ONE DOLLAR PAID-IN-ADVANCE! GETS THIS PAPER TWICE A WEEK FOR A WHOLE YEAR. Volume XIV Lenoir. N. C. Tuesday, July 23, 1912 No. 75 THE MOUNTAIN HIGHWAY. Paints the Future Glories of the Section o Eloquently That Many Subscribe Stock. i i . i tti c i.i 1 1. 1 . Liu. ;!!. Cads. July 1 Rain dul nut damieii tlir enthusiasm of tin- H'opli- of the vicinity when tin- good i-n.iiis call was sounded t v l)r Joseph Hyde 'rati .Hid George L McKay of the V''t (' the Mlu Ridge Highw.iv Tin-mountain people turned out almost to a man for mill's around, and some women too. for aii u now tin- value of Hood roads ml a re show ing will ingness tu do t h. -1 r part. Many Of till '111 -.ill feu ini" ! . . least Hi;.- si !) I'. , gam. 1 - . s til's. . I 1 ! s 111!.' s. . ',, : wati-r ' a M Ills , i ill.-V Zetland. In-tin- v a I in i W llli Ii t lie ii.-ii ior skk'k aiui ' '.i I 'i. take at ! ; i -i i lUil . i-i laud, i : i -. -1 . tills IV ppoi-timi l ot 1 1 ha v and pure .,. i ' In- isitiir and Til.- -i iple 1 1 S wit have proved it costly highways, hae Innlt to show their count i' to isiiors who hai- ii-tt 1 1 k 1 1 i millions with 1 1n-ill e ery yea r The same op p n't unity awaits tin- people of the Blue Ridge. Dr. I'ratt point I'd nut. lor tin- at t ract ions a re stipi-rior to any others within read I ol the people ot the I 'nited States, and t he road will he as good as ,m t hat has i- er heen huili While the highway is for ;i 1 1 1 1 n i ii l 1 1 h -s. in t hat it will he good enough for them to travel over at a good rate of seed, the projeetors desire to have it nn 1 I . I . . .1 I - (lerstood 1 liat it is. t lie iveo pie s highway lor their use. made first for the development of the country through which it passes. The maximum grade of I 1-2 er cent will he maintained, for two reasons, because that is 1 1 if hen v iest grade that a team can haul lor a short distance the saiin- load it can haul on a level, and liecanse that is the heaviest grade that will shed water without cutting. Most of the road will In- from I to '' per cent. and it will lie Kept at I leel ill w idtli. with cement culvert pei-lect underground drainag i e 1 1 1 e ! 1 1 and steel bridges. At present I'm men are em ployed on I he const I i id ion, coin me, this w , from A It a pass, and when weather does not intel leie too much, a mile will he lunlt even two weeks The lorce will short ly he increased to 110 men and the worl pushed with all possible speed, so as to reach its connection with the Yonaho lossee road at Linville City by fall. The ti ist connecting spur is being financed hy the people of Spruce Dine, who will im prove the present road from their town to connect with the Ulue Ividge Highway at Altai ass four and a half miles and at an expense to t hemsel ves of about !S 1.7)00. Other spurs will be built later, among t hem one lo Little Switzerland the death of Dr. W. IV Ivey. of Lenoir. N. C, which occurred June-bth. the Church loses one of her most faithful and zealous laymen, and Caldwell county one of her most valuahlecitizens. Dr. Ivey was the son of Rev. George Ivey, of the W. N. C. Conference, the brother of Rev. . N. Ivoy, editor of the Chris tian Advocate (Nashville). He was stricken down by paralysis in the very prime of lifo. We Mtpnd our sympathies to the bereaved family and friends. Dbio Methodist. The Letolr Nrw $1. the year. I Opposition to Tb New County. j It seems that the Granite' Booster is pretty sure that they I 'are going to get the new county j of (iranite and claim that there j is no opiosition whatever and j that both political parties nave agived to support a man for the legislature who is in favor of the new county. Now I have not heard a single voter say that he was in favor of the new county, but 1 heard a good many say that they would not support anyone for the Legislature who was in favor of making a new county, hut would do all they could to bring about theirilefeat. It does seem that then- are enough counties now in North ( 'arolina Then. too. we lieheve the claim is made that the new county can build a courl house mil a jail with preseip ia ie . If they can. it will be by bond ing the county to begin on and t sems an imposition on the ci ti.ens of Caldwell to put them into a new county and inimedi atelv bond it to build necessary public buildings w hen they have already partly paid for the new buildings in Caldwell County, and as the hounds of the pro posed county are now run, it will put many farther from the eountv seat than they now are; and much confusion and trouble will he caused hy having to transfer deeds records, etc., from adjoining county seats to the