FRKD H. MAY, 2DITO!' AND PlOFlItTOK Enterea at the' Postoffioe at Lenoir, '. C, at second-class mall matter. Subscription price $1.00 a year, six votha SO cents, three months 25 cent. This paper is sent only to subscribers who pay in advance. - - - Advertising rate on application. TiLK?HONK No. 54. Jpnk 8 1917 V UOfiUHENTTO B.M.TUTTLE -i- . . The following letter has been i - - addressed to General Bennett f : ' H. Young, Louisville, Ky: . My Dear General: Some time since we discussed h , . the question of the erection of a . monument to the Rev. Romulus 1 Ji. Tuttle, D. D. Dr. Tuttle was born in Lenoir, JV . C, in December, 1842. After V ; tartans appointments he became V captain captain of Company F, 26th North Carolina Regiment. , This regiment has a record of ; . . the highest percentage of losses in any one battle during the war. At Gettysburg it suffered v.1- ' a decimation of eighty-eight per :." cent. Company F, which was 1 ' commanded by Captain Tuttle, , carried into that battle eighty- eight men and three officers. ' - Thirty. one were killed or mortal v '-'a : v iy wounded. A list of the names ' .' and descriptions of the wounds ': i was prepared contemporaneous ly, so that there can be no ques- tion about the marvelous record. On the morning of the Fourth .:- ;r of July there were none of this to answer roll call. All them were either dead or mortal -' .Jy wounded, or confined in hos ; pitals on account of wounds. I do not recall any instance in the ', -history of the war where a sim ilar thing occurred with so large . j& number of men. ' v You tell me that Dr. Tuttle af-! ' v fterwards became a distinguished j -Presbyterian minister and is 1 buried at Lexington, Va. I think his heroism and the details of ; this battle, in so far as it effect- d Dr. Tuttle's company, should I toe preserved. He was both a " iaithful soldier in our great war and a faithful soldier for Christ. What he did was an honor not ! , - only to North Carolina but to ; the Confederate States. ' y":''' I would be glad if you would l consult with Dr. Tuttle's family and learn if they are willing for - the monument to be erected at n ' . : the place of his burial. I shall ' claim the privilege and honor of , 'bearing the expense of the con- istrtiction of this memorial. "li . ' I am putting this labor on you , because you are always active in . honoring Confederate heroism because you were associatsd with Dr. Tuttle in the Southern , Presbyterian Church. Asking your early attention to this, I remain. ' Very truly yours, ; Julian S. Cark. i Durham, N. C. ' SOLDIER BOYS 8oldier boys, are you ready For the fight? - ; Go in His name and the enemy , J Will tremble in thy sight. , For your cause is just, This is why you must. ; Boys, be faithful; we know j ' That you can win; ; ;' And will subdde and conquor ' The enemy of sin. ' For your cause is just, , This is why you must. ' ' 'J ' ' v Boys, the victory is nearer 'Day by day; - Just go and fight, and , ; Uncle Sjtj obey. ., For your cause is just, ' This is why you must. Boys, , fight the battle in His ' name,-, -.;," ' ' The victory .will be won; Let peace be estjbllshed ; - And the war is done. For your cause is just. This is why you must. . , fc'- ,Ai;",M0nroe;Mas;V Kufus, N. C.;-.V DOPE BY THE DOPER v Cleveland, 0., Dope Ohio is the only State which is round at both ends and high in the middle. From the follow ing, we reach the conclusion that the sea level of Cleveland is perhaps no higher than the beer level of some of our boys w ho recently migrated thither. lne manuscript is anonymous but we have called in a hand writing expert and will likely publish our correspondent's name in next issue. Listen to the lay of the unknown: Cleveland, Ohio, June 4th, 1917. Mr. "Doper" Lenoir News, Lenoir, N. C. Sir: Having nothing to do and a desire to do it, I now take my pen in hand and relieve my self of the pressure brought to bear on me by several lovers of the "Dope Column" and will give you some of the Personals of Lenoir's Colony in Cleveland: Mack Triplett seems to like town pretty well as he leaves the house most every few minutes. The nearest one is only two blocks away. E. Dick Healan seems to en- joy city life also. "Babe" Safford is writing a book in one volume. He will call it, Staying Out Late." Collin (Swede) Johnson has a crick in his neck from looking at the high buildings. Waitsel Niffte Dysart has got enough energy to take two hours walk in the suburbs of the city every morning before eating a six o'clock breakfast. He also has a small appetite. Jess Eller is going to make application for the office of Chief of Police of the "Sixth City." Whiskey first" and then 'Tar "America" is the way the Heels" say it in Cleveland. (Signed) A. Near Subscriber. Wednesday's Greensboro News