday night Rev. K N. Jo.yner will preach in the Methodist . 1 1 ... 1 -i.. ,. ; cliuicll. .wouuav mgiii si-i n t-s at the Reformed church and Rev J. O Fulbright will preach the rinon. Tuesday night, se. vices at the Kpischpal church and Rev C. T. Squires will preach. Weil nesday night services with the Baptist congregation in the courthouse and Rev C. M. Pic kens will preach. Thursday night services in the Presby terian church and Rev J. J. Fads will preach. Friday night services in the Kv angelical Lu theran church and Rev. .1 1''. Deal vv ill preach Sal tirday night services in the South Ijeiioir Methodist church and Rev A S Peeler will preach. The public generally is invited to these sor V ices ,1 lid t he.V Will be espeeia II V mien 'st nig and lid t n I plUK 1 1 1 1 n g Mi with fringe trim ahel Mahrev. yel tl'llll black Miss luessa velvet Miss roses over silk. Miss AlmaGoode ow messaline with frini tiling Miss Krm Clnu ilk trinuned in fringe Kansas livers. ( Ud Rose me. trimmed 111 black ind cream inedalion Fthel llrown. blue messaline trinuned in mack ei el rinoon. 1 1 1 pitiK rose nuns. iriuge. aim rvstal beads. Miss Harrolson. white chiffon over red messaline 1 , . 11 trinuned with white satin rmnon Miss MaeCline, pink marquisette over pink satin, trinuned in pink rose buds and wide silk fringe. Miss Lucy Camp, pink' silk, trinuned in while messaline. Miss Kstelle Miller, light blue sat in. 1 rimmed in fringe. Miss Charity Nipper, while net ovei yellow messaline. Miss Ruth Secrest. white batiste, triininei in lace over light blue. Miss Kmil.y Fuller, blue messaline. with lace bands and trimmings. Miss Faye Cunningham, white embroidered dress over pink. Miss Hallie (Iibbs. white chiffon. over blue messaline. Miss Maine Cherry, white hand embroidered dress over light blue. Miss Nelle Mauney, light green silk with lace trimming. Miss Agnes Puette. light bine silk withvoarl trimming. Miss Zeltna Winkler, Old rose silk, with crystal trimming. Miss Zaida Winkler, nile given silk, crystal trim ming. Most of the gentlemen apiH'ar ed in evening dress. 1 .'r, V .. .1- r '!..- f inn d'Cia iiis'ra :!-! T vv o al f 1 ! ! a ti.-lds ir the Y.idkm "alley s.-ction. grown by M- ssis R T l-noir. Jr.. and Ir.i M Hawkins and re HU'ts excellent promise for d stand It was feared that the crop had heaved oat by t no se vere winter It is hi'd that they will be able to gather four heavy crops this year, as the long alfalsa roots find food and moisture m anv kind of weather The feeding Vallle of this lui.V is equal to bran and has all tin food elements that stock require It is the money crop for thous anils of farmers and we hoc it can ne grovvd with pront here. Prof. Hruce Anderson, of the Patterson School, is absent for a short while visiting the Ohio Agriculture ( 'ollege X March rd. l'.UJ w v r vi (..v Wat.iujr.i IK'iiHx-nit. 1 Mrs. John F Hardin had a most painful and very serious accident befall her last Thurs day. While coming down the walk from the iostofHce she stepped on a slanting stone, her feet slipped from under her and she was thrown violently to the ground, and a a result her hip bone was fractured near the joint. While she is suffering a great deal she is resting as well as could be execoed. The good lady has the deepest sympathy of all. Tuesday morning a com pany of emigrants, about a dozen in all. passed through town on their way to Dillon, Mont. The party consisted of Mrs. C. A. (Ireen and family. Miss Maud Story. Mr. Will Ed misten and others. Mrs. (ireen will join her husband who has been :n Dillon for several months. Mr Kdmisten's family will follow m the near future. We are indeed sorry to lose the good people, but as they would leave good old Watauga, we hope thev :1.1V succeed Well 111 their VV 1 'sle'll I a i'Iii 's. ReV . M l Savage is s,on 'o send a box of a rt ides of home ma nu fact lire to Washington City lor an Faster sale, and would like suck articles as hand woven spreads, quilted counlerpanes. rugs, willow has jet work, wooden bowls, napkin rings 01 laurel ami ivey. etc., an irticles to be sent to Mr Sav age. name and auuress 01 owner, i . - 1 11 -ii prices 01 articles ana ne win send them on and return them if not soled within a reasonable time Time For Newland to Throw His Hat in The Ring. (C'liavlottf I'lmmiclt'l and Lieutenant Coventor New proposes to run for the nomination for (lovernor against ljocke Craig, it is time he were up and doing At Raleigh this week the iaii was ot v raig ny acclamation, hut at any rate Craig over anybody The can didacy of Mr. Newland is favor ably talked of. He is the onl.v one mentioned as a possible competitor to Mr. Craig for the nomination, hut his hut does not seem to be in the ring. There are a good many Democrats who opioso the idea of the nomina tion going, to Craig under promise. It does not look like good Denitxlrat ic doctrine, and it is hy reusone of this dissatis faction that iNewland has a toot with s

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