new county seat. And, then, an entirely new set of of ticers would come in. Some body has got to pay them. Now, friends, if you can see where we are in need of a new county and how we can run all business necessary to tit out and keep things going in it on our present tax levy, I would like to he put in the light. The aver age citizen does not need to make frequent trips to the county seat, so the question ofJ distance does not seem much of an argument so long as it is only sixteen miles, and the cost of a new court bouse and ia 1 1 is enough to make a pretty strong argument on the other side. he contract tor the new Hnrke county jail costing nearly Sla.000 has just been let I ht new county would want a mod rn court house and jail which would necessitate me nondiug oi i . . .;i i . r the county for SliO.OOO or S0. IKK) at the outset. A Votki;. (iranite Kails. July I'.Hli. I'-HiV Beulaii Binford. Heulah Hinford. who was the undoing of Beattie and who in the end lost his life in the elec tric chair at Richmond, Va.. has turned over a new leaf, she says and will try to lead a new life. Under an assumed name she is working as an office girl in New York city at $10 a week. $t of this she pays for a room and two meals and $-.10 for car fare, lunches, etc., leaving $l.'.H) for clothing. She is trying to live right she says and is liappy in the effort. Her past is a sealed book. May she hold out in her good intentions. It will be a struggle and without some mighty strong inllcnces to aid her, the great white way of the under world may draw her in its damnable current. -Ex. The British Government has formally protested against the free passage of American ships through the Panama Canal, claiming that such action would be a violation of the treaty of 1901. IN THE "HAPPY VALLEY." The Sun Does Not Shine on a More Lovely Spot Than that Region. Charlotte : Legcrvvocd, July If ""Hap py Valley." happy country, hap py people, liappy in their voca tions and splendid works of philanthropy, and good deeds. I am writing from the "Happy Valley." in Caldwell county -the county of so much historical lore past generations, and where bighearted citizens are now making the triple blessed do main of Caldwell throb with energy, quiver with the step of progress under the genial in lluence of patriotic not'ves and good works. Tin- sun does not shun ; ion a more lovely h Mian tins "Happy Valley." nine miles from Lenoir, and some seven miles noruiwaiu. a. in n I K)ii w nose nosotn .ows i.e i i .i ... i n-advvaters of the Yadkin 1 I-'' that glistens in the sunlight n-e a pearl necklace. This v alle i- beautiful in picturesque :oe'.i ness. It is siinpiv woiuier.ui m all of its characteristics This Blowing Rock section ol North Carolina can never he tully ap predated until 11 is seen arai traveled over. I ordering this . . -1 i "Happy Valley" are tin old colonial homes some of them over a nunureu ami uve veais old of the Ijeuoirs, the Daven lK)rts, tne Joneses, ami uie i ac ,i .i.i ii.. trsons, and many others who have added luster to the annals of our State. Here you see a fertile valley. as pretty a natural picture as ever artist placed on canvas. where cereals and fruits cheer the heart of man: where a varie gated Hora adds a rich coloring to the lovely landsca)e; and where the circling mountains shutout the rest of the world from your vision. It is here that nature smiles most cheerfully, it seems, as now hqre else. The true lover of nature -s wholly generojs in his imp him a soot in whi Ises. Show ! C.Oli 'U'S lavished beautv ind In stautl.y hear in his -out 'ia for company lh .vi't' 'org an insistent longing "o his gladness with his ii-':n'i This is the feeling 'ha! si the visitor the "Happy Y-iM Loved names spring 'o ias loved laces visor ' I ":i'M': -his hearl. It is in this ideai locality. "HaoDV Vallev." that tl e "I is 1'at terson Scliaol is locateii. wiuci; has started out upon a grard work of educating the penniless mountain boys and giving them advanced knowledge in inteMi gent farming, along with the in struction that gives them a"pra tical education. The schoo; is founded at the boa.utiful honn place of the late Col. Sam Rat terson, w ho gave the home to the Kpiscojial diocese of Ashe ville. for this purpose. The school is run entirely ' uoon voluntary contrihutior.s it started in l'.K)'J and now the number of worthy mountain hoys, unable to educate them, selves elsewhere that are knock ing at the door of this institu tion, is more than can be accom modated, it is a philantnropic work that should appeal to every lover of education who desires to see the pure gold nuggets of this beautiful mountain country polished and adorned for the settings in our agricultural and commercial structure in coming yews The school is eraaaped. H noeds funds to add buildings and The Cor o Club Work. i To tin-Corn ( 'i i'' !ov of Ci I 1 '.veil I unty Whi.e tin- :..:; t....:;g a incut m 1 1 it lcs. !,- ,,s ;-('k a 'hi it our corn club won; i e!