carried an account of a man by the name of Israel Ger son of Richmond, Va., being ar rested for registering twice Isreal no doubt mistook June 5th for election day and register ed twice from force of habit. The Usual Joe Joker Joe Spainhour returned Tues day from an extended courtin' trip in Watauga. He is now hard at it in his spud patch making good the yarn he told when the registrar said: "What is your occupation, young man? The Usual Bud Joke Bud McRary, who is run down considerable from, overwork. started in on a three months' vacation two week's ago. He hopes to be rested up and in good trim by fall. Bud says, altho he's not on regular duty, he might paint a few signs for the public this summer provided the words are of one syllable and the job can be executed in the shade. A large number motored to Hickory yesterday to witness the cinematic birth of our nation. It's a good thing our nation was born long ago and its birth can ned on celluloid as 750 out of 910 registrating Hickoyites claimed exemption. YADKIN VALLEY These are busy days in the Happy Vale, each busy person doing his bit to produce food stuffs for home and abroad. The prospect is assuring despite the damage done by the July flood, the cold dry weather and a short age of hands. Walter Sullivan reached home in time to enroll his name, on Uncle Sam's file . of prospecti ve soldiers. - . . The venerable Saml Turnmire, aged 84, is very weak and suffers continually. He is bright and eheerfol'aii4toaWes;.'ii;(!0ngenfal host; for'hlfl 'callers.;. v;n:,i luEAT GAjSE CF . KiO:;EY THOUZLE Take Salts to flush ' Kidneys I Back hurts or Bladder bothers. v If you must have your meat every day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority who tells us that meat forma uric acid which almost paralyses' the kidneys in their efforts to expel from the blood. They become sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in fhe back or sick head ache, dixsiness, your stomach soars, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you hare rheumatk twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sedi ment, the channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night To neutralize these irritating acids, to cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body waste get four ounce of jad Salts from any pharmacy here; take a teaspoooful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will tnen act fine. fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemoa juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stim ulate sluggish kidneys; also to neutral iie the acids in urine so it is no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weak ness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in jure, and makes a delightful efferves cent lithia-water drink. NOTICE. North Carolina, I Caldwell County. ) Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, in pursuance of the provisions of subsection 30, section 1318 of the Revisal of 1905 of North Caro lina, will file their petition with the Board of Commissioners for the county of Caldwell on Mon day, July 2, 1917, praying for the establishment of a new town ship, to be known as Mulberry township, out of a part of Pat terson township, with the fol- owing boundaries: All that part of Patterson township, as now laid out, which ies on the watershed of John's River or Mulberry creek, except such as are now residents of that part of Patterson Township known as Richlands Precinct. J. P. Coppey, David R. Moore, John H. Lee, J. R. Coffey, R. A. Woods, Joe Austin, 103 4fri A. E. Watts. Miss Clara Shuford was among the number who went to Hickory to see the Birth of a Nation. Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Class of hot water each morn ing helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. Happy, bright, elert vigorous ami vivacious a good clear skin; a nat ural, rosy complexion and freedom from illness are assured only by clean, healthy blood. If only every woman and'likewise every man could realize the wonders of the morning inside bath, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking men, women and girls with pasty orjmuddy complexions; in stead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain fags" and pessimists we should see a virile, optimistic throng of rosy-checked peo ple everywhere. An inside bath is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoooful of limestone phosphate in it to wah from the stomach, liver, kidneys and tea yards of bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweeten ing and freshening the entire aliment ary canal before putting more food in to the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumation, colds; and particularly those who have a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated, very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will cost but . a trifle but is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remarkable change in both health and appearance awaiting those who practice interne! sanitation. We must remember that Inside oleanliness is more important than outside, because the skin does not absorb impurities to contaminate the plpod, wh'.le the pre 'a the thirty ect 6 jbo wU do. ? EGUTES Miss Lizzie Arney, who has been nursing in the State Hos pital of Morganton, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, K. Arney. ,The Morganton road between Gamewell and Lenoir has . been greatly improved since our effi cient overseers,"Messrs, Clay, Hoover and Miller, have . had some good work done. Our pub lie highways cannot be satisfac tory though until they are better graded. Miss Annie Davis of Adako vi sited Misses Dora and Bertha Anderson last week.- Children's Day will be ob served at Littlejohns church next Sunday, June 10. An interest ing program is I being prepared and Rev. J. C. Postelle will be present and preach in the after noon. Mr. Hill Coffey and bride of Swain county spent several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Coffey. Miss Annie Perry of Adako, s spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Thula Puett, who has been very sick but is improv ing now. Mrs. Marshall McCall died on May 30th after a lingering ill ness of many months with tu berculosis. She leaves a hus band and one child besides many other relatives and friends to mourn her loss. We feel that our loss is her gain for she was a consistent member of the Bap tist church and has lived a con secrated Christian life. She was 28 years old. The funeral servi ces were conducted by Rev. J. M. Harris at Fleming Chapel church where she was laid to rest. The entire community sympathize with the bereaved riends. Mrs. W. W. Harness of Rich mond, Va. has gone to AsheniUe to visit after spending several days with her sister, Mrs. A. D. Little. The Beauty Secret Ladies desire that irre aiitible charm a good complexion. Of course they do not wish others to know a beautifier has been used so they buy a bottle of Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER men! U noticed at once. Soothing, cooling and tcfrnbins. Heals Sunburn, otopt Tn. Pint, WhU,, RoM-RtJ. 75c ml Oman mr h mail 'tool Ssmpk (either color) for 2c Sump. Lyoo Mff. Co.. 40 South Fifth St., Brooklyn. N.Y. GOING 10 LENOIR ASSOCIATED SPECIALISTS WILL BE AT CARLHEIM HOTEL FOR ONE DAY ONLY THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1917 J A. M. TO 4 P. IUI. OFFER THEIR SERIES FREE OF CHARGE The Associated Doctors, Offices and Laboratories Philadelphia, Pa, licensed by the State of North Caro lina, are experts in the treatment of diseases of blood, liver, lungs, stomach, intestines skin, nerves, heart, spleen, kidney, or bladder; bed wetting, rheumatism, sciatica, tapeworm, leg ulcers, appendicitis, gall stones, goitre, piles, etc., with out operation, and they offer their services free to. sufferers on this their Arst visit. No matter what your trouble may, be, call and 'see these Special ists and have a friendly talk with them. - Hundreds of people have found health and happiness in using their treatments,' so might you. You are taking no chances. Their opinion and services are free.' ty local rr'!cat;or., as they csnnot rrca ins u.ajia portion of th r. lher la only one may to cur defnea, and that Is by conUtuttomU remedies. Dealnee Is caused by n IniUmed condi tion of the inuocus lining ot the Eusta chian Tube. When Uila tube la Inflamed you have a rumbUn sound or Imperfect o wnen u la entirely cioeeo. Deafness Is ths result, and unless the In- nammauon can be taken out and this jud restored to its normal condition, heari&f wUl be destroyed forever; nine out of tea are caused by Catarrh, which Is no thine but an inilamed condi tion f the mucous surfaces. We will ittre One Bnadiwl 1X1 1m ter ear enae f XtoafMM tnxl bf otrrb) OatoMaot Hn4W Sail CatMTh Care. Swd tot ukua&i, (im, . F.J CHKaT,CO,ToiKOU, oMbrDfa1iu.T3e. . TNHH)ljaaUTfUUftf ertjetlus. IL WANT ADS Are always effective la bringing buyer and seller together. USE A WANT AO. 1 Cent per word Write for Special rates for several consecutive in sertions. Cash with order. FOR RENT Seven room bungalow on Vance street, with large garden planted. Terms reasonable. Apply to Mrs. L. B. Dula, Lenoir, N. C 102 4t Sowing Peas for sale Mixed peas 3.5 bushel; white peas $5.00 bushel. Proximity Mercantile Co.,. Greens boro, N. C. 96 IM TOMATO PLANTS of the stone variety, 30c 100, postpaid. Fry Plant Farm, Hickory, N. C. 101 FOR SALE Fresh cow. T. P. Sbou- maker, Lenoir, N. C. KX-Jt Wanted to contract with reliable par ties for cutting and delivering acid wood. Will give either large or small contract. Apply j. j. Coffey Edgemoot. 