- t many of you. and .vi.ti!y those that have your corn on trot ton. land, are son i what in-' chneil to Ik- dis-ouraged on ac , count of the excessive rainfall that we have liad and are having. ! i I will admit that there is some ' cause for discouragement, but I j hoe that you will everyone1 prove that you are Tar Heels by j sticking to the finish. Just as ; quick as it gets dry enough. ' after a rain, go right into your corn and plow it. but do not plow it when its too wet by any ll-eatls CllPl Vate Ull'i! it collies I out I: full t.lsse1. 1 1 o in clli iinl a I l 1 V ate deepi tWO ! thai i ill. hall !. ; will 1 Vol! ' ' hat 'ear up tin leeilil, I C M t S thai C'lltl.ate ileel and ' I it-l'ebv dei l i asi v ( ill I V 1 Would suggest that Vou Id ow I .11 l i oV pells or ci'illison i nn r corn at tin- last cultivation as they will :-()' only I.Hp tiie present crop, h the land a ml In fertiht v that th w: .1 improvi to ri -sti )-e ; I ,e j orn has ta ken out of the land t'er cow peas, as late to sow . ' ii; "atyir.g by" turn While We in studying oar cor forget the corn c would s a 1 inos cloVe ; ire ti ii at and not s at SOl W o " K i i. g . we :n;it lib lliei'tlll! Lenoir on Saturday. August :;(!. Be sure and be there as we are going to have some interesting and instructive talks from real progressive farmers of our own County. It will be a great help to us to meet and exchange ideas about corn raising Go and take somebody with you. 1). T.LM.;i; Smith. Co. Pres. Boys Cot, Club. July -20th. l'.U2 Twenty Lose Live in Cloudburst in Nevada Reno. Ne v . . . I a v I 'J bodies have beer, -eco, erct from live to ten more a re I Ten and liev- di ad as a ol a cloud hurst Jo miles yesterday v. I i. i mining camp ' 'o : ' ! I jO V e a ic k dest '( ivri I the Nla'.uma and ' a i't Hi 1 '.V (test 1 ' i.'.ei 1 the cut'p ol Sl'V Ml T nl!gh.s. SeV I'll T' l.lgl s s :-:t;lwa. in tin- mo.d.iur a it':: Maan. ,. i a' t i,a ariiv uated side i' 'ii a i iti'Aiii! tlil'ee . awav Tiie wall of waters ept down, the (,.!': ,von. ca y ing buildings he 'ore it and overturning Ma.uma Plotel. Those in the streets were carried down the gulch and many wen- cast to salty along the sides of the canyon. if you prefer not to take the trip to Blowing liock go to Ldgemont. That Saturday train reaches Edgemont at OiliO in the evening and returning starts at ;0 Monday morning. This new arrangement is just the Hung for those who want a Hying trip from town and must hurry back. advanced equipment, .mm such i i - . .... i . i great amount, but a modest sum. What a chance for a phil anthropist to cherish these Ian mushing mountain Mowers. no will be the first to stop up and sav. "The hovs of the moun tains shall be educated in agri culture! "This work now in its infancy is destined to work out as it progresses, a new agricul tural civilization throughout western North Carolina, aud adorn the State with a halo of beneficient glory. "Subscribe for The ttews $1. Ret While V on a i e wearing o. the - any -act forces 'asT,.r t, a ml nth. an . :ig ;. -; s r.,i.s : . .-.-; !.fa 1 ot u ' ' Ti s; i . ; i...r: . dav afc day. ,vo.'i- an.i.-ry for s:;.etl!;'.u o : have not got. i hke ; b'.,,- s',,n.-s n inacli'nery they gi .' and grind he life out of vo-. You ha v e useless burdens rh-ow them o'T You have a great ileal of Useless cure dump it Dull in the strings, compact wur business; take time for thought of better thing. I'm nil' into the air and let Cod's un shine di ivn upon vo ir busy la-ad Stop grumbling it adverse -na i deuces Yoi: wdl proba-dy :a '. see :i:i,i I liet'e- ' ::ies t I, s dooli e, opi'or' i r : aist v ( a , r I ' liliilv bap;. i j i i c a n- i s' i 111) Is ! d'lt I Hi h t ( ' a ie He s .1 still . not : to eV K a.g ),,: nagun- 'hat tii.ngs will go' erhistiug smash w hen you i disappear f rou . t his mort a I st age. ! Do riot tancy that 'be curse oil i, a v en. ii; t he si ia : of the v am a disjointed upon vou. ! ,st o t-a rt ! .. igbtir.g up S I'll posed Cease to fret and tume: cease to jump and worry early and late The good tune is coming, hut you can neve- iniug it God can ami Willi take a nreatii. sit down and rest, and take a long breath Then go calmly to 1 he task of life, and do y our ow n work well. Uam.s Horn Blowing Rock Charlotte I'hronnTe. The trip