100-St FINE REGISTERED JERSEY Bull for service at the farm of Mr. . V. Johnson, three and one-half miles soatb of Lenoir. 100-5 I wilt pay cash for chickens. J. R. McNairy. . 95-tf Preston's Plants Tomaioes, $1.50 to 3.oO, according to size and age. Nancy Hall and Porto Kicos, $2.50 per WOO. Price list. Fred M. Preston, Orlando, Fla. 94-10t FOR SALE Farm, team, cows and tools. I. M. Hawkins, Lenoir, Rt. 2. FOR RENT Two houses in Lutt town, apply A. W. Dula, Phone 182. TO RENT Six room house, electric lights, city water. R. K. Pearson, Lenoir, N. C. 84-tf NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by A. J. Lingle and D. E. Lingle to J. M. Lingle and wife, L. R. Lingle, dated May 18th, 1915, and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds office for Caldwell County in Book No. 83, at page 444, and the said mortgage having been assigned to the under signed as will appear by record of as signment as registered in the Register of Deeds office for Caldwell County in Book No. 96, at page 16, etc. and de fault having been made in the pay ments of the said mortgage and the notes thereby secured, I will on the 25th day of June, 1917, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Lenoir, N. C, the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Lying and being in Caldwell county, State aforesaid, in Hudson township, and described and defined as follows, to-wit: Beginning on a stone G, A. Smith's line, J. A. Lingle'a comer and runs South 75 degrees east 18 poles to a stone in said G. A. Smith's and comer of School lot then South 120 West 16 poles to a stone in public road H. E. Austin's corner of said school lot, thence North 73 West16tf poles with said public road to a stone, thence north 40 East with J. A. Lin gle's line 15Ji poles to the beginning, containing two (2) acres more or less. This the 23rd day of May, 1917. J. N. Mabe, 99-4fri Assignee. QUICK GLASS REPAIRING Send broken glasses to Dr. Alfred W. Dula, box 127, Charlotte, N. C, and they will be repair ed and returned by re turn mail. Customers m Lenoir will deliver their broken glasses either at my of- . fice or residence and get same service. OR ALFRED VV. DULA HOME OFFICE BROKEN UNSES REPLACED LENOIR, N.O. B0XI27 CHARLOnU C, Patronize News X 3cr- 3A Dst 5en?Ic I SHELL'S i BARBER SHOP UNDER FIRST NAT. BANK i W. I. SHELU v -.y I S For the Most Satifactory GLEANING AND PRESSING 1. TELEPHONE No. 242, CITY PRESSING CLUB J AS. E. DEAL, Mgr. UNDER BOOK SROXE I DR UFHE3 17. CILA -, t KYKtrECLaUrr TVTO SEE BETTER Cv m r'!ii l7Yaai'.Epriane. The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glasses Fitted Exclusively UASTIX ELCCX, LEKCfl.l.C If yoa tot It from DULA. It's All Right , WATCH PAPKB FOB DAIS3. LENSES GROUND ft DUPLICATED Repair Dept Box 127 Charlotte. N. C Dim Between Charlotte and Gastoola. Effective Sunday Aug-. 29th, 1915. 1 Lv. Gastonia Lv. Charlotte 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 " ' 10:00 " 11:00 " 12:00 " lKX)pm 2:00pm 3:00 " 4:00 " 5:00 6:00 " 7:00 " 8.-00 " 9:00 ' 11:00 " Connections at Gasfonia with Care Una & North-Western for points north and south. N. B Schedule and connections published as information only and are not g uaranted. C. S. LLEN, T. Mr. Greenville, S. C. Let Us Shape Them Up I am ready to clean that Palm Beach Suit, Panama and Straw Uat and do all kinds of work in the pressing line Ladies' Work a Specialty Anderson Pressing Club Phone 79 CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELD & OHIO RY. AND Cirollna CllnchfleU and Ohio Rallwsy ot aoain isroiina THB NEW. SHORT UINB BITTuririritf Oanta, St. Paal sod Bpeer't Farry, .Vs., Jobs. wur,l' iron., Aupaii ana m.non, N. C, sad Spartanburg, 8. C. "CUINCHPIBUD ROUTE" Effective Ado. 22, 1916. Eastern Standard Tim Southbound Mixed Pass. Lv. Elkhorn City, Ky . . . ..lO remont. Va 2..W " Dante, Va..... 3.33 " 8t. Paul, Va .. 3.55 ". Sneer's Ferrv. Va.... 8.30 8.52 10.17 11.40 11.45 12.25 12,35 2.04 2.45 2.51 3.55 4.57 6.05 Ar Jbhnson City, Tenn. . . 6.43 " Johnson City. Ten 6.50 Ar. Erwin, Tenn 7.40 Lv. " Kona, N. C Altapass, N. C Mt. Mitchell Marion, N. C Bostic. N. C - - Ar. Spartanburg:, S. C. . . . Northbound - Lv. Spartanburg-, 8. C... 11.00 12.07 1.05 1.59 2.20 3.03 jbosuc, jn.u Marion, N. C Mt. Mitchell. N.C.... Altapass, N. C Kona, N. C Erwin, Tenn Ar. 4.30 4.35 5.12 5.15 7.02 V- " " .H Ar. Johnson C.,Tenn 852 Lv. Johnson C, Tenn 8.55 opeers terry, Va . . . . 10.35 t.--aui, va 12.1 8.35 FremoVv;:::::;:;;; 'ts Ar. Elkhorn City, Ky . . ; .2.00 " "Daily 1 l.nt. v .. "l'v7 icuueswato apply to nearest Agent for definite Infofmaticm Or to CITAA T. Mi nT i:"'i:,:Sii;,if'i.P:';::i,'1ti'i i "V

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