to Blowing Kin k for Sunday is a delightful one. The Blowing Rock country is the home of health, the resort of rest, and the place of pleasure. This is also the habitat of the chestnut; the home of the rho dodendron; and the nuserv of all varieties of ferns. (lowers. where the and bees revel in a p sweets; and where ' lii tin' mountain thrush. leathered orcllesf forest te li b t !: -St ii rst h v 1 1 1 r.s o i ca si tile ; j1 W 1-e ( '-e;i;o'-Ollt fin- se;. o and wild i)Utter!lies iradlse of larke and md all the - of the ':t'gs their "Tis here i. is ilung s m i g h t v handiwork's, and written hi name in be n ut v an mnd 'bis 1 1 a ' f wav station to the heavens; and breathes His presence i-i that head I'giv ing air. Alligator Captured in Street of New Orleans. New b-leans, July l'.f An al ligator six feet long was captur ed in Carrollton avenue, a fash ionahle section oJ' this city, by the crew of a street car early yesterday morning The conduc tor and motornien were helpless until reinforced hy the crew of another car They combined forces and the alligator was finally hauled to the car barns. The Church of the Holy Spirit is a handsome little edifice, built on the ledge of of mountain, on which is avast valley of moun tains hills and dells, which can be seen as far as the mortal eye can reach, and whose horizon line melts into the ethereal blue looking like an artistic pathway to the skyes. This iittle church resembles a pulpit at. the head of an ainiphtlieatrical expanse, and the beautiful vision and eternal hills are preaching back to the worshipers silent sermons of grandeur, and God's great ness and wonderful works. It is worth a trip to Blowing Rock to spend a Sunday." BLOWING ROCK BREEZES. Annual Encampment of Military Company Brilliant Reception. .K..K. I'.UiK ( rei -r I 'ark Hotei. Given Dark. N C . July .'t. Tiihip A. civairv of the North Carolina National Guard, of Lincolnton, will leave that town on the 'J'Jd of. Inly for a practice march of ten days They will go in camp for four days m this delightful Blow ing RoA-k country. The site for the camp is near Green Dark Hotel, and adjoining the hotel park. It is an ideal place Tin- company will be in com main! of Capt W A. Fair Tln-re will be fifty men and fifty horses. ,unl three escort wagons and they expect to arrive here on tin Gleell 1 Koekltes morning of July '.'4 'arkians and Blowing are looking forward to tin- visit of the soldier boys witli - ' great ileal of inter-'st. It will '"' quite a military event up hen A ()( I v i . v a . :l it ful reception was A deli. given last Tuesday afternoon by Mrs ( igden K Kd wards, at her banning dome m mowing lock v illage, in honor of Mrs. C B Harrison, of noir, and J. V Rogers, of New York. A goodly number of the village people and summer visitors were counted among the guests. The lovely home was a delight in ar tistic decorations. Ferns, rhodo dendrons and California poppies made a brilliant setting for the charming women who called to meet Mrs. Kdward's charming guests. Three courses of de licious refreshments were serv ed. UHKKN PAKK tU'ESTS. They are coming in daily. The Green Dark this season, under the management of Mr. Richard H. Harer, is a moun tain gem in the hotel line. The table and the service is excel lent The guests are delighted and are enjoying the most beau tiful scenery to be found in North Carolina. besides the mountain btve-es that register a temperature of lis and h'J, and the tresb. bracing air of the nights cause you to sleep under blankets This is natures sani tariuui and then-sort of refresh ing rest Among the latest arrivals are Miss Alula Olive, of Charlotte, and her sister. Mrs. Chas. W. Clark, of Clarksdale, Miss, with Mrs. Clark is the youngest guest to register Master Charles W. I 'lark. Jr. He is only three months old. is a little cooing darling, and is already a favorite (tie gentleman with al! of the guests. Kditor H. C. Martin, of the (Hpular Lenoir .News, was a Blowing Rock visitor Thursday. Like every one else who comes up in natures resttul sanitarium. ind beautiful picture land, he was loud m ins praises ot tins sect ion A recent visitor writing of his enjoyment of Sunday at Blowing Rock said: "Blowing Rock of fers up her praises on Sundays to the Great Creator of this wonderful section; who has brought into existence such a permanent panorama of loveli ness as the Blowing Rock country, lying upon the bosom of mother earth, so near to heaven. There are four churches her the Episcopal, the PrW fcyterian, the Methodist and thte Baptist. All who come up here dftft Worship according to the tlirjtdCes-of thfcir conclno&